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Christmas Surprise!


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I am planning on surprising my family for Christmas with a cruise. My husband and I go every year with friends however my 5 year old really wants to go on "the big boat" he sees pictures of so this time I want to take everyone. No one knows but me....SHHH...not even my husband.

I want to take me, my husband, son, mom, grandmother, aunt & husband, sister and husband. I am soo excited!


Here is the dilemma. I don't know how to do this. I want to book and pay for the cruise and give it as a Christmas gift. The one I picked was a short 4 day leaving Jan 5th which doesn't leave much time for preparation. I don't know how to get them prepared without them knowing. We all have our travel docs so that isn't an issue but taking vacation time from work, saving up spending money etc.


Any advice on how to pull off the Christmas gift would be great!

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You can keep it a secret from your son, the adults need to be told.


Nope, there is no point in the surprise if I tell the adults. This is more for them than my son. They comment every year when we go about how they would love to be able to do it one day. I want to do this for them

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I am planning on surprising my family for Christmas with a cruise. My husband and I go every year with friends however my 5 year old really wants to go on "the big boat" he sees pictures of so this time I want to take everyone. No one knows but me....SHHH...not even my husband.

I want to take me, my husband, son, mom, grandmother, aunt & husband, sister and husband. I am soo excited!


Here is the dilemma. I don't know how to do this. I want to book and pay for the cruise and give it as a Christmas gift. The one I picked was a short 4 day leaving Jan 5th which doesn't leave much time for preparation. I don't know how to get them prepared without them knowing. We all have our travel docs so that isn't an issue but taking vacation time from work, saving up spending money etc.


Any advice on how to pull off the Christmas gift would be great!



Celebrate "Christmas in July"?? ;) :D

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Nope, there is no point in the surprise if I tell the adults. This is more for them than my son. They comment every year when we go about how they would love to be able to do it one day. I want to do this for them




I would be thrilled if someone gave me a cruise as a present, BUT....10 days notice would not be okay.


Can you book something later in Jan? 3 weeks might be better. A chance to book holidays, arrange for things....


Sounds like a great gift, but some prep time willbe appreciated

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I am planning on surprising my family for Christmas with a cruise. My husband and I go every year with friends however my 5 year old really wants to go on "the big boat" he sees pictures of so this time I want to take everyone. No one knows but me....SHHH...not even my husband.

I want to take me, my husband, son, mom, grandmother, aunt & husband, sister and husband. I am soo excited!


Here is the dilemma. I don't know how to do this. I want to book and pay for the cruise and give it as a Christmas gift. The one I picked was a short 4 day leaving Jan 5th which doesn't leave much time for preparation. I don't know how to get them prepared without them knowing. We all have our travel docs so that isn't an issue but taking vacation time from work, saving up spending money etc.


Any advice on how to pull off the Christmas gift would be great!


Have them prepare for someplace warm with nice attire for a nice dinner "out". That's gonna be a tough one to pull off. Good luck!

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I had thought about telling them we were going to the beach so they could request off work. Going to Florida is no big deal in our family b/c we used to go every month growing up.

I was going to give gifts for Christmas that hinted towards the cruise and would help them like sun dress or on board credit etc.

Do 4 days do formal night?

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Maybe tell them you have a trip planned for that time- just something simple near where you live. That way they request the time off and get ready like they were taking a trip. Then surprise them with the cruise.


One issue, how will you be sure they have passports or birth certificates without blowing the surprise? Not enough time between Christmas and the 5th to request one so it would need to be done ahead of time.


It will be a wonderful surprise if you can pull it off!!!!!!! But, it will be hard to get everyone in order without telling them.



ETA: yes, a 4 day cruise will have one Cruise Elegant night.

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One issue, how will you be sure they have passports or birth certificates without blowing the surprise? Not enough time between Christmas and the 5th to request one so it would need to be done ahead of time.



ETA: yes, a 4 day cruise will have one Cruise Elegant night.


Thanks. Everyone has them already except my mom. My sister is going to help with this ( I deciede to let her in on the secret so it could be from the 2 of us).

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I would maybe tell everyone that u rented house in Florida for all of u for those dates. They will then be somewhat prepared and have taken the time off work, then u can suprise them on Christmas with the cruise. We suprised our kids, and us and my sisters-in-law suprised my inlaws as well andtheir grandmother But we didn't go until spring break. His dad we told to take the time off work but not why...he has to have it in almost a year in advance. Good luck!!

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Let's face it this "surprise" is for you under the disguise of being for them.


I like to cruise. I would love someone to give me a cruise, but to "surprise" me with one less than 14 days away would make me mad.


You do what you want, but I go on record of saying it is a terrible idea. I hope you remember that when it blows up on you.


Oh yeah, it is not the giving of the cruise that I think is wrong, it is the way you are wanting to do it.

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Let's face it this "surprise" is for you under the disguise of being for them.


I like to cruise. I would love someone to give me a cruise, but to "surprise" me with one less than 14 days away would make me mad.


You do what you want, but I go on record of saying it is a terrible idea. I hope you remember that when it blows up on you.


Oh yeah, it is not the giving of the cruise that I think is wrong, it is the way you are wanting to do it.


Thanks for your opinion. I don't understand why people feel the need to come on and be negative all the time. I didn't ask weither or not I should give the gift or not, or weither or not it was a good idea. I said i was looking at 1 on Jan 5th, I haven't booked it yet. Are you the type of person who has to know all of their Christmas gifts?? I want to surprise them and my family loves surprises so I don't think it will "blow up in my face" but I am glad you got on record.

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but agree that it will hard to pull off with all of those adults. I think before saying "it is a terrible idea - I would hate if someone did this to me", it is important to understand the OP's family. Maybe they are free-spirited, roll with the punches type of people who would love this kind of surprise. If so, this will be awesome.


But if they are stiff accountant want to plan every minute types (which I am so I can say that!), then this is a bad idea. Only the OP knows her family and if she thinks they will be surprised and love it, who are we to say differently? Let's try to think of ways to help her pull it off.


Personally, I think in order to pull it off, you will probably need a partner-in-crime to help you. Maybe your mother? Then you will probably need to contact employers to verify time off can be taken and hopefully everyone has good natured bosses. It will be difficult, but who know, maybe it will be the surprise of your family's life. I'll be anxious to hear how it goes. Good luck!

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I agree with everyone that says that you should definitely tell everybody to get time off to go on a little family getaway. You can lie and tell them you are going to Wild Adventures in Valdosta, GA. :o


Contrary to what some had said, I'd be thrilled if my wife surprised me with a cruise, but I'd be angry if I had to work during those days because I wasn't given enough advance notice to ask for the time off. :mad:

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Thanks for your opinion. I don't understand why people feel the need to come on and be negative all the time. I didn't ask weither or not I should give the gift or not, or weither or not it was a good idea. I said i was looking at 1 on Jan 5th, I haven't booked it yet. Are you the type of person who has to know all of their Christmas gifts?? I want to surprise them and my family loves surprises so I don't think it will "blow up in my face" but I am glad you got on record.


Just ignore the crabby, bitter people that wouldn't enjoy life even if they had years to plan :)


I think 14 days is PLENTY of time to be ready for a cruise. I have booked a couple of cruises with less notice than that! Whatever would someone need more time for? I think your family is lucky and you will all have SO much fun!!!! Have your camera ready to catch the surprises on their faces when they hear the news!!

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I'm doing something similar for my mum (she has a special birthday this year). I did all I could without involving her (e.g. let her office know when she'll need time off) but at the end of the day I realised she needed to know something to make sure her travel documents were in order and our plans weren't conflicting with anything else she might have planned (especially around Christmas). So we've told her we're taking her on a trip, but not where, and that we'll make sure she has enough notice to buy new clothes, pack, etc if she needs to. We'll be telling her 2 months before the trip.


I realise that won't work in your situation but perhaps speak with someone in the adults' offices to let them know what you have planned (and ask them to keep it a secret obviously!) and/or do tell the adults they are going somewhere on those dates, like you said you might. I would of course be thrilled if someone surprised me with a cruise but it would soon turn to panic if I realised I only had a week or so to make all my arrangements and buy anything I needed and pack and... :eek:

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Thanks for your opinion. I don't understand why people feel the need to come on and be negative all the time. I didn't ask weither or not I should give the gift or not, or weither or not it was a good idea. I said i was looking at 1 on Jan 5th, I haven't booked it yet. Are you the type of person who has to know all of their Christmas gifts?? I want to surprise them and my family loves surprises so I don't think it will "blow up in my face" but I am glad you got on record.


Honestly, I think giving a cruise is a nice thing to do, but you need to rethink your plans.


No, I do not need to know my Christmas presents ahead of time except if you are planning on taking me out of the country.


Be sure and purchase the cancel for any reason insurance option because you will be well within the cancelation penalty time when you spring the "surprise" on all those people.


Let us know how it turns out. And good luck.

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Can you go that extra step and actually contact their employers, in secrecy, to see if they would be allowed the time off of work? I think that would be the ultimate surprise - to have someone tell me it was all arranged - even my time off of work ! Good luck and let us know what happens with your plans !

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i took my son one year in january. called his job told them when he would be gone and to keep it a surprise and all worked out. on xmas morning he had a few gifts to open such as new shorts new sandals and picture of ship

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I would love this if it happened to me. Just so long as I had enough time to get the time off of work or it was already booked off. This means that you either need to get them to take the time off on their own--by telling them about a different destination first (and make sure it's someplace that they aren't going to be really disappointed by the fact that you're not really going there) so they can take the time off of work......or by finding out who that person's boss is and letting the bosses in on the secret so that the boss knows that they won't be there during the days of the cruise.

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I am planning on surprising my family for Christmas with a cruise. My husband and I go every year with friends however my 5 year old really wants to go on "the big boat" he sees pictures of so this time I want to take everyone. No one knows but me....SHHH...not even my husband.

I want to take me, my husband, son, mom, grandmother, aunt & husband, sister and husband. I am soo excited!


Here is the dilemma. I don't know how to do this. I want to book and pay for the cruise and give it as a Christmas gift. The one I picked was a short 4 day leaving Jan 5th which doesn't leave much time for preparation. I don't know how to get them prepared without them knowing. We all have our travel docs so that isn't an issue but taking vacation time from work, saving up spending money etc.


Any advice on how to pull off the Christmas gift would be great!



Firstly what a wonderful gift this is so considerate and lovely! I did a 40th birthday surprise in June for my sister ... but I had to tell her in the end to get time off for work and to make sure she didn't book something during the time we would be away ... SO given this past experience I would ask you/ suggest:


1) is there any special occasions coming up during the time you guys will be going on the cruise? if so you could use this as a backstory for going away, eg. family reunion for four days in Florida


2) could you use a special event going on in Florida during that month that you could use as a reason for you all going ... like a sports game all the family likes ... seasonal event occurring in florida ... anything like that?


3) is it possible to tell others around your family members about it to make sure they look out and make sure the family members do not book anything for those four days ... and is it possible to get in touch with their bosses to request time off for them and not to tell the said family member


I think one thing is important is you have accomplices in this task as you have more than one person to keep this surprise from so your going to need someone or a group of people who will keep it secret and aid you in working this.


Good luck! and I hope you have a wonderful cruise

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Can you go that extra step and actually contact their employers, in secrecy, to see if they would be allowed the time off of work? I think that would be the ultimate surprise - to have someone tell me it was all arranged - even my time off of work ! Good luck and let us know what happens with your plans !


This is the best idea here so far. Do you know if your family can all get time off of work without much notice? I, too, would love to be surprised with any vacation, but looking forward to the trip is half the fun for me. I understand your excitement at wanting to surprise them all, but just be sure all can get off of work without difficulty. Even a little thing like making sure you have a bathing suit that fits and is in decent shape in January can be an issue. As long as your sister knows, you two should talk out all the things that could be problematic. You have plenty of time between now and Christmas to do that and decide if anyone else will need more time to prepare or what else you two can do to make sure all the bases are covered.

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I want to know what people need so much time in advance (other than getting time off work) to do before they cruise. I could book a cruise and be ready in 48 hours (less if I was driving to port).


Doesn't anyone enjoy the vacation any more, rather than the planning? All I need is a bit of clothes, a credit card and my meds. Anything else is more than I want to carry.

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What a lovely surprise! Wish my family......well that's another subject:)


If I were you, I would keep the secret until Thanksgiving then give them the present early......To show your Thanks for a wonderful family, this way the grownups will have lots of time to prepare. You can ask they not tell your little one and keep that surprise for him on Christmas morning.


But if you really want to keep it for a Christmas present, then I'd go with the suggestion of the mock trip to Florida......

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I think one of the previous poster's idea about "Christmas in July" is the best. Invite all these family members over for a 4th of July party . . . and then when they show up, have some Christmas decorations scattered around. Or have a Carnival brochure wrapped in Christmas wrapping-paper for each person . . . you'd still have the "Surprise!" element, but it would give everybody time to plan AND time to anticipate. Time to research the ship, look at excursions, read Cruise Critic!! :D


And it would allow time for the logistical, practical issues (passports, travel to the port, what to/not to pack, who's going to feed the dog, water the plants, etc. etc.) especially if they've never cruised before.


I gave my immediate family (husband and two sons) a cruise for Christmas two years ago, but our cruise wasn't until that June, so we had time to get the boys' passports, etc. I couldn't believe I pulled it off; I started planning almost a year in advance! My boys couldn't believe it; I thought my DH was going to faint! ;)

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