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Viking Chateaux, Rivers & Wine


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Thanks to the superb organization of the crew, disembarkation was relaxed and easy. Luggage was placed outside the door by 9:00 with the color coded and stateroom labeled tags attached. We had a relaxed breakfast saying goodbye to friends, acquaintances and crew. Our taxi arrived when we had requested and had an easy 50E ride to the airport.

And the rest they say is history!


Knowing that this board is read on the Forseti, I wanted to mention a few special crew members.

Mihaela - Cabin Steward. Took care of our cabin with TLC! She expertly handled every request with a smile!

Mieke, Program Director - far exceeded my expectations. Always accessible, funny, with lots of knowledge of what's going on locally, totally in touch with every tour and guides. She also shared information about the initiation of the cruise from an officer's perspective.

Bastion - Concierge - You'd think he'd been doing the job for years!

Alexandra - Front desk, always with a smile

Aneka -Our "chosen server" in the dining room at dinner

Lachezar - Wine steward this cruise. Knows his wine and the menu

Frank - Sommelier Extremely knowledgable and loved sharing it!

Bruno - Our "chosen server" for breakfast in the dining room

Michael - Maitre d' Seen everywhere on the ship, always with a smile!

Captain Eschbach - expertly commanding the ship from the bridge; a special memory, helping with luggage, when needed!


Every crew member I met was friendly and helpful! I didn't have room to mention everyone! Many of the crew members we met shared something of themselves and became more than just a name and a job! Thank you.

Thank you!

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Thanks, loge23! Wishing you a wonderful cruise.

In the Bordeaux area we had brief periods of rain, clouds and sun. Often in the same hour! It was around 70 degrees most days which turned out to be great touring weather for us. Others were cold and some we found in bathing suits on the sun deck. It depends on what you're used to. My advice to you, bring layers! Bon voyage!


Really appreciate the report Magellan2022!

We're about to fly off to Paris and board the Forseti on 7/19.

I intend to report to this thread as well and keep the fun going for all those still to depart.

It appears to be quite cool weather so far in Western Europe, but I'm sure we'll bring the FL sun along - we always do. Last year we came home to cool off!

Au revoir, amis!

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Magellan2022 ~ SO, SO glad your trip turned out SO perfectly!!!! Again I hope ours is half as good!!


I'm not surprised with your comments about the crew - on both our cruises we also had excellent service with crew members always ready to help!


Thanks again for your reviews - every one adds a little and a full picture is sowly coming into view! We've checked out many of the Chateaux and its fun knowing where we might be going - something wonderful to look forward to!! About a week ago we enjoyed a lovely bottle of wine from Chateau Siaurac - it was even more special since we knew we'd be visiting there in just a matter of weeks!!!

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loge23 ~ I look forward to your reviews of the cruise and hope you're experience is as great as the other recent ones!!!


How long will you be staying in Paris??? Any comments or recommendations will be appreciated since we'll be there 8 days!!


Thanks much!!

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Forseti has been docked in Bordeaux as a result of a rope getting tangled in one of the propellers. Viking has been very good about modifying the itinerary. We will be taking buses to Cadillac on our last day. It is what it is. I would still recommend this cruise to all. This is our first river cruise and we definitely will be repeating.


One thing to note that this basically is an estuary cruise and not a river cruise. We do not do much cruising.

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SueFrankuk ~ ugh!! Hope it gets fixed soon and you can continue to sail!!!


kittiescrap ~ "it is what it is" is the attitude to have with something like you described!! Accidents do happen - it how they are handled! In a way its very good that this cruise actually contains SO little sailing - much easier to use a bus when needed! Just hope it won't be needed in October for our cruise! Happy to hear you'd still recommend this cruise - we're almost at the "count the days" point!!!!

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Kittiescrap and SueFrankuk, I am so sorry! What a disappointment to everyone. As FotoPeg said and we past cruisers have said, this is not the cruise ship you see on PBS adds! There is little actual cruising, just moving the ship! I would imagine that you are getting the wonderful food, communication and service that we received last week. We had been told that the ship's propellers are vulnerable to floating tree limbs, too and I guess anything in the water. Enjoy the rest of your time in Bordeaux! The time goes very fast!

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I am also to the ship this week with the engine problem. I am planning to do a full review after I return. (In short the food/service has been great and everything was as advertised until the engine problem). As others have said the crew is doing everything possible to make the best of this situation. You can see during the meeting where they let us know about the problems that the captain was embarrassed and felt bad about what happened. For those on the ship next week this will be a big day as they are sending divers into the muddy murky water to see if they can undo the rope and to see if there is any more damage. If they can't they will have a lot of bus rides in their future. Don't know if we will know the outcome before we leave.

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All is well. Rope was removed from engine and they took us out on a cruise during dinner. They really did their best to make the best of a bad situation. Have more detail when I post my review.

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SO happy to hear that they made the best of a bad situation!! Things happen - its how they're handled that matters!! And most important is how they're handled at the scene - onboard! California/corporate is important but much more important is on the ship - and they seem to be coming out winners!! Hurray!!!!


Again, I can breathe a little easier!!!! Really looking forward to October!!!

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MABoat ~ sorry, you're still the only one on or list for the 23rd - see below. My only "complaint" about RCing is the lack of CC activity for a specific cruise! Wish there was a way to reach more passengers!!


Have a great cruise and PLEASE come back to tell us future cruisers all about your trip plus any suggestions & recommendations you have!!


April 12, 2014 ~ id4elizabeth – ports missed Cadillac

April 12, 2014 ~ Go Pack – ports missed Cadillac

April 26, 2014 ~ tipsygirl – ports missed Cadillac & Blaye

April 26, 2014 ~ ChesapeakeSailor – ports missed Cadillac & Blaye

May 10, 2014 ~ editor@cruisecritic: Carolyn

May 17, 2014 ~ kidfixer: Linda

May 24, 2014 ~ MalibooNewYork: Theresa

May 31, 2014 ~ ABQcruiser

June 28, 2014 ~ Le bon vin

July 5, 2014 ~ magellan2022

July 12, 2014 ~ vcgeno

July 12, 2014 ~ SueFrankuk

July 19, 2014 ~ loge23

Aug. 16, 2014 ~ lovetocruise17 – cancelled, illness

Aug. 23, 2014 ~ MABoat

Aug. 30, 2014 ~ roebud; Rose & Gary

Sept. 6, 2014 ~ indianrider - CANCELLED

Sept 13, 2014 ~ smokinmike

Sept. 20, 2014 ~ zmjh45

Sept. 27, 2014 ~ parkie

Oct. 4, 2014 ~ FotoPeg: John & Peg, Tony & Linda

Nov. 1, 2014 ~ Laffey724

Nov. 22, 2014 ~ itchyfeetx2

Nov. 22, 2014 ~ sable16

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Finally getting back to rejoining this thread. Been very busy lately, DH's mom passed away, and busy with all the details we needed to attend to. Anyway this thread has been so encouraging. Reading through all the positive reviews.. Thank-you Magellan, Maliboo, ABQ, and Le bon vin for your reviews, suggestions and insights.


Won't be long before we are boarding the Forseti and we are optimistic that this will prove to be a delightful cruise



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Oh Rose - I'm SO sorry to hear about your husband's mother. I'm sure after all this you guys will certainly need some time away just to be together! I hope the cruise meets your expectations - just relax and enjoy it!!! But then come back to tell us all about it!!!

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I've been catching up on his thread having been away for a while. I haven't noticed anyone else having gone to Bourg after touring the Citadel at Blaye. Did anyone else do this? I noticed that some cruisers set sail for Libourne in the afternoon after their morning in Blaye. We were given the opportunity to go on an optional free tour to Bourg that afternoon and didn't sail to Libourne until late in the afternoon. We enjoyed the surprise trip to Bourg.


While we didn't sail to Cadillac, we really didn't mind the short bus ride there. It's not a really long bus ride, and you do see stuff along the way. So don't stress too much if you don't sail there.


I've been enjoying Sauterne since we've been back (2 months now) - something I'd never tasted before. Hint: Sauterne is MUCH more expensive here in the US. I bought one bottle in CDG airport and wish I had bought more!

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I've been catching up on his thread having been away for a while. I haven't noticed anyone else having gone to Bourg after touring the Citadel at Blaye. Did anyone else do this? I noticed that some cruisers set sail for Libourne in the afternoon after their morning in Blaye. We were given the opportunity to go on an optional free tour to Bourg that afternoon and didn't sail to Libourne until late in the afternoon. We enjoyed the surprise trip to Bourg.


While we didn't sail to Cadillac, we really didn't mind the short bus ride there. It's not a really long bus ride, and you do see stuff along the way. So don't stress too much if you don't sail there.


I've been enjoying Sauterne since we've been back (2 months now) - something I'd never tasted before. Hint: Sauterne is MUCH more expensive here in the US. I bought one bottle in CDG airport and wish I had bought more!


Thanks, id4elizabeth for bringing up these points.

Bourg: Forgot to mention this little embarkation point after our tasting at Chateau Siaurac (still such a warm feeling with memories of Siaurac), the bus took us to Bourg where we, along with the Truffle group, rejoined the ship. I was not aware of a town tour, but I wasn't with ship.

Boreuaux is a compact area so I can see that taking buses would work, if needed. If you don't sail to Cadiallac, you can see still view the Pond de Pierre, the infamous bridge designed by order of Napoleon (correction to my blog :) from Bordeaux.

We bought a duty free bottle of Sauterne at CDG, as well. While at Chateau d'Arch bought the "tubes" of the three vintages we sampled. I agree with you, id4elizabeth, knowing the status of the Chatueau and the price of Sauternes stateside, wish I had purchased at least one bottle!

Advice: if you became enamoured with Sauterne as we did, plan to make a purchase while at the Chateau. Due to the need to sail on time, we were rushed at the end of our visit. That would be an advantage to being bused!

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FotoPeg...Thank-you for you kind words.


We are looking forward to this vacation and enjoying good wine and food and just having an opportunity to relax. Planning on sharing my live experiences while on the Forseti. Not very knowledgeable about posting while abroad but that's when DH will then again impress me with his tech savvy skills and make it happen.


Just about a month away from our 3 week vacation. It's approaching fast!



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Currently on board the Forseti on Day 3.

Last night was the dinner at Chateau Kirwin in Margaux and it was spectacular!

Most of the consist aboard love good wine & food and so far that has been delivered abundantly.

No mechanical issues at all. We just left Blaye headed to Libourne. Itineraries may differ from cruises to cruise.

I'll post more later but safe to say 5 stars so far.

Not so much for the pre-cruise Loire tour (2 much bus!)

The ship and staff get 6 stars!

Au revoir for now.

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Please excuse the self-indulgence but, given that there is no room service, is it possible to have morning coffee brought to room....or will one of us have to get dressed and go to the dining room to bring back coffee the only option.

We're sailing in two weeks and looking forward to this new itinerary.


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You are correct - NO room service - however there is coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cookies, etc available 27/7 on the second deck on both sides of the ship at the entrance to the lounge. (mornings also saw orange juice) You don't have to get dressed - just throw on a robe, caftan, etc and one of you can bring the morning drinks back to your cabin.


I'm the early riser when we're on a trip - not that I can't sleep but I figure I can sleep for free at home! I'd get up and throw on my caftan go to the center area of the second deck and settle in with my tablet & coffee & morning "paper" (Viking provides a daily one-page edition of major papers). When it was almost time for DH's alarm to go off I'd get his coffee + a second for myself and get into our cabin. Worked perfectly - except spoiled him for home when he's up first - come to think about it - I still haven't had my coffee served to me!!!


And don't forget slippers! Last year on our Christmas Markets RC I had bought a pair of fabulous boots - "fur" lined, warm, sturdy sole, laced up high. But then I realized I wasn't going to want to wear them on the ship - I'd need a change. So for the morning - and even lunch sometimes - I bought a pair a "zebra" slippers, that looked like low boots, but with a softer sole. They turned out to be the hit of the cruise!!! This year's cruise should be warmer in October so I just bought a pairs of soft, fuzzy "flip-flop" type slippers!!


Hope this helps!!

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Thanks Loge23, for the update. So happy you "got" the Chateau Kirwan experience. It set the tone of the cruise for us!

FotoPeg, you know your Longboats! The coffee, cappachino, mocha..... and tea are always available. Watch out for those chocolate cookies!! I became enamored with the bubble water. There's a still/bubble water dispenser.

I have a book to recommend that's fun, a quick read and captures the spirit of Bordeaux. The Vintage Caper, by Peter Mayle. It's in hard and e-copy. I just reread the book and enjoyed it even more post cruise!

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Magellan2022 ~ thanks for the compliment - but I forgot about the water - yes - still and bubble!!


Also a note - as I remember Viking always had bottle water available (gratis) to take on excursions - can anyone else confirm that?? Our RCs were in October and December so water wasn't on top of list, but I do remember our summer OCs when it became important - and we had to buy it!!


And thanks for the book recommendation!! Just requested it from our library! I read some of his other books 2-3 years ago before we went to Provence - fun reading! I just reread a little book from a few years ago - Wine and War by Donald Kladstrup. Interesting book about the wine growers during WWII - gives an interesting insight into the country of France and especially the wine industry when it was more "home" based and not just a corporation -really conveys the love owners had/have for their land that actually goes beyond the $$!!

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