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Anybody need to loose 100+ lbs

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I am operating on virtual no sleep. That adversely effected my WOE today at lunch. :(

The good news is I save money on insurance from Geico!

Seriously, I just finished my project. I am waiting for link to a printer in this place that will produce an acceptable copy. The math exam is tonight. The poetry final poem is written. I am ready for the presentations in both classes AND of course for it to all be over.


Are you packed? Is the whole family going? How long will you be gone? Details, my dear friend. When you can , of course.


Have a great weekend.



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Welcome Cruz-On!


I am sure I speak for the rest of the group when I say we'd love to have you.

It is a little slow on the board due to illness/recovery, holidays/vacations, children, school etc.


I went to water aerobic last night. Boy, I did not realize how much my body has missed moving. So for now I am committing to once per week for water aerobics. I may add one day at home in the morning. My three week class begins Saturday, December 1. It is an 8 hour class for three consecutive Saturdays. Yikes! But it must be done.


Tami, Kathi, Suzy, Debbie, Lynn and the Sisterhood where are you? I need support through the holidays. as we know this time of the year seems to magnify things that were not important back in June and as a result food becomes the "medicator." I do not plan for that to happen.



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Hi Cruz-on! I promise to be a good and supportive partner after Dec. 2. Until then my life is CHAOS! :D I leave Monday to take the family (4 kids ages 10 to 11 months) to Jamaica. My Karma is a bit crazy right now.


Natalie- Use exercise to destress and eat only the things that you truly love. My mom and I made a pact this year to cut out things that we had "just because it was Thanksgiving" like noodles, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy and greenbean casserole. We cut it down to baked beans and corn casserole (which are the favorites), deviled eggs, a veggie tray, turkey and pie. Personally I could live without the pie, but they all like it so I'll just dispatch the pie crust and eat the filling if I want dessert. :D It will still be too much food but only about 30% of what usually shows up.



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GoodMorning my Sisterhood :D


I'm sooooooooo sorry i haven't been around much but between not feeling good and getting ready for the cruise i have been going nuts over here. Oh yeah not to mention ALL the doc appts. i have to keep going to. UGH!!!!!


The last 2 weeks i have sciatica so that's not helping me either. Nothing i do is helping :mad: Oh well what ya gonna do.


I went to the docs yesterday and he increased 1 med and decreaced the other 2. He says that my calcium is good. I have been freezing, tired, and losing my hair that's why he had to increase my 1 med. It is affecting my weightloss as well :( The last 3 weeks i lost .4 , .4 and Monday .8. I know it's a loss but geez i'm used to 1 to 2 pounds a week. BLAH, BLAH. BLAH !!!!!!!


Natalie and Tami i wish you luck getting through the holidays cause we all know how hard it's going to be. We will all have to be here for one another.


I'm leaving Sunday for a 3 week cruise so i will chat when i return. Sorry it's so short but i have a ton of stuff to do.






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Debbie I am so glad to hear from you---my girl!

A three week cruise. Oh my goodness. I know you are short on time, but I must know all about it. A little teaser before you go--like where, what ship etc then the whole enchilada upon your return.

Hang in there with the weight loss...you know whatever we do toward our goal or not toward our goal always shows up eventually!

I am glad that you sound in good spirits. Drink-of -the day please be sure to call Debbie loud,clear and repeatedly. It has been an adventure getting here. {{{Debbie}}}}


Tami- You too are leaving Sunday for an adventure. I am just chillin'. I started the reading for my three week that starts December 1. The good news is it is very interesting. The subject is Consumer Behavior. It may be a lot of work, but I will have fun completing it.



Sisterhood--Remember that each day is a gift. When we follow our WOE and/or Woex we are blessed and bless others in our group.




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Hi all- We leave Monday at 4am!:eek: I'm not ready! I did ok on Thanksgiving. I'm up a pound but haven't been good about exercise for 2 weeks.


Debbie- glad to hear from you. Hang in there.


Natalie- Talk to you in a week.


Gotta run. We've got a babysitter for the day so we're goign to power christmas shop.



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Hi Natalie :D


Well guess what ship we picked? My favorite of course BUT she is the one with azipod problems and last weeks cruiser were stuck in Virginia :eek:


I really feel bad for all of them because i know i would not have been happy myself. They did recieve a refund, 100 onboard credit and 25% off thier next cruise so i guess that was good.


Well anyhoo we are suppose to be leaving tomorrow morning for our cruise and NCL keeps saying she's still on schedule. Who knows. We will have to call again later. Wish us luck ;)


First we are going to the Western Caribbean then we come back to N.Y. and head back out for 10 more days to the Eastern Caribbean.


I need this vacation after just having surgery 5 weeks ago. I'm still tired but at least on the ship i can take it slow.



Gotta run and pack. Talk to you all when i get back.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Boy am I jealous of Debbie or what!


I need a cruise right about now.


Tami should either be back or or on her way back.


I am not sure where the rest of this very active board is. :(


I had lost focus of my WOE last week and had things that I did not need to have. I am back to turning it over to a greater Power one day at a time.

I did go to water aerobics two weeks in a row. And I plan to go Monday night despite a new occurrence of what the doctor thinks is bursitis in my left hip. I suspect it s because my right knee is not fixed yet. December 19 cannot get her soon enough. That is the date I see my new specialist.


My sister called from NJ to say that my dad has not been forth right with me or anyone about his health and that I should probably come there to spend some time with him. I spoke to his wife and she sounded less "urgent." I said that all to say I will not go this or next weekend due to a 3 week class that meets 3 Saturdays in row. If I drop the class...blah,blah, blah. And I even more important I do not have any more time off from work until the first of the year. So I did book a ticket today for Saturday, December 23. I will stay through Christmas afternoon. I will then see what January brings. I'll be able to arrange for time off during the week, if need be.


I talked to my dad today and reminded him that we are all he has (excluding God, of course) and that I expect him at my May 12, 29007 graduation.



Keep me in your prayers.



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hi all- Just sailing through right now to let you know that we got home just fine. Had a good time although it was very rainy while we were there. They'd had massive flooding the week before too. Lots of things down for repair like the elevators!:eek: I lost all my Thanksgiving weight and another 1/2 pound even though I ate what I wanted. I did eat alot of fish though including for breakfast as I tried to keep to the Jamaica dishes. They were so good that after I get done with my class presentation tomorrow night I'm going to have to do some research.


We didn't get to scuba or do any water sports other than just be at the pool or on the beach because of the weather.:( We did do a zipline tour of the jungle canopy that was awesome! If you have that option as a cruise excursion in Ochos Rios I highly reccommend it. It wasn't scary at all at least to me.


Natalie- Parents and grandparents can be very irritating about "keeping it from the kids." They don't want to stress us out and then they wonder why we're upset when we find out at the last minute how bad things really are. I feel for your situation. Been there, done that several times.



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Welcome Home Tami


I am sorry to hear about the weather, glad to hear about the weight loss and excited to know more about the Canopy Zip Tour. I almost signed up for it then chickened out.


Sisterhood-Although I do not have tie to really post right now, suffice it to say I must get busy YESTERDAY. My LDL is too high and my overall cholesterol is too high. I do not want to have a stroke or die.


I will write soon




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My morning meditations have been reminding me that I must put my well being FIRST, if it is to LAST. As we come upon the feasting season I am purposefully focusing on maintaining sanity during this insane time. Foremost, that includes NOT drastically changing my eating habits. There will be things that I do not normally have, like Honey Baked Ham but it does not mean I have to or need to start and be unable to stop eating {you fill in the blank}! There is also no need to stop what I am doing and wait until the 1st of the year to start again. When I even entertain that thought rather than staying on the path I am on, I immediately think that is a license to let it all hang out. All the benefits I have received from following my WOE can be taken when I choose to over indulge. Yes, it is a choice. I hear folks in my workplace say things like I had to, I could not resist, my mother's sister's first removed cousin only makes it at the holiday and SHE would be offended if I did not at least taste it, blah blah.

I have to remind myself that I may not be alive if I start. This is the challenge I have. For those of a Higher Power persuasion, this is the challenge that I must turn over to HP each and many times per day.


Update: I received grades from last semester. Poetry A and Math B+ Yeah!

I am at the end of a three week class. Then I only have 9 hours to go! Three classes and a workshop for the Spring. Then I am done!!


The newly remodeled YMCA is open near my work. I go to the doctor Tuesday about my knees. Hopefully, I will be able to get my WOEX back in gear when I can once again walk. LOL


May this season bring peace serenity and calm to each of you.



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He Natalie- Great job on your classes! I got my grade back and got an A+ but as I said before it's one of the easiest classes I ever took. That's why I signed up for her class again next semester.:D Nothing like having my post grad GPA close to 4.0 considering I've not really done any work at all.


I'm struggling in the weight dept. I was down to 193.5 for a while but the PCOS is kicking in this week along with a couple of Christmas parties and I was up to 197. Now I'm back down to 195 but still PMSing badly. I'm having a heck of a time getting into my workout routine since we got back from vacation too. :rolleyes: No real excuses there except I'm running around like crazy and wiped out when I get home. I should do it first thing but I don't.


I'm off. Gotta go get baby-man's one year photos done today before he falls and needs stitches or something. He turns 1 on Saturday and my oldest turns 11 on the 27th. :eek: Wow!



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Hi Tami,


Excellent job! Easy for you not for others-ask them! LOL


I got my shots for my knees and steroid treatment for my back. I feel 1000% better. then I went and burned my fingers on a heater windshield scraper. I look like I got finger puppets for Christmas.


I am running around like a crazy person too. But only because for the first time in more than 7 weeks have I been able to do the minimal housework that I do which had turned monumental in that short time!!


I am off to NJ to check on my dad Saturday morning. I'll be back Monday afternoon.


I too have got to get my WOEx back on track. I must take care of that while my knees are working.


I have been up and down the same 3-4 pounds since vacation. :(

Now that January is upon us we will have the ENTIRE country reminding us of our goals, at least until April. LOL


Baby man is going to be 1 already? I bet you are no longer using him for weight training.


Have a really blessed Christmas.




Sisterhood: I trust that each of you thinks of us often and will return to our board as soon as you are able.

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You're right about not using baby-man for weight training! Now it's more the cardio portion from chasing after him.:D That boy is into EVERYTHING!


I'm off to the chiropractor in a few for an adjustment. Too much time being confined with christmas hyped kids this week. My shoulders are way above my ears. :rolleyes:


Gotta run. Have a Merry Christmas. My goal is to maintain this week.



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I am so woefully stuck. :( I am back and forth with the WOE (although more on track than not) and definitely not on track with the WOEX. I may be having a pity party. I thought just getting it out may help me to take the much needed action.


In addition to body clutter, I have physical clutter in my living space. I firmly believe this is contributing significantly to my current dilemma.


Yesterday, I went home and threw away some unused things. It was hard parting with them. The garbage man came this morning. My space for meditating, studying, getting ready and using the computer is a disaster. My goal tonight is to go and do SOMETHING in there to get it back to a manageable level of calm. And then continue to work on it until it gets better. I am confident that by changing my outer environment while working on changing my heart I will continue to move in a positive direction.


Yesterday, I did leave the building at lunch for a short walk. :)


I am wishing everyone a Happy New Year.



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Hi! GEEZ! It's been so busy around here that I didn't even get on to wish everyone a Merry christmas. We're having oldest DD's birthday party tonight. I'm making paneer masala, saag, and chicken vindaloo along with rice and roti. Yum! Can't wait. The good thing is that all those things except the roti and rice are pretty much in line with keeping the white foods out which is what I'm getting back to TOMORROW!


I'm only up 2 pounds for the holiday season which is pretty darned good. However, my exercise routine is in ruins. I went out and bought a new pair of running shoes though and I'm ready to go. I'm going to try for a streak of cardio at least 100 days long.



Our next vacation/road trip is in 16 weeks and I've set a goal of 15 pounds. That will put me at 180 which is something I haven't seen since the middle of the fertility drug nightmare.


I'm just glad that the holidays are over and I can get back on track, how about you? I'm not looking forward to school starting back but at least it's only an 8 week class this time and then I'm done.



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Happy New Year


Yes, Tami 2 pounds is extra darn good. Sounds like a lifestyle change is taking place. Good for you!


"I'm making paneer masala, saag, and chicken vindaloo" That sounds really good, what is it? LOL No, seriously I'd like to know. :)


A 100 day cardio streak sounds good. I got a pencil and paper out to see what it felt for me to commit to the same. I decided it was too much (just due to my perfectionism) so I looked and saw that my BD is 12 weeks away. So I said what about 85 days? Then I felt overwhelmed. So what I am going to do is join you in your 100 day cardio streak 30 days at a time starting January 2. You are so right to set a specific goal. So for me to count the cardio is will be anything 15 minutes or more. It does not have to be at they gym, or to the point of exhaustion. You know I am just saying this out loud so I do not go crazy and set myself up for the big woo-woo. By joining you I have a partner and a place to give and get encouragement! Thank you so much for all your encouragement by example and sharing. I am truly glad I found you.

I also had decided I would like to be down another 30 pounds when I graduate May 12, 2007. So this will put me either right on target or above it. Your goal is totally sensible and doable too.


Yes, an 8 week class is fantastic! I have 7 weekends over a 14 week semester, which is also wonderful. I am taking a 1 credit workshop called "The Internet Comes Of Age." It is a class on how to best use the Internet for research purposes and how to appropriately cite it as a reference. I am really looking forward to that. I have used it and cited it uncomfortably for the past several years. I am hoping to up my comfort level.

Have a wonderful New Year.


I will talk to you in 2007 with my first report of how many minutes I did each day.


Sisterhood- I am prayerful that all is well with each of you.



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Day 2 of my 30 in 30 one day at a time for 100. LOL

Yesterday I did 20 minutes of walking with Leslie Sansone. Oh my goodness...it is so true if you do not use it, you lose it. I was actually in pain from that slight exertion. Thanks to you Tami, I kept it moving to completion.

This morning was a little better. My hip is still not correct, but I attribute some of it to lack of movement for so long. WOE is good. Trying to establish some healthy snacking to make mini meals rather than just the three I have been doing while still staying within a caloric range to reduce.


Have a great day.


Maybe some of our sisterhood will return this week.

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Hi, I'm on day 4 of my streak although yesterday was tough. Some guests that I thought were only going to stay a couple of hours stayed 6 and then other company dropped in! I got mine done yesterday in 10 minute increments but it did get done. Today I made up for it by doing 30 on the bike, weight training and then I walked 3 1/2 miles at the school while waiting for DD at swim practice. I'm already sore.:eek:


Paneer masala is a cheese (think very dry ricotta) in a tomato-ey sauce. It's a little spicy but mostly cumin, ginger and turmeric. Anything Masala is a good starter indian food. Tikka Masala is hot spicy though, FYI as Tikka means hot. Vindaloo style anything is also tomato based but made with vindaloo curry paste. If you get it off a buffet geared for Americans it's moderately spicey. If you get it made off the menu for indians it will kick your butt! It was so good but I can only eat small amounts because it tends to make me lose feeling in my lips.


I'm excited for you that your graduation date is so close! I remember what it felt like to FINALLY have it in sight. Once in a while I think about going back and getting my masters but then again these classes I take to keep my license current remind me how glad I was to be done. And at least with these I can take whatever interests me. It's nice to have that freedom. I've taken 2 folklores, a science workshop, a multiple intelligences workshop, Asian history and sociology. Another on my list when the kids are older is a class at Ball State University where you go out with a professor and chase tornados for 3 weeks in the summer. IF I can get into that one without being a meterology student it would be AWESOME! I'm a huge weather nerd. It's something I'd never do on my own because that would be hugely stupid but to go out with an expert would be a once in a lifetime thing.



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Hi all! It's a big day at our house today. It's baby-man's Gotcha Day. Hard to believe that a year ago we were in Miami just about now picking him up. He was this tiny little bundle. Now he's running around the house banging everything with drumsticks (thanks Nana! At least he has rhythm,) climbing everything, and using his rocking horse like a surfboard.:D He's a bit of a wildman!



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Happy Gotha Day to Baby Man! Boy, Tami, when I read that yesterday I could not believe we have been chatting for more than 1 year. WOW

What a wonderful thing.

Last week took a slight nose dive starting with Saturday. Due to my procrastination I did not have enough time to exercise Saturday morning before taking off for school. So I told myself that I would walk around campus for 15 minutes. Well, at my very first class the nose started running and as they say the show went down hill from there. I was sick the rest of Saturday, Sunday and Monday. I did not exercise since I could only breathe through my mouth and I felt miserable. But the good news is this morning I felt able to breathe and exercised for 22 minutes. I did add the 2 minutes I promised myself. So I am back on track with minimal guilt and , get this--no shame!

My WOE is going really good. I started using http://www.sparkpeople.com again to track the food and exercise. It really is an eye opener as to the content of food in addition to its caloric value. I see I can stay within the suggested range and NOT get enough carbs or get too much fat.


Have a blessed day.



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I know, it has been more than a year. I've been talking to some of the people on the other board for more than two.


I love Sparkpeople! I'm still bad about calorie counting though!:rolleyes: I just hate it. It makes me rebel badly. I'm doing really well on exercise but my WOE is still iffy. I'm doing OK, but not stellar. Since I picked up the exercise I'm starving. That should balance out in another few days though. Just my body adjusting.


Good for you for not feeling shame about missing exercise when you are sick. You shouldn't. You can't help being sick. You're better off to take the time to take care of yourself than to push through and make yourself sicker.



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