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"JW and Jerome's Ecstatic ECSTASY Adventures"


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I read this immediately following your Reflection review. I'm officially hooked and part of Team JW! I wish we were cruising with you in November, but, alas, are sailing two weeks later. I can't wait to read more about your adventures.



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I’m Starving!



Alrighty then. The Meet and Greet was winding down so Jerome and I bid our temporary farewells to everyone, wishing everyone a dynamite vacation and re-confirmed that we would be meeting Chris and Jeff for “Dinner At Eight”, and we would see them at the front entrance of the Wind Song Dining Room.


Jerome and I went back to the cabin, and I made myself another Martini, “Shake, Shake, Shake!“ I said, pouring my martini and adding olives to the glass I absconded with from the bar. I also began fixing Jerome a Manhattan. He was very happy that I included his drinking preference in my clandestine adventures. Still, Trouble got yelled at for doing so. The heck with it, Cheers!


Both Jerome and I are starving, having not had anything to eat because of the FTTF Luggage Debacle, and frankly we were having too much fun to think about eating, all afternoon. We actually forgot to eat. So, I said, “Let’s order Room Service!”. We were only about an hour and a half away from our dinner arrangements, and we just wanted something to tide us over. Jerome said “Great! “Where’s the menu?” Ladies and Gentlemen, I tore that room apart, and its not a very big room at that, looking for that dang Room Service Menu. The menu on The Dream was on the television, as Jerome was fiddling with the remote looking for it. “Nope”, Jerome said, “Not on here, but look JW, it’s clearing up on the weather radar,” “ lt look’s like great weather for the rest of the week!” “Jerome”, I said, “I cannot find the Room Service Menu.” “What?” he asked. “There has to be one!” “No, there’s not” I responded. “Did you check the drawers?” He asked, “Duh”, I thought, but actually said “Yes.” “The closet?” (again "Duh!"), “Yes”, I said. “Where can it be?” He inquired. Then I said, “Maybe someone took it as a souvenir from the last cruise?”


So, then I thought, okay, I should pick up the phone and call Room Service and see if they can get another menu sent up. While I was doing that, Jerome went to the door, opened it and peered out perhaps to see if our Room Steward, I Gusti, was in the hallway and maybe he could get us a replacement.


I picked up the phone, and there was a Room Service Speed Dial button, pushed it, then, without thinking, I began to walk towards Jerome, as he was out in the hallway. Then, whoops! Bang! Crash! “Yikes!“ I exclaimed, as I went flying backwards, right to the floor! I flew backwards because the cord of the phone pulled me back abruptly, and as it did, the phone came tumbling off the wall onto my head. “Ouch!” I exclaimed. Jerome came quickly back into the room and saw me on the floor with the phone all wrapped around me and said “JW, What did you do?” (Famous Last Words) I said mumbling on the floor, “I forgot it was an old fashioned corded phone.” “I am so used to my Smartphone and our cordless phone at home, that I just forgot and I assumed that the cabin phone didn’t have attachments!” Jerome muttered “What a Boob!” Oh my gosh, I was so embarrassed.


So, Jerome helped pick me up off the floor, got me untangled, and then he reattached the phone to the wall. He then picked up the receiver and yep, it worked. He said aloud, "For a minute I thought I was hearing your voice." I said "What do you mean?" Jerome said, "Talking to you sometimes JW, is like talking to the Dial Tone!" Well!


Jerome is so good at fixing things. Me, well, let’s just say that I am not allowed to hold a hammer in my hands, I am not allowed to plug anything in, and I certainly don’t know a thing about automobiles except that you put gas in it and it goes. So Jerome is the handy, dandy, fix-it kinda guy. I guess we match. I am Trouble and he is Mr. Fix-it.


I pick up the phone again, and Jerome says “Trouble, remember it has a cord!” I said, “Oh shut up!” I had already dialed Room Service and my “Oh shut up” was heard by the person on the other end of the line at the same time, and now I had to back track. “Eskuze Me?” the operator said. “Oh no,” I said, “Not You”. “Just the other boob in the room.” “Room Service, can I help you?” The lovely voice said. “Oh my gosh, the phone works!” I exclaimed, happy that I did not break it after all. “Eskuze Me” the operator said again. I said excitedly, “Oh, sorry, just got away from myself.” “Do you like order Room Service?” she said. I then said “Yes Please!” She asked, “What you like?” Then I said “What You Got?” “She responded, unamused, “What you like?” I said again “What you Got?” Jerome just sat there looking at me with this stupid look on his face. “Sir,” she was getting a bit perturbed with me now, “You wish order some-ting from Menu?” “Menu!” I exclaimed. “Yes I wish to order some-ting!" (repeating every word like she said to me, I know it was wrong but I was in Martini-ville) "But where is the MENU?” “Sir,” she explained, “Menu is in daily program in room” “Where?” I asked. She replied “In Daily Program in room.” As she said this I was fumbling thru the Funtimes packet and Oh My Gosh! “Look Jerome,” I announced emphatically, “Here is the Room Service Menu!” Jerome grabbed it out of my hand. “You order now?” the operator asked. Then I said “I’ll call you back in one minute!” and continued with “Thank you!” and ended the call by saying “I Love You!”


“JW, you just told the person on the phone, which I really hope was a woman, that you loved them!” Jerome said, “They are going to think you are a Wackadoodle.” “Oh so what!” I replied, “I’m hungry, what’s on the menu?” I can assure you that the lady on the other end of the phone probably hung up with me and announced to her co-crew members "That the guy in Cabin E61 is definitely a Wackadoodle!"


I called back about two minutes later, got a different operator this time, and I am sure when they saw me calling back again, and their caller ID stated it was Cabin E61, the original operator handed me off to someone else saying “You talk to him, I am not going to, He Wackadoodle!” I ordered a Tenderloin Sandwich for Jerome and a Turkey Sandwich for myself. I was told that it would be 45 minutes. I thought to myself that would be cutting it close to dinner time, but decided on placing the order anyway. In less than 10 minutes, a knock on the door came and the food was there. Wow! The young man was hesitant at first to enter the room, (Probably heard that I was a Wackadoodle, I’m sure) but he came in anyway, placed the tray on our table and I graciously tipped him $3.00. When Room Service is delivered, they also present a charge slip to be signed, and even though the bill is Zero, it has a tip line. That, I found, came in handy later in the week when I ran out of singles to tip, and I could just add a couple of dollars each time to my S & S account.


And by the way. That Tenderloin Sandwich is amazing, and so is The BLT. The Turkey Sandwich was, well, a turkey sandwich. It was good. Love, Love, Love Room Service and ordered it every day! Don’t pass it up. I highly recommend it!


OMG...Whackadoodle! I'm over here snort laughing and my DH is across the room going "what"???? :D.

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Grandfather’s Wisdom



When I was young, my Grandfather sat me down and taught me a wonderful Life Lesson that I never forgot and would like to share with you now.


He said to me “Son, in your life ahead, you will be making choices about jobs, many jobs. When you make those choices, stick with each of them until you feel it’s time to make a change. When you choose to do a job, be the best you can be at it. It may not make you happy, but nonetheless, you must strive to be the best at it until you choose to do something else. Whether you are a Street Cleaner, a Brick Layer, a Shop Keeper, a Janitor, or an Executive of a large company, be the very best at what you do, always. Never complain or disqualify what you do for a living to others. Always be considerate and kind to your fellow workers. Make everyone you come in contact with feel special. Do your very best up until the very last day of you doing that that job. Then, when you move on, your reputation and character will stand firm and you can stand tall knowing that you did your best. Your reputation is worth more than all the money in the world. Your character is how others will judge you. Always stand tall on your Reputation and Character and you will be respected and admired all your life.”


Grandfather was a wise man. All the more reason to get to Guest Services this morning as we docked in Freeport, Bahamas.

Edited by cruiseguys2009
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Uh Oh, Someone’s In Trouble!



From looking out our window in the cabin as we docked in Freeport, it was a beautiful morning. Considering the muckideemuck we left behind in Port Canaveral, the blue skies of Freeport were gorgeous and the bright sunshine was inspiring. Well, needless to say, Freeport is not the prettiest of ports, but it looked to be coming along since the last time we were here a year ago. “I see a Senor Frogs, JW!” exclaimed Jerome. “Well, glad to see the Port expanding”, I said and then exclaimed "Bloody Mary's this morning!"


I had pre-ordered Room Service the night before, via the breakfast hanging card, and requested that it arrive between 8 AM and 8:30 AM. I literally ordered everything on the card. Well, almost everything. “Knock, Knock, Knock” “Ah”, I said, “Loom Servich is here!” “Right on time!“ I scrambled out of bed, put my shorts on and answered the door. There, with plates stacked high on the tray, was our Breakfast Buffet being cautiously held by a young man who insisted on bring it in. Slowly he maneuvered the Buffet through the narrow hallway, past the bathroom and as Jerome had moved the small ottoman in the center of the room, he carefully placed the tray down with a big “Whew” sigh. “You sign?” He said to me, holding out the bill. I already knew it would be a zero bill, but signed and added a tip to the tip line. That was smart on Carnival’s part to do this so the Room Service Attendant would at least have a shot at getting a tip from some people. The Guest sees the tip line and could add it if they wished, and it would then appear on their statement. Or, we could also, as we did on some occasions, give the tip in cash.


Once we settled in on our individual beds to eat, Jerome began lifting the lids on all the plates. “Yum” He said over and over. “Smoked Salmon”, “Danish”, “English Muffin”, “Bacon”, “Orange Juice”, “Coffee”, “Toast”, “Fruit Plate”, “Citrus Fruits”, “Croissant”, “Bagel.“ "V-8" I know what that's for!" "Bloody Mary's". "Coffee, I need Coffee" As Jerome was pouring us coffee, he then said, “JW, who is going to eat all this?” “I got two of everything”, I began, “I will put a dent in it.” “I’s Hungry!”


Jerome said to me, as he sipped on his coffee, “JW have you thought about what you are going to say to Guest Service about that monster last night?” I replied, “Well, as I was drifting off to sleep, I thought about my Grandfather and what he used to tell me about choosing and performing the jobs I would be doing throughout my life.” “And you know what?” I continued, “He was right.” “A persons honor, dignity, reputation and character are the most important things that follow someone all their life.” I stated, “That bartender had none of those traits and that is how I am going to preface my conversation.”


We finished breakfast while watching the news on the television, then we both showered and got into our Freeport “Wear”, made sure we had our funds, wallets, identification, credit cards and have our S&S card inside the lanyards. I lifted the remnants of the Room Service Buffet Tray, as Jerome opened the door for me, and then I placed the tray on the floor outside. “I Gusti was already in the corridor preparing for the days cabin cleaning and said to us, “Good Morning Missa Yay Doublewoo and Missa Hay Roam” “Have a berry Nice Day!” Jerome and I said our thank you’s to I Gusti, and as we walked down the corridor, we turned to each other and called each other by our new names. “Missa Hay Roam” I said to Jerome, smirking, and he retorted “Yeah, well you’re Missa Yay Double Woo Woo”. Jerome and I headed into the Grand Atrium and approached the Guest Services Desk, and there, with a wide smile was the illustrious Jennifer, flanked by her boss, the multi striped Hotel Director.


“Good Morning JW and Jerome” Jennifer sung out. We both returned the greeting. “What can we do for you this morning?” She asked. “Jennifer, I need to tell you something about a challenge with one of your crew members,” I said. I told her the story very calmly, and as I did, the Hotel Director listened intently as well. Jennifer asked me if I got the Bartender’s name, and I replied, no, that he covered his name tag at first, then removed it. But also, I asked them how difficult would it be to find out who he is, as his contract is up in four days, now three?


They both promised to look into the situation and Jerome and I thanked them and we then proceeded to disembark the ship for Freeport. I turned to Jerome and said “Well, I feel better saying something, but I just want to make sure that the matter is dealt with, as I certainly don’t want to see that guy anymore on this cruise.” Jerome said “Amen to that!” But JW“ He continued, “I can’t believe how calm you were.“ "I know, but that's because I have not had a Martini yet," I said to Jerome. But I knew that I was not finished telling that story, and later that day, would recount it one more time to a mega striped Officer when we returned to the ship. That my friends, was a phenomenal conversation.


But now, it’s time for Freeport, the Whoo Hoo Taxi Ride to town and the Treasure Bay Casino escapades.

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I have been reading your review and loving it. Today was a really awful day at work. I got home and continued to read your review. I laughed out loud. OH...I need that...THANK YOU!


I am getting ready to take my very first solo cruise and very first Carnival cruise. I have been trying to find something about the Ecstasy and I found your review. I am anxiously awaiting your next installment.

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Very classsy the way you handled the complaint. Good job. I love your review.


In his teaser, he did allude to telling the story to another "mega-striped officer." He also said something about not having any martinis when reporting the incident to Jennifer.


This oughta be a gem. WHENEVER WE DO GET TO READ IT!! :D

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How fabulous you got this shot... Yes it was pouring rain, but then, once we got away from Florida, it was perfect cruising weather for the entire 5 days until we pulled back into Port Canaveral.


I also think its funny that now looking at the Ecstasy, those add-on balcony cabins really do look like over the door hanging shoe storage bags.


Thank you so much for posting this pic!




jw i went to the best western and picked up a bunch of people , there in the front seat of my shuttle was mcwebber!!!! he said i was on the enchantment of the seas a while back and snapped a pic of the ecstasy pulling out , i said what date was that he said sept 23 , i said i was on that cruise !!! so funny , i dropped him off at the ecstacy

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I need more out of TROUBLE...



Where is he???



He's probably putting more Christmas Trees and Decorations up.


We are sailing with JW and Jerome in April on Eclipse, and we're looking forward to it. I think it should be on everyone's bucket list.....:rolleyes: hehe

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Oh my! This is the best review ever! So glad I came to the party late :D. Didn't have to wait too long between installments.


I laughed so hard during the short pants installment that I really had to go tinkle! Hahaha teeheehee snort snort.


You got a new fan JW. Looking forward to the rest of the story.





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Leaving on the Ecstasy in a little over two weeks. Hoping to hear the rest of the story before leave!!



JW and Jerome, are off on another trip on Celebrity Reflection on 16th November, so hopefully we'll have the full review of the Ecstasy by then.... lol;)

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Gallivanting with Cocktails in Freeport


Jerome and I made our way down, down, down to the bowels of the ship, exiting the Ecstasy and beginning to explore the Port of Freeport. It was gorgeous and sunny albeit a bit hot. We have been here many times, both with Carnival as well as with the Bahamas Celebration (BC). There were three ships docked in port today: The Ecstasy, The BC, and The Carnival Fantasy. So, roughly, about 5,000 people.


The port area has come a long way, and now there is a brand new addition of a Senor Frogs, which by later in the day, became a festive outpost of drunken naredowell’s waiting for the sound of the departure horn blast of their mother ship.


Jerome and I followed the well placed signs to the taxi stand, and once there, waited in a short line to board a mini van to Port Lucaya. The vans hold about 12 people, at least that is what they try to cram into them, and the vans over by the Carnival boarding area are all run by Metro Transit. The cost is a flat rate of $10.00 per person, round trip. We did not have to pay until we reached The Port Lucaya Marketplace, and at that time, we were also given a special return ticket for transportation back to the ship.


We were next in line and our bus pulled up, and I called out loud, “Shotgun!”, to which several people were not aware that this means I call riding in the front seat, began to scatter,and one lady in our group even screamed. She then started speaking in a foreign language about, what I supposed, was me having a shotgun! Jerome was like “Trouble, people think you are going to go crazy and start shooting, Geez, JW!” Well I fixed Jerome’s wagon. I got the front seat, and he got the fourth row, all the way back, stuck in the corner, next to a Sweaty Betty who blah, blah, blah'd the entire twenty minute van ride…..Ha Ha Ha. Geez, Jerome.


The actual port area of Freeport has some wonderful craft stalls and local food delicacies. A drug store, a couple of bars as well as some local flavor and color. Enough, if I wanted to just get off the ship for an hour, walk around, get a cocktail, then re-board and enjoy the ship’s facilities. Other than that, there is not much at the Port itself. In order to see a bit of Freeport, we had to venture to Port Lucaya.


The trip into town, is not the prettiest drive. We drive past several American pharmaceutical companies, that emit some major foul odors (Yeah, like that would go over well back in the USA. I wonder what they are producing there that they can‘t get away with back home?). Unmistakable in the least, we drive past at least 50 or more oil storage tanks. I mean, they just keep going on and on, and they are building new ones! I asked the driver why so many and he replied that these belong to the United States and it’s part of their oil reserves. Well, Okay, I thought. Interesting, Oil Reserves not in the US. Makes no sense to me, so I just kept my mouth shut.


Freeport was hit back in 2005-2006 with five back to back hurricanes. The damage was total devastation. In particular, when I came to Freeport growing up, yes the beach was very nice, but I gravitated along with everyone else to the Royal Oasis complex and The International Bazaar. Now, as we drive past the complex, it is still as if the hurricanes just came barreling through yesterday. The Royal Oasis was an amazing property. It boasted a thousand themed hotel rooms all sprawled out in over a dozen buildings. It’s enormous casino was right out of Scheherazade. A truly magnificent theater that boasted a famous, jaw dropping, topless spectacle production that rivaled any of the same shows in Vegas. Dozens of famous Stateside eateries like Trader Vics, Tony Sweet’s Fish Market, The Boom Boom Room, and Ember‘s. A 36 Hole Championship Golf Course, A Professional Tennis Pavilion that rivaled Wimbledon, an International Swimming Complex and more Martini’s anyone could ever imagine. Frank, Dean, Jerry, Tony and Sammy all performed here.


All of that is gone now. Our driver was part of the 2,500 people who were employed at The Royal Oasis and had been out of a job since 2006. He told me how a time share company tried to come in and revive the property, but then the 2008 real estate bubble burst, and the company went bankrupt. No one has touched it ever since. It is a shame, as this now broken down Grand Lady of the Bahamas was one classy chick. As we drive past her once, very grand entrance, what used to be four gorgeous towering gleaming golden guard gates, are now replaced with razor wire fences, over grown brush and the original sign still toppled on the ground. We pass the tennis facility and there is the great bleacher complex, looking like a over grown Roman ruin. The grand pool facility is completely filled in and barren. You can still see the main hotel tower, but it had a fire in it about a year ago, so one side of the building is heavily damaged from black suet. The Casino building has collapsed. So extremely disappointing. I try to rekindle in my mind the memories of my past. I wonder what changes lay ahead for her, if any.


I must credit The Carnival Corporation as one of the American companies re-igniting the economy of Freeport. Their almost daily arrivals of thousands of passengers bring hope and a glimmer of prosperity to an island of wonderful people that needs our help right now. Our driver was thankful for the expansion of Metro Transit because of the Carnival arrivals. That expansion gave him a job, just this past year. By the way, the drivers do not make the $10 per person collected. The company does, and it is highly regulated. The Drivers are paid a daily wage based upon people transported, but do get to keep their tips, so a dollar or two will go along way.


We arrived at The Port Lucaya complex and our transportation drop off/pick up stand was at the entrance of the Treasure Bay Casino. Can you hear Angels singing? "LAAAAAAA" To be dropped off at a casino is like Gawd saying Happy New Year to me! We were all issued a return ticket by our driver, we paid another lady our $10.00 per person fare, I gave our driver three dollars and then, for me at least, it was off into abyss the Treasure Bay Casino. Jerome finally made it out of the bus, and one half of him was dripping wet, because as he put it, "Sweaty Betty just rambled on and on and dripped all over me!" Thankfully, Jerome had dripped dry by the time he completed his first Bloody Mary.


The Treasure Bay Casino is one of my usual stomping grounds when in Freeport, and I just love this place. Also, I have to tell you how to get your $10.00 taxi fare back and then some.

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Gallivanting with Cocktails in Freeport


Jerome and I made our way down, down, down to the bowels of the ship, exiting the Ecstasy and beginning to explore the Port of Freeport. It was gorgeous and sunny albeit a bit hot. We have been here many times, both with Carnival as well as with the Bahamas Celebration (BC). There were three ships docked in port today: The Ecstasy, The BC, and The Carnival Fantasy. So, roughly, about 5,000 people.


The port area has come a long way, and now there is a brand new addition of a Senor Frogs, which by later in the day, became a festive outpost of drunken naredowell’s waiting for the sound of the departure horn blast of their mother ship.


Jerome and I followed the well placed signs to the taxi stand, and once there, waited in a short line to board a mini van to Port Lucaya. The vans hold about 12 people, at least that is what they try to cram into them, and the vans over by the Carnival boarding area are all run by Metro Transit. The cost is a flat rate of $10.00 per person, round trip. We did not have to pay until we reached The Port Lucaya Marketplace, and at that time, we were also given a special return ticket for transportation back to the ship.


We were next in line and our bus pulled up, and I called out loud, “Shotgun!”, to which several people were not aware that this means I call riding in the front seat, began to scatter,and one lady in our group even screamed. She then started speaking in a foreign language about, what I supposed, was me having a shotgun! Jerome was like “Trouble, people think you are going to go crazy and start shooting, Geez, JW!” Well I fixed Jerome’s wagon. I got the front seat, and he got the fourth row, all the way back, stuck in the corner, next to a Sweaty Betty who blah, blah, blah'd the entire twenty minute van ride…..Ha Ha Ha. Geez, Jerome.


The actual port area of Freeport has some wonderful craft stalls and local food delicacies. A drug store, a couple of bars as well as some local flavor and color. Enough, if I wanted to just get off the ship for an hour, walk around, get a cocktail, then re-board and enjoy the ship’s facilities. Other than that, there is not much at the Port itself. In order to see a bit of Freeport, we had to venture to Port Lucaya.


The trip into town, is not the prettiest drive. We drive past several American pharmaceutical companies, that emit some major foul odors (Yeah, like that would go over well back in the USA. I wonder what they are producing there that they can‘t get away with back home?). Unmistakable in the least, we drive past at least 50 or more oil storage tanks. I mean, they just keep going on and on, and they are building new ones! I asked the driver why so many and he replied that these belong to the United States and it’s part of their oil reserves. Well, Okay, I thought. Interesting, Oil Reserves not in the US. Makes no sense to me, so I just kept my mouth shut.


Freeport was hit back in 2005-2006 with five back to back hurricanes. The damage was total devastation. In particular, when I came to Freeport growing up, yes the beach was very nice, but I gravitated along with everyone else to the Royal Oasis complex and The International Bazaar. Now, as we drive past the complex, it is still as if the hurricanes just came barreling through yesterday. The Royal Oasis was an amazing property. It boasted a thousand themed hotel rooms all sprawled out in over a dozen buildings. It’s enormous casino was right out of Scheherazade. A truly magnificent theater that boasted a famous, jaw dropping, topless spectacle production that rivaled any of the same shows in Vegas. Dozens of famous Stateside eateries like Trader Vics, Tony Sweet’s Fish Market, The Boom Boom Room, and Ember‘s. A 36 Hole Championship Golf Course, A Professional Tennis Pavilion that rivaled Wimbledon, an International Swimming Complex and more Martini’s anyone could ever imagine. Frank, Dean, Jerry, Tony and Sammy all performed here.


All of that is gone now. Our driver was part of the 2,500 people who were employed at The Royal Oasis and had been out of a job since 2006. He told me how a time share company tried to come in and revive the property, but then the 2008 real estate bubble burst, and the company went bankrupt. No one has touched it ever since. It is a shame, as this now broken down Grand Lady of the Bahamas was one classy chick. As we drive past her once, very grand entrance, what used to be four gorgeous towering gleaming golden guard gates, are now replaced with razor wire fences, over grown brush and the original sign still toppled on the ground. We pass the tennis facility and there is the great bleacher complex, looking like a over grown Roman ruin. The grand pool facility is completely filled in and barren. You can still see the main hotel tower, but it had a fire in it about a year ago, so one side of the building is heavily damaged from black suet. The Casino building has collapsed. So extremely disappointing. I try to rekindle in my mind the memories of my past. I wonder what changes lay ahead for her, if any.


I must credit The Carnival Corporation as one of the American companies re-igniting the economy of Freeport. Their almost daily arrivals of thousands of passengers bring hope and a glimmer of prosperity to an island of wonderful people that needs our help right now. Our driver was thankful for the expansion of Metro Transit because of the Carnival arrivals. That expansion gave him a job, just this past year. By the way, the drivers do not make the $10 per person collected. The company does, and it is highly regulated. The Drivers are paid a daily wage based upon people transported, but do get to keep their tips, so a dollar or two will go along way.


We arrived at The Port Lucaya complex and our transportation drop off/pick up stand was at the entrance of the Treasure Bay Casino. Can you hear Angels singing? "LAAAAAAA" To be dropped off at a casino is like Gawd saying Happy New Year to me! We were all issued a return ticket by our driver, we paid another lady our $10.00 per person fare, I gave our driver three dollars and then, for me at least, it was off into abyss the Treasure Bay Casino. Jerome finally made it out of the bus, and one half of him was dripping wet, because as he put it, "Sweaty Betty just rambled on and on and dripped all over me!" Thankfully, Jerome had dripped dry by the time he completed his first Bloody Mary.


The Treasure Bay Casino is one of my usual stomping grounds when in Freeport, and I just love this place. Also, I have to tell you how to get your $10.00 taxi fare back and then some.



I think I'm just going to have to get the restraint to wait a full week for all installments. I keep putting myself through heck... waiting with bated breath for each one, and as soon as I'm done reading, I'm waiting again!!!!


p.s. the only times I've been to Freeport have been on the Celebration twice, and also "back in the day" on the Discovery Sun (one day trip), and although it's not my favorite port, I can so easily have fun in the Lucaya area. Can't wait to hear about your shenanigans!!! (and how to get back the $10!!!)

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Casino, Cocktails and Cash


As I said, we have been to Freeport many times before, and many times to this very Casino as well, but now, the Treasure Bay Casino is a brand new company. The Casino at Port Lucaya used to be called the Isle of Capri, but in the past two years, it has changed hands. Thus, Treasure Bay is new. The Casino itself is very pleasant, has lots of the fun slot machines, takes American money, in the coin denominations I like to play. If I were a table player, I would be thrilled as well, as there are loads of low minimum limit games and lots of action at the Craps table.


Now here is how you get your taxi fare back. Jerome and I made our way inside the Casino, and proceeded directly to the Players Club desk. Once there, we signed up for The Treasure Bay Casino Players Club Card. This card is to be inserted into a slot machine while gaming and keeps track of my play via a point system, for comps and extras later. It also is my ticket to complimentary cocktails while playing too. Yay! Can I get a Whoop! Whoop! for a Bloody Mary AND a Martini! It is, after all, just 10 AM. Way past my Bloody Mary time!. Anyway, after we completed our free enrollment into the Players Club, we were given Ten Dollars to play in the Slot Machine. If I really wanted to, once the money was loaded into the machine, I could have cashed out and taken the ten dollar ticket to the cashier. Ergo, I would get my money back. But that is no fun. I played a machine on their ten bucks and ended up nabbing, on the third spin, a bonus. We slot players live for bonuses! I hooted and hollered as I won $150.00! Yay! Money, Mary’s and Martini’s all before noon! Good deal.


Jerome played his $10.00 and won fifty back. Then he parlayed that fifty into another machine and played for over an hour, winning and losing, but hey, it was on their dime. He ended up cashing out his ticket for $25.00 and we both came away strong winners and very satisfied at having a great time. Plus, we had a decidedly decent buzz going on. Love those Complimentary Cocktails while gaming!


We live in Florida, so beach time is really a “Whatever” to us. That being said, the beaches of Port Lucaya, at the fully renovated Our Lucaya luxury resort are fabulous. There are excursions available from the cruise lines, but, if it were me, I would take the taxi to the Port Lucaya Marketplace, and walk down to the public entrance of the beach, (by the Police Station) and enjoy the facilities that way, rather than pay the exorbitant prices the ship’s charge. In addition, if I wanted a more structured day at Port Lucaya, I could also enter the hotel main entrance, and there is a desk that issues special day passes for the facilities. A pass would allow full use of the pools, and there are several gorgeous pools to choose from, the beaches, lounge chairs and towels. One note I would like to provide is that I have spoken to many people about their specific "Ship Purchased Excursion" to Our Lucaya Beach Day with Lunch. Everyone was basically happy, except all I spoke to, told me how much they disliked the food options at the hotel. That seems to be the overwhelming response. Yay! to the Beach and Facilities, Yuck! to the Food.


As far as eating, let me tell you what we did. As we exited the Treasure Bay Casino, the sun was bright and there was a wonderful sea breeze. Treasure Bay Casino is centrally located within the Our Lucaya Hotel Complex. Once outside, and just across the street, is the Port Lucaya Marketplace. This is a shopping meca located directly in a beautiful yachting Port. Great fun just to sight see and walk over to see the yachts. It is exactly what you would expect. Lots of Duty Free Shops, a Straw Market, many booths filled with handcrafts and several unique boutiques. Plus the usual name branded shops like Diamonds International, etc. But what is even more fantastic, there are local flavor bars and restaurants, peppered with a couple of national chains (Subway, Pizza Hut) and one amazing Greek Restaurant called Zorba’s. Zorba’s is a staple here and has some of the best falafel and spanakopita I have ever tasted. We hit Zorba’s every time in Freeport and it has yet to disappoint us.


Another Fab Fave of ours is a tiny little bar, tucked away in an alley, called Sparky’s. You wanna talk about getting schnockered on two of their frozen specialty concoctions? Oh My Goodness Gracious Me! All my troubles just melt away after having just one of these. Two positively sets me free as a bird! They also have a wonderful beer special. Four for Four. Tiny Sparkey’s is local fun and the bartenders are full of humor and lots of “Hey Mon’s!” Don’t miss it. When we stopped in, Jerome got the beer special and I had the frozen concoctions. We left Sparky’s to walk around, and I carried my concoction with me, and many people stopped me to inquire where I got my cocktail. I ended up walking a whole troupe of folks to the alley and pointed, “There”, I said, “But only have two or you will miss the boat, guaranteed!”


Jerome and I strolled around, well, he strolled, while I dizzily danced, and we decided to head back to the Port of Freeport. We wanted to check in at Senor Frogs to say we were there. Oh, my, I iz plastered. I hope I can make it.


We found ourselves back in front of the Treasure Bay Casino and handed over our tickets to the taxi coordinator and she assigned us a bus. “Shotgun!” I said again. This time, everyone knew what I was talking about. There were no ducking little old ladies from a foreign land, creeped out by us gun toting Americans. However, why is it that Jerome always gets stuck in the fourth row back corner next to either a Chatty Cathy or Sweaty Betty? Geez, he did it again! Only this time the van barely had air conditioning. That was a tough ride back to the port. Boy did Jerome suffer. This time it was Chatty Cathy. Poor Jerome.

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