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Chair Saving- can I just move their stuff?


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It would be easier to just move the stuff!;)


Oh, I agree. If you can't bring yourself to toss it overboard, and want to protect the environment, Carnival even provides recycle bins all over the place.


But moving can lead to confrontation...


Not that I care.... :D

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Can you have the ship's staff move them for you? Seems like this would be a way to avoid direct confrontations with other passengers. You could just say if asked that the staff must have removed their stuff due to the regulations against chair hogging ...er, saving.

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Wennfred said: "I would ensure a family person would be there to hold it for me while I left to the bathroom, besides both chairs would be very close together and one of us will be in one of them."


While that is great for people who are traveling with others..............for single cruisers this is impractical, if not impossible. Time to think outside the couples and family boxes! Broaden your thinking to include others and their possible situations. jmho

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Thanks for all the replies. I'm calling Carnival about the shock collar idea....


Heads up to everyone on the Conquest 10-02-05:

This is your official warning that DH & I will move your stuff! (Obviously, if your flip-flops, sunglasses, towel, book, etc. are all on the chair, you're safe). All you only-one-towel/shoes-on-the-chair people... Beware! We're not that concerned about getting a chair near a pool, just want a chair, and we don't mind polite confrontation. :p

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Wennfred said: "I would ensure a family person would be there to hold it for me while I left to the bathroom, besides both chairs would be very close together and one of us will be in one of them."


While that is great for people who are traveling with others..............for single cruisers this is impractical, if not impossible. Time to think outside the couples and family boxes! Broaden your thinking to include others and their possible situations. jmho


Make some friends and ask a couple of neighbors to watch the chair. Most of them won't bite. ;)

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1. Are you allowed to bring your own chair on board (with your name on it of course)


2. If you steal some of the covers that they keep for broken parking meters and put them on the chairs you want (the chairs are broken, get it?) is this a good way to save yourself a chair?

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All kidding aside, please give a person at least 45 min to go to the bathroom, not a mere 30 minutes before you start dumping their personal belongings. I have a handicapped mother in a wheelchair, and it sometimes takes me 45-50 min to get her to a bathroom and back. On some ships, the bathroom is down a deck and that involves an elevator trip.


Not all vacant chairs are occupied by chair hogs. Some, like us, are vacant for valid reasons and we will be back as soon as we can.



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Thanks for all the replies. I'm calling Carnival about the shock collar idea....


Heads up to everyone on the Conquest 10-02-05:


This is your official warning that DH & I will move your stuff! (Obviously, if your flip-flops, sunglasses, towel, book, etc. are all on the chair, you're safe). All you only-one-towel/shoes-on-the-chair people... Beware! We're not that concerned about getting a chair near a pool, just want a chair, and we don't mind polite confrontation. :p [/QU OTE]


If you don't care about being by the pool than go up to deck 12, the bow. My dh & I went up there & had it to ourselves most of the time. There is also a small bar up there with no lines. Great quiet spot, just be carful with the breeze you sometimes do not realize how much sun your getting :eek: .

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This was likely on a more upscale cruise, but I once read of a scenario wherein a bunch of moneyed Europeans would have their "assistants" go down to the pool around 6-7 AM and put their master's and mistress' pool gear (including swimwear) on prime-location chairs, to reserve them all for the hoi-palloi's arrival at 10-11 AM.


This ticked off a number of Aussies, and on the 3rd day, the "superiors" were chagrined to arrive for their late-morning sunning, only to discover a large pile of beachwear, towels, lotion bottles, and other gear visible at the bottom of the pool...and no vacant chairs for their entitled asses to grace.


There were reportedly no such problems on day 4.

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This was likely on a more upscale cruise, but I once read of a scenario wherein a bunch of moneyed Europeans would have their "assistants" go down to the pool around 6-7 AM and put their master's and mistress' pool gear (including swimwear) on prime-location chairs, to reserve them all for the hoi-palloi's arrival at 10-11 AM.


This ticked off a number of Aussies, and on the 3rd day, the "superiors" were chagrined to arrive for their late-morning sunning, only to discover a large pile of beachwear, towels, lotion bottles, and other gear visible at the bottom of the pool...and no vacant chairs for their entitled asses to grace.


There were reportedly no such problems on day 4.


Interesting...That would seem like all of the people here would do, including me! (and i like to save chairs) :) :p ;) :D

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This was likely on a more upscale cruise, but I once read of a scenario wherein a bunch of moneyed Europeans would have their "assistants" go down to the pool around 6-7 AM and put their master's and mistress' pool gear (including swimwear) on prime-location chairs, to reserve them all for the hoi-palloi's arrival at 10-11 AM.


This ticked off a number of Aussies, and on the 3rd day, the "superiors" were chagrined to arrive for their late-morning sunning, only to discover a large pile of beachwear, towels, lotion bottles, and other gear visible at the bottom of the pool...and no vacant chairs for their entitled asses to grace.


There were reportedly no such problems on day 4.


Now if the "assistants" stayed in the chairs until the "royalty" arrived then surrendered the chairs to them, I can't see that there is a problem. On the other hand, knowing a few Aussies, I would anticipate that the Aussies would offer the "assistants" a few beers and after a few hours the "superiors" would arrive to find all the chairs taken by the Aussies and their new friends!

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The chairs were all practically taken by 8 a.m,. - how early do you have to get up to get a chair? This is nuts. I saw 4 vacant chairs being saved by big t-shirts on them and nobody ever showed up. I was in a less preferable chair higher up on a deck. Next time I go on a cruise, people's stuff will be moved and I will sit in their chair if they don't show up within half an hour. I am TIRED of this chair saving business!

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Just off the Glory and as I said in my review chairs were at a premium if you slept in. Once I reached for an empty chair and started to move it in a better position when a gal jumped up and threw a towel on it and said her father was going to sit there. I started to say something when my DW said forget it it wasnt worth an argument.


Another time we were sitting on the bench by the pool when I got up to go to the bathroom. My wife just kind of sat so it was obvious she was taking up 2 spaces until I returned. when I did and sat down the woman next to me said sorry she was saving that spot for her young son. I just made like I didnt speak English and smiled at her.


bottom line is it is every one for themselves when it comes to getting chairs as that was very obvious on board during sea days

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Hubby and I were always up on deck early each morning during our Miracle cruise. I noticed A LOT of chair hogging going on around the pools...a pair of sunglasses here, a book there, a flip flop, another flip flop, etc.


I started playing match game with the stuff. No one else was out, it was barely 7am for crying out loud. The Carnival employee putting out the chairs saw me, and smiled, and left me alone. I didn't move stuff too far, and rearranged different people's stuff with other people's stuff (you could tell the 'groups') I had so much fun, until hubby caught me and made me quit....:( Bummer


We simply walked to the aft adults only pool at about 11am, found two chairs together and plopped down for a few hours. It was nice, plenty of chairs available.



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Thats awesome. I also read on a thread that some folks had actually made signs for their chairs and stuck them to their seats. The signs apparently had their names and cabin numbers. Can you believe the gall???


That's when you take their signs (especially if they are close to your room) put them in your bag, and then later put them in the mailbox outside their door. You want to make sure it gets back to the rightful owner. *EVIL GRIN* :)




I like that one!



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I started playing match game with the stuff. No one else was out, it was barely 7am for crying out loud. The Carnival employee putting out the chairs saw me, and smiled, and left me alone. I didn't move stuff too far, and rearranged different people's stuff with other people's stuff (you could tell the 'groups') I had so much fun, until hubby caught me and made me quit....:( Bummer




That's when you take their signs (especially if they are close to your room) put them in your bag, and then later put them in the mailbox outside their door. You want to make sure it gets back to the rightful owner. *EVIL GRIN*
rotfl.gif You sound like my kind of cruiser Stef.
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Not all vacant chairs are occupied by chair hogs. Some, like us, are vacant for valid reasons and we will be back as soon as we can.



But unless you're going to walk your mom to the restroom in only one flip-flop or are going to take all your belongings with you to the restroom except for your lone paperback or magazine, it's pretty easy to realize the chair is being used and not just hogged for possible use later. You'd be fine, we wouldn't more your stuff. ;)
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Chair Hog Definition:


A study of the elusive species


Chair hogs, also known as 'seat saver', 'line cutter' , 'jerk'


Person or persons, who rise at the butt crack of dawn to leave scant droppings of personal effects on various and sundry prime location deck chairs around the prime watering hole, and then disappear to sleep, eat, or gamble some more. Marking their territory with invaluable objects or sometimes, even a name and cabin number sticker.


These persons are not known to promptly return and enjoy these prime location chairs, and have a great trust in their fellow man not to disturb the one flip flop, the pair of cheap sunglasses, the paperback tawdry romance novel, the elusive tank top, or the lone bottle of sunscreen.


Chair hogs are not easily spotted. They blend well into their native background, and have a tendency to flit in and out during the day...sometimes only settling in their nest for a few minutes at a time in order to feed. Actually spotting one settling into the nesting site is a rare and exciting experience.


These persons are known however, to suddenly arrive when their personal effect is moved to make room for a fellow cruiser who is tired of waiting on them to return from their migration. That is when the 'dance of the deck chair begins'. Watching these creatures in their native habitat can sometimes be quite amusing and educational. You should only approach a chair hog if you are well armed with a Carnival security guard or spray sunscreen.


Beware the chair hog...they are viscious, own lots of throw away items, and are quite early risers...

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Ah, one of my favorite subjects. :D


Quite simply: I give them 30 minutes. Period. After such time I'll either toss aside the towel (hey, it's not going to cost ME $22!) or turn their book, sunglasses, flip-flops, whatever, into lost & found. I have little or no patience for such rudeness. And don't even think of cutting in line...... ;)

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Years ago I saved up my coke bottle deposit money and bought a pair of X-ray vision glasses that I had found advertised in the back of a comic book that promised you could see through clothes. My adolescent disappointment was high when I discovered that they did not actually work. They had a flimsy plastic frame and cardboard lenses. In the middle of the lenses was a viewing hole that was covered with pantyhose material. I now know that this was pantyhose material because I get the same visual affects when I pull my wife’s pantyhose over my head when I get out of the shower and walk around singing the Hiawatha Love Song. This action also makes our tomcat Spencer hiss like an air matress with a hole in it.


I still have these gag glasses and take them on the cruise with me. I go up to the pool deck and find the gal (you know who you are) that sits by the pool in that Italian designer swim wear made out of dental floss. Nothing gives her the heebie jeebies more than a pot bellied middle aged man standing there looking at her with a pair of cardboard glasses with “X-ray Vision” written in bold letters across the front of them. After a while she will get up muttering something about your ancestors and leave you a vacant lounge chair. Make sure when you try this that her muscle beach boyfriend Burt is not around or he will pound your SPF 2000 buttered butt into a pulp. I promise this hurts like heck.


Now that you have an empty chair lather yourself up in that Quaker States Suntan Lotion you bought at the Army Surplus. I know it’s hard not to keep sliding off the lounger but I found by locking your arms around the edge of the lounge chair and intertwining your feet with the last few vinyl straps you can manage to hold on while pointing your white butt crack towards the sky like some droopy swim trunk offering to the sun gods.


I know that you are thinking that this is a great idea and I will try it on my next cruise but what about the chair hogs that leave their “reserved” lounge chair unattended for hours. There are several solutions that I can come up with that are logical, civilized and fair, but let’s not go there.

Two words come to mind and I say them with tongue in cheek as opposed to the more painful tongue in teeth, “Public Execution”.


Remember the good ole days when after a morning fire and brimstone sermon we would all meet at the Town Square for a picnic and a hangin. Well I really don’t remember this but that would have been the way I would have remembered it if I did remember. I know that someone dancing at the end of a rope is just entertainment for the just and righteous but it may give pause to his fellow evil doers. They might reconsider and think that robbing banks, ignoring stop signs and cheating on their income tax is not such a good idea after all.


Wouldn’t it be a hoot if the Ship’s Captain came out in a Blackbeard outfit waving a cutlass above his head dispensing ARRRGGHHs left and right while he sends some poor chair hogger to their demise at the end of a yard arm, or meter arm in Europe, or off a plank on the pool deck?


I know what your thinking, “My God! Are you suggesting that the cruise line execute a paying customer for hogging chairs? What about the lost bingo and casino profits? What if the cruise line feels that they have to compensate the surviving spouse with a free drink or onboard credit?” No no, au contraire. I am not suggesting something so drastic but there are a lot of crew members and one of them might be having a bad week, performing sub par so to speak.


All it would take is the Captain to shout, “This is what we do to chair hogging swill” before he tosses this poor chap into the foaming sea. This would not only take care of the chair hog problem for the rest of the cruise but it would also make the food in the dining room taste a heck of a lot better. I would only recommend that this be done only once during the cruise because I am a non-violent person, especially violence from a muscle beach dude named Burt.

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I still have these gag glasses and take them on the cruise with me. I go up to the pool deck and find the gal (you know who you are) that sits by the pool in that Italian designer swim wear made out of dental floss. Nothing gives her the heebie jeebies more than a pot bellied middle aged man standing there looking at her with a pair of cardboard glasses with “X-ray Vision” written in bold letters across the front of them. After a while she will get up muttering something about your ancestors and leave you a vacant lounge chair. Make sure when you try this that her muscle beach boyfriend Burt is not around or he will pound your SPF 2000 buttered butt into a pulp. I promise this hurts like heck.

ROTFLMAO! This was a great post!


I think we need Derf to look up a link on the net where we can buy some of those X-Ray Vision glasses. :D

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Years ago I saved up my coke bottle deposit money and bought a pair of X-ray vision glasses that I had found advertised in the back of a comic book that promised you could see through clothes. My adolescent disappointment was high when I discovered that they did not actually work. They had a flimsy plastic frame and cardboard lenses. In the middle of the lenses was a viewing hole that was covered with pantyhose material. I now know that this was pantyhose material because I get the same visual affects when I pull my wife’s pantyhose over my head when I get out of the shower and walk around singing the Hiawatha Love Song.



Please step away from the keyboard!:D :)
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