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Wow, Carnival...what happened?


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In 2006 at the FAMILY karaoke event - this song was one of the selections and was performed: It is called "Candy Shop" by 50 Cent. In order to fully appreciate how WRONG this selection was, I urge you to google the lyrics. It is so bad, I don't even want to post the lyrics here. Now, this was performed AT THE FAMILY KAROKE event on the Conquest.


When we got back, I complained. As an apology, I was sent a letter saying that on my *next* cruise I should let them know of my booking and I would receive a Bon Voyage gift. I immediately called and said that we don't cruise that often, but they said hold onto the letter (and hopefully forget about it - LOL) and it would not expire.


So I did. I contacted Carnival and let them know about our upcoming cruise. I felt the guest services rep was a bit rude, he said the letter was expired. Looking at the letter in my hand, I said there was no expiration noted and, in fact, I had confirmed back in 2007 that it would not expire. Reluctantly, he said to email a copy to him and he would take care of it.


We board the Pride on July 14, there is no Bon Voyage gift. I called guest services onboard. They knew nothing about it. Through the week, they kept promising that they were looking for this, but were unsuccessful. I gave them the name of the person I had emailed the letter to and the next day I was told that this person denied ever speaking to me and did not know who I was!


At the end of the week, we did receive a $25 credit. But it was not the "fun" gift I had looked forward to and I was humiliated to be told that basically, I was a liar and their rep had denied having ever spoken to me!



Second, from day one, Guest Services had our people (7 of us in three staterooms) all mixed up. Immediately at boarding, we went to Guest Services to have each individual's stateroom straightened out and to attach their own personal credit card to their sign and sail card.


On day two, finding some charges on the wrong sign and sail card, we went back and were told that there were two credit cards attached to one of our guest's account - one of the cards was mine and the other was his. We were told that we *never* had been at guest services to let them know which one to use. On the contrary, we HAD been there the day before and done this, but we had to go back down with all parties involved and do it over again. At the end of the cruise, we learned that my son (not even IN the stateroom with the person involved in the credit card mix-up) had his name also attached to this guest's credit card. I have no idea how or WHY they did this. But each time we would go back there, instead of apologizing for the mix-up, they would take an aggressive stand and deny that we had ever been there!



After arriving back to the ship after Freeport, we went to our stateroom to find a bright red metal 'EVACUATED' sign stuck into our key slot. I immediately panicked - since our staterooms had been mixed up from day one, I thought for sure there was a medical issue with one of our family members and they had been evacuated off the ship or in a hospital in Freeport. This was a terrible, frightening and horrible experience.


We ran down to guest services and the rep was very flippant - laughed and said it was just part of a drill. No apology, nothing even though I was very obviously totally distressed. Seeing that bright red metal sign really was a very bad and scary experience.


I can quite honestly say that we spent part of almost every day at guest services trying to straighten out their confused messes.


We have sailed Carnival before and the service has definitely gone downhill. Our stateroom steward was ok, and our server at dinner was super nice. But food was slow in coming, lines at the buffets were so long more than once we gave up standing in line.


One day at sea, we didn't have lunch because the lines were ridiculous.


At the Serenity Bar, they had a menu sign and we tried to get food there but were told they didn't have any food. No more Caesar salad at the pizza station.


No more steel drum band on the Lido deck (just a crummy dj).


Room Service (other than breakfast) was next to impossible. When you would call, you would be put on terminal hold. One time after getting through (by just hanging up and repeatedly calling until someone answered), we placed an order and after waiting almost an hour, just gave up and called back and canceled it.


The musical shows were pretty bad. The Legends show where they have guests perform was barely tolerable. And they repeated many of the same songs that were featured in the cast's show from the night before. How many times do you want to hear Crocodile Rock and Living La Vida Loca?


On the plus side, the ports were beautiful, although short (back on ship at 1-1:30). The chocolate melting cake was heavenly. Relaxation was non-stop.


I know my preferences aren't everyone's, but just letting those who are thinking Carnival know what's up. We will definitely be trying another line for our next cruise.



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I am sorry you had so many issues with your cruise. But you cracked me up at the end of your post when you said "relaxation was non-stop". LOL. It didn't seem like you had much opportunity for relaxation.



I had to stop and re-read that part. lol



Sorry you had such a difficult time on your vacation.

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Believe me, when I go on a cruise, I do a lot of relaxing. That's my mission. I try not to let bumps get in the way. It becomes a challenge when there are so many bumps though!


And I usually only show up here when I am planning a cruise or have just returned. In between, I kind of lose interest in the boards just bc I'm jealous of those who are going. So no, I haven't read about a lot of the cutbacks.


As you can see, my last cruise prior to this was in 2006/7 so I wasn't prepared for all the cutbacks. I wonder if the other lines have cut back a lot also?


I really did miss the steel drum band. That would really get me in the Caribbean cruise mood!



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We tried RCI last summer (primarily because we wanted to sail to Bermuda, not anything negative we've experienced with Carnival). We've now done 5 Carnival, 2 RCI, and 1 NCL cruise in the past 8 years. After returning to Carnival for a cruise on Dream last week, I'm glad we went back to Carnival. Dream was so much more lively (while never being excessively rowdy) than Enchantment of the Seas. We found more live entertainment on Dream than we have in recent years on other ships.


Some things have certainly changed. I did miss calzones and caesar salads being available along with pizza, but that's so minor as to hardly be worth mentioning.


The only negative comments I have about our Dream cruise last week was a grand total of ONE less than cheery (almost grumpy) bar waitress in the MDR, and the fact that the dining staff and stewards weren't as personable as we experienced when we first sailed Carnival in 2005 - I chalk that up at least partly due to the ship being so full (~4,600 pax, <1,400 crew).


One specific item: we would like a steel drum band on Lido, instead of a dj. But we don't spend much time there so it's not a deal breaker for us.


I do highly recommend people try other lines. We found some things we liked better on RCI, but overall we feel Carnival is the best fit for us at this time. I was a bit concerned how this cruise would go based on reading CC the past several months, but overall I was very pleasantly surprised.

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Some things have certainly changed. I did miss calzones and caesar salads being available along with pizza, but that's so minor as to hardly be worth mentioning.


The only negative comments I have about our Dream cruise last week was a grand total of ONE less than cheery (almost grumpy) bar waitress in the MDR, and the fact that the dining staff and stewards weren't as personable as we experienced when we first sailed Carnival in 2005 - I chalk that up at least partly due to the ship being so full (~4,600 pax, <1,400 crew).


One specific item: we would like a steel drum band on Lido, instead of a dj. But we don't spend much time there so it's not a deal breaker for us.




Yea, I totally agree. A lot of these things are minor. But the thing is, there are a LOT of these things - LOL. It's like they removed many "minor" things but then they all add up.


I do feel they were understaffed. One night at the pizza buffet there were only two workers. It took a very long time to get pizza even though there were about 8-10 people in line. Another night there were three workers and it made a huge difference. I feel for the staff. They all seem very sincere (aside from the Guest Services people) and they work so hard. But being understaffed is not a fun experience for them.



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I understand your frustration at having to go to the Pursers Desk. It sucks when you have to take time out of your day over and over to go stand in line and fix something that isn't your fault. Especially when you have to do it over and over. It would be nice if they had someone assigned to the phone so you could call them from the comfort of your cabin to fix it but unfortunately they just tell you to come down.


Do try other lines. You'll find things you like better and some things you think Carnival does better. There will be bumps and bruises with any cruise line though. Just try and have a good attitude and make the best of it!

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The cutbacks on Carnival are real and measurable just cruising a year apart, so the 6 year difference must have been a shock.

I don't mind the cutbacks in entertainment (though like you I really miss the steel drums), but I do mind the cutbacks in service. The dining room staff and the stewards do try, but they are so overworked that it's just sad. While I have had some guest service associates that were outstanding, the ones on our last cruise were much as you describe.

We did not have the issues with room service that you spoke of, so I do hope that is not the coming trend.

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Sounds like you has one of those 45 day letters. Trust me, when they replaced the 10 to 20 % or more off your next cruise, they really weren't worth much.


But I agree that when you return to something, you expect the product to be the same or better. Now that you know, you have choices.

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So your mind was made up prior to the sailing I guess? No wonder it was bad for you, seems that a cruise that is "relaxation non-stop" would be a great cruise...


Again, I love cruising and I miss being on the boat. I was just reporting some of the things that happened and were disappointing to me and some of the things that were distressing.


I have learned that all things in life aren't perfect, hard to believe, but true. As I stated in my post, I was just saying the things that I had difficulties with. Just stating the facts.


Some of you might say those things I mentioned were NBD and some of you might say that they are glad to hear about my thoughts as my comments might be valuable to them. Either way, it doesn't affect me - just take what you want out of my post.


But I know there are those who enjoy the back and forth of conversation and discussion and I'm good with that, too.


I like to hear other's opinions of the things they had problems with on their cruises as well. It doesn't make me think that they hated the cruise. It just lets me evaluate their experience and use the information when it comes time to plan my next cruise.


I think it would be a bit far-fetched for someone to say their cruise as absolutely perfect without a hitch. But if there is, I'm booking the same one tomorrow - LOL!!



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Sounds like you has one of those 45 day letters. Trust me, when they replaced the 10 to 20 % or more off your next cruise, they really weren't worth much.


But I agree that when you return to something, you expect the product to be the same or better. Now that you know, you have choices.


Choices are good! And trying out new cruise lines is a real adventure, too :-)



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The cutbacks on Carnival are real and measurable just cruising a year apart, so the 6 year difference must have been a shock.

I don't mind the cutbacks in entertainment (though like you I really miss the steel drums), but I do mind the cutbacks in service. The dining room staff and the stewards do try, but they are so overworked that it's just sad. While I have had some guest service associates that were outstanding, the ones on our last cruise were much as you describe.

We did not have the issues with room service that you spoke of, so I do hope that is not the coming trend.


Really!? In just a year you noticed the cutbacks, so I am really out of the loop having gone so many years between sailings. It is good to be able to discuss the changes and things that we were disappointed in without being told that we must have had a terrible time. But anyway, there are other lines out there and that is a good thing!



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I understand your frustration at having to go to the Pursers Desk. It sucks when you have to take time out of your day over and over to go stand in line and fix something that isn't your fault. Especially when you have to do it over and over. It would be nice if they had someone assigned to the phone so you could call them from the comfort of your cabin to fix it but unfortunately they just tell you to come down.


Do try other lines. You'll find things you like better and some things you think Carnival does better. There will be bumps and bruises with any cruise line though. Just try and have a good attitude and make the best of it!


Yes, Kristi, you are absolutely right. My motto: A bad day at sea is better than a good day at work :-)


I think that posting events that were unhappy with might help motivate Carnival, just in case any of them read our posts.


Do you think they do?



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Sorry you didn't enjoy your cruise. From what I've seen and heard, the cutbacks don't just apply to Carnival. I haven't cruised since 2009, so it will be interesting to see if the changes are as bothersome to me as others have pointed out. You'll have a better time next cruise vacation no matter what line you choose. Just think positively that way. :)

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Sorry you got so stressed over the "Evacuated" signs. Every cruise I've been on, they do that at one of the ports as part of their safety drills so it doesn't alarm me.


All the rooms would have it in the key slot along with the emergency lighting illuminated along the hallways. Also, the CD comes on the intercom numerous times to announce they are having a drill for the crew only.


It happens on every cruise line. At least next time you'll know not to panic. I can't imagine having those horrible things running through my mind.

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Sorry you didn't enjoy your cruise. From what I've seen and heard, the cutbacks don't just apply to Carnival. I haven't cruised since 2009, so it will be interesting to see if the changes are as bothersome to me as others have pointed out. You'll have a better time next cruise vacation no matter what line you choose. Just think positively that way. :)


On the contrary, I did enjoy my cruise and I miss being on the boat. Everyone that asked about my vacation, I told them that it was so much fun.


I'm posting the negatives here just as a "reporter" and in the hope that there are Carnival people who might check these boards to see what can be done better.


It's sad that the word "cutback" has become so across the board in about everything we do every day. I love cruising and will never stop. I just hope that things can get a little bit better if more of us speak up.



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Sorry you got so stressed over the "Evacuated" signs. Every cruise I've been on, they do that at one of the ports as part of their safety drills so it doesn't alarm me.


Every room would have it in the key slot along with the emergency lighting illuminated along the hallways. Also, the CD comes on the intercom numerous times to announce they are having a drill for the crew only.


It happens on every cruise line. At least next time you'll know not to panic. I can't imagine having those horrible things running through my mind.


Now that I know about it, it won't scare me so badly! But funny, I have been on several cruises and never saw anything like this. My husband didn't either. So it's done while the ship is in port - we have never stayed onboard while in any port so I guess that's why we have missed it.


The one in our door, now I wish we had kept it as a souvenir!!



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Now that I know about it, it won't scare me so badly! But funny, I have been on several cruises and never saw anything like this. My husband didn't either. So it's done while the ship is in port - we have never stayed onboard while in any port so I guess that's why we have missed it.


The one in our door, now I wish we had kept it as a souvenir!!




Yep, while in port. I have some pics of the emergency lighting on the Celebrity Eclipse on my desktop at home. I'll post them if you would like to see when I get home tonight. It's really pretty cool. And not a bad idea to be familiar with what it would look like during a real emergency.


Oh, and most times they take a few of the lifeboats out and cruise around in circles. It's neat to watch!

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Yep, while in port. I have some pics of the emergency lighting on the Celebrity Eclipse on my desktop at home. I'll post them if you would like to see when I get home tonight. It's really pretty cool. And not a bad idea to be familiar with what it would look like during a real emergency.


Oh, and most times they take a few of the lifeboats out and cruise around in circles. It's neat to watch!


I would like to see your pics. also, I have always wondered what the lifeboats look like in the water. That is cool. Almost worth missing Freeport for ;)

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On the contrary, I did enjoy my cruise and I miss being on the boat. Everyone that asked about my vacation, I told them that it was so much fun.


I'm posting the negatives here just as a "reporter" and in the hope that there are Carnival people who might check these boards to see what can be done better.


It's sad that the word "cutback" has become so across the board in about everything we do every day. I love cruising and will never stop. I just hope that things can get a little bit better if more of us speak up.



I hear ya. I guess I wouldn't mind some cutbacks, but we'll see. I have a particular loathing for standing in lines for food, for example. lol.

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I am sorry you had so many issues with your cruise. But you cracked me up at the end of your post when you said "relaxation was non-stop". LOL. It didn't seem like you had much opportunity for relaxation.


LOL....I thought the same thing. Nothing about their cruise looked relaxing to me. Sorry you had a bad time of it OP.

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Evey now and then you get a nut that just doesn't taste right, Do you throw the bag away???:confused:

Stuff happens and that's the way it goes, now you are back in the cruise loop and you must test the waters...

We have been on many, many cruises and have never had anything like what you have had(knock wood) never has our cruise been thrown off by the happenings, we cruise in total joy and relaxation every time(lucky us):D

May you find the perfect cruise and come back with a glowing report...

Best of luck on future cruises!!!:)

P.S. I Miss The Steel Drums Too!!!!!!!!!!

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Someone has potential to work for Carnival's customer service!


Are you kidding? 7 yrs for a $25 gift and then make a complaint when you didn't get your gift. Seriously! They were most likely just going to give him a tumbler or a hat or a lanyard. $25 I would be grateful. But in all seriousness I would not keep a "letter" that long to get a cheap crappy gift!

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