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#My1stCruise - My Date with Destiny Journal / Review

Are you planning on sailing on Sunshine?  

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Love that stunning blue water in Nassau. On our first cruise we went to the exact same beach and as I recall the water was very rough then as well. In one of your pics you can actually see the riptide and then the pic of you standing about knee deep, you are standing right on the edge of the riptide.


We now go to Junkanoo Beach which has a beautiful view of my favorite lighthouse and its walking distance. The water is nice and calm there and on the way to Junkanoo you would pass that market that eluded you and Senor Frogs as well! Just some info for you for next time! :)

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Tuesday, November 27th, 2012 – Day 2: Nassau, Bahamas


Formal Night in the MDR


Getting ready for formal night was a fun task – I hadn’t watched my mother apply her makeup since I was a child. I think she watched me with the same fascination I used to have while watching her get ready for work in the mornings. She asked if I would show her how to do a “smokey eye” and I promised I would before the cruise was over. Mother / Daughter moments like these were priceless throughout the entire cruise.







Headed to the Lido for Mom to grab a smoke…

We met up with Doug & Evelyn and were seated in the Galaxy Dining Room, requesting our server from the night before – Carla. As I said earlier, the hostesses were very nice and knew us by name by the 2nd night. I have a few food allergies that I let them know about when I booked the cruise – and every night the hostess came with the menu and asked if I had any questions/special requests. After dinner, she would return with the next night’s menu and make sure there would be something I would like / could eat. I felt like I had a big red X over my head (think about the Arby’s commercial) at first, but then I soon realized that it was for my safety and it was definitely appreciated.


Our server, Carla and her staff were beyond amazing. She went above and beyond to make us feel like family and worked diligently to anticipate our needs before we could even ask. Example – I was in love with the lemonade, and they kept a pitcher ready for me.



For Starters: Strawberry Bisque – I think this one of the best things I had the entire cruise. I was apprehensive to try it at first, but at the suggestion of another reviewer, I tried it and was amazed! I could’ve ordered another one for dessert.



For Starters: Farmer’s Fresh Salad



Main Entrée: Prime Rib

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We went to Key West, Grand Cayman and Montego Bay, Jamaica.


And of course I will!


Ahhh what a great itinerary! Jamaica is a "dream" stop for me. My cousins are returning there next month to celebrate their 5th wedding anniversary. It's been suggested to go to an All Inclusive resort there, but I think I may just consider the cruise port for the time being :)




Oh wow!!! Thank YOU!!! And here I thought I was posting too many photos, thank you again! I hope you'll stay tuned for more...


Thanks for posting your review. Looking forwards to more of it.


Thanks Cruiser 4 Life! That sounds like that may be my motto too, lol.


Love that stunning blue water in Nassau. On our first cruise we went to the exact same beach and as I recall the water was very rough then as well. In one of your pics you can actually see the riptide and then the pic of you standing about knee deep, you are standing right on the edge of the riptide.


We now go to Junkanoo Beach which has a beautiful view of my favorite lighthouse and its walking distance. The water is nice and calm there and on the way to Junkanoo you would pass that market that eluded you and Senor Frogs as well! Just some info for you for next time!


I fell in love with the ocean that day, in all seriousness. I said, "if this is what I have to look forward to- my goodness, I'm in heaven!" I actually plan on doing something special with the photos I took of the beach(es) and the sand we have from each one... I'm going to put the picture in a shadow box with the sand. ((Thanks Pinterest))


I am a nice size gal (no denying that) and that water tossed me around like a 2-dollar coin! So, I believe you. It was interesting she said it was worse the day before though.


Thanks for the suggestion, I'm sure Nassau will be among future cruise stops, I'll keep that in mind!

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Tuesday, November 27th, 2012 – Day 2: Nassau, Bahamas


Formal Night in the MDR



Main Entrée: Mama’s Lobster Tail







They were singing and decided to dance – how sweet.



Doug & Evelyn – this has to be one of my favorite pictures of this couple. They are truly fun, and were a pleasure to travel with!



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Tuesday, November 27th, 2012 – Day 2: Nassau, Bahamas


Formal Night in the MDR





When I booked the cruise, we had planned to celebrate Mom’s birthday (earlier that month) on Formal Night. Again, I was told Formal Night would be Friday (our last Sea Day) but that was switched. In all of the commotion, I completely forgot to let them know it was Evelyn’s Birthday too… I felt bad when they came to sing for Mom & not Evelyn. This was the only night they would have dinner in the MDR, unfortunately.





We sang to Evelyn after they left…


After dinner I returned to the room while the others went off to the casino. I decided to explore the ship some more, and ended up on the Lido deck to watch the “movie” for a bit before deciding to call it a night. I came in to our lovely turn-down service and this cute fella.







What’s a girl to do while all gussied up? Take pictures of course…lol.

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Tuesday, November 27th, 2012 – Day 2: Nassau, Bahamas


Formal Night in the MDR


While on the Lido I decided to try another CC’s suggestion – A Kiss on the Lips. Let me just say, this now my drink of choice! And, as if I needed another reason to cruise, this would be it! LOL. I watched most of the movie before deciding to turn in for the evening. I feel so old, but I was POOPED and it was barely 10-10:30. Ah, who cares, I'm on VACATION!





Movie Under the Stars – Wedding Planner, one of my favorites


Next Up: Day 3: Half Moon Cay, Bahamas

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Great review so far! Can’t wait to read the rest! I’m doing this same itinerary in June!


Yay! Thank you :) Well, hopefully I'll give you some great pics / info (if you don't already have those) to hold you out til June. I'm a June Birthday baby btw.

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OMG!!! A Kiss On The Lips!!! My absolute fave! :D


Also, you and your mom take the most amazing pictures. What kind of camera did you use?

It was probably you who suggested it. Lol. It is now my favorite, that's for sure. I like the name too.


Thank you! I used a Nikon 12MP point & shoot. I'm looking into getting my first DSLR soon, hopefully. :) I took 2 memory cards, afraid I'd run out. I only needed the one. I found I used my phone more while in the States than the digital camera. I did, however run out of battery life and forgot to pack back up in my beach bag on the Nassau port. I was pretty bummed about that. Photos are memories to me, so I knew I'd capture a lot on this cruise. Anyhoo, I plan on making a video or two for YouTube too.

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Wednesday, November 28th, 2012 – Day 3: Half Moon Cay, Bahamas


Tendered Paradise


It was an early start to a beautiful day. I woke up to this beautiful view –






I was anxious to get breakfast and get ready for the day in Half Moon Cay. This was the port I was looking forward to the most – my cousins who had taken only one cruise said this was beyond paradise, and they’re experienced island hoppers. We decided to get dressed and go for breakfast so that when we were done we could join the already forming line outside our stateroom door.



Being that this is my first cruise, this was my first tendered port as well – it wasn’t as bad as others had made it seem.



Fun in the sun – here we come!



We look up, and there’s Evelyn on their balcony!



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Wednesday, November 28th, 2012 – Day 3: Half Moon Cay, Bahamas


Tendered Paradise


As I said, we got up and at it pretty early - but these folks must have been one of the first ones off of the ship! LOL





One of my favorite shots of Destiny...









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Wednesday, November 28th, 2012 – Day 3: Half Moon Cay, Bahamas


Tendered Paradise





Post card worthy... Don't ya think? LOL









Too bad we’re looking directly at the sun and have a visitor in the photo…I kinda like this one with the Destiny in the back. the man saw me trying to do the whole 'reach out in front of us and take our own pic' and offered, so I appreciated it all the same.

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Wednesday, November 28th, 2012 – Day 3: Half Moon Cay, Bahamas


Tendered Paradise





No really, for ever!!





Do you see the little “sand-man”? LOL



The infamous 'toe-in-the-sand' pic...


As I said earlier, we really didn't have much planned for any of the ports - and this was the one I was looking forward to the most. It was early in the day, the sun was bright and we're just here to roast and enjoy.


Thankfully I was actually able to swim here - the tide was very gentle and the water warm. I spent a lot of my day lounging and swimming, and that's quite alright with me! We tendered over pretty early and there were plenty of seats to choose from… Doug & Evelyn weren't in a hurry to tender over, so they said they'd meet us later in the AM. We reserved the two chairs next to us for them - oh no, were we chair hogs?! LOL



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Wednesday, November 28th, 2012 – Day 3: Half Moon Cay, Bahamas


Tendered Paradise




This was my view for most of the afternoon...Breeze blowing, kids playing (but not too many of them), water lapping on the shore...Ahh, I just had to go back here in my mind because when I look out my window at my office, there's a blizzard going on! (Not really a blizzard, as the snow isn't sticking, but it's been snowing on and off all day.)



This family was adorable...







A man, in a tux, on a beach – must be a photo-op.



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Wednesday, November 28th, 2012 – Day 3: Half Moon Cay, Bahamas


Tendered Paradise



Soon after we got settled, and I had my first dip, Doug & Evelyn joined us. Evelyn actually doesn't know how to swim, so Doug got her out in the water to at least pose for some photos...





My beautiful Mama posing on the beach, :-)


We decided to grab lunch at the island BBQ (which was pretty tasty, the jerk chicken?! Yumm) and laid out a bit more before deciding to head back to the ship. It was still rather early, and as much as I was enjoying the sun - Nassau had got me pretty good the day before. Yes, I applied sunscreen, very often, but it was November and I didn't "tan" before going. I usually burn once in the summer and it quickly turns to a tan, so no more burns. Well, I had to "burn" again for this to happen... I remember dozing off for a bit on the beach. What a wonderful feeling.







The wrap I bought in Nassau (from my lovely ankle bracelet artist) was soon used to cover up...Not because I'm modest, but to shield from the sun, that was loving my skin.



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Wednesday, November 28th, 2012 – Day 3: Half Moon Cay, Bahamas


Tendered Paradise


While we were soaking up the sun, Doug told us he saw a man in a tux and a woman in a wedding dress walking along the path (behind the beach chairs, up a hill a bit). By the time we turned around, we didn't see anything and thought no more of it. That is, until we were standing in line waiting on the tender, and sure enough - a bride & groom! They had gotten married on the island and were posing for photos.







So, at this point, I'm hot, sleepy and my skin is burning, and I'm just really ready to cool off, take a shower and lay it down...While tendering back I was walking across the short corridor connecting the ship and tender boat when my sun hat went blowing in the wind. Now, I was trying to stable myself (with the rocking boat and moving –eh, what do you call it?) and trying to hold onto the hat at the same time, but at the same time off it went! Bless the Carnival worker’s heart, he jumped down and got it before it went to sea. I was far more concerned with his safety (in jumping down below) than that darn sun-hat, but he saved the day, and the hat, and I was grateful.


What do you think came next? Well, if you’ve been reading this review, you’d certainly remember I am growing quite fond of the mid-day shower & nap sessions. We returned to a beautifully cleaned room by our steward “Blessing” who seemed to figure out our little patterns in no time. He was there when we weren’t and kept our bucket full of ice – to say the very least. He was always pleasant and greeted us by name in the hallways. He called my mother, “Mama Charlene”. How cute is that? It’s those little things that made my cruise experience that much more memorable.


The tenders would keep coming & going outside our window, but it was lights out for me!





Nap time!



Some might even say the location of the room on the Riviera deck was an inconvenient one because we were so close to things, such as the tenders (and lines to get off the ship at other ports. But for us, this was an amazing, easy to navigate location right off the elevators.



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Wednesday, November 28th, 2012 – Day 3: Half Moon Cay, Bahamas


Sad to say goodbye to Paradise...

Mama ended up going back up on the Lido deck for a bit, but I was down for the count. Maybe an hour later, I woke up refreshed and ready to get dressed for dinner. We decided to take a walk around before heading to the Galaxy dining room, checked out some of the photos on the photo wall(s) and even stopped to pose for a few photos – which happened to be one of the only ones we purchased. We weren’t fancy (casual chic, I’d say) and I certainly didn’t put any effort into putting makeup on my Rudolph nose, but we took some of our favorite photos this night. Which just goes to show – it’s really all about making memories and enjoying ourselves than what we have on (more on that with my packing wrap up later).










We stopped in the atrium bar to get a drink before dinner, and I had to introduce my Mom to the “Kiss on the Lips” – which is now her favorite drink as well. LOL.



NEXT UP: Day 3: Dinner in the MDR

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