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Anybody need to loose 100+ lbs

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Hi everybody,


Just a quick update. Sorry I haven't had time to check in much. I have been averaging 1 doctor appt. or test per weekday and trying to work as well. I'm trying to eat healthy, but some days I have to admit to eating fast food.


I had an MRI and a liver CT yesterday and, assuming all goes well with those, I will start radiation on April 11 for 3 weeks and then a couple weeks later I will start getting IV Interferon 5 days a week for a month, followed by injections I will give myself 3 times a week for 11 months. Interferon, especially in high doses, is nasty stuff and the side effects are scary. Best case, I will feel like I have the flu for the next year. I have had to cancel my Tahiti cruise and am also in the process of "simplifying" my life for the next year. I have been pretty emotional about it for the past week and switch between crying and getting angry, but I am starting to accept it and realize it is my best chance.


Thank you everyone for the support and prayers. It really means a lot!



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in the process of "simplifying" my life for the next year. I have been pretty emotional about it for the past week and switch between crying and getting angry, but I am starting to accept it and realize it is my best chance.

Thank you everyone for the support and prayers. It really means a lot!






Julie, You are the woman. You are an inspiration to me! All that you say is so true-accepting, making changes and doing what is best for you. Of course, you are in my prayers. This is not fun I am sure, but having supportive folks online and in person will make a big difference. I am rooting for the home team! That would be you. I'll be checking up on you more often now that school will be out until August.


Be blessed always and in all ways.



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Hi everyone! Happy April Fools Day!


We've been fighting sinus junk around here. Baby-man has a sinus and ear infection, youngest DD, a sinus infection and the rest of us are not infected, just have bad sinusy colds. Needless to say that exercise plan for the week has been shot to heck! I'm living on sudafed and coughdrops.:rolleyes: It is starting to break up but Bleh!


Hopefully by Monday I'll be back to normal and can get into a routine!



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Hi all..I am going on my cruise in april 07 and i could use some of your determination. I have 120 to lose. I think that is enough time to lose that much weight. Moral support is soo needed. Good luck everyone.



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Hi all- Well the sinus stuff is better as long as I stay upright today. Hopefully that's a good sign that it's moving out. We had a birthday party at a chinese restaurant yesterday and the only things I could taste were the very hottest foods. Today is an early Easter with DH's family. One of his nephews is back from military training so we're going to do it while he's here. I baked probably 10 dozen mini cookies yesterday. I think I ate 4 as my supper but they just don't appeal to me right now. Nothing really does. I'm hoping I can use that to my advantage today during the meal.


I rode the bike for 30 minutes in short spurts while I was baking the cookies. Glad to have it done for the day. Hopefully I can get some sort of exercise in today too.


I went to the allergist's on Friday and they were all congratulating me. I'm down 10 pounds since I was in right before Christmas. Not bad progress considering we added a new baby in January!:D


Julie- Glad to hear from you. I was wondering how you were doing. Keep us posted on your test results. Sorry you had to cancel your cruise but hopefully you can reschedule it as a celebration cruise soon.


Teresmom- We're all here through good and bad so feel free to post challenges and triumphs. We've all been there. I'm down almost 40 but it's taken a while. I keep getting these interruptions called life! First a grandma with a broken hip and then a baby. I'm getting it done though. You just have to roll with it and get back on track.



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Hey guys I am with ya'll I am trying to lose over 100lbs. 1st cruise is 8/27/06 now i know realistically I won't make that mark by then but every little it helps!!! And I plan on cruising again in the future. Right now I am watching calories and limiting my fat intake. Trying to do all no fat if possible let me tell you that's trying lol. Also joined the gym and am doing water aerobics 3-5 times a week as well as weight training 2 times a week. Have thought to use tape measure will try that though since it feels as if the weights not dropping. Any suggestions or ideas would be great!!! Also trying to not eat anything after 9pm, but being the night owl that I am that's VERY hard any ideas to help avoid this would be great!!! An no worries I drink lots and lots or water my 1st choice of drink. Wish everyone luck with there ongoing struggles with life and weight loss (don't I know that they go hand in hand) ;) I won't tell my actual weight but I can say that I have my work cut out for me so wish me luck and I do the same for all of you!!!



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Welcome Stephie.... Don't worry the weight wil come off. Just give it time. Take it 1 pound at a time.


I have lost another 3 pounds this week. So far i'm down 25 pounds and it looks like i will be making my 35 pound goal before we leave May 12th. YIPPEE :D


I'm really nervous over here because i have a swollen gland and the doc gave me meds and it didn't go away. She did blood work and it was suppose to be in sat. and they called and said they were still pending :confused: What the heck does that mean? I have to go for a chest x-ray and a sonagram of my spleen and liver at 12:30 today. I haven't had anything to eat or drink since 8 last night. This sucks :( PLEASE say a prayer for me that everything comes back ok. Here i'm suppose to be excited about our upcoming cruise and all i am is a bundle of nerves. Even the xanax isn't cutting it for me.


Pugbest... I'm glad to see you back on here. I really do say a prayer for you everyday. Please forgive me but i can't think of the girls name right now but i pray for her and her brother that might have hodgkins. I hope all is going well with him also.


Gonna go for now.... can't concentrate.


Good luck to all the losers this week. God Bless and stay safe :)



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Hi all- Still fighting the sinus stuff here but I'm in a good mood anyway! I've been wearing smaller jeans 2 days in a row! :D


Stephie- Welcome! Everyone here is doing a different thing for their Way of Eating (WOE.) Me, when I try to do low cal/low or no fat, I become a homicidal vacuum! :D I do much better cutting out sugar and junky carbs and keeping my good fat content higher. I go back and forth between protein power and South beach depending on whether good fruits (peaches, pears, cherries ) are in season. I dropped about 30 pounds within 3 months and then maintained within 5 pounds for a year when my Grandma broke her hip and I had to take over her care. It took me about a year to get everything with her under control and now I'm working it down again. In spite of a shoulder injury from lifting Grandma at Thanksgiving and a new baby in January I've lost 10 pounds since December. Not bad considering my exercise has been non-existant to sporadic at best. :D


The main thing I'm trying to say here I guess is find what works for you, keep getting back on track when life gets in the way and it will happen. Sure you may not do the "LOSE 20 POUNDS IN 3 DAYS" stuff they advertise on TV but that stuff never really works and isn't safe anyway.



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Happy time change Monday everyone! I really hate this time change, especially since I have to be up early for work. Now I am back to getting up in the dark again, yuck!


Nothing much has changed healthwise in the last few days. I am seeing my PCP today and she is planning on putting me on low dose of anti-depressants now, since like 90% of Interferon patients end up with depression and suicide issues anyway. Since I work with kids, I really don't want to risk any of those issues!


After deciding to cancel the Tahiti cruise, my Mom and friends came up with the idea of cruising to Alaska instead. We live in the Portland Oregon area so no flight is required and too much sun and snorkeling isn't an issue. This gives me something to look forward to and makes cancelling Tahiti less of an issue. I have been to Alaska a couple times in the past, once on a yacht with a family I nannied, and a couple years ago on a cruise with family. My Mom was able to find a great rate for a large aft (my favorite spot on the ship) suite on the NCL Sun, so I am really looking forward to my first experience in a full suite!



Tami-Way to go on the smaller jeans, now hopefully you will be breathing normally soon. Did your little guy get the bug too? It's so sad when they are little and have a hard time breathing!


Stephie- Just stick with it even if you don't seem to be losing or have a "cheat.' It is so easy to tell yourself that I've already blown it for the day/week, I might as well enjoy it. One meal occasionally doesn't have a significant effect on my weight loss, but a week sure does! You can do it and use whatever tools work for you.

-Carry around a before or goal picture, outfit, etc. and look at it whenever you are tempted.

-Allow yourself a gew minutes of quiet time/meditiation to picture your goals.

-Whenever possible, plan ahead. Make sure you have healthy foods ready so your not tempted to eat somethinf quick because your famished. I try to do this on Sunday.

-If you are having trouble with late night eating, make sure that the last thing you eat has protein and/or lots of fiber. These stay with you the longest. Also, find something to keep your hands busy while your watching TV. I try to tape most of what I watch on TV, that way I fast forward passt the food commercials that tempt me to have a snack!


Debbie- I will say lots of prayers for you today and in the days ahead. I can relate to what your going through and know what a nightmare it can all be. Most of the doctors I have dealt with in the last month have been awesome, but there were a couple that could of used a crash course in bedside manner and not freaking out their patients! If they only realized how hard it is to sit and wait for test results and wonder whats taking so long, maybe they would share more with us!


Natalie and everyone- Thank you for your kind words, thought and prayers. Without family and friends, I don't know if I would be willing or able to get through the next year. Everyone's support and caring give me one more reason to suck it up and fight!

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Thanks guys for all your support!!! Today was good I did water aerobics for 2 hrs (wwwhhhhooooo does that tire you out lol) and I was did really good staying in my goals. Decided to stay with low/no fat and low carbs diet, we will see if it works soon enough lol. I am feeling better so I know that at least I am getting more energy from working out regularly one step in the right direction.


Pugsbest, junior cruiser, ya'll are in my prayers hope everything turns out for the best.


Adoptmom thanks for the advise, I be putting it to good use.


I will try an weigh in at the end of the week and see if I lost anything wish me luck. All n all its been a good day and I am feeling really good and motivated to say the least. Got a 9:30am water aerobics class tommorrow and weight training as well. Ya'll have a goodnite


Stephie :D

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Hi all- Just a quick post this morning as I broke down and made myself a doctor's appointment this morning. I'll be going in today wearing smaller jeans, a tucked in, smaller T-shirt and a BELT! So I look good even if I feel like #$%#


Pugsbest- I feel you on the time change! This is the first year Indiana had to do it. There is a large contingent of hoosier voters who would like to impeach a certain governor at the moment because we spent so much time on something stupid like the time zone (because a good chunk of the state isn't even on the same time:rolleyes: ) while laws that needed passed like ones that protected children died out because they didn't make the deadline in the legislative session. It's not even along party lines anymore as people on both sides detest this guy. I have a feeling he'll be a one term wonder. The funniest part is that we have counties that can't even agree on what timezone they should be on so the government offices are on Central and everyone else is on Eastern. They call it "Commerce Time." What a disaster. I'd hate to have to figure that one out.



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Not sure about the one term wonder. Maybe just wonder how he got one term.


The joys of living in a red state?:D I'm not going any farther here other than to say it wasn't my fault!:rolleyes:


Hi all- well my doctor's visit was a success. My ears weren't infected my the sinuses were another story and they were putting pressure on my ear drums. That explains why I couldn't hear yesterday. She gave me a better decongestant which helped within an hour and an antibiotic. I feel much better today. It's gorgeous outside and I'm hoping to at least walk a mile after DH gets up. I need to get back to my exercise routine.


I had kind of a twinge of jealousy while watching the news yesterday. They were previewing the Indy Mini-Marathon. I used to run and have run it several times. It's alot of fun in a torturous sort of way. However, it's also where I really screwed up my knee because I twisted it and heard a pop on about mile 3 but it didn't hurt so I kept running. 10 miles later my knee was a mess that took a long while to recover from. Don't ask why I didn't stop when it started to hurt. There's something about getting into one of those races that makes you lose all sense of reason.:rolleyes: I'd still love to be in good enough shape to run a half-marathon again though. Just maybe not the Indy as there are WAY too many people now. I'm not a big one for huge crowds.



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Hi all, I've been reading your group for a few days and would like to join, hoping for some support and encouragement to get back on track. I lost 60 pounds between June 2005 and November, but as soon as people started to notice and comment on the weight loss, I lost control again. Why? Who knows? Anyway, 20 pounds have found me again. I felt so good when I ate right and went regularly to Curves but apparently that's not enough incentive. I don't know anyone else who has as much to lose as I do, and I know that I am addicted to sugar. We're cruising on the Zenith in Feb 2007, so I really want to feel and look better by then. You all seem to be very kind and supportive, so I hope to talk to you all often



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Miss a day...miss a lot--at least that's my local newspaper's motto...abd based on all the new members on the board it is mine too. I am on my way to work so I do not have tie to read all th e posts but I will. A warm welcome to everyone. This is truly thee spot to be!


I weighed in this morning up 1/2 pound back to 240.5. The last time I hit a 10 pound mark I hovered for a while :(

I am not going to let that emotionally deter me which could translate into a what the heck attitude. Instead I am going to be more vigilant with my recording of my food, my exercise and my spiritual intervention in this matter.


My goal is to lose 10 pounds before my breast reduction surgery April 28 since I will be unable to exercise for about 4 weeks. Of course 3 pounds would be fine too! I am not totally insane-yet.


So since classes are over until August I will be at the Y 3 times a week and doing some other type of intention physically activity 2 other days per week.


Did I tell you all I am walking in the National Kidney Foundation walk this Saturday? I am excited. I got new cortisone shots in my knees Tuesday and feel totally pumped. If you would like to see my web site go to: http://www.firstgiving.com/natalieclark. My weight loss/physical activity is being encouraged by this cause that touches so close to home.


I will catch up on the boards this weekend.


Much love to all.

I send healing prayers to everyone going through any health problems

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Hi everyone, I'm having a bad day today, having just become an empty nester in the last week. I work part time, but it gets lonely around the house when I'm home alone- also sick for two weeks now with strep throat and laryngitis. :( Okay. time to stop whining and start taking care of myself. Tomorrow I'm getting back on my eating plan, and returning to Curves 4 times a week. They say it helps to write down everything you eat, so I'll try that too. We're going to Las Vegas next week for 4 days for a wedding, but I always find it easier to eat properly when I'm away, especially with other people around.Looking forward to a fun time anyway.

Keep the good thoughts everyone and I'll keep you in my prayers.


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We guys its seems just when you think you have life on track here comes the truck to mow you over!! LOL Anyways I worked out for 2 hrs (water aerobics) on Monday then couldn't make it back to the Gym till tomorrow. So during my errands I did alot of walking and major house cleaning to try an get some form of excersie in lol. Guess I will have to do 2 hrs tomorrow that will be the equivallent of 4 classes since I normally do 1 hr 5 days a week. The cool thing was today when I was cleaning was looking at a picture of myself taken June 05 and compairing it to myself now (in the mirror) I look like I have lost weight. My friends tell me they see it but I didn't really see any change till today. That gave me renewed strength to continue to push on to reach my goals. ****Note to Betty, as for writing down what you eat, I find I do better when I write it down. But I made a chart where I can keep tabs on not only my calories, but also my fat grams, and carbs. hope this helps you. I have found that changing what as well as how I eat helps. Instead of regular stuff I go for the fat free, low carbs, and avoid starchs. We will see just how well this works. Well enough rambling hope everyone is doing well, my prayers are with everyone!!! :p

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Hi everyone! I'm finally starting to feel human again! What a concept! Always a novelty! Now maybe I can get off my duff and exercise again. I'm going to ease myself back into protein power over the weekend. It's similiar to Atkins/Southbeach, etc but gives me more latitude with fruits and summer veggies. I like it in the summer. It's based on the principals of what was available to our caveman ancestors.


Betty- I can relate to having been sick! I have been for a week before that it was the kids. Mine are 10 down to almost 4 months so I can't relate to that empty nest thing yet but you can definitely use that time constructively. That's your time now. Use it to improve and take care of you!



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Hi all, Thanks for the help and encouragement. The sun has come out this morning and that makes me feel better too.I think I'll go out for a nice long walk. I have my menus planned for the next few days,and have started preparing healthy stuff to have on hand. Glad to hear you're feeling better Tami, I remember how difficult it is to be sick and have little ones to take care of at the same time. Take care.


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Ok, other than a weather headache from the temperature dropping 40 degrees since yesterday and lovely storms last night I feel pretty good today. I'm going to tackle my closet after DH gets up and get rid of all my too big clothes. I can't fit everything in the drawers anymore so it's time.:D It's also a pain because I have a crib in front of my closet so that's kind of unusable now too. That's ok. With Baby-man it's not like I wear much beyond jeans and t-shirts anyway. If he spits up on an $8 t-shirt it's no loss if I can't get the stain out. I know it's only temporary and I'll get back to real tops in another 8 months or less.


Well, He's napping now so I'm going to go try to get some exercise done before he decides to be done.



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Hi out there! how's everyone doing. I had a few sore muscles from my run the other day but I seem to be doing ok otherwise. I had hoped to get another one in yesterday but we had a grape juice incident (DS dropped a semi-solid can of purple grape juice concentrate out of the freezer in the garage) and I spent my exercise time supervising him cleaning up the mess.:D I had no idea one 8 year old and 1 can of grape juice could be such a disaster!:eek:


Otherwise things are going well here.



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Just wanted to stop by and wish you all a Very Happy Easter :D


My weigh-in last week i only lost .2 so i was a little disappointed. Hopefully tomorrow's weigh-in will be better. I have 10 more to lose in only 4 more weigh-ins before we leave.


Gotta run have some cooking to do. Enjoy your day everybody ;)



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Hi everyone! Whew! Yesterday was carb central! My stepdad just found out that he may have a heart condition so I loaned him my copy of protein power in hopes that he will "get it" and start cutting back on carbs too. Dinners at my moms are a killer. We did have a salad this time and I took beets and eggs but most of the rest of it was either noodles and potatoes or drowning in brown sugar. I'm up 3 pounds! :mad: Hopefully it will drop just as quickly now that I'm back on normal diet.


I did buy some new pants and capris this weekend. I bought 16's and tried a pair of 14s. I could get the 14s up but they weren't comfortable yet so I am taking them back. I also have to take 2 pairs of 16s back. There's one brand that I always forget the name of but they run so much smaller than all the others in my favorite shopping purgatory. The 2 pairs I picked up of that brand fit worse than the 14s! I'm going back today without the baby and doing some swapping out. Last years shorts were 18-20's so I need new shorts and capris. Last week was pretty hot and I only had 2 pairs to wear and they kept falling down.


How's everyone doing?



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Hi Tami......


I'm sorry to hear about your step-dad. I hope he will be fine. I will keep him in my prayers.


Don't get yourself down about gaining a few pounds. Just try and keep on track. I know it's way easier said than done but PLEASE hang in there :D


Hope everyone's Easter was nice. My was very nice.


As for my weigh-in this week i lost 3 more pounds and am very happy about it because i made my WW 10% goal. YIPPEE!!!!!!! Only 7 more pounds to go in 3 weeks. Geez where did all the weeks go ? It's flying by now. I recieved my cruise docs today as well.


The only sad thing today for me is i will probably have to put my cat down tonight and i feel soooooooooo sad. He is my BABY and I LOVE HIM SO :(


Well have a great day all.........



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Hi! I hope I can jump in here. I really need some help and inspiration. Last year I lost 50+ lbs for my cruise to Alaska. I didn't lose anymore but managed to keep if off for my February 2006 cruise. I have managed to gain 35lbs since. It's not like I only had the original 50 to lose, I really needed to lose another 100 after that. I now have a cruise next year, in March, and want to lose at least 100lbs by then. Last year I just got in a groove and it worked, not so now. It would help if I could join in.



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