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Smoking Thread from a little different point of view


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Well I have gotten fed up with all these smoking laws and rules! There are less and less places for me to smoke! I live in Illinois and there is no smoking in any indoor places. I attend a lot of High School sports and there is no smoking on any school property. So if I want a smoke I have to leave the school premises have my smoke then pay again to get into the game. I also have season tickets for The Chicago White Sox, my tickets are in the 500 level upper deck. If I want a smoke I have to walk down 5 stories to Gate 5 and have a smoke and at least I can take the Escalators back up if the are still running. As of January 1, 2014 my company is banning smoking in all of the company vehicles. Now Royal Caribbean is banning smoking on balconies and all indoor venues with the exception of the casino. Well that was the final straw! I throw my hands up and surrender. I figured I could quit going to restaurants, sporting events, theaters, shopping, cruises and I could quit my job. Then I could smoke in my backyard whenever I wanted to. Instead I decided to Quit Smoking after 40 years. Today was day 3 of no cigarettes. I am tired of having to find ways to smoke, I felt like I was back in high school trying to sneak a smoke. Not the price or health effects have ever made me want to quit. But I really am tired of finding places to smoke. I really hope I quit and stay quit and make my life less complicated. I stopped drinking 21 years ago so I think I can do this. To all the smokers I do promise that if I do quit I will not be one of those ex smokers that we all hate. Please don't wish me luck but wish me the courage to help me through this!


. I went cold turkey 20 years ago and I smoked almost 4 packs a day for 30 years at the time. I wish you all the best.

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Do not replace cigarettes with food or treats. Unless it is a healthy snack like fresh fruit.


Great advice. I quit 30 years ago and there was a Mrs. Fields cookie shop in the tunnel of my building and I replaced smoking with a daily dose of chocolate chip mini cookies. It helped but was not healthy ;) After gaining a few pounds I quit those too and became even more addicted to working out because I could actually breath through an aerobics class.


Wishing you lots of courage. You CAN do this :D

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First, congrats to the OP. I loved your very entertaining tale. I wish you all the success in the world and hope your $$$ and time savings allow you to do wonderful things.



I will preface my next comment with a FIRM NOTE that I find nothing about cancer to be funny. I have lost friends and some of my closest and dearest relatives myself to cancer. That needs to be said because losing someone you love as much as your mother (and so recently) is horrible.


I just lost my mom to bladder cancer 2 weeks ago. Caused by smoking for 40 years.


My first thought when I read this was "I think she was smoking wrong!" I hope you take that lighthearted initial reaction in a way that isn't meant to belittle or insult in any way. It was just my first thought.


On a very serious note, since I don't know much about bladder cancer at all. How is this specifically traced to smoking? Is there a path where the toxins accumulate in the urea or something?

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[quote name='poncho1973']First, congrats to the OP. I loved your very entertaining tale. I wish you all the success in the world and hope your $$$ and time savings allow you to do wonderful things.

I will preface my next comment with a FIRM NOTE that I find nothing about cancer to be funny. I have lost friends and some of my closest and dearest relatives myself to cancer. That needs to be said because losing someone you love as much as your mother (and so recently) is horrible.

My first thought when I read this was "I think she was smoking wrong!" I hope you take that lighthearted initial reaction in a way that isn't meant to belittle or insult in any way. It was just my first thought.

On a very serious note, since I don't know much about bladder cancer at all. How is this specifically traced to smoking? Is there a path where the toxins accumulate in the urea or something?[/quote]

I'll let it slide for the following reason - I NEVER in a million years thought we would be burying my mother to bladder cancer. Lung cancer maybe, but bladder cancer never occured to me/us. We only learned about its tie to smoking last May when she was diagnosed. And 16 months later she was gone after it aggresively spread all over.

This is information that was given to us in our initial research - taken from the Web MD website:

[B]Although the exact causes of bladder cancer remain unknown, smoking is the leading risk factor. Smokers are about four times more likely to get bladder cancer than people who have never smoked. Chemicals in tobacco smoke are carried from the lungs to the bloodstream, then filtered by the kidneys into urine. This concentrates harmful chemicals in the bladder, where they damage cells that can give rise to cancer.[/B]
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[quote name='killtheump']Well I have gotten fed up with all these smoking laws and rules! There are less and less places for me to smoke! I live in Illinois and there is no smoking in any indoor places. I attend a lot of High School sports and there is no smoking on any school property. So if I want a smoke I have to leave the school premises have my smoke then pay again to get into the game. I also have season tickets for The Chicago White Sox, my tickets are in the 500 level upper deck. If I want a smoke I have to walk down 5 stories to Gate 5 and have a smoke and at least I can take the Escalators back up if the are still running. As of January 1, 2014 my company is banning smoking in all of the company vehicles. Now Royal Caribbean is banning smoking on balconies and all indoor venues with the exception of the casino. Well that was the final straw! I throw my hands up and surrender. I figured I could quit going to restaurants, sporting events, theaters, shopping, cruises and I could quit my job. Then I could smoke in my backyard whenever I wanted to. Instead I decided to Quit Smoking after 40 years. Today was day 3 of no cigarettes. I am tired of having to find ways to smoke, I felt like I was back in high school trying to sneak a smoke. Not the price or health effects have ever made me want to quit. But I really am tired of finding places to smoke. I really hope I quit and stay quit and make my life less complicated. I stopped drinking 21 years ago so I think I can do this. To all the smokers I do promise that if I do quit I will not be one of those ex smokers that we all hate. Please don't wish me luck but wish me the courage to help me through this![/quote] hope all is going well for you -- I never smoked myself but have a lot of friends who are exsmokers and I see how difficult it has been to them. It seems that a few weeks after quiting they all go to their friends and family to apologize for having "bothered" them with their smoking for all these years. Smokers really do not understand that this particular habit really does invade other peoples' lives.
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[quote name='kelleigh229']I'll let it slide for the following reason - I NEVER in a million years thought we would be burying my mother to bladder cancer. Lung cancer maybe, but bladder cancer never occured to me/us. We only learned about its tie to smoking last May when she was diagnosed. And 16 months later she was gone after it aggresively spread all over.

This is information that was given to us in our initial research - taken from the Web MD website:

[B]Although the exact causes of bladder cancer remain unknown, smoking is the leading risk factor. Smokers are about four times more likely to get bladder cancer than people who have never smoked. Chemicals in tobacco smoke are carried from the lungs to the bloodstream, then filtered by the kidneys into urine. This concentrates harmful chemicals in the bladder, where they damage cells that can give rise to cancer.[/B][/quote]

I had no idea. That makes all the sense in the world, though.
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My hat is off to you and sounds like you have the courage and are doing it. That is wonderful and sending your lots of courage. I agree will all you've said, I have tried, and tried to quit!!! I cruise in about 6 months on RCI so I too have decided to quit. My goal is to start this coming Monday. I too have over the last few years traveling got tired of trying to find a place to smoke, even to the point of the e-cigs which gave me a headache so no more of that either.

The only thing that worries me is weight gain, I had a friend that quit about a year ago and she gained 55 lbs. I can not do that, so as someone else on here posted if I feel the urge to have one or eat I'll just drink water.

Courage~~~~Courage~~~~coming your way. Thanks for this post it has already help me:)
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[quote name='killtheump']Well I have gotten fed up with all these smoking laws and rules! There are less and less places for me to smoke! I live in Illinois and there is no smoking in any indoor places. I attend a lot of High School sports and there is no smoking on any school property. So if I want a smoke I have to leave the school premises have my smoke then pay again to get into the game. I also have season tickets for The Chicago White Sox, my tickets are in the 500 level upper deck. If I want a smoke I have to walk down 5 stories to Gate 5 and have a smoke and at least I can take the Escalators back up if the are still running. As of January 1, 2014 my company is banning smoking in all of the company vehicles. Now Royal Caribbean is banning smoking on balconies and all indoor venues with the exception of the casino. Well that was the final straw! I throw my hands up and surrender. I figured I could quit going to restaurants, sporting events, theaters, shopping, cruises and I could quit my job. Then I could smoke in my backyard whenever I wanted to. Instead I decided to Quit Smoking after 40 years. Today was day 3 of no cigarettes. I am tired of having to find ways to smoke, I felt like I was back in high school trying to sneak a smoke. Not the price or health effects have ever made me want to quit. But I really am tired of finding places to smoke. I really hope I quit and stay quit and make my life less complicated. I stopped drinking 21 years ago so I think I can do this. To all the smokers I do promise that if I do quit I will not be one of those ex smokers that we all hate. Please don't wish me luck but wish me the courage to help me through this![/quote]Wonderful, whatever made you quit it will be well worth it. I found when I quit 27 years ago, when I was craving - and yes you crave them -I would drink a glass of orange juice or take a walk. It worked!! I also started saving the $$ I would spend on cigarettes and have been taking great trips that I wouldn't have been able to afford if I was still buying cigarettes. Keep strong and you will do it.
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9 days so far so good. I did buy a cheap e cigarette and took a few puffs from that but they suck! Chewing a lot of sugar free gum & coffee stirrers.
I glad this thread has stayed mostly positive. I laugh at all the people that are "Jumping Ship". Well I am positive all the cruise lines will follow soon. I guess they no longer stay at nice Hotels, go to restaurants, theaters, sporting events, schools, hospitals and on & on & on. I will keep cruising with RC even if I go back smoking ( which I hope I don't ) as Bob Dylan once wrote " The times they are a changing" !
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[quote name='killtheump']9 days so far so good. I did buy a cheap e cigarette and took a few puffs from that but they suck! Chewing a lot of sugar free gum & coffee stirrers.
I glad this thread has stayed mostly positive. I laugh at all the people that are "Jumping Ship". Well I am positive all the cruise lines will follow soon. I guess they no longer stay at nice Hotels, go to restaurants, theaters, sporting events, schools, hospitals and on & on & on. I will keep cruising with RC even if I go back smoking ( which I hope I don't ) as Bob Dylan once wrote " The times they are a changing" ![/quote]
So glad to hear you are doing so well. You are quitting, so don't even mention going back to smoking. It is hard, I know. I stopped almost 20 years ago. Keep up the good work and keep us updated.
Wishing you the best with your ongoing challenge.
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[quote name='killtheump']9 days so far so good. I did buy a cheap e cigarette and took a few puffs from that but they suck! Chewing a lot of sugar free gum & coffee stirrers.
I glad this thread has stayed mostly positive. I laugh at all the people that are "Jumping Ship". Well I am positive all the cruise lines will follow soon. I guess they no longer stay at nice Hotels, go to restaurants, theaters, sporting events, schools, hospitals and on & on & on. I will keep cruising with RC even if I go back smoking ( which I hope I don't ) as Bob Dylan once wrote " The times they are a changing" ![/quote]

You go girl!!! Keep up the good work! Reading all of these posted and most of all your first post to start the thread has encourged me to QUIT!!!
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[quote name='killtheump']9 days so far so good. I did buy a cheap e cigarette and took a few puffs from that but they suck! Chewing a lot of sugar free gum & coffee stirrers.
I glad this thread has stayed mostly positive. I laugh at all the people that are "Jumping Ship". Well I am positive all the cruise lines will follow soon. I guess they no longer stay at nice Hotels, go to restaurants, theaters, sporting events, schools, hospitals and on & on & on. I will keep cruising with RC even if I go back smoking ( which I hope I don't ) as Bob Dylan once wrote " The times they are a changing" ![/QUOTE]

once you get past the first week, it gets a little easier. I'm just over one year smoke free and I won't kid you...it's not easy. The key is to find things to distract you. The biggest thing I can say is do not pick up a cigarette. Don't take a drag or kid yourself that one won't hurt. This is the third time I quit. First time I quit, I smoked on a cruise thinking....hey I won't smoke at home, just on the cruise. Yea...right. Second, a bit of a crisis and I said, just this one cigarette. yea right. So, just don't pick it up.

I really am rooting for you. It's amazing accomplishment because even at one year it can be a struggle. It's also interesting how I can smell cigarette smoke from a mile away LOL. So from a non smoker point of view, I totally get how the smell is bothersome. For me, the smell still tempts me. I did walk into a store that had a cigar shop in the back and I thought the smell was disgusting.

Good luck to you!
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[quote name='killtheump']9 days so far so good. I did buy a cheap e cigarette and took a few puffs from that but they suck! Chewing a lot of sugar free gum & coffee stirrers.
I glad this thread has stayed mostly positive. I laugh at all the people that are "Jumping Ship". Well I am positive all the cruise lines will follow soon. I guess they no longer stay at nice Hotels, go to restaurants, theaters, sporting events, schools, hospitals and on & on & on. I will keep cruising with RC even if I go back smoking ( which I hope I don't ) as Bob Dylan once wrote " The times they are a changing" ![/quote]

9 days was my turning point. The first 9 were very hard for me, although, being a 2 plus pack a day, with my first one before rolling out of bed, and my last one before turning the light off at night.

When I awoke on my 10th day, something inside of me told me that I had a fresh beginning. My mouth was somehow fresh, and I started tasting foods differently. Yes, 10 days. It would be months before I stopped reaching to my breast pocket for my pack of cigs, what a habit!!

Thank you for sharing your story! Here is to your start of your new life, and your courage to have stopped a habit that is second only to stopping heroin, as some survey has mentioned.

Please come back when you have reached your second week...........14 days, and let us know how you are doing.

And as someone else has mentioned, start a jar, and start putting your cig money in it......and when you have hit the 14 day mark, maybe look and book a cruise. With the cost today, at 14 days, you should be able to make the deposit! WOW!!

My hat is off to you..........keep going, one day at a time!;)


PS........I have lost my stop date, but it was in 1988 that I quit my 2 plus a day habit.
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[quote name='marcyjane']My hat is off to you and sounds like you have the courage and are doing it. That is wonderful and sending your lots of courage. I agree will all you've said, I have tried, and tried to quit!!! I cruise in about 6 months on RCI so I too have decided to quit. My goal is to start this coming Monday. I too have over the last few years traveling got tired of trying to find a place to smoke, even to the point of the e-cigs which gave me a headache so no more of that either.

The only thing that worries me is weight gain, I had a friend that quit about a year ago and she gained 55 lbs. I can not do that, so as someone else on here posted if I feel the urge to have one or eat I'll just drink water.

Courage~~~~Courage~~~~coming your way. Thanks for this post it has already help me:)[/quote]

Marcy - SO much luck and courage to you as well!! You can do it too! I am loving this thread...seriously.
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I'm loving this thread, and all the encouragement for the OP and others who have posted. :)

One thing that helped me stay quit was the realization that it was the most difficult thing I ever had to do, and I don't want to have to do it again. That is why I will never touch another cigarette. Good luck to the OP.
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[quote name='killtheump']9 days so far so good. I did buy a cheap e cigarette and took a few puffs from that but they suck! Chewing a lot of sugar free gum & coffee stirrers.
I glad this thread has stayed mostly positive. I laugh at all the people that are "Jumping Ship". Well I am positive all the cruise lines will follow soon. I guess they no longer stay at nice Hotels, go to restaurants, theaters, sporting events, schools, hospitals and on & on & on. I will keep cruising with RC even if I go back smoking ( which I hope I don't ) as Bob Dylan once wrote " The times they are a changing" ![/QUOTE]

once a year or two I buy a good cigar on a cruise and smoke it in one of the ports. Then I remember why i quit cigarettes 20+ years ago. Now a days most of the restaurants and sports venues are smoke free so it is a lot easier to keep up with the plan to quit.
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