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Westerdam Alaska review, from a former Carnival loyalist


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we then checked out the restaurant where my friend works (which was pretty darn good) which also happens to be the location of the world's largest spruce tree. it used to be even taller until a lightning strike hit it, and took down 1/3 of the tree.




the guy in the photo has a 6' arm-span




a failed attempt to get a photo of the entire tree




while eating dinner the hummingbirds were out to play with their feeders. they were so tiny, and loud. and they fly in such an interesting manner... they're flying, and then they just STOP. and hover in mid air.


the hummingbird is to the right of the feeder



two playing together




after dinner it was time to head back to seattle. my friend and her boyfriend led the way and i followed. heading towards the mountains (where we would lose the lingering sun) we saw this rainbow through the clouds.



that night (thursday) we got to the hotel around 11. the bugs slept the vast majority of the way. she sort of woke up to get back into the hotel room where we had a massive ant problem that the gentleman at the desk quickly and efficiently got us moved into a new room without any hassle or drama, and then it was time to pick my parents up from the airport a bit after midnight.


friday meant it was time to explore seattle.

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Friday May 17th... my mom, the bugs and I all went to Walmart in the morning to get a few last odds and ends for the cruise (drinks, snacks). the walmart was about 10 minutes away and pretty easy to get to.


after walmart we went to downtown seattle and had lunchtime reservations for the space needle.


some important things to know:

-make a reservation no matter the size of the party. otherwise, you will wait a very long time. we made a reservation since we were a party of 6 with my friend and her boyfriend.

-the directions you get from them and from online will be wrong. the road that you have to access to get to the valet parking is closed, so it leads you directly into a dead end that was packed and getting out was a pain. so good luck with that one. it's going to be a long-term construction project so i expect for many months to come people will find themselves stuck there.

-your fee for going to the viewing platform is included in the cost of your meal

-they will include a 20% gratuity.

-some servers will tell you something is on the menu when it is not. we had an issue with my burger, it came with some mayo which i do not eat. i told her if it had been on the menu i would have asked for it without, since i am fairly picky and read every description to make sure i have removed anything i don't like. she told me its on the menu. it wasn't. i checked a third time.

-they include the cost of parking on your lunch/dinner check

-the food is pretty good. decent sized portions, a bit heavy on the sides, very filling and there was no room for dessert.

-enjoy the view!!




the setting was pretty nice too



it got a little cloudy, but quickly cleared away into more sunny skies



and then we caught sight of the cruise terminal!!! so excited... this was one of the celebrity ships



spending the day with my parents, my bugs and one of my best friends is what made our time at the space needle great, its nice in that it's a tourist attraction and the history of it is pretty cool, but i feel like we could have had an equally great time for 1/2 the price.

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one last shot of the city, i forgot i had taken this and it turned out nice



next up we went to the pike street market, because if we're gonna play the tourist game, we're gonna play the tourist game and hit the big ones.


we parked along the waterfront, right before the aquarium. it's a bit of a hike, and you have to go up 122 stairs to get to the street, but its worth it because you get the exercise, and its a lot cheaper to park there than deal with the drama of parking at the market.


the stairs



the pike market was really cool; having seen it on tv, in ads, and movies really doesn't prepare you for the sights, sounds and smells that hit you. on the way up to the market there is a great chocolatier that had a massive variety of dipped apples, all sorts of candies and obviously, lots of chocolate. we stopped there on our way back for some treats. it's also reasonably priced for being a "touristy" area shop (two candied apples, a few pieces of loose candy and six chocolate dipped cherries for under $20).


they weren't throwing fish when we first got there, but on our way back there were two guys getting ready for a bachelor party and he got up and threw some fish

(he's the one in the cape)IMG_2182_zps9a99f7a3.jpg


they had this golden pig, i honestly don't know the story behind it; but the bugsy loved it



they the two guys in capes had to right the pig



we also had an interesting experience... when you get to the end of the market (we walked the whole thing and then shopped on our way back out) there is a street you cross and then a little area (kind of like what you'd find at the end of South Street in Philly... where its like a viewing platform over the river/highway) and there are two totem poles which are really cool. the area is super shady. and when we were there a bunch of cops had just left and there were a few squad cars and officers removing police tape and there was a CSI unit getting ready to depart


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this is one of the totem poles; its hard to get a good picture of them but just to give an idea



again it looked a little cloudy, but by the time we got back to the car maybe 45 minutes later the sun was shining brightly


the bus stop for pike place



the very first starbucks is here too



i really wanted to go in, but there was a way long line (it was a friday afternoon) that was moving wayyyy slow. so i took a few pictures instead.




another shot of the fish market



a few cool things at pike place market...

-you can buy huge beautiful bunches of flowers for $10. they're so beautiful and i wish we had bought some

-there is a fruit/veggie type stand, the "oh my gd" pears really make you say "oh my gd" the peaches were delish too. as were the cherries. GET THE CHERRIES.

-its very busy, so don't be shocked if you lose your people

-there are so many different things there, including a wide variety of pasta that i wanted to buy but my mom didnt feel like having to cook (there was a full stove at the hotel) and she didn't like the sauce they had available there.

-there's an awesome bakery window outside of the market near the starbucks, their maple cookies = amazingness

-the cheese curds are pretty good at the cheese place next to the starbucks and the bakery. you can watch them make the cheese too which is a lot of fun.


so yes... sadly after we were done at pike place, it was time to say goodbye to my friend and her boyfriend and head back to the hotel to re-pack for the umpteenth time but this time it was for the CRUISE!!!


it was at this point that the fact we were going on this cruise we had been planning for YEARS was finally sinking in. up until this point it felt so unreal; like something was going to happen and cause us to not go so getting excited wasn't really happening.


before bed we made another walmart run and get dinner from a local place, which was pretty good.


and the next post (finally!!) starts the actual cruise review.




i hope (if you've been keeping up) you liked this first half; i love reading about other people's trips, and when they talk about things they did before i always wish they went into more details and showed more photo's since that's a great part of the trip. if you've hated this first part, its all over.



just a few final words to wrap it up... the first week of the trip was insane. it was busy, and relaxing, and filled with all sorts of new experiences and fun things we've done in the past. we explored two new cities, experienced life in the pacific northwest mountains and chased rainbows into the fading sun. it was hard to believe that we still had more than a week left to our vacation, and while i thought the bugs might be getting a little tired of being so far from home, i think after a little meltdown, she was ready for the cruise too.


would i do it the same way again? probably not. it was a lot of driving and flying and rushing to travel. i would love to spend a week, but keep it to 1-2 locations instead of 4; i could have spent a week in the woods and then exploring seattle. i'm glad we saw my friends in vegas and portland, but i would have had a lot less stress had we just stuck with one or two places.

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wow,, this is great, luv your travel review, theres a reason they call wash. and BC gods country.. every time i visit, it just wow's me,,looking forward to the ships review, having done the new years crruise 5 months ago--J

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i'm glad some people are enjoying this. it's been nice to go back and relive each day, since all in all this really was an amazing vacation and probably my favorite one ever.


so... onward to saturday!! it was kind of hard to get to sleep friday night, the excitement was building and i always have trouble sleeping the night before a cruise. i got up at 2, 4, and at 4:30 finally gave up and went downstairs where my dad was watching TV (looks like i wasn't the only excited one). around 9 i left to go get my nails done and after a rude experience at one place i found the nicest little salon ever with really great staff who really loved to say philadelphia. it was a relaxing mani/pedi and super super affordable ($40 with a 15$ tip!!)


i checked out of the hotel, and we headed to the cruise terminal to drop my dad and the bugs off. we had a LOT of luggage (maybe not as much as others, but two big suitcases i had a large duffel, my parents each had a roller carry on and we had bought cases of drinks and stuff) so we decided to drop my dad and the bugs off to get our luggage all checked in while my mom and i dropped off the car (my mom is an amazing navigator. she made dealing with the traffic and quick directions a lot easier). all the luggage never would have fit into a cab anyways, so this was just easier. or so we thought.


as we neared, our ship came into focus and the trip truly became real

the etherel sky



and THERE SHE IS!!! the bugs was a little antsy and a lot excited so i gave her my phone to take the first picture, which i'm posting since it's only fair to post the actual first picture, then there's another first picture from when we were in the cab heading back to the port.






we got to the terminal, and it's a little confusing, but if you listen to the directions from online they will get you there. it's a lot of twisting and turning but then we got there.


the security woman sends us to the further drop off spot -- number 4. we unload the car, and there's a lot of activity going on. both sides of the drop off area are unloading, to the right is HAL to the left is Princess and while it might have seemed chaotic i saw a lot of order to the entire process.


unfortunately, the security woman who sent us down there did so rather stupidly. at this point its probably about 11am and while there are porters doing there job as we unloaded we found it odd not a single porter was coming all the way down. we unload the rental car and my mom and i leave my dad and the bugs at the drop off area thinking it would be only a few minutes.


at this point my mom and i are navigating the somewhat terrifying seattle roads that are SUPER steep and then, sitting at a light we can't seem to figure out why the name "Escala" seems so familiar... until my mom realizes that's the building where Christian Grey lives. from 50 shades of grey (which i will admit unashamedly that i did read, all three, in about three days on a cruise last summer).


it's a terrible photo since we realized litterally as the light turned green what it was



at about this time my dad texts my mom that they're still sitting outside, and at this point its chilly and rainy (not the best weather to be sitting outside in at least). and i'm livid. we return the rental car maybe 5 minutes later and 15 or so after that we're in a cab heading back to the port, and my dad and the 8 year old are sitting standing outside, with the drizzly rain and the chill waiting. so i try and call the port authority to send a porter down, i did get into contact with a higher level manager who tried to help, but told me the porters are union and she can't instruct them to do anything.


so we get back to the port about an hour after we left, and we'll just say that my buggy was bored out of her mind and making papa nuts, and my dad was cold, damp, and very displeased. i had the cab drop me off in front of the security lady who sent us to the furthest one, i introduced myself, and told her that it's really unfair to send guests to the furtherest spot and then fail to actually send a porter to pick up the luggage so they can go inside, and her response at first was one person should have gone and found someone, so i told her which one, the 8 year old or the grandfather watching her? and she gave a lot of attitude where a sincere sorry and a porter would have fixed it. instead it's not her job and she can't tell them what to do. very nice. since that didn't work, i just walked up to a porter, introduced myself, told him why i was interrupting him from helping another person and he immediately hustled to where my dad and buggy were and apologized the ENTIRE time.



getting to the port really wasn't all that bad. they had shut down a bridge somewhere on i-5 i believe, but the traffic was not noticeably heavier until we were on the road that leads to the cruise terminal, and with two ships, holding about 4500 people between the two of them unloading at the same place while the same number of people are departing the traffic really was not all that horrible... maybe once it became more start and stop it only took 15 minutes to drop them off. and coming back in the cab after noon the traffic was even lighter.


i don't have any clue how much parking was, but there were plenty of lots and what looked like shuttles to bring you to the ship.


now, to compare this experience to previous ones... overall i'd give this a 2/5 rating; getting there is fairly easy, but the porter drama really sucked. i like my vacations to be stress free; the first half of my vacation was somewhat stressful with all the travel and stuff and i was fully expecting that once we got into cruise mode, there'd be no more drama/stress.


i think getting to NYC's Manhattan terminal was faster... but the cab was 1/3 of the price in seattle (it was $13 from downtown (5th street) to the terminal).

the CCL porters at NYC are the quickest as soon as the suitcase hits the ground, they're picking it up and loading it onto their cart, with the RCCL porters in Ft. Lauderdale coming in second.


and a few photos....



this is where i got ridiculously excited


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and a quick introduction to the rest of the family


including this fellow:



this is Bear. just Bear... he is my 'son' and occasionally the bugs decides he's my grandson and i'm his grandmother and my mom (nana) is his great-grandmother. there will be a handful of photos with Bear; on all of our vacations he joins us (obviously) and we take a handful of pictures with him enjoying his vacation. we've had him since the bugs was about 3 weeks old, he used to be a heartbeat bear, but the heartbeat has been long gone. bear is well travelled, and has been on as many cruises and vacations as the bugs. and we've only lost him one time -- in disney world. where he was (obviously) found. i think he was busy trying to find his father (Pooh Bear); i also count my lucky stars since she has needed him to sleep for as long as she's been around.


so now that everyone here knows who we are, it's time to check in embark and get some lunch (because i was starving).

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at this point my mom and i are navigating the somewhat terrifying seattle roads that are SUPER steep and then, sitting at a light we can't seem to figure out why the name "Escala" seems so familiar... until my mom realizes that's the building where Christian Grey lives. from 50 shades of grey (which i will admit unashamedly that i did read, all three, in about three days on a cruise last summer).


LOL! :p



now, to compare this experience to previous ones... overall i'd give this a 2/5 rating; getting there is fairly easy, but the porter drama really sucked. i like my vacations to be stress free; the first half of my vacation was somewhat stressful with all the travel and stuff and i was fully expecting that once we got into cruise mode, there'd be no more drama/stress.


I totally get it! I had a bad experience with a porter once in Miami. When he looked at our luggage tags, he insisted they were somehow wrong and the deck listed on them did not exist on the ship. They were the luggage tags NCL had provided for us to use. It was resolved and we were given new luggage tags, but it just added unnecessary stress and started the cruise on an off note.

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Thanks for your review! I'm really enjoying reading it, it's like listening to you talk about it, very conversational (if that's a word!). I look forward to reading your thoughts on the ship.


I'm glad you're enjoying it.


I type the way I speak. I spend the entire school year reading and writing rote material so when I write for fun it's in my own little style




now that I'm getting to the actual cruise if anyone has any questions or anything they'd like to know I'd be happy to answer them.

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after the drama in the drop-off area, things could only go up; and up they did... at least for a while.


after the porter took our bags, we followed him in the direction of the building, and enter into the first and only line we'd have to deal with. not to sound like a snob, but it was unfortunate they don't let suite guests cut to the front of the line when they're given their own check in line... granted we only waited for maybe 15 minutes; at this point we were anxious, hungry, and still a little peeved over the drop-off drama.


security wasn't a big deal at all; it was very quick and about 1/100th of what you go through at the airport. they looked at the print out boarding info and the passports quickly, sent you into the line; and after sending our bags through the scanners, its a quick step through the metal detector, and then off to another line. overall; painless.


after we got through security, we were sent to stand in the rather long "regular" line which i knew was incorrect; there was some mild irritation on my part here, but my parents didn't seem to share my sentiment. there was an employee who was directing people into the line, but she obviously didn't read the papers she was looking at, because she didn't send us in the direction of the suite/4&5 star mariner's line. instead, i realized there was a much shorter line, and told my parents we needed to be over there. something similar to this happened to me at the port in baltimore which is how i knew this wasn't right. after a quick run to the restrooms, we got into the correct line, and had our cards and were boarding less than 10 minutes later.


comparing this to NYC's carnival embarkation it gets a 2/5.... compared to royal's ft. lauderdale embarkation it gets a 3/5... compared to carnival's baltimore embarkation it's a 4/5. why the disparity? having travelled out of the manhattan terminal the most, we've had a good experience each time. having only gone out of baltimore, port canaveral and ft. lauderdale only once, i only have the one experience to compare it to.


at the manhattan cruise terminal, as soon as they see you have the VIP label, they usher you right through security and you go right into your own sitting are and check in room where water and other refreshments are served. maybe it was because of the time we get there things were less packed, but both times there were still groups of numbers waiting to board so i'm going to assume (and at the time i assumed) that it wasn't any more busy in seattle where there weren't groups waiting to embark.


was it a bad experience? no. is there room for improvement? yes. would i never go out of seattle ever again? of course not, it wasn't that bad, and now that i know they aren't exactly prudent in getting people into the correct line i know to pay more attention.

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and now the best part of the entire process!! time to walk on board.


last, but not least, bear and the bugs got their muster station bracelet/necklace




there wasn't a line by the time we finally got on board, so i was able to take a quick picture from up close and excitement



and then the sun peeked out just before we started the walk up the gangway



this was the start of the theme of the first week of our vacation -- unbelievable weather.

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doing what everyone else does when they get on board, we went and checked to see if our hallway was open, which it was (it was after 1pm) so we immediately checked out our room. and it was awesome.


we were in "neptune suite" SB; 6095, the second one in from the midship elevators and the glass elevators.


the king sized bed, desk and tv



the couch and the doors leading to the balcony



this isn't the best picture, but its the dressing area, also known as the bugs' lair and secret hide away. at the entrance to the dressing area is a curtain, and a second curtain was right after the entrance to the dressing area and the larger room creating a privacy boundary that was pretty nice to have.



at the end of the dressing room is the bathroom


the jacuzzi tub, with a line to dry bathing suits and a shower



and then a separate shower, with a shower curtain that needs some work...



and lastly, the vanity



somewhere i have a photo of the balcony, when i find it; i'll share it. i still have about 900 photos i need to upload into photobucket which is PAINFULLY slow.


on the balcony there was a table and chairs (i believe 4) and then two more comfortable chairs and two ottomans with a smaller table between the two (which, for a short person like me, with average sized arms, it was hard to reach the table, but the ottoman made a stable table)



how was the room? here it gets a bit complicated so i'll separate it into several ratings.


overall, i really want to give it a 5/5; but the issue with the bed (that's the next post) makes it a 3/5 (it was really that bad)


the kingsized bed... 5/5 super comfortable. as comfortable as royal and carnival's beds.


the pullout bed... 0/5. they all should be burned and HAL should be embarrassed they actually charge people to sleep on those beds.


the size of the room... 5/5; on par with the suites on carnival. at least twice the size of an inside on royal (my only experience in a "regular" non-suite room, since we booked it about 48 hours before the ship left and it was literally the last room on the ship). the room was twice as wide as a regular balcony stateroom and great with 4 people.


the bathroom/dressing area 5/5

the suites we stay in on carnival have the dressing room, but with an actual pull out door that i think i liked better than a curtain, but being family the extra security of an actual door wasn't as necessary. the bathrooms in the carnival spirit class (i dont know about the other classes; i do know on the fantasy class grand suites there is only a tub/shower combo) are a tub/shower combo which isn't terrible and the tub is an adequate jacuzzi tub. i think the jacuzzi tub on the westerdam was the same size as the one on carnival so no big different there. i'd give the carnival ships' bathrooms the same 5/5 score.


now... the one area of improvement that i wish would be mandatory on all cruise lines. the showers on royal ships are AWESOME. they don't have the wretched plastic shower curtain that gets all up in your personal space. the shower it curved out, with doors that pull out from the sides meeting in the middle, giving a bit larger space, which i like to have (which i think anyone bigger than a size 2 would like to have). the shower curtain on the separate shower was a little "personal space-invasive" and if i didn't personally pay attention to where it was and if it was floating around, the rim of the bottom of the shower isn't high enough to prevent messes of water all over the floor.


the only thing i wish i would have known about the shower and tub (more so the tub since i don't like my showers red hot)... in the photo of the tub, at the bottom left you can see silver knobs. they are the temperature control and the on/off knob. now, the temperature knob is in celsius which is a fun experiment in and of itself, but it only goes as high as (i think) 50c, warm, but not quite hot enough for a nice long soak in the tub with a book. there's a red button type thing that if you push down and turn higher, the water will also get hotter and hotter. i really liked the "safety" to prevent the water from getting too hot since i have a kid who might have scalded herself otherwise, but a note or something on the vanity explaining how it works would have been nice, it took i think two soaks in the tub for me to realize i wasn't going to be stuck in cool bathwater all week.

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...this is where i got ridiculously excited



I think that is the point where I'm going to get ridiculously excited as well this saturday! :D

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after checking out the room, it was time to head to the lido for some much desired lunch!!


it was (as always on the first day) a madhouse. and as per HAL's policy, the first 48 hours you don't serve yourself any food. this is a great thing, although some people seemed a little irritated by it. frankly, i'd be fine having them serve every meal there, smaller portions, less waste, and less mess. there also had been an outbreak of "gastrointestinal" issues on the other ships cruising in proximity to us so i appreciated the extra gesture.


the lido is kind of small; at least thats what my parents kept saying. granted they're used to royal's mega ships. i didn't think it was that small, and it's laid out very similar to carnival's spirit class ships. there's an asian bistro, a sandwich shop, pizza, pasta, "main course" type meals (like carving board stuff) etc.


for our first meal i had made to order pasta (which was fantastic) and then tried something new!!


why is this a big deal? well... i don't like to try new things when it comes to food. i'm very picky and very particular and to my great shock, this wasn't the first new thing i tried and actually liked.


what is it? mango sorbet.



and then, after a little bit of wandering and a quick stop at club hal for the registration for the bugs, it was time for muster. which was a little different than i've seen it... instead of scanning our cards (royal) or counting heads (Carnival) they actually called out each stateroom number meant to be in that area, and then just one person had to say "here!" and they marked them all as present. this just struck me as weird. i'm sure if they see anyone dallying not at a muster station they send them on their way and the stewards i believe check all the staterooms to make sure they're at muster, but it just seems like someone who is very determined to miss it could actually miss it.


then it's time for sail away!

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i so agree with the beds comment,, the real beds are heaven---and the pull-out-(WELL) last jan. i took 2 newbee's with me on the new NA. and because it was there frist time , i said i would take the pullout--- well -i would have had a better sleep on the floor-- it takes alot for me to complain, and that did it,--:)--J

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was it a bad experience? no. is there room for improvement? yes. would i never go out of seattle ever again? of course not, it wasn't that bad, and now that i know they aren't exactly prudent in getting people into the correct line i know to pay more attention.


Just curious, where were the signs placed designating the Suite/4&5 Star Mariner check-in line ?


I know sometimes people walk right by them and go into the "regular" line, so shoreside staff try to be very mindful of where the signs are placed. Do you recall where they were ?



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Just curious, where were the signs placed designating the Suite/4&5 Star Mariner check-in line ?


I know sometimes people walk right by them and go into the "regular" line, so shoreside staff try to be very mindful of where the signs are placed. Do you recall where they were ?





the signs were back beyond the check-in for everyone else. if you see the bathrooms straight ahead (which are past the main check in line) it was directly to the left of them. you had to actually go around the woman who should have been checking to see who goes in which line. we tried to walk around her but she directed us to the main line. we ended up going under the divider thingy.


the sign itself seemed to be in a really awkward place... but then again, it was similarly placed to the equivalent line for the royal caribbean cruise we did. so maybe it was just me being used to how carnival does it.

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i so agree with the beds comment,, the real beds are heaven---and the pull-out-(WELL) last jan. i took 2 newbee's with me on the new NA. and because it was there frist time , i said i would take the pullout--- well -i would have had a better sleep on the floor-- it takes alot for me to complain, and that did it,--:)--J


this makes me feel a lot better that i'm not the only one who was really unhappy with the beds... i was going to start my rant on the beds now, but i'm tired and going to attack that in the morning. they were so terrible i was seriously debating flying home from juneau, i couldn't believe that i had paid for half a room and a bed that was completely unusable. i'm working on a letter to every single person of authority in the company now, because they really need to do something about it, knowing that people actually pay to sleep on those beds makes me feel really sick to my stomach. its sad when carnival has better beds than a "luxury" line

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In a suite on the Prinsendam, DD had the sofabed - it was so bad, after the first night, DH went down to the Front Desk and raised the roof. They brought us up a single mattress and put it on the bed, which made it a little better, but not great. Of course, it meant the bed was made up all day, and not made back into a sofa, but there was space to do that, so it was a slight improvement. They must get a lot of complaints.

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