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Cruising Feb 2014 - losing 100 pounds in the next 13 months!!


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It's so nice to hear your friendly voice, again.


My name is Pam. You must not have received an email message that I sent your way, where I introduced myself, since you don't know my name. No problem, but I thought I'd just introduce myself here.


I hate to admit that I'd probably agree with your daughter regarding the tofu! I've had a few bites, here and there, and can't say that I've enjoyed the texture or the taste. I have a theory that the reason I don't like it is because I'm not supposed to eat it (due to the thyroid), but I might just feel that way because my taste buds simply don't enjoy it.


I agree with you about the warmer weather and feeling so much better with the sunshine! Yeah, Spring!

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Hello :) I just found this section in cruise critic and thought i would say hello since i was reading it.


My name is Charlene. I use to weigh 277 lbs. Yes, crazy. Then i completely changed my lifestyle. I found myfitness pal. Counting calories is not for everyone but it was more than that for me. It allowed me to see how much i was eating/drinking, what choices were better ones, how many empty calories i was eating a day with no nutritional value. This was in February 2012 that i started this. Today? I weigh 159 lbs and my goal is only 14 lbs away. What did i change? I cut out all drinks besides water, i snack on fruits, i eat vegetables almost every night, i ate lean meats (chicken) often. The past few months ive gone to a much more veggie based diet and cut out meat but before that it was all chicken. And exercise wise? I have 2 small children (2 and 3 yrs old), i dont have much time to exercise but i walk. We walk together. If its cold out then we hit the mall or something like that. Jog in the yard. The little things add up. So, basically, i eat less and move more.


Just wanted to share my story in hopes it could possibly motivate someone. Good luck, its worth every second :)

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Yes, I know it is an ambitious goal but nobody every achieved something wonderful by attempting to do something that was just OK. Ten years ago I planned a cruise to celebrate my 20th wedding anniversary and lost 40 pounds in six months. Unfortunately, I have gained that 40 and another 20 in the last 4 years.


Thinking about my 30th wedding anniversary next month really scares me. I know that I won't get another 30 years with the most wonderful man in the world unless I get this weight off. Although I don't have any additional health concerns right now, I know that with a family history of high blood pressure, cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes that my time is coming if I don't do something now.


I saw Lyn-Genet Recitas on the Dr. Oz show and downloaded her book THE PLAN: Eliminate the Surprising "Healthy" Foods That Are Making You Fat and Lose Weight Fast. What she said made a ton of sense so I started following "The Plan" and have lost 4.5 lbs in 5 days. After the three day cleanse, I have felt great and can't hardly eat all of the food. I'm not hungry and almost forgot to eat my chocolate tonight. :)


We have scheduled a 10 day cruise aboard the Celebrity Equinox that leaves Feb 21, 2014. Our 31st anniversary will be 2/27/14. I want to get to my goal weight before we leave. I know I can do this but I need all of the encouragement and accountability that I can get!


Let's work together to reach our goals!!!


Im doing the exact same thing for the exact same time frame, we are cruising next February on EOS will have a break in weight loss venture of course for our Oasis cruise in August but im sure I will make my goal :D

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Hello :) I just found this section in cruise critic and thought i would say hello since i was reading it.


My name is Charlene. I use to weigh 277 lbs. Yes, crazy. Then i completely changed my lifestyle. I found myfitness pal. Counting calories is not for everyone but it was more than that for me. It allowed me to see how much i was eating/drinking, what choices were better ones, how many empty calories i was eating a day with no nutritional value. This was in February 2012 that i started this. Today? I weigh 159 lbs and my goal is only 14 lbs away. What did i change? I cut out all drinks besides water, i snack on fruits, i eat vegetables almost every night, i ate lean meats (chicken) often. The past few months ive gone to a much more veggie based diet and cut out meat but before that it was all chicken. And exercise wise? I have 2 small children (2 and 3 yrs old), i dont have much time to exercise but i walk. We walk together. If its cold out then we hit the mall or something like that. Jog in the yard. The little things add up. So, basically, i eat less and move more.


Just wanted to share my story in hopes it could possibly motivate someone. Good luck, its worth every second :)





You are VERY motivating! That is awesome. I am sure that you have much more energy for playing with your children (fun exercise).


You are right, counting calories doesn't work for everyone but I still love my fitness pal. It really makes it easy to make better choices, especially when you are eating out or wanting an indulgence.


You have done what many "calorie counters" fail to do; you have totally changed your lifestyle and adopted new habits. Hopefully you are able to incorporate many into your toddlers lives as well. What you are doing could stay with them for life and establish healthy eating habits forever.


I am so glad that you decided to introduce yourself and post, please hang around. I want to help you celebrate when you hit your goal!



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Im doing the exact same thing for the exact same time frame, we are cruising next February on EOS will have a break in weight loss venture of course for our Oasis cruise in August but im sure I will make my goal :D




Welcome! Please feel free to post as often as you like. Are on on Lyn-Genet's Plan or another weight loss program? How long have you been doing it? How are you doing/feeling?


How exciting to have 2 cruises on the horizon! Hang around, I am sure we can help each other to meet our goals!



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Weight: 229.5

Loss: -12.0


Last week was incredibly busy. DH is an over the road truck driver (for 22 yrs)who owns his own truck. He has been driving his 1998 Peterbilt (named Sally) since 2000 and finally broke down and upgraded last week. It has been a tough decision because she is like part of the family - he knows her inside and out and can list every new part on her. I think she is on her 3rd motor. Anyway, the DOT and leasing company have been getting more and more nit picky and we just had to get a newer truck.


He flew from NY to TX to pick up the 2007 Freightliner that he had found on his last run to Houston. He got home with her on Thursday night. She is red and we have christened her Lucy in honor of Lucille Ball. I am really hoping she will be more entertaining than temperamental. We spent all weekend transferring all of his old stuff from Sally over to Lucy. Thankfully we were also able to do a great deal of purging. The newer model truck qualified him for a dedicated run from VA to NY every week. Since he will be home every weekend, he no longer needs to carry half of our house with him (or 150 movies)! The best part of the new truck is that he now has an APU/generator unit that will run his refrigerator & microwave.


I sent him out last night with salad and fruit, grilled chicken, stuff to make turkey wraps. Water, Powerade zero, and Atkins shakes & bars for emergencies. This will be much better for his weight loss and pre-diabetes than trying to find good options at truck stops.


There are 3 other advantages to him being home every weekend.

1. I get more time with my sweetie:D

2. Since he is home more frequently, he won't be requesting special indulgences like gravy & biscuits

3. Because I KNOW he will be home on the weekend, I can plan the menus in advance that will work for both of us.


I will utilize meal plans that have more nuts and seeds in them during the week since he can't have those with the diverticulitis. I got a new diabetic cookbook this week so that I can find recipes that are more compatible for both of our plans to use on the weekend.



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Good morning! Great job everyone and keep up the good work. I started my weight loss journey about 7 months ago weighing 198 pounds. Today, I am 137 pounds. My goal is 125. I started with the MCD to detox and followed up with healthier eating and exercise. Persistence and dedication do pay off :)

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Thank you Carla!


Feel free to add me on MFP if you would like! I have some before/after pics and try to motivate my friends as much as possible :) Sweetpea129 is my username :)

Charlene - Thanks for sharing your story and Congratulations! Your before and after pics are amazing. How long do you exercise per day?

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Charlene - Thanks for sharing your story and Congratulations! Your before and after pics are amazing. How long do you exercise per day?


Thank you!


I would say maybe about 30-45 min a day. Some days its longer but then some days we stay inside all day. I have found that 95% of my success has just come from watching what I eat. I do want to get into weight training, though, and am thinking of starting that when we come back from our cruise next week. I use to be so focused on the number on the scale but now that i'm more comfortable with that number I think its time to start going by the way my body looks.


And congrats to you, that is an amazing accomplishment!! 60 lbs in 7 months- GO YOU!!

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Thank you!


I would say maybe about 30-45 min a day. Some days its longer but then some days we stay inside all day. I have found that 95% of my success has just come from watching what I eat. I do want to get into weight training, though, and am thinking of starting that when we come back from our cruise next week. I use to be so focused on the number on the scale but now that i'm more comfortable with that number I think its time to start going by the way my body looks.


And congrats to you, that is an amazing accomplishment!! 60 lbs in 7 months- GO YOU!!

Thank you! My next step is some major toning. Our cruise leaves on Sunday out of Baltimore so hopefully the weather at sea won't be bad and I can get some walking in.


Does anyone know if there is a fee to use the gym?

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Thank you! My next step is some major toning. Our cruise leaves on Sunday out of Baltimore so hopefully the weather at sea won't be bad and I can get some walking in.


Does anyone know if there is a fee to use the gym?


Um, the pride?! We're on the same cruise?!!! Awesome!!!


And yes there is a gym :)

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I hope you guys have great weather and a wonderful time on your cruise!!!


Having a great day here. Down to 226.5 this morning, that's 15 in total. I am really looking forward to breaking the 225 barrier.


Found an awesome "ice cream" treat on Pinterest.


Combine 1 frozen banana & 1 tablespoon of peanut butter in a blender until smooth - AH MAZING!!


About water


Health benefits of water: Water is your body's principal chemical component and makes up about 60 percent of your body weight. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.


Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don't have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you tired.


How much water do you need?

Every day you lose water through your breath, perspiration, urine and bowel movements. For your body to function properly, you must replenish its water supply by consuming beverages and foods that contain water.


So how much fluid does the average, healthy adult living in a temperate climate need? Take your weight in pounds and divide it by 2 - that is the amount in ounces that you need to drink every day.


Does it really have to be water? No, as long as it does not contain alcohol or caffeine then it can be counted. However, extra fluids should be added for exercise, hot weather, and when caffeine or alcohol are consumed. It can seem a bit intimidating to drink all of that water. This is how I do it.


1. I wake up thirsty so it is pretty easy to drink 16 oz of water.

2. I make a cup of dandelion root tea while the coffee is brewing. 12 oz

3. 8 oz water before I can have my coffee

4. 8 oz water between cup 1 & 2 of coffee

5. 16 oz water with lunch

6. 32 oz water in afternoon

7. 16 oz water with dinner

8. 16 oz between dinner & 9pm

7. 12 oz cup herbal tea


I gave up diet sodas in January when I eliminated artificial sweeteners from my diet. I used to drink between 1 & 2 pots of coffee per day. I now limit it to 2 or 3 cups in the morning and make sure that I drink water before each cup. The only meal that I don't drink water with is breakfast because I have coffee with that one. Now that it is warmer weather, I find that it is extra easy to drink my water.

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Holding steady at 226.5 or -15.0


Struggling for the past few days. I have been having an absolutely horrible time with insomnia. I go to sleep and rest well for 2-3 hours, then I wind up awake for 3-4 hours before I can go back to sleep. This is making me crazy. Absolutely no coffee today, took my meds early afternoon and made sure I did my workout early in the day. Here's praying I can sleep through the night.


Pork - the other white meat


I ran across a sale on pork loin last week and managed to make it 3 days in a row without feeling like we were eating the same thing. The family was happy with the different meals so I thought I would share. Chicken & fish can get tiresome.


Grilled pork loin chops w/baked sweet potatoes & steamed sugar snap peas

Pork fajitas made w/grilled pork loin, red & green peppers & onions, seasoned w/cumin, garlic, salt, pepper & cayenne

Spicy Pork kung pao w/peanuts over steamed rice and broccoli

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Yes, I know it is an ambitious goal but nobody every achieved something wonderful by attempting to do something that was just OK. Ten years ago I planned a cruise to celebrate my 20th wedding anniversary and lost 40 pounds in six months. Unfortunately, I have gained that 40 and another 20 in the last 4 years.


Thinking about my 30th wedding anniversary next month really scares me. I know that I won't get another 30 years with the most wonderful man in the world unless I get this weight off. Although I don't have any additional health concerns right now, I know that with a family history of high blood pressure, cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes that my time is coming if I don't do something now.


I saw Lyn-Genet Recitas on the Dr. Oz show and downloaded her book THE PLAN: Eliminate the Surprising "Healthy" Foods That Are Making You Fat and Lose Weight Fast. What she said made a ton of sense so I started following "The Plan" and have lost 4.5 lbs in 5 days. After the three day cleanse, I have felt great and can't hardly eat all of the food. I'm not hungry and almost forgot to eat my chocolate tonight. :)


We have scheduled a 10 day cruise aboard the Celebrity Equinox that leaves Feb 21, 2014. Our 31st anniversary will be 2/27/14. I want to get to my goal weight before we leave. I know I can do this but I need all of the encouragement and accountability that I can get!


Let's work together to reach our goals!!!



Hello - I just found your thread and you inspired me - I will also go on a cruise on Feb 22, 2014... on the Oasis -- so I want to lose weight =perhaps 60#... I haven't read all the postings yet and will do so - our anniv is a month before so we will be celebrating our 38th wedding anniv on our Oasis cruise - I also want to be a decent dress size, perhaps a 12 or 14... right now I am an 18, or 1X -

I am Carol and live in CA = it's going to be a real challenge because I will be leaving for Hawaii on May 19 for 3 weeks - however, I will be with my cousin who is very health conscience and she walks everyday - she will help me -

Thank you for starting this thread -


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Weight: 229.5

Loss: -12.0


Last week was incredibly busy. DH is an over the road truck driver (for 22 yrs)who owns his own truck. He has been driving his 1998 Peterbilt (named Sally) since 2000 and finally broke down and upgraded last week. It has been a tough decision because she is like part of the family - he knows her inside and out and can list every new part on her. I think she is on her 3rd motor. Anyway, the DOT and leasing company have been getting more and more nit picky and we just had to get a newer truck.


He flew from NY to TX to pick up the 2007 Freightliner that he had found on his last run to Houston. He got home with her on Thursday night. She is red and we have christened her Lucy in honor of Lucille Ball. I am really hoping she will be more entertaining than temperamental. We spent all weekend transferring all of his old stuff from Sally over to Lucy. Thankfully we were also able to do a great deal of purging. The newer model truck qualified him for a dedicated run from VA to NY every week. Since he will be home every weekend, he no longer needs to carry half of our house with him (or 150 movies)! The best part of the new truck is that he now has an APU/generator unit that will run his refrigerator & microwave.


I sent him out last night with salad and fruit, grilled chicken, stuff to make turkey wraps. Water, Powerade zero, and Atkins shakes & bars for emergencies. This will be much better for his weight loss and pre-diabetes than trying to find good options at truck stops.


There are 3 other advantages to him being home every weekend.

1. I get more time with my sweetie:D

2. Since he is home more frequently, he won't be requesting special indulgences like gravy & biscuits

3. Because I KNOW he will be home on the weekend, I can plan the menus in advance that will work for both of us.


I will utilize meal plans that have more nuts and seeds in them during the week since he can't have those with the diverticulitis. I got a new diabetic cookbook this week so that I can find recipes that are more compatible for both of our plans to use on the weekend.




Hi Carla been a little wile since I posted still holding on at 231 UGGG!




BF drives and white international her name is SNOW BALL ;) are old one was a red international named RED ROCKET after a episode of family guy LMAO! that episode was hillarious. o ya and the APU is a must have love that thing and it has help BF to stay on track with healthy eating also. It's so hard out on the road because finding healthy things to eat there is not many options at all.


ANY WHO.......I have been crazy lately went out for a management position did not get it and have been and emotional mess for about 2 weeks now. I have not been eating more but just emotionally drained and heart broken. I did get assistant manager but not were I want be. the women that got the job over me has not a quarter of my qualifications but that she is a kiss butt the only reason they could give me was that i am emotional WHAT EVER! no its just i love my job and I have a heart .


so all and all my eye is still on prize I am down 2 pants size feeling good about that. and life is good. what hurts us makes us stronger right now at the moment I am hurting but I know I will get past it.


Im so happy to see you are doing well. thats all for now take care



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I'm so glad you are here! It's all about being there for one another. How exciting to be going to Hawaii for 3 weeks, you will have an amazing time. It is amazing how much the people you are with will influence what you eat and your activity level. I am sure that being with a health conscious person will benefit both of you.


If you have read very many of my posts you will have noticed that I struggle with exercise. I know I need to do it but I hate it!! There is only one form of exercise that I actually like.....tourism. Put me in any new city and I will happily walk miles exploring the new territory :) My problem is that I don't have the time or the money to stay on permanent vacation. Seriously, I have been doing better, hiking with my dogs is sort of fun. I have added weights to my workout which isn't fun at all but I like the results so I keep doing it.



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I understand because I have always been an emotional eater too. It is really easy to get down on yourself when you suffer such a disappointment. I know you are a great person and you will get past this.


You said you got the asst manager position instead of the manager's spot so it sounds like you got a promotion but it just wasn't your ultimate goal. An assistant is the "right hand" position to the manager, look at it as the opportunity to prove that you are ready for the next step when it becomes available again. I have been passed over for positions that I just "knew" I was ready for and been thrown into the deep end on ones that I was totally unprepared for. I know it is difficult but it can be much better for you and your career in the long run. When you love your job it really shows in your performance. Relax and let it shine! :)


Big congrats on being down 2 pants sizes, that is AWESOME!!!



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Hello Ashley =

and Hello Carla:

I see you will be on the Equinox next yr - we were on the Silhouette when it was new Nov 2011 and we loved it - we have only been on 2 Celebrity ships, the Infinity (Alaska cruise) and the Silhouette and one Princess sailing (also Ak cruise), the other almost 40 sailings have been on Royal Caribbean - we started cruising in 1988 and got hooked then and haven't stopped --

We also do land trips and this one in Hawaii is just that - I love Hawaii so much that I want to be ON LAND and not on a cruise - we try to go to Hawaii twice a yr and since hubby Narce won't be with me, it will be easier NOT to eat so much - he loves to eat while we are on vacation but he can lose weight so fast while it lingers for years on me - I think his weight loss goes directly on ME...ha!ha! We were just there in Feb but I got sick and didn't eat for 3 days, so that was ok for me!! He will be in Africa same time as I am in Hawaii -- it's a guy thing, photo shoot, hiking in the wilds, just taking in the territory.. first time for him but 2nd time for some of the others -

today I didn't eat any sweets- that's my downfall - candy and stuff like potato chips, corn chips, crackers, cakes, cookies, you name it, it goes in my mouth! I had a 1/3 of a beef burrito (leftover) and then a good portion of chicken breast and steamed carrots for dinner (good portion meaning it wasn't a lot but more than enough so I am not craving for more - I am trying to eat normal things so that I don't crave and go overboard... just NOT as much-

and Yes, I am very bad about exercising - my favorite is my sta. bike ... which I need to get on regularly when I return.

makes it easier when I can talk about this--- dieting I mean.


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After a temporary bump of a devastating 3 pound gain on Tuesday morning, due entirely to Mother's Day festivities that ran from Saturday to Monday, I am back to my 226.5 weight of last week. Hooray!!! Although there were lots of extra carbs involved, I knew the main culprit was the sodium intake. It is unbelievable how that affects me!


Now to my amazingly awesome moment................I realized yesterday that I can pull my favorite jeans up and down without unzipping or unbuttoning them!!! I knew they had been getting progressively more loose in the behind but I never dreamed they were that loose. I would say that it is time for new ones but now that it is warmer weather I mostly live in elastic waist capri pants so I can hold off for a good while.


I also spent about 2 hours washing & prepping fruits and veggies yesterday so that they are ready to use. I made up numerous baggies of my veggie mix and fruit mixes for juicing/smoothies. No excuses now!!


I am going to do new measurements on Monday the 20th and am starting a new workout that day too. I got a fluidity bar as one of my Mother's Day gifts. I am really hoping that this will be the "one" that I love, instead of just tolerating.:D

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