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People keep scoffing about our honeymoon cruise!!


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Thanks again everyone! A lot of your comments made me laugh and I appreciate everyone's input and suggestions on how to respond. We have no doubt that we will enjoy our honeymoon cruise!


Also, I'll be sure to take a lot of pictures and maybe even frame one or two for my office. :D

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My fiance and I have never been on a cruise before so we thought it might be a fun and relaxing way to travel. For starters, I don't volunteer the information unless I'm asked because that's just how I am, but when people hear that we're doing a cruise for our honeymoon we get SO MANY negative comments and reactions. I've had comments such as: "Why would you go on a cruise!!???", "That's for old people!", "I would never do that. I can't imagine being moved around like cattle!", "My (insert family member) got seasick the entire time he/she was on a cruise, I would never risk it!", "I wouldn't want to have to eat at the same time with everyone." :rolleyes:


I seriously can't believe how rude people can be! This is our honeymoon for crying out loud and they're just crapping all over it in front of my face! I have to admit that the only people that are being so negative are the ones that have never been on a cruise and are clearly misinformed, based on their ignorant comments. My response at first was more polite but I've gotten sick of it so now I respond with "Well it's a good thing you're not coming on my honeymoon then." That usually shuts people up pretty quickly! :p


I should also point out that there have also been a fair number of people that are genuinely happy for us, which I appreciate, even if cruising isn't for them. :)


Anyone else experience this? How did/do you respond?


LOVE that response!!


To quote my father...."it's really hard to soar like and eagle when you are surrounded by turkeys!" Go and have a great time - just ignore the "turkeys" who seem to want to ruin it for you! ;) :D

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It is true that cruises are not for everyone. However, it is rude in any frame of reference when it is regarding your personal honeymoon decision.

As far as responding I probably would not be as polite as you. I would explain that I did not ask for their opinion and that you had made an educated decision that was right for the both of you.


My fiance and I have never been on a cruise before so we thought it might be a fun and relaxing way to travel. For starters, I don't volunteer the information unless I'm asked because that's just how I am, but when people hear that we're doing a cruise for our honeymoon we get SO MANY negative comments and reactions. I've had comments such as: "Why would you go on a cruise!!???", "That's for old people!", "I would never do that. I can't imagine being moved around like cattle!", "My (insert family member) got seasick the entire time he/she was on a cruise, I would never risk it!", "I wouldn't want to have to eat at the same time with everyone." :rolleyes:


I seriously can't believe how rude people can be! This is our honeymoon for crying out loud and they're just crapping all over it in front of my face! I have to admit that the only people that are being so negative are the ones that have never been on a cruise and are clearly misinformed, based on their ignorant comments. My response at first was more polite but I've gotten sick of it so now I respond with "Well it's a good thing you're not coming on my honeymoon then." That usually shuts people up pretty quickly! :p


I should also point out that there have also been a fair number of people that are genuinely happy for us, which I appreciate, even if cruising isn't for them. :)


Anyone else experience this? How did/do you respond?

Edited by SHayesShip
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When someone makes such statements, I would ask "Really? Please tell me what cruise line and ship you have sailed and all about your bad experiences."


I love this!


A cruise is a great Honeymoon IMO.....you have absolutely NOTHING TO DO, no scheduled place to be...just enjoy each others company

Edited by SMerritt
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When someone makes such statements, I would ask "Really? Please tell me what cruise line and ship you have sailed and all about your bad experiences."


I asked a co-worker something similiar to this when she said she got so seasick because the ship was rocking so much in sunny weather that it ruined the week along vacation of hers. If the boat is rocking that hard I want to avoid that line and ship, but she never could or did tell so I'm taking her advice/story like a grain of salt aka not taking it at all.


Go and have fun on your honeymoon and just remember if you get headaches or migraines when you go to unfamiliar places, to bring aspirin / Alleve / Advil / whatever makes you feel better.Yes, it is a good thing you are not bringing funsuckers on vacation, because no vacation and medicine is going to relieve that....:p

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Congrats! I am always amused at the negative response I get before every cruise we go on. My Favorite is "Oh I could never go on a cruise, I would get do bored" we here it every time. Enjoy your Honeymoon!

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I asked a co-worker something similiar to this when she said she got so seasick because the ship was rocking so much in sunny weather that it ruined the week along vacation of hers. If the boat is rocking that hard I want to avoid that line and ship, but she never could or did tell so I'm taking her advice/story like a grain of salt aka not taking it at all.


Go and have fun on your honeymoon and just remember if you get headaches or migraines when you go to unfamiliar places, to bring aspirin / Alleve / Advil / whatever makes you feel better.Yes, it is a good thing you are not bringing funsuckers on vacation, because no vacation and medicine is going to relieve that....:p


Of course, she may have gone on a cruise right after a tropical storm hit or go on an itinerary that is known for rough seas. Not really much to do with the cruise line or ship (unless you're going on a small ship to a rough sea area such as near the south pole). Or she may be very susceptible to motion that might not affect most others. I tend to get motion sickness (I can't read in a moving vehicle like a car or bus or even a train), but I'll bring various forms of ginger with me for a cruise.


You'll be amazed at how many people couldn't tell you what ship or even cruiseline they were on, even within a couple of years of their cruise. I shocked one person that I met at a kids' party who said they had enjoyed their Alaskan cruise the year before, but remembered it was a Princess ship at least. When I found out it was a RT out of Seattle, I said, well if you left on a Sunday, you were on the ----, and if you left on a Saturday, you were on the ----.

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We got married at 23 and went on our honeymoon on a 3 week cruise and it was the best thing ever - but all our family and friends thought we were crazy and said we'd hate it, pfft, it was the best holiday of my life.


Since then, we've been on 5 more cruises, with another scheduled for Oct. We are now in our 30s, and still on the lower end of the demographic. I still struggle with new friends and colleagues to share the excitement of a cruise because invariably someone will say "wow, aren't those full of old people?" I just try to educate them and tell them why I enjoy it, and fortunately after listening to me for a bit most people keep an open mind.. or at the very least, accept that I like something different to them.


Don't let negative people spoil your excitement :D You will have an amazing honeymoon. Warning though.. there will be one down side... you will become addicted to cruising!

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The whole point is that what happen on the trip or what she experience is the NOT same thing a you, I or anyone else is going to experience. Don't get me wrong, one should exercise caution when dealing with motion sickness/seasickness but don't be downer on someone's esle vacation! A cruise ship from one of major players in 2002 is probably not even owned by them in 2015 (she remember she took it 2002). That's why I'm taking her advice/experience with a grain of salt aka not taking it. Oh, taking sea bands with me but I highly doubt that eithrr of two ships I will be on this year

will be that topsy turvy. ..


Sent from my SGH-T399 using Tapatalk

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The whole point is that what happen on the trip or what she experience is the NOT same thing as you, I or anyone else is going to experience. Don't get me wrong, one should exercise caution when dealing with motion sickness/seasickness but don't be downer on someone's else vacation! A cruise ship from one of major players in 2002 is probably not even owned by them in 2014 (she remember she took it in 2002). That's why I'm taking her advice/experience with a grain of salt aka not taking it. I can see if it was within the last 5 or 6 years but cruise ship technology has gone a long way since 2002 (12 years ago). Oh, I'm taking sea bands with me but I highly doubt that either of two ships I will be on this year will be that topsy turvy...

Edited by maywell
Had to edit - had way too many typos due to typing the original on a cell phone.
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Like the OP, most of the rude comments we received when planning our 1st cruise were from coworkers. In my case, they were simply jealous! Most of the people I worked with didn't travel much except to surrounding states. One girl had never even been out of Oklahoma, which I couldn't understand at all.


People relaying 2nd, 3rd and worse hand info are just to be ignored. They are trying to sabotage your plans and enjoyment before you even go. But be prepared for them to be even more jealous when you return with a fabulous report. They will look wistfully at your wonderful photos and turn even a darker shade of green - so be prepared! My favorite line that I used again & again after our 1st - "I'm so glad we didn't listen to all the negative people before we went!"

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My fiance and I have never been on a cruise before so we thought it might be a fun and relaxing way to travel. For starters, I don't volunteer the information unless I'm asked because that's just how I am, but when people hear that we're doing a cruise for our honeymoon we get SO MANY negative comments and reactions. I've had comments such as: "Why would you go on a cruise!!???", "That's for old people!", "I would never do that. I can't imagine being moved around like cattle!", "My (insert family member) got seasick the entire time he/she was on a cruise, I would never risk it!", "I wouldn't want to have to eat at the same time with everyone." :rolleyes:


I seriously can't believe how rude people can be! This is our honeymoon for crying out loud and they're just crapping all over it in front of my face! I have to admit that the only people that are being so negative are the ones that have never been on a cruise and are clearly misinformed, based on their ignorant comments. My response at first was more polite but I've gotten sick of it so now I respond with "Well it's a good thing you're not coming on my honeymoon then." That usually shuts people up pretty quickly! :p


I should also point out that there have also been a fair number of people that are genuinely happy for us, which I appreciate, even if cruising isn't for them. :)


Anyone else experience this? How did/do you respond?


Oh my gosh!!! I thought I was the only one experiencing this. I told my future mother-in-law about our plans to cruise for our honeymoon, and without missing a beat, she said "A CRUISE!?!? Why would you want to do that?! That's like a big Petri dish floating around in the ocean!" Guess what? We're still going on a cruise.


First off, it's your choice. It's YOUR honeymoon. Who cares what anyone else's opinion is? It really amazes me how many people feel the need to share their opinions on things that have nothing to do with them. It's a shame you can't just share good news with people and hear "Congratulations!" or "Have fun!" or something simple and kind.


Go on the cruise and enjoy yourself. And those people that put you down for doing what you want to do for your honeymoon? They don't get souvenirs. :p


Simple as that.

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First off congrats! You've gotten some good advice on how to handle the situation, but it seems to me that you're handling it properly. You're already considering the source, which for the most part is pretty clueless about cruising. I wouldn't even bother to debate the issue with them because a lot of those people barely travel out of their backyard, let alone globally. Don't waste your time and energy trying to break things down for those people. You're getting yourself all annoyed over a bunch of uninformed people when you need to be focusing on your wedding and enjoying your engagement period.


We just came back from a five-week global honeymoon, where the first two parts were cruises. The first, DW knew about, with the second cruise being a surprise (B2B). We had the best time ever! Just rejoice in your engagement, and don't worry about it. You're really going to love your cruise.



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Congratulations to both on your wedding. You have chosen a spectacular way to travel and to celebrate your marriage.


Cruising is so simple, as soon as you board the ship you're on vacation. Check your big luggage, brink your carry-on bags aboard head to the Wind Jammer (buffet restaurant) for lunch.


Make sure you request a table of six or eight for dinner, you will meet the most wonderful people aboard and your dinner companions will become great friends.


Research your ports online, here at Cruise Critic, pick up a travel guide and read up on interesting places to visit. I often like to visit the most deluxe resort hotel at a port and stroll the grounds and sip a frozen drink by the pool.


Nassau, Bahamas will be very hot and crowded in August get an early start and try and visit the nearby Graycliff Hotel, it is a beautiful, romantic and historic old hotel, built by a pirate and they have a chocolate factory too.


Don't be bothered by these dummies and their comments, they are simply jealous at your good fortune and the wonderful adventures lying ahead of you.


My wife and I were married on the MS Noordam and then sailed across the sea to Europe for our honeymoon and we've been cruising ever since.


Have a wonderful voyage.



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I've just had my Dad visit for the first time in over a year (he lives in a different town) and I showed him some stuff on our upcoming cruise. What a GRUMP!!! His immediate comment when I said that the ship we are going on is almost brand new was: "So was the Titanic" He then made some comment about the Korean ferry sinking as well.


Being a good and dutiful daughter, I bit my tongue and didn't make a smart comment about how its a good thing he's not coming with us and I hope he enjoys his holiday in a 3 star motel in Fiji instead. :D


Sometimes I surprise myself with my self-control! Mind you, I am relying on my mum to look after my kids whilst I am cruising the Mediterranean in opulent luxury with my husband. So I can do a lot of tongue biting not to jeopardise that! :p

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Being a good and dutiful daughter, I bit my tongue and didn't make a smart comment about how its a good thing he's not coming with us and I hope he enjoys his holiday in a 3 star motel in Fiji instead. :D


Mind you, I am relying on my mum to look after my kids whilst I am cruising the Mediterranean in opulent luxury with my husband. So I can do a lot of tongue biting not to jeopardise that! :p


You were very good. We all like different things though. I'd take a 3* hotel in Fiji any day over sailing on an MSC ship! Maybe he just doesn't think he'd like cruising? Have fun!

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He'd love to cruise. They have been taking us to see the cruise ships docking since I was ten. But they are very uncomfortable about spending money on personal pleasure - which is why its such a big and great thing they are heading to Fiji tomorrow. Even though they are staying at a poky old place on the wrong side of the island. :p


I think some people just don't know how to be happy for others and separate their personal preferences (and inhibitions and fears) from what they say to people's faces. Its just how it is - and as my mother always says: You can't change people, you can only change the way you react to them! :D

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They obviously are jealous for you and have not had the personal experience of cruising. Don't let it worry you ...you can judge for yourself after your cruise...bet you book another cruise they are very addictive ...



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My fiance and I have never been on a cruise before so we thought it might be a fun and relaxing way to travel. For starters, I don't volunteer the information unless I'm asked because that's just how I am, but when people hear that we're doing a cruise for our honeymoon we get SO MANY negative comments and reactions. I've had comments such as: "Why would you go on a cruise!!???", "That's for old people!", "I would never do that. I can't imagine being moved around like cattle!", "My (insert family member) got seasick the entire time he/she was on a cruise, I would never risk it!", "I wouldn't want to have to eat at the same time with everyone." :rolleyes:


I seriously can't believe how rude people can be! This is our honeymoon for crying out loud and they're just crapping all over it in front of my face! I have to admit that the only people that are being so negative are the ones that have never been on a cruise and are clearly misinformed, based on their ignorant comments. My response at first was more polite but I've gotten sick of it so now I respond with "Well it's a good thing you're not coming on my honeymoon then." That usually shuts people up pretty quickly! :p


I should also point out that there have also been a fair number of people that are genuinely happy for us, which I appreciate, even if cruising isn't for them. :)


Anyone else experience this? How did/do you respond?


That is the perfect response! :D

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