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ShotoJuku’s LEGENDary Mediterranean Adventure

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Great review! I am looking forward to the rest!!



P.S.....I had tears in my eyes when I read the first posts....lovely surprise!


Thanks! I guess I should have inserted a "Warning: tissues may be required" disclaimer in the beginning - :rolleyes: - thanks again!

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“Turkey Day” (Leftovers…)



I suppose if one considers the visit to the Blessed Mother’s home as the starter for a meal, I suppose that our visit to Ephesus would be the main course thus leaving the dessert portion of the “Turkey Day” meal to be the…….kidnapping so I suppose there are no leftovers after all.


I forgot to mention that the Blessed Mother’s Home is atop a very large mountain that overlooks the entire region. Ephesus itself, as a site, had moved a couple of times all within the same area however the site that we know today was founded in and around 500 BC – wow that’s old! At that time, and 500+ years later when Mother Mary and St. John traveled and moved to the area, Ephesus was a port city with an incredibly large harbor. Over time a river that fed that harbor continued to pour silt into the harbor and the river itself dried up and changes course leaving the once thriving commercial port city as a rather large ghost town that overtime was replaced by the city of Rome as the major center of civilization. The Ephesus site was literally unearthed and excavated as an archeological site in the mid-19th century with the work continuing on today. Although there is still a considerable amount Ephesus that still remains buried and hidden what stands today as a result of excavation is massive and widespread.







One enters the site from the “high side” of the site allowing you to walk down through the site via a gently slope rather than ascending upwards. Along the way our guide “Mike” would stop and point out particular points of interest and as to how and why certain items were made including the building columns, water pipes, and even toilets. Of course everything was made of stone, including the rows of toilet seats that were made of marble that is always cold to the touch, not to mention the “tush”….Brrrrrrrr! Apparently slaves were utilized as makeshift seat-warmers and were ordered in to the toilet area first to sit upon the throne for a fashion and thereby warm up the marble seat for their master’s ass to follow – talk about a crappy job!!





The excavation also included a row of “terrace homes” that featured both the first and second floors where the shop owners displayed their wares on the first floor in their street-side store while they resided in the upstairs “apartment” – kind of reminds me of Queens, NY; funny how something’s just never really change with time.





Two of the major finds of Ephesus include the Library of Celsus that had once contained nearly 15,000 scrolls and also the performance theater that seats approximately 25,000 people, Madison Square Garden only holds around 18,000; if only KISS could have played Ephesus back then!








Ciao For Now!!

Edited by ShotoJuku
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Holy Crap Batman - We've Been Kidnapped...sort of.


Overall we spent nearly 3-hours going through the site before going through a little area for souvenirs and such before reaching the parking-lot. It was after we were all back aboard the bus and we asked if we be able to get some lunch and we were told NO as there would not be enough time.





However we then stopped by a small location that featured three religious structures all on the same principle site – a mosque, a temple, and the Church of St. John. We were not able to explore here, but had to swat away some very persistent locals that were selling a variety of items.



Back on the bus now the lunch question came up again and once more will were told NO however in what I detected as a much sterner tone however we did have enough time to make one last stop that was not listed on the tour itself.


And then it happened….we were kidnapped!!!


We traveled for around 15-20 minutes until we came to an area off of the main roadway that contained one lonely building and a very empty parking lot, in fact our bus would become the sole vehicle in the lot where we were held captive…for the next hour! After being ushered off the bus we were escorted into a room within the building that had two rows of old tour bus seats on opposite sides of the room that was illuminated with a few spotlights. We were then handed a small glass of a dark brown liquid that I declined to drink and asked to take a seat. A few seconds later the doors were closed and the lights went out bringing the room into complete darkness. A moment later the thumping sound of a what sounded like rap music on crack (was that redundant?) started to vibrate through the room as if we were now in some kind of amateurish torture chamber…it turns out we were!


From the far side of the room a glimmer of hope appeared out of the darkness – a narrow sliver of light that became brighter and wider as if a curtain was being open, and then they appeared out of the darkness and into the light – the reason for our captivation as were had been kidnapped to watch a damn fashion show!!!! The site of the abduction was the “world famous” Populer Leather Market (that’s how they spell it) that I strongly suspect was the business of someone’s cousin who need to drum up some business and how better to do so but to literally drive in a bus load of tourists with many-many Euros in their pockets!








Anyway we sat there for 15-20 minutes watching the “models” strut their skanky asses up and down the dimly lit runway as if we were watching a middle school production.



After the lights finally came back on we were then ushered into an adjoining showroom that was filled with all sorts of paper thin products that were all very extravagant priced tagged, some as high $4000.00 (USC)!



I had just about enough of this and found my way to an unmarked door, pushed it open and made my way outside and walked back to the bus that was locked. The driver was found at another small building on the property having…..wait for it…..LUNCH! Suffice it to say that no one was really pleased with this entire kidnapping detour but most were reluctant to voice their opinions until after we returned home to our Carnival Legend that was still over an hour away.







A "Turkish Tuxedo Cat" greets us at the port!



We finally returned to the port and made our way back on board and finally grabbed something to eat and of course joined our tablemates for dinner not long afterwards. I don’t think we were too hungry at that point however we were glad to back in Kansas again as there’s no place like home!



In retrospect the entire day in Turkey was absolutely incredible, despite our kidnapping (aka unscheduled detour) and I would not have missed it for all the genuine fake watches I could buy!


Ciao For Now!!

Edited by ShotoJuku
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Our trip would entail 16-days in total starting on our actual anniversary (May 1st) and ending on our return on the 16th. So I took a large sheet of paper that would fill the inside of the box, drew a circle with 16-slices that denoted each and every day of our journey. On the outside of the box I taped a paper plate onto the cover with a picture of a heart-shaped pizza with a question: I know a place where we can get some really good pizza; interested?


That did it. Thanks for making me cry at work. :) What a wonderful surprise. She must have been so happy! I can't wait to read the whole review.



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I am really enjoying your report and photos! Nice to see a romantic man with good taste in jewellery and who likes cats! Sir, I would buy you 2 Bud Lights if our paths ever cross!:D Keep up the good work.


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There's been talk here of Carnival replacing their formerly soft, cushy beds with brick-like, hard mattresses.


The Legend has not been in for its 2.0 upgrade yet; I'm hoping the beds are the comfy kind I enjoy. Our sail date is approaching quickly :)


Please confirm!

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That did it. Thanks for making me cry at work. :) What a wonderful surprise. She must have been so happy! I can't wait to read the whole review.




Thanks Sherry - I've heard from a few that tears are falling over this one - thanks again!!



I am really enjoying your report and photos! Nice to see a romantic man with good taste in jewellery and who likes cats! Sir, I would buy you 2 Bud Lights if our paths ever cross!:D Keep up the good work.



Hi Heather - may I be the first to accept your gracious Bud Light offer; we sail again in November so perhaps we'll see you on board! Thanks again!

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There's been talk here of Carnival replacing their formerly soft, cushy beds with brick-like, hard mattresses.


The Legend has not been in for its 2.0 upgrade yet; I'm hoping the beds are the comfy kind I enjoy. Our sail date is approaching quickly :)


Please confirm!



1. Legend was very well cared for, immaculately clean, with incredible service!


2. Overall the food was excellent as was the entertainment that included the standard production shows plus additional entertaiment such as a piano act, lounge singer, illusionist, comedians, as well as John Heald's special humor during the audience participation shows; I'm a BIG fan!


3. The mattresses' were just fine, a bit firm for me, but fine nevertheless.


4. Thanks for the compliments and more pics and stories are on the way soon after I get home from work(damn job that forces me to work and make $$$ so I can cruise)! :D

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LOL... The fashion show was way worse than the carpet store we were kidnapped to. We were fed before that though but the carpet store was intense.


My husband and I tried to leave mid-presentation and our tour guide was outside the door not letting us. I asked if I could cross the street to purchase a magnet and postcard and he flat out told me I was NOT allowed. We waited until he wasnt looking and ran off... then hid behind a bush until he wasn't looking again and made it back on the bus. It was the best part of our day! :eek::D

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Who was the Turkey tour booked with? I certainly hope we're not booked with the same company for our trip in July on the Sunshine! :( Besides the kidnapping, it looked good.

Thanks for your review, can't wait to read more!

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Fun Day @ Sea #2


Today we awoke up with at first felt like a nice, lazy feeling knowing that we didn’t have to be up with the sun, or before, as we were at sea and aside from grazing at the buffet throughout the day, what else was there to do?


OH CRAP – We booked the Behind The Fun Tour!!





I had read so many great things about this experience and had had never done so before so it only made sense that we take the tour during this cruise; I also heard that the tour fills up fast and that they only allow groups of no more than 14. So the very first thing we did when getting on board was to run over to the excursion desk and book the tour.


After getting our tickets I inquired as to just how many had booked thus far (as if we were to be counted amongst the lucky ones who already had). Boy was I surprised when the response I received was a mere two fingers in the form of a peace sign that turned into a singular finger pointer aimed right at the two of us; good thing we rushed to sign up. I quickly scanned the tickets and saw what I believed to the correct date (the second sea day) and time (10 AM); well I got the date right…..


It is now the second sea day and it was now around 8:15 AM, so I casually opened the safe to retrieve the tickets when it suddenly dawned on me…OH DOUBLE CRAP – I Read The Wrong Time!! What I read a few days ago was 10:00 AM, what was actually printed on the tickets was tour starts PROMPTLY at 9:00 AM and please arrive at the meeting place (Billie’s Bar) at 8:45…..TRIPLE CRAP – We Only Have 30-Minutes To Get Our Asses In Gear And Our Faces Fed!!


I know I took some kind of shower, ate while on the buffet line right out of the serving trays and gulped down someone’s coffee just as the poured it (KIDDING…but I did shower) and ran the rest of the way to Billie’s Bar walking in at around 8:50 only to find a generous supply of danish, coffee, and juices set up for us as well as a dozen other people. After signing in we received our instructions that included that one had to have closed toed shoes, have no cameras or phones, and be able to climb as we would be moving about the ship literally behind the scenes utilizing some of the more secretive passageways and stairwell (ladders). We were all issued a special pass that hung on a neck lanyard and then screened with a hand wand by a security guard who was looking for cameras and such. None were found and we began our tour at 0900 – Sharp!


Obviously as no cameras were allowed I do not have any pictures, however I will briefly highlight some of our tours stops. We started off in the backstage area of the Follies Theater where we saw where the dancers and other performers make their quick changes during the show. It was then off to “A” deck and the main corridor that runs the entire length of the ship that has been dubbed as “I-95” and appropriately so as it was full of traffic. We were shown many of the storage areas for dry goods, food, liquor, as well as the trash area. We went through the laundry area where we were shown the incredibly high capacity washer/dryers as well as a sheet folding machine demonstration. We saw the crew quarters area, training classroom, and lounge area.


During our visit to the Engine Control Room my Bride had an opportunity to speak with the Chief Engineer about absolutely nothing related to his job but from where he was from and that was Bari, Italy which is where her maternal Grandmother was born. Of course their conversation touched her deeply leaving her in tears when he talked so affectionately about Bari as he would be taking a train ride home during our stop in Livorno; if she could have gone to she would have.





Our visit to the galley included a carving demonstration that allowed us to each make our own flower out of carrots and a radish. The galley itself incredibly organized and ran with machine-like precision and was IMPECABLY CLEAN! We met with the Head Chef and had a group photo taken. We were also taken up to the Bridge where we were given a brief description of some of the duties and responsibilities of the Bridge Crew. The Master/Captain of the vessel then made an appearance and spoke to us for several minutes.


I asked about a rumor that LEGEND would also not be staying in Tampa for long as she was heading to Australia to replace the SPIRIT that is currently there. My presumption was that the two ships would virtually change places and that would assure that Tampa would have no less than two Carnival Ships – The Paradise and now Spirit. Turns out that the “rumor” was only half right as Legend would indeed be going to Australia however the Spirit would not be coming back any time soon. As for a “replacement” ship for Legend in Tampa, he could not say although I suspect that he was unable to.





We then headed off for the Golden Fleece Restaurant where we were treated to an incredible 7-course lunch…..NOT!! We did get a glass of champagne, a bar of soap shaped like a large swan (we all thought it was white chocolate) and were asked to fill out a survey. After what turned out to be close to 3.5 hours we surrendered our passes but were given a gift bag that consisted of a Carnival pouch, hat, the lanyard, and rubber bracelet thingy. Overall I would give the tour a Grade-A and recommend that everyone take it sooner than later, just be sure to check your tickets BEFORE the day of the tour!


The rest of the day consisted of just relaxing poolside and such and of course the second elegant night. Before dinner we stopped by the atrium bar to grab a drink where we were serenaded by the guitar player/singer who recalled our 30th Wedding Anniversary (M&M) T-Shirts from sail away day as well as our “names” Bud & Doll that we call one another.









He played Eric Clapton’s “You Look Wonderful Tonight” as we took to the dance floor and suddenly, and oddly realizing that we were the only couple dancing and those around us began to applaud giving us a truly romantic and somewhat embarrassing moment; one that we shall never forget!







And as Always,

Ciao For Now!!

Edited by ShotoJuku
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Thanks for a great review. Is Carnival not doing Europe after this year???? We are looking to enjoy Europe next year but Carnival has no dates set. What did I miss--no more trips to Europe with Carnival??? Thanks for your help.

Relax and enjoy life.

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Nearly 5000 views now - I just wish I had more feedback like this one! Gratzi John!!!!



944488_549343048441594_723497813_a.jpgJohn Heald commented on your link.John Heald wrote: "that was fantastic Susan. What a brilliant couple and what a fantastic review. I am honoured by their kind words and enjoyed the photos of two people having fun. I have sent this to all the senior management here and I know they will be thrilled. Thanks Susan for posting this here and my best wishes to you and to ShotoJuku.......love that name. cheers"

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Who was the Turkey tour booked with? I certainly hope we're not booked with the same company for our trip in July on the Sunshine! :( Besides the kidnapping, it looked good.

Thanks for your review, can't wait to read more!


It was the Ephesus Shuttle.

Thanks and read on!!

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The rest of the day consisted of just relaxing poolside and such and of course the second elegant night. Before dinner we stopped by the atrium bar to grab a drink where we were serenaded by the guitar player/singer who recalled our 30th Wedding Anniversary (M&M) T-Shirts from sail away day as well as our “names” Bud & Doll that we call one another.








He played Eric Clapton’s “You Look Wonderful Tonight” as we took to the dance floor and suddenly, and oddly realizing that we were the only couple dancing and those around us began to applaud giving us a truly romantic and somewhat embarrassing moment; one that we shall never forget!





What a coincidence, I see the singer in the background, Doug Trask, we got to know him on a couple of our Spirit cruises and still keep in touch. He was on the Spirit in the casino bar for many years (almost 10), before it moved to Australia.

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omg , we were kidnapped! and made to watch a fashion show ran by a brothel . We weren't asked to go to a fashion show and it wasn't on the iteneray. I will be addressing this with the company this week.


Good Luck!



LOL.. We were fed before that though but the carpet store was intense...


Actually I am wrong about not having lunch, yes we were all given a glob of jelly (I hope it was jelly) to tide us over!

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