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Jergens Natural Glow Moisturizer


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Got mine today at Wal-mart..Totally forgot I had a coupon:cool:

I used mine about an hour ago.Went on fairly well.We have a pool,so I have a pretty good base tan.But hard time tanning back of legs,arms etc.Right now I seem to be a little orange.

One thing I am not happy about is the smell.It does not smell bad,but it is very strong.Even an hour after application,I have a very strong detergent odor...

Will report tomorrow as well.

I saw the Olay..I thought about it..But it seems to have more of a sparkley base to it..I may try it later.

Question about Melatonin tabs.I was looking at some today.Assuming it would help with tanning.But it stated it was used as a sleep aid...???

Did I read wrong..was I looking at something I thought was Melatonin!??

I take 5-Htp...don't really want anything thats gonna make me sleepy:D :p



I wondered about that too. I used to take melatonin but later learned it makes diabetes worse (which I have) as it depletes your magnesium so I quit taking it. I have found if I drink a small glass of low fat milk at bed time that works just as good-as far as helping me to sleep.


I never heard that it helps you tan. I never noticed anything although I developed 2 frozen shoulders while taking it. May have had nothing to do with it but once I learned it can make diabetes worse I quit taking it.


I do remember a movie called "Soul Man" back in the 80's where this white guy took some kind of tablets so he could pretend to be black so he could get a college scholarship. I always wondered if there was really such a thing you could take.


I do know that beta carotene tabs if you take too much (or eat too many carrots) will turn your skin kind of orangey-but you don't look tan just weird.

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i actually have fair to light skin, so im not sure why it didn't work on me...maybe i'll try the olay one and see if that does anything.


Well I bought the darker of the Jergens natural glow and it is darker then the Olay Quench. I am not sure what happened to you because I could see a differance-but I did also with Olay Quench-just with the Quench it looked more like I had just spent an hour in the sun-you know just a hint of tan.



One thing though The Jergens Natural glow does leave an orange cast. What I did was a few hours later I put on a coat of the Olay Quench (I still have some of that left) and then I liked the look better as that toned down the orange and it looked brown.


One thing though when you used this stuff you did not bathe afterwards did you? I think this is just like the self tanner stuff you are supposed to wait three hours. I always put this kind of stuff on after my bath.


I know one person mentioned they thought the Olay Quench was just a shimmer product. I did not find it that way on me-it does not make me shimmer. What it says on the tube is that it "continously moistures and enhances skin tone and color."


Now Jergens also puts out a product called "Soft Shimmer" and it says it "enhances the Natural Radiiance of your skin"

" with subtle light reflectors."

Now I did not care for the Jergens Soft Shimmer. To me it looked like I had flecks of gold glitter on me, sort of like some of those eye shadows have. I would not wear that normally- although I thought it would be great to put on my chest and arms on formal night.


The Jergens Natural Glow says on the tube this: "Create a healthy summer glow all year long just by moisturizing."


"with essental moisturizers & a subtle skin darkening complex"


I think Kitty asked if this actually tanned your skin or dyed it. Kitty my guess is it is just dying your skin since it turns an orangy color. I do know some self tanners actually chemicially tan your skin and others simply dye the skin. I have always heard the ones that turn your skin an orangy cast are just dying your skin.


I have always found too the ones that dye your skin seem to wear off when you go in clorinated water. Another reason why I don't like those self tanners.


I may try what the one post suggested. Just mix some self tanner with skin lotion and apply it that way. That may be the way to go.

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I was at our local Wal-Mart yesterday and they have the Jergens Natural Glow a lot of it it might add.They had two kinds of tones.I have not used it thought id wait till it was closer to my cruise..I am curious those that have used it,how long does it last?

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I'm considering trying it if I can find it without much trouble (good luck huh:D ) but I usually use a self-tanner without a problem. Here's a hint I learned for preventing streaking - pour equal amounts of the self-tanner and your favorite moisturizer into your hand, mix together and then apply. The mixture goes on smoothly because of the moisturizer and prevents the usual streaking problem. Ever since I started applying a self-tanner using this method, I have not experienced streaking. My favorite is Neutrogena Instan Bronze. Happy Sailing!



Just thought I would let you know and others know your hint works. I had some of that bananna boat brand self tanner I bought last year. It is the kind that comes out of the tube a dark brown so supposably you would be able to apply it without streaking. I only used it once as it still streaked.


So I figured with your hint maybe I should just mix some skin lotion with it and apply it. Well it worked great. So I guess I won't have to buy any more of the Jergens stuff this summer anyway.

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I have used both and like the Olay better...although we were away this past weekend and even though I didn't use it, I noticed the white towels that I used after showering were streaked with a brownish tint. So I think it may come off!!!!

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I finally found both at Walmart. Used the Jergens twice but I really can't stand that SMELL! It seems all self tanners have that awful smell that really stays with you!


I haven't tried the Oil of Olay yet but I don't think I will be using the Jergens anymore.





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I think Kitty asked if this actually tanned your skin or dyed it. Kitty my guess is it is just dying your skin since it turns an orangy color. I do know some self tanners actually chemicially tan your skin and others simply dye the skin. I have always heard the ones that turn your skin an orangy cast are just dying your skin.


I have always found too the ones that dye your skin seem to wear off when you go in clorinated water. Another reason why I don't like those self tanners.


All self-tanners have the same ingredient that chemically darkens your skin. The only variance is how much of the ingredient is in the product. The Jergens and Olay lotions have just a little self-tanner in them so the result is more sutble. I am not sure what you are referring to when you mention dyeing the skin - perhaps a bronzer? Some bronzers can stain the skin, thus lasting longer, but are not actually changing your skin like a self-tanner does. However, I have not ever heard of bronzers making your skin orange - it is usually self-tanners that have more of a reputation of being orangey. It is matters how your skin responds to the product, and the balance of ingredients in the product you use. You just have to find the one with the right amount of the tanning chemical for you.

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I just found some today at Uniprix here in Montreal. I have looked at every pharmacy, Zellers' and Walmart for the past week and finally found it. Not that they weren't selling it at any of these place but they were sold out. Don't know what part of Canada you live in but you should be able to find it. BTW...it cost $6.49 Cdn for a small tube.


I'm going to try it tonight to see how it goes on. Hope I don't turn orange....:)

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A product that I've been using to try and keep my tan is Neutrogena's "Build a Tan" both for face and body. It's very subtle, and at least on me, isn't orangey at all.


I use it about three times a week, and it's working quite well, as I tan easily, but seem to lose it just as fast. It has built in moisturizer, and I've never had a problem with streaking. And it doesn't have any sparkly stuff in it.


Also the face product actually has an SPF of 15, something you don't see in self-tanners very much. The only drawback is the smell, which while not totally unpleasant, does hang around, but that seems to be an issue with most of these products.

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Has anyone noticed an odor with the Olay product? I have used the jergens and noticed it did smell. Not terrible, but somewhat unpleasant. I wondered all day if other people could smell it!


You will get that gross saltine cracker smell with all self-tanners, though some more than others. I don't know if Olay Quench has a strong smell.


The best way to avoid wondering if others can smell it is applying it at night, giving it plenty of time to dry before going to bed, and then bathing in the morning. The smell should go away when you bathe and your tan should have developed by the next day. Just don't shave or exfoliate - it will quickly fade your new tan.

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All self-tanners have the same ingredient that chemically darkens your skin. The only variance is how much of the ingredient is in the product. The Jergens and Olay lotions have just a little self-tanner in them so the result is more sutble. I am not sure what you are referring to when you mention dyeing the skin - perhaps a bronzer? Some bronzers can stain the skin, thus lasting longer, but are not actually changing your skin like a self-tanner does. However, I have not ever heard of bronzers making your skin orange - it is usually self-tanners that have more of a reputation of being orangey. It is matters how your skin responds to the product, and the balance of ingredients in the product you use. You just have to find the one with the right amount of the tanning chemical for you.


Do a little research on it hon. I am not a genius and I am often wrong about things but I HAVE read up on this. there are TWO kinds of self tanners. One kind dyes your skin. The other there is a chemical reaction which does actually tan your skin. The second kind looks more like the "real thing."


Back in the 60's that coppertone stuff dyed your skin. I can remember my older sister and friends taking iodine and adding it to baby oil to "boost" their tans as that was the homemade coppertone and less expensive and just like the copertone stuff they would be a little orangy.


Another thing the ones that turn your skin orangy also when you go in heavily clorinated swimming pools your tan "fades" a whole much so you will find your tan gone after swimming just a little while. The clorine takes the dye off your skin.


I have used both kinds so I know what I am talking about. As the several of the posts have already said-some self tanners turn them orangy-some don't-that is why.


Now maybe there are better terms like bronzer and self tanner but I know I have bought the ones that just dye your skin by accident when I wanted the ones that chemicailly tan your skin. It seems to me they are the same price but one sures looks better on you after going swimming then the other.

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Just don't shave or exfoliate - it will quickly fade your new tan.


The reason why is shaving "fades your tan" is because you are using the kind that just dyes your skin. You are taking off the dye when shaving. If you use the chemicial self tanner that does not happen. I should know. I shave every day but only use the self tanner about twice a week.

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OK, I started using the Jergens Natural Glow on Monday of this week. I applied it twice a day after showering. Once in the morning and once in the evening. I am just doing my legs and feet at this point to see what happens. I will say that it took until Wednesday for me to notice any significant change, that was after 6 applications. I got the darker of the two shades. I am not orangey, just getting what I would call "sunkissed." I will continue to use the product on my legs thru Saturday twice a day and then go to the maintenance of every other day once a day at night. I will keep you posted.

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The reason why is shaving "fades your tan" is because you are using the kind that just dyes your skin. You are taking off the dye when shaving. If you use the chemicial self tanner that does not happen. I should know. I shave every day but only use the self tanner about twice a week.


Could you give me an example of a product that dyes your skin rather than tanning it? I have never heard of this before and I have always read in fashion magazines and beauty books that there is only one active ingredient in tanning products.


The reason shaving fades your tan is because shaving exfoliates the top layer of your skin. Self-tanner can only tan the top layer of your skin so if you shave soon after tanning, it will make your tan fade faster. If you moisturize regularly, it will make the tan last because you are not losing as many skin cells. This is what I have gathered from personal experience and reading about it. If you are a regular self-tanner, you have built up more of a base tan so shaving does not effect your results as much.

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Could you give me an example of a product that dyes your skin rather than tanning it? I have never heard of this before and I have always read in fashion magazines and beauty books that there is only one active ingredient in tanning products.


The reason shaving fades your tan is because shaving exfoliates the top layer of your skin. Self-tanner can only tan the top layer of your skin so if you shave soon after tanning, it will make your tan fade faster. If you moisturize regularly, it will make the tan last because you are not losing as many skin cells. This is what I have gathered from personal experience and reading about it. If you are a regular self-tanner, you have built up more of a base tan so shaving does not effect your results as much.


I did the 1960's coppertone stuff. I also remember buying some bargain stuff at Big Lots and I found out why it was a bargain. It was the stuff that dyed your skin. It was orangy looking and the "tan" was gone in less then 2 days time. I also know I goofed another time and bought some stuff like that the health food store of all places. (Paid WAY too much for it too) I had myself all "tan" when we went down to FL one year and as soon as I went into the hotel pool for like a 10 minute dip I came out and all of my "tan" was gone. It was after this that I read that magazine article in like Redbook or one of the other women's mags. It has been at least 10 years though since I read that but there they mentioned you should read the label of the product to see how it works to see if it chemicially tans your skin or if it is dying your skin.


Now that Bananna boat stuff is not that. I had streaked myself so much up last year with that I was wishing it had only been the dye. I was streaky looking for like 2 weeks before that awful tan faded. (I actually WORE hose in 95 degree weather to hide it) But it was a nice brown color. I tried it again recently mixing it with moisturizing lotion (as one of the posts mentioned) and liked it a lot better. So I guess I will use that tube after all.


Now that really works for me. I do not care about being super dark. My face and arms always tan fairly well on their own just being outside- but my legs don't as I do not sunbathe. All I want is a little color on my legs so they match my arms and face and I can go bare legged (no hose in 95 degree weather) and look decent.


That is why the Jergens and Olay quench are more the products for me-though I am sure if I went swimming the Jergens would be gone after a 10 minute dip. Another thing I noticed about the Jergens and the fact that it dyes your skin-is the pores on my legs are very obvious from using it. Now I know for sure that is a dye and not tan. A chemicial self tanner does not darken the pores.


Anyway I will use the Jergens up but I won't buy it again and I sure will not use it when I plan to go swimming. We are going swimming next wkend. So I probally will not use it anymore of it until after that.

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I finally found both at Walmart. Used the Jergens twice but I really can't stand that SMELL! It seems all self tanners have that awful smell that really stays with you!


I haven't tried the Oil of Olay yet but I don't think I will be using the Jergens anymore.






i didn't like the smell either...i also found that the jergens stuff made your skin feel a little sticky (kinda like you put too much bug spray on). I haven't tried the olay stuff yet...im gonna go to the store this weekend :)

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I did the 1960's coppertone stuff. I also remember buying some bargain stuff at Big Lots and I found out why it was a bargain. It was the stuff that dyed your skin. It was orangy looking and the "tan" was gone in less then 2 days time. I also know I goofed another time and bought some stuff like that the health food store of all places. (Paid WAY too much for it too) I had myself all "tan" when we went down to FL one year and as soon as I went into the hotel pool for like a 10 minute dip I came out and all of my "tan" was gone. It was after this that I read that magazine article in like Redbook or one of the other women's mags. It has been at least 10 years though since I read that but there they mentioned you should read the label of the product to see how it works to see if it chemicially tans your skin or if it is dying your skin.


Now that Bananna boat stuff is not that. I had streaked myself so much up last year with that I was wishing it had only been the dye. I was streaky looking for like 2 weeks before that awful tan faded. (I actually WORE hose in 95 degree weather to hide it) But it was a nice brown color. I tried it again recently mixing it with moisturizing lotion (as one of the posts mentioned) and liked it a lot better. So I guess I will use that tube after all.


Now that really works for me. I do not care about being super dark. My face and arms always tan fairly well on their own just being outside- but my legs don't as I do not sunbathe. All I want is a little color on my legs so they match my arms and face and I can go bare legged (no hose in 95 degree weather) and look decent.


That is why the Jergens and Olay quench are more the products for me-though I am sure if I went swimming the Jergens would be gone after a 10 minute dip. Another thing I noticed about the Jergens and the fact that it dyes your skin-is the pores on my legs are very obvious from using it. Now I know for sure that is a dye and not tan. A chemicial self tanner does not darken the pores.


Anyway I will use the Jergens up but I won't buy it again and I sure will not use it when I plan to go swimming. We are going swimming next wkend. So I probally will not use it anymore of it until after that.


Well, I don't know what to tell you. I believe you are mistaken about the dye thing, though it is possible that awhile back that was more common. The Coppertone product you are talking about is QT, I believe, and I have heard several places that this was a chemical self-tanner, just not a very good one.


I am positive that Jergens Natural Glow is not a dye. It is a chemical self-tanner. It just has a smaller amount of self-tanner in it. This is what everything I have read on this has told me. Also, if it were a dye, wouldn't the cream itself be colored rather than white, and wouldn't you develop color quickly? Jergens Natural Glow takes a few hours to develop, because the chemicals are changing the melanin in your skin.


The only reason I am arguing this with you is because I don't want other women reading this to be mistaken. The information you have is probably outdated. While I'm not saying there is no such thing as dyes masquerading as self-tanners, I don't think they are nearly as prevalent as you believe, and the Jergens product is most definitely not one of them.


Here is some information directly from the Jergens website:


Jergens® natural glow Daily Moisturizer is a great moisturizer containing the same moisturizing ingredients found in many other Jergens® lotions (examples: glycerin, petrolatum, mineral oil). The formula, containing color enhancing ingredients (dihydroxyacetone, or DHA, and Erythrulose), begins to subtly and gradually deepen your natural skin tone in a few days.


This product contains Erythrulose and dihydroxyacetone (DHA). Although DHA is found in common sunless tanners, Erythrulose is not typically found in common sunless tanners. Erythrulose is used in prestige department store brand facial sunless tanning products. Jergens® natural glow Daily Moisturizer contains a combination of DHA and Erythrulose to provide more natural-looking skin color than sunless tanners which typically contain only DHA.


Our research has optimized the combination of Erythrulose and DHA, so that they work together to subtly enhance and gradually deepen your natural skin color. Both Erythrulose and DHA provide deeper skin color through chemical reactions, called the Maillard Reaction. However, they deepen skin color at different rates of change and to different skin colorations. Both ingredients are safe for consumers for topical use.


If you want to find out more, I suppose you can do a Google search on Erythrulose and DHA. Anyhow, this product is not a dye, is a self-tanner. The reason you had a problem with losing your tan quickly is probably just because it is a more sutble tanner that you are supposed to build up over time.

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Here is my take on this product after two days use...


First of all, it goes on well and initially it doesn't smell too bad. It has a bit of perfumey smell to it. Once the perfume smell dissipates, it smells like a self tanner. I have been using it at night but the smell really stays with you. I wake up in the middle of the night and can smell nothing but....same with in the morning. If this is not a smell that bothers you then you will be fine.


I know that this is supposed to work with the chemicals in your skin, but to be honest, I thought my arms looked slightly orangey almost immediately after applying it. They were already quite tanned but I still saw some orange. I deliberately applied at night so that I could shower in the morning and remove a "layer". I have always done this with self-tanners, just find it looks more natural.


Well, after the second day of using the product, I took a shower in the morning as usual. I use one of the those bath spongy things on a rope which kind of sloughs your skin when using. I guess I did a pretty good job except for my lower legs (calves and shins). When I dried these areas, my towel was stained which gives me the feeling is that this is more of a dye than a self-tanner. I was not rubbing the towel hard, just regular drying and couldn't believe that the towel was stained. A slef-tanner would not come off on the towel like this. This was the only area of my body that caused a stain but again, I had sloughed everywhere else. Please note that even though I didn't slough my lower legs, I did wash with soap in hand.


Overall, it does leave a nice sun-kissed look but I'm not sure if I would buy it again. I would love to try the Olay Quench but have yet to find it in Montreal.

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I know that this is supposed to work with the chemicals in your skin, but to be honest, I thought my arms looked slightly orangey almost immediately after applying it.


That does not mean it is a dye. It is just not a self tanner that works well with your skin for some reason. Perhaps it is the Erythrulose ingredient, which I have never heard before, that makes this product orangey and/or come off easily in the pool, while shaving or towelling off, etc. However, the DHA in it means it is a self-tanner and with consistent use, will create a tan on your skin like any other self-tanner. It just may take more time. I am just inclined to think that because it is such a moisturizing base, you really have to give it time to absorb so it won't come off, and because it is meant to built up, you will not get a lasting and noticable tan until you use regularly it for a while.

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Well I am not going to argue either about it Herecomes the sun- first all QT is the more recent product-I AM TALKING about the product from back in the sixties and what it was. I have no idea how old you are but I am guessing you were not born then. I turn 51 next week. As I said I remember my older sister as a teenager (she is 56) taking baby oil and adding iodine to it to make her own coppertone. Both were GROSS, Coppertone turned you an orangy color or with the iodine/baby oil an icky yellow-brown tone.


I do know (I am guessing back in the early 80's) they came out with the chemicial tan stuff but if you did not read the labels you could goof and buy the stuff that dyed your skin as the stuff was still on the shelves in which you did not get a pretty "tan" but the orangish cr&*p.


Even as recent as about 10 years ago I have goofed. I was always trying a different brand trying to find a self-tanner that did not streak and everytime they came out with something "new and improved" I would try it. Then I just gave up and went to wearing capris instead of shorts and as the longer dresses were in at the time also I did not worry so much about my white legs.


The Jergens Natural Glow reminds me of that. Also since I have taken a couple of baths since the last time I used the stuff (today is Friday-I have not used it since Tuesday night) my pores no longer look dark.


Anyway the Olay Quench although it does not make you as dark- looks more like a real tan. I will either use that or continue using the Bananna Boat stuff mixed with moisturizer.


Bottom line is-no matter how the Jergens works-it does turn you orange-so I will not use it anymore.

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