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Regent "Free" night


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Hi DaveFR - You have many more years of experience with Regent cruising than I do. Has it been your experience that folks "out in the fleet" with Regent.....by that, I mean CD's, officers, Destination personnel, hotel and FB mgrs., Pursers, etc...... right on the 3 ships are not granted the necessary on-the-spot policy, managerial, and supervisory authority to make the decisions necessary to adequately and appropriately smooth out and settle "problems" like this with customers before/without them all having to be elevated to the "Miami level" or wind up as discussions on threads like this?


It is appearing to me (admittedly, I'm an "old Navy guy"), after reading several things like this happening, that things which could/should normally be adjudicated and solved at the "local level", right when they occur, are all having to be "pushed up the chain of command" to where Mr. Kalmani, himself, has to get involved. And by that time, the "optics" are never going to look good.


And all of this..... over just a $498 hotel charge! Which probably shouldn't have appeared on the OP's bill in the first place, once the circumstances were calmly explained. The amount in dispute is less than the cost of one good case of wine served in CR at one evening meal. What is the "cost" to Regent in bad publicity alone, and the potential of a disgruntled customer never booking a Regent cruise again? Most of us clearly see, I think, that the matter should have just been "dropped" and considered a "non-charge" on the OP's bill and in a "normal situation" should not have had to go any higher than the ship's purser or Business Mgr. (if they even have one on the ship)....without it ever going any further than that, let alone as far at the COO of PCH.


And now, incredibly, it is going all the way to the President/COO of PCH to "settle". If Mr. Kamlani is the only person with enough authority to settle a matter like this, then who is taking care of the "real problems" in the corporation? :eek:


Is there no one (within Regent itself - not even PCH) below the COO level, who has the authority to decide that this is really an "unfair and unwarranted charge", and someone who had the authority to settle this matter right on the ship, very quietly and simply with the OP before it ever left the ship? Apparently not!


There seems to be (what we would call in the Navy) some real "delegation of authority issues" going on here. Regards



I and others I know have had minor problems on some of our cruises. They were all taken care of on the ship. I have never heard of a problem similar to the OP's on this forum or elsewhere. Personally, I avoid the problems the OP experienced by arranging for my own transfers and booking pre-cruise hotels myself. Clearly, officers on the ships do have the authority to handle many problems that arise during the cruise. Moreover, although it is not crystal clear from the OP's initial post, it appears that the OP may not have complained about the $498 bill while on the ship but, instead, waited until returning home before contacting Regent. If that is the case, it is unfair to castigate shipboard personnel for not solving a problem of which they were unaware.


As to the validity of the $498 charge, with all due respect, I believe you are basing your conclusions on the possibly erroneous assumption that the charge was unfounded because the hotel told the OP that it would not charge her after she cancelled the extra hotel night. Under those circumstances, the $498 charge may or may not have been valid.


According to the OP, the extra hotel night was booked by Regent and was cancelled by the OP several days before her cruise. Regent's ticket contract provides that for pre-cruise hotel packages there is a 100% penalty if cancelled within 60 days of the beginning of the cruise. To me, the question that needs to be answered is whether adding an additional night to the included pre-cruise night makes the two nights a hotel package subject to the 100% penalty provision. If it was a hotel package then the $498 charge was valid notwithstanding what the hotel told the OP or whether Regent had to pay anything to the hotel for the cancelled night. On the other hand, if it was not a hotel package, then the $498 charge was invalid and Regent should have refunded the $498 paid by the OP. IMO, the problem with leaving the answer to the above question to ship personnel is that you may get inconsistent answers.


In any event, the OP has written to Mr. Kamlani and others who, I am confident, will investigate the matter and reply to the OP. Hopefully, she will post the results of the investigation here.


One final thought. I've seen numerous posts from people saying that they had problems that were solved by bumping them up to Mark Conroy. He is universally praised for his problem solving ability but no one complains that the problems were not solved at the local level. What is different now that Mr. Kamlani is at the helm?

Edited by DaveFr
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One final thought. I've seen numerous posts from people saying that they had problems that were solved by bumping them up to Mark Conroy. He is universally praised for his problem solving ability but no one complains that the problems were not solved at the local level. What is different now that Mr. Kamlani is at the helm?

I was one of those who posted that my problem had to be resolved by Mark Conroy, but it had nothing to do with the ship or ship's management. I was offered an attractive price to add the following cruise back-to-back with our already paid-for trans-Atlantic and, when I agreed to take it, was told the original price was a "mistake" and I'd have to pay significantly more. Didn't get resolved until I wrote to Conroy.

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TC - The WCC is a great idea and a very worthwhile cause at any time of the year and for any occasion! I'm actually going to send them something this afternoon. Thanks so much for the suggestion. Regards.


That is really nice! I've been watching their new puppies -- born 4 weeks ago on 24/hr. live cam. I began following WCC almost 2 years ago when "Holly's Half Dozen" (six Golden Retriever puppies) were born. They will be ready for graduation (partnering with their Wounded Warrior) either late this summer or early fall. This is an amazing organization that is helping so many. As you may or may not know, "Wounded Warriors" take part in training these dogs. The results have been astounding!


Back to the subject. Today, on another thread, someone was told that a decision could not be made on some issue until corporate was consulted. It is my belief (based on some conversations with Regent management) that this company is run more like a "mom and pop" organization than the big company that it is (which may change dramatically when they go public). It appears that most decisions are made by the home office - especially a decision such as the OP described. After all, ship personnel have no idea about booking hotels for guests.


When I read the Seabourn and Silversea boards, I read complaints about the "head office". Seabourn customers were extremely upset when Seabourn and Holland America headquarters merged (not unlike Oceania and Regent headquarters merging). Silversea's head office appears to be the worst of the bunch in terms of responding to passengers.


I do wonder why the structure is the way it is. Sometimes I think that it is because the main objective of officers and crew on the ship is safety. After that it is the care of the passengers. If, in addition to that, they needed to know things that are handled by many different managers at headquarters, it could indeed be overkill and could divert their attention from what is important.


One complaint I have (yes -- a real complaint) is that policies change frequently and there is no communication between corporate and the G.M. on the ship. While I do not feel it is necessary for G.M.'s to memorize every policy, I feel there should be a place to go to look it up (although this would not necessarily help the OP). Secondly (another complaint -- hope you are keeping count.......okay... just kidding), Customer Service Supervisors should be 100% up to date on policies and be able to assist the representatives in responding to customer questions. There should never be a case when a customer can call 2-3 times and receive 2-3 different responses. This may be idealistic and I do understand that this seems to be an issue in the cruise industry.


I met Mark Conroy at a event at someone's home. He is a delightful man. It seemed that he was able to do just about whatever he wanted to do under the former ownership. He also was instrumental in teaching Oceania management about Regent and their customers. He understands the requirements of a luxury cruise passenger and has cruised on at least one other cruise line (I believe it was Silversea). His experience was invaluable to PCH.


Yes - things have changed since PCH acquired Regent.... but, haven't they changed on all luxury lines? It certainly sounds that way if you have read other boards in the last 5-7 years. Mark Conroy is now in an advisory position and Kunal Kamlani is President of Regent and Oceania.


I have communicated with Mr. Kamlani and find him to be very responsive. and genuine That does not mean that you will get anything you want if you write to him. It has to make sense (and I'm not sure that the issue the OP brought up meets that criteria as Regent's policy is quite clear). We have also met and spoken with FDR and know how deeply he feels about the company, the employees and their customers. His bottom line is that the companies must be profitable. IMO, whatever he is doing is working.


Just wanted to share my thoughts since you asked DaveFR about his take on Regent management.

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Please understand that I am not upset with you at all. I also believe in doing the right and/or ethical things whenever possible. However, having read the boards for years (as I'm sure you have), and understanding that Cruise Critic only represents approx. 5% of Regent passengers, there seems to be way too many people wanting Regent to "do the right thing" for them.


I think of when people missed their cruise entirely due to the devastating hurricane in New Jersey (that extended to other areas as well). Did they deserve a pardon by Regent? What about a death in the family? Not everyone has insurance to cover this events. When you are elderly, the cost of insurance is extremely expensive.


There was a thread recently when someone did not like the hotel that Regent was putting them in. Did they deserve a credit for their unused "free" pre-cruise hotel (it was past the deadline as well)?


Some people think that I will make excuses for Regent no matter what they do. If you read most of my posts, you would know that this is not true. I take Regent to task when things do not go as I feel they should. An example is our last cruise -- it sucked (for lack of a better word). Do I want compensation? Absolutely not. However, I did make my points on my final cruise questionnaire (and subsequent posts on Cruise Critic). At one point, my DH never wanted to sail on Regent again.


I guess I simply get frustrated with people that feel they are entitled to compensation for things that are clearly stated in the policy. As the OP said, they now know that they should not have booked through Regent. Had their TA reminded them of the policy, perhaps they would have booked themselves. While I thought it was a misunderstanding at the beginning of this thread, I now think it is simple ignorance (note: not calling the OP ignorant -- just completely unaware of Regent policies). Do they deserve a refund? IMO, absolutely not. Did people who missed their cruise due to a hurricane or death of a family member deserve "good will"? Absolutely!


If I am reading you correctly, people who book a cruise without insurance and there is a death in the family or weather problems then they should be "good will." Well in this scenario Regent now has a room booked for the entire cruise and no one is going - and what does that cost Regent - a whole lot of money. That is what insurance is for. However, I booked one extra night and you are telling me that I am not entitled to a refund even though that extra night was not part of the Cruise package. So a refund in the thousands is ok because Regent should extend "good will" but a refund of $498 for a night that was canceled by me personally and told by the hotel that I was not being charged is ok.


I think you ought to rethink your priorities. I have been cheated by Regent.

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If I am reading you correctly, people who book a cruise without insurance and there is a death in the family or weather problems then they should be "good will." Well in this scenario Regent now has a room booked for the entire cruise and no one is going - and what does that cost Regent - a whole lot of money. That is what insurance is for. However, I booked one extra night and you are telling me that I am not entitled to a refund even though that extra night was not part of the Cruise package. So a refund in the thousands is ok because Regent should extend "good will" but a refund of $498 for a night that was canceled by me personally and told by the hotel that I was not being charged is ok.




I think you ought to rethink your priorities. I have been cheated by Regent.



You have not been cheated, there is no conspiracy here! This "seems" to be a classic and unfortunate screw up.

The folks at Regent (the ones with a brain) will eventually get this mess fixed.

The absolute crazy part is that Regent allows the cruising community to see how a 6 Star Luxury company can creat so much "I'll will" over $500




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You have not been cheated, there is no conspiracy here! This "seems" to be a classic and unfortunate screw up.

The folks at Regent (the ones with a brain) will eventually get this mess fixed.

The absolute crazy part is that Regent allows the cruising community to see how a 6 Star Luxury company can creat so much "I'll will" over $500




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I hate auto correct.... "ill will"


OP it is awful that this whole thing has tainted your otherwise lovely cruise...





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If I am reading you correctly, people who book a cruise without insurance and there is a death in the family or weather problems then they should be "good will." Well in this scenario Regent now has a room booked for the entire cruise and no one is going - and what does that cost Regent - a whole lot of money. That is what insurance is for. However, I booked one extra night and you are telling me that I am not entitled to a refund even though that extra night was not part of the Cruise package. So a refund in the thousands is ok because Regent should extend "good will" but a refund of $498 for a night that was canceled by me personally and told by the hotel that I was not being charged is ok.


I think you ought to rethink your priorities. I have been cheated by Regent.


Yes, I do feel that there should be good will in extreme cases. Not suggesting a refund -- but a FCC-- the amount would depend upon different criteria. However, I am not running Regent and might feel differently if I were. IMO, insurance policies are expensive and many times they find a loophole and do not pay. As you know, most insurance would have not covered your situation.


The only thing that Regent did wrong was give you incorrect information. I believe that you received a future cruise credit because of this. Technically, you booked through Regent and cancelled after the deadline. This is what you should have been told on the telephone.


I do feel badly for what you went through and wish that you had been told by your TA that you should not book the hotel through Regent. If anyone should reimburse you the $498, it should be your TA. They apparently did nothing to look out for your best interests and got a hefty commission from Regent without assisting you with this issue. Really hope that you do not use them again. IMO, they are the ones who cheated you by not providing service.

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Mbalderi, I have read your thread with interest since it began. I noticed you were new to Cruise Critic, and I assume to Regent as well, as perhaps to cruising, too. You have received so many sympathetic ears here. In the end, I just have to agree with Davefr in every post he has written. These things are all about the facts, and what you did when you booked, Regent's obligations to all of that under your contract with them, etc., etc. Legalese that binds you and the cruise line.


In the end end, if you book with Regent again, as I see it you will be made whole. Maybe you will find another remedy by your letters to the higher ups, I hope so. Lol, I'd give you that check and snatch the FCC back a minute if it would make you happy.


For me, I am always sorry to see what I consider small problems elevate to a public board, after a sailing when nothing was brought to the attention to be resolved earlier in the cruise. I'm just one of those who prefers the other way, I guess. It just seems so much more reasonable to me.

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Dear JHP


This is not my first Regent Cruise. I have sailed twice when the Paul Gauguin was under Regent and I sailed with Regent through the Panama Canal and never had a problem. Actually my cruises with the Paul Gauguin were excellent. People were very attentive and of course it was a smaller ship.


So this is actually my fourth cruise with Regent. Yes I never knew that such a forum existed until I researched my problem and I was told by one site to go to the Media and so here I am.


I did bring the problem to the attention of Regent on the day my flight was canceled and Regent wanted nothing to do with me. They didn't even pick us up at the airport telling us that when you "change" your flight reservations, your pickup is canceled. OUR FLIGHT RESERVATIONS WERE NOT CHANGED BY US - THEY WERE CANCELED DUE TO MECHANICAL PROBLEMS BY UNITED AIRLINES - SO WHAT COULD WE DO BUT GO THE NEXT DAY AND LOSE THE ADDITIONAL NIGHT WE BOOKED. Did anyone ever hear of this when sailing with a six star cruise line??? When we got to Singapore, we contacted the Regent desk at the hotel and again advised them that we called the hotel ourselves and canceled the night. They said they had nothing to do with it. We asked the clerk at the Singapore desk to check to see if we were charged for the night and he said no. When we boarded the ship, we told the desk that they would investigate the problem. When we received our bill and saw that the $498 was charged, we again inquired at the desk and were told that there was nothing they could do.


So yes it does seem more reasonable to bring it to their attention right away "earlier in the cruise" - which we did. Many, many, many times and they ignored us.


Please tell us what more we could have done. I have emailed the top brass three times with my complaint and all of the documents attached with not even a reply from someone telling us that they were "looking" into the matter. I have snail mailed my letter to each of the "big three" and we will see if that gets a reply of some sort. I will certainly let the board know.


Mary Ann

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The representatives at the hotel are contracted by Regent as well as other cruise lines. They can be Regent reps. today and Carnival reps. tomorrow. All they can do is make phone calls to their boss. We have also had difficulty when trying to get information from them.


Although the crew working Reception would not have known the answer to your question immediately, they have the ability to contact Regent headquarters and get things sorted out. Unfortunately, the bottom line is that when you book a hotel through Regent you are bound by their policies. Again, what was your TA thinking when they failed to advise you about this? We have been sailing on Regent for 10 years and still have occasion to ask questions to our TA.

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Hi Everyone,



I have just received a letter from Victor Gonzalez advising me that since my extra night was booked by Regent it was included in the Cruise package and therefore no refund is in order. It was a very nice letter but basically said too bad you lost the money. I told my TA to book an additional night and she booked it through Regent. Now what do I do? Should I go back to the American Express Travel Service and complain about a TA that I have been using with them for years and get her in trouble and possibly lose her job. I am at a loss. Please anyone on the forum let me know what you would do.


Mary Ann

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I would forget about and book another cruise using the future cruise credit. If your TA was with a small company, I would try to get reimbursed but it certainly isn't worth a person losing their job over it. However, I would never - ever book a cruise with them again!


There are wonderful TA's out there that can book flights and hotels and do a fabulous job. Use them for what they specialize in, however, these are not the TA's to use for cruising (even we have a second TA that we use for booking flights). A TA that specializes in cruising (specifically premium and luxury cruising) and has booked Regent more than a few times would have known not to book a hotel through them.


This was a case of using a TA that just was not familiar with Regent's policies and you did not realize how important it is to book with someone with specialized experience.


Hope your next cruise experience is a much better one.:)

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My husband and I feel the same way. It has cost us $500 to learn a very expensive lesson. I have just sent an email to the TA advising her of the outcome of our situation and how she should learn from this and never book an extra night through the Cruise line. She is a seasoned TA with American Express and should have known better but what can you do.


I am now going to contact United since they were the ones who cancelled the flight in the first place and see where I go from there. Wish me luck.


Thanks to everyone for listening and enlightening me on this board. I think I could become a travel agent with all of your insight.




Mary Ann

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Thanks so much for posting this. I feel Regent is hiding behind the small print.

Its very confusing. Another reason to avoid them in the future. One of many INHO.


I will always book extra nights through my travel agent in the future.

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