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Jewel of the Seas 10-19...Just Returned


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Hi All,


Just returned form a fabulous 7 day cruise aboard Jewel of the Seas. Since I intend to post my comments in a series of posts and add some pictures, I intend to spread this review out into sections and offer my comments.

Our trip (partner and I) started out on the morning of our ship's departure in San Juan on 10/19/13. As usual, we flew Jet Blue from Tampa for an uneventful 3 hour flight to San Juan. Our arrival at the airport was a bit delayed, on our part, and a tip for the wise is to plan to be AT the airport a full hour before your flight departure. As we were a bit late to the airport by 15 minutes, it lead to a chaotic rush to get our boarding passes. To our surprise, our late arrival allowed us to be upgraded to exit row seats, which allowed for more legroom (at no extra cost). This experience taught us to ask to be upgraded at check-in, if possible and it again worked on our return trip. The flight boarded early and left the gate early and arrived to San Juan about 20 minutes early, only to wait on the tarmac while a gate was opened up by a departing flight.

The San Juan airport is nice and new. My search to find another couple headed to the port, to share a cab ride, started upon arrival. We waited a short time at the taxi stand and found a very nice couple to share the cab fare. As expected, the cab driver had a instant attitude for wanting to combine four persons (to a large van) and after a firm demand to the driver we were all on our way to the port. Too bad that all the cab drivers try their best to confuse and bully travelers to the port. They also seem do their best to pretend to not speak English at time they get any pushback. (more later on our return cab ride to the port-which was a repeat of the same treatment). We learned later that the RCL transfer was $36 total (per person) to and from the ship- which might be the best route and best cost without all the cab hassles. I would consider a RCL transfer for future cruises from San Juan.

Our check-in was painless (about 1 PM) and new for us was a special baggage check in line for Platinum members and up. We were able to pass by many standing in line and entered the Diamond line and were soon checked in and on our way to the ship (maybe 15 minutes at most). To my great surprise the nice couple we shared the cab ride with (1st time RCL cruisers) were just behind us when we boarded the ship--how this couple was able to get thru the long lines and catch up with us was beyond me, but to their credit they made it thru the lines quickly. This tells me the RCL check in process must be pretty efficient.

I was impressed with the condition of the Jewel, upon boarding, and throughout the week found the ship art to be good and the ship well maintained. I saw no areas in need of maintenance, except for the normal wear and tear of a 9 year old ship. Being on the Jewel completes me being on all 4 sister ships in this class and the Jewel is certainly equal or above her sister ships (I liked the art work best on the ship--but Radiance had nice art work also).

Next up will be my thoughts on my cabin, crew, fellow cruisers, my luck in the casino and maybe a small bit on the entertainment. Best to all of you for now...Brett

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I wanted to correct from my last post, that the RCL cost to transfer to and from the ship to the port was I believe $18 (per person), so for 2 persons it would be $36. We paid a total of $30 ($15 each way) sharing a cab with others and this included a healthy tip going each way. I still like the cab option, if you can endure the hassle to find a cab to share (not all that difficult-but takes some effort to do).

Now onto part II of my recent cruise...We found our balcony cabin on deck 7 to be great. We have had all versions of cabins on this class (from the inside cabin in deck 2 to the extended deck aft cabin on deck 10) This cabin was a bit smaller than a D1 cabin, as there was a chair instead of a full sofa. The tradeoff was a extended deck, which was well liked, just aft of the hump. The advantage of this cabin is the prime location right off the central elevators and one floor above the main activities on deck 6 (casino). After the solid steel door was shut there was NO noise from the loud outside band, so that was not an issue. Being just aft of the hump meant that there was no overhang from the lifeboats to obstruct our view (as all other cabins aft have this obstruction- not a big deal but a nice plus). Another plus is that no long walk is needed to get the cabin (as is needed for all other cabins aft). There is no aft stairs or elevators (crew use only) on this ship, so think twice before booking a cabin at far aft end (or at least have good walking shoes).

I will note at this time the complete positive attitude of the entire crew for the entire week. A special note here to inform all that cruise director Carly B was very good at her position and her staff was very good. My expectations were a bit low as I had read before the cruise, that Carly was not very good as a CD, but I found her to be quick and good with humor, short on her speeches (good) and one of the best cruise directors we have ever had. The crew's Thursday night 70's party was very well done (maybe not quite as good as high energy CD Ricky did on Serenade in 2012- but close). The only issue was that the 70's party/dancing did not transfer up to the Vortex lounge (disco) later that night and that might be due to the high energy dancing that did tend to tire everyone out. Also, the indian for the YMCA performance was a very pale, muscle type dude- not the best in casting I would say (hard to believe they could not find one indian look a like, with rhythm, on the entire ship!). All in all, a very good crew performance. I did tip a crewmember in the Windjammer (he gave great service all week after my partner was a bit short with him over a coffee issue early in the week, and tried so hard to please the rest of the week) I also tipped a waiter in the Seaview Grill, as I was often there late a night for a midnight snack and I think both very, very surprised at receiving tips- as they very well deserved.

I will continue with my cruise comments in future posts. All the best to all..Brett


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Thanks for the review! We leave in three weeks so I'm very happy to see your report!


I'm sorry to hear about the cabbies- but not at all surprised. :( I speak a bit of Spanish and know my numbers, so I will just press the issue in their own language, and they can't pretend they don't understand ;) We can't use transfers since we fly in and out a day ahead and later.


The crew was wonderful when we sailed in Feb of 2012, so I'm glad to hear they are still great.


Looking forward to the rest! (Please have more :D) especially ports, and maybe you can scan the Cruise Compasses?

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On Monday night of the cruise I was in the casino watching my partner slowly (but surly) lose most of my retirement plan (just kidding). I can assure you that given time the casino slots will slowly suck the cash out of you. This was evident as the casino crowds got smaller each night of the cruise - as guests lost and decided to stop the hemorrhaging. One way to keep the casino lively is to have a drawing at 11 PM, where a great mystery prize is offered thru a drawing. I will not go into the specifics, but it is meant to be a drawn out affair, keeping the crowds in place and adding to the casino profits. (trust me here - it works like a charm) Anyway, a box of names is gathered and the drawing begins. Basically, if you are selected (1 in 300 I would imagine) you are asked to guess a number between 0 and 9. If you guess right-- you win it all (which is unknown at the time) You can imagine the great odds when NINE numbers were called and no one guessed the correct number- with one number remaining. Everyone new the new name called would be the winner. The correct number- with one number remaining. As everyone held there breath---MY name was called out and with back spasms in full force, I accepted my cruise DVD coupon, 2 casino Polo shirts, and a $39 bracelet. I was also given a $50 chip and asked to bet it either black or red. I lost on red and was given another chance with a $25 chip--once again I lost on red. So, I am thinking that I was indeed a big winner that night and slept knowing what incredible luck I must have had to be a winner. Later, I did give the DVD coupon to the runner up contestant and he was very surprised at this gesture (I hope it made his cruise).

I wanted to note the type of persons on the cruise and the culture. (please -there is no need to flame me here- as this is just my observations) 1) It is beyond me why "persons of large structure" cruise and believe me this cruise had some large structures. Maybe I'm missing something but seeing this can really be hard on the eyes. 2) There were many Latin families onboard and for some they only spoke Spanish. I enjoyed seeing the various cultures and all were very well behaved and of course the Latin's are very easy on the eyes and good looking. Some can be a bit loud in groups, but I was impressed with the Spanish culture (except for the cabbies!)

More later on the much improved Vortex dance music, as compared to my 2012 cruise on Serenade. All the best...Brett


Edited by theOSU1
repeat sentances
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On Monday night of the cruise I was in the casino watching my partner slowly (but surly) lose most of my retirement plan (just kidding). I can assure you that given time the casino slots will slowly suck the cash out of you. This was evident as the casino crowds got smaller each night of the cruise - as guests lost and decided to stop the hemorrhaging. One way to keep the casino lively is to have a drawing at 11 PM, where a great mystery prize is offered thru a drawing. I will not go into the specifics, but it is meant to be a drawn out affair, keeping the crowds in place and adding to the casino profits. (trust me here - it works like a charm) Anyway, a box of names is gathered and the drawing begins. Basically, if you are selected (1 in 300 I would imagine) you are asked to guess a number between 0 and 9. If you guess right-- you win it all (which is unknown at the time) You can imagine the great odds when NINE numbers were called and no one guessed the correct number- with one number remaining. Everyone new the new name called would be the winner. The correct number- with one number remaining. As everyone held there breath---MY name was called out and with back spasms in full force, I accepted my cruise DVD coupon, 2 casino Polo shirts, and a $39 bracelet. I was also given a $50 chip and asked to bet it either black or red. I lost on red and was given another chance with a $25 chip--once again I lost on red. So, I am thinking that I was indeed a big winner that night and slept knowing what incredible luck I must have had to be a winner. Later, I did give the DVD coupon to the runner up contestant and he was very surprised at this gesture (I hope it made his cruise).

I wanted to note the type of persons on the cruise and the culture. (please -there is no need to flame me here- as this is just my observations) 1) It is beyond me why "persons of large structure" cruise and believe me this cruise had some large structures. Maybe I'm missing something but seeing this can really be hard on the eyes. 2) There were many Latin families onboard and for some they only spoke Spanish. I enjoyed seeing the various cultures and all were very well behaved and of course the Latin's are very easy on the eyes and good looking. Some can be a bit loud in groups, but I was impressed with the Spanish culture (except for the cabbies!)

More later on the much improved Vortex dance music, as compared to my 2012 cruise on Serenade. All the best...Brett


Wow, that was a carpy prize. I was the lucky winner in the "guess the safe combo" last year - I only got one polo shirt, but dinner for 2 at Chops and $100, which I elected to keep instead of trying to double up on the roulette wheel.


As for large people, well, you seem to be young and buff. Chances are that your time will come. Just sayin'...

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1) It is beyond me why "persons of large structure" cruise and believe me this cruise had some large structures. Maybe I'm missing something but seeing this can really be hard on the eyes.


Thanks for sharing Brett, we sail on it in about 2 months I am so excited! Glad you enjoyed your trip.


Could you please clarify what do you mean by large structure persons? :confused:

Im sorry I am no a native speaker so maybe that why I dont get it :p

Edited by voyager89
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You are saying that people of large structure should not cruise because they are hard on the eyes:confused: And, you expect that no one will flame you???????


Are you kidding (in very poor taste) or are we misunderstanding your intent?



BTW - We are not of "large structure".

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You are saying that people of large structure should not cruise because they are hard on the eyes:confused: And, you expect that no one will flame you???????


Are you kidding (in very poor taste) or are we misunderstanding your intent?



BTW - We are not of "large structure".


What does "large structure mean? Or is supposed to mean?

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.... 1) It is beyond me why "persons of large structure" cruise and believe me this cruise had some large structures. Maybe I'm missing something but seeing this can really be hard on the eyes. ....


What does "large structure mean? Or is supposed to mean?
I may resemble that remark....:o

And I was on that cruise:eek:

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On Monday night of the cruise I was in the casino watching my partner slowly (but surly) lose most of my retirement plan (just kidding). I can assure you that given time the casino slots will slowly suck the cash out of you. This was evident as the casino crowds got smaller each night of the cruise - as guests lost and decided to stop the hemorrhaging.


I'll have to say that sure agree with you about the casino. By the end of the cruise, very few people were playing them. I usually play the slots pretty hard on cruises. I have found that they are usually pretty tight but, these were by far the worst paying slots I have ever seen. :eek: HORRIBLE! I did not see one decent jackpot :confused:


We had no trouble with cabs in San Juan. All the drivers were very friendly, informative and helpful as we traveled around town. Cost for four of us from the ship to the airport was $21 plus $1 per bag.

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Originally Posted by theOSU1 viewpost.gif

.... 1) It is beyond me why "persons of large structure" cruise and believe me this cruise had some large structures. Maybe I'm missing something but seeing this can really be hard on the eyes. ....


I must assume you meant to use the term "stature," and I interpret this aside as meaning you don't like to look at overweight people. As someone who refers to your travelling companion as a "partner" instead of a wife or girlfriend, I'm kind of surprised you would be so judgemental.


Live and let live, my friend. It's the best way.


Now - on with the review.





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Can you please tell me if your sailing had one muster drill or two? Reviews from a couple of months ago report that there were two: at 5:30 and 8. Lately, the reviews report that there was only one muster at 8. What happened on your sailing?

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I must assume you meant to use the term "stature," and I interpret this aside as meaning you don't like to look at overweight people. As someone who refers to your travelling companion as a "partner" instead of a wife or girlfriend, I'm kind of surprised you would be so judgemental.


Live and let live, my friend. It's the best way.


Now - on with the review.






Normally a guy referring to a "partner" is not referring to a female so there would not be a wife or girlfriend.

As judgemental as the OP is I am sure the review will be the same and not worth a grain of salt.


Sent from my SCH-I545 using Forums mobile app

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Can you please tell me if your sailing had one muster drill or two? Reviews from a couple of months ago report that there were two: at 5:30 and 8. Lately, the reviews report that there was only one muster at 8. What happened on your sailing?

0nly one... 8:00
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