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Teens on a cruise

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Hi. I am new to this message board. What is everyone's opinion on taking a teen out of school for a few days to take a cruise? It does bother me that she would miss some school. Teen is worried that since it is during school that no other teens would be on cruise. Please advise. Thank you!!:o

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Maybe someone with teens can answer you, but in the meantime...


I cruise usually in September, and I don't see a lot of kids of any age. I went on a cruise in early November last year, and don't recall seeing any teenagers, and I saw very few younger children. Maybe you could talk your daughter's best friend's mom into letting her go with y'all?:)

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We've always taken our kids out without a problem. Whether or not there will be other kids will depend on what time of year you are going? Can you give us the date, and we can probably give you a better idea if many kids will be onboard. If you cruise in September, probably not many kids. If you cruise in April/May, although school is still in session, there will probably be lots of kids.

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I'm 19 so I can't answer from a parent's point of view but I can answer from a teens. :) My experience has been that there is a significantly less amount of teens on cruises when school is in session. Especially in September. The hot months for teen cruising are mostly the middle to the end of June through the end of August. Oh as well as spring break.

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Though I have two teenagers, they don't hang out with other teens on the ship. There is so much to do they stay busy and have a great time. We last sailed the beginning of March and had few teens on board. We had some college students but most of the high schools were not on spring break yet.


They still had a blast!

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Thank you for your responses. I am not making excuses, but here is the reason we want to go in September. My husband and son both, by chance, are just starting new jobs, which means they cannot take vacation for at least 3 months. My daughter is ending her school year next week. This being said, we will not be able to take vacation during the summer months. We do not want to vacation during the winter (christmas break) and my daughter's next break isn't until April. I guess we could wait until then, but we really don't want to have to wait that long. Again, I'm not trying to excuse myself, but just stating the facts. This last spring break, we had plans to spend vacation out of town with family, and it ended up that my daughter and i were both sick with the flu and had to go home and be in bed for a week, so we have not had a vacation for over a year and a half, and frankly, we need it badly. ALong with my daughter, 14 and my husband, my son, 20, will also be going. We are looking at a labor day cruise, which means 4 days out of school. I know that it will be a little challenging for her to catch up, but we hope that with a little help from the teachers and her loving family :) she will catch up nicely. she is a great student.

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Is she a college student or a HS student?


My brother wouldn't go on the cruise I went on a month ago because he didn't want to miss school (too much work.) Preferably, I don't care to miss college (even though I have for vacations). It's easier in college than HS but it's still a pain. I went May 7-14th and there were not very many teens. I saw maybe a gang of 10-15 teens that were always together.

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We took our kids out of school for a cruise. My son was in jr. high, so it wasn't a biggy. My daughter though was in high school and she just couldn't make up all that work. Just too much. She said she wouldn't want to do that again. So we're going right when school lets out in a few weeks.


There were still kids on board and school was in session. So they'll still meet other kids.


Personally, I think family time is important too. So I don't have a problem taking them out if I know they can make it up pretty easily. But again, high school is just too important.


Have fun!

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We are from San Diego. I have taken my kids out of school for a week 2 times to go on cruises. Here they have what is called an absence contract. If your child will be absent 5 or more consecutive days they give you assignments to complete during the absence. If the child turns them in on the first day they return it is counted as though they were in school. The work has never been very much, but it meets the requirements for school funding. You might check with the school district in your area.


My kids have always found lots of other ones to run around with, and have always had a great time. Going off peak season gives us the opportunity to cruise more often by saving $$.


Happy Cruising,


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We sailed 040305 during Spring Break with 3 teenagers and the best part of the trip for them was meeting teenagers their own ages on the ship and hanging out with their new friends all week. But as long as your teenager knows not to expect very many if any other kids her own age, she will have fun anyway. I believe that travel is a wonderful educational experience and would not hesitate to pull my boys out of school for a worthwhile trip.

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Lucky for your husband and son who can get a week off after working only three months! I just started my new job and you can't take a vacation until you've worked there a year ;) Luckily they hired me knowing about my vacation so I'm getting through that rule :)


If it's September you might have teens. There are still kids that are homeschooled so perhaps you'll get some of those :) Good luck!

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I think the most important thing is to check with your school. Many schools are now instituting a "no tolerance" policy for vacations during scheduled school time. This means the student is not allowed to make up any of the work so they essentially get zeros for the work they missed while they were out on vacation.


I personally have been guilty of taking DD out of school for family vacations so I have no problem with it. It's the school districts that are starting to get fed up with families taking kids out of school for vacation.

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I really hope no one gets upset about what I am about to say, but school is a childs job, just like you said your son and husband could not miss work, your child should not miss school. I have a son that missed 10 days of school this year with all doctors excuses (he had a severe case of mono and flu) and if he had missed one more day we would have a hearing and he may not have received his credits for this year. I received a hearing letter and everything. Maybe all schools are not as strict as my son's school. Two years ago my son had an accident where he had a fractured skull with bleeding around the brain at the vice principals house and was in ICU and we still had problems because he had missed more than 10 days of school. My son had not missed a day of school from 5th grade to 9th untill he had the head injury and they still didn't care.


My son would not want to go without other teenagers nor would he want to make up the work that would be required.



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I know people feel strongly about this but I don't think 4 days is too bad. Don't make excuses for yourself. You know your child...and hopefully your school's regulations (they vary from state to state). If the teachers have no issue working with her then by all means don't feel bad. As for finding other teens on the ship, even if she doesn't she'll still have a good time!!

I find that in September, most of the school work is review anyway. It's the best time to take a child out if you ask me. I don't feel like school is a child's job...I did when mine were little, now I realize how ridiculous that is.

My oldest lost a LOT of time in her freshman year with Mono....the teachers worked with her on line. She never felt lost or behind in her work....4 days, in September is NOTHING...don't sweat it.

When mine were young I was so freaking anal about school and would have never pulled them out...looking back, I see that it wouldn't have hurt them at all...certainly not for a couple days.

Have fun!!

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I am not upset with what you said, but would ask this question: Is not seeing and interacting with other cultures in different countries, observing atypical flora and fauna and even the basic act of traveling an educational experience in and of itself?


I don't recall ever experiencing these things in a classroom setting, except in books of course.


My vote is to take your daughter Gabs, assuming it is not strictly forbidden by school policy. Even then, I would argue my child is going to learn and experience a heck of a lot during the trip.

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Thank you for your responses. I am not making excuses, but here is the reason we want to go in September. My husband and son both, by chance, are just starting new jobs, which means they cannot take vacation for at least 3 months. My daughter is ending her school year next week. This being said, we will not be able to take vacation during the summer months. We do not want to vacation during the winter (christmas break) and my daughter's next break isn't until April. I guess we could wait until then, but we really don't want to have to wait that long. Again, I'm not trying to excuse myself, but just stating the facts. This last spring break, we had plans to spend vacation out of town with family, and it ended up that my daughter and i were both sick with the flu and had to go home and be in bed for a week, so we have not had a vacation for over a year and a half, and frankly, we need it badly. ALong with my daughter, 14 and my husband, my son, 20, will also be going. We are looking at a labor day cruise, which means 4 days out of school. I know that it will be a little challenging for her to catch up, but we hope that with a little help from the teachers and her loving family :) she will catch up nicely. she is a great student.


April Vacation is a GREAT Time for teens!!! September not so good for them...

I don't think taking your kids out of school is that bad especially if they are learning about other places in the world!!! I am sure I will get slamed for this but this is what we do with our kid!!! We have a group cruise in April with kids and family!!! This last cruise in April we had over 1300 kids onboard the Triumph and we all had a great time!!! Kids love to hang with other kids so we go in April!!! What ever you do look into doing a group cruise with cruise critics group cruises!!!! Cheaper and lots of fun cruising with these folks on these boards!!! Enjoy what ever you decide!!!! You know your kid best and how much they can miss of school.. 4 days not bad!!! :)

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April Vacation is a GREAT Time for teens!!! September not so good for them...

I don't think taking your kids out of school is that bad especially if they are learning about other places in the world!!! I am sure I will get slamed for this but this is what we do with our kid!!! We have a group cruise in April with kids and family!!! This last cruise in April we had over 1300 kids onboard the Triumph and we all had a great time!!! Kids love to hang with other kids so we go in April!!! What ever you do look into doing a group cruise with cruise critics group cruises!!!! Cheaper and lots of fun cruising with these folks on these boards!!! Enjoy what ever you decide!!!! You know your kid best and how much they can miss of school.. 4 days not bad!!! :)


oh hell...do both!!! :D

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Gaby... Carpie Diem, sieze the moment/day and go for it. We are leaving in July for our 4th cruise with our three kids, two of which are teenagers now, one a pre teen. We have done both. First time a Disney cruise we took them out for a week. Other times we have done spring break or Christmas break. We are blessed with honor roll kids that do the work when asked. I can say that as your kids get more into high school they will not want you to take them out of school. As posted above some school districts make it tought to pull kids out. I personally believe your job is to raise well rounded kids and having the ability to expose them to a cruise is way more important than four days of school in my humble opinion. :) While there may not be masses of teens aboard I am sure there will be some. When you book, get on or start a roll call to see if there are other families with kids on board. Get to know them before you go. The cruise line will also tell you how many kids are booked. I am not sure if they will give the age ranges, but give it a try.


Life it too short, have fun. What ever your decision I wish you smooth sailing.

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I have 2 kids in high school and neither of them want to miss school even when they are sick because of the amount of work they have when they go back. Often teachers won't give makeup work when it is for a vacation. I would check with each individual teacher. Hopefully they will be helpful. We have been fortunate to now have an October (fall break) for a week. We did our first cruise with the kids last October and even though they had a blast there weren't many kids/teens on board. It is such a nice time to go though and the price is right also.

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I have sailed with my kids who at the time were teens. We sailed the first week in September and again the 3rd week in September. Not many kids were onboard but the kids did have a great time.

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Hi, all!


My family has only cruised during the school year (Sept. and Oct.) and my daughter has found new "best friends" on each of the cruises! She had a great time spending her cruise with the other girls and still writes some of them!


I agree that children can learn about the different cultures they encounter, both with other cruisers and ports of call. Not only has she been to ancient ruins (Mayan), she has also visited Mexico on their Independence Day (saw a parade with school children carrying guns!), swam with local children and learned to shimmy up a coconut tree in Roatan (NCL), and swam with sharks and sting rays in Belize(oceanography). This does not include the friends she has made with girls from around the country and Canada. Not to mention a lecture on Pirates the last cruise!!


Plus, with fewer teens, they have more time with the teen counselor and can, sometimes, tailor their onboard itinerary. Our last cruise had three 12-14 year old girls that hung out the entire cruise and even had lunch in the dining room with their counselor. My DD discovered that she loves Caesar salads from this experience.


So, Gabs, as you can see, cruising can be educational as well as fun!! We are cruising again the week after Thanksgiving this year and we can't wait.

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I have sailed with my kids who at the time were teens. We sailed the first week in September and again the 3rd week in September. Not many kids were onboard but the kids did have a great time.

Taking kids out in September is easier for them to catch up then it is if youtake them out later in the year.

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You mentioned that your daughter was 14, does that make her a 9th grader? If she is just going into high school, be careful. Our oldest started high school last year, and we were unaware, until after school started that our district has very strict policies on absences once you reach high school. 4 days of unexcused absences (as in note from a doctor only, after 2 days even parents don't count) can mean in-school suspension. Also, our district has a policy for kids to be able to exempt themselves from some semester finals. It is based on a combination of grades and # of absences. If you have have more than 4 absences per semester for any reason, you must take all finals, even if you are a straight A honors student. Most of the kids here would rather cut of their right arm than be absent even one day. Personally, I think it's a rediculous rule, but it is one that we must follow, and one we were unaware of until school started this past fall.

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