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ATTN EARLY BOOKERS: Getaway sales continue


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Well, I guess I'm going to add fuel to the fire...but as an early booker to Getaway I thought other early bookers who were not happy about the recent big sale (you know the one where cabin prices were $250 lower pp, and free upgraded dining and pre-paid gratuities were thrown in), would want to know the latest.

Just received an offer from an airline's vacation/cruise branch and guess what? Same much lower price pp on cabin, double upgrade, $50 more in OBC than I got, and triple airmiles. Fantastic.

My TA already called and NCL pretty much said you are sh** out of luck (I realize can't get lower cabin price, but was hoping with such a substantial difference to get an extra OBC).

So, today's lesson? This is a case where the early bird didn't get the worm...or the deal. I will never ever book early on NCL, and after this will probably stay with RCCL.

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Did you book at a price you thought was fair? I guess I don't understand why people think it's unfair when price drops come. We all know they're coming if you wait past when final payments are due.


Do people call airlines when fares go down?

March to their auto dealer when the car they bought gets discounted as the new models come in?


Seems like complaining for complainings sake. Isn't that what Facebook is for? :p

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Did you book at a price you thought was fair? I guess I don't understand why people think it's unfair when price drops come. We all know they're coming if you wait past when final payments are due.


Do people call airlines when fares go down?

March to their auto dealer when the car they bought gets discounted as the new models come in?


Seems like complaining for complainings sake. Isn't that what Facebook is for? :p


Look, it's not like this was a minor price drop. For the two cabins I booked it is well over a grand, plus with incentives we didn't get, closer to two grand. I've been cruising for years and have never ever seen anything like this, even at the last minute and especially on a new ship.

I wouldn't care at all if we were talking even a few hundred dollars. And I would have been appeased with a small extra OBC.


I guess you wouldn't care if it happened to you, so you're a better (wo)man than me. But not complaining for complaining's sake...although last time I checked that's what these forums were for too.

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Did you book at a price you thought was fair? I guess I don't understand why people think it's unfair when price drops come. We all know they're coming if you wait past when final payments are due.


Do people call airlines when fares go down?

March to their auto dealer when the car they bought gets discounted as the new models come in?


Seems like complaining for complainings sake. Isn't that what Facebook is for? :p


JetBlue gives me a credit for future flight when my price goes down. They are very pleasant about it as well


Fwiw the credits do expire and since I don't fly that frequently but my friend has a home in Florida I just sell them to her.

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Did you book at a price you thought was fair? I guess I don't understand why people think it's unfair when price drops come. We all know they're coming if you wait past when final payments are due.


Do people call airlines when fares go down?

March to their auto dealer when the car they bought gets discounted as the new models come in?


Seems like complaining for complainings sake. Isn't that what Facebook is for? :p


I always try to book early because I want to pick my cabin. If the price goes down before I make my final payment, GREAT. If it goes down after final payment, I am happy to have the room I wanted to begin with.

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Well, I guess I'm going to add fuel to the fire...but as an early booker to Getaway I thought other early bookers who were not happy about the recent big sale (you know the one where cabin prices were $250 lower pp, and free upgraded dining and pre-paid gratuities were thrown in), would want to know the latest.

Just received an offer from an airline's vacation/cruise branch and guess what? Same much lower price pp on cabin, double upgrade, $50 more in OBC than I got, and triple airmiles. Fantastic.

My TA already called and NCL pretty much said you are sh** out of luck (I realize can't get lower cabin price, but was hoping with such a substantial difference to get an extra OBC).

So, today's lesson? This is a case where the early bird didn't get the worm...or the deal. I will never ever book early on NCL, and after this will probably stay with RCCL.


Just curious - has RCCL offered you the lower price when prices drop after booking? If so, I totally understand your decision to stay with them.


Personally, I don't have the ability to book at the last minute (or even within 90 days). Due to work and travel to a departing port, I have to book well in advance. So, I know there is a chance that the prices will go down. This happened on our first cruise and NCL did give us an upgrade to a higher class balcony (basically a more aft balcony to a midships one). They didn't have to, but I appreciated it.


I do envy those who have enough flexibility to be able to book at the last minute because there are certainly deals to be had. But, for me, I just try to book at a price I can live with at the time. Currently, the price for the cabin I booked has gone up $200 pp, so I'm definitely not complaining.

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Well, I guess I'm going to add fuel to the fire...but as an early booker to Getaway I thought other early bookers who were not happy about the recent big sale (you know the one where cabin prices were $250 lower pp, and free upgraded dining and pre-paid gratuities were thrown in), would want to know the latest.

Just received an offer from an airline's vacation/cruise branch and guess what? Same much lower price pp on cabin, double upgrade, $50 more in OBC than I got, and triple airmiles. Fantastic.

My TA already called and NCL pretty much said you are sh** out of luck (I realize can't get lower cabin price, but was hoping with such a substantial difference to get an extra OBC).

So, today's lesson? This is a case where the early bird didn't get the worm...or the deal. I will never ever book early on NCL, and after this will probably stay with RCCL.


I basically had the SAME thing happen to me regarding my 3/1 Getaway sailing which I booked back in early December. And I'm with you 100%, screw NCL, got a lot of nerve doing this. As I told my TA when I blew up at them on the phone, I didn't care about changing rooms OR making any adjustments to the price, I was only concerned about the change in OBC-related extras. In my experience you always expect changes in base fares to happen as the sailing date gets closer, which is fine, but its really ballsy of them to go and crank up the OBC (and not just by a little bit!) and not offer it to those otherwise loyal cruisers who booked earlier on. No excuse. Got me REALLY looking forward to sticking with RCCL from here on out. :mad:

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Did you book at a price you thought was fair? I guess I don't understand why people think it's unfair when price drops come. We all know they're coming if you wait past when final payments are due.


Do people call airlines when fares go down?

March to their auto dealer when the car they bought gets discounted as the new models come in?


Seems like complaining for complainings sake. Isn't that what Facebook is for?


Just curious - has RCCL offered you the lower price when prices drop after booking? If so, I totally understand your decision to stay with them.


Its not about the price of the sailing that we're upset about. I always expect the cabin prices to fluctuate, often dropping, as the sailing date approaches, and that is fine. The issue here is that the fares are not changing, but rather they are slapping these HUGE OBC incentives for new bookings, but not offering them to those of us who are already loyal and have booked in advance. That is pure BS. Obviously NCL is trying to drum up more bookings for the new ship, as it quite obviously in nowhere near full (otherwise they wouldn't be doing this & throwing $$ out the window). So again, what about those of us who did jump in early on to commit to trying their new ship? This is the thanks we get? What a slap in the face.

Edited by joeski27
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I used to always book early until my last cruise dropped a lot and we had already paid in full! Now I book last minute and get much much better deals less OBC but who cares I'm saving over what they offer in OBC! I will never book far in advance anymore!

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Did you book at a price you thought was fair? I guess I don't understand why people think it's unfair when price drops come. We all know they're coming if you wait past when final payments are due.


Do people call airlines when fares go down?

March to their auto dealer when the car they bought gets discounted as the new models come in?


Seems like complaining for complainings sake. Isn't that what Facebook is for? :p


Not picking a side here, because I know it is a passionate issue, however airlines that I deal with will give you a credit if the price goes down.


Most times with airlines, as well, the price goes up as you get closer to the date.


In most commercial aspects of life, when you buy a product and is subsequently goes on sale, you can get a refund for the difference within a specified period of time (ie 30 days). NCL (and other cruise lines) have chosen not to follow this policy, which is their right and clearly outlined in their passenger contracts. That does not mean that people will not feel angry that they are paying hundreds (thousands) more than the person in the room next to them.


I also agree with the poster that said this policy will negatively affect NCL. They want people to book early to get the increased revenue. Once TA's and the general public discover that you can save a lot of money by waiting, that is what they will do. 89 days is still plenty of time to book airfare if you need to.


The best thing NCL could do is at least offer an OBC for 25-50% of the difference of the reduction as a good will gesture.

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I usually book hard to get cabins so the price drops don't really bother me, but if I did not care what cabin I stayed in or what itinerary was I would wait till the last minute. But the cabin is too important to me more so that where the ship is going.

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Its not about the price of the sailing that we're upset about. I always expect the cabin prices to fluctuate, often dropping, as the sailing date approaches, and that is fine. The issue here is that the fares are not chaging, but rather they are slapping these HUGE OBC incentives for new bookings, but not offering them to those of us who are already loyal and have booked in advance. That is pure BS.


Well, I'm pretty sure the OP was complaining about the drop in the cabin price since she specifically mentioned it - twice.


That said, I don't see a real difference between lower fares and increased OBC. Both are used as incentives for last minute bookings to fill a ship. For those that have the luxury of waiting until the last minute, you can take advantage of those incentives. But some folks, like me, can't wait until the last minute or I would never get to cruise. I don't blame NCL for doing what they need to do to fill a ship. I certainly don't blame them for my personal circumstances that prevent me from booking at the last minute. That's my choice. And I can't really see why I should expect to be compensated for a price drop that, had I waited to book, I couldn't have taken advantage of anyway. By the same token, if I could book at the last minute, I'd never book early.


It just feels like in some of these cases, people are looking for the best of both worlds. They want the security of booking "their" room and "their" price and with whatever incentives are offered at that time as well as the benefit of waiting until the last minute and getting those incentives too. It just seems to me that it doesn't (and shouldn't) work that way. If you don't care about a particular room, or a particular sailing, then don't book until the last minute. Then you can assure yourself of the lowest price (unless, like mine, the price goes up) and all those goodies. If the room or the particular sail date is more important to you than the lowest price, then book early and know you are taking a gamble that the price might go down or incentives go up.


Regardless, in the end, it's still your choice. Most things in this country are based on the idea of supply and demand and very few companies go around compensating previous purchasers when the prices go down on products they purchased earlier. By the same token, nobody has to pay more when the price goes up. That's just how it works. I get the disappointment - nobody likes to miss out on a deal -- but I don't get the anger or the blame.

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Not picking a side here, because I know it is a passionate issue, however airlines that I deal with will give you a credit if the price goes down.


Most times with airlines, as well, the price goes up as you get closer to the date.


In most commercial aspects of life, when you buy a product and is subsequently goes on sale, you can get a refund for the difference within a specified period of time (ie 30 days). NCL (and other cruise lines) have chosen not to follow this policy, which is their right and clearly outlined in their passenger contracts. That does not mean that people will not feel angry that they are paying hundreds (thousands) more than the person in the room next to them.


I also agree with the poster that said this policy will negatively affect NCL. They want people to book early to get the increased revenue. Once TA's and the general public discover that you can save a lot of money by waiting, that is what they will do. 89 days is still plenty of time to book airfare if you need to.


The best thing NCL could do is at least offer an OBC for 25-50% of the difference of the reduction as a good will gesture.


That's not entirely true. You can get a lower price if it drops at any time prior to the 90 day final payment date (120 for suites). It's not like you are locked in completely at the time of purchase.


I don't see how it affects NCL that negatively. If they have to compensate everybody who booked early with the new price (or substantial OBC) then they aren't getting the advantage of early bookings anyway.


And I still don't understand the anger. You paid a price you agreed upon. I get feeling disappointed when you miss out on a better deal, but anger and blame just seems strange. It's called business and it happens in everything we do.

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That's just how it works. I get the disappointment - nobody likes to miss out on a deal -- but I don't get the anger or the blame.


Sad that I have to explain this, but the anger/blame is because vacations are expensive, I don't have the extra money on hand to say "oh well, oh gee, *shrug the shoulders*, no big deal, better luck next time!:)". So pardon me if I feel a little pissed off and screwed by the cruise line. Maybe if more people gave a damn and made noise about these kinds of things like I do then big companies wouldn't be so quick to have such BS policies & practices. I can tell you this - I'm damn glad that I'm the way I am, because if I wasn't I wouldn't have gotten $600 credit from RCL for finding human feces on my Allure stateroom carpet, and I wouldn't have over $900 back in bank account refunded from Airtran last year (refund, not credit) after a massive drop in my airfare occurred.


These days you have to be willing to fight, every man/woman for themselves, otherwise you're going to get walked over every single time. Fact.

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Well, I'm pretty sure the OP was complaining about the drop in the cabin price since she specifically mentioned it - twice.


That said, I don't see a real difference between lower fares and increased OBC. Both are used as incentives for last minute bookings to fill a ship. For those that have the luxury of waiting until the last minute, you can take advantage of those incentives. But some folks, like me, can't wait until the last minute or I would never get to cruise. I don't blame NCL for doing what they need to do to fill a ship. I certainly don't blame them for my personal circumstances that prevent me from booking at the last minute. That's my choice. And I can't really see why I should expect to be compensated for a price drop that, had I waited to book, I couldn't have taken advantage of anyway. By the same token, if I could book at the last minute, I'd never book early.


It just feels like in some of these cases, people are looking for the best of both worlds. They want the security of booking "their" room and "their" price and with whatever incentives are offered at that time as well as the benefit of waiting until the last minute and getting those incentives too. It just seems to me that it doesn't (and shouldn't) work that way. If you don't care about a particular room, or a particular sailing, then don't book until the last minute. Then you can assure yourself of the lowest price (unless, like mine, the price goes up) and all those goodies. If the room or the particular sail date is more important to you than the lowest price, then book early and know you are taking a gamble that the price might go down or incentives go up.


Regardless, in the end, it's still your choice. Most things in this country are based on the idea of supply and demand and very few companies go around compensating previous purchasers when the prices go down on products they purchased earlier. By the same token, nobody has to pay more when the price goes up. That's just how it works. I get the disappointment - nobody likes to miss out on a deal -- but I don't get the anger or the blame.


I also mentioned twice that I didn't expect a lower cabin price, just some small token so I don't feel so screwed about booking early -- like an OBC. :)


I honestly don't want the best of both worlds. I just figured new ship, good to book early. We sailed right after Allure launched, booked early and there was very little available. Booked Disney Dream last year and for both cruises prices remained steady

I don't think anyone would have expected them to go to these lengths to get people to sail on a brand new ship. As JoeSki said, it would be a goodwill gesture on their part to offer a small OBC, it would cost them very little but make us LOYAL early bookers feel happy as opposed to screwed.

I understand all about free enterprise, (thanks for the lesson though). Seems like some posters have offered examples of being compensated when prices go down, but regardless, whether you want to call it "disappointed" or "angry" the way I feel right now is not a great feeling.

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Sad that I have to explain this, but the anger/blame is because vacations are expensive, I don't have the extra money on hand to say "oh well, oh gee, *shrug the shoulders*, no big deal, better luck next time!:)". So pardon me if I feel a little pissed off and screwed by the cruise line. Maybe if more people gave a damn and made noise about these kinds of things like I do then big companies wouldn't be so quick to have such BS policies & practices. I can tell you this - I'm damn glad that I'm the way I am, because if I wasn't I wouldn't have gotten $600 credit from RCL for finding human feces on my Allure stateroom carpet, and I wouldn't have over $900 back in bank account refunded from Airtran last year (refund, not credit) after a massive drop in my airfare occurred.


These days you have to be willing to fight, every man/woman for themselves, otherwise you're going to get walked over every single time. Fact.


So you're going to stick with a cruise line where you found feces on your stateroom floor!?!?!:eek: I'd rather risk a price drop/OBC increase on NCL personally

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I also mentioned twice that I didn't expect a lower cabin price, just some small token so I don't feel so screwed about booking early -- like an OBC. :)


I honestly don't want the best of both worlds. I just figured new ship, good to book early. We sailed right after Allure launched, booked early and there was very little available. Booked Disney Dream last year and for both cruises prices remained steady

I don't think anyone would have expected them to go to these lengths to get people to sail on a brand new ship. As JoeSki said, it would be a goodwill gesture on their part to offer a small OBC, it would cost them very little but make us LOYAL early bookers feel happy as opposed to screwed.

I understand all about free enterprise, (thanks for the lesson though). Seems like some posters have offered examples of being compensated when prices go down, but regardless, whether you want to call it "disappointed" or "angry" the way I feel right now is not a great feeling.


I wasn't offering a lesson and definitely not to you as that point was made in response to a different poster. I'm sorry if I misunderstood what you were wanting in regards to NCL. I would agree that a small OBC probably would smooth things over.


And sure, I understand that it is unexpected that a new ship might have so much availability late and, as I have said, I totally understand the disappointment in seeing those lower prices. But, I guess in the end I just can't see the anger at NCL. I'm quite sure they didn't expect the availability with a new ship either and I can't blame them for doing what they need to do to fill the ship. Depending on your idea of "small OBC" it might make financial sense for them to offer it.


But, mainly, it's just a difference in opinion and perspective. I book when I book knowing I'm stuck with it after final payment and knowing that somebody else might get a similar room for half price if they have the flexibility of waiting. It's just kind of the luck of the draw and for those that get on the good side, good for them. Just my perspective on things.

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Sad that I have to explain this, but the anger/blame is because vacations are expensive, I don't have the extra money on hand to say "oh well, oh gee, *shrug the shoulders*, no big deal, better luck next time!:)". So pardon me if I feel a little pissed off and screwed by the cruise line. Maybe if more people gave a damn and made noise about these kinds of things like I do then big companies wouldn't be so quick to have such BS policies & practices. I can tell you this - I'm damn glad that I'm the way I am, because if I wasn't I wouldn't have gotten $600 credit from RCL for finding human feces on my Allure stateroom carpet, and I wouldn't have over $900 back in bank account refunded from Airtran last year (refund, not credit) after a massive drop in my airfare occurred.


These days you have to be willing to fight, every man/woman for themselves, otherwise you're going to get walked over every single time. Fact.


I know vacations are expensive because I have to pay for them. But I also don't book something that I can't afford in the hopes that they will give me some extra money if the price goes down. I book at a time and rate that fits my budget, plain and simple.


And comparing serious issues like the human feces to a price drop is ridiculous. Yes, if something like that happened I would absolutely expect it to be fixed and to be compensated for it.


But price drops (and increases) are the cost of doing business in a particular industry. There is nothing BS about their practices as we all have choices in life. If you don't like the price drops then wait until the last minute to book and guarantee yourself the lowest rate. That's a choice. I'm all about standing up for myself, but I also don't think that I'm being screwed when I'm asked to fulfill the terms of a contract that I agreed to.

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That's not entirely true. You can get a lower price if it drops at any time prior to the 90 day final payment date (120 for suites). It's not like you are locked in completely at the time of purchase.


I don't agree, I believe it is true. I was 96 days out, asked for the "match" guarantee. I have a great NCL TA, very disappointed in having to tell me that that "match" is regarding the "stateroom" price, not the perks like the OBCs, etc.


I don't see how it affects NCL that negatively. If they have to compensate everybody who booked early with the new price (or substantial OBC) then they aren't getting the advantage of early bookings anyway.


I cancelled. $3,000 for the stateroom and about $1,500 in OB spending (specialty every night, bottles of wine, and bar tabs throughout the cruise).


And I still don't understand the anger. You paid a price you agreed upon. I get feeling disappointed when you miss out on a better deal, but anger and blame just seems strange.


With a best price guarantee. But in fine print, not including perks, OBCs, etc.


It's called business and it happens in everything we do.


IMO, business involves a procuring party and a selling party. The procuring party, aka customer, expects that the selling party, aka the cruise line, will treat them fairly and honestly. The same in reverse. If they do not each satisfy the other, they try to undo the transaction and then decide whether to do "business" again.


There is "good" business, and sometimes "not so good." Each customer has the unique individual right to decide of they are satisfied or not, and there is no broad brush aside that being treated somewhat unfairly or not in genuine honesty yields to the theory that "it is just business as usual."


The cruise line also gets to makes decisions too. When they do 'things like this, and customers are not happy, cancel and/or don't return, should they do this again. I'm sure someone is crunching the numbers, as that what business is all about; did we 'make more or less from the promotions, net of the cancellations and future cruise losses of the affected customers.


Again, we cancelled. Will sail Getaway at some point and Breakaway again to Bermuda. Last minute now and from now on.


But as I've learned in life, there is no better way to demonstrate customer dissatisfaction with an unpopular event or product than to return it or cancel it. Letters don't have the same $4,500 impact.

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I wasn't offering a lesson and definitely not to you as that point was made in response to a different poster. I'm sorry if I misunderstood what you were wanting in regards to NCL. I would agree that a small OBC probably would smooth things over.


And sure, I understand that it is unexpected that a new ship might have so much availability late and, as I have said, I totally understand the disappointment in seeing those lower prices. But, I guess in the end I just can't see the anger at NCL. I'm quite sure they didn't expect the availability with a new ship either and I can't blame them for doing what they need to do to fill the ship. Depending on your idea of "small OBC" it might make financial sense for them to offer it.


But, mainly, it's just a difference in opinion and perspective. I book when I book knowing I'm stuck with it after final payment and knowing that somebody else might get a similar room for half price if they have the flexibility of waiting. It's just kind of the luck of the draw and for those that get on the good side, good for them. Just my perspective on things.


Definitely good for those that got the deal! We certainly agree on that. ;)

I am not at all angry at the deals being offered, but they were very short with my TA, told him "she's paid in full so there's nothing we're going to do."


Up until then I was, as you said, mainly disappointed, but I thought man, what lousy customer service. However, I am going to call myself, not expecting anything, but figure it won't hurt. They could have pacified me with $100 OBC -- a drop in the bucket to them. For the record, we have booked Disney packages, and they will match if price drops. I know this is not cruise line policy, just throwing that in.

So I guess my main reason posting -- other than to let off a bit of steam -- was to let others know there's some great deals, and also warn everyone that it seems waiting (if you can) is the smart thing to do, even with new cruise ships. Seems all the new ships are really making for stiff competition.

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Well, I guess I'm going to add fuel to the fire...but as an early booker to Getaway I thought other early bookers who were not happy about the recent big sale (you know the one where cabin prices were $250 lower pp, and free upgraded dining and pre-paid gratuities were thrown in), would want to know the latest.

Just received an offer from an airline's vacation/cruise branch and guess what? Same much lower price pp on cabin, double upgrade, $50 more in OBC than I got, and triple airmiles. Fantastic.

My TA already called and NCL pretty much said you are sh** out of luck (I realize can't get lower cabin price, but was hoping with such a substantial difference to get an extra OBC).

So, today's lesson? This is a case where the early bird didn't get the worm...or the deal. I will never ever book early on NCL, and after this will probably stay with RCCL.


I've had my Getaway cruise booked for almost a year now, and my rates are better than anything that is out there. Not only is my rate lower, but my OBCs total more than anything else they are offering. Not sure why yours weren't .... EDITED - I just realized that your price dropped for a last minute cruise. It makes sense now.

Edited by SissasMomE
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