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Anyone have a significant other that doesn't like cruises?


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We took our first cruise on the Epic in Feb. 2012. We had our 1 year old DD(Just turned 1 that month) with us and our SUPER SHY 6 year old DS.


They wife was NOT impressed. I think part of it was having to watch the kids, but she also said she didn't like "being cooped up" on the ship.


I did talk her into booking another in Nov. 2014 but that is because of a reason with the first one that didn't go right.(A long story.....Okay, let me see if I can make it short :D ) My Mom wanted to take the family on a cruise. My two adult brothers, their families and my family. She paid for it all(I know, sweet Mom) It was booked 9 months out and ALL THE TALK for 9 months was excitement for the upcoming cruise. We all arrived at the terminal in Miami and that's when it turned bad. My brother his wife and their 12 year old son found out that the birth certificate they brought for their son was not the "official" one and thus they could not go.(My brother and his wife had passports and could go, but obviously weren't going to leave their son or each other. They stayed in Miami for the week) My mom was DEVASTATED.


Thus why my wife agreed to the new trip we have booked for Nov. 2014. Going to try it again, so my Mom gets the family trip she wanted with all the family together.(We are all paying our own ways this time)


We've already booked the trip and being back on these message boards has me excited for my upcoming cruise. The thing is, it's TWENTY months away :(


I want to take another one in between to break up the time.(Just the wife and I) The wife is TOTALLY opposed. She "doesn't want to do 3 cruises in 2 years 9 months" To me, it's a dream. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED the first one, can't wait for the one in 2014 and can see doing lots more in my lifetime.


So, leads to my question. Anyone have a significant other that just doesn't like cruises or doesn't come close to liking them as much as you do?

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I want to take another one in between to break up the time.(Just the wife and I) The wife is TOTALLY opposed. She "doesn't want to do 3 cruises in 2 years 9 months" To me, it's a dream. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED the first one, can't wait for the one in 2014 and can see doing lots more in my lifetime.


So, leads to my question. Anyone have a significant other that just doesn't like cruises or doesn't come close to liking them as much as you do?


My wife said the same thing. Over the course of about a year and a half, we will have gone on 4 cruises! My wife loves it when she's on board. Just worries about the money and the vacation time.

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No, but in all honesty, I wouldn't sail with a kid that young. You can't put them in the kid's program, and cruising is a totally different experience when you're with a toddler all day long. I can understand why she doesn't like it. Wait until the baby is 3 and try again.

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Also, when you go on the next cruise, force your DS to go to the kids program. Stay with him for a while if he's anxious or worried, but I think after an hour or so, he will enjoy himself. Most kids love it so much they'd rather be there than with mom and dad ;)

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No, but in all honesty, I wouldn't sail with a kid that young. You can't put them in the kid's program, and cruising is a totally different experience when you're with a toddler all day long. I can understand why she doesn't like it. Wait until the baby is 3 and try again.



We didn't want to leave our 1 year old with someone(most likely would have been her parents) for 8 days, so that's why she came along. She will be almost 4 when we go in 2014, so I think that will help.

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My DH, while having never cruised, doesnt have an interest. Therefore, I go with my mom and any other family/ friends that are interested. I do understand she may not have enjoyed her experience. Maybe the next one will change her mind.


And I'm hoping if I can get her on one with just the two of us, she would have a TOTALLY DIFFERENT experience and come over to my side of loving cruising.

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Also, when you go on the next cruise, force your DS to go to the kids program. Stay with him for a while if he's anxious or worried, but I think after an hour or so, he will enjoy himself. Most kids love it so much they'd rather be there than with mom and dad ;)


We brought him to the kids club and stayed with him while he was introduced to the staff and some other kids. He just did not want to stay by himself.(He really is SUPER SHY) I am hoping being a little older he will enjoy the kids club more in 2014.

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We took our first cruise on the Epic in Feb. 2012. We had our 1 year old DD(Just turned 1 that month) with us and our SUPER SHY 6 year old DS....



So, leads to my question. Anyone have a significant other that just doesn't like cruises or doesn't come close to liking them as much as you do?


First, any family vacation with small children is not quite the cruise experience for a mom that it is for everyone else - vacations always revolve around the kids, and disruptions to the life of a 1 year old and 6 year old may be enough to turn any adult off vacations.


that said, to answer your question, yes, my DH is not a huge fan of cruises. In fact his idea of the perfect vacation has always been fishing trips, usually near home...which comes very close to my definition of torture.


Married for 43 years, we are pretty good at compromise. I do join him for some of his fishing trips, and every couple of years he'll join me for a cruise. But I travel extensively - 2 to 4 times each year for the last 10 years or so - with my best friend. Next week we fly to Rome for a Holy Lands/eastern Med cruise.


while i truly wish he shared my love of travel, I consider the approximately 48 weeks each year we spend together to only be enhanced by the few weeks each year we go our individual ways to fulfill each of our wishes.


i realize this wouldn't work for everyone, but i have been very happy both in my marriage and in my vacationing!

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We both enjoy separate vacations from time to time, because we do have different interests and dislikes.


OP why not go on a cruise with some of your friends, or go solo? A solo cruise is SUPER relaxing!

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My DH also likes to go, but not nearly as often as I do. He thinks it will "spoil" the fun if we go do the "same thing" too often or close together. I think he's full o'crap :) I'm going and he can stay or go. Amazingly he tends to "go" just because he doesn't want to be home alone....heh.

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My husband does not like cruising much at all and I LOVE it! We've been on two with the kids and two by ourselves and it didn't make a difference. His main complaint is that "it feels like you're always just in between meals on a cruise. It's depressing"...is what he says about it. This coming from a totally un-adventurous software developer whose dream vacation is relaxing in a hotel, working on a computer.


Soo....my preference is to go cruising with my friends and family, which I've done twice now and I love it! I generally have a much better time with them anyway :) Problem is my kids love to cruise and want to do it again. I've suggested taking them with my mom or sisters and he doesn't like that idea at all. Doesn't want to be away from the kids on vacation. So it looks like I will have to settle for the occasional girls only cruise.

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First, any family vacation with small children is not quite the cruise experience for a mom that it is for everyone else - vacations always revolve around the kids, and disruptions to the life of a 1 year old and 6 year old may be enough to turn any adult off vacations.


that said, to answer your question, yes, my DH is not a huge fan of cruises. In fact his idea of the perfect vacation has always been fishing trips, usually near home...which comes very close to my definition of torture.


Married for 43 years, we are pretty good at compromise. I do join him for some of his fishing trips, and every couple of years he'll join me for a cruise. But I travel extensively - 2 to 4 times each year for the last 10 years or so - with my best friend. Next week we fly to Rome for a Holy Lands/eastern Med cruise.


while i truly wish he shared my love of travel, I consider the approximately 48 weeks each year we spend together to only be enhanced by the few weeks each year we go our individual ways to fulfill each of our wishes.


i realize this wouldn't work for everyone, but i have been very happy both in my marriage and in my vacationing!


My DH isn't a huge fan of cruises either. He loves to hunt and fish of which I go with him often. A few weeks before my last cruise this past February, he said "I don't think we will go on a cruise again for probably 4-5 years. I don't want to get burnt out." :( Not what I wanted to hear because I love to cruise. I would probably cruise more often without him, but I don't have a travelling partner that would put up with my snoring - only he can handle it.


Anyway, we got back from the cruise in early March and he said we need to put in our hunting applications for this fall. I said "I don't think we will go hunting for about 4-5 years because I don't want to get burnt out." :D


Two days later we booked a cruise that he is looking forward to as much as I am. And yes, we are going hunting this fall too. Ah yes, the fine art of compromise.

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My husband does not like cruising much at all and I LOVE it! We've been on two with the kids and two by ourselves and it didn't make a difference. His main complaint is that "it feels like you're always just in between meals on a cruise. It's depressing"...is what he says about it. This coming from a totally un-adventurous software developer whose dream vacation is relaxing in a hotel, working on a computer.


Ha ha. I'm one of those software developers, I love travel (and travel for work often), but when we took the kids on cruises early on I had no problem sitting out on the balcony with a drink working while they slept. My wife had her gym or spa time (win/win for us obviously). Some of the most enjoyable work I've ever done looking out on that blue ocean. And I really enjoy my work. Now, after 2-3 drinks the bug count went up, but what can you do.

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My DH also likes to go, but not nearly as often as I do. He thinks it will "spoil" the fun if we go do the "same thing" too often or close together. I think he's full o'crap :) I'm going and he can stay or go. Amazingly he tends to "go" just because he doesn't want to be home alone....heh.



Ditto, I love it far far more than my DH, but he likes the scotch on board and not having to drive :)

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We took our first cruise on the Epic in Feb. 2012. We had our 1 year old DD(Just turned 1 that month) with us and our SUPER SHY 6 year old DS.


They wife was NOT impressed. I think part of it was having to watch the kids, but she also said she didn't like "being cooped up" on the ship.


I did talk her into booking another in Nov. 2014 but that is because of a reason with the first one that didn't go right.(A long story.....Okay, let me see if I can make it short :D ) My Mom wanted to take the family on a cruise. My two adult brothers, their families and my family. She paid for it all(I know, sweet Mom) It was booked 9 months out and ALL THE TALK for 9 months was excitement for the upcoming cruise. We all arrived at the terminal in Miami and that's when it turned bad. My brother his wife and their 12 year old son found out that the birth certificate they brought for their son was not the "official" one and thus they could not go.(My brother and his wife had passports and could go, but obviously weren't going to leave their son or each other. They stayed in Miami for the week) My mom was DEVASTATED.


Thus why my wife agreed to the new trip we have booked for Nov. 2014. Going to try it again, so my Mom gets the family trip she wanted with all the family together.(We are all paying our own ways this time)


We've already booked the trip and being back on these message boards has me excited for my upcoming cruise. The thing is, it's TWENTY months away :(


I want to take another one in between to break up the time.(Just the wife and I) The wife is TOTALLY opposed. She "doesn't want to do 3 cruises in 2 years 9 months" To me, it's a dream. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED the first one, can't wait for the one in 2014 and can see doing lots more in my lifetime.


So, leads to my question. Anyone have a significant other that just doesn't like cruises or doesn't come close to liking them as much as you do?

When I started dating my DH and things started getting serious I suddenly thought, "Oh God, what if he does not like to cruise?" I am addicted and that might have been a deal breaker. LOL. Before we got engaged I was cruising with a bunch of friends and he decided to join us. Fortunately he was hooked!!! Took our older son for the first time at 11 months and then our younger son when he was 14 months. They are definitely MY BOYS and love it as much as I do! ;0)

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OP why not go on a cruise with some of your friends, or go solo? A solo cruise is SUPER relaxing!


That's a nice idea for OP' sake, but if the point is to help his DW come around to the joy of cruising, I don't think OP leaving her at home with two children, one still in diapers, to take a friend's or solo cruise is going to endear her to cruising at all! :eek: Probably the opposite.


I like SissasMomE's idea of waiting for the next family cruise when both kids are a little older and there won't be so much baby/kid stuff to drag along. A cruise will be a totally different experience when you both have some couple time while the kids are in kids club.

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I'll end up sleeping on the couch for a month for this, but...



I figure any spouse who doesn't like cruising hardly qualifies to be considered "significant". :p;)






I'll be here if anybody is looking for me...


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My DH says he hates cruises. We've been on two, and I believe he enjoyed them both just fine while sailing, but given the choice it would never be his chosen type of vacation. However we're doing two more this summer to the Mediterranean, but those are huge family trips, paid for by my very generous parents who wanted to take us all to Europe.


His main complaints are that he likes to relax lying by a nice pool on vacation, and for him a crowded pool deck with a tiny pool is not his idea of fun or relaxing. He prefers an all inclusive resort where drinks are paid for and he doesn't feel nickel and dimed, for drinks or dining...such as speciality restaurants. The cabins don't compare to resort rooms. He feels crowded.


Me, I cruise for the ports, so I love the variety of seeing new countries and all of the available activities. I love a balcony and being right on the ocean. It's just peaceful to me.


I can understand what my DH doesn't enjoy, but I also can't understand how he can't see the positive in cruising either.

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We took our first cruise on the Epic in Feb. 2012. We had our 1 year old DD(Just turned 1 that month) with us and our SUPER SHY 6 year old DS.


They wife was NOT impressed. I think part of it was having to watch the kids, but she also said she didn't like "being cooped up" on the ship.


I did talk her into booking another in Nov. 2014 but that is because of a reason with the first one that didn't go right.(A long story.....Okay, let me see if I can make it short :D ) My Mom wanted to take the family on a cruise. My two adult brothers, their families and my family. She paid for it all(I know, sweet Mom) It was booked 9 months out and ALL THE TALK for 9 months was excitement for the upcoming cruise. We all arrived at the terminal in Miami and that's when it turned bad. My brother his wife and their 12 year old son found out that the birth certificate they brought for their son was not the "official" one and thus they could not go.(My brother and his wife had passports and could go, but obviously weren't going to leave their son or each other. They stayed in Miami for the week) My mom was DEVASTATED.


Thus why my wife agreed to the new trip we have booked for Nov. 2014. Going to try it again, so my Mom gets the family trip she wanted with all the family together.(We are all paying our own ways this time)


We've already booked the trip and being back on these message boards has me excited for my upcoming cruise. The thing is, it's TWENTY months away :(


I want to take another one in between to break up the time.(Just the wife and I) The wife is TOTALLY opposed. She "doesn't want to do 3 cruises in 2 years 9 months" To me, it's a dream. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED the first one, can't wait for the one in 2014 and can see doing lots more in my lifetime.


So, leads to my question. Anyone have a significant other that just doesn't like cruises or doesn't come close to liking them as much as you do?

I agree that she'd probably have more fun if she didn't have to watch the kids. It's one thing to watch kids when you're at home in familiar surroundings. Having to deal with them on a cruise ship I can imagine she certainly would feel "cooped up!"

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