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Dawn still in port?


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I think we have blown this dawn issue way way way out of line.. Extremely
I will have to "Extremely" disagree with you! When you see these kind of posts from people that have experienced this problem first hand, hopefully you will reconsider you opinion:

"There were older couples that were trying to take turns in the line because of the heat and not being able to stand for long periods. There were kids in strollers that were getting overheated and sunburned. The line started to move very slowly at 1pm and the passengers who got the 1pm call started to arrive and the line looped around the building and back to the escalators. By this time people were very uncomfortable and getting angry. I was told that one older person did pass out, there was a fist fight between other passengers and kids were screaming. This caused a very physically and mentally uncomfortable situation."


"The escalator lead to a waiting queue for the passport checker peeps, and when that backed up, so did the escalator - - Literally.

People could not get off, so that had to start back-stepping (yes, with their luggage) up the down escalator. That is until the one person fell, and took out several others."

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I will have to "Extremely" disagree with you! When you see these kind of posts from people that have experienced this problem first hand, hopefully you will reconsider you opinion:

"There were older couples that were trying to take turns in the line because of the heat and not being able to stand for long periods. There were kids in strollers that were getting overheated and sunburned. The line started to move very slowly at 1pm and the passengers who got the 1pm call started to arrive and the line looped around the building and back to the escalators. By this time people were very uncomfortable and getting angry. I was told that one older person did pass out, there was a fist fight between other passengers and kids were screaming. This caused a very physically and mentally uncomfortable situation."


"The escalator lead to a waiting queue for the passport checker peeps, and when that backed up, so did the escalator - - Literally.

People could not get off, so that had to start back-stepping (yes, with their luggage) up the down escalator. That is until the one person fell, and took out several others."


Well said! I also would "extremely" disagree with that poster! I am tagging my post from another thread on here to further emphasize what you posted above (trust that's ok). I'm kind of amazed at people blowing this situation off as "no big deal". I was very affected by what was going on around me - I would think any compassionate person would have been. It was all very disturbing, compounded by the complete lack of care by the Port personnel. I guess it was "no big deal" to some of the people cruising. To others it was a HORRIFIC experience as my personal eye-witness account demonstrates:


Sailed on 12/1/13...

and embarking was a NIGHTMARE. DH and myself got separate calls twice telling us to get to port at 1:00 pm. Ok, we did that. Did it help? Not so as we noticed. When we got there there were people on top deck lined up, and at the bottom of the escalators & stairway several hundred deep already. The things I personally witnessed were very, very sad:


An elderly diabetic woman almost passing out because of the heat/stress/lack of water & food. Those of us around her tried to provide what help we could. Could have she been better prepared? Yep. But still - omg. What a way to start your trip.


An elderly woman in tears because she could not contain her bladder any longer after waiting in line for the bathroom. NOTE THIS PEOPLE: There is only ONE bathroom available until after you clear security. I do NOT mean a bathroom with multiple stalls, there is ONE PRIVATE BATHROOM for women, ONE PRIVATE BATHROOM for men. One person in at a time. To service 2,000 + passengers waiting 3 - 4 hours in the sun.


Children crying because they needed to use the bathroom so bad. A woman BEGGING port authority to let her pass to take her 3 year old to the bathroom.


As we were clearing security (last member of our party going thru scanner) a very elderly man (I'd guess upper 80's) came rushing into the security checkpoint area looking panic-stricken & near tears. He was desperately needing a wheelchair for his wife who was getting heatstroke and about to pass out from dehydration, etc. Everyone ignored him UNTIL he attempted to skirt around security to find a wheelchair and/or help for his wife. Security machines shut down and our security people started shouting at him to go back and get in line. After yelling at this poor man for a minute the guard called across the room for his supervisor yelling "this man will NOT comply with orders. He is REFUSING to obey". The supervisor comes at a full run. As he approached I loudly informed him this man's wife is having a MEDICAL CRISIS and he needs URGENT help. After repeating this 2 times the supervisor seemed to get it and rushed the man to the head of the scanner checkpoint.


As we entered the terminal to get in line for check-in, the elderly man rushed in behind us, now in tears. Still no port personnel helping him. Nobdoy from NCL helping. No medics in sight. When he walked into the huge room he froze, unable to function. I informed the 2 port attendants helping with wheelchair bound guests the man had a medical crisis with his wife and needed a wheelchair urgently. They shrugged. As I gazed around the room I saw a wheelchair at the far end of the room (where you go on the ship). I ran across the room and requested immediate help for the man & his wife. They did send the wheelchair with an attendant to assist.



All-in-all, it was a nightmare from where we stood. My advice would be:


Use the bathroom before coming. Then stop 1 block away & go again.

Bring water & snacks with you.

Be prepared to stand for 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 hours in hot sun or rain before being able to shelter.

If elderly or have health issues, consider bringing some sort of seating with you (the canes that flip to a seat, collapsible stool or the like). Sound crazy? I totally agree. But the alternative is NOT pretty.

Do NOT depend on your request for "wheelchair assistance". My dh is disabled & we requested wheelchair assistance Jan 2013 in NOLA on the Star. It did NOT materialize despite our waiting for 30 minutes for it. We finally boarded by ourselves. This time we did NOT bother to request it - just as well. The people we observed that DID request it STILL had to stand outside the security checkpoint for 2+ hours before getting to the place where the (alleged) wheelchair could be picked up.

Kiss your first day on the ship goodbye. By the time you finally board it's barely time to scoot to your room and drop off your carry-on stuff and get to the muster drill so you don't have to screw up day 2 as well by attending a make-up muster drill. You still have the evening to enjoy - but those used to cruising and being on-board by noon or one and enjoying a full day will be sorely disappointed (and ripped off, some say).


So, for those saying "it's a little delay - deal with it. It's not a big deal"... unfortunately, for many people traveling it BECOMES a big deal when denied the ability to use the bathroom, baking in the hot sun and having no shade or seating available. If you think about it, many many many on the cruises are elderly. This is a population that goes from "fit & active" to "down & out" in the blink of an eye. The lack of preparation after THREE weeks of this mess is unacceptable. Porta-potties, drink stations, tents for shade could have protected many of the elderly and disabled. Just saying...

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Well said! I also would "extremely" disagree with that poster! I am tagging my post from another thread on here to further emphasize what you posted above (trust that's ok). I'm kind of amazed at people blowing this situation off as "no big deal". I was very affected by what was going on around me - I would think any compassionate person would have been. It was all very disturbing, compounded by the complete lack of care by the Port personnel. I guess it was "no big deal" to some of the people cruising. To others it was a HORRIFIC experience as my personal eye-witness account demonstrates:



Amy you know I think your story has merit. But read the posts prior to yours, when that statement was said. Those posts were inconveniences on a vacation. Maddening yes, frustrating yes but to the posts before yours were no different than plane disruptions or cancellations or other things that may put a large damper on start of a vacation. And certainly not worthy of 10 pages, most of which was finger pointing. Look carefully at this thread (where this statement was made), the big tadoo was about going under a bridge a few hours later than expected.


Unlike your posts these complaints were not life threatening, the cruise wasn't cancelled etc. So I agree with you that what you have pointed out needs to be addressed. So even if your suggestions of water, shade, washroom facilities were done, that would not have stopped the large tadoo because for the most part, that is not what the complaints were about.


So those of us, that felt the same as "vols" are not heartless are not non-compassionate. We just were tired of hearing how someone was late getting on the ship and missed their first DOD and the finger pointing. And that what was happening would not have bothered us personally, we would have taken it in stride.

Edited by che5904
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Well said! I also would "extremely" disagree with that poster! I am tagging my post from another thread on here to further emphasize what you posted above (trust that's ok). I'm kind of amazed at people blowing this situation off as "no big deal". I was very affected by what was going on around me - I would think any compassionate person would have been. It was all very disturbing, compounded by the complete lack of care by the Port personnel. I guess it was "no big deal" to some of the people cruising. To others it was a HORRIFIC experience as my personal eye-witness account demonstrates:


Sailed on 12/1/13...

and embarking was a NIGHTMARE. DH and myself got separate calls twice telling us to get to port at 1:00 pm. Ok, we did that. Did it help? Not so as we noticed. When we got there there were people on top deck lined up, and at the bottom of the escalators & stairway several hundred deep already. The things I personally witnessed were very, very sad:


An elderly diabetic woman almost passing out because of the heat/stress/lack of water & food. Those of us around her tried to provide what help we could. Could have she been better prepared? Yep. But still - omg. What a way to start your trip.


An elderly woman in tears because she could not contain her bladder any longer after waiting in line for the bathroom. NOTE THIS PEOPLE: There is only ONE bathroom available until after you clear security. I do NOT mean a bathroom with multiple stalls, there is ONE PRIVATE BATHROOM for women, ONE PRIVATE BATHROOM for men. One person in at a time. To service 2,000 + passengers waiting 3 - 4 hours in the sun.


Children crying because they needed to use the bathroom so bad. A woman BEGGING port authority to let her pass to take her 3 year old to the bathroom.


As we were clearing security (last member of our party going thru scanner) a very elderly man (I'd guess upper 80's) came rushing into the security checkpoint area looking panic-stricken & near tears. He was desperately needing a wheelchair for his wife who was getting heatstroke and about to pass out from dehydration, etc. Everyone ignored him UNTIL he attempted to skirt around security to find a wheelchair and/or help for his wife. Security machines shut down and our security people started shouting at him to go back and get in line. After yelling at this poor man for a minute the guard called across the room for his supervisor yelling "this man will NOT comply with orders. He is REFUSING to obey". The supervisor comes at a full run. As he approached I loudly informed him this man's wife is having a MEDICAL CRISIS and he needs URGENT help. After repeating this 2 times the supervisor seemed to get it and rushed the man to the head of the scanner checkpoint.


As we entered the terminal to get in line for check-in, the elderly man rushed in behind us, now in tears. Still no port personnel helping him. Nobdoy from NCL helping. No medics in sight. When he walked into the huge room he froze, unable to function. I informed the 2 port attendants helping with wheelchair bound guests the man had a medical crisis with his wife and needed a wheelchair urgently. They shrugged. As I gazed around the room I saw a wheelchair at the far end of the room (where you go on the ship). I ran across the room and requested immediate help for the man & his wife. They did send the wheelchair with an attendant to assist.



All-in-all, it was a nightmare from where we stood. My advice would be:


Use the bathroom before coming. Then stop 1 block away & go again.

Bring water & snacks with you.

Be prepared to stand for 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 hours in hot sun or rain before being able to shelter.

If elderly or have health issues, consider bringing some sort of seating with you (the canes that flip to a seat, collapsible stool or the like). Sound crazy? I totally agree. But the alternative is NOT pretty.

Do NOT depend on your request for "wheelchair assistance". My dh is disabled & we requested wheelchair assistance Jan 2013 in NOLA on the Star. It did NOT materialize despite our waiting for 30 minutes for it. We finally boarded by ourselves. This time we did NOT bother to request it - just as well. The people we observed that DID request it STILL had to stand outside the security checkpoint for 2+ hours before getting to the place where the (alleged) wheelchair could be picked up.

Kiss your first day on the ship goodbye. By the time you finally board it's barely time to scoot to your room and drop off your carry-on stuff and get to the muster drill so you don't have to screw up day 2 as well by attending a make-up muster drill. You still have the evening to enjoy - but those used to cruising and being on-board by noon or one and enjoying a full day will be sorely disappointed (and ripped off, some say).


So, for those saying "it's a little delay - deal with it. It's not a big deal"... unfortunately, for many people traveling it BECOMES a big deal when denied the ability to use the bathroom, baking in the hot sun and having no shade or seating available. If you think about it, many many many on the cruises are elderly. This is a population that goes from "fit & active" to "down & out" in the blink of an eye. The lack of preparation after THREE weeks of this mess is unacceptable. Porta-potties, drink stations, tents for shade could have protected many of the elderly and disabled. Just saying...

Thank you Amy for giving real life examples of what I have been trying to point out for the past couple weeks. I just hope they get whatever issue's that are causing these delays resolved before someone gets severely injured.

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I am SERIOUSLY concerned about these boarding stories. We are due to take the Dawn on Sunday 22nd December for a Xmas WCaribbean cruise. Surely by now both NCL and the Tampa Port authorities must have looked at this dire situation & made some forward planning to alleviate this awful start (& end) to folks specal cruise holidays. This is appalling publicity for both NCL & Port of Tampa. Do neither care that they are getting such bad reviews...people easily vote with their feet & have a huge choice of ports & cruise lines. If this was my business, I would seriously get it sorted out...NOW!

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I am SERIOUSLY concerned about these boarding stories. We are due to take the Dawn on Sunday 22nd December for a Xmas WCaribbean cruise. Surely by now both NCL and the Tampa Port authorities must have looked at this dire situation & made some forward planning to alleviate this awful start (& end) to folks specal cruise holidays. This is appalling publicity for both NCL & Port of Tampa. Do neither care that they are getting such bad reviews...people easily vote with their feet & have a huge choice of ports & cruise lines. If this was my business, I would seriously get it sorted out...NOW!


From what one poster wrote on "live from the dawn" post #27. He/she was told that they were not picking up passengers in Cozumel for the Christmas and New Years voyages. So if NCL was the cause of this and if this is true, your cruise would not be affected.


If it is something else caused by CBP, then sorry you are SOL with thinking NCL can do a darn thing about it. BTW the bad publicity for the Port of Tampa, it's Government they probably don't care.


Keep an eye out on Sunday night or Monday to see how the last sailing went. Remember this could change at any time and all the posts you are reading are only up to the last sailing that returned last Sunday.

Edited by che5904
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Looks like they may have resolved the dressmaking issues, not hope the boarding goes well?

Checked the web cam at around 9 and saw a steady stream of peeps walking away from the building.

This was a post by a cruiser from this AM:

We were priority and were off the ship by 8 am. I think they have the issues taken care of. They are now making all non us citizens go to the stardust theater to clear them so it wont back up the lines at customs.

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Looks like they may have resolved the dressmaking issues, not hope the boarding goes well?

Checked the web cam at around 9 and saw a steady stream of peeps walking away from the building.

This was a post by a cruiser from this AM:

We were priority and were off the ship by 8 am. I think they have the issues taken care of. They are now making all non us citizens go to the stardust theater to clear them so it wont back up the lines at customs.

Spell check got me: .....the dressmaking issues... should be the disembarking issues...

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They are now making all non us citizens go to the stardust theater to clear them so it wont back up the lines at customs.


They've always done this. We had to do this on both of cruises on NCL and our cruise on Carnival. I don't think that has anything to do with cruise ships. I think that is set out by customs.

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They've always done this. We had to do this on both of cruises on NCL and our cruise on Carnival. I don't think that has anything to do with cruise ships. I think that is set out by customs.


They did not do this last week. Or the week before as I understand it. But they did not require any non-us to go anywhere special as thay have on all our other cruises as well.

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They did not do this last week. Or the week before as I understand it. But they did not require any non-us to go anywhere special as thay have on all our other cruises as well.


Are you a non-US citizen and saying they didn't send out letters to your cabin? That is very odd, we always received a letter in our stateroom.


Maybe for some reason they were not doing this on these particular sailings.

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Just got off this morning. My experience:


Embark: Fine, normal lines but no big deal.

Cruise: Great (and no stabilizer issues)

Disembark: Best ever. Felt like 5 minutes from cabin to curb.


Cruise did leave at 7:30 or so I believe due to fuel barge issue. Didn't bother me a bit, the casino opened at 11:00 or so.

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Just got off this morning. My experience:


Embark: Fine, normal lines but no big deal.

Cruise: Great (and no stabilizer issues)

Disembark: Best ever. Felt like 5 minutes from cabin to curb.


Cruise did leave at 7:30 or so I believe due to fuel barge issue. Didn't bother me a bit, the casino opened at 11:00 or so.


Great to hear. Thanks for the information.


How was embarkation, any issues of long lines?

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Great to hear. Thanks for the information.


How was embarkation, any issues of long lines?


Everything should have run normally, since there were no people boaring in Cozumel this cruise or the next 3...


The slow debarkations, is what is delaying and slowing the embarkations.


Shows that it is entirely the open loop cruise, screwing up debarkation and slowing up embarkation.


Now we'll see when the open loop cruises resume in mid January, how things go...

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Spell check got me: .....the dressmaking issues... should be the disembarking issues...


I just love these bloopers! I was just wondering where the "dressmaking" was on the Dawn...thoughts of running up a little number to wear at the Captains Table made me smile..then I realised we were not on Silverseas this time, & probably will not get an invite to the Captains Table on NCL. Oh well, never mind, we didn't pack the Posh Frocks anyway.:D

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We were late leaving because for some reason we only got 2 of the 5 fuel barges that we needed. Then after we waited we lost our place in line to depart and had to wait for traffic to clear before we left. The problem was that nobody said anything until the next day as to why we were not leaving. An announcement would have been nice and stopped all the speculation and wondering. Embankment was Ok. We walked into the building at noon and waited in the VIP area until 1. Then we were taken on the ship. Disembarkment was fine. We waited until 10 and didn't have to stop walking until we sat down in a taxi.

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We were late leaving because for some reason we only got 2 of the 5 fuel barges that we needed. Then after we waited we lost our place in line to depart and had to wait for traffic to clear before we left. The problem was that nobody said anything until the next day as to why we were not leaving. An announcement would have been nice and stopped all the speculation and wondering. Embankment was Ok. We walked into the building at noon and waited in the VIP area until 1. Then we were taken on the ship. Disembarkment was fine. We waited until 10 and didn't have to stop walking until we sat down in a taxi.


There was an announcement on the first day, before we sailed.

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