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Mommy and Daddy Sail on Navigator of the Seas 1-05-2013

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More from Day 1 sailing down the river.













Two ships that sailed by us in the river on their way back to New Orleans








This was really, really cool. Definitely worth seeing.



And that is most of the photos that I inadvertently moved around in the name of organization causing them to dissappear.


Up next . . . Day 6 and I actually make it to the gym, better late than never, right?.

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What time of night did you see the ships going back into port? I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around their coming in at night instead of early morning.


If the information on my pictures is correct, the Carnival ship passed us at 11pm and the NCL passed us at 11:48pm.


It's because we left New Orleans and then sail down the Mississippi River to the Gulf. It takes several hours 7 or 8 I think. We hit the Gulf around 12:30 after leaving sometime around 4:30 or 5pm. So, when the Carnival Ship and NCL passed us near the mouth of the river, they still had several hours of to sail upriver before they reached the Port of New Orleans.


When we came back we were supposed to reach New Orleans at 6am, but I believe we were a little late due to fog on the river.

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I looked through this thread and notice that there are a ton of photos of scenery, the ship, and food but no pictures of "mommy & daddy". Any reason?


No, no reason - except that we value privacy (sounds ridiculous posting all of our trip details on a public forum, :rolleyes: I'll give you that) and I just don't want my face floating around out there.


Plus, people would recognize me then and it makes grocery shopping more difficult. I already have a crowd swarming around me when I shop, asking me questions and demanding my attention - I don't need to add adoring fans or paparazzi. It's not healthy for the children. :D

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No, no reason - except that we value privacy (sounds ridiculous posting all of our trip details on a public forum, :rolleyes: I'll give you that) and I just don't want my face floating around out there.


Plus, people would recognize me then and it makes grocery shopping more difficult. I already have a crowd swarming around me when I shop, asking me questions and demanding my attention - I don't need to add adoring fans or paparazzi. It's not healthy for the children. :D


LOL! Thanks for sharing your cruise and the lesson of not moving photos too.

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LOL! Thanks for sharing your cruise and the lesson of not moving photos too.


:D You're welcome!


I really enjoyed the cruise and review through your eyes. Thanks for including some great photos too!


Thanks! I'm not quite done yet - hope you'll stick around to the end :).

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Thank you so much for adding the first pictures again!!! I hated not being able to see them. This will be the first time for us to leave out of NOLA and I wanted to see your pictures of that!! I know this is taking you a lot of time and I just want to thank you AGAIN!!.We have sailed many times with RCCL but always from FL so this has been wonderful. :)

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Plus, people would recognize me then and it makes grocery shopping more difficult. I already have a crowd swarming around me when I shop, asking me questions and demanding my attention - I don't need to add adoring fans or paparazzi. It's not healthy for the children. :D


You could be part of the first Real Housewives of Royal Caribbean.

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I slept well and woke up at 7:30 according to the watch.


I stepped outside to check the weather.



It was a beautiful day at sea!



I remembered something about a time change so I set the clock ahead to 8:30. I was about to wake up my husband so we could go to breakfast but, before I did that, I turned on the TV to check our position. Imagine my surprise when I saw that it was really only 6:30. I was supposed to turn the clock back. Ooops! I guess I should have paid more attention to the reminder in the Compass last night. They didn’t CAPITALIZE and BOLD the word BACK just for fun.


Nevertheless, my error allowed me the opportunity to dress and head to the Vitality Stretch class in the Fitness Center.



My husband had highlighted this early morning stretch class in the Compass a few times throughout the week but I never made it there. No excuse really as I seemed to be up at about 6:30 every day. Just laziness I guess.


I put on my shorts and tennis shoes, left a note for my husband, and headed out. It was very quiet around the ship. I arrived forward a little early so I stepped outside on the deck to have a look around. What do you know? The Peek-a-Boo bridge shades were open. I got a good look inside and read the informational signs. It was interesting. I was sad that my husband was missing it since we had tried a couple of times already. This is when I figured that they must shut the shades at night and/or when docking or leaving port. I made a mental note to remember to bring him back sometime during the day.



I returned to the fitness center for the class.



This is the room where the stretch class is held. I took this picture on our first evening on board.


The stretch class was fun. I would estimate about 15 women came and the instructor lead us in several stretches. It lasted for about 30 minutes and then there was a Fab Abs class. Well, I just didn’t think I needed to stay for that. I mean, I had put in my time already that day.


I made my way deeper into the gym which, at this time, was getting pretty busy. Several people were running on the treadmills and using the elliptical machines. They all looked like they knew what they were doing. So, I grabbed an exercise bike in the back and quietly rode 2 miles.


The thing hated me as it said I only burned 44 calories. Crazy!


The weather was beautiful so I went up to the jogging track and walked 1.5 times around. Not quite the 5 needed for the mile, but I didn’t want to overdo it - what with the stretching and biking already. ;)


I headed back to the cabin a little after 8 am.


My husband got up and we headed upstairs for the Windjammer.



I tell you what, I am MISSING, my breakfasts there. Loads of fruit with a side of eggs and sausage. Not sure why I have the butter there - couldn’t have been for the fruit. :confused: I must have had some kind of roll.


After breakfast we headed down to the MTD reservations desk and made reservations for our last two dinners onboard. Easy.


Up next . . . Climbing at sea

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You could be part of the first Real Housewives of Royal Caribbean.


Yes, yes I could. ;)


Let's think this through a little bit . . .


We could move ourselves and the kids on board for what, say a year? We could do the Caribbean route and the Med season. The TA could be a two-part special. Of course there are nine of us so we'd need some kind of humongous room or two . . . balcony would be nice . . .


Then matj2000 could see what we look like and there would be several episodes about hand washing, stair climbing without touching the railings and how to play shuffleboard.


It may not be as great as you think though because, although it's often like a three ring circus around here (He's Barnum and I'm Bailey), there may not be the drama that everyone loves so much. It'd probably be cancelled after the first season :o:D


That said, I'm completely willing to discuss this with my husband if Royal or Bravo, or whoever, writes up some kind of proposal :p.

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The time had finally arrived - the stars aligned for my chance to climb the rock wall. I had been looking forward to this and we had failed to make it there when it was open other times throughout the week. This was one of those things that I wanted to do - that I would have regretted not trying. It was the perfect opportunity.


We headed up to the wall and I signed my life away. They put a star hole punch into my SeaPass card to prove I had signed my life away and they hooked me up with shoes, a harness and a helmet.


The Wall



That thing is tall when you’re standing at the foot of it.




Of course I chose the easiest route. I was a bit intimidated by the size of this wall.



I started out strong but by halfway, I was empty. The goal is to make it to the top and ring the bell to prove to everyone - in line for the wall and at the ping pong tournament below, that you made it and didn’t quit. Well, halfway up I was presented with a choice.


See, on the easy side there were two bells. One halfway up and one at the very top. So I looked at the first bell, it was right there! And I looked at the bell at the top. I’m not afraid to admit that I was AFRAID to go any farther. It may have been all the stairs that week, and then 2 miles on the bike and then the jogging track lap that morning, but my legs were just not going to carry me to the second bell. So, I grabbed the rope on the first bell, rang for my life and let go of the wall. Thankfully the crew member working my line let me down easy and I was done.


Mission accomplished. I decided I didn’t really need to make it all the way to the top - just going halfway and ringing the bell, any bell, was enough. I was done. Nothing more to prove. No regrets.


We headed back to our room and our room steward met us in the hall. She was so surprised to see us as we had forgotten to remove the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door. She apologized for not making up the room as she thought we were still in bed! We, of course, told her not to worry and said it was our fault for not changing the sign. We dropped some things off and headed out so she could make up the room.


We then grabbed some coffee and hot chocolate from the Cafe Promenade and headed to the Schooner Bar for Morning Trivia at 10 am.


We played on a team with another couple from Louisiana. We discussed the rock wall and the gentleman told us he had climbed the wall on the first day. We thought maybe that was the ticket. Climb it early before you spend the week trudging up the stairs and walking miles back to the aft balcony. By this point in the week my legs were tired. Anyway, I volunteered to be the ‘recorder’ and write down all of our answers. We worked together and although I only contributed one answer - which was wrong incidentally - we got 15 out of 20 correct. We did not come in first place so didn’t win any pens or anything.


We headed back to the cabin and relaxed on the balcony. Soon it was time to head to the Windjammer for lunch.



My plate




His plate


Lunch was excellent. And then we headed out to the pool deck. There was some kind of BBQ lunch being set up out there. Since we had just eaten and since the line for the ribs was long, we skipped it.



BBQ lunch by the pool - although I don’t think this was listed in the Compass.

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Thank you so much for adding the first pictures again!!! I hated not being able to see them. This will be the first time for us to leave out of NOLA and I wanted to see your pictures of that!! I know this is taking you a lot of time and I just want to thank you AGAIN!!.We have sailed many times with RCCL but always from FL so this has been wonderful. :)


No problem. :) I was so hoping they would come back but I decided just to throw them up there again. Next time, if I ever get to do this again, I will know better!


Sailing down the river was sure an experience - although I have nothing to compare it to :)

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No problem. :) I was so hoping they would come back but I decided just to throw them up there again. Next time, if I ever get to do this again, I will know better!


Sailing down the river was sure an experience - although I have nothing to compare it to :)


Gah! And I just went to look and THEY'RE BACK! Well, I mentioned I was impatient :rolleyes:. Gambee was right and I just didn't wait long enough. :o


Oh well - I still learned my lesson.


Up next, our second formal night . . .

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Nice review. Please do not give up on the rock wall. My wife has been tying for 2 years, she is retired, no age given:D, this past dec. she finally made it to the top on Indy, and rang the bell, not once but she did it 2 times. She says its all

About using your legs and not trying to pull yourself up with your arms.


The sports deck staff high fived her .

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It may not be as great as you think though because, although it's often like a three ring circus around here (He's Barnum and I'm Bailey), there may not be the drama that everyone loves so much. It'd probably be cancelled after the first season :o:D


That said, I'm completely willing to discuss this with my husband if Royal or Bravo, or whoever, writes up some kind of proposal :p.


I'm in with you. I can bring the drama of Atlanta with me.

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Nice review. Please do not give up on the rock wall. My wife has been tying for 2 years, she is retired, no age given:D, this past dec. she finally made it to the top on Indy, and rang the bell, not once but she did it 2 times. She says its all

About using your legs and not trying to pull yourself up with your arms.


The sports deck staff high fived her .


Whaaat?? Twice?? Give your wife a high five from me! And tell her thanks for the pointers!


Don't worry, I haven't 'given up'. I just freaked out a bit.:D Like I said, if we ever get to go again, I think I will try it on the first or second day instead of waiting until the end of the week.


I need to book a few more cruises to practice, huh? :p


I will definitely try again for the top if I get the chance!


I'm in with you. I can bring the drama of Atlanta with me.



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We grabbed some water from the Cafe and headed to the Art Auction in the Ixtapa Lounge. We registered for the auction and spent some time checking out the art.



We grabbed our seats and waited for it to begin.



My husband’s bidding number.


I sat on mine to avoid any misunderstandings during the auction :).



We are not art collectors but it was interesting to learn about the artwork and the artists.



The picture that we liked had a starting bid price of $1080.00 Shocking to us! But fun anyway. There were a few people who bid on the art. Several hundreds of dollars worth - although according to the guy it’s really a bargain. I would have no idea and no easy access to Google to check. They had a raffle at the end but we didn’t win anything - at least we were consistent all week.


We headed back to the room, showered, and spent some more time on the balcony writing in my journal and drinking hot chocolate.


We watched the sunset this evening and got ready for dinner.






Our 6 pm reservations worked really well on the nights we could actually get them. The sun set each night as we were in the room getting ready so we got to watch it together and then head to dinner.


We left the room a bit early for so we stopped by the Cafe for some coffee. When we were there I realized that I forgot to put on my jewelry. Now, in my line of work ;) I don’t wear jewelry. In fact it had been about 13 years since I had earrings in my ears - no joke. I was enjoying dressing up for dinner and wearing the necklaces and earrings that I had packed. So, on the last formal night I did not want to go without it. I headed back to the cabin ahead of my husband and took my heels off to run down the narrow hallway.


After I was officially ready, we headed off again toward the dining room.

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With my jewelry on we made it in time for our 6 pm reservation in the dining room.




We both had the mushroom puff pastry for our starter. It was delicious.


We noticed that there were menus at the Captains Table again that night. They were also there on the first formal night but no one came to sit there during our dinner. We chatted a little over our appetizer and the next time we looked down the table was full of guests. We learned that the officer dining down there was the Staff Captain. It was interesting to watch them as I’m sure they were enjoying themselves.


We both chose the Fisherman’s Platter for the main course.





Our lobster came and the waiter removed the tail from the shell for us. It was very good. Even though we didn’t ask for them, he brought out seconds for us both. Fabulous.


Then it was time for dessert.



We both chose the Dessert Sampler. It was delicious.



After dinner we made it to the 7pm Production Show. We were a few minutes late this night as we had spent more time at dinner. The show tonight was All Access. It was okay.


We strolled the Promenade on the way to the cabin and my husband bought me a rose from the Floral Cart. Yay! I carried it with me the rest of the evening.






While we were there we found a bunny on the bed along with tomorrow's Compass.




Then we headed to check our email. The email was good - all was well on the homefront. We wrote back with details about our day as well.


We went to the Schooner Bar and listened to the Gemini Duo (piano and violin) while we waited for the Quest to begin. They were very good.




I had previously learned about Quest from Cruise Critic and from our friend YouTube. I pretty much knew what to expect, but I didn’t want to write it off without trying it. Of course we sat in the back with other couples dressed in tuxes, suits and nice dresses. We weren’t the only ones there ‘just to see’. In the end, it was pretty juvenile - which appeals to some of you, I know - but it’s not something that we would join in. So, once it got really stupid, we left early to avoid the crowds.


We went to the Cafe for some pizza, sandwiches and a cinnamon roll. Then back to the cabin for some time on the balcony staring at the stars. Again, there was no moon to be seen. It was very, very dark. We decided to close the room-darkening drapes in hopes that I would sleep past 6:30 in the morning. We had been leaving them open all week. It was super dark in the room that night.

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Woke up this morning at 6:30 AGAIN. Even with the drapes closed. Was able to fall back asleep though until 8:30.


We headed to the Windjammer for breakfast. Now, I must confess to not taking my camera around everywhere with me by this point in the trip. It just got to be a little too much so I don’t have many pictures from the last day.


We were able to get to the Peek-A-Boo bridge today so my husband could take a look.


We stayed on the pool deck and purchased a shirt for the Walk for Wishes.



We walked one mile - or 5 laps on Navigator - around the top deck for the Make A Wish Foundation. It was fun!



Group photo!



We did some other fun things like learning how to fold towel animals in the Schooner Bar and playing shuffleboard.


We spent a lot of time relaxing on the balcony that day too.



A buffet sprang up on the Promenade that afternoon. I don't remember seeing this in the Compass either - maybe I just missed it.



We had fruit and roast beef sandwiches and BBQ ribs for lunch.



We caught another nice sunset






Then we headed for our last dinner.

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