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Back from the Amazing Sun 11 Day Southern!


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Loving your review! We just booked a Pacific Coastal on the Sun, and we haven't been on her before. You are helping me get acquainted with her.


We have done two Panama Canal cruises and stopped in Cartagena both times. I enjoyed the city a great deal and would like to go back again. Thanks for a great, detailed review.

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I have been looking forward to going to Curacao for years. I have a good friend that lived there for a few years and the pictures of this port look so beautiful.


I have been watching the bridge webcam since the Sun came back to Miami in October and loved seeing the view in Curacao so I was really excited to pull into port and see the Queen Emma Bridge in front of us. Anticipation was high and we were on the balcony as we were coming into port, but wait, we are stopping short and the side thrusters are on! We aren't heading into town, but are docking in another area. Oh well, we can still see the beautiful bridge in the distance.


We had not made any plans in Curacao other than to walk around and see the port, see the pontoon bridge, cross it and head to the other side and go to a restaurant that was recommended by my friend.


Curacao is a beautiful port town. We were the only big ship in today and where we docked, we were in front of a beautiful complex that held a hotel and shops.


We got off after the rush and wandered into town and took a path that gave us a beautiful view of the ship. Stops for the obligatory pictures, and we ran into lots of crew that were either heading off, or were already coming back on. We headed through the shopping area near where we docked and went to see the pontoon bridge and instead of seeing it opening and closing, we found a crew of men working on it. It was currently not working :(, but we were able to take a ferry across to the other side. I was wondering if that was why we docked in a different location.


Considering we were the only big ship in, I was surprised at just how busy the town was. We wandered around, picked up a few things here and there and just enjoyed seeing the town. Both sides of the canal (not sure that is the right word for it) are really pretty and the people were very nice.


After a few hours, we stopped at a restaurant on the water and enjoyed a cold beer. It is a lovely spot to sit and people watch and also a great view for the marine traffic going through - tugs, freighters etc. There were also a lot of coast guard boats. While we were sitting there, the bridge started to close - Yeah!


So we were able to walk across the bridge on the way back. I am not sure what time we got back to the ship, but we headed up to Deck 12 to enjoy some sunshine.


When we went back to the room, there was a plate of canapes to snack on which was lovely - and way better than getting them at night after dinner!


Dinner tonight was Le Bistro. We had made reservations early on and this is one of our favourite restaurants. I have been dreaming of the mushroom soup for months! Between the 4 of us, we had escargot (delicious), mushroom soup (Amazing!), beef tenderloin (fabulous), and the chicken (awesome). The entire meal was so good and the service was wonderful.


After dinner, we were off to dazzles where we got the end of one of the shows (I think name that tune) then Soul came on. This band is really good, however, some of our group felt that the music was just too slow and they should pick it up a bit to keep the energy level a little higher. It couldn't have been the big meal we just ate - right;). I really liked them though, I thought they had a great sound and nice for a little slow dancin!


The day ended with a little quiet time on the balcony enjoying the sounds of the water and the stars in the sky. Another perfect day in paradise:).


More to follow....

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We did the same cruise as Bluejai and thoroughly enjoyed it! Was not crazy about the entertainment (not a 'Broadway/musical production' fan) or some of the 'cheesey' game shows...(remined me of Hi Dee Hi, Butlins and the Red Coats Ugh!). Fortunately the Entertainment is not such a big deal for me. That aside the cruise was a great experience and met our expectations in spades. We are thinking of next Feb/March already and may have to try Celeb or Princess as NCL's itinery in the Carribean is somewhat limiting, us having done most of it already ....but no Mega (over 2000 passengers or so) ships!:cool:

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We did the same cruise as Bluejai and thoroughly enjoyed it! Was not crazy about the entertainment (not a 'Broadway/musical production' fan) or some of the 'cheesey' game shows...(remined me of Hi Dee Hi, Butlins and the Red Coats Ugh!). Fortunately the Entertainment is not such a big deal for me. That aside the cruise was a great experience and met our expectations in spades. We are thinking of next Feb/March already and may have to try Celeb or Princess as NCL's itinery in the Carribean is somewhat limiting, us having done most of it already ....but no Mega (over 2000 passengers or so) ships!:cool:


I am with you on that! Dan and I really don't like the game shows, but my friend and her husband really like them. We would drop them off at Dazzles so they could watch them, we would wander a bit and then come back when they were over. We have seen the shows in Stardust and really had no desire to go back. There was usually a big crowd in the Atrium most evenings, and the few times we made it to the Observation Lounge it wasn't that busy. Not sure what we are going to do next year - we have always loved our time on the ship so the itinerary has been somewhat secondary (gasp! I know). We really felt that this year with having 5 sea days. At first I wasn't sure how we would make out with that many, but it turns out we loved them.

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I love Curacao! It has very beautiful beaches. When we were on the Star last year, the ship docked near the hotel complex, because guess WHO was docked near the bridge??? Yes, the Sun! :):)


That's funny! I'm thinking I will just have to go back to get that parking spot!:)

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I am with you on that! Dan and I really don't like the game shows, but my friend and her husband really like them. We would drop them off at Dazzles so they could watch them, we would wander a bit and then come back when they were over. We have seen the shows in Stardust and really had no desire to go back. There was usually a big crowd in the Atrium most evenings, and the few times we made it to the Observation Lounge it wasn't that busy. Not sure what we are going to do next year - we have always loved our time on the ship so the itinerary has been somewhat secondary (gasp! I know). We really felt that this year with having 5 sea days. At first I wasn't sure how we would make out with that many, but it turns out we loved them.



Agreed...we love the sea days as it compliments the primary reason (for us anyway) of getting away and doing....well, nothing! With the exception of 'Carta', we thought the itinery was great. We stayed on board for 'Carta' as to us it was just another huge city, exhaust fumes and all. Had the pools etc that day almost to ourselves...LOL. All in all a great trip....but could do without the seemingly endless PA calls for 'Bingo' sessions...e.g "And Bingo was his Name oh"! Heavy duty cringe factor!

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Well I have to tell you at this point in our journey, after three great ports, we were happy to have a pool day. In a seriousness, it was around this point that we determined that any decisions were just to much trouble :). The four of us would look at each other when discussing things like - where will we have dinner tonight - and the four of us had blank stares - Who Cares! It's freestyle baby! But it was a little crazy, talk about total relaxation.


The staff and crew take such good care of you on the Sun, I can't emphasize that enough. Regardless of where we were or what we were doing (or not doing!), we were treated amazingly.


So the sea day looked like the previous. Get up and have coffee on the balcony, then off to exercise. Deck 6 is really quiet at this point so we get our exercise in and up the 5 flights of stairs for water and a rest! Breakfast at the Great Outdoors and flop on the loungers on Deck 12! Ceasars delivered at the appropriate time (no, I won't say what time that was:D) and let the day begin!


Two of us attended the Weight Loss Hypnotist Seminar in the morning. He had been hypnotized years ago and was succesful in quitting smoking for 15 years. So, off we go to a session on weight loss and a group hypnosis session. The first 30 minutes or so were about weight loss in general and then he did the group hypnosis. Well, it couldn't have been 38 seconds and my friend sitting beside me is snoring like crazy. I couldn't believe how fast he went out. The session was pretty cool, I have never done anything like that and although I didn't go under, I certainly felt very relaxed at the end of it. I didn't think that was possible at this point. Terrance B (the hypnotist) offers his books and programs for sale - on a CD or on a USB stick. I can't remember the pricing but it was very reasonable. My friend bought the USB stick which has about 19 different programs on it as well as his book. Terrance also sells pedometers as part of his program as he talks about increasing your steps to 10K a day. The pedometer is $30.00.


So, back to the pool deck for some more R&R! We had received a bottle of the sparkling wine for being platinum and we took it up with us and changed it for a bottle of white wine and enjoyed that on deck.


Another note to mention - they offer a couple of morning poolside exercise options for a fee. One was a Aquafit class at 9:00am and the other was a Zumba class. I assume you would sign up for these in the fitness area. Gabi is the instructor and she seemed to put on a really good class.


Lunch was the poolside BBQ and some pizza from Moderno. The day was beautiful and sunny and another perfect day in paradise.


Dinner tonight was Teppanyaki. I forget when we made the reservations but it was a couple of days into the cruise and we ended up being able to get the 5:30 reservations. Although way too early for us for dinner (should still be nap time!), we really wanted to eat there so away we went for a very early dinner. There were only 8 of us but the show and the food were incredible.


A stop at the Java Cafe after dinner where 3 of the 4 enjoyed a specialty coffee (me, I can't lie - it was wine for me). It was getting busy in the Atrium as people were arriving for the entertainment that was scheduled there - Showband playing Dixieland.


The show in Dazzles was The music of Lionel Ritchie which we enjoyed alhough our friends didn't last through to the end. Most of the music was slow and they were falling asleep. Dan and I enjoyed the show, then afterwards it was off to the photo gallery. We hadn't made it there yet so it was like a scavenger hunt trying to find pictures.


Purchases made and it was back to the balcony for a little bit more R&R.


Coming up .... St. Maarten

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Can't wait to hear more! Feel like saying ARE WE THERE YET??!!!

We have seen the hypnotist on the Jewel.....Brenda Kaye. Went to her afternoon session and had a good nap. Didn't go under the spell since I was out before she even started! I think it was the gentle rocking of the ship in the Spinakker lounge and the lazy sunny sea day afternoon that did it for me.:D...zzzzzzzzzzzz.

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I loved St. Maartin! We were up early to watch coming into port and I think there were 4 or 5 cruise ships in port by 9:00am.


So, the morning starts out with a little breakfast at the Outdoor Cafe and then 3 of the 4 of us hook up after to talk about what our day will look like. Now, I have to confess that when we boarded 7 days ago, we already had planned out Cartagena and Aruba and thought we have lots of time before we hit St. Maartin to make plans. Now, here we are with no plans whatsoever. Worse, the 3 of us looked at each other and between the 3 of us, no one had any real ideas of what we wanted to do. I was up for a taxi and beach day but Dan thought that sounded like too much work :D. We had taken relaxation to a whole new level - or maybe it's just freestyle!


Anyway, our friends had to be out of their cabin between 9 - 2 as maintenance was doing some work so we decided at minimum we would get off and wander. The area at the port was nice but I admit to feeling like this couldn't be all we would do today. So, after talking to the nice lady at the Spice Shop, we boarded the ferry. I think it was $7.00 each return trip - and you could go back and forth as often as you wanted.


Here is one of the things that made me go uhmmm - we paid to board the ferry. There is a sign on top of the ferry advertising Diamonds International. We were given some type of coupons upon boarding. Then on the way over, we are given a commercial about Diamonds International over the loud speaker. Just a bit of an annoyance. Rant over.


When we get to Phillipsburg, it is awesome. As soon as you get off the ferry you can rent chairs and umbrellas right on the beach. Of course because it was too much trouble to go to a beach, we aren't prepared! There is a great boardwalk - with the beach and chairs on one side and restaurants on the other. Behind the restaurants (or one street up) is where the shops are.


We enjoyed a great walk along the boardwalk - vendors were selling stuff but weren't crazy in your face. We stopped at a restaurant that had wifi and enjoyed a cold beer or 2 while I tried to connect to send a note home. I never did get anything sent, but the beer was cold!


After, we went into town and wandered around, mostly to pick up a t-shirt for Dan. Dan buys a t-shirt everywhere we go. I was worried on this trip that he was going to have to leave some of his clothes on ship in order to meet the 50lb weight requirement for luggage!


At this point in the trip, I am shopped out. The only thing I bought the whole trip was some pandora charms for my family and myself, and 1 t-shirt. But I did enjoy wandering town. We ran into one of our favourite servers - Anabelle from Il Adagio. We met Anabelle last year when she worked in the Sushi/Teppanyaki and became fast friends. If you get to Il Adagio, tell her Dan & Jai (aka - JackDaniels) send big hugs! We visited with her for a bit then it was back home to the ship.


The afternoon was spent - yup you guessed it - up on Deck 12. During the afternoon, some dark clouds came by and we did get a bit of rain. Really though, it is St. Maartin, how bad could it be? The rain cooled things off a bit and then the sun came back out.


Our favourite servers were busy on deck - Kervin, Agus and Romwaldo. These guys were amazing and took great care of us.


We were supposed to leave at 5:00pm, but the captain made an announcement in the morning that we would be in port until 6:00.


Back to the cabin to nap and clean up for dinner. A lovely plate of goodies were waiting for us - awesome!


Dan slept and I enjoyed some quiet time on the balcony. As it neared 6:00 I watched some people running up the pier to the various ships. It had started to rain so perhaps some were delayed getting back. I think it was closer to 7:00 by the time we left. It was a beautiful sailaway. The lights on all the ships were on and the town was lit up. So beautiful. And, since there were lots of ships, there was lots of horn honking!


Dinner tonight was Moderno. Although Dan and I had been there earlier in the trip, our friends didn't so we headed back. Joey, the Assitant Maitre'D welcomed us with big hugs (we also met him last year) and it was another fabulous meal.


Here is the problem with having Moderno near the end of the cruise - clothes are starting to feel a litle (:eek:) tight. We paced ourselves and tried to behave but I have to say, by the end of the meal - kaboom! Was it worth it, yes! But, were were all done in and it was an early night tonight - more just to be able to get out of the tight clothes!


A little quiet time on the balcony and it was the end of another perfect day.


More to follow ...

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I tried twice to have my bottle of sparkeling wine exchanged for white. I've never had a problem in say the last 5 or so cruises. This cruise, they would NOT do it. Maybe I should have tried a 3rd time. Glad they did it for you. I just don't like sparkeling and don't really care for mimosas, which is what everyone suggests doing with the sparkeling.


Well, instead, I gave it to the kids crew staff about midway into the cruise. They enjoyed it:)

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I tried twice to have my bottle of sparkeling wine exchanged for white. I've never had a problem in say the last 5 or so cruises. This cruise, they would NOT do it. Maybe I should have tried a 3rd time. Glad they did it for you. I just don't like sparkeling and don't really care for mimosas, which is what everyone suggests doing with the sparkeling.


Well, instead, I gave it to the kids crew staff about midway into the cruise. They enjoyed it:)


That was so nice of you to give it to the crew! I had never done this before so I wasn't sure whether they would exchange it or not.

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We got back last night from the 11 day southern on the Sun. We had the most amazing time and I will definitely post a review. The ship was great, the staff and crew were absolutely wonderful and I can't imagine what could have made this a better cruise (other than still being there!).


We had a great M&G (thanks to DJMess!) and had a surprise visitor - Kevin Sheehan! He was on the ship for the first 3 days and we were all shocked when he came to the M&G and talked to the group.


Amazing trip, my most favourite ship and it just couldn't have been better.


Review to come!



I know!!

What a surprise, right????? !!!!:D

Whoda thunkit????


I only wish they would make future builds that were like the Sun. It's now my favorite ship too!! Best cruise I ever had. :)

Booked her again for next year :D

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Today we had to go through US Immigration so we were up early. We had a note in our cabin the night before telling us to meet in the lobby of Il Adagio and they would take us through (we were with the non-US group). After a short wait for custom and immigration people to get on board, we were taken directly into Four Seasons and we were through in no time. Amazing!


We went back out onto Deck 6 and saw an ambulance pull up. After a short while, they boarded and then they took someone off. Never heard any follow up but certainly hope the lady was ok.


We have been to St. Thomas often, and there were a lot of ships in port today. Instead of dealing with huge crowds, we took our time relaxing for a bit, then headed off around 10ish. Just a quick run to the drug store to get some coke and munchies, a little shopping for the kids and and a cold beer at the bar and we were back on board.


Today, like others, was spent enjoying Deck 12 and the pool. It was pretty quiet on board and very relaxing.


Dinner tonight was Il Adagio again, going to meet up with our favourite waitress Anabelle. This meal was better than the previous and enjoyed it very much.


We wandered around a bit after dinner, then off to Dazzles for bit before retiring. Oh, but up to the outdoor cafe for some chocolate chip cookies for Dan on our way back to the cabin.


2 sea days left and then we are back in Miami...

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Bluejai -


Love the review so far, can't wait for the last 2 chapters!



Did you happen to save the dailies from the cruise? Would love to see them if you did.


I was on this same cruise with Bluejai. I can save her a whole lot of time by refering you to this link. It is the 2/6/13 NCL Sun Roll Call where Noillid2 just posted all the dailies in post #2540. His was the 11 Day cruise right before ours.



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I was on this same cruise with Bluejai. I can save her a whole lot of time by refering you to this link. It is the 2/6/13 NCL Sun Roll Call where Noillid2 just posted all the dailies in post #2540. His was the 11 Day cruise right before ours.




Thank you!

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Thanks so much for your review. I'm enjoying learning about the Sun. We are booked for next March 17. So excited. It's our first Norwegian cruise.


Did you happen to eat at the Japanese restaurant? Is it hibachi style? Also, do you do the Pub Crawl with the staff?

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Today we had to go through US Immigration so we were up early. We had a note in our cabin the night before telling us to meet in the lobby of Il Adagio and they would take us through (we were with the non-US group). After a short wait for custom and immigration people to get on board, we were taken directly into Four Seasons and we were through in no time. Amazing!


Glad to hear you got through so quick! They were very slow last year with the non-US, it took my Canadian wife over an hour and one half to get through the process. We missed the ferry to St John due to this. US line was very quick, less than five minute wait.

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Wow, can't believe we are down to the last 2 sea days - or pools days as I like to call them. As I have said, this itinerary for us was so relaxing and the entire trip was fabulous.


As we are on our way back to Miami, the realities of going home are coming fast and furious - but the good news was we still had 2 days left! While in St. Thomas I was able to call home and new that all was well with everyone. We learned that there had been lots of snow, wind, and freezing rain while we had been gone. This just made us that much more determined to enjoy every second of the time we had left.


Both of the last days started out the same - up with coffee on the balcony, an hour on deck 6 and up 5 flights of stairs for water. 3 and a bit times around deck 6 is a mile and we would try to get around 10 or 11 times. There were some mornings we were a little slower than others - must have been the winds :D. Couldn't have anything to do with the food and drink from the day before! Deck 6 is perfect for a good brisk walk, especially as the days go by. There is a jogging track up on 13 but it is much smaller and if you are trying to jog, you are having to pass those that are walking. We also noticed there were a few using Deck 12 to get their walking in.


Because were at the last of the pool days, we knew it would be busy on deck so we got there early and enjoyed the morning sunshine. One of our group went to another of the hypnotists sessions this morning, this one was on stress. She said it a good session.


Day 9 was a beautiful sunny day but the captain had said that there was some weather ahead and he would be doing his best to get us around it. The most fun we had with that was the pool. I am sure you have all seen it when the pool turns into a gigantic wave pool. We had experienced this earlier in the cruise and security came and closed the pool that day. Today, there were probably 10 - 15 of us in the pool going back and forth with each wave. Truly it was so much fun and it was like a group of 8 year old kids playing, cheering with every wave. We saw security coming and hoped they would not close the pool (did it help that we all yelled is unison - No no no no!!! OMG it was fun and I am thinking some good exercise :)!


Knowing that we were closing in on Miami, I was determined to take an hour or so to try and get a handle on our packing. In total, we were away for 17 days. We had left Toronto on Feb 21 and headed to Miami. On the 22nd, we boarded the Sky for the weekend trip to Bahamas and then 2 days in Miami to wait for the Sun to come back. We boarded the Sun on the 25th. So, we each had the maximum weight in luggage and I needed to be sure we were able to get everything back in and be under the 50lbs.


So, glass of wine in hand, it was back to the cabin. The sun was shining in, the balcony door open and some great cruising songs on the IPod (we brought a docking station for the cabin) and I was good to take an hour to gitt'r done!


Back up to the pool deck to enjoy the poolside activities and the BBQ on deck. Life is good, what is not to enjoy about this!


For dinner tonight we decided to go back to where it all began, the Seven Seas and back to see Ray and Ling Ling who were our waiters on our first night. Again, they did a great job and as on the first night, Arnold the Maitre'D was all over the restaurant ensuring everything was being taken care of. They really did a great job in the MDR that evening, there was no wait for a table for 4 and the food and drink service was excellent.


After dinner, we wandered. Of course there are lots of things for sale everywhere and although we took some time to look, really there wasn't anything that jumped out at me (maybe because I knew with all the new t-shirts that Dan bought, I was dangerously close to our weight limit:D!)


The evening ended with a trip to Dazzles for a nightcap, and then back to the balcony to enjoy the rest of the evening. We had a near to full moon when we started the cruise and on our way down to Cartagena, we had it on our side, now on our way back, the moon was very small and the stars were absolutely incredible. How I wished I could capture it with my camera.


More to follow ....

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We had a near to full moon when we started the cruise and on our way down to Cartagena, we had it on our side, now on our way back, the moon was very small and the stars were absolutely incredible. How I wished I could capture it with my camera.


BlueJai, I remember the stars also. So beautiful and so many of them!

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