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Viking Chateaux, Rivers & Wine


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Fabulous info, id4elizabeth! Thank you for sharing!!!


The image of the Airbus parts going under the bridge -- would love to see that. Wait: Maybe we will see that :) -- if so I'll try for a photo.




Hello fellow travelers - We were on the April 12th sailing, and we just got back from France this weekend. We added the Portraits of Southern France onto our itinerary after doing the Bordeaux trip, and then spent some time on our own in Provence after that, so that's why we're just getting back.


We were not in the Bage group for the Pauillac wine tour - we went to Chateau Giscours, and had a very great tour. The wines were nice and the tour very informative. We did stop by the village of Bage before our tour of Giscours, so even if you don't end up on the Bage winery tour, you still see the village. Hint: If you really want to see the the inside of the Bage winery, peel off from your village group instead of having a coffee and join the other Bage winery group that's going through the winery and you can take a peak - guess how I know this…??? You can't stay for the whole tasting, because you have to rejoin your own group at the appointed time, but you can take a peak inside - it's just right around the corner from the village.


The optional tour of Siurac was one of the highlights of the trip IMO. As TipsyGirl has mentioned Paul ( a co-owner) was fabulous. He was so enthusiastic about his business, his joy was infectious - and the lunch was great! His vines were pretty and his "chateau" is charming, although still a work in progress - you do get to see inside this as part of the experience.


We docked in Blaye with no problems, but in Libourne, the ship had to disengage from the Uniworld boat who was docked up against the dock, and we were rafted up against the Uniworld ship. They had to disengage because of a tidal bore which happens in the Spring and Fall. The only impact on us was the timing, as the ship was out in the channel when we got back from our excursion and we had to wait on the dock for 15 minutes while the tidal bore came through and the Forseti re-rafted up to the Uniworld boat.


We got different stories about not getting under the Bordeaux bridge. First we were told that there was a railroad bridge that was under construction and it was at a particularly vulnerable time, so the authorities were not letting any traffic under the bridge. Then it was that the river was too high because of the spring run-off and they could not get under the bridge (this was in a private conversation with the 2nd captain). However, one of out tour guides said the water levels were particularly low this year, and we witnessed a HUGE Airbus ship carting a part of a plane under the bridge. Our tour guide said that that very seldom happened in the Spring, so we were lucky to see such a thing. This Airbus ship plus part of a plane was much bigger than the Forseti, so my best guess it that it's a matter of paperwork. (The Airbus factory is upriver from Bordeaux.) But, the bus did not take that long to Cadillac and Sauternes, and you really don't miss much - they take you on some pretty spectacular scenic routes on the bus and we did get out for a few "photo ops" along the way which we would not have seen by boat.


St-Emillion was fantastic, but uphill walking most of the way over cobblestones, so be prepared Libourne can easily be seen in the time allotted - hope you are there for the market days because that's what makes the town.


Heard from the Arcachon folks that their tour was great. And the lunch they said was terrific. A restaurant on "the Cap" they said that was very picturesque. No one I talked to could remember the name of the place however. Those that took the Cognac tour said they liked it but were not that enthusiastic about their own particular bottle of Cognac, but they did like the tour. Those that did the truffle tour said they enjoyed it, but it was a lot of bus driving.


Food on the Forseti was very good - but we had better food when we ate at restaurants on our own, although this is not unusual on group tours. Wine was free flowing and better on the Bordeaux trip than the Southern France tip.


No robes in the cabins. Ship is wonderful -. brand new and squeaky clean


To all of you who have done the Portraits of Southern France tour, if you liked that tour, you'll like this one. Not quite as much sailing, but the tour itself is a little better if you ask me.


Let me know if you have any questions.

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I want to thank everyone for the updates and reviews. I have been a little nervous as well seeing the horrible reviews but it has been great to see that the kinks are being worked out. Love you all sharing all the details and pros and cons!


Itchyfeetx2 - we will also be on the 11/22 sailing!


Host Jazzbeau - last year we went to Italy and my cc company sent us new cards right away with the chip. Have you tried contacting them to request? (I am sure you have but just asking). We have an American Airlines Citicard and they offer in case maybe you would like to open on to get the chip. We had no problems using our card throughout Italy and stops in Dusseldorf and London.

Woo-hoo! Glad to have finally found another 11/22 cruiser! Hopefully all of the Viking "issues" will be worked out by our departure.


Are you doing any pre- or post- trips? We are in Paris for 5 days before our Bordeaux departure and will be taking the train from Paris. After the cruise we are making our way to Bayeux via train to visit the Normandy D-Day beaches and Mont St Michel. It will be an exciting trip -- can't wait!


Are your US credit cards Chip&Pin or Chip&Signature? We have just gotten our new American Airlines MC as well as Amex. However, both are Chip&Signature. Want to make sure we haven't missed something.

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We have just returned from our sailing of this itinerary. Still adjusting to the time change so it is very early this a.m.

I have already stated that the cruise was excellent, wine and food good, and the experience very enjoyable. Just wanted to list some parts that we most enjoyed. Have noted which were included and which optional.

--The ship provided 3 tours of Bordeaux, all a bit different. One walking tour the afternoon of arrival of the immediate area near the ship. One in the evening that day of the central part to see the lights---got there by tram, then walked about. Final tour the last day by bus and then walking. All well done.(included tours)

--From Puillac we had chateaux tours. All passengers divided into 4 groups and each taken to a different chateau. We did Lynch-Bages…could not have been better. If you have a favorite you may want to inquire if you can choose your group. The day ended with the Chateau Kirwan dinner. WHAT FUN! Wine was free flowing, food was very good. "Tasted" both an '84 and an '81 in addition to younger wines (all included)

--Visit to Blaye and the citadel was informative and enjoyable. Because we didn't dock there we did not have more time to explore the city. (Included)

--the optional Chateau Siurac tour and luncheon was fabulous. Our group (there were 2) was let by Paul Goldschmidt, one of the owners. A delightful gentlemen who led us through the vineyards to see his precious oldest vines and gave a fine tour.Also provided discounts for purchase, which will be shipped from a supply they have in Sonoma County, California.

We were provided a tour of the Libourne market before Siurac, and a tour of St. Emilion with free time after…both included.

--the included afternoon for sauterne tasting and tour of Cadillac was well done. Those who went truffle hunting the day before were provided the opportunity to take the tour of St. Emilion that a.m. There was also the opportunity to spend more time in Libourne where we had been docked overnight.

--a.m. on Thursday we had a lovely sail to Bordeaux. When we arrived the included bus and walking tour of the city took place after lunch. Some folks took the opportunity to have dinner in town, although the dinner that night was the farewell dinner with lots of bells and whistles.

--a.m. Friday we took the optional chef's tour of the Capucin Market and loved it. The chef met us at the market, took us through, and provided tastings of cheese, wine, and meats…and oysters which he shucked on the spot for the more adventurous tasters (my husband and not me). Chef Victor is delightful and a great showman. He comes from Spain, has been with Viking for 1 year, and led the tour in English that is far better than any Spanish or French I will ever speak. GREAT FUN! So happy we did this tour.

--Almost forgot…we also attended the wheelhouse tour led by the captain who is VERY FRENCH. He had translation assistance from the Program Director, Mieka. He gave us great information about navigating the rivers in this area. This clarified much about the itinerary issues.


Many folks we talked to agreed we would do this cruise again. So much to see and do and so little time. Some folks had unreasonble expectations about some fairly insignificant issues and spent time exhausting the staff with their demands. The staff went out of their way to make everyone as happy as they could.


I'll check back a couple of times next week to see if anyone has a question I can answer about our experience. After that we are prepping for our next cruise in August so will switch over to that roll call.


I have one request of everyone who does take this itinerary…please let the Viking folks know (especially the staff onboard) and let the roll call know of your experience. The true issues they are working very hard to fix. The staff onboard are following this roll call on a daily basis and comments on real concerns will be appreciated. Positive comments will also help lift their spirits.

Thank you SOOOOO much for this post, the details, and the comments about "expectations". My cruise is not until 11/22 -- plenty of time for Viking to work out the kinks. Since I am expecting challenging weather, I am not anticipating any river cruising on the deck watching the scenery go by. I want a floating hotel, great food & wine, interesting excursions & experiences, and a helpful, accommodating staff. Based on your comments, I think my expectations will be met! (and, as the Alaskans say, "there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes") I also appreciated your comments on the Chateau optional excursion...that will probably be one I book! I'm not interested in truffle hunting -- been there, done that in 2002 when I spent a week on a culinary "truffles & foie gras" trip...AWESOME!. Anyway, thanks again....happy cruising!

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Carolyn - I would not miss the chateau Siurac excursion as it was one of the best parts of the trip. We loved St Emillion, but there's really not much to do in Libourne, other than go to the Market. As part of your walking tour they take you to the Market, so you'll see that anyway. You'll have some additional free time in Liborurne even if you do the Siurac excursion - we wandered to the ramparts and did a little shopping. I found an interesting tea shop there, but unfortunately couldn't tell you what street it was on. We also had time to take in the little Museum that's in the Town Hall. There's a church but it was closed. That's about it for Libourne. Also, you'll have time in St Emillion as part of your included tour, so you really don't miss anything by going on the Siurac optional tour.


My one tip is that although there are some 110 plugs in the stateroom, take along either a power strip or a plug that turns one plug into multiple plugs. With two cell phones, two camera battery chargers and our computer, we would have had a hard time plugging everything in without our multi-plugs.


Bring a hat and sunscreen - you'll spend a fair amount of time outdoors on this cruise tromping around vineyards. It's lots of fun.


Bring an extra fold-up suitcase if you plan on bringing back wine (or anything else).


Hope that helps!

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Great advice, id4elizabeth, especially about the power strips! Thanks, will definitely do the Chateau Siurac, then.




Carolyn - I would not miss the chateau Siurac excursion as it was one of the best parts of the trip. We loved St Emillion, but there's really not much to do in Libourne, other than go to the Market. As part of your walking tour they take you to the Market, so you'll see that anyway. You'll have some additional free time in Liborurne even if you do the Siurac excursion - we wandered to the ramparts and did a little shopping. I found an interesting tea shop there, but unfortunately couldn't tell you what street it was on. We also had time to take in the little Museum that's in the Town Hall. There's a church but it was closed. That's about it for Libourne. Also, you'll have time in St Emillion as part of your included tour, so you really don't miss anything by going on the Siurac optional tour.


My one tip is that although there are some 110 plugs in the stateroom, take along either a power strip or a plug that turns one plug into multiple plugs. With two cell phones, two camera battery chargers and our computer, we would have had a hard time plugging everything in without our multi-plugs.


Bring a hat and sunscreen - you'll spend a fair amount of time outdoors on this cruise tromping around vineyards. It's lots of fun.


Bring an extra fold-up suitcase if you plan on bringing back wine (or anything else).


Hope that helps!

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@ id4Elizabeth,

I am seriously thinking about taking the Chateau Siaurac tour. Do you get to see the inside of the house? One more question, seeing the monolithic church is very important to me and the brochure says you still get to see it when you take the tour. Is this true?

Thanks for the tip about packing a power strip. Done.

We travel 2 weeks from today. Excitement is mounting.

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itchyfeetx2 ~ I think you are on the roll call - please check back just to make sure!!


Cabin outlets - Elizabeth, you are SO right about the outlets! On the desk/counter there are 2 outlets: 1 110-volt and one European. The outlets are on the closet side of the desk/counter and very easy to see reach.


On one side of the bed there's a 110-volt and on the other is a European - both in the wall over the night table and very convenient! We bring our adapter so we have 2 110-volt plugs on the desk/counter - but that's still not enough nowadays!! So I also bring a small power strip!!! DH plugs his iPhone by the bed to use as an alarm.


I also take a 3 in one plug just in case a hotel isn't as generous with convenient outlets!!

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Elizabeth ~ many thanks for your comments about Libourne and the Chateau! I really want to go to the Chateau but also want to see Libourne and Saint-Emilio. Your post made me feel much better about being able to see all three!!


I was able to buy a bottle of Chateau Siaurac wine recently! We haven't had it yet but can't wait!! We've gotten back to drinking Boudreaux again with this trip coming up!!


Thanks again for your review, comments and suggestions!!!

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I noted several questions about the optional Chateau lunch, Libourne, and St. Emilion so just wanted to add a few notes.


I highly recommend the Chateau Siurac lunch and tour. Yes we did get to see some rooms in the house, part of which had recently been renovated. Also had an explanation of how the renovations had restored parts to the original design for the rooms. Lunch was excellent. I received a gluten free lunch and two of my tablemates received vegetarian dishes, so we were cared for just as on the ship. Don't miss this tour!


If you sign up for this optional tour or any other, please let Viking know if you don't plan to attend. A number of people decided to just sleep in the day of the Siurac lunch with no notice, and created some difficulty for Viking since they had committed to a specific number of meals.


Our tour of St. Emilion following the chateau lunch provided a tour of the monolithic church and plenty of time for wandering about, having coffee, or shopping. The church is absolutely fascinating so don't miss the tour.

One tip in St. Emillion…be sure you know where to meet the bus. The town is tiny, but the streets are windy and it is easy to get disoriented. The buses can't park in town so have to leave and come back at the pickup point where they can only stay for a few minutes each. As the last buses were leaving on the day we were were there 4 people were still missing. The guides did check the area, but did not find them. Someone on our bus spotted them on a side street just as our bus was driving away and they jumped on our bus at the last minute. The assumption of the guides was that they planned to stay in town and would catch a taxi to the dock in Libourne…so don't assume they will wait for you.


RE the question on any additional tips, be sure to spend time in Bordeaux. Consider this vs the optional tours on the last day, or consider the market tour in the a.m. with the rest of the day in Bordeaux wandering about. We arrived 3 days ahead of the cruise so had more time for touring and eating in town, but would gladly go back to spend more time in the city.

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tipsygirl ~ THANKS for the added info on Libourne day!!! The Chateau is on our list!!!! And thanks for the tip about the bus - and about the fact that there are taxi's in St. Emilion - we won't plan on being late but good to just in case!!!


Bordeaux ~ everything I'm reading on this thread seems to indicate that its a fabulous city! I tired to get the other 3 feloow passengers (including DH) to look into the city on the internet as I thought we should arrive a day early or stay one or two days post-cruise. But no, they weren't interested! So I predict now that all 3 will be sorry we're not staying! I should have gone with my original instinct, made air reservations for 2 days post cruise and not told DH!!!! UGH!!!

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My questions are answered. thank you. I will be sure to note where our return bus is located. I do not have the remotest sense of direction and can get turned around easily especially when the streets are windy. Something similar happened to us in Bath and I was very worried that I would miss the bus back to London. It was truly scary.

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Thank you everyone, I really love reading all the posts. I don't feel like such a novice, even though it is our first river cruise. We do have one thing going for us, we both speak French, although the last time we were in France they said our accent was too strong and preferred speaking to us in English. It was amusing to us as we had no problem understanding them. Could be an advantage on this trip. We are on the June 28 sailing and getting more excited by the day. Look forward to more news from the other cruisers.



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Ditto everything tipsygirl said. Yes you do see the ground floor of the chateau, but not the upstairs. And yes you do get a tour of the Monolithic church. And yes, you can do all three things easily - Libourne, St-Emillion, and Chateau Siurac.

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[quote=Le bon vin: Thank you everyone, I really love reading all the posts. I don't feel like such a novice, even though it is our first river cruise. We do have one thing going for us, we both speak French, although the last time we were in France they said our accent was too strong and preferred speaking to us in English. It was amusing to us as we had no problem understanding them. Could be an advantage on this trip. We are on the June 28 sailing and getting more excited by the day. Look forward to more news from the other cruisers.)


Le Bon Vin, wish we were joining you on 6/28! We may pass each other in Bordeaux, as we're on the 7/5 sailing! My notebook for this trip is filling up. Thanks everyone, for taking the time to keep us updated!

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Thank you to everyone for the great posts. We have been busy and are way behind in our planning so you have all been a godsend.


Question: Do you really need to book the optional tours beforehand or do they pretty much accommodate everyone that wants to go?


Thanks much

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Thank you to everyone for the great posts. We have been busy and are way behind in our planning so you have all been a godsend.


Question: Do you really need to book the optional tours beforehand or do they pretty much accommodate everyone that wants to go?


Thanks much


You answered your own question correctly...book on board and they usually can accommodate everyone.

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remydiva is correct - Viking optional tours are booked onboard during the cruise. However, sometimes tours do "book-out" or filled tours open up when people change their minds. Have seen both. So a suggestion - if you really want a specific tour Sign-up ASAP - maybe talk to the CD when you first arrive!


Not sure what "extras" will be offered on the Chateaux cruise since it's SO centered around the tours, but both our other cruises have offered "trips" to the wheel house and galley - both very interesting - but also requiring a sign-up that fill up quickly!


Have a fantastic cruise!!!!!

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Tomorrow: Trip to the wheelhouse!


I'll see if I can get more specifics on which optional tours book up early. I know the Chateau Suirac tour is quite popular....


Not sure if I shared this here but I'm onboard Viking River's Bordeaux cruise this week and am posting a "live from" thread here: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/forumdisplay.php?f=191


Please wander over and join the discussion!




remydiva is correct - Viking optional tours are booked onboard during the cruise. However, sometimes tours do "book-out" or filled tours open up when people change their minds. Have seen both. So a suggestion - if you really want a specific tour Sign-up ASAP - maybe talk to the CD when you first arrive!


Not sure what "extras" will be offered on the Chateaux cruise since it's SO centered around the tours, but both our other cruises have offered "trips" to the wheel house and galley - both very interesting - but also requiring a sign-up that fill up quickly!


Have a fantastic cruise!!!!!

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remydiva is correct - Viking optional tours are booked onboard during the cruise. However, sometimes tours do "book-out" or filled tours open up when people change their minds. Have seen both. So a suggestion - if you really want a specific tour Sign-up ASAP - maybe talk to the CD when you first arrive!


Not sure what "extras" will be offered on the Chateaux cruise since it's SO centered around the tours, but both our other cruises have offered "trips" to the wheel house and galley - both very interesting - but also requiring a sign-up that fill up quickly!


Have a fantastic cruise!!!!!

On our cruse the first night before dinner the program director went over all the optional fee based tours. Then signup forms were available at reception that we could pick up on the way to dinner. Caused a mad dash and a bit of chaos at reception, so I hope they have developed a different plan. They also did not confirm what tours each guest had gotten. We found out by asking reception the next day. There were specific maximums for each tour although I did not hear anyone express that they did not get the tour(s) they wanted.

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Sign-ups hint ~ usually DH and I both went to the early evening briefings - great to also have a pre-dinner cocktail! It wasn't by accident that our favorite area of the lounge was the sofas near the bar - we could see where the CD would stand, have good access for getting drinks and also allow me to sneak out to run down to reception to put our name on a list!!


My suggestion (for any cruise and especially this one) is know ahead of time the optional tours offered and what you "can't live without" and then sign-up ASAP!!! (Friends we made on the Rhone River cruise had never thought about seen Pont du Gard and when they decided to book the tour it was filled. They lucked out because of a cancellation and afterwards said it had made their cruise! So check out the optional beforehand!!!)

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Laughing, FotoPeg, love your strategic approach!




Sign-ups hint ~ usually DH and I both went to the early evening briefings - great to also have a pre-dinner cocktail! It wasn't by accident that our favorite area of the lounge was the sofas near the bar - we could see where the CD would stand, have good access for getting drinks and also allow me to sneak out to run down to reception to put our name on a list!!


My suggestion (for any cruise and especially this one) is know ahead of time the optional tours offered and what you "can't live without" and then sign-up ASAP!!! (Friends we made on the Rhone River cruise had never thought about seen Pont du Gard and when they decided to book the tour it was filled. They lucked out because of a cancellation and afterwards said it had made their cruise! So check out the optional beforehand!!!)

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I agree with your suggestion FotoPeg. We signed up for the optional tours we absolutely wanted to do when we boarded the ship. Although they kind of laughed at us, I'm glad we did. Some people on our ship waited until the last minute to sign up for the Siurac Chateau and wine tasting, and were not able to go as the busses were full. I know the Cognac tour was not full (28 I think I remember) and the Truffle tour only had 16 but the tour went anyway (Viking originally said they had to have 20 sign up in order for the tour to go). If you're not sure and really don't care, it doesn't matter, but if it's something you really want to do, don't let any grass grow under your feet!

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Hello this fine sunny and warm morning from Cadillac! Yes, the ship did indeed get its license to go under the special bridge (it's actually a bridge right in Bordeaux) and we arrived here this morning after a gorgeous sailing.


The story I've heard here, and it makes sense to me now, is that because Viking Forseti was late arriving in Bordeaux (the ship was carted here on a barge and stormy seas delayed it), the appointment with whomever decides to let ships under this little bridge was missed. The next date Viking was able to get was May 7. That meeting occurred, it went well, and the ship did a test run and all went well.


I'll post photos and such on the Live From Bordeaux thread but thought you'd be glad to know :)




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