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Balcony and smokers

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Nicely said, smoking doesn't usual effect me, however post such as one on this thread, that basically if you don't want smell smoke, don't bool a balcony. Now that gets me going..



You have more choices than that. Most ships have spa balconies now where smoking is not permitted. You can also book a balcony as far forward as possible to mitigate the possibility of a smoking neighbor. You can also book an aft cabin where the breezes may also help keep the smoke away.

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You have more choices than that. Most ships have spa balconies now where smoking is not permitted. You can also book a balcony as far forward as possible to mitigate the possibility of a smoking neighbor. You can also book an aft cabin where the breezes may also help keep the smoke away.





you can also work with your neighbors to make your cruise experience great for both of you.

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The question becomes whose right has jurisdiction. Where as the smoker does indeed have the right to smoke. If the right causes inference with the rights of another they lose said right. IE. listening to radio. You have the right to do so, unless it disturbed the peace of another.



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That logic does not apply in this situation. You can complain to guest services about someone smoking but they won't do anything about it since they allow them to do this on a balcony. The rules of the ship outweigh your "rights".

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I use e-cigs so I haven't got a dog in this fight...


It seems to me this idea of 'compromise' is a bit of a one-way thing - smokers are asked to not annoy their neighbours by not smoking (or cutting down) in an area that has been legitimately set aside for them to smoke (their balcony). Now compromise tends to mean give and take - so, does this mean smokers are going to be allowed to light up in places that are no-smoking? Just the one in the no-smoking area by the pool to make up for it? Good luck with that one!


The only compromise seems to be 'if you stop smoking on your balcony we'll stop whingeing about it'.


A smoker books on a ship that allows smoking on balconies and smokes on the balcony - fine.

A smoker books on a ship that doesn't allow smoking on balconies and smokes on the balcony - not fine.

A smoker books on a ship that doesn't allow smoking on balconies and doesn't smoke on the balcony - THAT'S compromise


Not exactly rocket science...

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OMG I promised myself I wouldn’t post on this thread yet here I am. I ignored the I’m a weak person; I’m an inconsiderate person etc. posts. I’ve silently nodded in agreement at the rational posts from both smokers and non smokers. Some people make very good points and some of course make silly ones. Some are downright false and some are so judgmental I can see how people get their backs up. Both smokers and non smokers alike!


This is a long post…and if you don’t care to read it…just skip it. I understand. Not everyone wants to hear from a smoker on this issue.


I consider myself to be a “considerate” smoker. But that statement itself is such an oxymoron. There isn’t such a thing really. I agree with non smokers on that point. So; I’m a smoker. Period. And I know being a smoker offends a lot of people. I try very hard not to be judgmental about others; I wish some of those people would offer the same in return. Many people have posted about how this topic gets “off topic”; people digress to complaining about other things that irritate them. Most often it’s the smokers that do that of course; in defense of their action of smoking. For the general idea of not getting off topic I agree. But I understand why it’s done. I think smokers make those “other arguments” to try to explain that we are not the only people who are offensive to others. Personally, I am offended by screaming kids banging on the doors or loud, foul mouthed drunks, crying, fidgety kids in the Steakhouse, etc. But I put up with them and others because, after all, I’m on a cruise, I don’t own the ship, I can’t throw them overboard, I can only pray they don’t irritate me too much. And if they are in the cabin next to me, well, I’ve got to live with that I guess. I have never thought I could ask my neighbor to perhaps keep their whining about everything, throwing a tantrum on the hour, crying incessantly, banging the door every five minutes child inside and off the balcony because it’s ruining my time out there. I can’t imagine what would give me that right to even think I could do so. Did I think I had the right to ask the parents of the 3 very unhappy children, crying throughout most of my dinner what they were thinking bringing their children there? I’ve spent my money too….isn’t it my right?? Of course not. I’m not silly about what is and isn’t my right.


Others have posted about the “bad” balcony neighbours they have had…that don’t even involve smokers, and I’ve had those too. And they too can make balcony time unpleasant. Not just smokers. I guess that’s what we smokers are trying to say sometimes. It’s not only us J The person who posted about the real crux of the issue, we hate the smell of smoke, was bang on. A great post. I appreciate that rational thinking. I applaud it. And I wish when MY back gets up by anti smokers I remain calm in the face of it. Like that poster, I remember when smoking was allowed everywhere. Does that make it ok or right? Well, it was allowed then. Period. So we put up with it. Carnival (not an American registered ship) so not as “enlightened” as we have become J , allows smoking. In certain areas. And a balcony is one of them. Period. Just like they allow whining kids, drunks, overeaters etc.


Some smokers have posted about their experiences with non smokers and how over the top or exaggerated their reactions to them can be. Someone said something about one persons experience being an anomaly. I fear not. As a smoker I can tell you that it isn’t an anomaly at all. Smokers are viewed as vile. Period. And so society thinks it’s ok to treat them as such. I would never comment on a persons overflowing plate as they waddle away from the buffet, balancing as much food as they can. At 250 pounds or more I do think however that their food addiction is a detrimental to their health as my smoking addiction. But it’s not for me to comment or pass judgment on.And that's not the topic. I can hear the non smokers now saying: but their eating doesn’t ruin my enjoyment of my cruise. Or damage my health. Yes, you are correct in that thinking. At face value. BUT here's why I bring it into this discussion: that seriously overweight, food loving person may also the person who thinks nothing of giving ME a snide look or loudly proclaiming my smoke is bothering them. Why does that person think its ok to insult me or call out my addiction? Because the majority of people around them would agree with that person doing so? Nod silently in agreement? Glad someone else told the smoker off? It happens all the time to smokers. I’ve encountered this personally. A very overweight person telling her children that smoking is dirty. That woman (me) is a bad lady because she smokes. It will kill her. It stinks. Please…find someone else to use for teaching your children a lesson. I’m not an animal in a zoo! Oh wait…maybe on a cruise I am J Or better yet, how about you addressing the healthy eating topic/lesson?? For the sake of simplicity, as an example: I fail to see the difference between calling out an overeater or a smoker. Why is one acceptable? I do lose my appetite and find it downright offensive when I watch that person shovel forkful after heaping forkful of food in their mouth. It gives ME indigestion! MY meal is ruined. But what if I commented on this? Loudly!! You can bet people would be up in arms! Well, smoking and overeating are both legal. And until overeating is not…well….I’m going to keep my mouth shut and refrain from casting dirty looks their way. I wish they would offer me the same courtesy. I know this is an exaggeration of the issue….but it may indeed go to part of the issue with how smokers are treated and why they get so affronted.


I’m smoking on my balcony. I TRY to be considerate. But again, I don’t really believe there is such a thing if the person next to me is very smoke sensitive etc. I’m not a chain smoker, I’m not TRYING to offend when I light up a cig to enjoy with my glass of wine. I understand the moment I do that I may indeed be offending you. I truly do. But I guess in the end it comes down to the simple fact…smoking is allowed on my balcony. I’m going to smoke there. As little as I do, it will still offend you if you are offended by smoke. If you approached me and said; smoking bothers me, how can we work this out, what would I say? I don’t honestly know. You know why? Because most non smokers don’t approach us nicely about it. But when they do, in different situations, I am quick to say, absolutely, I will put out my cigarette. But asking me not to smoke on my balcony? I really don’t know what I would do. Try not to smoke when you are out there? Let you know every time I am about to light up? My experience on balconies has been that most people aren’t out there that much but I guess something could be worked out. But I’m still going to smoke. I won’t deny that fact. How do I lessen its impact on you? I don’t know. I know for certain I’m not going to be ignorant or rude about it, as in too bad for you I’m a smoker. But until Carnival goes the way that other cruise lines have which don’t allow smoking on their balconies (which I won’t sail on) there is really nothing that can be done. And as I choose not to sail on a ship that won’t let me smoke, I guess non smokers can choose not to sail on Carnival. I know that sounds offensive, but I’m not intending it to be. It’s just a matter of choice. An informed consumer choice. We are all at liberty to make those. But if we make that choice and THEN are offended by the rules…well I’m not sure why people ask what recourse there is. Perhaps simply a better decision/choice next time that’s right for you?


Are there ignorant smokers? Absolutely! Are there ignorant anti smokers? Absolutely. And sadly for most of us in both camps we encounter our opposites all the time. A “considerate smoker” dealing with a mouthy anti smoker. A quiet non smoker dealing with a boorish smoker.


The fellow who posted about his experiences and how he got fed up…I understand him completely. As a smoker I have those stories to tell too. Most smokers do. Do we finally get our backs up? Sure we do. Because what we are doing is legal. And allowed by the company we bought our ticket from. Period. I endured 2 days of a cruise being called a ***** every time I even walked out onto my balcony. I didn’t even need to light up. I just needed to be there. Unless someone is smoking where it’s not allowed…..I don’t think it’s ok to be rude. Are there rude smokers? Absolutely. I hate the guy that lights his cigarette and holds it right under my nose practically at the gaming table. I can’t imagine being a nonsmoker when that happens!! But as a smoker I can’t imagine doing that to someone. I TRY to be considerate. And I know that really that means very little. To an anti smoker it means nothing. But as a smoker I also know that being rude to me just because I am one sure doesn’t endear me to want to be “kind” about my smoking. Rarely will I respond to the comments people feel entitled to make or the conversations they think are “helping me”. But once in awhile I go off….like the drunk (who practically fell off his stool and feet every day at an AI I was at) came up and said to me while I sat at a smoking table….that **** will kill ya! Why do you smoke??? Have you seen a picture of your lungs?? How can you do that to yourself, you need to see someone die a slow death from cancer blah blah. After a while it gets old….I took a card out of my purse…handed it to him and suggested he seek help for HIS addiction. AA holds regular meetings…get to a doctor quick…his liver needs detox…has HE seen someone die from alcoholism?? I have and that isnt pretty either. Does he beat his kids?? Slap his wife around??? He left in a hurry lol. But I too am digressing….only in hopes of pointing out the fact that as a smoker I am subjected to a heap load of crap, well intentioned or not. And I accept this. Because somewhere along the way society deemed it acceptable. Does it make it right? No. But its still deemed acceptable. And I put up with it. It’s the price I pay for smoking in public, (only where its allowed)!


So if you approach me politely and ask me to put out my cigarette for whatever reason, I will with all good intentions do so. If you give me a dirty look, fake cough, make a snide comment or are in my face rude…not likely. That’s when MY back gets up. Im doing what is legal and where it’s allowed. Does that make it right? For you? No. But Carnival gave me the "right" to smoke in your presence in that particular area. I suggest taking it up with them. Not me. Or ask me politely.

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This is an issue we've beat to death on CC and it's never going to be resolved by any of us here. At the end of the day, hard core non-smokers are never going to "compromise" any more than chain smokers are going to "compromise".


Smokers aren't going anywhere, and they've been relegated to a few bars, part of the casino, one side of the lido and their balconies. That seems like a pretty small area to have to worry about smoke. Of course, that's just my opinion. If you're worried about smokers beside your balcony, then book a spa balcony or, yes, cruise another line. Carnival allows smoking on the balconies. It's as simple as that. They tried a non-smoking ship and it was an abysmal flop. Again, smokers aren't going away completely, so non-smokers will have to be responsible for themselves if they absolutely hate smoking or are allergic to smoking. There's really nothing else to discuss.

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I agree as well. Don't like smoke; get a spa balcony and quit yer whinin. Something tells me that even that won't end your whinin about us smokers. I use my balcony the way I want to. I paid for it just like you did. You want a compromise? Let me have a smoke, just one, after dinner. Nope you rule the MDR, you're not gonna rule my open air balcony. I will smoke when I want there, its my right. Don't like it. Wait till I leave to come out



This is the problem...I should be able to enjoy MY balcony when I want to without having to breath in YOUR smoke. Would you like to wait for the nonsmokers to leave to "light it up"? The smokers have said they would be considerate if we ask - We'll see! Just reading some comments they don't seem that way. Some seem down right rude when asked. I know for a fact that smoke and strong smells cause migraines for me, my husband has allergies, so we DO prefer not to be around smoke. It would be nice not to be around the smoke, be able to enjoy our balcony, with our children.


Why doesn't Carnival make "Smoking Balconies" and put the smokers in the back of the ship so the smoke blows backwards? If they can't do one side of the ship which makes perfect sense, this would be another option. Or they just simply don't care.


My cabin is on deck 7 midship like I want it. I chose it so I wouldn't get seasick. I suffer from migraines, allergies and smoke is a culprit. If I want to go outside and enjoy OUR cabin that we are paying a lot of money for, why don't we have the same right that you have? We should all be able to work it out...


If you look at the numbers, the Spa cabins are clearly not equal for nonsmokers that would like to book them. Plus they are at the front of the ship. This is the reason we didn't book a Spa cabin. I read too many reviews of motion sickness with Forward cabins. Now with Sunshine and motion with that ship I'm glad we didn't.

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This is the problem...I should be able to enjoy MY balcony when I want to without having to breath in YOUR smoke. Would you like to wait for the nonsmokers to leave to "light it up"? The smokers have said they would be considerate if we ask - We'll see! Just reading some comments they don't seem that way. Some seem down right rude when asked. I know for a fact that smoke and strong smells cause migraines for me, my husband has allergies, so we DO prefer not to be around smoke. It would be nice not to be around the smoke, be able to enjoy our balcony, with our children.


Why doesn't Carnival make "Smoking Balconies" and put the smokers in the back of the ship so the smoke blows backwards? If they can't do one side of the ship which makes perfect sense, this would be another option. Or they just simply don't care.


My cabin is on deck 7 midship like I want it. I chose it so I wouldn't get seasick. I suffer from migraines, allergies and smoke is a culprit. If I want to go outside and enjoy OUR cabin that we are paying a lot of money for, why don't we have the same right that you have? We should all be able to work it out...


If you look at the numbers, the Spa cabins are clearly not equal for nonsmokers that would like to book them. Plus they are at the front of the ship. This is the reason we didn't book a Spa cabin. I read too many reviews of motion sickness with Forward cabins. Now with Sunshine and motion with that ship I'm glad we didn't.


and in my opinion this is one of those posts of i am better than you are....your rights are more important than mine...please....you are giving non smokers a bad name

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How come it is always the Non-smoker who have allergies, asthma etc. You never hear a smoker complaining about those things. Why?


I think some people are just absolutely paranoid and look for reasons to justify their own miserable lives and actually don't know any more how to enjoy life. Sorry, but get over it. Everyone is going to die and you Non-smokers, don't believe for a second you will die without an illness. And no, it won't be caused by us smokers, it will be caused by whatever illness you will get. Who are you going to blame then? Well, oops, it's too late then, isn't it.


I am just sick and tired of hearing the whining all the time. Sniff a bit of smoke, so what. You sniff car exhaust fumes all the time and don't stand in the streets crying, do you. Or do you run up to drivers and tell them to turn off the car?


I mean, really. Why don't you just enjoy life while you can. Most of the people on here are probably past their 30's or 40's. What do you want, live forever? Well, news flash.


You won't.

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How come it is always the Non-smoker who have allergies, asthma etc. You never hear a smoker complaining about those things. Why?


I think some people are just absolutely paranoid and look for reasons to justify their own miserable lives and actually don't know any more how to enjoy life. Sorry, but get over it. Everyone is going to die and you Non-smokers, don't believe for a second you will die without an illness. And no, it won't be caused by us smokers, it will be caused by whatever illness you will get. Who are you going to blame then? Well, oops, it's too late then, isn't it.


I am just sick and tired of hearing the whining all the time. Sniff a bit of smoke, so what. You sniff car exhaust fumes all the time and don't stand in the streets crying, do you. Or do you run up to drivers and tell them to turn off the car?


I mean, really. Why don't you just enjoy life while you can. Most of the people on here are probably past their 30's or 40's. What do you want, live forever? Well, news flash.


You won't.


can i get a big AMEN !!!!

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This is the problem...I should be able to enjoy MY balcony when I want to without having to breath in YOUR smoke. Would you like to wait for the nonsmokers to leave to "light it up"? The smokers have said they would be considerate if we ask - We'll see! Just reading some comments they don't seem that way. Some seem down right rude when asked. I know for a fact that smoke and strong smells cause migraines for me, my husband has allergies, so we DO prefer not to be around smoke. It would be nice not to be around the smoke, be able to enjoy our balcony, with our children.


Why doesn't Carnival make "Smoking Balconies" and put the smokers in the back of the ship so the smoke blows backwards? If they can't do one side of the ship which makes perfect sense, this would be another option. Or they just simply don't care.


My cabin is on deck 7 midship like I want it. I chose it so I wouldn't get seasick. I suffer from migraines, allergies and smoke is a culprit. If I want to go outside and enjoy OUR cabin that we are paying a lot of money for, why don't we have the same right that you have? We should all be able to work it out...


If you look at the numbers, the Spa cabins are clearly not equal for nonsmokers that would like to book them. Plus they are at the front of the ship. This is the reason we didn't book a Spa cabin. I read too many reviews of motion sickness with Forward cabins. Now with Sunshine and motion with that ship I'm glad we didn't.


The problem I see here is that people want it their way. This isn't Burger King.


The reality is the majority of non smokers that have posted here would complain no matter what because they feel the ships should be 100% non smoking. What they don't seem to grasp is that the cruise lines have tried to compromise. The smoking areas have been limited to a select few spots already yet people still complain. And if it really is as bothersome as some people act like it is, then there are cruise lines that have more restricted smoking. People need to either suck it up or chose a different line.


I know that anytime I leave my realm of control, which is my home, I may encounter things that bother me. But you can't control everything and learning to adjust to those things is part of being an adult.


I have never smoked and I think it is a horrible habit. But it isn't illegal and I think it is less of an issue than people here make it out to be. The casinos were the only place I felt the smell of smoke was strong.

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Ok, I too thought I would NEVER respond to a smoker vs non smoker post, but here goes. Like the previous poster said, if you don't want to read it, then don't ;).


I am a non smoker. On the last cruise, I had a suite with balcony. The people next to me smoked....a lot. They were on their balcony from sun up till sun down, because there were 5 people in the room, and one of them was always there. Unfortunately, I was "down wind" of the cigarette smoke. I have severe sinus allergies, but my youngest son is asthmatic. This caused problems, so he was unable to use the balcony.


I will be cruising again next month. I have decided to book two OV rooms, with no balcony. Will I miss the balcony? You betcha! But it was my choice, since my son wanted to come along, and I didn't want any potential healthy issues. I have had family members who were smokers and addicted to it. I have also had family members who were alcoholics, and they chose to NEVER cruise, because of the amount of alcohol that flowed freely and heavily. That was their choice.


Quite simply, there will never be a ship that has a section of the ship that will please everyone. That section would be: no children, no smoking, no loud music, no overeaters, no loud talking, and the list goes on.:D I understand about the wind blowing the smoke, and your right to be on the balcony. Believe me, I will definitely miss my balcony. But until there is a better solution, I will be either sailing OV's, or booking balconies when I have a group that can surround me, that aren't smokers.


I know this post will get flamed. Most of mine do, for whatever reason. But I felt the desire to tell my side, as a non smoker, who is polite for the most part, who does NOT allow my children to cry in restaurants (or I remove them immediately), does NOT allow my children to run amok on the ship and knock on doors, does NOT play loud music, does NOT overload my plate with food, does not get drunk and bump into people and am what is considered a pretty considerate cruiser. I will make the best of my next cruise, enjoy having two bathrooms but no balcony, and when you see me, whether you are smoking or not, I will give you a smile. Because after all, I AM ON A CRUISE!

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How come it is always the Non-smoker who have allergies, asthma etc. You never hear a smoker complaining about those things. Why?


Actually I have many triggers for my allergies. They are perfume and other scents, grass when mowed, exhaust from vehicles, certain flowers, candles and many more.

Why don't I complain? For the same reason I don't give dirty looks to those that wear perfume, burn or sell scented candles, have flowers, drive vehicles, mow their grass etc. Because they are legal and allowed. I have learned many years ago that you cannot control what other's do, only what you expose yourself to. I avoid perfume sections of stores and move away from people who wear it, I stay out of candle sections, I avoid high traffic areas of cities and I close my windows when someone close is cutting their grass. Do I want to close my windows on a beautiful summer day? Of course not, I should have the right to have my windows open or closed as I wish, but I am the only one responsible for my own choices.


How does this relate to the subject. People have to take responsibility for their own issues. Don't like something, avoid it, it just means you can't have everything you want. Thats not the way the world works.

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Actually I have many triggers for my allergies. They are perfume and other scents, grass when mowed, exhaust from vehicles, certain flowers, candles and many more.

Why don't I complain? For the same reason I don't give dirty looks to those that wear perfume, burn or sell scented candles, have flowers, drive vehicles, mow their grass etc. Because they are legal and allowed. I have learned many years ago that you cannot control what other's do, only what you expose yourself to. I avoid perfume sections of stores and move away from people who wear it, I stay out of candle sections, I avoid high traffic areas of cities and I close my windows when someone close is cutting their grass. Do I want to close my windows on a beautiful summer day? Of course not, I should have the right to have my windows open or closed as I wish, but I am the only one responsible for my own choices.


How does this relate to the subject. People have to take responsibility for their own issues. Don't like something, avoid it, it just means you can't have everything you want. Thats not the way the world works.


And that's exactly my point. There are many things which I don't like but I am finding a way to avoid certain circumstances but I would not dream in a million years to confront people or situations just because I don't like it or it does not fit in with my live. Instead I am enjoying my life and see the beautiful things, not the negative.

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