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Important changes to Military Policy


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True. While I personally think they are doing a good thing, I'm more inclined to think it's more of a PR thing than a way of saying "thanks"....JMO.


Not sure how its PR since they dont mention it anywhere on the website or in the brochure. If the intent is to get free PR they need to hire a new person in their Marketing Dept.

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I don't think the military discount should apply to sisters, mothers, cousins, grandmas, etc.


One of the reasons for giving the military members a discount is because military folks make less money and give up more freedom than most civilians doing the same jobs.


Not to mention, I don't know many civilians who have to be half way around the world away from their families for a year at the time in the line of fire.


I'm a military wife. Do I think my mom freaks out when my husband is gone? Yes. Do I think his mother does? Certainly. Do they go through what I go through?




Do they go through what he goes through?




Look. Whether it's PR or not, if there's people abusing the system and it's taking away from the discounts available to military members, then you know what? Screw the abusers, and let the GIs have the discounts.


I do think that if the servicemember's legitimate, immediate family includes minor children to the point that a second room is needed, that it should be discounted. But do I think my sister and my mom should get the military discount because they're taking a cruise this year?




Flame on if you want, but the selfishness of a few shouldn't screw it up for the people who really deserve it. I am totally grateful for the military discount because it allows this military couple to have the honeymoon we never had (my husband left 10 days after we got married, then he came home four months later, then we up and moved away from the only place I have ever known, and now he is gone again and I am here holding down the fort alone). We will have been married TWO YEARS by the time we get to take this trip, provided he even comes home on time and doesn't get extended.


And you know what? We freaking deserve a nice vacation, and it could not have happened any other way.


Other members of the family worry, but they don't worry or suffer like the servicemember and spouse and immediate children. IF they want to go on vacation so badly with the servicemember, they can save up and go the same way we have to save up and go. We're just able to go six to eight months sooner than we would have been otherwise because Carnival is kind enough to offer this discount. I consider it a blessing.

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Yes, others make sacrifices every day on their jobs, but not to the extent the military does. My DH spent 4 years on Active Duty and is approaching 24 years total with his reserve time. We had 10 days together after we were married before he deployed for 3 months. Then he did 6 months the next year, 4 the next and 7 months his last year. That doesn't include all the ins and outs of workups and exercises that add up to additional months every year. We didnt' have an anniversary or his birthday together til we'd been married for 4 years. He left for his last deployment and our oldest son was 3 1/2 months old. When he came back, he was almost 11 months old. How do you think that made him feel? He sacrificed a lot during those 4 years, but not as much as those fighting now. It's tough on the families, but that's how the navy works. He's currently a reserve commanding officer and he spends a couple of weeks a year, plus one weekend a month away and probably 25+ hours per week on top of his full time civilian job. It's tougher on him than anyone else. Of course his mother has always worn it like it's hers to get sympathy for.

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Sablerose, you are quite right. My wife is active duty, and having been prior active duty myself I must say that I really appreciate what Carnival is doing for our military members. I am a firm beliver in that " you have to give to get" and it is nice to see Carnival given back.

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I would point out that if the servicemember (or retired military) is married both he/she and their spouse will have valid ID cards and probably could each book a cabin separately (might have to do it through different travel agents), splitting up the rest of the family. Once on the ship no one is going to monitor who actually sleeps in what cabin.


I would also like to say that as a retired serviceman, I appreciate Carnival giving me a discount and wish more cruiselines did.


I will finish by saying that while police and firemen put their lives on the line daily they and their families do not come close to making the level of sacrafice that military families do. When was the last time you heard of a police or fireman being shipped overseas on short notice for a year OR MORE, having to leave behind their family. Also there is a large disparity between the average police and firemans pay and the average service members.


Also, any police or fireman can quit his job at any time. No serviceman can quit his job until his enlistment is up and even then, in times of national emergency (like now), they cant quit at all, even if their enlistment contract is over.


I have nothing but respect for police and fireman and the difficult job they have to do but they and their families do not make the level of sacrafice that servicemen do.


Of course this is my opinion only, clouded by 26 years of active service and countless missed birthdays and holidays and school plays, etc.

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I just want to say, bless every one of you that is either in the same boat or has been in the same boat.


Every servicemember, whether reserves, active duty or retired veteran, should be respected.


Thank you.

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"They stand the wall, while we sleep, and say, No harm will come to you tonight. Not on my watch".


They deserve everything they can get and if those that are not of the immediate family are abusing this and limiting the number of "qualified" GIs that can participate, I applaud Carnival for this policy change.


I tried to buy a Marine and his wife a drink (they were on their honeymoon) aboard the GLORY almost 2 years ago. It was formal night and he was in his dress uniform. The bartender refused to swipe my S'n'S card saying, "They've got so many free drinks waiting for them, it would be senseless for you to send them 2 more". I was very happy for them and pleased that others had "taken care" of them.


So young, so full of life, so willing to voluntarily stand up, without condition or reservation, and say, "I will", they should cruise FREE in my opinion with the balance of the passengers picking up the tab with a surcharge. God, bless them all. :)

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Sablerose, I hope you have a great vacation! Im sure that anytime you get to spend with your spouse will have been special, but, oh, are you in for a treat! I'm not sure if this is your first cruise or not, but, it probably won't be the last because you and he will get that relaxation together that you both deserve! Enjoy your trip.


I am booked to go on the Conquest in 29 days (and thrilled;))! We used the military discount because my husband is retired military. Thanks to Carnival for offering them! I am glad we got to use them, and I am glad that they were not all booked up.



I am sure that there may be some way of getting around the "1 cabin only policy" but I don't know how because I couldn't use my ID card as a spouse, only the military person, and he had to fax certain documents. Of course, that is what my TA said was required and the only way she would book the reservation. Other TA's may have different methods, but my TA had requirements that my husband needed to meet, and I could not.

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With my husband being currently deployed and with me not knowing where the appropriate documents are, they let me send in a photograph (he e-mailed me one) of his military ID and his state driver's license. My PVP said that would be appropriate under the circumstances.


I offered up my spouse ID, since it did have my husband's name on it as my military sponsor, but that didn't work.

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At the risk of getting flamed, I have to say that I think this makes sense. The discount is to reward the person who is in the military. So it makes sense that if the cabin that person is staying in gets discounted. Carnival is saying "thank you" to the military serviceman. Carnival does not necessarily need to say "thank you" to every single friend and family member.


I think it bears saying that they probably wouldn't have changed the policy if people hadn't been taking liberal advantage of it and abusing it. There's a reason behind every policy change.


I agree. I think those serving should get the discount and too many (maybe thanks to CC) were taking advantage of the policy.

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Okay, I know I may get flamed but I am asking this question for discussion.


I fully understand active and reserves getting the discount.......but why retired? The sacrifice is far over and most are working in Civilian jobs. A friend of mine is retired from military, is a Civilian RN in the Philadelphia VA hospital and makes darn good money better then other RN's I know. Why should she not have to pay the same as any person cruisin. This is my opinion and I can't understand Carnivals reasoning behind this.

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For the same reason that retired military are able to get continued military benefits.


Retired means you put in at least 20 years, it doesn't mean you did your 4 years and got out. So not any ex-miitary or discharged military can get it, if the policy is specifically for "retired" military.


If it weren't for the retired military folks of this country, you might not have the freedom to take a cruise. They deserve just as much respect.

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I just recently retired from 24 years in the Navy. A lot of people think that when you retire from the military you no longer have duties related to the Military. The military retirees in this country are in a inactive reserve status. If there was ever a conflict that required additional personnel or personnel with specialties that no longer may be common place in the active duty forces, you can and will get called back to active duty. Back in the Mid 80’s when the battleships cam back into an active status, the navy recalled many “retired” sailors with the knowledge of the big 16 inch guns. Yes they may send us a check every month, but it is more of a retainer pay then a retirement check.



I still think that service members serving in Iraq and other hot spots on the globe do not receive as much as they deserve from big business in this country. Irregardless of your political beliefs, these men and women are doing one heck of a job. If everyone on this board see’s a active duty member on their cruise, but them a drink or two. There is no reason they have to go back to their base, post or ship and worry about paying off their Sign and Sail card. I know it is the least I can do to show my thanks.


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I gladly accepted the $600 discount that Carnival is giving me, on an upcoming Destiny cruise. The discount applied to my wife & I, and not to our 16 year old daughters, in our cabin. Regardless how they interpret it, it is still $600!


Celebrity and RCCL, who we have previously taken cruises with, never offered any discount.


So, whether Carnival is doing this for publicity, does not matter to me.

It is allowing us to have a balcony cabin, when we initially were booking an inside cabin.


This will be our first Carnival cruise, and I am a fan of this cruise line, already.

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[quote name='Joedog']I would point out that if the servicemember (or retired military) is married both he/she and their spouse will have valid ID cards and probably could each book a cabin separately (might have to do it through different travel agents), splitting up the rest of the family.[/QUOTE] Because that assumption would be wrong - The only way this would work is if BOTH the husband and the wife served in some capasity. The military member (no matter what their status) has to be in the cabin to get the discount. Since I am an Army vet with 5 years I would be entitled to a cabin. Since my husband is retired Navy he is entitled to a cabin. So we could split up. But if I wasn't a vet - even with my retiree ID card from my husband - I couldn't get a cabin at a discount. The ID card doesn't get you the cabin - the status does. Simply being the spouse of a military member doesn't entitle you to a discounted cabin.

[quote name='SAYHEYRENEE']Okay, I know I may get flamed but I am asking this question for discussion. I fully understand active and reserves getting the discount.......but why retired? [/QUOTE] Because my husband put up with 20 years of BS - and Carnival felt he deserved it - that's why. But seriously - Why does Carnival now give the discount to vets? Because they choose to. It's their dscount - their rules.

[quote name='MAGNUM PI']I gladly accepted the $600 discount that Carnival is giving me, on an upcoming Destiny cruise. The discount applied to my wife & I, and not to our 16 year old daughters, in our cabin. Regardless how they interpret it, it is still $600![/QUOTE]I would check on that one again. Everyone in our cabin got the discount and we have a quad. We have ALWAYS gotten the discount on everyone in cabin. This doesn't make sense.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I also agree that this is not PR or it would be easier to find on their website. Of course their website is a MESS 99% of the time - so I could be talking out of turn here.

Sablerose - Right on - you go girl.
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Retirees of the military are subject to recall at anytime.

Retirees have been recalled in specific specialities as recently as the last 3 military conflicts the US miliitary has been involved in.

It is because of us miliitary retirees that some people now have the legal right to dodge the military and defame our country. You are sleeping in the best country in the world tonight because of the proud service of past and present military members. Be thankful that someone was protecting your butt 24/7!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I stand corrected. I nevered tried to get two rooms on any cruise before and as I am the retired one I only had to send copies of my ID to the TA not my spouses. I guess I thought it was like using MWR benefits where the spouse has the same priviledges as the active duty member. Sorry if I misled anyone.

For those of you who were wondering why retirees get the same discount as active duty I would say because we earned it. It's really part of our retirement deal. We give up the first half of our lives working for low pay in dangerous places having to put up with several months at a time of being away from our families missing childrens births, birthday parties, holiday celebrations, parents growing old and dying while we are overseas and we get back a small retirement check, semi-free medical (not as free as most people think) the right to shop at the military exchange and commisary and use Moral Welfare and Recreation facilities for the rest of our lifes. I think the reason we get discounts from cruise lines is that the MWR offices do not really separate active from retired as far as eligibility for benefits goes and in the old days, pre-internet, a lot of people used MWR services to book cruises. This is just a guess on my part. I may be making another wrong assumption but if so, it is not out of mailice.

Oh I almost forgot, another thing retired military get is the priviledge of knowing that our sacrifice allows America to remain a free country. No small thing.

I will get down off my soap box now.
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[quote name='sea_u_onboard']Because my husband put up with 20 years of BS - and Carnival felt he deserved it - that's why. But seriously - Why does Carnival now give the discount to vets? Because they choose to. It's their discount - their rules.

Sablerose - Right on - you go girl.[/QUOTE]

And a very happy Monday to you too!
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My husband is a vet was honorably discharged. He did not retire and is not active and we received the military discount for a cruise coming up next year. He served his time in Hell (13 months in Vietnam) as well as alot of other vets that only served 4 years but not just in Vietnam. Yes, I think he should get a discount as I prayed everyday that he would come home safe. I think all vets should receive this reward as a job well done and keeping our country safe no matter what their military background is, was, or will be.
Do I think our grown children should get a part of this? No
Do I think my friends should get a part of this? No - unless they are vets also.
Just my 2 cents worth.
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I just have to respond to a couple of things.

"I'm a military wife. Do I think my mom freaks out when my husband is gone? Yes. Do I think his mother does? Certainly. Do they go through what I go through?"

As a military mom, I can tell you that no, we don't go through what you do. We send our CHILD to a war zone, you send your adult partner. Different perspective, but no easier believe me.

As to the statement "I do think that if the servicemember's legitimate, immediate family includes minor children to the point that a second room is needed, that it should be discounted." How much more immediate family can you be when you give birth to that person?

Don't misunderstand me, I fully appreciate the sacrifice that all military families make. I've been there, done that while my son served in Afghanistan. Do I think I deserve a reward for it? No. Do I think my SON deserves a reward - absolutely.

I think Carnival is offering a reward to the service person who has earned it and whoever they choose as a roommate. The rest of us need to pay the regular fair which allows them to fund the program in the first place.
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[quote name='MamaParrotHead']my understanding was that you had to be "active" or "retired"...anything inbetween wasn't eligible. is that correct? :confused:[/QUOTE]It doesn't look like anyone answered your question - if they did then I guess this is a repeat.

Carnival changed their policy around the beginning of the year to include honorably discharged vets with at least 2 years service.
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