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Cruise Etiquette: What have passengers done onboard your cruise that was rude?

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jrose1982 - taking up any seat in a dining facility for the sole purpose of reading is rude. Any way you spin it, it's still rude. It's not only rude....it doesn't make sense. It's like eating dinner on a massage table...it just doesn't make sense.


I agree. It's just rude, inconsiderate, selfish and makes absolutely no sense.


Another thing that makes no sense is people who take up prime seating to take a nap - like in the theater or in the Viking Crown or other lounge.


I don't know how many times I've seen people take great seats at a show only to fall asleep before it starts and wake up when the clapping starts at the end. Or go up to the Viking Crown to sit for a drink and enjoy the view and there is one person taking up a 4 seater section by the window having a nap.:cool:


If you want to sleep go back to your cabin or find a lounge chaise.....oh wait......Maybe all the chogs have taken the loungers so they're drove to other venues to find a comfy chair.:p:rolleyes:

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Once while on the Carnival Fascination at a comedy show with a large group I was traveling with, we sat near the back in one those big round table booths. We all crammed in there, in order to be halfway comfortable I put my arms on the back of the seat behind two of my friends, most of the guys at table did this so we could fit. During the show the guy at next table told me to move my arms because his wife did not like my hand being so close to hers, she had her arms up on back of their seats, not to cause any problems I did, very uncomfortable and a lousy show I left before it was over. I thought the whole thing was rude...I never touched the lady but somehow they felt entitled to the whole space.

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They probably wouldn't care :mad:


That one event has turned DH and me into the "walker/scooter/wheelchair" police when on vacation .... always watching out for handicapped people who need a bit of assistance.


Me too. I used to ride the bus to and from work and I got pretty good at "running interference" for folks in wheelchairs, etc. So I tend to do the same thing on a cruise ship.

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Practically run me over with their scooter / power chair, like just because they have one, I'm supposed to automatically jump out of their way.


I haven't had that happen to me on cruises as usually those people are disabled and the scooter belongs to them and so they know how to operate it from having experience using it, but similar has happened to me many times at the grocery store with people whom appear able bodied and much younger than me are using the motorized carts. I wish stores only offered wheel chairs as most people would be too embarrassed to use them unless they really needed a wheelchair. Too many people see those motorized carts as something "fun." I have a feeling after there has been a number of accidents and stores started getting sued, those will disappear from stores.

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I haven't had that happen to me on cruises as usually those people are disabled and the scooter belongs to them and so they know how to operate it from having experience using it, but similar has happened to me many times at the grocery store with people whom appear able bodied and much younger than me are using the motorized carts. I wish stores only offered wheel chairs as most people would be too embarrassed to use them unless they really needed a wheelchair. Too many people see those motorized carts as something "fun." I have a feeling after there has been a number of accidents and stores started getting sued, those will disappear from stores.


I can be fine one day and need the use of the store "cart" the next. I have on going foot issues, I go out and about after surgery. I might only need it that one day but I don't use it if I can. The next time you see me I won't be in it.

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Since I often use stairs I don't see that happen but when I do it truly is upsetting. In grad school one of my best buddies was wheelchair bound due to an accident. Knowing how he was a totally cool dude it upsets me to see folks treat those in chairs badly.


Well folks who go one flight in the elevator is annoying, but one never knows if they may have medical issues not allowing stairs.


People who complain loudly when I take the elevator one flight ;) I don't mean you, but your comment made me think of it.


I look perfectly healthy but have had 2 back surgeries with 6 screws and 4 rods, a knee reconstruction with several screws, and I have surgical pins in both feet. Again, I look perfectly healthy, but some days I'm in so much pain that even one flight of stairs is like Mt McKinley. And I have had people make snide comments to me about going up or down one level. I usually roll my eyes and ignore them.

Edited by NoobCruise
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I am always amazed by the people that push their way on to an elevator that is obviously already full. I also don't understand why some people will try to get on to an elevator before letting people get off.


This is my pet peeve and I have started vocalizing instructions to folks who still don't know how to ride an elevator....let the other folks off first, then get on.

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I am sure that some people probably think I am rude on the elevators sometimes. I have a walker and it can fold up. However if I am in a lot of pain I need to sit. It doesn't take a lot of room up and I back it up as much as I can. I try to squeeze in as much as possible but I can't help that the walker takes up a little room.

One time I was waiting for an elevator and one came but it was at the far end of the bank of elevators. I was almost at the elevator when a man came running up jumped into the elevator and pushed the close button. The door closed right in front of me. If he hadn't closed the doors I would have been able to get on. He purposely pushed the button. He was the only one on it. I saw him pushing the button several times so I know that he did it on purpose.


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I've seen a crabby passenger, when there was no room left in the overhead, take his seat and leave his carry-on in the isle.

He told the flight attendant, "YOU take care of it !".


on our return flight from Mexico recently, we were in row 8, and NO ONE was seated in front of us when we boarded yet there was NO AVAILABLE SPACE for our carry-ons. We had to stow 1 of them above row 11. I was pretty irate, to say the least. The ONLY good thing about Spirit airlines is that their flight attendants monitor that, and will not allow passengers to stow luggage anywhere but above their row.

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on our return flight from Mexico recently, we were in row 8, and NO ONE was seated in front of us when we boarded yet there was NO AVAILABLE SPACE for our carry-ons. We had to stow 1 of them above row 11. I was pretty irate, to say the least. The ONLY good thing about Spirit airlines is that their flight attendants monitor that, and will not allow passengers to stow luggage anywhere but above their row.


You're lucky you found space only 3 rows away. It's either one of two issues--either people in back putting their stuff up front or people bringing way too much stuff as carry ons.

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I can be fine one day and need the use of the store "cart" the next. I have on going foot issues, I go out and about after surgery. I might only need it that one day but I don't use it if I can. The next time you see me I won't be in it.


I have issues too believe me! I have fibromyligia and also deterioration in my body caused from 20 plus years of diabetes. However, I do not use it as I can still walk, even if it is with pain. I feel that is for people worse off than me.

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I can be fine one day and need the use of the store "cart" the next. I have on going foot issues, I go out and about after surgery. I might only need it that one day but I don't use it if I can. The next time you see me I won't be in it.

I just wanted to add, I do have empathy for you and your issues and if your doctor told you to stay off your foot as much as you could I do understand an dyes that may not be obvious when looking at you.


My husband had a foot issue where he had to wear a special boot to sleep in to stretch a tendon in his right foot. It worked and he did not have to have surgery-they called it planter fistorious or something like that, his issue. Anyway the doctor had him to take walks too. Granted only for 10 minutes and every other day but he was supposed to walk and yes he limped badly at first. Now that he is better he is to walk 30 minutes 3 times a week. Now his issue was caused from not wearing shoes with good support, he had to stop wearing docksiders.(which he had worn all his adult life) He now wears the shoes with good support when walking. He calls them his "old man" shoes!


Of course I am not talking about someone wearing a boot or a cast. I am also talking about people well under 40 so young enough to be my children I see using these carts and driving them much too fast. The only time I ever saw a store manager question a person's use was when it was a guy who was no more than 20. He was asked if he had issues walking. The guy said no and the store manager told him that was for people who had issues walking. I think this should be like parking spaces for handicapped, that you should need something form your doctor to use these.


Now here is a funny, my MIL had a bad infection 2 years ago, spent a week in the hosp. coming home she had to use a walker for awhile as she had become really weak from the infection. she would not go anywhere besides the doctor's appointments as she was too embarrassed to be seen using a walker. This is a woman in her 80's now! After about 2 weeks she was allowed to use a cane and she still would not go anywhere! lol! My husband told her she could use the motorized cart in Kroger that it would be good for her to get out of the house. She would not do it for nothing!

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Have any of you been on a packed elevator (back) and had others in front of you continue to allow others to squeeze on in?

This has happened a few times. We finally and to speak up and say NO MORE PLEASE!!!


Yes, we've been in the back! Squish city!


There's nothing wrong with saying "no more, please!" and it's probably a lot safer than saying "no more...we're about to reach the weight limit!" You'd probably get a knuckle sandwich served from someone who'd take that comment personally :cool:

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My husband had a foot issue where he had to wear a special boot to sleep in to stretch a tendon in his right foot. It worked and he did not have to have surgery-they called it planter fistorious or something like that, his issue. Anyway the doctor had him to take walks too. Granted only for 10 minutes and every other day but he was supposed to walk and yes he limped badly at first. Now that he is better he is to walk 30 minutes 3 times a week. Now his issue was caused from not wearing shoes with good support, he had to stop wearing docksiders.(which he had worn all his adult life) He now wears the shoes with good support when walking. He calls them his "old man" shoes!...................


Now here is a funny, my MIL had a bad infection 2 years ago, spent a week in the hosp. coming home she had to use a walker for awhile as she had become really weak from the infection. she would not go anywhere besides the doctor's appointments as she was too embarrassed to be seen using a walker. This is a woman in her 80's now! After about 2 weeks she was allowed to use a cane and she still would not go anywhere! lol! My husband told her she could use the motorized cart in Kroger that it would be good for her to get out of the house. She would not do it for nothing!


Two things your post brought to mind..........Your husband might check out Merrells or Keens. Great support and shouldn't look too much "old man"


The part about your MIL is true of many in her generation. These are tough people who know a thing or two about life and dealing with pain yet they don't want to show signs of weakness or being old. Most of them amaze me; they're wonderful! Of course, there are some exceptions.

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Yes, we've been in the back! Squish city!


There's nothing wrong with saying "no more, please!" and it's probably a lot safer than saying "no more...we're about to reach the weight limit!" You'd probably get a knuckle sandwich served from someone who'd take that comment personally :cool:


If someone does take it personally, maybe there's a reason, and they should check themselves. :eek:;)

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Yes, we've been in the back! Squish city!


There's nothing wrong with saying "no more, please!" and it's probably a lot safer than saying "no more...we're about to reach the weight limit!" You'd probably get a knuckle sandwich served from someone who'd take that comment personally :cool:


Why not make a disgusting noise and say "I think I'm going to be sick". That should ensure you have an elevator all to yourself.

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Two things your post brought to mind..........Your husband might check out Merrells or Keens. Great support and shouldn't look too much "old man"


The part about your MIL is true of many in her generation. These are tough people who know a thing or two about life and dealing with pain yet they don't want to show signs of weakness or being old. Most of them amaze me; they're wonderful! Of course, there are some exceptions.


He had a pair of lace up oxfords he used for work, but since June he has worked from home full time. He was going barefoot a lot last summer and then would grab his docksiders when he left the house. His foot issue came up along about November


He did get a good pair of athletic shoes besides his lace up "old man " shoes which really are not that different from his lace up oxfords he wore for work. In fact they may be Merrells. I feel like they are just more casual looking. In my mind he was being sarcastic.(and joking a bit, we both do that, it kind of helps us cope with things like this to make a joke of it) He was simply missing his docksiders as he is the type of person that dislikes change. He wears his athletic shoes a lot now since they have good support.

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On our last cruise, Breeze in December, some old man chewed out one of the staff because they made him come in off the Lido deck for muster drill. Didn't phase the staff member as he then told the "gentleman" to put on his shirt as he was in the dining room. I guess the rules didn't apply to him.;)

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Have any of you been on a packed elevator (back) and had others in front of you continue to allow others to squeeze on in?

This has happened a few times. We finally and to speak up and say NO MORE PLEASE!!!

I know this sounds funny but when folks crowd the elevator, I am always afraid someone will step on my toes. When one is wearing sandals, well, it really hurts. :(

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My cruising pet peeves pretty much revolve around inconsiderate people, oblivious people, and self-centered people.


The one I will never forget:


My wife and I were in the windjammer for lunch on the Allure appx. 2 years ago. Moderately busy. We were one row away from the windows, and about 1/2 way through our meal. There were plenty of empty tables, and one just opened up next to the window as a couple (60ish) was walking by. They both looked like PITA's.


They decided to grab this table, I suppose for the view. It had not been cleaned yet, as the other people just left. I see them stack up all of the dirty dishes, utensils, napkins....and then bring them to the table where my wife and I are eating! They placed the dirty dishes on our table and said, "You don't mind, do you?". I was speechless and just looked at them (probably with my mouth open).


So now the wife and I are just shocked, and trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. They were at a 4-person table, and so were we. We figured they had two more people coming (still not appropriate), but nobody else showed up! Steam was probably coming out of my ears at this point.


When we left, I took every single dirty thing off of our table and brought it to theirs (while they were about 1/2 way through their meal). It took me two trips. I said, "You don't mind, do you?", and left. I still can't believe this happened.



WOW!!! That is exactly what happened to my mom and I while we were taking a cruise in Greece. We did the EXACT same thing you did! Our story was we were on the bus on the way to the pier when a group of individuals got on. On the ship we were enjoying the sun and eating when one of the individuals from the bus brings over his groups dirty plates and sits it down on a table between mom and I. Now being the evil New Yorker I am...I didn't go off. I calmly took me and my moms plates along with theirs(I have no waitress training, mind you) and walked over to where they were and deposited at their table said "I believe these are yours" to the applause of several pax. That is one story I will NEVER forget.



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heatherandfred - That was one of rare occasions where two wrongs DO make it right! Good for you.

I'd have done the same thing, and I'd have made sure something semi-chewed was visible on the plate for their dining pleasure. ;)

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heatherandfred - That was one of rare occasions where two wrongs DO make it right! Good for you.

I'd have done the same thing, and I'd have made sure something semi-chewed was visible on the plate for their dining pleasure. ;)


Wettoes, I do not call that 2 wrongs making a right. I call that giving them a taste of their own medicine. They deserved it. That is hard for me to fathom someone doing something so rude. That is almost as bad as the rude people running ahead of 2 crippled old ladies to get on a bus.

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