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Finally, My Review of Our Caribbean Princess Wedding

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Review of Our Caribbean Princess Wedding ~ July 2 – 9, 2005



Part 1



I can honestly say arriving the night before was a well thought out plan. We managed to finish all the welcome bags by personalizing 40 water bottles and still having time to relax before embarkation day. That was the main things as we wanted to enjoy our wedding vacation.



Day 1:



We woke up a little early as we couldn’t sleep with all the excitement in the air. We just wanted to see this ship. Unfortunately, the complimentary shuttles from the Amerisuites didn’t leave until 11:30, so we went and had a good breakfast and did a little shopping before.


We still didn’t know which dining room we were in for our rehearsal dinner, so when we got back I tried calling Alba from TWE to see if she had any idea. She had been trying for the past few days to find out, but there was no luck. Unfortunately, she still didn’t know and said they would take care of us on the ship. She was very sweet. You can tell she enjoys what she does and that she makes her couples feel on top of the world. Luckily we printed the rehearsal invites at home two nights before leaving a blank for where the dinner would be. We knew this was going to be the last thing on our minds to do.



Around 11:00, the five of us began to gather the luggage downstairs in front of the hotel entrance, hoping to be the first ones on. Well, let’s just say we were wrong; a group of 10 came after us and paid the shuttle driver $50 to take them first. I guess money can buy most things. Oh well no big deal we knew we were next, although I guess you could say the boys were a little ticked. Our luggage without the three other people in our group consisted of a hockey bag full of wedding supplies, a small suitcase full of wedding supplies, my big suitcase and his. At this point we couldn’t wait to get rid of a couple bags.



We were amazed when our group’s entire luggage fit in this shuttle. They really can hold a lot. It was exactly 12:00 and we were off. We couldn’t wait to get on as we turned a corner and saw her. This huge ship was amazing. Finally, we arrived at the port, took a couple of pictures and handed all of our luggage over to the porter along with a tip. We made our way through immigration no problem. It was simple and fast. There was barely any line. We began making our way up to the entrance of the ship, once inside we turned the corner into the atrium, it was amazing and more real then looking at a couple of pictures.



After being amazed, we went straight to our room, R507. It was a lot bigger then we expected for an inside cabin. With never cruising before we wanted to start off small. On our bed we had a few things waiting for us. One was gift card for wine from our TA, another was a gift card for Crown Royal from my parents and the last thing was a letter from Natasha, our onboard coordinator. She wanted to meet with us that day to go over wedding plans when it was convenient. We called her and left a message as she was in the middle of an embarkation wedding. A couple of minutes later our room steward came in and introduced himself. He joked around with us and then said so you are one of the couples getting married in a couple of days. We were surprised that he already knew. We asked for an egg crate mattress cover and some extra towels and gave him a tip. He was much appreciated and it was well worth it. He made sure we were well taken care of.



After that we made our way down to his parent’s room, and let me tell you, it was amazing. They had a balcony at the back of the ship that was completely covered. As soon as I saw that my mind was set. The next time I sail I definitely won’t be getting an inside. After looking off the balcony and chatting for a bit, we decided to go back to our room and see if Natasha had called back. She did. We called her back and she asked us to come to her office. I quickly grabbed my copy of the confirmation letter that we had to sign for TWE and off we went. She went over everything in detail of what we wanted. She even told me that I would be able to see my bouquet the next day to make sure it was what I wanted. I included pictures of almost everything to make her job easier. She said it helped a lot to get it all started. Before we left her room we mentioned that we had things to decorate the tables in Sterling’s with and we wondered how to go about it. To our surprise she said leave it to her and she would have the Steakhouse manager get in touch with us. She was a lot of help and really cared about making your day special.



After that, we made our way back to our room and saw the confirmation on which dining room our rehearsal dinner would be in. Since it was in a few hours we thought we should get a move on. We began to unpack to find our invites. When we found them we printed the dining room on all the cards with a black pen and put them in the envelopes. Our minds were racing to get these out, so we went around to everyone’s stateroom and put them in their mailboxes. We were happy when the last one was dropped off, as this meant we could finish unpacking and relax for a bit. We were go go go so much that we didn’t really get to take part in sail away. That was ok though as we just wanted to put our feet up before dinner.



When dinner time arrived, we gathered up all the welcome bags we made and began to make our way to the Palm dining room. Of course we were the last ones there. No sooner after we made our selection and got our drinks the food arrived. After a delicious meal, we thought it was time to pass out the welcome bags, do introductions and say our thank you’s for coming all this way. Soon after our guests started leaving as there were things they wanted to do. At this point, Tyler and I were so tired and all we wanted to do was go to bed, so that is exactly what we did.

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It's so funny, so far it sounds like your experiences were almost identical to mine! ;) Everything down to writing the dining room into the blank line on the rehearsal dinner invite. Can't wait to hear the rest and see some pics.


So, how does it feel to join the old married ladies club? :)

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Part 2


Day 2:


This is where the fun really began. We knew there were people to meet with when we got back onboard, but we didn’t let that bother us because we knew it was for us. We were finally on vacation. It was good to know that we were also surrounded by family and friends. Before getting off the ship I gave my dress to my room steward to be pressed. He told me that he and another guy would drop it off at my parent’s room and that it would be there before we got back on the ship. He was so careful not to let the groom see it. That meant a lot to me, so I gave him a little something extra.


We spent the whole day at Princess Cays. It sure is an amazing place. The water was such a beautiful blue, I can’t even describe it. It was great to lie back on a lounge chair and look out into that blue water and see the ship. Of course I also took some pictures. During the day there we drank some tropical drinks, snorkeled and swam a bit. We also enjoyed the barbeque lunch they had for everyone. It sure tired us out, but that couldn’t stop us.


Once onboard, we met with the Manager of Sterling Steakhouse. His name was Konrad. He asked us about the decorations for the table and how we would like them to be set up. After we told him he asked us if we would drop them by later, so he and our waiters for tomorrow could do a trial run. We were more then happy too.


He also suggested some other ways to set up the tables. We were thinking something different, but were afraid to ask. Then I remembered what Kadie told me, so I did. Konrad was more then happy to set them up how we wanted them. We had a sweetheart table that stuck out from the other two tables, so that our guests could see us. The two other tables were a round one consisting of 8 people and a long one of 10 people.


After all that we were both pleased. We left, returning a couple minutes later with the suitcase full of table decorations. Konrad was again there to meet us. After leaving the Steakhouse for the second time, we ran into Natasha. She asked me if I would like to see my bouquet. Of course I said yes. Tyler came too. She told me that it wasn’t finished, but she wanted to show me the start of it. We went to her office and sat down, while she went to go and get it. She brought it back and it already looked amazing. She told me that the florist still had more to add. I was amazed. I was happy that I did the upgrade.


After leaving her we went straight to the buffet were we met up with some people in our group. Since they already had a table we joined them. The food was awesome and just what we needed.


After dinner we decided to grab a couple of drinks and relax in the hot tub. Shortly after we started to get sleepy so we thought we would turn in as the big day was only a day away. We watched a movie in our cabin before going to bed.


Day 3 ~ The Wedding Day:


It was the first sea day. I woke up early as the first salon appointment in the group was at 10:45. My mom, MOH and I went for breakfast before arriving at the salon around 10:40. I couldn’t eat much I was too excited. I was also happy to meet a man and his daughter with whom I have been talking to on here. We arrived early to confirm that everything has been paid up front. The receptionist thanked us for telling her as she had no idea. She asked us to let the girls know. We had a couple of problems and as Kadie said, this was the only department I wasn’t pleased in.



Around 11:00 a girl came out to take my mom back to start her hair. My mom informed her that she was supposed to have her manicure repaint at 10:45. The girl said they were running behind, but not to worry she would get them done. Shortly after, a girl called for my MOH and me. It was time for our nails. The repaint was ok; it was only for the day anyways.

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After that I went over to have my hair done and it turned out awesome. Richard our photographer showed up to take some pictures. He is an amazing photographer. At this point my mom was getting her nails done and we were waiting for my MOH to get her hair done. We had kept mentioning it to see who was doing her, but no one answered. Finally around 1:30, when my mom was done, I went to the salon front desk and asked what was going on. Apparently, the person who did my mom’s hair was also supposed to do mine and the person who did my hair was supposed to do my MOH. It was a huge mix up as we all had the same last name just different initial. They were kind of rude, asking us why we didn’t say anything, but we were the whole time. We finally got it straightened out and they began working on her hair. I wish I could have stayed, but I still had to get my make up done and get dressed, so I left with my mom.

Once in our room, I called my mother-in-law as she was doing my make up. Once she arrived my dad went and got us some pizza. We were starving. Shortly after she finished my make up my MOH arrived. It was then time for her to get hers done and I could watch while I eat my pizza. All in all I guess you could say it turned out in good timing.

When my MOH’s make up was done, my mother-in-law left, but before leaving she told me I looked beautiful and the only thing on Tyler’s mind was me. It made my day.

Well time to get dressed. My MOH and mom were done in no time. I put on my under garments and garters and then was ready for my dress. Just after I got my bustle done up, Richard showed up to take some more pictures. I asked for a couple with my parents before hand. They turned out great. After that, we were ready to go. I didn’t have my flowers as they would be waiting for me when I got there.

We arrived upstairs just past the salon door. It was a beautiful day out. There was a little corridor where they wanted us to hide. I caught a glance of the chapel and was amazed at how decorated the outside was. I couldn’t wait to see the inside. While waiting for my flowers my dad was holding onto me whispering in my ear, while my MOH fixed my train. Natasha and the Captain brought my bouquet, my MOHs bouquet and a bout for my dad. After pinning the bout on my dad the Captain introduced himself. He told me to relax (even though I was after hearing my mother-in-laws comment) and that Tyler was there looking great and waiting for me. He was so sweet. The Captain really added to our day.

As the music started the assembly line started to walk. Before long it was my turn. My dad and I paused at the door and then started walking. At this point everything around me blacked out and all I saw was my fiancé. He was smiling. I don’t remember seeing people and I don’t remember hearing the music (although people said it was great). When the Captain asked who gives this woman away, everything became clear again. I kissed my dad and took my fiancés hands. The captain preformed beautifully. We said our vows, exchanged rings, kissed and were pronounced husband and wife. We then signed the log book, took some pictures and then headed for more around the ship.

After pictures we then proceeded to Skywalker’s where Natasha greeted us. She wished us all the best and was on her way to perform another wedding. We thanked her and then went on our way as we had two hours of open bar with hors d’ oeuvres waiting for us. We were already a half hour late for the reception as pictures take up your time. We ordered drinks and started having some appetizers right away. They were so good. I soon as I finished one pina colada, the waiters had brought another. The waiters were exceptional. After eating a bit, I wanted to dance. So some of us got up and danced. Around the last 15 minutes of our two hours we started the bouquet and garter dance. My husband’s sister ended up getting the bouquet and my brother got the garter. It was a lot of fun. The DJ was a lot of fun. He really knew our taste. We didn’t even have a list of songs. After that was done, it was time to meet at Sterling Steakhouse for the dinner (we didn’t eat a lot of appetizers).

Tyler and I walked in to a beautiful setting. The tables set exactly they way we had wanted them, decorations and all. It made us really happy. They even had the wine that we purchased set up in buckets all around the tables. As soon as we sat down, people started taking pictures with the cameras we placed on the tables. You could tell they were having a good time.

Shortly after, the waiters started bringing trays around to each table that contained the type of steak you could have. They explained each one and there cut. The steaks ranged from a 22oz porterhouse to an 8oz filet. The food was absolutely amazing. There was a ton to eat!!

Dinner ended around 10:00, just in time for Skywalker’s to open up to the public. Our group then proceeded up there to dance some more. My new husband and I only stayed for an hour as we were pretty tired. When we got to our room there were rose petals all over the place, cards on the bed, champagne being chilled and my favorite chocolates on a tray that mom my had brought. After getting undressed, cleaning up the petals and showering (my head was hurting), we started opening cards. After reading a couple, we decided to retire for the night.

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Day 4:

We were in Ocho Rios. We did the Party Catamaran Cruise to Dunn’s River Falls. It was awesome. My husband took some pictures as we climbed the falls. His parents and sister went with us. On the way back to the dock the staff on the catamaran turned up the music and served Jamaican Rum Punch. It was a lot of fun. I learn how to do a Jamaican Dance.

Day 5:

Were were in Grand Cayman. This was a lot of fun. We went through a private organization which took us snorkeling to the barrier reef, coral gardens and sting ray city. It was well worth what we paid. We saw a shark and a moray eel. I guess you could say that was the high light before going to see the sting rays. The sting rays were a lot of fun. The boat ride back managed to tire us out. It was a hot day full of swimming. We ate at the buffet and relaxed in the hot tub with a couple of drinks.

Day 6:

Cozumel!!! We did the Playa Mia Beach Break, although didn’t go through princess. We spent the day relaxing on this sandy beach. I guess you could say it was a nice relaxing peaceful day.

Day 7:

This was our last sea day before departing the next morning. We woke up and had a great breakfast. It was really good. Shortly after we met up with our photographer and he handed us a stack of 250 proofs. He told us to take some time to go over them and to pick the 5 that were in our package (we also ordered the cd rom of all our pictures). After looking at them we were wondering how we were ever going to pick 5. So we phoned Richard and met with him again. We asked him how much it would be to buy all the proofs (this is also after we found out the shred the rest). He told us how much and we agreed. It was so much easier to do it this way, as our parents each wanted some pictures to take home. That was it we were done.

All in all, it was an amazing wedding and a wonderful vacation with our family and friends. I would not have wanted to do it any other way. For our first cruise, this was really the way to go. The Princess staff really made us feel important. They took care of our every needs and made our wedding a wedding to remember for all of our guests.

If you have any questions please let me know. Thanks for reading and best wishes to future brides!!!

All the best,

Shari :p


Married on the Caribbean Princess July 4, 2005

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Hey Shari,


Sounds like you had a wonderful time and I couldn't be happier for you. Of course you know so many questions are going to pop up for you (especially from me :o )


Everything sounds so amazing and I can't wait. I will post a little later after I get some work done and ask some questions. I have so many now that time is getting closer.


Talk with ya soon


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Great review...it sounds like everything went as planned! I would love to see your photos kcfrawley@sbcglobal.net, and I have a few questions for you.

1. How much was the 2 hour cocktail party? did you use points?

2. How much did you end up spending on flower upgrades?




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Kristin ~ You have mail.


Shelly ~ Can't wait to talk soon.


Kadie ~ I am glad to have finally joined the old married ladies club. I sent you an email with some pictures. Hope you are having a good day. How's the house?


I miss all you girls!!

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Congratulations Shari! I've been monitoring this thread for quite some time and have known how excited you have been and now --- reading your review --- how wonderful for you that everything went so well.


We are getting married on CP on October 16th...and I have so many questions for you.


Would love to see your pictures if you don't mind sending them.....my email address is ellenbenet@aol.com


Congratulations again!



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Thanks so much for posting this review! I am so happy for you and Tyler. I'm sure I'll have some questions like Shelly, just need to get some things done at the office.


I sent you an e-mail for the photos!





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Hi Cruising Wonder & congratulations on your marriage!

I enjoyed reading your review as my daughter is getting married on the CB next May. Reading these boards has really helped answer some questions & help her plan her day. We have some questions if you don't mind.

Did you feel the 2 hour reception was the right amount of time? We are not having a dinner afterwards but going on to formal night with the guests.

Did you do any changing on the list of hors d’ oeuvres that came in the package? Overall did they do a good job on the hor d' oeuvres?

Did you happen to have an ice carving at reception? We thought it might be a less expensive way to go rather than more flowers.

How long would allow for pictures after the wedding? We are thinking of not starting the reception until five & her wedding is at 3:30 to give them time.

Any other advice that might help please let us know.

Thank you

Nancy (MOB)

would love to see your pictures (DNKSHerb@aol.com)

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Congrats on your marriage!!


I was hoping to see some pictures too please..



I also have questions. Firstly how did you get a rehearsal dinner? Is that something they arranged? Did you pay extra for it?


Also how did you arrange a dinner at Sterlings? My impression was that the reception dinner could only be one of the packages..

So was that just you wanted dinner there and then paid the tab after? I am confused..

I have never been on a cruise.. my other impression is that in general to eat at Sterlings you paid above and beyond. Is this the case? Is that how you had the reception there?



:) Jo

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Hi Cruising Wonder.


Congratulations - I enjoyed your review and was glad to hear everything went so well for your wedding.

I too am getting married on the CB in January 2006. I would love to see some pictures as well if you dont mind...my email is mdietz@koskieminsky.com.


A couple questions too - How many people did you have attend your wedding? We have 44 booked right now. For the reception and in Sterlings, did you just pick up the tab for the alcohol or did you purchase one of the packages? We're trying to decide which way would work out better.


What sort of music did you have for the ceremony? The piano player that comes with the package, or did you bring cd's or pay for something different?


Any info. would be appreciated. Thanks.

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  • 1 month later...

Congrats! My fiance and I are getting married on the 4/1/06 sailing of the CB...I've some of the same questions, in regards to the reception...how'd you work the time in Sterling's and did you modify what the package offers for appetizers? Any response would be helpful! Thanks!

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We did end up changing a couple of things in the hors d'oeuvre package. Instead of Petit Bouche and Pate de Foi (goose liver pate) we had chicken, beef and lamb skewers. They were really good. We didn't want any surprises. Plus, I knew what my group liked.


We had the open bar and appetizers from 4:30 to 6:30 and dinner in Sterlings was at 7:00. Great food for both, just wish I gave more time for Sterlings. There were so many hors d'oeuvres, that if you ate a bunch you wouldn't have room for Sterlings.


But after all said and done, it worked out great. :p

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