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Anyone every had this problem?

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I have a question, maybe a bit off topic, but the original post said:


"Needless to say the card was activated, and it wasn't until the 5th day when the compass recommended checking your account in preparation for departure on day 8 that we figured this out. At that point our lovely daughter had run up a $600+ bill in the arcade, surf station, pool bar and gift shop. We were and still are furious. "



This started off with: "Needless to say..." I find that a common phrase on these boards. I don't see how that it is "needess", if you didn't say the card was activated, then the story would have made no sense. So it definetely NEEDED to be said.

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I just got back from the Rhapsody and I was amazed at the freedom some small children had all over the ship. I witnessed kids seemingly as young as 5 and 6 going inside elevators, walking up and down deserted hallways. It boggled my mind! When my daughter was 14 on her last cruise she had her own seapass card which she knew was ONLY to be used as a room key. When she was 8 she never had a seapass card since we felt she was too young to have that kind of freedom. Besides, she loved the kid's program and we had to pry her out at the end of the day. She's 18 now and even on this last cruise she knew not to go over the limit we imposed with her personally. This was a HS graduation present but in no way were we going to give her carte blanche to charge whatever she wanted.

To the OP: I sure hope you all had a wonderful cruise in spite of the aggrevation. This in no way is about who is a better parent. Just adding my 2 cents to the thread.

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I disagree that a 9yo doesn't realize what they are doing. Did she have to sign her name on any of these charge slips? I think a kid that age knows the difference btw getting food at the windjammer (free) and handing over the card and getting a receipt (pay). Kids know how money is spent unless they live under a rock.


I think RCl should perhaps change their policy to something along the lines of "no children 12 and under have charging priviledges until specifically stated that they do by parental signature". The reverse opt out.

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Definitely an expensive lesson...but whether you have children or not - you should always check your account on the TV...I'd recommend writing down your purchases (like you would in a check book....in fact I took a couple pages out of an old check book register) ...I noticed that they charged me for 2 drinks on my first day, and I had only ordered one that day...I went to Guest relations, they had to check with the bar tender, I showed them my little check book register - that according to my records I had 1 drink on that day....it took them 3 days to clear it up - the bartender accidently entered my drink twice....I'm sure it would've taken longer if I waited until the last day, or impossible if I waited until I got home.


As for the internet.....try to get those charges reversed. It amazes me that they'd even have internet for those age groups. I am a 3rd grade teacher, and even with restricted access at the school...I would never allow a student to go online without me standing over their shoulder....just too dangerous...it GREATLY concerns me that the internet "supervisor" didn't know enough about it to show you???!!! How can they then adequately supervise?? I would say this should be brought up when fighting against those charges...as far as I'm concerned they've allowed children to use the internet without adequate supervision, possibly putting those kids in danger/ inappropriate materials.....wow!

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I disagree that a 9yo doesn't realize what they are doing. Did she have to sign her name on any of these charge slips? I think a kid that age knows the difference btw getting food at the windjammer (free) and handing over the card and getting a receipt (pay). Kids know how money is spent unless they live under a rock.


I think RCl should perhaps change their policy to something along the lines of "no children 12 and under have charging priviledges until specifically stated that they do by parental signature". The reverse opt out.


I agree. Last summer, my 9 year old used her card and knew exactly what she spent and how much she could spend. And I checked it daily.


(And she also did not have free run of the ship.)


She also doesn't remember AO having internet access that you needed to buy. She says she never needed her card in AO for anything. Are you sure that the internet she was accessing for charges wasn't somewhere else? My DD did use her card at the arcade when I was with her.

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I agree. Last summer, my 9 year old used her card and knew exactly what she spent and how much she could spend. And I checked it daily.


(And she also did not have free run of the ship.)


She also doesn't remember AO having internet access that you needed to buy. She says she never needed her card in AO for anything. Are you sure that the internet she was accessing for charges wasn't somewhere else? My DD did use her card at the arcade when I was with her.


Wow, tough lesson! I agree with the others that said you're probably going to have eat most of it but I would certainly dispute the 15 hour internet charge.


When my kids were on the Jewel last December there was internet access in AO and there was a sign listing charges. I spotted it the first night when we went to the meeting to check things out. They did, however, have some free times for an hour a couple of times during the week and it was listed in the compass.


My kids knew before we boarded exactly how much money they had to spend on board because they had done a bunch of odd jobs and things ahead of time to build up their stash:D . I had hoped to just put that much cash on each of their cards and if they blew it, oh well too bad for them! I too found out when we got there that you either gave them full priviledges or none at all so we gave them to my 15 y.o. son who is more responsible than his parents most days:D but not to my daughter. Not because I thought she'd take advantage but more because this kid loses absolutely everything and I had visions of someone else getting hold of it. The funny thing is I went to guest relations after boarding and tried again to put cash on their passes and they would not allow it there either. Strange.


I feel your pain. I always tell my dh whenever he gets on roll about how great our kids are, to never put them on too high of a pedestal because it's a long way down when they fall (and let's face it, we all do at some point. Fall that is.:)) Good luck with this. I bet your daughter will never do something like this again. Don't forget to give her a hug (and try not to squeeze too hard!:D )

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Wow 600 $ in 5 days. I spend half of this amount onboard on a 12 day cruise.


I get unlimited Internet access with Cyber Cabin for 120$ on a 12 day cruise that´s half of the 235$.


I would definitely fight the 235$ Internet charge. No kid will be more than 15 hours online in one session.


If you want to make sure your kids can´t charge just take the seapass card from them. If you want them to be able to get in and out the room get them an additional room key at the pursers desk.

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Just some random thoughts-


Why do kids need internet access on a vacation? Are the scavenger hunts, crafts, sundae making, etc. etc. not enough to entertain them?? For crying out loud, there is more to life than a screen, be it hand held, computer, or t.v. Thank God my kids have no-to-little interest in that junk. And its not by chance, either. I rarely allow it in the house. There's something to be said for riding a bike or digging for worms!!


I'm not trying to flame anyone here, just a general comment about kids today.


Also, as mentioned previously, what happens if the Seapass card gets lost - both in terms of unauthorized charges and identity for getting on/off the ship? I assume they can issue a new one right away, correct? Although the identity thing would be concerning...

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We had a lost card on our 12 day cruise. And it wasn't the kids, it was my husband! He got another card without a problem, but he couldn't charge on the new card for some reason. So ironically, he had to borrow the kids card or mine to charge.


I guess that taught him a lesson! :)

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Also, as mentioned previously, what happens if the Seapass card gets lost - both in terms of unauthorized charges and identity for getting on/off the ship? I assume they can issue a new one right away, correct? Although the identity thing would be concerning...


Well that can happen to an adult too. Happened to me once:o . Yes they can issue a new one and they delete the old one immediately. You will get a new folio number and the old one is not good anymore. The computer system for boarding and debarking is also linked to the new card and the old one won´t work anymore.

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When on board I check our account everyday. Period! I don't care if I have kids with me or not. I know mistakes can be made etc. I have never experience anything like this on board but I do also check my on-line banking everday as well and that has paid off too. Once had big bogus charges on my credit card and got the bank to reverse them. This is an interesting problem. Hard to put all the blame on RCCL but you did ask them to restrict her card. Good luck.



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Well that can happen to an adult too. Happened to me once:o . Yes they can issue a new one and they delete the old one immediately. You will get a new folio number and the old one is not good anymore. The computer system for boarding and debarking is also linked to the new card and the old one won´t work anymore.


My concern with my daughter was that we wouldn't find out it was missing til a few days later (she's sweet and bright but a wee bit flakey:D and as i said before has an issue with losing things) and who knows how much damage could have been done in that amount of time.


We also checked our on board account daily but there was some reason that ours was not accessible on the tv and it had to do with the fact that not all of the linked cards had charging priviledges. It made no sense at all to me with today's computer capabilities but anyway I actually went to guest relations every other day and checked our account. They'll make you a print out whenever you want one.

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Guest OBAYbee
I agree...


This is not a safe world....Watch your kids..It is not RCI responsibility to watch what your kid is doing 24/7...


$600 worth of candy and sodas...come on.....



Why does it always come down to this? *sigh*

The OP was posting some valuable information. Check your SeaPass card charges mid cruise.

Adding that it isn't RCI responsibility yada yada yada isn't necessary.

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All our kids are grown with kids of their own, however every cruise we take, every evening we check our sea pass account to ensure no double charges or unknown charges. And as many charges as we have it is hard to keep track of.



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For a 7 night cruise, we turned our 9 yr olds card off from charging. We went to the pursers desk after boarding and put $200 cash on his card. He was told he could keep whatever he did not spend. He came home with $80 left. He budgeted smarter knowing it was his money.

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Wow $600!!!


We have very strict rules about how the kids use their Sea Pass Cards. If they choose to disobey our rules, then they lose the priviledge of having their Sea Pass Card.


I agree with the many posters that said the $235 internet charge is questionable. As far as the other charges, I'm sure that you made it clear to your daughter that she wasn't aloud to charge, so I am surprised that she continued to do it over and over. As far as the arcade, she actually had to go to a machine and insert her Sea Pass Card and purchase credits to use on the Arcade games. You cannot just walk in and use your card to play games unless you purchase the credits. As it appears by the multiple $40, $20 and $10 purchases, that's exactly what she did.

Yes I believe that a mistake was made when the card was not deactivated, but if your daughter was told that she couldn't charge. Why did she try? Did she think that she was getting something for free? We as parents have an obligation to teach our children propper behavior and if we fail, then we need to be willing to accept the consequences.

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Wow, just wait until she's a teenager, then you'll really have your hands full.


If this is true, I really have a hard time understanding how she could have been alone (or with her friend) for enough time to spend that much money. It appears that you were using the ship as a babysitter...one with expensive fees. :eek:




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It seems like people can try to be prepared as much as possible for their perfect family vacation and then something like a glitch in the system happens that these parents could not control.


Their daughter could've controlled this better, but this is not our business and people should refrain from their "Parent of the Year" attitudes towards this family.


I think the best advice is to decline the card usage up front...but then make a trip to the pursers office and provide your child's card with a certain amount of cash. I will be doing this on Sunday and I will post here, when I return, on how it went.


Thank you for the OP. It is absolutely an eye-opener for future travelers with young kids!

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Before any cruise with my kids, I have always carefully reviewed rules for use of the cards and other things (like not going into someone else's stateroom, etc.). When my son was 11, and on his first cruise, he discovered the very tempting videogames - and since he didn't care for the kids' program very much (they both tend to spend more time with me instead), he was dying to occasionally play videos, which were a rare treat, as we didn't have Nintendo (or similar) at home.


But he completely understood the cost factor, and every day or so, he'd ask if he could purchase $10 in credits, and I'd say 'sure'. He was thrilled.


I've never had a problem with their spending, my daughter and son have both been very responsible, both when they were little, and now that they are teens.


To help with the "losing the card" thing, we have Guest Services punch their card and insert a keyring loop, which is attached to a telephone cord style bracelet, which the child wears constantly. It is also very easy to find in the room if the child sets down the card, rather than looking for the little card itself. (Also works for spacey adults, like my sister! And I brought a friend in March - she said she didn't need it - lost her Seapass card the first day - and wore the bracelet the rest of the week!)

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Watch where they punch the hole in the card. On both of our kids, they punched right were the upc was and they couldn't swipe it in the arcade-----


.. . . .maybe that was a good thing. . . :-)

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I find it hard to believe this hasn't happened to other people too. First of all, it's not Royal Caribbean's fault at all. If you read these boards, which apparently you did before your cruise, you would have known not to allow your daughter to have a card at all or to at least monitor your seapass account every day. At least hopefully, lessons have been learned and others can learn from your experience.

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It seems like people can try to be prepared as much as possible for their perfect family vacation and then something like a glitch in the system happens that these parents could not control.


Their daughter could've controlled this better, but this is not our business and people should refrain from their "Parent of the Year" attitudes towards this family.


IMHO OP made it our "business" by telling her story. And some posters, myself included, seem to think at least part of the "blame" lies with allowing a 9-year-old to be unsupervised for lengthy periods on a cruise ship and/or not teaching the child appropriate spending habits beforehand. Let's hope all parties learn some lessons from this.

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The problem still lies in your child. She could easily take your credit card numbers and order up a storm and you wouldn't find out until you got your bill. How is this any different? RCI may have accidently activated the card, but its the child that did the charges.


My child would be grounded and working off the 600.00 with chores around the house.


And yes, I allowed both of my children to charge on the ship, with a budget. Neither charged more than their 40.00 allotted to them.


I agree!

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