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Dream Review -May 2013 ---->> Family = Fun

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** DAY 6- Thursday 5/16 ** @ Costa Maya


Funtimes for Thursday 5/16 - Costa Maya







Had been looking forward to stopping back at Costa Maya since our last stop here back in September of 2011. In 2011 we had a wonderful time spending the day at Maya Chan, an all inclusive beach resort. The owner Mark, really has this resort finely tuned and I would highly recommend them if you are looking for something to do while in Costa Maya.


The only downside with this Port is the amount of time the Dream is stopped here. The Dream, as was the same time in 2011, is here from 7 am to 1:30 pm. Thats right, 1:30 pm! That means with anything you do while in this port, you kinda need to be heading back to the pier no later than 12:30 to 1. It's for this earlier departure time I decided to look for something to do a little closer to the Ship/Port area. As mentioned, we had a wonderful time at Maya Chan, but it is at best a 30-40 minute taxi ride from the pier. Too much precious time that you just don't have to spare in this Port. So after doing a little research online and with the help of these boards here on Cruise Critic, we came up with something that matched up better with the times in Port here.


We settled on going to Nohoch Kay, an all inclusive resort located quite a bit closer to the ship, right on the beach. I will get this out of the way early, with more detailed explanation later.......Extremely pleased with our decision of Nohoch Kay!


With our group realizing we wanted to take advantage of our short time in Costa Maya, on Wednesday night, we discussed the time we wanted to get off the ship, it was written on our Dry Erase board so all could see and be reminded of, so it had now become Law :-)


Everyone would meet in the hallway at 8:00 am for a quick exit off the boat and to the taxi stands. We would skip breakfast, knowing that the All Inclusive at Nohoch Kay would be serving us food immediately upon our arrival. (boy were we correct in that assumption)


After walking through the assorted port shops and to the taxi stand, we informed them we were 11 1/2 in number and needed a taxi/bus to Nohoch Kay. $4 per person round trip.

Within 5 mins we were all loaded on a bus headed to our excursion. Its probably less than 10- 15 mins to Nohoch Kay. After stepping off the bus, I was immediately greeted by a gentleman named Jaime (pronounced hymie).

He welcomed all of us to Nohoch Kay. When i say all.... I mean all. Individually. He went down the line shaking hands and introducing himself and asking the name of each person in our group. He walked us over to our cabana, lounge chairs and seating area. We had more than adequate tables and chairs, with areas for shade for our group of 11. He then immediately called over several of his wait staff to meet us as well, give us menu's, and take any drink or food order that we decided on. From that moment on until we left, we always had at least one of them checking on us to order and re-order what ever we wanted to eat and drink.

I had told Jaime that we had been down to Maya Chan on our last visit to Costa Maya, and we were extremely pleased, but the distance in relation to our time in port caused us to look elsewhere. He also complemented Maya Chan and said what a good job they do, which I thought was admirable. After showing us around and some small chit chat, I got the money out to pay our balance for the excursion. (After having made a very small online deposit, almost all of it is paid on the day of the excursion.) Jaime, immediately says, 'put your money away, enjoy yourself.... cause if for some reason your are not completely satisfied, you pay me nothing'. :-)


Quite a few of us started out with a few BloodyMary's and progressed from there :-)

The Food was very very delicious. Nachos. Steak, Chicken, Beef. Amazing Guacamole and Chips and Salsa. Easily my favorite dish of the day, and this could be verified by the amount of servings I ate, was the fish and shrimp ceviche! It was so good! Such a simple dish, but no matter how hard I try I can never seem to duplicate at home.


Very nice beach area, very little of the turtle grass that tends to be prevalent on the beaches in Costa Maya. Severla of us did some snorkeling, but not much to be seen right near the beach. They do have kayaks that can be used to paddle out to a reef just off shore, but we elected to just take it easy and just chill on the beach with our drinks and food.


Here are a few pics from Nohoch Kay -












Jaime mentioned that he would order us a taxi when we decided to leave and to just let him know when we were ready to return back to the Port area. We had decided as a group that we would head back around 12:30 just to give us enough for some super quick browsing in the shops and get back on the ship by 1:30

It seemed like time flew to that 12:30 leave time :-( .... could have easily stayed another 3 hours or so at Nohoch Kay. Highly recommend and at $40 pp its a very good value for the money. Need to maybe send a note to Carnival or something to see if they couldn't stay another few hours while in this Port in the future.


After a quick walk onto the Pier, it seems like you meet up with one of the biggest lines all week getting back onto the boat. Obviously this has a great deal to do with it being the both the last stop before returning home, and the brief time in port, so everyone squeezes in every last second available before heading back onboard. It was the only time all week I was actually hot and sweating. Standing in a line, in the hot sun, will do that to ya, whether you worn born raised in Florida or not. :-)


After we got back on the ship, we all headed straight up to 12th floor and grabbed some lounge chairs near the railing of the pool area. The DJ was doing his thing, and the whole area was very lively, which is typical for this time of the day early to late afternoon.

Our group had decided we wanted to play in the Volleyball tourney that would take place @ 4 up in the basketball netted area. After walking over and waiting for several minutes, we found out that they were doing it a little differently this time than they had in the past. They wouldn't being separating into different teams, but just having 2 teams, with everyone else just rotating in and out so that everyone would eventually play. Hmmmm....not sure about who decided this would work out better, but one would think that if everyone was on a team, everyone would certainly have a better chance to play than just rotating in and out every few minutes. We have played in several of these Volleyball tournaments on past cruises and they were always great fun. Not sure if this was just a one time decision or that's how they are running these now. We decided to sit this one out and go play some mini golf, water slides and hit the pool instead.

As time started quickly to approach 5 pm, everyone in our group started to slowly disappear into their various cabins, what with it being our second and last Elegant night a nap might not be possible at this point. :-P



Second Elegant Night always tends to start the brief thoughts about tomarr being the last sea day, and then that dreaded day...getting off the ship Saturday. Wont let those thoughts settle in for long though cause if you do, you miss out on all the fun for the next 36 hours or so! Party is still on!

All 3 of my daughters are extremely fond of Escargot and always look forward to the night it is served. I also love it and i think between the 4 of us we had 9 orders total. HaHaHa. Im glad we dont eat like this at home, I would weigh 500lbs.

Another fantastic evening with family and the ones we love. Lots of laughter, about a million cherrios for our little Grandson as he was introduced to them on this cruise and simply is crazy about them. For him probably the coolest part of them is being able to pick them up on his own and eat them without anyones help hahaha. Elegant Dinner for an 8 month old? Give him a sippy cup and a small box of cherrios and he is Loving it! :-)


Some Second Elegant night photos-





Group at Table 622



Our Family Elegant Night Dream Staircase -



Little Man at table Elegant Night -



One of my Personal Favorite Desserts on the Ship -




After dinner we had decided to go see some of the comedy shows. We attempted to see the show @ 9:45 but it was completely full. We ended up going back for the Midnight Comedy show which was for a guy who went by the name of Cowboy Comedian.

After the show, spent another hour or so in the club dancing.


Next up----- Friday Seaday ----Last Day :(

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** DAY 7- Friday 5/17 ** @ SEADAY and Saturday Debarkation Day :(



Funtimes for Friday 5/17 - Seaday






After sleeping in till around 9, my DW and I got up for a trip down to the breakfast buffet, both of us electing to go with just a little fruit and an omelet. I love the omelet station, There are times when the line seems quite long, but it normally moves along at a pretty good pace. If I remember correctly the chefs have several pans going at the same time, so even with a line, you wont be waiting long. One odd thing on this trip, fairly early on in the cruise week, i think it was Tuesday or Wednesday, when I asked for an Egg White only omelet, I was told they were out of Egg Whites. I found this curious being so early on in the cruise. I never asked again during the week, so I don't know if they were out just for that particular day and would re-supply or they actually were out for the rest of the week.


We always have tended to take it extremely easy on the final day of our cruise week. (Not that we are working all that hard on the other six days haha) ..... After our leisurely breakfast my DW and I walked up to the 12th deck and found most of our group already laying out getting some sun, watching some morning news program on the big tv. for the most part we just hung out by the pool and slides for the better part of the morning- afternoon. for those of you that have been reading along, especially those with small kids less than a year old, a great place that we found to hang out up on the pool decks is right between the exit points of the 2 slides. Its a great place to just lay down and let your little one crawl around in what at the very most is a 1/2 inch to 1 inch of water. At most times during the day this area is shaded, so its great for little ones to just sit and not worry about the sunburn. Very near this is the small kids play area that has a climbing platform and a very small kids slide. We spent quite a bit of time in this little area during the week.


The one show that we had marked off to go see today was the always popular Love and Marriage Show hosted by Jaime the CD. Always good fun and laughs, and this time was no different. We always like to get there a little before showtime cause half the fun is seeing the participants get selected from the audience. Showtime is 2:30pm and it seems like they always do this show on the last Seaday. If you can, try to make this show. While the questions asked seemed to be always similar or the same, the answers are always different and quite entertaining! The one thing I was not aware of, is that they actually show this presentation live on most of the tv's on the ship, including the large tv up on the Lido deck. I prefer being there and seeing it live, but pretty cool if you just dont want to leave your lounge chair you can still catch it.


Ahhhhh....once back to the cabin to prepare getting ready for dinner, the fact we are getting off the boat in the morning hits you right square in the face. The room steward has left the Customs immigration info and the Debarkation Numbered Tags :(((((

Its inevitable now.... packing up your stuff and preparing to leave is in our near future.

Yeah, we still have another night in the MDR and another night for some Casino and Dancing, but once the suitcases come out from under the bed its hard not thinking about the trip winding down and coming to a close.


If anything describes that feeling, someone in our group wrote this on our Dry Erase Board -



We indeed did have another fantastic dinner in the MDR. I have always enjoyed Frog Legs and look forward to the night when they are served as an appetizer. While a little bland on this trip, still very very good. Here are a few food pics served through-out this week on the dream

Frog Legs-



No Caption Needed








As My review of our week on the Carnival Dream winds down to a close.... remember Good Times and Great Memories are what you make of them. If you are with people you care about and Love, don't let something not going the way you had thought it would distract you....Resist the urge to look for whats wrong....Look for those things that bring you joy!


A picture of my 3 little girls and myself-



My Beautiful Wife and Grandson





** Saturday 5/18 - Debarkation


As always you are given a choice for either carrying your luggage off with you first thing in the morning, or use the Debarkation Tags and place your packed luggage outside your cabin door by 11:00 pm on Friday night. We typically always Tag our bags and let Carnival carry them off the ship for us. They ask that you be out of your cabin by 8:30 am so they can get started for with cleaning and change over for the next cruise passengers coming in that afternoon. We had Debarkation #9 so after a quick cup of coffee and bagel, they were calling our number by 9:15 or so.

Again, Carnival has this unloading process down to a science, and we were grabbing our luggage headed to Immigration line by 9:30. Outside, back on our bus and loaded in our car by 10.

This is no exaggeration, by 10:15 EVERYONE....EVERYONE in our car (which was 7 in our group) was sound asleep but yours truly.


Wouldn't have it any other way. Great Week. Great Trip. Memories that will remain for the balance of our lives.....




If you have any questions about the Dream or this Itinerary, please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you for reading :-)

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Let me begin by saying, and as my title indicates, it doesn't matter whether we are sitting around the dining room table at home playing a board game, or sailing on a 7 day cruise through the Caribbean, if we are together as a Family....Good Times are ahead. I'm a big believer in the fact that Fun and Happiness is not 100% about location and activity, but largely made up of ATTITUDE.


I like the way you think.:D QW and I just booked the Dream in Oct for our 10 anniversary and we can't wait.:)

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** Had been looking forward to stopping back at Costa Maya since our last stop here back in September of 2011. In 2011 we had a wonderful time spending the day at Maya Chan, an all inclusive beach resort. The owner Mark, really has this resort finely tuned and I would highly recommend them if you are looking for something to do while in Costa Maya.


The only downside with this Port is the amount of time the Dream is stopped here. The Dream, as was the same time in 2011, is here from 7 am to 1:30 pm. Thats right, 1:30 pm! That means with anything you do while in this port, you kinda need to be heading back to the pier no later than 12:30 to 1. It's for this earlier departure time I decided to look for something to do a little closer to the Ship/Port area. As mentioned, we had a wonderful time at Maya Chan, but it is at best a 30-40 minute taxi ride from the pier. Too much precious time that you just don't have to spare in this Port. So after doing a little research online and with the help of these boards here on Cruise Critic, we came up with something that matched up better with the times in Port here.


We settled on going to Nohoch Kay, an all inclusive resort located quite a bit closer to the ship, right on the beach. I will get this out of the way early, with more detailed explanation later.......Extremely pleased with our decision of Nohoch Kay!



We went to Maya Chan last time in Costa Maya as well and agree with everything you said about them. Mark and the crew are fantastic.

I also would like to shorten the time spent in a cab to and from a resort. Tell me a little more about Nohoch Kay if you can. They are already $19 per person cheaper than Maya Chan. Will they organize a dive trip? How do you get in touch with them? Directly or through a marketing company?

Edited by Socref124
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Have enjoyed your review very much. Will be sailing on the Dream 11/9 and our cabin is the same one that you had. Also, from you name, I am assuming you are from Lee County in FL and until last August I lived in Collier County.


You have a lovely family and it is wonderful that familes can still enjoy vacationing together. The baby looks like he enjoyed himself.


Thanks for taking the time to write a wonderful review.

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I like the way you think.:D QW and I just booked the Dream in Oct for our 10 anniversary and we can't wait.:)


You will love the ship! And early Congrats! 10 years is saying something these days! Keep at it, it only gets better and it's worth it :-P

And I'm guessing that with QW you meant DW ? Haha

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We went to Maya Chan last time in Costa Maya as well and agree with everything you said about them. Mark and the crew are fantastic.

I also would like to shorten the time spent in a cab to and from a resort. Tell me a little more about Nohoch Kay if you can. They are already $19 per person cheaper than Maya Chan. Will they organize a dive trip? How do you get in touch with them? Directly or through a marketing company?


Yes, Maya Chan was well worth every penny, just happens to be a little to far from Port with the amount of time the Dream spends in Costa Maya.

Some of the differences noticed in comparing these 2 All Inclusives, Maya Chan seems to be more private just due to vegetation and the way the resort is set up. Nohoch Kay is more of an open beach area on both sides, with several street shopping vendors / tables with 100 yards or so of the resort area. As far as food goes, while Mark does a great job at Maya Chan with the barbque and such, thats really not what Im particularly looking for while in the Mexican Caribbean. Some of the traditional dishes that I mentioned like the fish and shrimp ceviche and some other seafood related dishes along with nachos and salsa give Nohoch Kay a slight edge in food IMO. As far as setting up a dive, you would need to ask them directly, we didnt even broach that subject.

I contacted them directly at http://costamayacruiseexcursions.com/AllInclusiveBeach.htm

They are handled through a marketing company , ISLAND MARKETING LTD (CAYMAN)-Costa Maya Cruise Excursions


Hope this helps! You will get your worth out of that $40 fee... our group sure did :-P

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You will love the ship! And early Congrats! 10 years is saying something these days! Keep at it, it only gets better and it's worth it :-P

And I'm guessing that with QW you meant DW ? Haha

LOL, I didn't see that mistake:eek:. Yepp I meant DW.:D

Thanks, these 10 years have gone by fast and it is getting better all the time.:)

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Yes, Maya Chan was well worth every penny, just happens to be a little to far from Port with the amount of time the Dream spends in Costa Maya.

Some of the differences noticed in comparing these 2 All Inclusives, Maya Chan seems to be more private just due to vegetation and the way the resort is set up. Nohoch Kay is more of an open beach area on both sides, with several street shopping vendors / tables with 100 yards or so of the resort area. As far as food goes, while Mark does a great job at Maya Chan with the barbque and such, thats really not what Im particularly looking for while in the Mexican Caribbean. Some of the traditional dishes that I mentioned like the fish and shrimp ceviche and some other seafood related dishes along with nachos and salsa give Nohoch Kay a slight edge in food IMO. As far as setting up a dive, you would need to ask them directly, we didnt even broach that subject.

I contacted them directly at http://costamayacruiseexcursions.com/AllInclusiveBeach.htm

They are handled through a marketing company , ISLAND MARKETING LTD (CAYMAN)-Costa Maya Cruise Excursions


Hope this helps! You will get your worth out of that $40 fee... our group sure did :-P


Thank you very much. This will be quite helpful.

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Have enjoyed your review very much. Will be sailing on the Dream 11/9 and our cabin is the same one that you had. Also, from you name, I am assuming you are from Lee County in FL and until last August I lived in Collier County.


You have a lovely family and it is wonderful that familes can still enjoy vacationing together. The baby looks like he enjoyed himself.


Thanks for taking the time to write a wonderful review.



aww that's cool with the same cabin, We absolutely Loved this location! And yes. your spot on, good ole' Lee County. Born and raised. A Native as they say. And we are in and out of Collier county all the time with work and play. We think this area is a little slice of God's Country... hahaha


Thank you so much for your kind words. I have been blessed beyond what I deserve for sure.... and as far as our grandson, he sure did have a great time! and so did we with him. I'm sure when he got back home this last week he was like, wait a second...where is my big dinner table looking out over the ocean, with all my family? Where is the pool all day and non-stop snacking all day, everyday?? hahaha. but then again, dont we all say that for the first week or 2 back ?? :-P

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First, CaptivaTrvler, thanks for your review. There's another one of your cruise that may have a different prespective on things. But then that's the way with all cruises as we all have differing expectations.


We went to Maya Chan last time in Costa Maya as well and agree with everything you said about them. Mark and the crew are fantastic.

I also would like to shorten the time spent in a cab to and from a resort. Tell me a little more about Nohoch Kay if you can. They are already $19 per person cheaper than Maya Chan. Will they organize a dive trip? How do you get in touch with them? Directly or through a marketing company?


Mike, you can also find Jaime and Nohoch Kay on FB. While you should book him through Island Marketing at the email that CT provided, you can post on the FB and inquiry. We've known Jaime for a while. He used to have a place in Playa del Carmen, Oasis, and sold it and moved to Mahajual. He's a great person. His place is very near the main little fishing pier in Mahajual and he knows a lot of folks there. You can ask him on FB about arranging a diving trip. Or email me at 2scull4@gmail.com and I'll pop over his email for you. Kathryn was there the cruise before CT and she and her sister had a ball there.



And now back to CT's Dream review:)

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Thank you for the review. You have a beautiful family and I am sure this was a trip of a lifetime.


A question for you about shore snorkeling in Roatan. What beach did you go to? Is this right when you get off the ship or did you travel somewhere else?


Thanks again!



Thank you very much for your kind words. We did indeed have a great week.


In Roatan, Its the beach immediately when you exit the boat. Go through the shops and veer to your right. Its an extremely pleasant walk, but if you dont feel like walking you can take a ski lift right to the beach area.

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Thanks so much for you detailed reviews and insight. We are going on this trip in July. Your post about Costa Maya, and the price being $40 pp, but their website says $50, and your post was very recent. Did you negotiate a discount, or did they just go up in the last week? Does anyone know?

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Thanks so much for you detailed reviews and insight. We are going on this trip in July. Your post about Costa Maya, and the price being $40 pp, but their website says $50, and your post was very recent. Did you negotiate a discount, or did they just go up in the last week? Does anyone know?


Hello, Thank You so much.


I just looked back at my Email Confirmation with the All Inclusive Beach Break at Nohoch Kay on Costa Maya....I booked this with them on 2/20/13, and it was for $40 pp. I just looked at the link again for this excursion that i provided in an above post and it does look like the price has gone up since then to $50 pp. Wow. This price change must have just happened.


For what its worth, I personally wouldnt hesitate to book with them again even at that higher price of $50... Its close to port, and the value is still there with the all inclusive feature.


Let me know if you have any questions.... So jealous of your July trip! Have a great time!

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