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Enchantment of the Seas July 11 Sailing

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The toilet situation described by the OP would have ruined my cruise, too. Good heavens. The least one can expect is a sanitary and functioning private toilet and sanitary and functioning public toilets. Too much disease can be spread by this. It's lucky there wasn't a norovirus outbreak to compound their misery.


And, I can't imagine having to get up, get dressed and go to a public restroom in the middle of the night, only to stand in line with all the other miserable passengers with no functioning bathrooms. That may be tolerable if one is 17 and staying in a youth hostel in an underdeveloped country and paying US$5 bucks a night for the accommodations, but, IMO, it ain't no cruise vacation!


Many on this board seem to blame the OP for (1) the fact that the cabin toilet wasn't working and neither were many of the public toilets and/or (2) the fact that the OP has the nerve to say this ruined the vacation. When did the expectations for cruise vacations fall so low? When did the determination to blame the victim become so intense? Anyone who dares to say their cruise was miserable is savaged on these boards.


Further, why don't the cruise lines take a ship on a week long trail run after it comes out of dry dock. They could sell accommodations for $100 a pop and then you understand what you're buying and you deal with whatever you deal with.


You'd think the bad publicity alone would be enough to encourage the cruise lines to put a stop to this kind of thing. It is not the passengers' fault the ship just came out of dry dock. They paid good money for the cruise and deserved a much better product than they got. Compensation is certainly in order.

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It's funny, the same posters dismissing this woman's complaint would be the same ones screaming to the heavens were a similar situation ever to happen to them. My question is how can Royal knowingly allow their customers to be placed in cabins with no toilet facilities?

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Let me clarify that it wasn't one or two cabins that had this problem. It was throughout the ship without any notice as to which floor would have the problem. Even the crew experienced the same problem. RCC really tried to fix the problem, but were not successful. After reading this happened the week before, RCC should have done something about it.


When one has to worry about not getting to a bathroom facility on time or worry about getting ill, that is enough to ruin the rest and relaxation that a cruise is supposed to provide - sorry - plain and simple.


Was there anything positive? Yes - the crew was A+ and our dining room waiter and waitress were the best. Chops was a wonderful restaurant - one of the best we have ever eaten in. The entertainment was really good too.


We paid top dollar for this cruise and we have been on many other cruises and feel our complaints were justified.

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:mad: I too am another member of Auntie G and thegreenpea's sailing group. I have to say I am a little upset with some people's replies to their postings. In all honesty I think they are being helpful in giving people FULL WARNING that their is a MAJOR plumbing/toilet issue on this ship. As we all know problems can be expected after such renovations, buit this is beyond a little problem. It is unsanitary and a health issue and YES IT DID RUIN THE CRUISE. For those of you who say it couldnt ruin your trip, well when you for 6 DAYS HAVE NO IDEA WHEN THE TOILETS WILL WORK OR STOP AND ARE SHARING CABINS WITH PEOPLE AND THEN HAVE TO GO AROUND THE SHIP LOOKING FOR WORKING TOILETS you can then tell me how much it doesnt ruin a vacation.

Besides for that the ship is not up to what Royal Carribean Standard is in my opinon. Besides the food being just adequate (especially in the Windjammer) there were days at sea when the Windjammer would be busy and the crew clearly did not have a handle on the buffet. There were no plates, and forget about finding silverware. The people were attacking the waitress carrying out the silverware coming out of the kitchen, so by the time they got to the palce to replenish it, they would refill it with minimal setttings. The ship was nice in the areas is WAS renovated, but that was NOT the entire boat. Our stateroom was clearly not rennovated, with the same furntiure and carpeting inside as before.


I think people should have fair knowledge of what they are getting before they get on board!!!!

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I've lurked this board for years.

This posting made me register. so that I could "chime in".


I too was on EOS July 11 cruise. In addition to a severe systemic plumbing problem throughout the ship there were other probs. on the ship.

But first let me report to you the OP was right on target w/ the toilet issue, actually our experiences were MUCH worse..


I too had to get dressed in the middle of the night and go from my 2nd deck room searching a workable commode.

Finally by the 9th deck I was able to relieve myself. Tried each deck till I reached the 9th for a functioning bathroom.

Spoke with a fellow cruiser who told me of f***l material coming up in his shower drain. I could continue, but I think you get the picture.


UNACCEPTABLE , no excuses, RCI knew of the problem before sailing, would it have been asking too much to inform us of potential problems?

I could then decide with full knowledge of whether I wished to proceed.

Crew knew of the problems when asked by myself, they blushingly were candid about this issue on previous sail.

One senior crew member admitted it was a problem since leaving drydock.

Oh yea, one more bathroom related issue, our room smelled from urine.

Enough of the bathroom issues.


Outdoor pool was closed except for last day of sail I don't consider this a minor annoyance, major inconvenience to those who preferred the outdoor pool to the solarium.


Food was spotty, meaning some meals very good and others just downright nasty. Steak dinner in My Fair Lady at our table was awful tough and stringy, the Gray Goose vodka and smoked salmon pasta positively inedible, Cod dinner the 1st night for dinner positively nauseating, soups were very salty, I realize to some this is a subjective thing, but too much salt is too much salt.

Turkey dinner very acceptable, prime ribs outstanding, lobster tails yummy, Tiger shrimp dinner another good dinner choice.

This is a general consensus of other passengers opinions as well as my own.


Staff was outstanding as usual for RCI, they can't do enough to make a passenger happy.


Chops dinner was also outstanding. Well worth the $20. per person.

The Chops staff were the greatest.


If this were my 1st cruise I probably would have had an even more negative impression then all ready related.


This cruise was a major disappointment, and I have every intention of relating this " cruise of a lifetime" to senior management in Miami.


My major disappointment was not winning jackpot bingo.

Damn .... I guess that would have made up for the B.R. issues.

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I agree the OP had a reason to be upset. I have never been on a ship directly after drydock or major renovations, but from reading these boards I know there are major problems with the sailings directly following these issues. If we know this, surely the cruiselines know also. It seems to me the cruiselines would hold a number of cabins to accomodate the passengers with cabin issues.


I understand cruiselines would lose money by not booking all cabins, however, a working bathroom is an essential necessity! On a land vacation, a person would have the option of checking out and booking a different hotel, you cannot do this on a ship!


No one wants to find a working public toilet to "do their business". Females, people with Crohms or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (just to name a few), do not want to use the general toilets! I do not complain about things on a cruise- children, missed ports, cancelling activities, or food. But for Heaven's sake, give me a clean, private restroom, even if I have to move to a different cabin. I will pack my own things, not ask for compensation, and take a lesser cabin category, just give me a clean working bathroom! Does anyone else feel this way?

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They should be compensated. No matter how you look at it. If RCC sailed with the intentions of being prepared and said they were completed they should have been completed or waited a couple more days to complete the problems.

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For those who have no problem in "holding it in", having to search for a bathroom might not be so bad. But for me, I have a colon problem. I don't have time, sometimes even a minute to wait. When I say, gotta go, I mean I gotta go NOW.


That has hindered a lot of outing for me, I watch my family go on walks, excursions and I sit and wave goodbye, all because of my colon problem.

So for me, it would be the total ruin of a vacation. I am booked on the Enchantment in Nov, and will be watching the reports CLOSELY about bathroom problems.


I would rather put up with lousy food than no bathrooms.


So, to me it is a legit complaint, and I will be calling and checking with RCI before I leave to let them know I will be expecting the bathrooms to be working. If they aren't, Then they WILL HEAR FROM ME.


As someone else mentioned, if you are expecting to have problems with a ship coming out of drydock, then you either charge less for the first few voyages, letting the people know that there will be problems, or you have some dry runs to shake it all up.

My husband and I don't have a lot of money. I have read some here who have talked as if a $100 is nothing, just petty cash. For us, it is a LOT of money. My hubby makes just a little over that a day. So, it is not petty cash, and this trip is a luxury, probably a once in a lifetime, I want to have good memories, not memories of running all over the place to find a toilet!!


If I sound harsh, concerned, angry, then that is what I feel. I have been looking forward to this, looking at pictures, coming here to this site to read posts on my breaks from studying. Most have been the type that I can deal with the problems, but this, Nope, I won't be able to deal with it.


So, I hope it gets fixed before I sail with my daughter.



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There are problems, and then there are problems. A non-functioning toilet would be WAY up on my list of "deal-breakers." Keep after RCI to make things "right" with you, greenpea. This is NOT a 'little' thing. Whether it is connected to the renovations or not, not having a functioning bathroom is utterly unacceptable.


We're behind you, soldier on!



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I agree with the OP, a consistant problem with non-working toilets would ruin the cruise for me. If it only happened once on the cruise I could deal with it but for it to be an ongoing problem, that's just gross. Just thinking of the smell of toilets backing up :( That would ruin every meal for me, Yuck!:eek:

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I sympathize with your situation about the toilets. Completely unacceptable.


On a similar note, I hope passengers are careful about what they allow to be flushed down the toilets. This can contribute to problems. Marine toilet systems are unlike those "ashore". They work on a suction principle, unlike traditional toilets. As such, things you might flush at home with no difficulty are absolute no-nos onboard. This is probably something worth discussing with your group. I'm not saying this is what happened here. Just something to keep in mind for future sailings.

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For those who have no problem in "holding it in", having to search for a bathroom might not be so bad. But for me, I have a colon problem. I don't have time, sometimes even a minute to wait. When I say, gotta go, I mean I gotta go NOW.


That has hindered a lot of outing for me, I watch my family go on walks, excursions and I sit and wave goodbye, all because of my colon problem.

So for me, it would be the total ruin of a vacation. I am booked on the Enchantment in Nov, and will be watching the reports CLOSELY about bathroom problems.


I would rather put up with lousy food than no bathrooms.


So, to me it is a legit complaint, and I will be calling and checking with RCI before I leave to let them know I will be expecting the bathrooms to be working. If they aren't, Then they WILL HEAR FROM ME.


As someone else mentioned, if you are expecting to have problems with a ship coming out of drydock, then you either charge less for the first few voyages, letting the people know that there will be problems, or you have some dry runs to shake it all up.

My husband and I don't have a lot of money. I have read some here who have talked as if a $100 is nothing, just petty cash. For us, it is a LOT of money. My hubby makes just a little over that a day. So, it is not petty cash, and this trip is a luxury, probably a once in a lifetime, I want to have good memories, not memories of running all over the place to find a toilet!!


If I sound harsh, concerned, angry, then that is what I feel. I have been looking forward to this, looking at pictures, coming here to this site to read posts on my breaks from studying. Most have been the type that I can deal with the problems, but this, Nope, I won't be able to deal with it.


So, I hope it gets fixed before I sail with my daughter.




Another thread on the Enchantment states that the problem seems to have been solved.


And yes, toilets were a concern on our 7/7 cruise--my husband has the same type of problems.

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I am very sad to hear such a report. I do sympathize with toliet problems. As another member said - I hope you are compensated for this too. Has the OP advised RCI of this yet? Please make a copy of this responses and forward them. I would!

And for all of the comments regarding the ship coming out of drydock and the problems that can be expected - that is good to know. However that information should be in a letter from RCI to the OP with whatever else they wish to include. At this stage I would let RCI do what they professionally know what to do with situations like this.

Of course you probably realize by now that I am the type of person who checks the toilet first thing! Whether it be ship, hotel, .... etc. I'll make sure that on my next cruise I'll flush it twice, uh, thrice, uh....a few times ---- just to make it's in good working order - that's if DW let's me in first!!!!

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To CuriousJLY, my wife suffers from ulcerative colitis, though at least one gastro she has seen diagnoses her as having crohn's. we've been though bad, bad times as well as no active symptom times, and we have raised thousands for CCFA in years when her health has enabled us as a family to participate in fundraising pacesetter walks, and served on the organizing committee for that event as well. I understand where you are coming from.


And I respect the importance you place on your scheduled cruise as a luxury and perhaps "once in a lifetime". If my blessings to date have allowed me to go on a few cruises w/ my family, I can state that on at least one occasion my wife asked if we could even afford it. In better times, I remind my wife and instruct my son that many of our fellow passengers may be taking trips for them that may be once in a lifetime, and we should behave in a way to detract from that (thinking of some table-mates we had at dinner one cruise) and try to be helpful with any insights we might offer as folks lucky enough to have cruised before, but not appear to be bragging because there are many many with more than us. On a cruise, these is so much to enjoy without extras such as shore excursions or spa treatments, and yes, last I looked $100 was a lot of money, even if not what it used to be.


As another poster already wrote, it is a long time until November, bugs and problems from major drydocks happen but they also get fixed, and ships have been stretched before so these issues will be remedied. And a more recent thread ("live") seemed to indicate the toilet issues had been addressed.


cruising is a wonderfully soothing, convenient, and yes, luxurious way to travel, how marvelous that you have been able to book your upcoming cruise. I have faith the ship will be in fine working condition for you in November, and your trip will indeed be a vacation to always be remembered and treasured. as stress is often a contributor to colon disease symptoms, please read this post as a wish for you to relax and have faith that these issues will be resolved well in time for you to enjoy the Enchantment.

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Please give us an update after you have talked to their customer service. I am most interested to see how they respond, treat, and compensate you.


I know that what happened was unacceptable and wrong. But how a business handles the aftermath says everything about them.


This is where NCL failed us miserably. Had their customer service done their job we would cruise on them again. But they didn't so we won't.


I want to see if they value your opinion and will correct a misfortunate event.

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We will keep everyone posted on the response we get from RCC. Our travel agent is also writing them on our behalf. I agree with you in regard to how a business handles the aftermath is just as important and does say everything about them.


You also may be interested to know that on another cruise review site we found another disenchanted guest on the Enchantment (3/05) prior to the sretching and they state

"was highly disappointed in the Enchantment of the Seas. The toilets didn't flush half the time, the food was terrible" That really upset us.


Enough said.


Good luck to everyone and best wishes for great cruises.

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We had similiar toilet issues on the Navigator this past spring break. We also had food problems, and room problems and teen program problems. I urge you to call customer service and voice your complaints. It seems not many bother to do this and they claimed they had never heard such complaints. I was compensated and given a hefty amount of money off on another RCL cruise. Here's the funny one. My next cruise is in less than 2 weeks on the Enchantment. Looks like I will have the same complaints after this cruise also. But I will never sail RCL again if everything is not corrected. This line seems to be slipping downhill over time.

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I called Royal regarding our issues on the first sailing and have found their customer service to be lacking. I was specifically told I would receive a return call from the woman I spoke to last Wednesday and as of today nothing. If this is how they treat their customers I may choose to sail with another cruise line in the future.

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I called Royal regarding our issues on the first sailing and have found their customer service to be lacking. I was specifically told I would receive a return call from the woman I spoke to last Wednesday and as of today nothing. If this is how they treat their customers I may choose to sail with another cruise line in the future.
kewlguy -- did you recall any plumbing issues on your sailing? thanks
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