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The Arizona Cruisers Invade the Southern Caribbean B2B on the Jewel of the Seas!

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Ginny, Y'all inspired me...I just booked the Barbados route for 5/9/15 on the Adventure. It's 11 months away, but am already excited!!! Any of y'all Arizona folks want to go again?

I would love too, but some of us are already booked on the Oasis that same day. You will love the Barbados route. Just pace yourself! Make sure you build in some time to do nothing at all or you will be exhausted.


Ginny your underwater pictures are great. I didn't see nearly that many fish because I kept getting water in my mask and in my eyes. Everything was a blure by the time I decided to end it all and go back to the beach.



Yes, the closer you get to the furthest buoy the more fish appeared, and the coral kept getting better and better. I know you had to turn around and go back before then.:(

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Great review. St. John is my 2nd favorite Caribbean island (so far) after Dominica. We opted for the excursion ourselves on our last visit and were glad we did. The DIY taxi/red hook ferry so really not a good option of your ship is docked at Havensight.

Sorry you missed the shopping opportunities in Cruz Bay - we love to cost Mongoose Junction - DH parks himself at St. John Brewers Tap Room and I go shopping.

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Great review. St. John is my 2nd favorite Caribbean island (so far) after Dominica. We opted for the excursion ourselves on our last visit and were glad we did. The DIY taxi/red hook ferry so really not a good option of your ship is docked at Havensight.

Sorry you missed the shopping opportunities in Cruz Bay - we love to cost Mongoose Junction - DH parks himself at St. John Brewers Tap Room and I go shopping.


The shopping is a good reason to return! I hear the shopping is more to my taste in Cruz Bay, but we didn't want to tear ourselves away from Trunk Bay. I think I would like to do a land vacation sometime in St. John.

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Week Two, Day Three – St. Kitts


We were back in St. Kitts when we awoke. This was the only island that we were repeating on our two week itinerary. We were glad to have an extra day to explore. We had loved our beach day so much a week ago. Now we were ready to see what else the island had to offer.


The sky held the promise of more rain so we quietly congratulated ourselves on the wisdom of choosing the week before for our beach day as we headed out to meet our tour operator – Clay Villa Tours. This was another tour I found more information about on Trip Advisor than Cruise Critic. When doing my early research I stumbled upon a description of Clay Villa Plantation as the number one attraction in Bassaterre. As I mentioned before, we love old homes and buildings. And, if they have history, so much the better. Clay Villa was the only plantation during the days of the slave trade that refused to have slaves. As such they were ostracized in the community. However, once the slaves were freed they were the only Plantation owners allowed to keep their property. All other plantations were returned to the people. So, the family who runs Clay Villa now are the descendants of the original owners. Behind the walls of Clay Villa are over 200 years of African & Carib tradition.


I began to look for a tour that included a visit to see this home. I knew it was open to tours, but none of the recommended tour operators included Clay Villa in their itinerary. When I searched the plantation itself I found that they ran their own selection of island tours. So, I took a chance, encouraged by the excellent Trip Advisor reviews and contacted the owner, Philip and booked the tour “Best of St. Kitts” for our whole group. I was glad I did! For me it was the top guided tour of the two weeks, and was only surpassed by Calabaza for an overall enjoyable day.

Our day began by us being met just outside the security gates by the taxi driver and guide that Philip has on contract to conduct the tour. This very friendly fellow made a quick assessment of our group and decided, for our comfort, that his van was too small. He quickly talked to another driver of the same taxi company who had a small bus and soon we were piling into the bus. I truly did appreciate the concern over our comfort. We suddenly found ourselves with a new driver & guide because of the switch. At first I was concerned because our new guide was so young. In fact, Jeremiah is a 21 year old college student who quickly set aside my concerns with his conscientious driving, knowledge of the island which is his home, and friendly banter. We all fell in love with him in no time.


Because the ship apparently also offered a Clay Villa Excursion the order of our tour was reversed so we would not be at the plantation with the Mongol Hoards from the ship. Our first destination of the day was Brimstone Fortress.


On the way Jeremiah pointed out the egrets nesting area,



The creek that ran red with blood when the English slaughtered the majority of the Carib Indians:



And how one of the locals keeps track his consumption of the native spirits:




Pretty soon we turned off the coastal road and into the forest. It was apparent we were climbing and the road was getting narrower. Philip soon explained that although it was a two way road it was only one vehicle wide, so we may have to give way to another vehicle.



We were high in the clouds themselves and surrounded by a mist that gave way to rain drops now and then. The magnificent fortress loomed overhead.




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When the mist parted the views at this level were stunning in their own right.



There is a small Visitor’s Center and gift shop at the parking lot, along with rest rooms and a snack shop that was just opening. It was apparent to me right away that the hike to the top was not for me with my sore knee. I had read in reviews that there were steps and then flat areas, but those flat areas are at a huge slant. Also bad for a bum knee. So, Steve went up with his camera. So these pictures are all his.

The steps (walkway) up to the fort:



And the steps going back down:



Magnificent views from the fort:






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Here are some of those hearty souls who made it to the top!



And the views within the fort itself:









And a lot more steps within the fort:



Steve said he would have liked to spend a lot more time poking around the fort. I watched a movie in the Visitor’s Center on the history of the fort and relaxed near the snack shop.

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From the Fortress we headed to Romney Manor, home of the Caribelle Batik Factory. The Manor is surrounded by beautiful gardens were I would have normally been tempted to linger. However, a sudden downpour cut my plans short as we made a dash for the Manor. I did have a little time to admire some of the outdoor beauty first.


This tree is over 400 years old.



Romney Manor:



Beautiful Gardens:










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Inside the Manor there was a Batik Demonstration



The colors of the fabrics on display were stunning. I purchased placemats and gifts and Steve bought a new shirt. If you haven’t noticed he has a few Hawaiian shirts and these were pretty close.







Norine (Quilting Queen) was in heaven and made a large purchase of yardage.


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Ginny, your pictures are breath taking. I love your review. Even though we have been to these islands we like to do something different or see something new each time. We are doing a B2B next year and you have given me some great ideas. I had already researched Serenity tours in St Lucia so I was glad to see your review of them. I am also interested in Carambola beach club.


We love the port intensive itineraries and absolutely love sailing out of San Juan. Yeah, the cost of the flights and the long travel time for us (no nonstops from KC) stink but you definately are on vacation from the minute the plane lands.


Thank you so much for taking the time to do this fantastic review. Your pictures and tour information are wonderful and much appreciated.


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tablet using Tapatalk

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The rain was letting up when we arrived at Clay Villa. Philip met us on the road and walked us up the path to his home.





The house, where he, his delightful wife, and daughter still live is a virtual museum of African and Carib artifacts. We learned that the house and grounds are actually owned by his wife Bridget as she is an actual descendent of the original owners and of Carib Indian descent.


Once we entered the home we were transported back in history. Everywhere was a beautiful display in the historic setting of the home.









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Clay Villa is a sanctuary for injured animals. There are more monkeys than humans in St. Kitts and a few of them need some help. One of the monkey rescues:



Parrots are also there



Lovely views from the verandah:






We concluded the tour with a cool beverage and this is where we paid the $67 pp for the tour. Philip had given us his complete attention while we were at Clay Villa, Jeremiah never rushed us at either Brimstone Fortress or Caribelle Batik and our 4 hour tour had turned into a 6 hour tour.


Jeremiah returned us to the ship where we headed up to the Sea View Cafe for a late lunch. It’s funny that when we all parted we had not discussed lunch plans and yet most of us ended up there about the same time. Yes, Dave. I’m taking your picture one more time!



Later that day we headed to dinner. We went to see if our reservation for 6:45 was still being honored. Here we were told that our reservation for 12 people was actually put down for 6:15 and we had missed the time. grrrrr........ There was only one table for 12 and we were assured it was reserved for another group at 7:30 so we could not have it. Nearby was a table for 10 and since we were pretty sure the couple we had invited to join us was not going to join us since it was now past 6:45 we said we would take it. We also noticed that it was set for 11 and had room to spare. It was a large round table. Rather than being broken into two tables, or in an oblong table that meant that one end could not talk to the other end this table allowed us to all see each other and the conversation included everyone at the same time. To top it off we met our waiter Brasille. He was marvelous, and so was his assistant. In fact it was the best dining room service we had had on a ship in years, possibly ever. So, at the end of the meal we approached the maitre’d and made sure that we were assigned THAT table and THAT waiter the rest of the cruise at 6:45, which we were. Happy ending. I should also mention that the entire rest of the week that party of 12 never showed up at the other table. Someone messed up, but it certainly worked out better for us.


Another day at sea was on the schedule tomorrow. We all were looking forward to another day just to relax!


Enjoy all of the pictures from our second day in St. Kitts!

Edited by Sunny AZ Girl
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Loving your review! Quick question: How deep was the water at the snorkel trail? Any place to stand if I got tired? Thanks!

You cannot stand. Standing on any rocks/coral will kill the coral. The guards were right on anyone who tried to stand and used their megaphones to tell them to get off the coral. You can swim out away from the trail and the reef towards the beach to stand on the sandy areas, although the shallow area was quite away from the reef. The best option is to wear a snorkel vest to keep you afloat without difficulty. Steve always wears one and he has no problems. He is not a strong swimmer otherwise.


Ginny, your pictures are breath taking. I love your review. Even though we have been to these islands we like to do something different or see something new each time. We are doing a B2B next year and you have given me some great ideas. I had already researched Serenity tours in St Lucia so I was glad to see your review of them. I am also interested in Carambola beach club.


We love the port intensive itineraries and absolutely love sailing out of San Juan. Yeah, the cost of the flights and the long travel time for us (no nonstops from KC) stink but you definately are on vacation from the minute the plane lands.


Thank you so much for taking the time to do this fantastic review. Your pictures and tour information are wonderful and much appreciated.


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I'm glad my review has helped you out. You will have a great time on your B2B!

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You were in St. John on a Sunday. I know you went to the beach but did you notice if the shops in St. Cruz were open? Heard most of them are closed on Sunday.

As I noted in the review the shops that were near the ferry dock for the ship ferry were closed. People did shop a bit at the shops a block or so away, but I don't know how many of them were open. Sorry. I am a bad one to ask about shopping as it just isn't my thing. Have you checked on the St. Thomas forum?

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Hmmmmm you have me rethinking St Kitts.




We loved both of our days in St. Kitts, so I can't recommend one over the other. After reading Lisa's review, if I were to only have one day in St. Kitts and one day in Antigua I would probably do a beach day at Coconut Beach Club in Antigua and the Clay Villa Tour in St. Kitts if I had not toured St. Kitts before. That does not not minimize the Lawrence of Antigua Tour as that was wonderful, too. I just think that St. Kitts is a more interesting island overall. Better yet, do a B2B like we did so you can go twice!:D

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Week Two, Day Four – At Sea


Our sea day began with the promise of sunshine. Indeed, it looked as if the rain clouds were being left in the distance as we headed southwest towards Aruba.



That morning at 10AM the Meet & Mingle was being held in the Vortex Lounge as it was the week before. Again, the CD staff was there to host, we had a nice turnout and non-alcoholic beverages and cookies were offered. Door prizes were given. Steve was happy to win 30 minutes of free internet. The mike was passed around for everyone to introduce themselves.










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We stayed after the speakers were done to mingle a bit. Looking down at the pool we noticed something big was about to begin. Was it true? Yes! We had a bird’s eye view to the Famous Belly Flop Contest!







Carly B even turned around and counted votes pressed up the window from some of our group.


Most of the day was uneventful. It was our day to relax. I decided I wanted to catch up with my book and what better way to relax....with a book...with a pool view and an ocean view.....in air conditioned comfort? After lunch at the Sea View Cafe we got some Iced Tea from the Windjammer below and made ourselves comfortable in the Vortex Lounge with feet up, looking out those spacious windows. That lounge is truly one of the best kept secrets on the ship, especially in the daytime. Great views, and you virtually have it to yourself. I probably shouldn't let my little secret slip. I read my book, worked on my pictures and watched the world pass by to my heart’s content. Steve went down to the internet cafe for awhile. It was a perfect afternoon.


As I had mentioned much earlier in this review this was our first, now second, cruise as Diamonds. Since the first cruise was so busy we had paid little to no attention to the benefits other than taking advantage to some to the discounts offered. We had used our BOGO wine offer, the Logo Shop discount, the internet discount, the free pictures, and the laundry bag special in week one. Besides that we had not done anything. I did notice the Diamond Lounge set up in the evenings from 5-8PM in the Hollywood Odyssey right next to the Vortex on Deck 13. I thought it was just a bar and offered nothing else, from what I had read previously. Since we seldom have more than a glass of wine at dinner it held little interest for us. But we figured tonight maybe we had better check it out.


I was prepared for the Diamond lounge to be full of sparkly Diamonds and above and we would be the gems in need of a little polish. Instead, we were almost the only people there. We ended up going the rest of the cruise each evening, and we never saw more than half a dozen people. Most of the time the people who were there kept to themselves, so it wasn’t a great place to socialize. We did like the relaxing atmosphere and the hot and cold appetizer selections. The waiter was very nice and greeted us with our preferred wine every night after the first. No one ever checked our Sea Pass cards. We could have been on our first cruise and no one would have cared.







As mentioned previously soda, wine and beer were complimentary in the Diamond Lounge. Any mixed drinks were offered at a 25% discount. The three free drinks that have been mentioned on other reviews being loaded on your Sea Pass were not included on this cruise.


I had intended to post a scanned list of all diamond benefits at this point, but Steve left town without doing it for me, so it will have to wait a couple of days unless I can figure out the scanner.

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After dinner we went to the second Production Show “City of Dreams”. We had seen this show a few years ago in 2009 and were surprised they were still doing it. We enjoyed it again. The costumes and sets for this show are impressive.









Tomorrow we will be in Aruba and this day promises to be our fullest yet, with two excursions, Jolly Pirates and an island tour with Sonny Binns!


See all of our Day Four At Sea Pictures here.

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I'm looking forward to hearing about Aruba and Curacao. When I booked the first leg of this trip I debated on the 5/10 cruise, but the deciding factor was going on our actual anniversary, which we spent with you at Tre Palmas! I'll come back the Southern Itinerary again someday, possibly 2016.

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I'm looking forward to hearing about Aruba and Curacao. When I booked the first leg of this trip I debated on the 5/10 cruise, but the deciding factor was going on our actual anniversary, which we spent with you at Tre Palmas! I'll come back the Southern Itinerary again someday, possibly 2016.


I'm working on Aruba off line now and hopefully will get it posted later today. I like the Southern islands the best of all the Caribbean itineraries. I hope to get back soon, too. I have some make-up stuff to do, especially in Curacao!

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