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Robin's (occasionally) Inspiration-al Platinum Debut


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This first one is "Separate Ways" by Journey in April, 2013


The second is "Last Dance" by Donna Summer in February, 2012


The third is with the Motown Band (September, 2013) that played in the Violins Bar area on Sunday afternoons for an hour immediately after the marathon trivia games there. Having sang with the same band during Superstar Live Karaoke on the past 3 sailings, the keyboard player asked if I'd like to sing a song with them! So this one is "Chain of Fools" by Aretha Franklin. What an honor, a privilege and a thrill!


Thanks for watching. :)


I just watched all 3 of these. Holy BLEEP you are good!!! :eek:

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Robin...it is 20 below here....it is snowing not from snow but the moisture in the air..but 3 nites in a row I have made it on the ice and highways as it all started last week warmer it is slicker than usual at this temp...so after soup and wine at my dads with sisters. B-in-law and niece...well..i was really ready for some little evening thing..so miss small city living ..but too cold to go to a place and here a couple of bad band country songs..in by 9 pm in this cold..and i find your fun review and on top of it...SOME MUSIC..just what i needed..a little Friday music..my favorite eras and wowowowowow..you are FABULOUS..those poor MC's very few could match you..but they should be thrilled when you offer to belt one out...LOVE your voice and approach and this review..thanks soooo much for posting your songs too...Sarah

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Robin...it is 20 below here....it is snowing not from snow but the moisture in the air..but 3 nites in a row I have made it on the ice and highways as it all started last week warmer it is slicker than usual at this temp...so after soup and wine at my dads with sisters. B-in-law and niece...well..i was really ready for some little evening thing..so miss small city living ..but too cold to go to a place and here a couple of bad band country songs..in by 9 pm in this cold..and i find your fun review and on top of it...SOME MUSIC..just what i needed..a little Friday music..my favorite eras and wowowowowow..you are FABULOUS..those poor MC's very few could match you..but they should be thrilled when you offer to belt one out...LOVE your voice and approach and this review..thanks soooo much for posting your songs too...Sarah


Sarah, thank you so much. I really enjoy performing and sharing the gift of music...


20 below is just a weeeee bit cold! Man! Where are you? I was just complaining (briefly) that it was dipping in the 30's here in Southern California...but I will complain no further. :-)


Thanks for finding my review...I'm trying to make it as entertaining as possible. Not much can be reported on a 3-day weekend cruise to Baja, but I'm doing my best! Take care, stay warm and happy holidays!! :-)

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This first one is "Separate Ways" by Journey in April, 2013


The second is "Last Dance" by Donna Summer in February, 2012


The third is with the Motown Band (September, 2013) that played in the Violins Bar area on Sunday afternoons for an hour immediately after the marathon trivia games there. Having sang with the same band during Superstar Live Karaoke on the past 3 sailings, the keyboard player asked if I'd like to sing a song with them! So this one is "Chain of Fools" by Aretha Franklin. What an honor, a privilege and a thrill!


Thanks for watching. :)


Ok...you are an excellent singer. :eek: You know exactly how to position your mike, which is a sure sign of someone who knows what they are doing.


I have to tell you how cute that facetime picture is of you and your husband!! :) The way you smile for pictures has me cracking up at 6am. My DH is asking what I am laughing about this early. I told him that one of our CC members is so funny in these pictures. You have an infectious smile. I dare anyone to look at them and not smile. Too cute. I am enjoying your review. Thanks.

Welcome to the Platinum Club. :)

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Ok...you are an excellent singer. :eek: You know exactly how to position your mike, which is a sure sign of someone who knows what they are doing.


I have to tell you how cute that facetime picture is of you and your husband!! :) The way you smile for pictures has me cracking up at 6am. My DH is asking what I am laughing about this early. I told him that one of our CC members is so funny in these pictures. You have an infectious smile. I dare anyone to look at them and not smile. Too cute. I am enjoying your review. Thanks.

Welcome to the Platinum Club. :)


Thank you!! Honest truth: I make silly faces, because I'm really insecure about taking serious pictures... So now, it's just become a goofy habit. I'm so glad my DH is goofy too! :-)


Thanks for the compliments!! Hope you didn't wake your DH up laughing...LOL!

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So Sunday morning rolls around....and again...I've had LESS than enough sleep when the tap, tap, tap of the room service attendant hits our door. Another sky high tray of plates and a pot of coffee (that I just can't drink fast enough) makes it's way inside. We scarf it all down and make our way to the Library for our Behind the Fun tour. Check in was 9:15 and the tour began at 9:30.


Take Note: this tour does NOT take a potty break. Drink pots of coffee at your own risk. (I did.).


Also, skirts and flip flops/open-toed shoes are not permitted. I have a sweat-skort (sweatpant-material-sport-shorts built-into a skirt), but didn't want to risk it. Ladies, check first if you have any clothing/shoe questions that border on what's permissible.


Anyhoo, once in the Library, we were given a special lanyard with a BtF pass attached (the pass we had to give back at the end, the lanyard was ours to keep) and also a pamphlet with tons of fun facts about the Inspiration inside. On the back is the recipe for the World Famous WCMC! (Okay, I've made it twice now...first was okay, second time it came out like a brownie....don't overcook!!)




Anyhoo, I think there were, like, 12 of us total and before we even stepped foot out of the Library, security went over each of us with a fine-toothed comb (hand-held detector) to make sure none of us had a camera, phone or any other kind of recording device. They weren't messing around! So, one by one, we all made our way out into the Atrium to begin our tour. First stop: through the MDR and into the Galley!!


We were immediately met by Chef Jorg: a very tall, robust, gray-haired, no-nonsense, dry-witted (but really nice!!) German gentleman (I'd say, early 60's) who had many a fact about the inner workings and numerous jobs in the kitchen. We started near all the toasters and the different toasted bread scents were just heavenly. We moved all around the "kitchen" as Chef Jorg spoke about various facts...from how he predicts which meals guests will order, how many plates of whatever will be served during any given meal to how people start at the ground floor with their different jobs (i.e. the person whose job is just to cut onions...LOL!)...and how rapidly employees can advance (said onion cutter cannot do that for long without some sort of incentive, right?!? LOL!!).


We pass a dishwashing section to the side which is basically no different than what a large-volume restaurant has...only a larger area.


We also listened to Jorg discuss safety and dispersing of each meal...at which point, yours truly was asked to volunteer how to lift a tray with...if memory serves...12 covered plates. Granted, the plates were empty, so they didn't weigh nearly the same as what the servers effortlessly sashay out with night-after-night, but that's the safe limit and it really was fascinating (thank God I didn't drop 'em!!).


On the walls are large laminated poster boards with photos of every dinner's main course and how each plate needs to look. They're obviously big on visual presentation.


So then, depending on what a table orders, server has a tray that slides all the way down from one end to the other (like at a buffet) and that counter is sectioned with each plate...SO...server grabs different quantities of different plates depending on what the table(s) order is(are) and just keeps sliding down the way, filling the tray with the various plates....and then eventually making his/her way to the table.


There are a LOT of people to see and pass in the kitchen and not even one had anything less than a smile and a hello for each of us. We were also introduced to an amazing artist who carved a fish out of a watermelon. Spoiler Alert: he's the same guy who carves the Indian Chief out of a block of ice on the Lido deck.


Finally, towards the end of our tour/q&a with Chef Jorg, we're treated to a chocolate-covered strawberry. At this point, my bladder's starting to sing. I'm tough. What's another 2 hours?


To Be Continued....

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Our next destination on the tour was down below where pallets and pallets and even more pallets of every single product you can think of are kept. Also, we walked through waste areas, recyclable areas and all the goings on with regard to maintenance. They even have a place where certain food waste is broken down and released into the ocean...many sea life eat like royals when it's time for the broken down waste to be released!!


Also, since Inspiration had just come out of Dry Dock, all kinds of maintenance and upgrade materials were down there. There was also an area down there where crew could check out bicycles to use while in port. If memory serves, it was a free service.


We then made our way into a conference-type room where we got to ask questions about crew life onboard. Elvira, our tour guide, was really knowledgeable and interesting. While we were unable to actually see crew staterooms, we saw photos...2 per room...kinda reminiscent of an indoor stateroom.


The conference room was also a computer lab/educational-type center. There are programs to learn and better language skills, enrich career paths and choices...and I swear I saw a Tony Robbins motivational book on a shelf for those needing more "personal power"...LOL!!


After about 15-20 minutes of Q&A there, we then made our way down to the electrical control room. Arnold from Croatia was the engineer in charge and I couldn't help but feel like we were in an underwater submarine control room...like in a movie...except obviously this room was a bit bigger and we were NOT on a submarine.


There were tons of control lights, buttons, knobs...each deck was accounted for.


There are no windows in the control room and it is a bit warm and stuffy in there...after a while of listening to Arnold and his over-technical engineering mind and his broken English attempt to explain salt-to-fresh water conversions, air-conditioning and electrical facts and other tidbits regarding all things below, it was time to move on.


I'm gonna stop here too...I wrote a whole bunch of stuff that now has somewhat disappeared (correction: I wrote all this crap last night and somehow mysteriously lost it...and then again tonight), so before I chuck my iPhone out into the middle of the street, I'm gonna post this, breathe and pick up where I left off later.


Thanks for reading so far!

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Once we left Arnold and the electrical control room, we made our way outside of the infirmary. While we didn't go inside, we were able to ask different questions regarding medical, emergency and various available services. Granted, NO ONE wants to wind up there, but it IS there, thank God! They will want your insurance information, should you need medical attention not covered by Carnival.


After a few minutes outside of the infirmary, we start to make our way up a couple of floors...some take the stairs and others wait for the elevator. I'm one of the first stair-climbers up there and by that point, I HAVE to go!! There are still tourists that haven't made their way up yet so since I know where the next nearest bathroom is, I'm athletic enough and always take the stairs anyway and I've been trained in the fine-art of speed-peeing thanks to my 20 years of hosting Karaoke, I guarantee my departure will be 3 minutes or less....which it was! She also said where they could be found since the tour was not going to wait. And they didn't.


I tore down the hall and a nice stateroom steward opened a magic "crew only" door and guess what? There they all were: inside of this little exercise room. Obviously it was a fraction of the size of the gym for the guests, but it was cool to see. We also walked down a hall where the crew dining hall was, a crew lounge was and other crew areas.


I did notice a sign from Carnival offering their sincerest sympathies for those crew affected by the tragedies in the Philippines and had offered temporary free incoming/outgoing text/data and drastically reduced calling rates...in an effort to help. It was big of Carnival to offer relief, albeit temporary.


Anyway, we eventually made our way to meet the Captain. We saw the Pacific from their POV...what a mighty, mighty big windshield!! LOL! I forgot to count the windshield wipers...but they're there! Fortunately it was a clear, beautiful day in Pleasantville, so obviously not much activity. We saw the different control panels and learned a lot about what goes on up there...two of his assistants were up there as well...and it was another 15-20 minutes of Q&A and looking around. Finally it was time to pose for the only picture you get to have as proof that the tour even happened...LOL!


And that was the end...but not before we'd head back to the Library to turn in our BtF passes, fill out a questionnaire/review of our tour, receive a special BtF ball cap, a cookie (or a few) and thank Elvira for a great tour.



Later that evening, another Behind the Fun gift would arrive!!




More Later.

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A little closer shot of our sweet treats:



After the tour, we decided to grab lunch....we also decided to skip MDR for dinner and just keep it casual. We played some different trivia...sea day usually provides a MARATHON of various trivia: Famous Faces of the 80's, Think Outside The Ship, Classic Rock, Motown, Michael Jackson (perfect score!! Love me some MJ...but remember: I had my potty-mouth trophy...first of it's kind...LOL...so the MJ trophy was for Alex to take home)...and by 3:00, the trivia wraps up and it's time for me to sign up for the Blackjack Tournament.


Last November, 2012, while on the 5-Day Ecstasy Bahamas sailing, I beat out a final table full of men to take the $500 Grand Prize and this:



It was time to defend my championship! AND with my newfound Platinum status, I'd have a BOGO free opportunity! Entry fee is (now) $25...so I went to the cashier's cage, paid the fee (actually, I was "up" from a little play earlier so I paid with BJ chips) and received 2 laminated entry cards. I then proceeded to make my way back to the tournament table.


I'd love to be able to proclaim another amazing, mind-blowing, nail-biting victory, but the truth is: I bit the big wiener! Well, not on purpose: I got dealt crappy cards: mostly 14's and 15's with dealer showing face cards...a lot of damned if you do, damned if you don't situations. I always throw a chip on Fun Pair, because that literally made the difference at the Final Table (then)...but I just couldn't clear enough chip totals in either try to advance. I also didn't feel like trying anymore...there were a few ding dongs who just kept buying in to each prelim round trying to have a high enough score (even though they were already in) and they kept acting like it was ESPN's World Series of Blackjack (poker, but you get the gist). So, I'd just have to walk away and know I had my glory once...long ago...we'd joke about it at the regular BJ tables later like Al Bundy bragging about his touchdowns back in 19-seventy-whatever...LOL!


I would also race back to the shops to see if I or Alex won a bracelet...they have those random drawings...you're given a ticket when you shop...I bought something for my Mother-in-Law's upcoming birthday:


You know: that mad dash for cheap $20 watch/accessory sets. The mad dash where everyone starts acting the fool for cheap crap...bumping and pushing to find the perfect gift set?!?


I still have a full bottle of Marc Jacobs Daisy from my April sailing, so the most I do when in the perfume shop is squirt random samples to test 'em out for future purchase. I have a few favorites that don't need replacing yet and I can't justify buying any more....I do justify my casino folio for a free sample squirt each day! :-)


More Later.

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My shameless, tireless, obsessive, continually growing arsenal of SOAS!


There are 19 total (4 are above that display on a ledge). Other than the BJ trophy, the others say Spirit, Pride, Ecstasy, Inspiration and Paradise. I hope to have some that say Miracle in July. :-)



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We went to the Motown production and while it was fun to watch and sing along to, we thought the Studio VIP show the night before was better...an all-around better production. We did like learning some new (well, re-learning) dance moves taught by one of the cast members, but for whatever reason, Alex and I agreed the first disco/funk production was better.


We ended up playing a bit more in the casino...Alex was holding her own on video poker and I was kinda doing okay on Blackjack. Then, of course, that proverbial cold gust of wind blows through the casino and everyone starts to shift financially...if you know what I mean...? :eek:


I did run into a snag with the casino locking up my S&S casino charging privilege, because after two times, if you charge on a slot and then immediately cash out without playing a spin or two, they don't take too kindly....even though I would end up donating a few hundred bucks on slots over the weekend. I'm not a shyster, by any means, but was kinda treated like one...so I have a TINY bit of a bad taste in my mouth by the casino bosses...granted they're doing their job, but it took every bit of energy for me to not yell, "Hey! This ain't my first time at the Carnival Rodeo...I get your freakin' point!!" Anyway, let's say it ended fairly peacefully, my account was unlocked, but I certainly didn't have much energy to go and try to recover my losses socially with my friends at the tables, so I sat in isolation, stewing, blowing another $230 and then decided enough was enough. :mad:


I made my way back to the room to get a few hours of sleep before waking up to Monday morning room service. Why not? It's amazing the number of people who don't think you're allowed to the morning of debarkation!!


Our final tray of goodies came, I mourned the end of the weekend (which came and went like I can't believe) over one more bagel, salmon lox, cream cheese, fresh fruit, plain yogurt and one more pot of coffee and reluctantly filled out my customs form...no, I have no livestock, no I'm not bringing 10,000 dollars worth of goods, no, there's no other person with me that lives in my home, yes, I'm a citizen, no I have no alcohol, tobacco or cigars (Cuban or other)....blah, blah, blah...sign, sealed...


We agree that we're in no hurry to get off the ship (even though I'm Platinum BABY! :rolleyes:), because it means sitting in the parking lot that is the 405 North..and then an equally as annoying 101 North during Monday morning rush hour, so we decide to hang on Lido...refill/refresh beverages, take pictures, check email & texts and basically fart around until we're sure we can tolerate the traffic.


A little more to come...

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To freakin' add insult to injury, notice the beautiful blue sky behind me in Long Beach...a cruel joke by the God that I love...sad.


Anyway, we made our way to debark, said goodbye to Lee, my and my DH's trivia buddy, hugged and said thanks and sadly...no...depressingly walked the plank back to the dome.


I think Princess Diana was even snickering at me a little from the Queen Mary. (Only those who have sailed out of Long Beach this past year will get that.)


So we pay our $51 to get out of parking and head home.


First priority is this guy:

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It was a great great story..it is 17 above now..LOL..and tomorrow which is now but tomorrow around noon I have to shovel..i just let it accumulate, my pop is mad at me LOL..a retired rancher.well we are not on the ranch any more THANK the GOD that I love too..but it is so dry and cold it won't be too bad to shovel still until 32 hits in a few days...I love about an hour North of the most western Montana entrance to Yellowstone park (southern central Montana but still east slope of Rockies and am an original Montanan but got over twenty good years in Portland, OR and hope to get back to a warmer climate but don't want to rush it..because that means cranky dad is in heaven...we lost mom a year and a half ago and both got pacemakers during the drama...I move back Christmas od 2007 and would have been far less consolable without those last years with my mom.


The bonus of here now..just saw a beautiful 2 point Buck dear leaving my dad's house tonight and he jumped into the yard...Bambi and Rudolf are on the premises!!


I adored your review..I love So Cal..like cruising...one can never finish...Happy Holidays and much love to you and thanks for terrific fun and fantastic review of a great cruise..would love to live there to take advantage..did that one once on the Paradise in 2009 a 4 day..just loved it...


Best of the best for the Holidays and New year to you Robin!! ( I love MJ too.)



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It was a great great story..it is 17 above now..LOL..and tomorrow which is now but tomorrow around noon I have to shovel..i just let it accumulate, my pop is mad at me LOL..a retired rancher.well we are not on the ranch any more THANK the GOD that I love too..but it is so dry and cold it won't be too bad to shovel still until 32 hits in a few days...I love about an hour North of the most western Montana entrance to Yellowstone park (southern central Montana but still east slope of Rockies and am an original Montanan but got over twenty good years in Portland, OR and hope to get back to a warmer climate but don't want to rush it..because that means cranky dad is in heaven...we lost mom a year and a half ago and both got pacemakers during the drama...I move back Christmas od 2007 and would have been far less consolable without those last years with my mom.


The bonus of here now..just saw a beautiful 2 point Buck dear leaving my dad's house tonight and he jumped into the yard...Bambi and Rudolf are on the premises!!


I adored your review..I love So Cal..like cruising...one can never finish...Happy Holidays and much love to you and thanks for terrific fun and fantastic review of a great cruise..would love to live there to take advantage..did that one once on the Paradise in 2009 a 4 day..just loved it...


Best of the best for the Holidays and New year to you Robin!! ( I love MJ too.)






Thank you so much!! I actually was talking to a friend today about his wishing he could be in Montana...has property there and loves to escape with his dogs to enjoy the beauty, scenery and overall Heavenly surroundings. Sounds like you have exactly what my friend describes: God and nature!


I was born in Portland...my Father is still there...I try to visit once every couple years.


When do you cruise again?

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Thank you so much!! I actually was talking to a friend today about his wishing he could be in Montana...has property there and loves to escape with his dogs to enjoy the beauty, scenery and overall Heavenly surroundings. Sounds like you have exactly what my friend describes: God and nature!


I was born in Portland...my Father is still there...I try to visit once every couple years.


When do you cruise again?


As soon as something I have been building takes off..and after we decide what happens for dad's 80th in May..have to budget for that first..considering a Princess west coast one next...so much easier to fly there..but it i get a killer rate and more miles now with work...to exit at a pack and go this winter may happen,,,I always have to be last minute...


Spent the travel wad highly last (2013) year with a nephew's wedding and getting to a free Enrique concert..the air and hotel was on me...LOL..but cheek to cheek hug...a lifetime of "worth it"..LOL..love the guy!!


How cool to be from PDX..love it there, and nature is close but you have a small city too..yes it is beautiful and people are "real" here..but sometimes a bit too isolationist and it is too long winter and too windy with inversions and thunderstorms in mountains in summer,,,much prefer Oregon...but I am re-learning to love it here and to love my family and they me..what it is all about anyway..none of us would have made it without each other with mom's passing..now we are all ( including dear dad), really growing up..LOL...thanks to you too!!!!


Would love to be on a ship with you singing!!!



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