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Very Poor Response and Customer Service From Carnival. Please read..


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Listen, I think when the situation arose, CCL did the best that they could. Apparantly, the crew was unbelievable. They definitely could not transfer people off the ship. It was a bad situation that lasted a very long time.


However, I have a few questions:

1. Was the ship in 100% safe condition upon sailing? This is questionable.

2. Shouldn't there be more safeguards in place when this does happen, such as more generators etc...

3. C'mon, $500 and a free cruise? Weak!! Yea, I know you sign something that says you can't sue CCL. But, the last thing CCL wants is to lose the trust of people.

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Just got off the phone with Carnival. I called inquiring about cancelling our two cruises that are fully paid for. Wanted to know what our options were.


Due to the Triumph issues I agree accidents happen, but DON"T agree with the way they handled it. They could of brought another ship out there to get the passangers off.


So I called to see what Carnivals attitude towards upcoming passengers. Its not good.


If you paid for your cruise they are NOT offering refunds. Its a Triumph issue not a Victory or a Liberty issue is there response.


I was told as far as compensation to future passengers, there has not been any brought out to this point.


So in a nutshell, if your unsure about the cruiseline or have concerns about the response, your SOL.


Im booked in two weeks on the Victory then right after on the Liberty. They don't care about loyalty, they just want the money!:(


What I am having a hard time with is this, I am not booked on a ship that is affected by the situation created with the Triumph and the future cruises on the Triumph, so why should I expect something?


What happened on the Triumph is horrible, and how horrible will vary from passenger to passenger, but to think I should "profit" from their situation is unrealistic.


A plane crashes, I do not hear of airlines refunding money on future flights simply do to the crash. A train derails, again, no refunds based on the derailment. The car down the street gets a flat tire, I do not get a refund on the tires I have purchased. The zipper breaks on my neighbors jeans, I will not get a refund or discount on jeans.


While each of the above examples are similar to apples and oranges, the philosophy is the same. Accidents will happen, but it is not an automatic refund/discount generator.



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Yes, I was on the Triumph. It was a girlfriend cruise.


I am now home, and have my swollen feet propped up.


I leave in 12 days for my family trip on the Carnival Conquest.


I know bad choices were made, and the company will correct themselves accordingly. Just as other businesses have.


I love cruising.


This was a 5 day oceanic camping trip - mis fortunate adventure - following a 'brilliant' 3 day cruise!!


I was frustrated at times.


ex: after standing in line for a hamburger for 3 hours and the power going out and shutting down the grill when I was a mere 8 people away from a delicious greasy burger fix -- after standing in line and seeing food portions run out - and so much WASTE of those who took way more then they could eat...


I was so happy at times.


Welcome to Deck 7 !!! as we moved from our tent camp on deck 10 to the elevator area below the buffet on deck 9 and above the working restrooms on deck 5 !!


I met some wonderful people and new friends.


I bonded with my friends and cabin mates over red bag humiliating moments...


I met some awful sour attitude people who just want to sue Carnival.


At sometime, you have to take responsibility for yourself.


People fly and get stuck when issues arrive...

People rent cars that break down....

People fall off mountains when climbing them.... or skiis and break legs....


Life Happens! SHIP HAPPENS !!!


Carnival Conquest here I come - again - and someone had better make sure I get a GUYS BURGER !!!!!!!! Or you will certainly find me in the fetal position with my thumb in my mouth whimpering......


I requested our rooms be moved from inside cabins to balcony rooms.

I requested our dining be changed from late to early (tried late for first time on Triumph and decided it is not for us, when I called they said it was too late) and I requested the booze be removed from our kids cabin.


I didnt ask for choco berries, or free champaign, or to be carried aboard on a surf board with the ship horns sounding.....


I hope John Heald will help me - in the least adjoining cabins with windows would be good - our cabin had a window but the kids do not - being in the pitch dark was something that bothered me - when I had to enter the room I just kept feeling like someone had snuck into the room and was hiding when I entered and it made me jumpy. (we would have to leave our door jammed open cause of the smell and raw waste on the floor)


Again, Ship Happens. I just hope Carnival rebounds by changing and building a stronger more reliable company that families can once again come to trust and enjoy as my family has in the past.


Bahamas here we come!





I saw this post on another thread. What an attitude to have! I had to share. "Ship Happens" lol "A five day oceanic camping trip...following a brilliant three day cruise." And to think there are those who weren't even on the Triumph nor were they affected by it, asking for a handout. Unbelievable! If you don't want to cruise again, fine! More room for the rest of us who just want to have a good time. If I were to quit doing something every time I had a bad experience, I'd be stuck at home living a very boring life. At home not sitting in my favorite chair, of course. Because I've fallen out of it before! LOL :)

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Just got off the phone with Carnival. I called inquiring about cancelling our two cruises that are fully paid for. Wanted to know what our options were.


Due to the Triumph issues I agree accidents happen, but DON"T agree with the way they handled it. They could of brought another ship out there to get the passangers off.


So I called to see what Carnivals attitude towards upcoming passengers. Its not good.


If you paid for your cruise they are NOT offering refunds. Its a Triumph issue not a Victory or a Liberty issue is there response.


I was told as far as compensation to future passengers, there has not been any brought out to this point.


So in a nutshell, if your unsure about the cruiseline or have concerns about the response, your SOL.


Im booked in two weeks on the Victory then right after on the Liberty. They don't care about loyalty, they just want the money!:(


It would totally impossible to transfer people from one ship to another. Obviously you have never been at sea when they had to transfer someone to another ship. It is quite dangerous.

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I asked my brother, a former Navy Officer, what would have happened if this were a Navy ship, and he replied, without hesitation, another ship should have pulled up alongside and provided generator power to keep everything working, and another ship would have provided all the food supplies necessary to keep everyone happy.


Carnival is a HUGE corporation. If they are incapable of providing for the safety and comfort of passengers in an incident such as this which should have many contingencies already in place, then it should NOT BE IN BUSINESS.


If I sound angry, it is because this corporation WHICH ALSO OWNS COSTA is a blight on the entire industry.


The entire cruise industry is going to have to work to overcome this PR disaster


My son is in the Navy & on a mine ship. He said they have had fires on their ship & been without power in the Persian Gulf for several days & they did not have another ship come to their rescue.

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I asked my brother, a former Navy Officer, what would have happened if this were a Navy ship, and he replied, without hesitation, another ship should have pulled up alongside and provided generator power to keep everything working, and another ship would have provided all the food supplies necessary to keep everyone happy.


Carnival is a HUGE corporation. If they are incapable of providing for the safety and comfort of passengers in an incident such as this which should have many contingencies already in place, then it should NOT BE IN BUSINESS.


If I sound angry, it is because this corporation WHICH ALSO OWNS COSTA is a blight on the entire industry.


The entire cruise industry is going to have to work to overcome this PR disaster


As with others, you are allowed to have your opinions concerning the ... image ... a business reflects on their industry. However, is not comparing the Navy to a cruise line similar to comparing apples and oranges.



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Just read all of the posts on this thread and had a good giggle:D

I now have visions of grandma zip lining onto a rescue ship ... multiple life boats full of over stuffed peeps trying to balance their laden buffet plates whilst bobbing around in the gulf, and the bar flies yelling profanities :eek: from the POOP deck (s) as they sip on margharitas ....

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Just got off the phone with Carnival. I called inquiring about cancelling our two cruises that are fully paid for. Wanted to know what our options were.

Due to the Triumph issues I agree accidents happen, but DON"T agree with the way they handled it. They could of brought another ship out there to get the passangers off.

So I called to see what Carnivals attitude towards upcoming passengers. Its not good.

If you paid for your cruise they are NOT offering refunds. Its a Triumph issue not a Victory or a Liberty issue is there response.

I was told as far as compensation to future passengers, there has not been any brought out to this point.

So in a nutshell, if your unsure about the cruiseline or have concerns about the response, your SOL.

Im booked in two weeks on the Victory then right after on the Liberty. They don't care about loyalty, they just want the money!:(



So I guess by your reasoning if a fire were to occur in your home the construction firm who built your home should pay for your home and also buy back any home they have ever sold that is still in existence? ARE YOU CRAZY????? And YOU don't seem to be very damm loyal so there is no reason for Carnival to care about YOUR loyalty. There has been no evidence submitted to suggest that Carnival was in any way negligent in the way they maintain their ships or in their responce to this emergency so the refunds and perks they have given to those on board Triumph during this accident have been given only because of Carnivals concern for thier customers.

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They are in the gulf buddy not the open ocean.. And the waves are low..

I've been in the Gulf in 12 to 18 ft. seas . I've also been on a Cruise ship that ran aground in Nantucket sound in very calm water . They tried to evacuate us on large ferries and found it too dangerous after smashing whole row of windows on the ferry.



You have no idea of what you are talking about

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I feel sorry for some of the people that post on this board who have such a low level of intelligence, walking around in this society, to think much else could have been done to expedite the people back to the U.S. Could they have made life aboard somewhat better? Most likely. Will they compensate those who have a claim for losses? Probably.


Do alot of Americans get sucked into the "Nanny State", sue first and ask questions later mentality? I was inconvenienced in life therefore I should be given a free ride/compensated beyond reason? Absolutely. And its disgusting.

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Its not the point about the fire.... Who cares about that. If the ship is stranded at sea, in this day of age they could of brought another ship and a transfer boat. I do not buy this crap that its to dangerous to transfer from one ship to another. They do it all the time!



WAH :confused:


People had to endure some rough conditions for a few days. Everyone is back home, safe, and unharmed. You had the CEO go on national TV and say "We failed" it's not like they are covering it up, they screwed up at delivering a great experience. If anything, all of their cruise ships are safer today than before this happened.


It probably would have taken them just as long to get another ship out there, transfer everyone, their luggage, and sail back.. Provided they had another huge ship just sitting empty somewhere staffed and waiting which isn't very likely. Even if they did, sure we'll drop a mile of chain and anchor right here so we can unload? Deploy the lifeboats? I'm pretty sure those are reserved for an emergency situation, IE the ship sinking. I'd sure as hell rather be on a cruise ship in the middle of the gulf than a tiny ass lifeboat with 75-100 other people sitting in my lap. You're out of your mind. Go cancel your cruises and stay home so you can complain about everything there. :rolleyes:

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I feel sorry for some of the people that post on this board who have such a low level of intelligence, walking around in this society, to think much else could have been done to expedite the people back to the U.S. Could they have made life aboard somewhat better? Most likely. Will they compensate those who have a claim for losses? Probably.


Do alot of Americans get sucked into the "Nanny State", sue first and ask questions later mentality? I was inconvenienced in life therefore I should be given a free ride/compensated beyond reason? Absolutely. And its disgusting.



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The logistics of transfering 3000+ people from one ship to another at sea with all thier luggage is a disaster wating to happen, first the ships are at at great depth unlike being at a port anchored and anchoring is not an option, second the water would have to be extreamly calm for people to board a transfer boat safely, I am ex-navy and have boarded small boats from an anchorage in semi rough water, and it is tricky even for someone that is young and agile. And finaly, do you think that any cruise line is going to have a spare ships stationed around all the areas that they cruise to come to your rescue to pick you up. Do you think they are going to take a ship that is at max compacity all ready to take on double capcity to rescue you when they only have food for the passanges that are allready onboard. Carnival did exactly what they where supose to do.

Now let not forget that the crew still has to stay and clean up the mess left behind and while you where up in tent city above deck the crew had to stay below decks and sleep in the heat and stench when they where not awake tending to all the complainers on top.

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So I have caught myself daydreaming while reading these posts and I wonder; If moving to another ship had been an option would it have been mandatory? I know I wasn't on the ship and don't know first hand how horrible the conditions were, but I keep thinking how awesome it would be if the majority of the passengers took of to another ship and handful stayed behind. Help the crew clean up as much as possible one day and then have free reign of the ship the rest of the time. No long lines for food, free alcohol, I'm sure they would let you "upgrade" to a suite, first pick at deck chairs, and no sharing the few working bathrooms or powerstrips. While those that jumped on the other boat are sharing it with 2000-4000 other people.


Now I have to wonder if anyone did anything to help clean up the Triumph while on bored or if they just sat around griping because "that is not there job". I know that sounds crazy but me personally, I like my area clean. My DH thinks i'm crazy when I clean up our room, make the bed, wipe down counters, pick up trash in the hallways and wipe up fluids that I find on the floor. He is always saying I'm on vacation and there are people who get paid to do that but that is no reason not to clean up after yourself. So I probably would have went into overdrive on Triumph trying to fight boredom and would have requested a mob and cleaning supplies and tried to make the condition of the ship I was stranded on a little more tolerable. That would probably get you perks with the crew too! (I bet they didn't have 3 hour long waiting lines for food! "Mind if I join you for dinner after I get done cleaning this bathroom?" or "How about slipping me that half bottle of vodka?")

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Wow, were we surprised to hear, upon returning from our "extended" cruise just how much we suffered. News to us. Yes, it was frequently inconvenient and uncomfortable BUT our lives were not in danger and I honestly believe that Carnival handled most of the issues appropriately.

1. After day one, we had running water and could take (cold) showers and wash our hands consistently.

2. Not everyone was sleeping on the decks. We were in a balcony on Deck 9. Kept our door open, propped the cabin door open and had cross breezes as the air conditioning was not working.

3. By day 2 some power was restored and we had hot food, coffee(yeah!) and unlimited amounts of food and bottled water.

4. Carnival made arrangements for all of our flights home, had arranged for taxis fees and tips to be paid for on the way to the airport and had hotels rooms and meals ready for us in New Orleans. I don't expect the world from Carnival, they compensated us for our missed cruise, got me home and I'll cruise again. You, who nothing happened to, won't?


It's at times like these that I wish CC had a facebook "like" button. Glad you are home and in one piece!

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Wow, were we surprised to hear, upon returning from our "extended" cruise just how much we suffered. News to us. Yes, it was frequently inconvenient and uncomfortable BUT our lives were not in danger and I honestly believe that Carnival handled most of the issues appropriately.

1. After day one, we had running water and could take (cold) showers and wash our hands consistently.

2. Not everyone was sleeping on the decks. We were in a balcony on Deck 9. Kept our door open, propped the cabin door open and had cross breezes as the air conditioning was not working.

3. By day 2 some power was restored and we had hot food, coffee(yeah!) and unlimited amounts of food and bottled water.

4. Carnival made arrangements for all of our flights home, had arranged for taxis fees and tips to be paid for on the way to the airport and had hotels rooms and meals ready for us in New Orleans. I don't expect the world from Carnival, they compensated us for our missed cruise, got me home and I'll cruise again. You, who nothing happened to, won't?

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Wow, were we surprised to hear, upon returning from our "extended" cruise just how much we suffered. News to us. Yes, it was frequently inconvenient and uncomfortable BUT our lives were not in danger and I honestly believe that Carnival handled most of the issues appropriately.

1. After day one, we had running water and could take (cold) showers and wash our hands consistently.

2. Not everyone was sleeping on the decks. We were in a balcony on Deck 9. Kept our door open, propped the cabin door open and had cross breezes as the air conditioning was not working.

3. By day 2 some power was restored and we had hot food, coffee(yeah!) and unlimited amounts of food and bottled water.

4. Carnival made arrangements for all of our flights home, had arranged for taxis fees and tips to be paid for on the way to the airport and had hotels rooms and meals ready for us in New Orleans. I don't expect the world from Carnival, they compensated us for our missed cruise, got me home and I'll cruise again. You, who nothing happened to, won't?


Thank you for your great post !!! It is similar to many of the interviews that were on TV as people disembarked.


Of course, it seems that the media were disappointed that they didn't find many with gloom and doom stories, so thanks for a dose of reality !!!!:D:D

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