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Putting someone else's kid in my cabin on paper.

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I haven't read through every post, so maybe this has been clarified, but this is totally not true. We have 3 kids and traveled with my parents. Put one of our children in their cabin. Had no problems with registration. Took our child to the kids club and registered her without my parents being present. No one cared that she had a different room number than us.


It's not like someone is sneaking a 5th passenger into their cabin. They're registering the passenger. The ship won't be over capacity. I've seen threads here before where people swap rooms after arriving, kids do "sleep overs" with friends or cousins in other rooms. I don't think there's anything illegal about it.


You could do a thousand silly "what if" scenarios. What if my daughter had had a nightmare and my parents took her to my cabin and she climbed into bed with my husband and I? And then the boat hit an iceberg and we had to run to the muster station with only 4 life jackets in hand? Do you think they'd let her drown along with everyone who ran directly from the bars and didn't go back to their room to get their life jackets?


You are correct...you haven't read every post, and most likely should have BEFORE you commented. It is very difficult to make an accurate assessment when you do not have the benefit of all of the available information.


Nobody ever said the child was being snuck onboard. The premise was that the child would not be on the reservation with that child's parents and siblings but on the reservation of the OP instead. What I was pointing out was that this arrangement means that the child would have to check in, board, embark, etc with the OP's family as the child's name, information, etc would only appear on their reservation. The child's own family would not be able to pass through the terminal with the child unless the OP's family was with them as their child would not be on their reservation.


None of this has anything to do with your reported experience and/or your (as you call them) silly "what if" scenarios.

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To some people "bending" the rules is not considered dishonest. They find ways to justify "bending" the rules by asking many different people til they get the answer they're looking for. It seems so strange that so many people were giving you the justification to say "NO" to your friend (which is what you were asking for in your oriiginal post), and you took offense to that.


Sorry for the quotation marks, I know they offend you.


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I don't think you were trying to be dishonest in anyway. A friend asked you for a favor which in turn may have ruined your vacation if what you didn't want (the kid staying in your room) might happen. I'm sure your not the first or last person to try to do this sort of thing but I think you just wanted to make sure was that this extra kid would not wind up sleeping in your room. People were trying to give you scenarios on the "this might happen" and the kid would have to be in your room.


Now I'm curious about is you told your friend no so is your friend going on the cruise now? Lol ;)

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I don't think you were trying to be dishonest in anyway. A friend asked you for a favor which in turn may have ruined your vacation if what you didn't want (the kid staying in your room) might happen. I'm sure your not the first or last person to try to do this sort of thing but I think you just wanted to make sure was that this extra kid would not wind up sleeping in your room. People were trying to give you scenarios on the "this might happen" and the kid would have to be in your room.


Now I'm curious about is you told your friend no so is your friend going on the cruise now? Lol ;)


Funny you should ask...the bolded. I don't know if she's going. I'm getting it from all directions. :confused: She's kind of miffed at me because she thinks I'm over complicating things. She spoke to NCL as well and they said it would be no problem and they could easily figure out all the billing stuff...she said they do this type of thing for family reunions and the like all the time.. so she's looking at me like what's the problem. :(


I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place. I thought she'd have no other reason to continue this discussion since the kid's sail free promotion is over. She's emailed me to let me know that she tried to price two inside cabins. There are no rooms with an occupancy of 5 except suites. I get that. :( The prices from her email are: "Two adjoining inside cabins which would be 2 in one room at the cost of $1,487.00 and 3 in another at the cost of $1,990.50 for a total of $3,477.50."


In contrast, it would be $349 to add her kid to my cabin and she'd pay the difference and any other fees, etc. before we left.


I am just not responding to her right now because i don't know what to say or how to say it. :o

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You were the first, and only person to use the words dishonest, and immoral.


It's not "against the law" to sneak a fifth passenger into a cabin meant for 4, it's only "against NCL policy". You got the answer you were looking for from a person who wants to make money off of you, and you choose to bash the people giving you correct answer, according to NCL policy.


Bending/breaking.......honest/dishonest......what's the difference, as long as one person, the only person who stands to profit (not the person you'd have to explain it to at the dock), gives you the justification you really were looking for. Even though you were looking for justification not to bend/break the rules in your original post. You may not have used the word "justification", but it's very clear (now) that's what you were looking for.


You are right. Next time you should probably just get your answer from the person who will NOT give you the correct answer, and you won't feel insulted by the helpful people giving you the correct answer.


I don't understand and why are you still so hostile. LOL I asked NCL and you say they are giving me the incorrect answer? How do you know if it's against their policy. I read through the terms and conditions and do not see that addressed. They themselves are saying they don't care. Do you see this in writing somewhere? If so, please show me (no sarcascm)! Usually if one wants an answer to a question, they would trust the business offering the services rather than the opinions of those who are not apart of the business. But, if that's not the case here, please tell me why. I don't understand why you are offended? :confused::confused::confused:


Additionally, when someone says, "let's be honest here" is that not an indication that they think I'm being dishonest? That certainly was said and I was not the one who brought it up.


NCL says it is NOT against their policy....they said they don't care who sleeps where and will not be checking to make sure people are in their correct rooms. Are you saying they are not telling the truth?

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I don't understand and why are you still so hostile. LOL I asked NCL and you say they are giving me the incorrect answer? How do you know if it's against their policy. I read through the terms and conditions and do not see that addressed. They themselves are saying they don't care. Do you see this in writing somewhere? If so, please show me (no sarcascm)! Usually if one wants an answer to a question, they would trust the business offering the services rather than the opinions of those who are not apart of the business. But, if that's not the case here, please tell me why. I don't understand why you are offended? :confused::confused::confused:


Additionally, when someone says, "let's be honest here" is that not an indication that they think I'm being dishonest? That certainly was said and I was not the one who brought it up.


NCL says it is NOT against their policy....they said they don't care who sleeps where and will not be checking to make sure people are in their correct rooms. Are you saying they are not telling the truth?


It already is in writing. "Sleeps 2-4" does not mean "sleeps 5." It's not in the FAQ because most people know that 4 != 5.


Try reading this post again, more carefully this time.


Now where's that picture of the obtuse angle...

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It's hard to travel as a family of 5. I've done it at Disney this past summer and 5 people at Disney is a hefty bill lol. Sometimes being nice and doing favors for someone and you feel uncomfortable about doing it really only winds up making you miserable. This is your vacation and you want to be able to enjoy it with your family alone. Me personally I don't like vacationing with others bc I don't want to have to be on their time, do things they want, money issues, etc. if she can't afford to do it the right and comfortable way them maybe she needs to rethink her vacation options as a family if 5. Good luck with whatever decision you make. :D

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If NCL stated that it wasn't against their policy I wouldn't have a problem doing a favor for a friend. I would just make sure up front that the friend knew that NONE of their children would be staying in my room..or using my room. Those cabins are just way to small to deal with another person's kid. Mine are bad enough in those small spaces and I love my kids lol.


And if the situation was reversed and the friend was doing me a favor that saved me a ton of money I would treat the friend to one of the nicer restaurants on board.

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It's hard to travel as a family of 5. I've done it at Disney this past summer and 5 people at Disney is a hefty bill lol. Sometimes being nice and doing favors for someone and you feel uncomfortable about doing it really only winds up making you miserable. This is your vacation and you want to be able to enjoy it with your family alone. Me personally I don't like vacationing with others bc I don't want to have to be on their time, do things they want, money issues, etc. if she can't afford to do it the right and comfortable way them maybe she needs to rethink her vacation options as a family if 5. Good luck with whatever decision you make. :D


I totally agree with your statement.:)

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Funny you should ask...the bolded. I don't know if she's going. I'm getting it from all directions. :confused: She's kind of miffed at me because she thinks I'm over complicating things. She spoke to NCL as well and they said it would be no problem and they could easily figure out all the billing stuff...she said they do this type of thing for family reunions and the like all the time.. so she's looking at me like what's the problem. :(


I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place. I thought she'd have no other reason to continue this discussion since the kid's sail free promotion is over. She's emailed me to let me know that she tried to price two inside cabins. There are no rooms with an occupancy of 5 except suites. I get that. :( The prices from her email are: "Two adjoining inside cabins which would be 2 in one room at the cost of $1,487.00 and 3 in another at the cost of $1,990.50 for a total of $3,477.50."


In contrast, it would be $349 to add her kid to my cabin and she'd pay the difference and any other fees, etc. before we left.


I am just not responding to her right now because i don't know what to say or how to say it. :o


OK...so let me suggest a way to resolve that issue for you.


Not to remind you, but for those out there (and they know who they are) who haven't bothered to read all of the posts:


Back in Post #1, you stated: "I don't want anyone else in our cabin for a week except the three in my family"


Then in Post #3, you also stated: "But the kid CANNOT stay in my room no matter what happens."


So I think that you have made your position very clear.


Tell your friend that you are perfectly and happily willing to do her the huge favor that she is asking, but ONLY on the condition that:


a) You receive a signed statement from your friend indicating that she is aware of, and agrees with, your feelings about the number of people sleeping in your cabin. It should be clear in the statement that once you pass embarkation, that this child remains with, and is the financial responsibility of, the parents for the rest of the cruise....no matter what.


b) Your friend also need to produce a signed statement from Norwegian Cruise Line outlining your proposed reservation and sleeping arrangements and indicating that the arrangement is perfectly acceptable to the cruise line and that this will NOT...under any circumstances that might arise...cause you any issue(s) while onboard.



I know that people in the call center may have told you things. However, as I have pointed out, it means NOTHING once you get to the pier. You HAVE to get any and all promises made to you IN WRITING. Not that you may not still have to argue your point, but having it in writing will go a long way toward seeing that things turn out in your favor.



I think you might be surprised how quickly the call ceter people will backpedal and change their story once you ask for a docment covering what they are telling you.




And let me throw out another potential situation for you to consider:


Let's say that you decide to go through with the prososed arrangement. No doubt that both you and your friend will each have a good amount of money invested in your respective vacations. Money that you wouldn't want to lose.


A week before the cruise, something happens that requires your friend to cancel their cruise. If this happens, you and your family can still go on your vacation with no problem. Your friend will simply have to deal with the financial aspects of their cancellation.


Now put the shoe on the other foot...


A week before the cruise, something happens that requires YOU to cancel YOUR cruise. If this happens, your friend and her family are screwed because their one child can't go because they are a part of YOUR now cancelled reservation. Not only will you have to deal with the financial apects of your cancellation, but your friend gets screwed over as well.


How would something like that affect your lives and your friendship? Is your friend going to be able to stay home, miss their vacation, and laugh off the loss of their money with a "hey...don't worry about it...things happen!"? How would all of that make YOU feel in the end?

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It already is in writing. "Sleeps 2-4" does not mean "sleeps 5." It's not in the FAQ because most people know that 4 != 5.


Try reading this post again, more carefully this time.


Now where's that picture of the obtuse angle...


Yeah, but the call center already told her that the poor little 3 year old doesn't need a life-vest if the ship is sinking, so it must be the truth. :D :D

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OK...so let me suggest a way to resolve that issue for you.


Not to remind you, but for those out there (and they know who they are) who haven't bothered to read all of the posts:


Back in Post #1, you stated: "I don't want anyone else in our cabin for a week except the three in my family"


Then in Post #3, you also stated: "But the kid CANNOT stay in my room no matter what happens."


So I think that you have made your position very clear.


Tell your friend that you are perfectly and happily willing to do her the huge favor that she is asking, but ONLY on the condition that:


a) You receive a signed statement from your friend indicating that she is aware of, and agrees with, your feelings about the number of people sleeping in your cabin. It should be clear in the statement that once you pass embarkation, that this child remains with, and is the financial responsibility of, the parents for the rest of the cruise....no matter what.


b) Your friend also need to produce a signed statement from Norwegian Cruise Line outlining your proposed reservation and sleeping arrangements and indicating that the arrangement is perfectly acceptable to the cruise line and that this will NOT...under any circumstances that might arise...cause you any issue(s) while onboard.



I know that people in the call center may have told you things. However, as I have pointed out, it means NOTHING once you get to the pier. You HAVE to get any and all promises made to you IN WRITING. Not that you may not still have to argue your point, but having it in writing will go a long way toward seeing that things turn out in your favor.



I think you might be surprised how quickly the call ceter people will backpedal and change their story once you ask for a docment covering what they are telling you.




And let me throw out another potential situation for you to consider:


Let's say that you decide to go through with the prososed arrangement. No doubt that both you and your friend will each have a good amount of money invested in your respective vacations. Money that you wouldn't want to lose.


A week before the cruise, something happens that requires your friend to cancel their cruise. If this happens, you and your family can still go on your vacation with no problem. Your friend will simply have to deal with the financial aspects of their cancellation.


Now put the shoe on the other foot...


A week before the cruise, something happens that requires YOU to cancel YOUR cruise. If this happens, your friend and her family are screwed because their one child can't go because they are a part of YOUR now cancelled reservation. Not only will you have to deal with the financial apects of your cancellation, but your friend gets screwed over as well.


How would something like that affect your lives and your friendship? Is your friend going to be able to stay home, miss their vacation, and laugh off the loss of their money with a "hey...don't worry about it...things happen!"? How would all of that make YOU feel in the end?


Thanks for your input. You have brought up some very good points. I'm just not going to go through all of this. It's too much. She'll either have to pay the additional or not go.


I tell you what, the next time I plan a vacation, I will not tell anyone about it until I get back. ;)

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Thanks for your input. You have brought up some very good points. I'm just not going to go through all of this. It's too much. She'll either have to pay the additional or not go.


I tell you what, the next time I plan a vacation, I will not tell anyone about it until I get back. ;)


You have just discovered the secret to my serenity. ;)

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You are correct...you haven't read every post, and most likely should have BEFORE you commented. It is very difficult to make an accurate assessment when you do not have the benefit of all of the available information.


Nobody ever said the child was being snuck onboard. The premise was that the child would not be on the reservation with that child's parents and siblings but on the reservation of the OP instead. What I was pointing out was that this arrangement means that the child would have to check in, board, embark, etc with the OP's family as the child's name, information, etc would only appear on their reservation. The child's own family would not be able to pass through the terminal with the child unless the OP's family was with them as their child would not be on their reservation.


None of this has anything to do with your reported experience and/or your (as you call them) silly "what if" scenarios.


You're missing the point. Based on my experience, the child does not have to register with the OP. My child was on my parent's reservation. She wasn't listed on mine. I had no problem checking her in. I had no problem registering her for the Kids' club. On my own. The child was registered, I had a copy of her cruise documents and that's what mattered.

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I want to ask a couple of questions about 5 sleeping in a cabin berthed for 4. As far as I know, it doesn't matter if NCL says it's okay because the Coast Guard (and/or other agencies?) regulate the overall number of passengers allowed onboard, as well as the number of passengers in any life boat station assignment and the maximum number in each cabin. I know that there are more cabins rated for 3 or 4 than are allowed to be booked on each cruise because that gives passengers more choices. But if a cabin has been rated and berthed for 4, NCL is not allowed to let 5 passengers sleep there. These are regulations by outside agencies and are not subject to change by or up to the discretion of any cruise line.


So after that ramble, here are my questions: Why do people keep insisting that if NCL says it's okay, then that's all that matters? And why is it difficult to understand these regulations are for everyone's safety?


As far as I am concerned, it is a big deal because of the safety regulations. This isn't "bending" a cruise line rule. It is violating CG regulations. Yes, yes, I know people do it, perhaps often, but that doesn't make it right, IMO.



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I want to ask a couple of questions about 5 sleeping in a cabin berthed for 4. As far as I know, it doesn't matter if NCL says it's okay because the Coast Guard (and/or other agencies?) regulate the overall number of passengers allowed onboard, as well as the number of passengers in any life boat station assignment and the maximum number in each cabin. These are regulations by outside agencies and are not subject to change by or up to the discretion of any cruise line.

So after that ramble, here are my questions: Why do people keep insisting that if NCL says it's okay, then that's all that matters? And why is it difficult to understand these regulations are for everyone's safety?

As far as I am concerned, it is a big deal because of the safety regulations. This isn't "bending" a cruise line rule. It is violating CG regulations. Yes, yes, I know people do it, perhaps often, but that doesn't make it right, IMO.



Can we agree that an emergency can happen at any time of day? So, if you and your spouse book a wonderful suite and invite thirty friends to enjoy your company, suite and balcony for a long, delightful party, there are now 28 extra people in that area of the ship. Have you created an unsafe condition? Will the coast guard break up your party? If there was an emergency, 28 people are far from their life jackets and will have to obtain one at their far away muster station! Oh my.

even worse, if an emergency happens in the evening, nearly half the passengers are in the dining room and most of the others are in the theater....None of them have immediate access to the life vests in their cabins. In a dire emergency, all will need to get life vests at their muster stations. Will dinner and shows be cancelled by the coast guard when they discover this danger? Or will they simply insist that enough lifejackets be at the muster stations?

Can a fifth child safely visit his parents and siblings in their cabin during the day, but not at night due to a safety concern? If the three year old does stay overnight with his family (rather than in his assigned cabin say four doors down), are hallway conditions suddenly unsafe in an emergency? Or are conditions safer as the tot will be more easily contorted by his nuclear family rather than screaming and thrashing with a family friend?

I do not know how tightly the coast guard regulates passenger density, but I somehow doubt the coast guard is deeply concerned if a three year old shares his parents bed. Or if grandkids sleep overnight on the floor of their grandparents cabin while the parent enjoy some private time.

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OP - I am really very sorry that your friend has put you in this unfortunate situation as I am sure this chaos is effecting your enjoyment of planning your cruise for your family. I can tell you one thing, I had, yes had, a very good friend that would come up with all kind of schemes that I wanted no part of. Yet she expected me to be right there amongst the drama. Eventually, the chaos was too much and we are no longer friends. What I have learned, bottom line, is nothing good comes from trying to pull scams or doing what you really know is not right. Here's hoping that no matter what becomes of your friendship or your friend's cruise, that you and your family have a great time on your vacation. Best of Luck! :)

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I've actually spoken to two people. I asked four questions.


Am I legally responsible for the child on the ship? Response: You would be contacted if their is a disruption but the parents remain legally responsible for their child if they are on the ship. You can always revoke spending privileges on your on board account. (I didn't say the child is 3)


Who could sign him in and out of the youth program? Response: The parents can register him/her for the youth program and pick up the child.


What would happen if the child slept in their parents' room when we got on the ship? Response...and I quote "We are not going to send the bed police around to check on sleeping arrangements. If the child feels more comfortable sleeping with their parents, then we are not going to force sleeping arrangements."


What if their is an emergency and I need to take my family off of the ship? Response: "That would be something that you would have to ask when/if that happens." <---They wouldn't give me a direct answer on that one.


She said they do this all the time.


She also said that his parents' credit card can be attached to his account to pay for his expenses...even gratuities...


She said that it happens all the time that parents book one room and the parents sleep in one room but the kids all sleep in another room (sometimes over max occupancy) and it's fine. She said technically there's always supposed to be an adult in each room but they don't check for any of that on board either.


She said that I shouldn't worry about any of that.


I am getting deja vu. I have gone thru something similar on RC (for different reasons), had a similar discussion on the Fodor's forums years back and RC's response was the same as you got from NCL; they basically just did not care.


They are not going to do bed checks. They are not going to keep track of where people are sleeping. The stewards will only say something if you are doing something really insane. Families shift people around for all kinds of reasons (like the poster who mentioned date night) and adults pop up in other cabins too for adult reasons. As long as everyone is paid and the parents are onboard moving one kid from one cabin to another is not going to be a big deal.


Some people take the rules seriously (which is fine, nothing wrong with adhering to rules, nothing at all) but it looks like the cruise lines themselves are fine with it. Personally I would do this for a relative or close friends without a second thought but and this is a big but obviously I'm not you and it's your vacation which you should enjoy so do what makes you happy and comfortable. Which you have, cool, hope you have a good cruise!

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Can we agree that an emergency can happen at any time of day? So, if you and your spouse book a wonderful suite and invite thirty friends to enjoy your company, suite and balcony for a long, delightful party, there are now 28 extra people in that area of the ship. Have you created an unsafe condition? Will the coast guard break up your party? If there was an emergency, 28 people are far from their life jackets and will have to obtain one at their far away muster station! Oh my.

even worse, if an emergency happens in the evening, nearly half the passengers are in the dining room and most of the others are in the theater....None of them have immediate access to the life vests in their cabins. In a dire emergency, all will need to get life vests at their muster stations. Will dinner and shows be cancelled by the coast guard when they discover this danger? Or will they simply insist that enough lifejackets be at the muster stations?

Can a fifth child safely visit his parents and siblings in their cabin during the day, but not at night due to a safety concern? If the three year old does stay overnight with his family (rather than in his assigned cabin say four doors down), are hallway conditions suddenly unsafe in an emergency? Or are conditions safer as the tot will be more easily contorted by his nuclear family rather than screaming and thrashing with a family friend?

I do not know how tightly the coast guard regulates passenger density, but I somehow doubt the coast guard is deeply concerned if a three year old shares his parents bed. Or if grandkids sleep overnight on the floor of their grandparents cabin while the parent enjoy some private time.


Let's bring this full circle for those who've forgotten.....

OP started this thread asking for opinions on how to avoid being involved with having to book her friend's child as a 4th passenger in her cabin (a cabin which is designated as a 3 person cabin, according to a posting the OP made on 3/21). The OP quickly took offense to those offering legitimate reasons regarding policy/safety which she could use to explain to her friend, and avoid having to book the child into her cabin (which she emphatically stated she did not want to do).

Why are the OP, and others, now trying their hardest to point out all of the ways to skirt the safety & policy rules, when the original request was for reasons not to skirt the rules ? This whole thread is just strange (but entertaining), starting with the OP turning against those who were trying to help, and now everyone else pointing out why it's ok to do what she didn't want to do in the first place.

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Let's bring this full circle for those who've forgotten.....

OP started this thread asking for opinions on how to avoid being involved with having to book her friend's child as a 4th passenger in her cabin (a cabin which is designated as a 3 person cabin, according to a posting the OP made on 3/21). The OP quickly took offense to those offering legitimate reasons regarding policy/safety which she could use to explain to her friend, and avoid having to book the child into her cabin (which she emphatically stated she did not want to do).

Why are the OP, and others, now trying their hardest to point out all of the ways to skirt the safety & policy rules, when the original request was for reasons not to skirt the rules ? This whole thread is just strange (but entertaining), starting with the OP turning against those who were trying to help, and now everyone else pointing out why it's ok to do what she didn't want to do in the first place.


Where is the posting from 3/21 you reference above? This thread was started on 3/23. I am in a cabin that holds 4. She is in a cabin that holds 4. I have 3 in my party. She has 5 in her party.


Your are purposely misquoting me. My question was, "Can I get into trouble for [putting her child in my cabin on paper while the child sleeps in her room] doing that? I don't want anyone else in our cabin for a week except the three in my family."


You state that I was looking for "opinions on how to avoid being involved with having to book her friend's child as a 4th passenger in her cabin."


My only question was can I get into trouble. I didn't ask for anyone to come in and judge my character nor can I find a post where I asked for your opinion on how to avoid the situation. My initial OP was...can I get into trouble? Am I breaking a law or a rule?


In comes facetious responses and judgments about the situation when I was simply considering assisting a friend.


My issue with you (and others) has never been with people's responses themselves. I have no problem accepting advice. My issue is the delivery and the sarcastic holier than thou way in which you tended to respond to my concerns. This is the only thread in which I've had a conflict with anyone on this board yet I see it all the time, the unnecessary anger and facetious tone. I did not start out that way, however, when I encountered it in this thread, I dished it out the way I got it.


You for some reason are too heavily invested in this situation. I'm not sure why you, who will not be on this cruise, and will not be in my stateroom are so riled up that you feel the need to come in here and recap so that everyone can agree that you have a reason to be a crabby patty.


I find it odd that you are even still insisting upon drudging this up since I stated previously, I will not be going through with this arrangement.


You are welcome to continue wasting your time trying to rally together people for your cause, whatever that is. Have fun with it.

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Let's bring this full circle for those who've forgotten.....

OP started this thread asking for opinions on how to avoid being involved with having to book her friend's child as a 4th passenger in her cabin (a cabin which is designated as a 3 person cabin, according to a posting the OP made on 3/21). The OP quickly took offense to those offering legitimate reasons regarding policy/safety which she could use to explain to her friend, and avoid having to book the child into her cabin (which she emphatically stated she did not want to do).

Why are the OP, and others, now trying their hardest to point out all of the ways to skirt the safety & policy rules, when the original request was for reasons not to skirt the rules ? This whole thread is just strange (but entertaining), starting with the OP turning against those who were trying to help, and now everyone else pointing out why it's ok to do what she didn't want to do in the first place.


Well, that's one way of looking at it.


I think the op was also concerned with just getting some accurate info about how it might or might not work instead of just some random theories. I posted because I thought I had a relevant first hand experience and sharing such is one of the main points of this forum. If somebody interested in this subject read this thread and just heard some random concerns about RAW that point would not be well served. Imho.

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OP - I am really very sorry that your friend has put you in this unfortunate situation as I am sure this chaos is effecting your enjoyment of planning your cruise for your family. I can tell you one thing, I had, yes had, a very good friend that would come up with all kind of schemes that I wanted no part of. Yet she expected me to be right there amongst the drama. Eventually, the chaos was too much and we are no longer friends. What I have learned, bottom line, is nothing good comes from trying to pull scams or doing what you really know is not right. Here's hoping that no matter what becomes of your friendship or your friend's cruise, that you and your family have a great time on your vacation. Best of Luck! :)


Thanks so much! You are right and I'm taking your advice.

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Well, that's one way of looking at it.


I think the op was also concerned with just getting some accurate info about how it might or might not work instead of just some random theories. I posted because I thought I had a relevant first hand experience and sharing such is one of the main points of this forum. If somebody interested in this subject read this thread and just heard some random concerns about RAW that point would not be well served. Imho.


Not also...What you posted was ALL OP was concerned with. ;) I never asked for information about how to avoid the situation or for a judgment of my integrity. I simply asked if I could get in trouble, was I breaking some NCL code or something. NCL, as I've stated numerous times, says they do not care but I did take note of another poster's reference to the coast guard and possible regulations that I could be breaking if I went through with the arrangement and I appreciate that response and the fact that that person was not rude in giving that information.


I appreciate your posts as well.

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