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MSC Divina April 19, 2014 - The Worst Cruise Ever!


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Please DO NOT book a cruise on the MSC Divina. You will be very disappointed, and I don’t want to have to say “I told you so”! Heed my advice and take your business elsewhere.


The Good:)

Let me start with the good, just in case someone reading this is already booked and can’t cancel!

The ship itself is beautiful, boarding went smoothly, and….ah…there was nothing else that was good. Oh wait, the coconut shrimp and the lobster and most soups were good.


The Bad, The Bad, The Bad, The Bad and The Bad:(


The food on this cruise was atrocious! I would say that 60% was inedible and the rest was middling at best. The food quality was far below any chain restaurant in the USA. I did poll my fellow passengers and 9 of 10 were in agreement with me. We basically lived on the salad bar, pizza and fries from the buffet. Two members of our group were Vegan and the chef did modify Vegetarian selections to be Vegan for them. Some of it looked better than the “normal” menu. We basically came to sit down dinner every night, ordered food that could not be consumed (think gray steak, raw bacon, mushy chicken) and then ate at the crowded “fight to get a seat” buffet.



It is difficult to rate the dining service as there was none. Many of the waiters did not have a good grasp of the English language. All of the waiters we encountered from Indonesia (like our dinner waiter) had extremely bad breath. The courses came with no logic that I could determine. Many nights, some of our family would be done, while others were waiting for their main course. Much of the food went uneaten and the waiter never once asked if anything was wrong or if you wanted something else. He just cleared the full plates. Sometimes the table was so full of plates that we had to stack them ourselves to make room for food and another time, I picked up my coffee and the waiter cleared the saucer! Go figure!. My 88 year old Mom uses a walker. Upon arriving at the dining room she was told to leave her walker and go to a table halfway across the dining room! She refused. What did they think the walker was for? Another time, Mom ordered coffee and after it came she asked for water. The waiter poured water into the coffee! The dining staff needs to speak English and needs to be trained in what customer service is all about.

In any case, the food and dining service were extremely poor and not what I would expect on a cruise ship.

I had a balcony cabin and could not open the door. It took 4 calls and 2 days to get this fixed.



We felt nickel and dimed at every turn. The “free” room service had a $3.50 service charge. The 3D virtual reality ride cost me $17 for 3 people and lasted 5 minutes. Bowling was $7 per person per game. You could not purchase a drink card unless everyone in your cabin bought one. So if I wanted a soda card, my husband would have to buy one (whether he drinks soda or not) as would my son (he would be required to buy a kids drink card). Really??? Unbelievable! If you needed shade on the private island, it was $29 for a clamshell and 2 chairs stained with bird poop.



This is a sore spot with me. I think having tips added to the bill has brought about the demise of service.

At MSC tips are added automatically and if you tell them to remove the tips, you are told OK, but that they cannot be removed until the last night of the cruise. This was the first cruise ever that I did not even give them my credit card as I had no trust in tips being removed! I still give cash tips based on service.



At MSC, Customer Service has an attitude, and it is not a good one. Seemed the customer was always wrong or being ridiculous. It appeared as if every request was a burden to the staff, instead of their job. This is a very bad way to run a business.


The Ugly, The Ugly, The Very Ugly and The Very Very Ugly:mad:


On the day of the private island stop it was extremely hot and sunny. I was looking forward to a drink of water before boarding the tender back to the ship. In over 30 cruises I have never encountered a company that does offer a drink upon tender boarding. Well, MSC has water for employees, NOT for guests! How rude & inconsiderate.



As there was no shade on the private island, I paid $29 to rent 2 chairs and a clamshell sunshade. The chairs were covered in bird poop and one of them did not recline. I asked the person collecting my ticket (showing I had paid for the chairs/clamshell) to please clean the chairs and find one that functioned. I was told that there was nobody who could do this! Again, how rude & inconsiderate!



The private island was open for 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM. Food was ONLY offered from 12:00 to 2:00. I got on line with my two small children at 1:40 PM. There was a long line in front of us and a long line formed behind us. Much of the food was already gone and was not being replaced. I managed to grab some fries and the last 2 burgers. There was no catsup or ice tea left, and water was only available in one spot and there was another long line. At 2 PM prompt, with a long line of people who had gotten on line before 2 PM, the staff began to put away all of the remaining food! Excuse me, that was just craziness. I can understand closing the line at 2 PM, but at least serve the people on line prior to 2 PM. It is not their fault that the line is so long and the food is slow to arrive, if at all. MSC should be ashamed!



Coming back from port stops, there was always a crowd waiting for elevators. Those of us in my party who could, walked upstairs and across the ship to less busy elevators. My Mom was in a wheelchair and had to take the elevator. One day it was taking forever to get the elevator as people were pushing to get in and ignoring folks in wheelchairs or with babies in strollers. My daughter asked a staff member for help and was told, “It is not my fault passengers are rude. There is nothing I can do about it”. What a load of crap! I guarantee that if that staff member stood in front of the next elevator to arrive and announced that it was for handicapped passengers and those with babies, the “rude” passengers would have stepped aside. MSC should be quite embarrassed with the failure of the staff to offer help to handicapped folks. In fact, the last day of the cruise we were waiting and waiting on floor 12 to go down to floor 6 to disembark. All the elevators that stopped were completely full. I walked to floor 6 and got an empty elevator going up. At each stop, I announced that the elevator was picking up wheelchair passengers. Nobody tried to get in. I arrived on floor 12 with the empty elevator to pick up Mom in her wheelchair and the baby in the stroller. Had I not done this, we would have missed our plane.



OK, one last incident. There was a staff member making balloon animals for kids from 4 to 5 PM. At 5 PM there were three toddlers left in line. Rather than quickly making balloons for them, the staff member got up and left, leaving three small crying children and several bewildered parents in their wake. This kind of behavior is totally shameful and should not be tolerated.



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My experiance on the March 22nd sailing is the complete opposite of what you posted. In fact it was one of the best trips food, service.... all the way around of my 20 or so. It surprised me to read this so I took the time and looked at your cruise history post and out of your 19 posts ever most were negative about another MSC ship as well as the NCL Sun. Maybe you are just one of those people who as much as cruising seems like a good idea it is just not right for you. No disrespect meant but if you have bad feelings after every cruise maybe you should find another vacation choice. As you suggested in one of your other posts to others people should take your info with a grain of salt

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Thanks for your response Ashleycrew. We sailed on the Divina in March and our experience was also wonderful. The service, food, entertainment, etc. were as good or better than any of our other cruises. As for "The Complainer," after the negative posts other passengers also disagreed and loved their voyages.

Edited by Danbee46
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Please DO NOT book a cruise on the MSC Divina. You will be very disappointed, and I don’t want to have to say “I told you so”! Heed my advice and take your business elsewhere.


The Good:)

Let me start with the good, just in case someone reading this is already booked and can’t cancel!

The ship itself is beautiful, boarding went smoothly, and….ah…there was nothing else that was good. Oh wait, the coconut shrimp and the lobster and most soups were good.


The Bad, The Bad, The Bad, The Bad and The Bad:(


The food on this cruise was atrocious! I would say that 60% was inedible and the rest was middling at best. The food quality was far below any chain restaurant in the USA. I did poll my fellow passengers and 9 of 10 were in agreement with me. We basically lived on the salad bar, pizza and fries from the buffet. Two members of our group were Vegan and the chef did modify Vegetarian selections to be Vegan for them. Some of it looked better than the “normal” menu. We basically came to sit down dinner every night, ordered food that could not be consumed (think gray steak, raw bacon, mushy chicken) and then ate at the crowded “fight to get a seat” buffet.



It is difficult to rate the dining service as there was none. Many of the waiters did not have a good grasp of the English language. All of the waiters we encountered from Indonesia (like our dinner waiter) had extremely bad breath. The courses came with no logic that I could determine. Many nights, some of our family would be done, while others were waiting for their main course. Much of the food went uneaten and the waiter never once asked if anything was wrong or if you wanted something else. He just cleared the full plates. Sometimes the table was so full of plates that we had to stack them ourselves to make room for food and another time, I picked up my coffee and the waiter cleared the saucer! Go figure!. My 88 year old Mom uses a walker. Upon arriving at the dining room she was told to leave her walker and go to a table halfway across the dining room! She refused. What did they think the walker was for? Another time, Mom ordered coffee and after it came she asked for water. The waiter poured water into the coffee! The dining staff needs to speak English and needs to be trained in what customer service is all about.

In any case, the food and dining service were extremely poor and not what I would expect on a cruise ship.

I had a balcony cabin and could not open the door. It took 4 calls and 2 days to get this fixed.



We felt nickel and dimed at every turn. The “free” room service had a $3.50 service charge. The 3D virtual reality ride cost me $17 for 3 people and lasted 5 minutes. Bowling was $7 per person per game. You could not purchase a drink card unless everyone in your cabin bought one. So if I wanted a soda card, my husband would have to buy one (whether he drinks soda or not) as would my son (he would be required to buy a kids drink card). Really??? Unbelievable! If you needed shade on the private island, it was $29 for a clamshell and 2 chairs stained with bird poop.



This is a sore spot with me. I think having tips added to the bill has brought about the demise of service.

At MSC tips are added automatically and if you tell them to remove the tips, you are told OK, but that they cannot be removed until the last night of the cruise. This was the first cruise ever that I did not even give them my credit card as I had no trust in tips being removed! I still give cash tips based on service.



At MSC, Customer Service has an attitude, and it is not a good one. Seemed the customer was always wrong or being ridiculous. It appeared as if every request was a burden to the staff, instead of their job. This is a very bad way to run a business.


The Ugly, The Ugly, The Very Ugly and The Very Very Ugly:mad:


On the day of the private island stop it was extremely hot and sunny. I was looking forward to a drink of water before boarding the tender back to the ship. In over 30 cruises I have never encountered a company that does offer a drink upon tender boarding. Well, MSC has water for employees, NOT for guests! How rude & inconsiderate.



As there was no shade on the private island, I paid $29 to rent 2 chairs and a clamshell sunshade. The chairs were covered in bird poop and one of them did not recline. I asked the person collecting my ticket (showing I had paid for the chairs/clamshell) to please clean the chairs and find one that functioned. I was told that there was nobody who could do this! Again, how rude & inconsiderate!



The private island was open for 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM. Food was ONLY offered from 12:00 to 2:00. I got on line with my two small children at 1:40 PM. There was a long line in front of us and a long line formed behind us. Much of the food was already gone and was not being replaced. I managed to grab some fries and the last 2 burgers. There was no catsup or ice tea left, and water was only available in one spot and there was another long line. At 2 PM prompt, with a long line of people who had gotten on line before 2 PM, the staff began to put away all of the remaining food! Excuse me, that was just craziness. I can understand closing the line at 2 PM, but at least serve the people on line prior to 2 PM. It is not their fault that the line is so long and the food is slow to arrive, if at all. MSC should be ashamed!



Coming back from port stops, there was always a crowd waiting for elevators. Those of us in my party who could, walked upstairs and across the ship to less busy elevators. My Mom was in a wheelchair and had to take the elevator. One day it was taking forever to get the elevator as people were pushing to get in and ignoring folks in wheelchairs or with babies in strollers. My daughter asked a staff member for help and was told, “It is not my fault passengers are rude. There is nothing I can do about it”. What a load of crap! I guarantee that if that staff member stood in front of the next elevator to arrive and announced that it was for handicapped passengers and those with babies, the “rude” passengers would have stepped aside. MSC should be quite embarrassed with the failure of the staff to offer help to handicapped folks. In fact, the last day of the cruise we were waiting and waiting on floor 12 to go down to floor 6 to disembark. All the elevators that stopped were completely full. I walked to floor 6 and got an empty elevator going up. At each stop, I announced that the elevator was picking up wheelchair passengers. Nobody tried to get in. I arrived on floor 12 with the empty elevator to pick up Mom in her wheelchair and the baby in the stroller. Had I not done this, we would have missed our plane.



OK, one last incident. There was a staff member making balloon animals for kids from 4 to 5 PM. At 5 PM there were three toddlers left in line. Rather than quickly making balloons for them, the staff member got up and left, leaving three small crying children and several bewildered parents in their wake. This kind of behavior is totally shameful and should not be tolerated.






Wow, I was on the sailing in the 19th of April and have cruised many other cruise lines prior to this one- we had a wonderful time!


Was it comparable to our cruises on Celebrity-no, not at all, but we also did not pay anywhere near what we paid for those cruises.


The food ? 9 out of 10 people? Really? I found the food at the buffet to be amazing- the variety of fresh fruit and veg alone was amazing, the pasta selections were always amazing, and the ethnic corner and med deli selections complete with fig jams were top notch . Yes, at dinner we did notice that it was not up to par with RCCL or Celebrity, but the food was stil very edible.


The service staff for us, both in room and dining were excellent.


I am so sorry that you were not offered a beverage on your return to tender, or you did not take note of the lunch buffet times at the private island (it was listed in your daily). Such atrocities, I do not know how you survived the trip.


How horrible, what a waste of money for you, especially because these cruises were for the msot part sold and booked for rock bottom rates, it was a HUGE deal comparably to anything else offered this time of year. What could be worse than blowing money away for beautiful weather, someone picking up after you and washing your sheets and dishes, and not having to cook for a whole week, OH THE HORRORS!

Edited by rothjer
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My experiance on the March 22nd sailing is the complete opposite of what you posted. In fact it was one of the best trips food, service.... all the way around of my 20 or so. It surprised me to read this so I took the time and looked at your cruise history post and out of your 19 posts ever most were negative about another MSC ship as well as the NCL Sun. Maybe you are just one of those people who as much as cruising seems like a good idea it is just not right for you. No disrespect meant but if you have bad feelings after every cruise maybe you should find another vacation choice. As you suggested in one of your other posts to others people should take your info with a grain of salt


This review is so outlandish that it's not even worth the grain of salt. :D

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I would agree with the OP that the private island was less than desireable. First, long lines and much waiting to tender on and off the island. Then very little shade, and most all seating was 'reserved' with orange towels when we arrived at lunch time. Again, long lines for food. And they ran out of Heineken and Fanta. Generally, the island is not designed to handle a ship of 4300 passengers. Just another reason we will not hurry back to Divina. Sailed her twice, once was enough.

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Wow, I was on the sailing in the 19th of April and have cruised many other cruise lines prior to this one- we had a wonderful time!


Was it comparable to our cruises on Celebrity-no, not at all, but we also did not pay anywhere near what we paid for those cruises.


The food ? 9 out of 10 people? Really? I found the food at the buffet to be amazing- the variety of fresh fruit and veg alone was amazing, the pasta selections were always amazing, and the ethnic corner and med deli selections complete with fig jams were top notch . Yes, at dinner we did notice that it was not up to par with RCCL or Celebrity, but the food was stil very edible.


The service staff for us, both in room and dining were excellent.


I am so sorry that you were not offered a beverage on your return to tender, or you did not take note of the lunch buffet times at the private island (it was listed in your daily). Such atrocities, I do not know how you survived the trip.


How horrible, what a waste of money for you, especially because these cruises were for the msot part sold and booked for rock bottom rates, it was a HUGE deal comparably to anything else offered this time of year. What could be worse than blowing money away for beautiful weather, someone picking up after you and washing your sheets and dishes, and not having to cook for a whole week, OH THE HORRORS!



Well said!

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I was on the April 7th sailing and only had one MINOR quibble about the food in five days aboard the ship. (Buffet has very few offerings for those arriving around 8pm-but that is my fault for not liking the MDR selections that night).


If you'd done your research before boarding you would have already known that bowling is an extra fee and that the games and VR rides are also an extra fee. I knew it, because I spent time here on CC and on MSC's website.


Never got close enough to a single server to notice their breath, but had plenty of them provide good service. In fact, I loved that they didn't hover over us.


I use an electric scooter to get around. In total, I think I had two trips out of dozens where I had to wait for an elevator because they were full. Didn't have anyone shoving in front of me the entire time. (now walking in front of me and stopping short, that's a different story)


Unless you specifically pre-paid tips, the 'service charge' that you paid prior to boarding does not cover tips.


This is NOT an American ship, the company is based out of Italy. I did expect some language barriers and the only one my husband and I encountered is that the servers in the bars were not familiar with Southern Comfort. Not a big deal, though.


In fact, we had such an enjoyable experience, that we're hoping that our charter is on the Divina again next year.

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I don't have time right now to comment on the original posters gripes, but all I can say is that on our Apr. 12th cruise we were simply amazed at MSC and did not think that we would ever want to cruise with anyone else.

Last night, I booked our fall cruise on NCL Getaway, only because of the 2 for 1 special that they are promoting.

Rest assured, I will be constantly comparing it to the Divina.

Right now, I can honestly say that I will be returning to the Divina in 2015!!!


P.S...had a GREAT time on Great Stirrup Cay!!!

Edited by thraak
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We are booked on the Divina for August and for what we just paid, It will be worth it just to sit out on the deck for 7 days and just watch the world sail by.


we also are experienced cruisers. Even a bad cruise is a good cruise compared to many other things.


Let's see if the OP comes back to answer some of these questions, as I have a few.

If the food was SOOOOO bad, why did you keep coming back? After all there are other places to eat on the ship besides the MDR. If the service was SOOOO bad, why not call it to the attentions of the maître' D.


And from everyone that has written a review of the Divina, they all say the entertainment was the best that they have ever seen on a cruise ship. I guess the OP didn't go to any shows because if she did, she would have to give a compliment, and that just seems impossible.


Like the old expression, a cruise is what you make of it. If you encounter a lemon, make some lemonade and sit back and enjoy it.


We can't wait to sail on this ship.





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We felt nickel and dimed at every turn. The “free” room service had a $3.50 service charge. The 3D virtual reality ride cost me $17 for 3 people and lasted 5 minutes. Bowling was $7 per person per game. You could not purchase a drink card unless everyone in your cabin bought one. So if I wanted a soda card, my husband would have to buy one (whether he drinks soda or not) as would my son (he would be required to buy a kids drink card). Really??? Unbelievable! If you needed shade on the private island, it was $29 for a clamshell and 2 chairs stained with bird poop.


If you'd bothered to read the MSC website or here, which an experience cruiser would tend to do one or the other, you would have known that there are voucher packets for sodas, wines, and alcoholic beverages. IIRC, the soda voucher pack was $30 for 15 drinks. MSC does this to offer an alternative to the 'everyone has to buy a package' unlimited drink packages.



This is a sore spot with me. I think having tips added to the bill has brought about the demise of service.

At MSC tips are added automatically and if you tell them to remove the tips, you are told OK, but that they cannot be removed until the last night of the cruise. This was the first cruise ever that I did not even give them my credit card as I had no trust in tips being removed! I still give cash tips based on service.

Tips are NOT added to the bill, you paid a 'service charge', which as we've recently debated here, is not a tip.

One has to wonder if this attitude you display in the review is similar to the one you gave to the servers (i.e., treating them like they were your minions). If so, it is hardly a surprise that they avoided you.



At MSC, Customer Service has an attitude, and it is not a good one. Seemed the customer was always wrong or being ridiculous. It appeared as if every request was a burden to the staff, instead of their job. This is a very bad way to run a business.


I'd like to know how, in two weeks, the staff that, without exception, was friendly and helpful to me and my husband (insisting on carrying my plate in the buffet, for example) got such a sour attitude. Sometimes you get what you give-no one wants to deal with the crabby passenger.


The Ugly, The Ugly, The Very Ugly and The Very Very Ugly:mad:


On the day of the private island stop it was extremely hot and sunny. I was looking forward to a drink of water before boarding the tender back to the ship. In over 30 cruises I have never encountered a company that does offer a drink upon tender boarding. Well, MSC has water for employees, NOT for guests! How rude & inconsiderate.



As there was no shade on the private island, I paid $29 to rent 2 chairs and a clamshell sunshade. The chairs were covered in bird poop and one of them did not recline. I asked the person collecting my ticket (showing I had paid for the chairs/clamshell) to please clean the chairs and find one that functioned. I was told that there was nobody who could do this! Again, how rude & inconsiderate!



The private island was open for 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM. Food was ONLY offered from 12:00 to 2:00. I got on line with my two small children at 1:40 PM. There was a long line in front of us and a long line formed behind us. Much of the food was already gone and was not being replaced. I managed to grab some fries and the last 2 burgers. There was no catsup or ice tea left, and water was only available in one spot and there was another long line. At 2 PM prompt, with a long line of people who had gotten on line before 2 PM, the staff began to put away all of the remaining food! Excuse me, that was just craziness. I can understand closing the line at 2 PM, but at least serve the people on line prior to 2 PM. It is not their fault that the line is so long and the food is slow to arrive, if at all. MSC should be ashamed!



Coming back from port stops, there was always a crowd waiting for elevators. Those of us in my party who could, walked upstairs and across the ship to less busy elevators. My Mom was in a wheelchair and had to take the elevator. One day it was taking forever to get the elevator as people were pushing to get in and ignoring folks in wheelchairs or with babies in strollers. My daughter asked a staff member for help and was told, “It is not my fault passengers are rude. There is nothing I can do about it”. What a load of crap! I guarantee that if that staff member stood in front of the next elevator to arrive and announced that it was for handicapped passengers and those with babies, the “rude” passengers would have stepped aside. MSC should be quite embarrassed with the failure of the staff to offer help to handicapped folks. In fact, the last day of the cruise we were waiting and waiting on floor 12 to go down to floor 6 to disembark. All the elevators that stopped were completely full. I walked to floor 6 and got an empty elevator going up. At each stop, I announced that the elevator was picking up wheelchair passengers. Nobody tried to get in. I arrived on floor 12 with the empty elevator to pick up Mom in her wheelchair and the baby in the stroller. Had I not done this, we would have missed our plane.


In five days aboard using an electric scooter, I learned which elevators were the best options for not being crowded (the two rear ones to the atrium just outside the entrances to the Black Crab, for instance). Debarkation meant I had to wait for four or five elevators to go by before I got in.


Another note: here on CC and on MSC's website, there have been several suggestions to allow yourselves a substantial gap in time for debarkation. Additionally, passengers with wheelchairs were placed in the second debarkation group that met at 7:15 to avoid such crowds. Had I not overslept, I would have been off the ship in 20 minutes. As it was, I waited for 4 elevators for less than 10 minutes, and was off the ship and at my car in about 40 minutes. This was better than the 2 hours other veteran cruisers told me to budget.


If you're a veteran cruiser, you should know this. This was my FIRST cruise, and I came aboard knowing to allow ample time for debarkation, especially with a wheelchair!


OK, one last incident. There was a staff member making balloon animals for kids from 4 to 5 PM. At 5 PM there were three toddlers left in line. Rather than quickly making balloons for them, the staff member got up and left, leaving three small crying children and several bewildered parents in their wake. This kind of behavior is totally shameful and should not be tolerated.





My advice to you: instead of complaining about KNOWN situations aboard an MSC ship, spend the time doing research about your cruise before you board the ship. You've spent a lot of money, don't leave it up to chance. It'd be akin to buying a car and not knowing whether it was automatic or manual transmission, used gas or diesel, or had 2 or 4 wheel drive.

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Yet another"Worst Cruise Ever" from an experienced cruiser with so few previous posts. At least this over the top one didn't say it was worse than being in prison, although evidently the bCon is still raw (why they'd be having bacon at dinner is a bit strange Nyway).


She didn't like the experience at all, and she's perfectly entitled to post here to tell us about it. It's the opening statement that I object to the most. Telling everyone what they won't like. Really? Because we are all the same and like the same as she does? Doubt too many will be running out to cancel based on this though.

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We were on the SAME sailing and some of what you complain about can easily be planned for. Want to eat lunch on the private island that was served only from 11:30a-2:30p? Then get in line at 11:30a. We did, and had no problems at all. Want to have a chair in the shade? Then get off the ship early to get chairs in the shade. We did - group B (2nd group) on the tenders and had our choice of chairs in the shade. Yes some or many of them had bird poop on them. Did the towel that you took to shore with you not cover it up? Ours did. Granted there was little shade, but it was there in some part. Drink of water before entering the tender? So what if they didn't have water in that exact spot. There was water elsewhere or you could have taken a bottle with you to shore.


One of us bought the Allegressimo Escape drink coupons (15 coupons for $72 for coctails, beer, wine, soda, specialty coffees) but the other wasn't forced to although ultimately I also did purchase that package. We were explicitly told that the coupons could be shared. I wouldn't recommend using those particular coupons for soda, you could buy soda for less than what those coupons each equated to. Perhaps with a different package the coupons could not be shared. So either buy another set, or spend $2 for a fountain soda.


Most else that you complain about I chalk up to your expectations being too high or being ill-prepared. You were not the only passenger on the ship. You were sharing with 4300 others who also have to be served in some capacity. This being our first MSC cruise and having read the reviews and boards beforehand, I was prepared for some misery. But we didn't encounter it. The cruise quality was right up there with many of our other cruises. It wasn't our best but wasn't the worst. In 17 cruises, I truly can't remember one that was bad and this was no exception. Not everything was perfect, but the good things far outweighed the bad.


We welcomed the opportunity to try Divina and were not disappointed. We got such a steal ($299pp balcony guarantee) that it would have been nearly impossible to fault anything. We would definitely sail Divina again despite this or any other bad review. The way we look at things is we're grateful to be cruising at all when so many others don't have that luxury. And it IS a luxury to be able to take trips like that.

Edited by NC Mtn Boys
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We were on the SAME sailing and some of what you complain about can easily be planned for. Want to eat lunch on the private island that was served only from 11:30a-2:30p? Then get in line at 11:30a. We did, and had no problems at all. Want to have a chair in the shade? Then get off the ship early to get chairs in the shade. We did - group B (2nd group) on the tenders and had our choice of chairs in the shade. Yes some or many of them had bird poop on them. Did the towel that you took to shore with you not cover it up? Ours did. Granted there was little shade, but it was there in some part. Drink of water before entering the tender? So what if they didn't have water in that exact spot. There was water elsewhere or you could have taken a bottle with you to shore.


One of us bought the Allegressimo Escape drink coupons (15 coupons for $72 for coctails, beer, wine, soda, specialty coffees) but the other wasn't forced to although ultimately I also did purchase that package. We were explicitly told that the coupons could be shared. I wouldn't recommend using those particular coupons for soda, you could buy soda for less than what those coupons each equated to. Perhaps with a different package the coupons could not be shared. So either buy another set, or spend $2 for a fountain soda.


Most else that you complain about I chalk up to your expectations being too high or being ill-prepared. You were not the only passenger on the ship. You were sharing with 4300 others who also have to be served in some capacity. This being our first MSC cruise and having read the reviews and boards beforehand, I was prepared for some misery. But we didn't encounter it. The cruise quality was right up there with many of our other cruises. It wasn't our best but wasn't the worst. In 17 cruises, I truly can't remember one that was bad and this was no exception. Not everything was perfect, but the good things far outweighed the bad.


We welcomed the opportunity to try Divina and were not disappointed. We got such a steal ($299pp balcony guarantee) that it would have been nearly impossible to fault anything. We would definitely sail Divina again despite this or any other bad review. The way we look at things is we're grateful to be cruising at all when so many others don't have that luxury. And it IS a luxury to be able to take trips like that.


It seems that the pax was ill prepared for her cruise and did not do her research. A little more planning on her end, posting questions on here, researching the ships inclusions and extras would have gone a long way. Quite easy fixes IMHO.

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We were on the March 22nd cruise, most enjoyable one of our 14 on varied lines so far. I'm just disappointed that the Divina won't be here in the summer of 2015 - we had wanted to take the grandkids on her then. We absolutely loved the experience!

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I am confused, why were people fighting to get a seat at the buffet if all was so bad? I know good and bad are very subject concepts and I respect your point of view but perhaps it would be cool to notice that it was bad.....for you :-) I sure hope for a positive experience when I board the Fantasia!

Edited by Bra_BE2014
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Yep, unfortunately, both of her after-cruise reviews were not very favorable at all. (MSC and NCL). I enjoyed the Divina very much! Although I have just booked a fall cruise on the NCL Getaway, I am not letting her burst my bubble!

I do feel sorry for the next cruise line that she chooses. Hopefully, they will be serving complimentary cheeses and crackers to go along nicely with her whine!

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Yep, unfortunately, both of her after-cruise reviews were not very favorable at all. (MSC and NCL). I enjoyed the Divina very much! Although I have just booked a fall cruise on the NCL Getaway, I am not letting her burst my bubble!

I do feel sorry for the next cruise line that she chooses. Hopefully, they will be serving complimentary cheeses and crackers to go along nicely with her whine!


They do have a very nice antipasti bar on the buffet towards the rear, with a variety of cheeses that complement the whine perfectly. ;)

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Or Euros that were a birthday gift? Are they of concern? I was told to spend them on my cruise but now I'm confuzzled!


Maybe spend them in a Greek taverna to be safe? haven't seen any dire warnings on that....may even get some free olives with it!

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Exactly. The OP laid out her review with the utmost care ensuring the formatting got our attention and the content our incredulity and then vanishes.




Where is she to respond to us and provide further tidbits of why we will regret spending our "hard earned dollars" on MSC?




What about pounds earned casually? Can I spend those? Come back OP! I must know. :eek:




Or Euros that were a birthday gift? Are they of concern? I was told to spend them on my cruise but now I'm confuzzled!




Maybe spend them in a Greek taverna to be safe? haven't seen any dire warnings on that....may even get some free olives with it!



You three. Stop that! It's not big and it's not clever, okay maybe it is a bit!

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Maybe spend them in a Greek taverna to be safe? haven't seen any dire warnings on that....may even get some free olives with it!


Excellent advice - I love olives! And just to be sure, I shall avoid looking at TripAdvisor ratings of Greek tavernas in case I see a dire warning!

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The entertainment on the Divina was one the best we have ever experienced on the 63 cruises we have taken. I will have to say the Disney is excellent also. The food is in need of a lot of improvement. I suggested the quality, prep., and variety need some work. MSC needs a healthy choice menu. We only eat healthy food and I had trouble finding anything to eat on several occasions.

The ship is very clean, not so on a lot of cruises we have been on. Our cabin steward was terrific.

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