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Cool Girl & Crazy Mom do the Med-Venice: A (very delayed) review of a Serenade voyage

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:oIt's sunday....eagerly awating the new sunday post.....what time is it over there right now?


Quit snoozing ...Wake up!


I wish I could hypnotize you from here to get up, get a coffee and head over to the computer to start the next installment.


Trying...... ghhhhhhhhhhhhh (concentrating....)do you feel an urge to continue the review yet?




Crap, I guess I'm not psychic afterall:D.


Come on, don't torture us so much....I can live with a little bit (lol -- I guess I'm doing that in my review as well) but you're starting to be really really cruel now! Pleeeeaaaasssseeeeeeeeee????????????????????




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Looking forward to hearing about Ravenna. This is the one stop I am not sure yet what to do.


Hi MJ, yes, Ravenna was a tough one for me as well. Honestly, I had never even heard of Ravenna before I booked the cruise, so I had no clue what to do there. Honestly, there isn't a ton, but it's a quaint enough little town and a nice way to just relax a bit without having to feel like you need to run around like a maniac seeing a bunch of sights.... especially since you will probably have spent the past few days doing just that!


Melissa, you've managed to make your Ravenna day an adventure!! Not that it's not a perfectly nice town (and truly amazing mosaics), but it was definitely one of the days that we aimed for more downtime. (And really, sandwiched between 4 port days in a row and Venice, we really enjoyed a calmer day.)


Can't wait to read about the rest of your day...and cruise! We're here for the longhaul!


Yes - exactly!!! I was a great way to relax a bit after all the hectic, big-city ports of the past few days. Plus, it gave us all a chance to save up some energy for Dubrovnik (which is a town I love and had totally planned to drag CM all over....lol!)

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:oIt's sunday....eagerly awating the new sunday post.....what time is it over there right now?


Quit snoozing ...Wake up!


I wish I could hypnotize you from here to get up, get a coffee and head over to the computer to start the next installment.


Trying...... ghhhhhhhhhhhhh (concentrating....)do you feel an urge to continue the review yet?




Crap, I guess I'm not psychic afterall:D.


Come on, don't torture us so much....I can live with a little bit (lol -- I guess I'm doing that in my review as well) but you're starting to be really really cruel now! Pleeeeaaaasssseeeeeeeeee????????????????????






I feel like poor Stef is on the verge of needing to be committed. Don't put that straight jacket on just yet, Step :p


Seriously though, your post (and attempt at cross-Atlantic mind control) had me cracking up when I read it this morning. Sorry that I had to keep you waiting a few extra hours for this morning's post, but I just had to do some work in the yard before it got too darn hot.


So, without further ado.... the Sunday post (plus some pics from Ravenna)


(WARNING - this post has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the ship or port... it's just part of the adventure of Cool Girl and Crazy Mom)

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Yes, you read that right… post 1.5. This is sort of a side story to the day in Ravenna. So without further ado, let me tell you the tale of how I became the bride-to-be of an arranged marriage….


Just as a reminder, let’s review the members of our group that spent the day in Ravenna:


Cool Girl – Obviously….

Crazy Mom – you all should know her well by now

Peggy & Ernie – Our cabin neighbors & fellow roll callers. Ernie’s job – to cause trouble. Peggy’s job – to reign in Ernie (just kidding – love you guys!)

Laura & Scott – Fellow roll callers who we had also gotten to know better since being on the ship. Laura’s job – to be the voice of reason in the group. Scott’s job – to impersonate Steve Martin (ok, he doesn’t do this on purpose, but he just reminds me so darn much of him) AND to plan MY wedding along with CM.




OK, here’s how it all went down…


We had just crossed the ferry and were waiting at the bus stop for the bus to Ravenna. The conversation with the 6 of us is just your general, run of the mill chatter.


All of the sudden, Laura says to Scott, “Oh just ask her. You’ve been wanting to since you first met her.”


Huh, ask me what?


So, Scott turns to me and says plain as day, “Are you single?”


OK, not exactly the kind of question I’m expecting from a married man with his wife standing right there, but ok….


So, I reply with my standard, “Yes. Boys are stupid – throw rocks at them.”


Scott: “Oh, too bad, we have a son who we think you would be perfect for.”


Me: “Well, let’s not be too hasty…. Maybe not ALL boys are stupid. Let’s discuss this further…”


Right about then, the bus arrives and we all board. On board, Laura starts showing me photos of said “son.” I think my reply was, “Yum, he’s pretty!”


During the course of the 30 minute ride, I learn that their son loves to travel, he works for the airline and can fly for free…. But just needs a travel partner (I make a GREAT travel partner… just saying). He went to the university in my town and would love to move back there. AND, one of his favorite restaurants in my town is also one of MY favorite restaurants. Plus, Laura & Scott own assisted living facilities… I work for a company that owns assisted living facilities. Sounds like a match made in heaven to me (although all of the things I had in common with them and their son was starting to seem just a little creepy!


So, it was about this time, once it was decided we were perfect for one another, that CM and Scott took over planning our destination wedding. It quickly became apparent that I was to have little to no say in the matter or the details, so I just let them plan away (‘bout time CM planned something on my behalf since I handled all the planning for this trip!)


Needless to say, for the remainder of the cruise, I called Laura and Scott “Mom & Dad” and we talked often about how excited I was to have them as my future in-laws.


I don’t know how the planning is going…. I haven’t heard of a date being set yet for my nuptials, but I haven’t lost hope. So, Laura and Scott, if you’re reading this, tell my fiancé I said hi and can’t wait to meet him. And, if for some reason he isn’t on board with the plan (which I can’t imagine why), please find me someone else in your family… another son, nephew, cousin…. I just really want to be related to you two!!!


Now, for a pick of my future in-laws and fellow traveling companions from Ravenna:



(My future in-laws are on the right... Peggy & Ernie on the left.... me in the reflection in the window...lol)


Up next…. The rest of the day/evening aboard ship (dinner and entertainment) then on the Dubrovnik!


Cool Girl :cool:

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A few pics from the town of Ravenna....



The main town square



The famous, Dante, is buried in Ravenna)



Dante's tomb (yes, you can go inside)



Ravenna is famous for its mosaics. I believe this one was inside the dome of the very small "Arian Baptistry"



We passed by this beautiful fountain that was surrounded by four lions.... all in different poses



The front of the restaurant where we had lunch... just a short way off the main square



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Melissa! FIL here (Future in-laws), loving the review, and if course the most recent post. We have mentioned the wedding plans in passing to DS, and showed him pics. I do see interest. But, he hasn't been back to your hometown in quite awhile. We keep offering to take him. Tell him to pack a couple of bags, you know, in case he needs something. Then we will go to check on something in the car, call you, and you can take care of the rest! Jk of course. But, he would like to meet you. And remember, we DO have another DS!! First DS is actually in Japan this week. Just because! ..... Seems we parents had decided a cruise destination wedding was best. And we were getting all planned future cruise dates from interested parties so all could be there! .... Loving your review! Miss you!!

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Wow, this is really awesome! I never thought of using my fellow roll call members as match makers :D This might work out well. I'm heading out on a cruise with my Crazy Mom next fall, and it's one of those two week Canada cruises during the school year which means I'll probably be one of the youngest on the ship. I'm sure some of our fellow roll call members have single sons. I'll have to start putting the word out :eek: :D

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A few pics from the town of Ravenna....



I'm an italian ( newly retired) man, living in northwestern Italy.


I spent the whole afternoon reading your post (and some wonderful replies of your many followers ) : I laughed, laughed, laughed... !


You're so funny ! So entertaining , even if my english is not that perfect ,I've been able to understand your simpaty and your irony.

You describe so well the places you've been and, even if I've been so many times in those places, I learnt something new and interesting , and I also had the opportunity of seeing these same places from your point of you .


Thank you so much ! For sure you're a very special person. On october 11th, I'll be back on Serenade of the Seas and, while onboard, I will think of you.



And thanks to internet and Cruisecritic that makes this world so small...


I was recently aboard a Royal Caribbean ship here in the Mediterranean and I too didn't like the way they presented the ports of call as they were unsafe, pushing for their own shore excursions : this is very unpleasant.I agree with you.


Anyway...I wish you many beautiful cruises in the future ( so I 'll read your reviews , ehee :) )


A big ciao from Italy



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Alberto, I will be on the Serenade of the Seas on Oct 11!:) What a coincidence.


That was very nice of you to comment on Melissa's review.


Perhaps I'll run into you on board. I am travelling with about 30 other Americans from all over the USA. We are staying in Civitavecchia precruise.


Melissa, I hope you can meet that wonderful son of your in-laws.;)



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Melissa! FIL here (Future in-laws), loving the review, and if course the most recent post. We have mentioned the wedding plans in passing to DS, and showed him pics. I do see interest. But, he hasn't been back to your hometown in quite awhile. We keep offering to take him. Tell him to pack a couple of bags, you know, in case he needs something. Then we will go to check on something in the car, call you, and you can take care of the rest! Jk of course. But, he would like to meet you. And remember, we DO have another DS!! First DS is actually in Japan this week. Just because! ..... Seems we parents had decided a cruise destination wedding was best. And we were getting all planned future cruise dates from interested parties so all could be there! .... Loving your review! Miss you!!


Everybody, look, look, LOOK - it's the FILs live and in person (well, sort of)!!!! Aren't they just fabulous?! Now you can all see first hand why I can't wait to be an official member of their family! And I'm not picky... I'll take either son, just so long as I get to be DIL-extraordinaire :cool::D



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A few pics from the town of Ravenna....



I'm an italian ( newly retired) man, living in northwestern Italy.


I spent the whole afternoon reading your post (and some wonderful replies of your many followers ) : I laughed, laughed, laughed... !


You're so funny ! So entertaining , even if my english is not that perfect ,I've been able to understand your simpaty and your irony.

You describe so well the places you've been and, even if I've been so many times in those places, I learnt something new and interesting , and I also had the opportunity of seeing these same places from your point of you .


Thank you so much ! For sure you're a very special person. On october 11th, I'll be back on Serenade of the Seas and, while onboard, I will think of you.



And thanks to internet and Cruisecritic that makes this world so small...


I was recently aboard a Royal Caribbean ship here in the Mediterranean and I too didn't like the way they presented the ports of call as they were unsafe, pushing for their own shore excursions : this is very unpleasant.I agree with you.


Anyway...I wish you many beautiful cruises in the future ( so I 'll read your reviews , ehee :) )


A big ciao from Italy




Wow!!! Alberto, I am truly honored that you, being a native of Italy, have enjoyed my review so much! You live is such an amazingly beautiful country that is full of history and warm, friendly people!!! The fact that you felt my little review gave you a chance to "see" places in Italy from a different perspective is humbling. Thank you so much for taking the time to post!!!


BTW - your English is GREAT and I am so glad you were able to get all of my "humor" that I try to write into my posts.


Please say "Hi" to my beautiful Serenade. I hope you have as wonderful a time aboard her and I did!!!!



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Alberto, I will be on the Serenade of the Seas on Oct 11!:) What a coincidence.


That was very nice of you to comment on Melissa's review.


Perhaps I'll run into you on board. I am travelling with about 30 other Americans from all over the USA. We are staying in Civitavecchia precruise.


Melissa, I hope you can meet that wonderful son of your in-laws.;)




Hi Janet! Yes, that was so nice of Alberto!!! Wouldn't it be a hoot if you two ran into each other?! You must promise to get a photo of the two of you if you do and post it on here!!!! Please send my regards to the Serenade and tell her I miss her :D


Are you just staying in C-town precruise or are you going to be able to spend some time in Rome itself?


I hope you have a wonderful cruise!



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Thanks, Melissa. Will look out for Alberto.


I have been to Rome 3X (lucky me ... hahaha) could go another 300 but this time I wanted to relax precruise with my group in Civitavecchia and board in the morning from there.


I am following your review (although not the same itinerary) for glimpses of your ship stories ... love them!


You are a gifted narrator! And you have a talent to keep people coming back like the soap operas ... hahaha. ;)


We all want to go to the wedding, which I'm sure will be better than George/Amal in Venice.:)

Edited by Moondawgie
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Alberto, I will be on the Serenade of the Seas on Oct 11!:) What a coincidence.


That was very nice of you to comment on Melissa's review.


Perhaps I'll run into you on board. I am travelling with about 30 other Americans from all over the USA. We are staying in Civitavecchia precruise.


Melissa, I hope you can meet that wonderful son of your in-laws.;)






Me too I 'll travel with a Group of 26 italian friends .I'll be staying in cabin 8172 ! We will take an early morning flight from Turin so I believe to be at the terminal at around 10.30/11.There will be only 40 italians onboard and 27 of those belong to my group , so ask for Alberto.


Call me , should you need any info , I'll be more than happy to answer (...if I know :) ).


I've been already been in these ports : I also was on Serenade last august , so I've a "fresh" knowledge of the ship ! This time fortunately the demographic will be different : americans and northern europeans, can't tell you what means cruising with more than 300 spanish kids of all ages , running everywhere. The atmosphere was...lively ? :)


See you onboard !



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Wow!!! Alberto, I am truly honored that you, being a native of Italy, have enjoyed my review so much! You live is such an amazingly beautiful country that is full of history and warm, friendly people!!! The fact that you felt my little review gave you a chance to "see" places in Italy from a different perspective is humbling. Thank you so much for taking the time to post!!!


BTW - your English is GREAT and I am so glad you were able to get all of my "humor" that I try to write into my posts.


Please say "Hi" to my beautiful Serenade. I hope you have as wonderful a time aboard her and I did!!!!




Melissa ,


thank you for your kind words ! I hope to meet you a day on a cruise : you REALLY enjoy the trips you take and few people have been gifted like you : you're able to transmit your enthusiasm !


See the difference from what you write and (too) many other reviews here in Cruisecritic : many people are so fortunate to cruise and see wonderful places that most people in the world will even not dream about and what they write when back ?

-OMG...! The food wasn't really gourmet !

-The cabin's colour palette didn't match with my eyes, so terrible .( not yet read...till now ...but I believe we're not that far )

-Internet connection was sooooooo slow (I cruised most of my life without internet and, incredible to say, I enjoyed 100% these voyages and I was always happy! And even now I use it as...you ! )


And..and...and...blablalbla. Nothing really interesting about their reviews. And what's about the places they have been ? Nothing to speak about.


Ah...about the way of drinking a coffee in Italy...haha...believe me, we have our espressos and cappuccinos in a much more relaxed way !

In the 90% of italian coffee houses ( here simply called BAR ) an espresso ( if not seated, where a supplement applies ) coffee costs between 1 to 1.40 euros and a cappuccino (very) rarely exceeds 1.30 to 1.60. And a croissant or danish costs between 1 to 1.50 euros ( Janet , if you're reading, take note for Civitavecchia : these are the prices to pay, no more )

Venice excluded of course !(I believe this is one of the most expensive cities in the world for tourists ) Seated in St.Marks square I paid for an espresso 7 euros and for an invisible bottle of coke ( much smaller than a can) 12 euros !!!


Melissa , again , thank you for sharing your travel emotions with us , and, should you come back to Italy , I'm at your disposal for any info or help you may need.



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Melissa ,


thank you for your kind words ! I hope to meet you a day on a cruise : you REALLY enjoy the trips you take and few people have been gifted like you : you're able to transmit your enthusiasm !


See the difference from what you write and (too) many other reviews here in Cruisecritic : many people are so fortunate to cruise and see wonderful places that most people in the world will even not dream about and what they write when back ?

-OMG...! The food wasn't really gourmet !

-The cabin's colour palette didn't match with my eyes, so terrible .( not yet read...till now ...but I believe we're not that far )

-Internet connection was sooooooo slow (I cruised most of my life without internet and, incredible to say, I enjoyed 100% these voyages and I was always happy! And even now I use it as...you ! )


And..and...and...blablalbla. Nothing really interesting about their reviews. And what's about the places they have been ? Nothing to speak about.


Ah...about the way of drinking a coffee in Italy...haha...believe me, we have our espressos and cappuccinos in a much more relaxed way !

In the 90% of italian coffee houses ( here simply called BAR ) an espresso ( if not seated, where a supplement applies ) coffee costs between 1 to 1.40 euros and a cappuccino (very) rarely exceeds 1.30 to 1.60. And a croissant or danish costs between 1 to 1.50 euros ( Janet , if you're reading, take note for Civitavecchia : these are the prices to pay, no more )

Venice excluded of course !(I believe this is one of the most expensive cities in the world for tourists ) Seated in St.Marks square I paid for an espresso 7 euros and for an invisible bottle of coke ( much smaller than a can) 12 euros !!!


Melissa , again , thank you for sharing your travel emotions with us , and, should you come back to Italy , I'm at your disposal for any info or help you may need.




Alberto, this is so true! We call those the "stained carpet" reviews...There was a stain on the carpet and it RUINED my whole trip!


Have a good trip and give my friend Moondawgie a big hug!

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Yes, you read that right… post 1.5. This is sort of a side story to the day in Ravenna. So without further ado, let me tell you the tale of how I became the bride-to-be of an arranged marriage….


Just as a reminder, let’s review the members of our group that spent the day in Ravenna:


Cool Girl – Obviously….

Crazy Mom – you all should know her well by now

Peggy & Ernie – Our cabin neighbors & fellow roll callers. Ernie’s job – to cause trouble. Peggy’s job – to reign in Ernie (just kidding – love you guys!)

Laura & Scott – Fellow roll callers who we had also gotten to know better since being on the ship. Laura’s job – to be the voice of reason in the group. Scott’s job – to impersonate Steve Martin (ok, he doesn’t do this on purpose, but he just reminds me so darn much of him) AND to plan MY wedding along with CM.




OK, here’s how it all went down…


We had just crossed the ferry and were waiting at the bus stop for the bus to Ravenna. The conversation with the 6 of us is just your general, run of the mill chatter.


All of the sudden, Laura says to Scott, “Oh just ask her. You’ve been wanting to since you first met her.”


Huh, ask me what?


So, Scott turns to me and says plain as day, “Are you single?”


OK, not exactly the kind of question I’m expecting from a married man with his wife standing right there, but ok….


So, I reply with my standard, “Yes. Boys are stupid – throw rocks at them.”


Scott: “Oh, too bad, we have a son who we think you would be perfect for.”


Me: “Well, let’s not be too hasty…. Maybe not ALL boys are stupid. Let’s discuss this further…”


Right about then, the bus arrives and we all board. On board, Laura starts showing me photos of said “son.” I think my reply was, “Yum, he’s pretty!”


During the course of the 30 minute ride, I learn that their son loves to travel, he works for the airline and can fly for free…. But just needs a travel partner (I make a GREAT travel partner… just saying). He went to the university in my town and would love to move back there. AND, one of his favorite restaurants in my town is also one of MY favorite restaurants. Plus, Laura & Scott own assisted living facilities… I work for a company that owns assisted living facilities. Sounds like a match made in heaven to me (although all of the things I had in common with them and their son was starting to seem just a little creepy!


So, it was about this time, once it was decided we were perfect for one another, that CM and Scott took over planning our destination wedding. It quickly became apparent that I was to have little to no say in the matter or the details, so I just let them plan away (‘bout time CM planned something on my behalf since I handled all the planning for this trip!)


Needless to say, for the remainder of the cruise, I called Laura and Scott “Mom & Dad” and we talked often about how excited I was to have them as my future in-laws.


I don’t know how the planning is going…. I haven’t heard of a date being set yet for my nuptials, but I haven’t lost hope. So, Laura and Scott, if you’re reading this, tell my fiancé I said hi and can’t wait to meet him. And, if for some reason he isn’t on board with the plan (which I can’t imagine why), please find me someone else in your family… another son, nephew, cousin…. I just really want to be related to you two!!!


Now, for a pick of my future in-laws and fellow traveling companions from Ravenna:



(My future in-laws are on the right... Peggy & Ernie on the left.... me in the reflection in the window...lol)


Up next…. The rest of the day/evening aboard ship (dinner and entertainment) then on the Dubrovnik!


Cool Girl :cool:


Ernie "of the small beer" looks too angelic here! :D


Enjoying your review, Melissa. I didn't tell you this on the cruise, but DH thought CM was your sister.

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Alberto, this is so true! We call those the "stained carpet" reviews...There was a stain on the carpet and it RUINED my whole trip!


Have a good trip and give my friend Moondawgie a big hug!


Stained carpet reviews...uhm...ahaha ! :):):)


Thank you so much ! This season in the mediterranean is so nice, there is no better month to visit Greece (and Southern Italy ) than october.


Here too, in the beautiful Piedmont , in northwestern Italy, the wine harvest has just begun , it's a splendid season !



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Alberto, I will be sure to call you when I am on board. I can't wait to meet your friends! I'm sure we can find a nice lounge/bar to take over!:D


Hi, D. Wish you were coming along.


Melissa, sorry to hijack your review. You are gathering quite a list of fans.:)

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Ernie "of the small beer" looks too angelic here! :D


Enjoying your review, Melissa. I didn't tell you this on the cruise, but DH thought CM was your sister.


"Ernie" and "angelic" in the same sentence.... what are the chances? :eek::p:D I totally forgot about the "small beer" "big beer" thing. Thanks for the reminder.... made me chuckle!




PS - CM will be so thrilled to hear your hubby thought she was my sister... it'll make her day!

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Alberto, I will be sure to call you when I am on board. I can't wait to meet your friends! I'm sure we can find a nice lounge/bar to take over!:D


Hi, D. Wish you were coming along.


Melissa, sorry to hijack your review. You are gathering quite a list of fans.:)


No worries - hijacks like this make my day! I'm positively thrilled that my review can bring folks together (or back together)!!!


I'm just jealous I can't be part of the "bar takeover" group.... I bet y'all will have a blast!!! However, now you and Alberto really do need to come back and post some groups pics on this thread :D



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This is my lucky day. I stumbled across your thread and I found out that you managed to find the restaurant that I had had researched earlier. And that it got a thumb's up from 6 people and I have 6 people.


What are the odds of that happening?


Unfortunately we are not stopping in Split, that would have been my ideal stop. Our last stop is in Montenegro which I think could be even more sleepy than Ravenna.


Totally forgot that I need to do some shopping at Dollar Tree. Maybe this weekend. What are the chances they still have the masks one year later?


Now to search out those other reviews I started reading and forgot about...



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Alberto, I will be sure to call you when I am on board. I can't wait to meet your friends! I'm sure we can find a nice lounge/bar to take over!:D


Hi, D. Wish you were coming along.


Melissa, sorry to hijack your review. You are gathering quite a list of fans.:)


Perfect, Janet !

And thank you Melissa for hosting me in your post .


( Ps : unfortunately only one and a half of my friends - other than me that i strive to - speaks english ( ahaha , the " half " would and could speak , but he's too shy , always in fear of not understanding what you say...:D )

Oh, the language barrier !

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Perfect, Janet !

And thank you Melissa for hosting me in your post .


( Ps : unfortunately only one and a half of my friends - other than me that i strive to - speaks english ( ahaha , the " half " would and could speak , but he's too shy , always in fear of not understanding what you say...:D )

Oh, the language barrier !


Nessun problema, Alberto.


If I can struggle through Italian in Italy, your friends are welcome to speak whatever language we can muster.



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