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Cruising with a Toddler. Our Photo Intense Trip Recap of the 9-7-13 Carnival Dream


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For Dessert I decided to get the Baked Alaska while Kiera got some Butter Pecan Ice Cream to share with Daniel.




After our delecious dinner we decided to do what we did the previous elegant night. We figured we would get some more photos done with so many photo locations set up. The first Elegant night we only did the Photo locations located along the Promenade. Tonight we headed to the Atrium first to try out the locations there.





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We forgot that today was September 11th and to commedorate this day the Ship had a huge American Flag hanging in the Atrium. A great way to pay tribute to those who lost there lives that day 12 years ago. If only America could stand United again like we did after that tragidy.






We got a lot of photos taken around the Atrium including on the balcony and then we headed back up to the pominade. We took a look around the shops again and then figured we would see if there were any other photos spots that we would want our photos at before heading back to the cabin.




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Of course that would mean passing thru the Casino which we tried to avoid as much as possible as we don't like Daniel being around that much Cigarette smoke. So we went outside to bypass the Casino. It was a cool night and we were practically the only ones outside on the Promenade. Daniel saw the Large Chess set and ran strait to it. He loved moving around the peaces. Then his focus turned to only the Knight peices as he moved one after another. It must have been the horse's lol. We continued down the Prominade and then went back inside the ship at the Oceans Plaza.






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Back inside we did stop at a couple photo spots that we went to earlier in the cruise that we liked to see if we could get some better photos there. Its was still sad to me every time we walked past the former Sushi Bar area and saw it sitting empty. I really wish that they still used it instead of just sitting there. I never was able to find Sushi anywhere on this cruise. I heard it was in the Lido buffet during Dinner time but the times we looked I was never able to find it.







After we were done with photos we made our way back down to our cabin but we needed to do one more traditional photo. Our Elegant night Dip Kiss. We set the camera on one of the stair banisters and then tried the photo. It was perfect. Well except for the people who rounded the corner right as the photo took.



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Of course by this time our room had been turned down and we had another towel animal waiting for us. There wasn't any show tonight that interested us and nothing in the Comedy Club so it was a pretty easy going evening. We were done with our Elegant wear so we changed out of it back into our normal clothes before going up for Ice Cream one more time for the night. Not knowing though if we would end up buying any of the photos we took tonight and not taking any of our own photos the first elegant night I once again proped up the camera and took our own family elegant photos. With our amazing cabin in the background lol.






We put Daniel in his pajamas and then went back up to the Lido deck to get some ice cream. With the Ice Cream in hand we went out to the Seaside theater to see if any movies were playing and tonight they had the movie "Big Miracle" up on the big screen. The movie was about half way thru so we sat down and watched the rest of it. I can't remember if we got some popcorn again or not but I did go and get myself some Pizza as Midnight Pizza was a former tradition of mine. Plus I wanted to give the new Pizza a second chance since I wasn't a fan the first time I tried it. And nothing had changed. I still didn't like it.





When the movie was over we headed back down to our Cabin and retired for the night. We would be in our 4th and final port of Grand Turk tomorrow. Although we wouldn't be getting in until the afternoon so we looked forward to hopefully sleeping in tomorrow. I guess we will see if thats something Daniel would allow or not.





Alright thats all for Day 8. Thanks again everyone for following along. Please comment and ask any questions that you may have and i'd be happy to answer them. Coming up next is Day 9 and our Final port of Call. The Grand Turk. Thanks again.

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We got into port at 7am so I don't know how it would work in your situation. He did adjust his times based on our arrival and departure though so I'm sure he would do something similar for your itenerary as well. Just send him and email and ask. I did and had a reply within a couple of days.


I emailed him yesterday and he said we'd get into port at 10:30 and off the ship starting at 11 and that they'd wait for us. I'm nervous though...did they wait for you? What time did you get back? Thanks for answering :)

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Of course by this time our room had been turned down and we had another towel animal waiting for us. There wasn't any show tonight that interested us and nothing in the Comedy Club so it was a pretty easy going evening. We were done with our Elegant wear so we changed out of it back into our normal clothes before going up for Ice Cream one more time for the night. Not knowing though if we would end up buying any of the photos we took tonight and not taking any of our own photos the first elegant night I once again proped up the camera and took our own family elegant photos. With our amazing cabin in the background lol.






We put Daniel in his pajamas and then went back up to the Lido deck to get some ice cream. With the Ice Cream in hand we went out to the Seaside theater to see if any movies were playing and tonight they had the movie "Big Miracle" up on the big screen. The movie was about half way thru so we sat down and watched the rest of it. I can't remember if we got some popcorn again or not but I did go and get myself some Pizza as Midnight Pizza was a former tradition of mine. Plus I wanted to give the new Pizza a second chance since I wasn't a fan the first time I tried it. And nothing had changed. I still didn't like it.





When the movie was over we headed back down to our Cabin and retired for the night. We would be in our 4th and final port of Grand Turk tomorrow. Although we wouldn't be getting in until the afternoon so we looked forward to hopefully sleeping in tomorrow. I guess we will see if thats something Daniel would allow or not.





Alright thats all for Day 8. Thanks again everyone for following along. Please comment and ask any questions that you may have and i'd be happy to answer them. Coming up next is Day 9 and our Final port of Call. The Grand Turk. Thanks again.


I was just reading the Chicago Tribune at work and Starbucks is going to be selling the Harry Potter ButterBeer drink as a hot or cold drink.


It made me instantly think of you and your wife??

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How come Daniel wore a tie and you didn't? J/K :D


Thanks for sharing.


Haha I should have mentioned it again like I did on the recap of our first Elegant night. I didn't realize until it was time to get ready that I had forgot to pack my ties. They got left at home so I had to go without one. I wear them daily for work so I honestly don't know why I forgot to pack them.


I emailed him yesterday and he said we'd get into port at 10:30 and off the ship starting at 11 and that they'd wait for us. I'm nervous though...did they wait for you? What time did you get back? Thanks for answering :)


We got in at 7am and he didn't pick us up until 8:30am so we had plenty of time to meet him. I'm sure he will wait. Just make sure you get off the ship as quickly as possible. Since our ship was leaving at 3pm we got back to the ship right at 2:30pm. It was close but we still had a 15 minute wait in line to get thru security. I honestly wasn't worried though. Others likely would be though. We would have been back sooner though if he wasn't taking someone elses group back to the beach as well from Magens bay who took there sweet time coming to the truck.


I was just reading the Chicago Tribune at work and Starbucks is going to be selling the Harry Potter ButterBeer drink as a hot or cold drink.


It made me instantly think of you and your wife??


They've had it on there secret menu for years now. We don't drink coffee but I still want to try it as a coffee free Frapachino. Those who have tried the starbucks drink and the real thing though have all agreed that its nowhere near as good as the real deal.


Whose birthday was it? Did I miss this??? :confused::( I LOVE the colors of the Atrium also. Very nice pictures and I am totally enjoying your review!


That Birthday banner was set up in our cabin when we boarded. I didn't request it so I don't know if it was forgotten to be taken down, or our Room Steward gave it to us as Kiera and Daniel would be celebrating there Birthdays 1 week after our cruise was over.

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After we were done with photos we made our way back down to our cabin but we needed to do one more traditional photo. Our Elegant night Dip Kiss. We set the camera on one of the stair banisters and then tried the photo. It was perfect. Well except for the people who rounded the corner right as the photo took.




You should've asked them to retake it!!! Lol!! I'm sure you can do something with it to crop them out! It's a great picture!

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Day 9, Part 1: Grand Turk


The morning of a new day was upon us. And once again Daniel wouldn't let us sleep in any later then 9am. Which was fine as today was our final port day of the vacation. Today at 1pm we would be arriving in the Grand Turk. A new port that we've never visited before and were excited to see. Although we really didn't have any plans other then going to the beach again.




Since we were still a few hours away from our arrival though we got ready for the day and then went up to the Lido deck to grab a late breakfast right before it was put away. I think I made myself a breakfast sandwich again this day while Daniel just continued to enjoy his morning Fruit Loops.




After breakfast we still had a couple hours until we would be in Grand Turk. So we decided that we would take Daniel up to Camp Carnival to see if we could go in there and play with him and some toys that were different then the ones we had brought with us. At the time of this trip Daniel was less then 2 weeks away from turning 2 years old. Which as many of you know is the age limit for Camp Carnival. We were aware of this too however we had all sorts of information regarding the 2 and up Camp Carnival group left in our room so we assumed that perhaps they would allow him to go in since he was so close to turning 2.


We got up to Camp Carnival which is located directly above the Lido buffet on Deck 11. We went to the 2 and up group area and asked if we could Take Daniel in. Now we didn't plan on leaving him alone. We wanted to go in and play with him. Even if it was just us playing a corner with some toys. The Crew Member working the desk asked us how old he was and I told her that he would be turning 2 next week. She then replyed that he was not allowed to go in because he was not 2 and that he could come back only when the under 2 kids can play which is at like 8 in the morning and while we were in port.


Obviously we were pretty dissapointed that Daniel couldn't go in there. I'm sure theres certain liablities and what not with why they need to be two. But we were gonna stay in there with him. Other parents were in there with there kids but just because he wasn't physically 2 years old yet he was denied. And he wasn't happy about it ether seeing the toys and the fun play things and then not being allowed to touch them. We just thought it was stupid that we get all the info for the 2 year old group left in our cabin only to be turned away the one time we ever inquired about it.


We never did go back and try Camp Carnival during the times he would be allowed. Instead we went back down to our cabin where we would have our own Camp Carnival time with Daniel as we got out all his toys and books and played with him inside our cabin.






As he was playing Kiera ended up falling asleep for a nap in the window area while I watched a movie on tv. In nearly no time at all Daniel had our whole cabin pretty much ripped apart. Kiera said that this must be what happens when Dad is left to watch him lol.



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It wasn't long now until land could be seen outside our window instead of just Ocean. We were finally pulling into our 4th and final port of Grand Turk. We never left the cabin though to watch our arrival to the Island. We just watched from our window in the Cabin. We passed what looked like a ship wreck of some sort and then eventually we saw the Cruise terminal, dock and beaches in the distance as the ship started to dock for the day. I mentioned that our plan today was to just go and play on the beach again. But as we were docking we noticed that there were some dark clouds in the area. So fearing that it might rain on us while in port we decided to get off the ship without our swim gear to see the port area and anything that it had to offer.






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The call soon came over that we were cleared to leave the ship so we packed up the stroller and headed down the hall to get to deck 0 and exit the ship. Getting off the ship had been a breeze in all of our other ports as we didn't try getting off right when we docked. Today was different though as we were meet with major crowds as the entire ship seemed to try to get off at one time. And you would think that some people might be more kind or helpful to you if you have a toddler in a Stroller. But no they weren't. They were still pushing and shoving and cutting us off to try to get off the ship sooner. They would accidentally hit the stroller then look at us like it was our fault. It was rediculous. I can only imagine what Daniel was thinking.


We did eventually make it off the ship though and made our way down the dock towards the cruise terminal area. As we walked down the Dock though a few things stood out to us. First was how beautiful the water was. It was so gorgous and clear. Then we noticed the beaches and they too looked incredible. The water was so clear that you could even see some fish swimming. Of all the Caribbean Islands we have been to Grand Turk has to rank as one of the tops for prettiest Water.







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Grand Turk seems to be set up similar to other places in the Caribbean like Costa Maya or Mahagony Bay as in there really isn't alot there so the Cruise Lines built these Cruise centers to keep guests entertained on the island. After walking thru a large shop we were in the center of the large cruise terminal which seems to be a bit a ways from any city or other places on the island.






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It was clear now that the dark clouds we were worried about had moved away from the lsland and rain was not longer a fear so since we were in the shopping area already we decided to look around and explore. As with other cruise terminals you will find the same array of shops and bars that you see on every island. The exception though that the Grand Turk has though that none of the others do is there small NASA exhibit.






I was excited to see the NASA exhibit but honestly I thought it was gonna be bigger or more to it then there was. The exhibit Commemorates the Mercury Space Program and really focuses on the Friendship 7 which splashed down just of the coast of the Grand Turk in 1962. There are some scale models of the Rocket and Capsule as well as one of the astrounauts from the program. But other then that its a bunch of boards set up that focus on the Friendship 7 and Mercury missions but also touch briefly on the NASA space programs history and future.





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The exhibit is small and theres not a whole lot to it. It won't take long for you to see it all unless you want to take your time and read every detail on the boards. But its something that is kinda cool to see and learn about. Just don't expect a whole lot from it. Next to it there is also a small NASA themed store that sells NASA gear and shirts that commerate the Friendship 7 Splashdown. They also had some patches and I think Astronaut food pouches but most of the stuff in there was pretty expensive.







Many of the shops in the cruise center were the same that you will find in every port of the Caribbean. So don't expect to find any of the knockoff type items like purses and sunglasses. But what we did find was very good pricing on that stuff you typically see in every port. In one shop we were able to find Tee Shirts for only $5 a piece. And these were good looking shirts too. Not just your tacky ugly shirts. Kiera also found her mom some jewelry for a very reasonable price. Of the 4 ports we visited I would have to say the Grand Turk had the best prices for these things.




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After finishing our shopping we continued to make our way around the Cruise center looking at the different places there. The big popular place though had to be Margarittaville. These dot the Caribbean and can also be found back in the states too. But I thought I read that the one here in the Grand Turk was the worlds largest location or something. I don't know if thats true or not though as the one at City Walk at Universal Orlando Resort seemed much larger. Maybe it was refering to the Pool which I agree is likely the largest Margarittaville pool i've ever seen.





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Although the pool is attached to Margarittaville and I think even has a swim up bar it is actually free to use to anyone visiting the Cruise Center. The pool was plenty large and even had a shallow area for young kids and Toddlers to play too. If you wanted to spend some money though they had private cabanas that you could rent for the day that surrounded the pool area. I don't know how much it would be to rent one though. The pool did look pretty nice but we never did get in it. I mean theres a beach and ocean like a hundred yards away.





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Also part of the pool area was a Flowrider system. At the Flowrider you can simulate Surfing or Boggieboarding. Royal Caribbean even puts the system on there larger ships. This is something i've always wanted to do so I was curious about the price. I asked the desk and they told me it was $55 for 30 minutes. That seemed way high for so needless to say I never ended up doing it. I later found out though that you can book it thru the ship for about $30 if your interested.




Just past Margarittaville before you get to the beach is a Craft Market. We thought that maybe this would have some local type items so we stopped to look around. First of all it was a mistake to do with the stroller as it sits on the actual sandy beach so we had to carry the stroller thru it. The 2nd thing though is there really isn't anything special here. The place was actually empty other then a few small booths that were set up selling the exact same things.





Once we finished touring the entire Cruise Center we decided that we were getting hungry so we were gonna go back to the ship to get some lunch. After a quick stop in that first big shop you walk to to get to and from the ship to buy our Post Card we were back on the dock and heading back to the ship.





This could possibly our last chance to get a family photo with the ship so we asked a guy taking photos of the water and beach areas if he would take them and he was kind enough to do so. He then offered to take a photo of us with the Grand Turk sign too which was awesome. And the pictures turned out great. No cut off ship or anything which tends to happen so often when asking others to take our photo.



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Once we were back on the ship we went strait up to the Lido Buffet stroller and all as we were starving. I can't remember for sure what Kiera got for lunch today but I hit up the grill again getting a Hamburger and a Hotdog. The burger was decent but I was honestly dissapointed in the Hotdog. Still it was enough to fill us up and get us thru the rest of the afternoon and early evening.





And that's going to end it for today's update. Thanks everyone for following along. It looks the the Grand Turk day is gonna be a 3 part update so stay tuned for Part 2 to come after Thanksgiving this week. Thank you for looking at my report and please feel free to ask any questions you have and I will answer them as quickly as I can. Thanks again.






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Still enjoying your review! Glad to see Daniel is enjoying it. And I had to laugh at the cabin being messy from Daniel and Kiera's comment about "that's what happens when Dad watches him". No offense, but I can totally relate. DH did the same thing with Ethan on our cruise in September. Must be a guy thing ;)

Looking forward to Part 2 and 3, but I'll have to read when we get home on Sunday, from our Thanksgiving cruise that leaves tomorrow. (without Ethan :( )

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