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Driving 12 hours with kids - would you do it?


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I feel ya on the cost of flying! It is outrageous!! We are driving down to Galveston from Idaho! We chose Galveston because we have family in Texas that our going with us! We are looking at about a 24 hour drive with our boys who are 9 and 12..We always make sure they have movies, some kind of electronic game to play, and snacks. When that isnt keeping them busy it is usually because they are sleeping! 12 hours should be easy peasy! :D

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When my kids where 6 and 3 my hubby would pick me up from work in Wilmington nc about 5 pm and we would drive thru the night to fort Lauderdale 13 hrs only stop for gas and bathroom breaks I would always cook chicken and have snacks to eat so we didn't have to buy food....we drove down in april for a breeze cruise we left at 1 am and got to dania fla at 2 pm and stop and got something to eat and gas.....hope this helps......all adults we are driving to Miami and leaving at 9 pm so we can go sight seeing this time

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I'm starting to think today's young parents could never have survived traveling with kids in the 50's and 60's, when I grew up. Back then we sang songs, read books, kept track of all the different license plates we saw and overall had a great time on long trips. There were 4 of us kids all crammed in the backseat of an old Oldsmobile. And all without DVD players, Ipads, Ipods or video games. Those were the good ole' days.
EEEEEEEEE luxury, our dad tied us to the roof of the car with a few sausages around our necks so the dog would play with us.
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When we were younger, Dad was from Conn and Mom was from Florida. We lived in FL and drove every summer to visit his family and there was 4 girls. Had fun with the alphabet game and license tags game and as we grew older there were some other games that we played and we would drive straight through as well, something like 20 hours?


Now our children are grown up, but we drove during our vacations as well.


Kids are great travelers!:)

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I'm still having a hard time deciding what to do for a family cruise next year. I think a 5 day Bahamas would be best for a first cruise for our girls, my husband really wants to do a 7 day Western Caribbean, which I wonder if it will be too port intensive for a first cruise with a 5 and 6 year old, even though I know I would like it again.


So one option I found is a 6 day on the Breeze that goes to Key West, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel and has 2 sea days. This would probably be a perfect cruise for us - hubby gets part of his western itinerary, the girls would have more low key days, and I could get to experience this new ship. :) Problem is, going to Miami, it's a 12 hour drive. My oldest is not the best at car rides, but by then they would have their own iPad and my other girl could use mine, so I know that can keep them occupied for several hours. Flights for the 4 of us I think would be too expensive. Normally I would just do a 5 day out of Tampa, but that ship doesn't have balconies, and having a balcony to go to would be important for me.


Would you do a 12 hour car ride for this itinerary on the Breeze, or am I just insane for even thinking about driving that far with young kids?


I would do it. I have driven from NY to Disney World with young kids and we actually had a good time. Ipad could keep them entertained. load some movies on it and some cool new apps to keep them busy. Coloring books. Maybe couple travel size games; it should be fine. My kids actually still remember our road trips and they loved them.

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If you are going to drive to Florida, take your kids to Disney. JMHO I really don't understand the need to take kids on cruises, they don't appreciate good food, can't gamble and are around drunks all the time. A vacation as a family should be about spending time as a family, not dropping kids off at camp carnival all day. If you are going to takes kids on vacation let it be their vacation, not yours. Now light me up.

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I'm starting to think today's young parents could never have survived traveling with kids in the 50's and 60's, when I grew up. Back then we sang songs, read books, kept track of all the different license plates we saw and overall had a great time on long trips. There were 4 of us kids all crammed in the backseat of an old Oldsmobile. And all without DVD players, Ipads, Ipods or video games. Those were the good ole' days.


Sounds just like me when I was growing up. Only our car was a Ford.


In 1967, we drove from Astoria, OR to Watertown, SD. Us three older kids sat in the back. The youngest sat on mom's lap or was up in the back window.


I don't know how my parents kept their sanity!

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My kids he been riding with us to Florida, a 22-24 hour drive for us, since they were very little. We first drove some 4 hour trips to get them used to being in the car so long. We have even driven with them out west, which is a 3-4 day drive. We always make an overnight stop or 2 on the way to Florida, taking some time to see the sights along the way and everybody getting some rest.


We found that the boys do not sleep in the car as the oncoming lights keep them awake. This happened the first time we drove to Mt. Rushmore ... left our house at noon, got to Chicago at midnight and arrived at Mt. Rushmore at noon the next day. They were awake the whole entire time. Never again! About the longest we can drive straight is 17 hours in the summertime (leave 4-5 am and stop about 9 pm) when the sun is up the longest. Driving at night is very tiring, IMHO.


So, the answer is no, you are not crazy and the family will do fine. And yes, flights for 4 people are outrageous, and for us has always been more than the cruise itself. So, we drive.

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I think I would be okay with the drive, but DH really doesn't want to do it. I told him that we could drive straight through going down (I figure we'd be so excited to go on the cruise it wouldn't matter as much) and break it up and stay at a hotel one night coming back. And I'm the one who would do most if not all of the driving! He thinks that once you pay for a rental, gas, and two hotel nights it will cost just as much as flying. I'll try to do some more number crunching, but I don't think that's the case. It's hard when airplane prices fluctuate, but based on the average of what I've seen, for four people driving will be quite a bit cheaper, even with getting a rental car.


It may just be better taking the 7 day on the Dream out of Port Canaveral. Even though it's a more expensive cruise, he's more willing to do that drive, and it would cost a little less than flying to Miami. I'm not that crazy about the room set up I read for a 4 person room on the Fascination, and as much as I loved the Legend in Tampa, I would really love a ship that has the waterworks. I just want too much, something has got to give, lol.

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If you are going to drive to Florida, take your kids to Disney. JMHO I really don't understand the need to take kids on cruises, they don't appreciate good food, can't gamble and are around drunks all the time. A vacation as a family should be about spending time as a family, not dropping kids off at camp carnival all day. If you are going to takes kids on vacation let it be their vacation, not yours. Now light me up.


No flames from me. I originally wanted this to be a Disney vacation, because I wanted it to be more for our kids, rather than us. Some days I still feel like saying to heck with it, we're going to Disney. But we decided against Disney right now for a few reasons. One, we think our girls will be a bit better at waiting in line when they are a few years older. At least in a car I could keep them entertained with electronics and breaks, there is a lot of waiting at Disney. The other is that I decided to take them out of school to do a cheaper vacation in late April/early May, and to do this it needs to be for educational purposes, and we both decided cruising to see different countries would be more educational. At least my oldest daughter would be able to talk about more educational things to her classmates when she came back to school. But I completely feel you on the Disney thing! We would just do it in a few years in June right after they get out of school, so we wouldn't have to worry about the educational aspects as much, it would purely be for fun.

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I feel for ya. Have you flown lately with or without the kids? It is a PITA with security and waiting for luggage, not to mention the 2 hour wait prior to leaving or the late flight causing connecting to anywhere you are going void. With 2 kids to take care of, I would drive. There is always DVD players, looking for diff state plates, diff color of cars, how many speed signs in 5 miles, or what ever you can come up with to keep them engaged.


It is approx 5 hours more from port Canaveral to Miami. Remember, you have kids that need to stop more, if not to pee, to stretch and wear down some from the drive.

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Well, I'm 17 and my brother is 14 and we've been driving from NJ to FL every July for the past 7 years. If possible, split it up. My dad's work schedule lets him only fly down for 2 weeks, while we stay for the month. While driving down, we stop in Rock Hill, SC, which is about 650 miles into the drive for us. It could be worth it, but try and make a vacation out of it by taking an extra day and in between driving, visit a place or do some activities.

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I think I would be okay with the drive, but DH really doesn't want to do it. I told him that we could drive straight through going down (I figure we'd be so excited to go on the cruise it wouldn't matter as much) and break it up and stay at a hotel one night coming back. And I'm the one who would do most if not all of the driving! He thinks that once you pay for a rental, gas, and two hotel nights it will cost just as much as flying. I'll try to do some more number crunching, but I don't think that's the case. It's hard when airplane prices fluctuate, but based on the average of what I've seen, for four people driving will be quite a bit cheaper, even with getting a rental car.


It may just be better taking the 7 day on the Dream out of Port Canaveral. Even though it's a more expensive cruise, he's more willing to do that drive, and it would cost a little less than flying to Miami. I'm not that crazy about the room set up I read for a 4 person room on the Fascination, and as much as I loved the Legend in Tampa, I would really love a ship that has the waterworks. I just want too much, something has got to give, lol.


Your fares (NC - MIA) should be around $200 - $250 per person. IF flying, most people tend to fly in the day prior which adds a hotel (meal etc) cost. Although it's not mandatory, if you fly in the morning of, it's a chance and I'd at least suggest an early nonstop (not many out of rdu).


Regarding the drive, I've done it A LOT with 4 kids and let me assure you that given the ages of yours currently, this IS as easy as it's going to be. Stop one night on the way down - any place so long as they've got a pool for the kids. And a packed cooler, stopping at a rest area for lunch and running around is the best thing for the kids.


I personally would try and stick with the breeze and that ride from Orlando to Miami is not as bad as some might lead you to believe.

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It is approx 5 hours more from port Canaveral to Miami. Remember, you have kids that need to stop more, if not to pee, to stretch and wear down some from the drive.


Thing is, they'd be driving 95S, straight shot and wouldn't be going near port canaveral. From JAX to MIA is 5 hours. I do this drive a mimimum of twice a year from Virginia, it's actually a pretty easy ride - heck, easier then my house up to DC, lol.

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We have done many summer trips up to the mountains. 10-12 hour drives. Our son is now 7 and has been doing car trips since he was born. I don't like to fly!


Always had the DVD player, coloring books/activity books, small toys. The $ Store sells some decent educational activity books.


We also play alot of car games. Guess what color car will come by next? How many different license tags you can spot? I spy with my little eye. And, my son's favorite... What's Your Favorite Food? (you describe a food, and the others have to figure it out).

Yes, all these games are cheesey.... but we have had such fun on our trips!!

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I, too, grew up with a family that drove everywhere for vacation in the 60's and 70's. We were like the Griswolds! My grandmother used to go with us on trips (no she never died on us), and all the bad things that could happen did! We now laugh about all our adventures and have lots of stories to tell. For those of you old enough to have had parents that would reach back and snack you when you did not behave, we had that. But, we had our grandmother between us and we were pretty good at ducking. My poor Oma, she came home from vacations black & blue! :D


My brother and I both had trays and my grandmother would have bought some small things for us for each day. I am talking Woolworth for those of you who know what that is! I would say go to the Dollar store and buy some things for each of them to be parcelled out. I also agree with the driving at night. We would start out at like 2 or 3 in the morning. Sleep for several hours and be well to our destination by the time we woke up.


Definately do it! If nothing else it is fun family time!

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I'm starting to think today's young parents could never have survived traveling with kids in the 50's and 60's, when I grew up. Back then we sang songs, read books, kept track of all the different license plates we saw and overall had a great time on long trips. There were 4 of us kids all crammed in the backseat of an old Oldsmobile. And all without DVD players, Ipads, Ipods or video games. Those were the good ole' days.



I so agree and I have a 7 year old. My parents packed up the station wagon every summer from Miami to Denver. 8 of us, including Grandma. No DVD's, I-pads or cell phones. We sang, played games and TALKED!!! I have the most wonderful memories of those days.


I am trying to make the same memories for my son. He actually prefers that we all play games together on a car trip. His electronics don't get much use!!

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I'm still having a hard time deciding what to do for a family cruise next year. I think a 5 day Bahamas would be best for a first cruise for our girls, my husband really wants to do a 7 day Western Caribbean, which I wonder if it will be too port intensive for a first cruise with a 5 and 6 year old, even though I know I would like it again.


So one option I found is a 6 day on the Breeze that goes to Key West, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel and has 2 sea days. This would probably be a perfect cruise for us - hubby gets part of his western itinerary, the girls would have more low key days, and I could get to experience this new ship. :) Problem is, going to Miami, it's a 12 hour drive. My oldest is not the best at car rides, but by then they would have their own iPad and my other girl could use mine, so I know that can keep them occupied for several hours. Flights for the 4 of us I think would be too expensive. Normally I would just do a 5 day out of Tampa, but that ship doesn't have balconies, and having a balcony to go to would be important for me.


Would you do a 12 hour car ride for this itinerary on the Breeze, or am I just insane for even thinking about driving that far with young kids?


Definitely worth the drive and not paying for 4 plane tickets !


We have found that by leaving late evening (9pm onward), that the kids sleep for the majority of the night, and we always do breakfast at a restaurant in the morning (rest stop and fresh air), and if planned correctly, could be a good opportunity to let the kids run around for an hour or so (park / beach area / etc).


12 hours is not really that long, we've driven the 26 hours straight through from Toronto, and we've also broken it up with an overnight in Columbia SC (a little over 1/2 way for us).


Have a fantastic cruise.

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I'm still having a hard time deciding what to do for a family cruise next year. I think a 5 day Bahamas would be best for a first cruise for our girls, my husband really wants to do a 7 day Western Caribbean, which I wonder if it will be too port intensive for a first cruise with a 5 and 6 year old, even though I know I would like it again.


So one option I found is a 6 day on the Breeze that goes to Key West, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel and has 2 sea days. This would probably be a perfect cruise for us - hubby gets part of his western itinerary, the girls would have more low key days, and I could get to experience this new ship. :) Problem is, going to Miami, it's a 12 hour drive. My oldest is not the best at car rides, but by then they would have their own iPad and my other girl could use mine, so I know that can keep them occupied for several hours. Flights for the 4 of us I think would be too expensive. Normally I would just do a 5 day out of Tampa, but that ship doesn't have balconies, and having a balcony to go to would be important for me.


Would you do a 12 hour car ride for this itinerary on the Breeze, or am I just insane for even thinking about driving that far with young kids?


We've driven from Atlanta area back to our hometown in Pa. The only thing that kept us sane was having a DVD player. The 12 hour ride with 5 or 6 movies playing was perfect.


The trick is to leave early in the morning when they're still tired. They will prob sleep for several hours then load them with their favorite movies.


However, if the airfare is cheap enough it would pay to fly.

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No flames from me. I originally wanted this to be a Disney vacation, because I wanted it to be more for our kids, rather than us. Some days I still feel like saying to heck with it, we're going to Disney. But we decided against Disney right now for a few reasons. One, we think our girls will be a bit better at waiting in line when they are a few years older. At least in a car I could keep them entertained with electronics and breaks, there is a lot of waiting at Disney. The other is that I decided to take them out of school to do a cheaper vacation in late April/early May, and to do this it needs to be for educational purposes, and we both decided cruising to see different countries would be more educational. At least my oldest daughter would be able to talk about more educational things to her classmates when she came back to school. But I completely feel you on the Disney thing! We would just do it in a few years in June right after they get out of school, so we wouldn't have to worry about the educational aspects as much, it would purely be for fun.


Well ok sounds like you know what you are doing. Have a great time.:)

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I'm still having a hard time deciding what to do for a family cruise next year. I think a 5 day Bahamas would be best for a first cruise for our girls, my husband really wants to do a 7 day Western Caribbean, which I wonder if it will be too port intensive for a first cruise with a 5 and 6 year old, even though I know I would like it again.


So one option I found is a 6 day on the Breeze that goes to Key West, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel and has 2 sea days. This would probably be a perfect cruise for us - hubby gets part of his western itinerary, the girls would have more low key days, and I could get to experience this new ship. :) Problem is, going to Miami, it's a 12 hour drive. My oldest is not the best at car rides, but by then they would have their own iPad and my other girl could use mine, so I know that can keep them occupied for several hours. Flights for the 4 of us I think would be too expensive. Normally I would just do a 5 day out of Tampa, but that ship doesn't have balconies, and having a balcony to go to would be important for me.


Would you do a 12 hour car ride for this itinerary on the Breeze, or am I just insane for even thinking about driving that far with young kids?


We live right outside of Charlotte, NC and it takes about 12 hours with all the stops we make....I have a 6 year old and a 3 year old.....we've been making the trip to miami since our youngest was 18 months...we have portable DVD players so they watch movies....we bring snacks....they have leap pad games(kind of like an ipad but for kids) I can't see spending the money to fly unless it was a great deal...its cheaper for us to drive....pay for the gas and a week parking so there for I can't see doing it....On the drive home, we go to guest services and explain our long drive and they give us zone 2 tags and we are usually off the boat by 830am and on the road by 9.....We are doing the breeze in September and I can't wait!! Goodluck with your cruise!!!

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Your fares (NC - MIA) should be around $200 - $250 per person. IF flying, most people tend to fly in the day prior which adds a hotel (meal etc) cost. Although it's not mandatory, if you fly in the morning of, it's a chance and I'd at least suggest an early nonstop (not many out of rdu).


That's interesting. Some of the flights I was looking at were even more than that (around $300 pp). So I was estimating by the time you add bags it would be about $1300 - ouch. If I could actually find $200 flights, that "might" change my mind, although I still think driving would be cheaper and worth the inconvenience. We'd ideally fly out of Greensboro, since that's where we live, the day before the cruise. I did notice there were non-stop flights from Greensboro which were cheaper than flights out of Raleigh and Charlotte. But as someone else pointed out, even flying can be a pain, although Raleigh to Tampa wasn't too bad last year. However who knows how well my girls would handle flying either, I guess with either the long drive or flying you never know until you try.


When I looked at Google maps, I thought it was just about 3 hours from Port Canaveral to Miami - is that about right?

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