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Skinny In Italy!


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Great ideas for those of us who sit at a desk all day long, Ann!! I did move my copier out of my office and am now networked to the one down the hall so I have to get up alot!! :)


I am down 2 pounds this week...very happy about that!! I have 6 more pounds to go for my "cruise" goal...

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Great weigh-ins group!


Charlene, I personally think staying the same on the scale is a bit of a win. Kind of like playing black jack in Vegas. If you push, then you didn't lose. If you didn't gain, then you didn't go backwards!


Decent weigh-in this morning... not one of those amazing 6 pound jobbers like last week, but down 2.something. I'll take it.


I'm kind of frustrated though because although I'm down almost 19 pounds, I'm not seeing it all that much in my clothes! I have some things that I've had to toss in the Goodwill bin because they are just falling off, but I can't seem to be comfortable in the next size down. Guess I'm still a little ways away from that.


I've had a long, tough week at work -- totally looking forward to the weekend!




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Hey everyone... nice comments on here...


Ann - loved the tips!


Worldtrekker - can't wait to see St Mark's Square!!


Everyone else - can't believe you are all still on here, losing away!!


I felt terrible this morning - because I was surprised to see I had gained - several pounds back! :eek:


We are two weeks away from vacation and I'm just going to say I lost 10 pounds, gained some great insight, and I also feel better - a lot better! I am starting a new job when we return (in May) and I am going to be traveling off & on for 3 months and I am going to take many of these lessons learned with me. In general, I do think before I eat now and guilt, in my life, has been a good thing. So, I'll probably be done with this thread soon but when I return from vacation, I'm starting a new MFP profile and I'm going to stick to it - I love that website!!

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Thank you so much for the protein pancake recipe. I'm going to give it try.


Here is the general Cat Ball recipe. I make them 'by feel', not by meausring, so they come out a little different each time.


In a food processor, combine:


3-5 T Coconut Oil (it's thick; looks like chapstick)

3-5 T Peanut butter (natural would be better..I use whatever)

3-4 large scoops chocolate flavor weigh protein powder

1 c +/- granola: a high protein one if you prefer (you can even do one with pumpkin or flax seeds added)

1/4 c craisins


When I mix the above together with a food processor blade, I like a coarse grind that will stick together in the form of a ball. If it's too glossy/cat food looking :) I add a little more protein powder. The more protein powder I can get in while maintaining texture, the better!! If it's too dry, I add a little coconut oil or PB. Be cautious when adding the oil or PB...a little too much and the mixture will turn to a pate-like slop in a hurry :)


You can skip the craisins...I think it would be less sugar that way...but when I do, I miss them. :)


Also, sometimes I use plain oats (uncooked) instead of granola. Probably less sugar that way too.


I then use a "disher" (spring-loaded server or ice cream scoop) to make the mixture into balls.


I eat 2 for breakfast and sometimes two for lunch. They are really good with morning coffee....and they keep me full and satisfied for a surprisingly long time.


Other nut butters would work well too. I invented this recipe from things on hand because I hate drinking blended protein shakes for breakfast.


Good luck & enjoy :)

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Here is the recipe for the egg bake I've been eating. I HATE eggs! But I can live with this one. My husband suggested I use egg whites to make it less "egg-y", which I have done. There is enough cheese and flavor to disguise the egg well. Green Herdes salsa: YUM! I make a big casserole of this and eat it every day for breakfast (and/or lunch) until it's gone. I added (cooked, crumbled) bacon once too. I have to reheat it to VERY hot to enjoy it...seems less egg-y that way.


I don't think I use as much cheese as is called for below. Even though it's high protein/low carb, I don't really want to consume a billion calories for breakfast :) I have wondered about leaving out the flour one of these times to make it even LESS carbs but so far I've included it. It's just a tiny bit, spread over a dozen or more servings...






2 (7 ounce) cans whole green chiles, drained

1 pound shredded Cheddar cheese

4 eggs

2 tablespoons all-purpose flour

1 1/2 (5 ounce) cans evaporated milk

1 pound shredded Monterey Jack cheese

2 (10 ounce) cans green enchilada sauce --or, I LOVE green salsa such as Herdes on top!



Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Grease a 9x13-inch baking dish.


Split the chiles open, and spread half the chiles into the bottom of the prepared baking dish. Layer with the Cheddar cheese, and top with the rest of the canned chiles. Whisk together the eggs, flour, and evaporated milk in a bowl. Pour the mixture over the chiles and cheese.


Bake in the preheated oven until set, about 30 minutes; remove casserole, and top with the Monterey Jack cheese. Pour the green chili salsa over the top; return to oven, and bake until the cheese is melted, about 15 more minutes.

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The cat balls scare me. HA!


I love eggs so no need for that awesome-looking substitute though!


I have been nervous & wired since I got a new job Wednesday... I am soooo a stress eater... I've been eating anything I want... I had heartburn yesterday & today! I haven't had heartburn since Christmas! :eek: In a way, I'm glad... it reminds me to stop and start being healthy again. :o I'm glad. :)


I'm going to weigh in the morning... see what has caused all this heartburn. :(

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Officially in my skinny jeans that I have not been in since last summer! That makes me feel better...now if I could just tone up the jiggle and drop another 6 pounds!


Gotta drink my water today. Brought my low cal wrap and fruit for lunch.


I leave for my cruise in 31 days!


Hope everyone has a great week!

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Happy humpday all!

I decided I would try out the gluten free thing for a little while, to see if it would help my Lupus. I must say that I am on day 4 and already feel much better!


BUT, let me tell you, it's expensive! I bought hormone free, gluten free turkey lunch meat, ground turkey, grass-fed beef, some GF chips, organic veggies and that's about it-- and it cost me double what I would normally pay for groceries! I think this will be a nice "change" from the routine, but I'm not sure I can make it a permanent thing. I totally feel for all of you parents out there with GF kids!


Then hubby announced last night he would like me to help him lose 7-10 pounds before our cruise -- in one month! HELLO, what have I been doing for the last 4 months!!!! All this time I've been making something healthy for me and letting him get whatever he wanted, and NOW he says he wants to lose weight!


Anyways - I'm going to skip my weigh in this week, because I have not been counting ANY calories at all. I've been just focusing on eating the "clean" stuff. I'll be weighing in again next week.


I know lots of you have got to be close to cruising by now! Got to be nice to see all your hard work fit in to cute cruise clothes! I still have a month go to go... arrrgh.



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Hi all! My girl friend and I are taking a cruise next April so I have a year to lose 20 to 30 pounds.


Usually my hubby and son and I cruise together but I'm really excited for our girls cruise!


I'm only 4'11" and I just turned 54 so I have a hard time trying to lose. I am down 10 lbs. (weight watchers thru work).


Now I have to go through lots of pages to see what I've missed!


Mary in Michigan

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Welcome Mary. It's been a bit quiet this week, I know I've been glued to the television and am so happy that the terror in Boston is over.


I noticed no one has reported today. I forgot to weigh in - but will do so tomorrow. Hope everyone is well.



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Hi Charlene,


I'm excited to get back to eating healthier! My WW was they work and was mandatory I'd your BMI was higher than 39. Now it's just under that so they won't pay for WW.


I have a great treadmill, starts st 10% incline...it's just getting ON it!

I weigh 138 but as short as I am that's considered obese. Would love to get to 120 or 115 would be amazing!!


I always seem to sabotage myself, know how to eat right but can talk myself into ice cream, etc.


I'm happy to be here!

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Hi Charlene,


I'm excited to get back to eating healthier! My WW was they work and was mandatory I'd your BMI was higher than 39. Now it's just under that so they won't pay for WW.


I have a great treadmill, starts st 10% incline...it's just getting ON it!

I weigh 138 but as short as I am that's considered obese. Would love to get to 120 or 115 would be amazing!!


I always seem to sabotage myself, know how to eat right but can talk myself into ice cream, etc.


I'm happy to be here!


Well, I don't think you are the only one who does that! Most of us know how to eat right - BUT - we are human.

I had ice cream last night. First time I had that for quite a while. But I included it as part of my 1500 calories for the day. I need a treat everyday - so I just build it in to my day. Many of us here use My Fitness Pal to track our food. I have been using it since September and am down 27 pounds as of today. I only have 2 pounds to go to reach my goal. But I think the key for me will be to continue to track my calories even when I am maintaining my weight.

The best tools for me are: My fitness pal; my food scale; my weight scale and my running shoes (for walking though).

Good luck.

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Hi all, I've been awol for awhile. Had a good friend visiting last week. My weight has stayed about the same which I'm okay with since I haven't been behaving myself with food and wine anyways. Still exercising like always.


Welcome Mary!!


Ann- yes it is expensive, I agree. Thats why I just get the regular stuff. But you don't have to buy all fruits and veggies organic, some make no difference. Just the "dirty dozen", google it, though I don't even do that. Mine all come from the farmers market and who knows where they get them, because I know they aren't growing them all over here.


sbfaninwy - I'm going to have to try that cat ball recipe, I only have vanilla protein though, could work. More like a peanut butter cookie maybe.


Summergirl - Congrats on the skinny jeans!!


My flight leaves in 10 days!!! Yikes!!


Talk to you all soon.

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Hi All!


I am still here... but I'm a stress eater and I'm stressed-out these days... leaving my current job, starting a new job 3 days after we return, and last-minute packing & making sure I have everything for the trip. :o


I have been eating badly and I FEEL it. I FEEL terrible, I am bloated, I feel like I've gained 20 pounds and my clothes are tight around my waist again. So, this morning I woke-up and weighed. I was sitting at a total of 8 pounds down (since January) so it wasn't AS BAD as it could have been. Today has been a good day - I've been going-going-going all day long. This is the first time I've sat down all day. This is my last weekend to get things done around the house until we leave!! I have FIVE days of work left - YAY!!! I realize I won't be able to lose much weight by the time we leave and I won't be "Skinny in Italy" but I do plan to eat healthier as I've realized not eating healthy makes me feel TERRIBLE. :o


This thread has been very informative and helpful to me. I plan to return to my NEW job and start "over" with a good, healthy lifestyle. I genuinely mean that and know I will stick to it 90% of the time... and for me, that is a long-term change I'm excited about!


Best of Luck to everyone and some of you I will see in Italy - SOON!!! :D

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Best of Luck to everyone and some of you I will see in Italy - SOON!!! :D


I am getting stressed too I think. I don't stress eat though, thankfully. But I get these canker sores in my mouth, under my tongue right now, blech it hurts. TMI, i know.


I have 9 days before I leave. Have not even attempted packing. Need to get through quite a bit of school work (at a rate 4 times faster than normal). I have a 9 mile run today and 10 next weekend and I am spending all my time on the internet. NOT HELPFUL!!


Remember that most of the bloating is from water weight/excess salt. So it should go away quickly if you are able to avoid those bad foods this week. Then you should feel fresh and comfortable for your flight!! Italy, here we come! :)

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Just one more week and I´ll be heading to Floriday.

I did not losse what I intended, however my sillouette changed so that counts on the positive side.

I will try to be as active as possible on the cruise and make healthy choices, just not all of the time.

I don´t know how much time I´ll be able to spend online this week,

so to all of you heading for their cruise:

Enjoy your vacation.


And hopefully we´ll meet up again after.

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Thanks all for your kind welcome. I see typing too quickly on my phone didn't work well-MANY typo's!


I'm so thrilled your cruises are so close. Have a wonderful cruise! Wow, I have been to Europe but not on a cruise and not to Italy!


Enjoy every minute and post about it!!


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Neglected reporting weigh in this week - down 1/2 lb.


I am thinking my weight loss journey is about done, but the weight maintenance goes on. I have 3-4 lbs to get to my "goal" weight, but I realized that I actually am at my goal - fitting into my clothes reasonably well and living in a way that suits me, but does not feel constricting. I developed a pattern over the last several weeks - weigh in Friday morning, which then ends up being my "cheat" day as usually I go out to dinner with my husband or have drinks and nibbles with my girlfriends. Saturday I may have a treat as well, then back to routine healthy eating the rest of the week.


I will continue to weigh in on Fridays, because it keeps me honest :D


Bon Voyage to those traveling in the next two weeks - have a wonderful time in Italy or wherever your destination may be. No time for stress when you have a drink in your hand and the sea all around. :cool:

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I was actually up 1/2 pound last Friday... Seems like every time I get down to 6 or so pounds left to lose it is a roller coaster.


And...I seem to have lost track of my new Elliptical machine even though I have to practically run into it to get out of my bed...money not very well spent, unless of course I get this grand motivation to get on it...:(

I soooo need to!


I cruise in just over 4 weeks...

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Great job, Alyssa. It seems like you have gotten it all sorted out in a great way!


I was doing very well but the last two weeks have been just out of whack for me. I decided to try a new "diet" of sorts, but cutting out gluten, soy, dairy, etc. I think it was just too overwhelming. I was trying to "cut out" too many things. So I've gone back to my tried and true method of watching what I eat and logging my foods and exercise in MyFitnessPal.

That doesn't mean I'm giving up on trying to rid some of those things from my diet, but I'm not going to let it consume me like I kind of did!


I have about 4 weeks until my cruise too, maybe a little less. I'm just going to try to keep this boat on course. I know I will let loose and eat (or drink!) some of those things I'm currently avoiding. But I figure that's what vacations are for. I will definitely be back on the game after the cruise. This is a lifelong thing -- not just a cruise countdown thing!



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Soup has become a friend to me... I know some folks have to watch sodium and such, but I find if I have soup with a meal it fills me up, takes longer to eat, and I linger over it a bit more. I am picky and only want good soup, though. LOL


I bought these wraps at Walmart (hate that place)...They are called Extreme Wellness and only have 35 calories (big burrito size). I smear a wedge of 35 calorie laughing cow cheese on it. Then I mix up a hard boiled egg with a pouch of tuna and roll it all up in that wrap. High protein, low calorie. Easy for the office!!!

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Soup has become a friend to me... I know some folks have to watch sodium and such, but I find if I have soup with a meal it fills me up, takes longer to eat, and I linger over it a bit more. I am picky and only want good soup, though. LOL


I bought these wraps at Walmart (hate that place)...They are called Extreme Wellness and only have 35 calories (big burrito size). I smear a wedge of 35 calorie laughing cow cheese on it. Then I mix up a hard boiled egg with a pouch of tuna and roll it all up in that wrap. High protein, low calorie. Easy for the office!!!


Those sound great!



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Soup has become a friend to me... I know some folks have to watch sodium and such, but I find if I have soup with a meal it fills me up, takes longer to eat, and I linger over it a bit more. I am picky and only want good soup, though. LOL


I bought these wraps at Walmart (hate that place)...They are called Extreme Wellness and only have 35 calories (big burrito size). I smear a wedge of 35 calorie laughing cow cheese on it. Then I mix up a hard boiled egg with a pouch of tuna and roll it all up in that wrap. High protein, low calorie. Easy for the office!!!


Thats awesome, 35 calories in a big wrap!! My little high fiber ones have 50, but they are small. I need to look for those!!


What soups are you into right now??

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