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Carnival Dream (9/14/14)- With Pictures


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Like I said, our cavetubing guides were very conscious of the time. When we were tubing they would ask what time it was ship time and then tell us the plan for the day so that we could still eat the local Belizean Chicken Tamale that was made for us. We got back to the bus and we headed out to go eat.




This tamale was very tasty, only thing is be careful with the bones. They joke with you about a local delicacy called bamboo chicken which they say is actually iguana. So when they told us we were having a chicken tamale, they reassured us that it was real chicken and to prove that they through in a couple bones. I'm sure the reason why there are bones in the tamale isn't to prove it isn't bamboo chicken, but nonetheless there are bones. So be careful. Also where they have the tamales, you can buy something to drink. Sodas and waters were $1. Bf's brother got an alcoholic scotch on the rocks or something like it and it was only $3. And by 2:30 we were back on the bus so that we could get back to catch the last tender by 4:15. Originally the itinerary said that we would be back by 2:30. I'm not sure how we got off by an hour from that schedule because we didn't have people that just lingered around, but I wasn't to worried about it because we made it back by 3:30 looked in a couple shops and then went to stand in line to wait for the tender. I'm pretty sure this day the last tender didn't run at 4:15 because there were still so many people in line to bring back to the boat. It kind of sucked that it was raining still when we were waiting for the tender boat, but at least it kept the temperature cool while we waited. But then we boarded our tender boat and were on our way back to our home away from home.




Bye Belize.




When we got back to the big boat, we stopped to get a snack before getting ready for dinner. That tamale, although good, wasn't filling. Tonight we had to get ready for the show at 7 because it was the highly recommened Dancing in the Streets. We loved this show. At first it just seemed like the traditional, cheesy, broadway style shows that you always see on Carnival ships, but this one was even better because they brought out the fun force dancers which were a bunch of break dancing men with insane strength. They also had other elements to the show that made it unique but I won't share so that I don't spoil it for you but I will join in with everyone and say that this show is for sure a must see.


The show took about an hour or so and right after we headed straight to dinner even though our dining wasn't til 8:15, we were always able to get in around 8 and today was that way too. This night my BF and I ordered the same thing for dinner. And if your following along on the menu's that are on www . zydecocruiser . net, this is where I want to point out that the order changes. Day 4's menu is actually day 6 on the website on the dreams menu order. My BF and I both got the petite filet mignon and braised boneless short ribs. I didn't care much for the filet mignon(it was a little dry to me) but I did enjoy the Short ribs quite a bit. For our appetizer, my BF ordered the Fried shrimp&fries and the wild mushroom cream soup. I started with the chicken noodle soup and sent that back for the mushroom cream soup because the chicken noodle soup was not good in my opinion. The mushroom cream soup was deliscious especially dipping bread in it while you eat.


After dinner we didn't do much because we were exhausted from our very early, very physical day. BF and I hung out around the casino so I could watch one of my favorites sing. I'm not sure who this was singing next to her, but she would jump in occasionally and sing with people and I loved her too. That is her smiling for my picture. She saw me taking it and stopped to pose. :)




And shortly we were off to bed. This guy was waiting for us when we got back in the room.




Tomorrow is the place I was most looking forward to. In Roatan, we go to Little French Key.

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I think I woke up without an alarm on this day, because of all the ports I was most excited for this one. That’s not to say we didn’t have a great time at the other two ports because every day was a blast. But when I was doing my planning for this cruise, I got so excited reading about and seeing pictures from Little French Key. In pictures, this place looked like something you would see in a post card or a Corona commercial. So I went in with high expectations.

But of course, like any other morning we woke up and went to have breakfast at the buffet before we headed out. When we got up to the Lido deck, this morning we had a special gift. The crew had put a towel animal on all of the chairs and I went picture crazy because every one of them was just as cute as the next. I was already loving the animals Camelia made for us every night and I had remembered people saying that one day on the ship you would wake up to this surprise, but I didn’t know when. It was the perfect day for it.


I also remembered to capture a photo of what they have at the breakfast buffet. They also had things that weren’t on this menu, like yogurt, fresh fruits and cereal and milk. Certain things would vary, for example this day on the menu they had something called Bubble & Squeak(which I have no idea what that is) and sticky buns but these items weren’t on the menu on any other day. They would alternate with things like pancakes or eggs benedict or random things like that. I always ate the same thing though, the scrambled eggs, bacon half a bagel with cream cheese and the occasional hash brown. This day I did try the pork sausage links and they were pretty delicious. My BF always had the omlet station and bacon off my plate. He also enjoyed the Juices in the mornings because they were free. We didn’t think about it on this cruise, but someone was at the station filling up an empty water bottle with juice to put in their fridge to drink later. I thought that was a clever idea.


We were up, and finished eating before they even were ready to let us off the boat. But pulling in to Roatan was a beautiful site to see.


After we finished eating we headed down as far as we could on the elevator and then had to wait to take the stairs down to deck 0 so that we could go enjoy this beautiful place. Some lady was telling us we needed to stand in line, but there was clearly not a line to stand in so we just got somewhere behind her with the rest of the crowd so that we wouldn’t upset her for not getting in this supposed line because she kept nagging us until we moved. We didn’t get to get off the boat right on time but it was pretty close to when we were supposed to. And we could hardly wait!

Also, here are today’s funtimes.




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We booked privately this day, directly with Little French Key. They had several packages online that you could choose from starting at $55 per person just for transportation and entrance to the island and then everything else was pay as you go. After doing some calculations, we all decided the pay as you go option would be best for us, so we booked 4 people @ $55 per person. We had heard that it was a large plate of food that you get when you order so the BF and I could share and the people in my group aren’t really drinkers so it would be cheaper to just buy as we wanted. I had emailed the owner to inquire about how much drinks and food would be if we decided to order there and she quickly responded with pricing, but here is a picture for those of you wondering if this would be a better option for you too.


I had read several reviews that said to prepare for a hike up hill because in Mahogany Bay(because it was owned by Carnival) they don’t allow private excursions to pick you up inside and you have to walk to meet them. So I prepared my group and it actually wasn’t bad in my opinion at all. After you walked out of the place where all the store were you walked on something that is pretty flat ground until you got to some stairs. Sure the stairs were a little steep (not much) and there was a few to climb (not much either) but then after that it felt more like you were walking downhill then uphill. And then you saw all of the tour guides. They were all very helpful to find you who you were supposed to meet with, even if it wasn’t them. They helped us find our guides, because the LFK guys blended in with everyone and I don’t remember even seeing a sign or anything. They found our names on the list and escorted us to a bus so we could make our way to the island. The drive wasn’t long at all, I think when I timed it it was about 20 minutes to Frenchy’s, which was where they would pick you up to take you to the island.


Once you got to Frenchy’s, you paid for whatever package you wanted from the island. The owner, Larissa, is who took our money even though we didn’t realize it was her. She was super sweet and accommodating. We still got the original package that we reserved, but some people in front of us were trying to decide what was the best option and she took her time to talk them through so that they aren’t wasting money and getting what was most beneficial to their family.

After a few minutes our boat came to pick us up.


And then we were on our way!


This was the beautiful water as we were coming up on the island and now I was more excited than ever.


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We didn’t think about it on this cruise, but someone was at the station filling up an empty water bottle with juice to put in their fridge to drink later. I thought that was a clever idea.


Yep, to mix into an adult beverage. ;) :D


Bummer you missed La Choza. Have you been before? Love their chips and dip - that golden spicy goodness - with a large margarita. Heaven. lol. We always take a few bottles of the dip home. :)

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Yep, to mix into an adult beverage. ;) :D


Bummer you missed La Choza. Have you been before? Love their chips and dip - that golden spicy goodness - with a large margarita. Heaven. lol. We always take a few bottles of the dip home. :)


Haha, clever!! You learn something new everyday!


I hadn't been to La Choza and I was really bummed although I tried not to be. I had heard a lot about the "golden spicy goodness" haha and couldn't wait, but I guess we will just catch it on our next go around. They even sell their dip so that you can take it home? We probably would take some home too. The place we ended up was definitely delicious and I would absolutely go again but I still HAVE to try La Choza!

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Bubble and Squeak is an Irish food. It's made of cabbage and potato and is kind of like a hash brown or potato pancake with cabbage mixed in. I had it on the Dream when I was on her in May and it was pretty good.


haha, I'm sorry!! :( I call it a boat without thinking. Obiviously I know its a ship. Just typing my story really quick boat is the first word that comes to mind. I'll try to pay more attention.


And thanks for explaining what those are to me. I had never heard of them before.


***** I just realized "its a ship" is your user name!!!! hahahahahah I laughed out loud to myself because someone had commented about me calling the ship a boat!!! how funny!! :D

Edited by malmo288
fix something i typed
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After dinner we didn't do much because we were exhausted from our very early, very physical day. BF and I hung out around the casino so I could watch one of my favorites sing. I'm not sure who this was singing next to her, but she would jump in occasionally and sing with people and I loved her too. That is her smiling for my picture. She saw me taking it and stopped to pose. :)


That is the lead female singer on board for the shows. She would also sing with Jeremy in the piano bar on occasion. She's a lot of fun.

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This place was even more beautiful then I think my mind imagined it to be from all of the pictures. I don’t remember how long the boat ride was, maybe 5ish minutes from Frenchy’s. As we got closer to the little island you can just see the color of the water becoming that beautiful crystal clear turquoise that I always picture to be my perfect beach. We were dropped off from the boat and were greeted by a man who took us on a quick tour of the island before we got to pick our spot and relax.


I never caught his name but he was always around the island answering questions and helping make sure you were having a great time. They showed us where the bathrooms were and where you can rent kayaks, paddle boards, and snorkel gear. And then they took us on a quick walk through of the mini zoo, if you want to call it, of their animals that they had rescued. He showed us a couple different spots where you could park it and relax. There were plenty of hammocks and lounge/beach chairs and tables and what not to sit at. There was a bit of construction on one side of the island because they had to build the Jaguar a new cage because they just got a new lion and they weren’t getting along, I guess, being beside each other. But I only heard the construction when we walked past it. I never heard it from where we picked to sit on the island. We were sitting on the side of the island that the boat that dropped us off pulled in on. So we had perfect view of all those who jumped off of the platforms. This was our little slice of paradise.





The water was so clear you could see the color of my toe nail polish from water that was waist deep.


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Thanks for this review of little french key! I was undecided but after reading your review I'm booking it!! Can't wait for the rest of your review!



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I definitely, 100% recommend little french key. I still have more to talk about from the day but it is definitely a place I am going back to. I am glad my review so far inspired you to go for sure! Please take me with you!!

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Once we found our perfect spot we headed over to the bar that was near where we were to get a drink. The main think I drink on vacation is a pina colada so of course that is what I got here too.






I enjoyed my pina colada at the table in the water while we watched people jump. It was fun because some people were terrified and others were like olympic divers! I was definitely going to go up and jump before we left and then we heard a lady who just jumped scream in pain and the person who was with her helped her out of the water. We learned that she had been stung by a jellyfish. The bartender told us to be careful with the jellyfish. He said don't pee in the water because that would attract them. I'm not sure if that was true or not but no one in my group used that beach as a restroom just in case. At little french key they do have a good restroom facility that they keep pretty clean so there isn't really a need to go in the beach anyway. Sorry if that is too much information. But it was definitely part of our day. My boyfriend and I both were in the water for a good amount of time and neither of us had noticed any jellyfish until that girl screamed and all of a sudden we found ourselves looking into the crystal clear water to watch our step. We found a few in the area that we chose to sit but they were really little and the only way you could see them is if you saw their little shadow or their red legs, or tenticles or whatever they are called. After I finished my pina colada my bf used my cup to scoop them out of our area and throw them in an area where no one was because where we sat, a couple other families we met sat too. I'm not sure when they are worse or where because I heard from a few other people that they had a jellyfish problem at the beach that they were at too and it was a few different ones. Luckily these guys were really small and honestly didn't put a damper on my day at all. After eyeballing the ones my BF caught and moved I ventured back into the water and even swam out to this little platform that was in the middle of the water. I'm not sure its purpose but we used it to sunbathe. Others were jumping off of it into the water because it was deeper over there. I think it wasn't long before I quit looking for the jellyfish, but I did manage to catch one on camera hopefully you can see it. You can see the shadow in the water and the little red legs to the left of the shadow.




My BF is the only one in my group that got stung he ran into one swimming to the platform. His had to either not be as strong of a sting as what the girl had because they only way you could tell he got stung was when he told you he did. But like I said, it didn't affect our time out their at all. The water was a perfect temperature and there weren't that many of them around us that we could see so we all hung out in the water some more until we started to get hungry. My BF and I bought the mixed plate that came with lobster, shrimp, beef, chicken, beans and rice, yucca chips and salsa and some sort of slaw for $22. I ate the chicken and most of the rice and some salsa with some yucca chips and he ate the rest. It worked perfect for us doing that. My BF's brother ordered a plate with 3 lobster tails and no other meat and asked if he could get it for $20 and they gave it to him.


Here was where they made our food.




and our delicious food.




After we ate we found this little guy. My first ever live conch. He was so cute, you can see his little eyes, or antennae sticking out of his shell. He was such a neat creature in a beautiful shell.



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After we ate we got back in the water and my bf's brother convinced they guys doing the horseback through the ocean tour to let us do it for $20 a person. On their website it says they usually charge $50 per person for a 30minute tour but I think they did if for $20 and let us go around the island while the horse did a mix of swimming and walking through the beach. It was definitely a neat experience. Only my BF, bf's brother and I wanted to go but when they went to get us, I guess one of the horses was tired because it bucked my BF off of it. Luckily we were in the water so it didn't affect him but it was still a scary thing to go through so he decided just to hang back and take pictures. The guide, Eric, was really trying to convince him to give it another shot, but if we are honest I don't think that I would have gotten back on the horse either. Eric was so great in checking on my BF. He even left us a little early so that he could go check on my BF. And after his brother and I finished, Eric introduced us to Larissa and told her what happened. She apologized for what happened and told Eric to get us each a free drink from the bar. And they made it just the way we wanted. I said a strong pina colada and thats what I got. He even asked if if was strong enough and then added more rum to it. Besides the bucking off the horse for my BF, his brother and I really enjoyed this. It was so cool to feel the horse swimming underneath you. My horse's name was Lola and she would grunt when she was swimming, it was so cute. I don't have any pictures of me yet because they are my bf's camera that isn't uploaded yet, but this was the couple horseback swimming before us.




After horseback riding, we ventured off to see the animals that had been rescued. We saw everything but couldn't fine the leopard(although I think I called it a jaguar earlier....my apologies) We saw several cute little animals and my BF's brothers wife made a comment that it was sad to see the animals like that. But it is important to remember that these animals are rescued and they are better for being here. This lion was my favorite.




And this cute little monkey tried to steal some of my pina colada.




And they had all kinds of beautiful birds too.




and before long it was time to leave paradise. My whole group was sad to go but unfortunately it was time. They had boats coming and going from this place probably every 10-15 minutes as needed so when we were heading back they were on constant cycle. But none of us wanted to say goodbye to this beautiful place.





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We didn't do too much this night either because the sun has a way of making you tired. They were playing Godzilla tonight on the dive-in movies and we decided to watch that. We didn't really feel like getting ready and going to sit at a real dinner this night, and this movie started at 7 anyway. We'd miss our dinner, but my BF and I had never seen this movie and I can't think of a better place to watch it. We ate a quick snack when we got back on the boat and then went to our rooms to shower and get ready. And then we all met for movie time.








The movie was great, but it got really chilly out on the lido deck while we were watching the movie. The sea wind mixed with the sun going down provided the need for a blanket. We didn't leave to get one, but maybe bring one with you if you plan on watching a movie up there at night, especially this time of year. After the movie we went to the buffet to catch a quick dinner. I will say, although the buffet serves a lot of the same foods that you'd get on this nights dinner menu, it was cold by the time we ate it which was close to 9pm. I get that they were going to be closing at 9:30, but if your still going to serve food until 9:30 it would be nice if it stayed hot until 9:30. We were glad we didn't go to the dining room tonight to eat because we didn't care much for the food at the buffet. My bf's brother's wife had left for bed already while the rest of us ate so when we finished eating we all just called it a night. The last three days exhausted us and we knew we'd get 2 more relaxing sea days to enjoy. When we got back to the room, we watched another movie on the laptop that my boyfriend brought, but we didn't even make it halfway because we were so tired.


Tonight Camelia left this guy for us.




And then on a side note about Camelia, I wanted to share how amazing she was. She always had our ice full, she always remembered our names when she saw us walking by, she always had a smile on her face when we saw her, she remembered how I wore my robe(with the sleeves folded up a little bit) and would hang it just where I always did when it wasn't on the floor to be exchanged. But the thing that shocked me the most was we would leave her money on the counter, and every time we did that I would write her a note saying thanks for all that she does and one night I didn't leave a note, but it was the same amount that we had been leaving when we'd leave tips and no other money was out around it so we figured she'd take it, but she didn't touch it. Camelia was so trustworthy she didn't even take a tip that was left on the counter for her because it didn't specifically say so. I loved her so much for everything she did and especially because we could trust her. If you guys get Camelia, she will take good care of you. So I hope you take good care of her too.

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Here are the funtimes for the second to last seaday, or day 6 on the Dream.




We slept in a little bit today because of how exhausted the last few days made us. We were awake and headed to brunch around 10:30am-11ish. This time when we got to the dining hall for brunch there was a line outside of people waiting to get in. The line did move quickly and we were still able to request a table by the window, even though our seats were at the end of the table opposite from the window it was still a good view. My BF and I decided to actually listen to what Luis, our head waiter, had told us to order because every time we asked his opinion in the MDR, the food he always recommended was amazing! So we ordered the huevos rancheros and they were the #1 best thing I ate all cruise! I used the green salsa, but my BF liked the dark red salsa but you can take your pick, I would just say that this is a must eat if you go to the Seaday Brunch. I have been craving it ever since I got off the ship. These were fantastic, I don’t know how many other ways to say to GET THEM!!!


I do have to share at this point the only bad experience we had on the ship, because it happened at brunch. When our waiter took our order, we also ordered 2 mimosas. Some time had passed since she took our order and was now bringing out peoples appetizers. We double checked with her that our mimosas were on their way and she assured us that they were. Shortly after a man came by asking if we wanted anything from the bar. We told him that we had already ordered mimosas but hadn’t got them yet. I guess he was the man that was in charge of getting bar drinks for our table and he said that he hadn’t received an order yet for mimosas so he took our card and placed the order again. Some more time had passed and now our main breakfast was out(which was the delicious huevos rancheros, I just had to throw that out there again because they were that good) and we still didn’t have our drinks. After awhile we were done eating and ready to leave but we were waiting for our waiter to come back around to tell them we needed to cancel the drinks because the whole point was to have them with brunch. Now we wanted to leave, so if we still wanted mimosa, we’d get it from another bar wherever we were heading next. Our waiter never came back around and then finally the guy with all the drinks made it over to our table and delivered the mimosas and when we tasted them they were both room temperature as if they had been made a long time ago and not delivered. It had been almost an hour and a half that we were in the MDR for brunch and definitely over an hour from the first time we ordered and then when we finally got the drinks they were warm. But we look around for our waiter or the bar guy to complain to and again no one was to be found. I say this, because this whole situation was completely out of character for the entire cruise that we have had so far. So we grabbed our mimosas and left even though we really didn’t want them, but if we were going to pay for them anyway, I may as well drink them. We left the MDR and my BF and his brother of course had to stop outside and get their favorite bloody marys. But even outside the MDR at that little bar was an unusual sight to see. There were several people waiting for drinks because they told us they had already ordered. But my BF and his brother were able to go straight to the bar outside and order drinks and have them made with no waiting. So I have no idea what these people outside were waiting on. My guess was something similar to what happened to us. They had finished eating but were still waiting on their drinks so they didn’t want to leave. All of this put together brought me to the decision that I wanted to submit a complaint. Everything else was so great, I felt Carnival should know. Someone messed up somewhere in the MDR that morning and everyone was behind. After they got their drinks, we headed over to Guest Services to share this experience. When we got called up to the counter, a man by the name of Miguel helped us. He was able to pull up the transaction from this morning and showed it to us. The receipt he showed us was for 2 bloody marys which were more expensive then the mimosas! We used the “VIFD”(Very Important Free Drink) coupon on the bloody mary that my BF bought after our brunch and Brother paid for his own so there should be no bloody mary’s charged to our account. But Miguel said that was all he could see for today’s charges. We explained to him our entire experience combined with the fact that we were charged for something more expensive(sure $1.25 each, but still more expensive). I had to show him the picture I took to prove it.


All we really wanted to do was submit a complaint and then when he told us we were charged more, we didn’t want to pay more and Miguel was so great he took both of the incorrectly charged bloody marys off of our sign & sail account and didn’t charge us for the mimosas. He apologized sincerely for the experience we had and we thanked him for going the extra mile to take care of the drinks for us. Miguel in Guest Services was great. And now our mind was free to enjoy the rest of our fun day at sea!


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We made our way up to the Lido deck to relax and catch whatever entertainment was going on at the time. Being a sea day, it was pretty packed but we found a table by the window, grabbed a drink and enjoyed the show. After awhile they were playing a game of bingo and we decided to join in.










We like waiting til the near the end of the cruise to play bingo because you get more play for your money. This Day you got 3 bingo cards for the price of one and they played 3 games that you got to use all of the 3 bingo cards on for each game. They also have these cash crave peel offs(like scratch offs) where we had won $500 on our last cruise, so we decided to try again here. Unfortunately in all of the games we only won $8. So we lost money on this one, but who cares. It was a fun game of bingo though.


After bingo we headed down to the casino to cash in our winnings and they pulled off all these raffle tickets at the bottom of the cash craze to enter us into a drawing, which we learned was a drawing to win up to $500 of your bar tabs paid. We didn't have $500 in bar tabs so I asked what would happen to the rest of the money and they said unfortunately if you didn't have $500 in bar tabs, they would pay what you do have but you don't get anything extra. But we did notice a lot of people did their peel offs and then if they didn't win they just left them on their tables, for trash. So I wanted to point this out! Even your non winning tickets can go into this raffle! So if you see a peeler from someone who didn't know that and left it on the table for trash, feel free and take the raffle ticket with you to the casino to enter the drawing. But also don't drink $500 worth of alcohol(unless you were already going to) because you think you'd win. We didn't, but you could!!


On our way to the casino, we saw someone drinking a delicious looking frappacino so we decided to make our way to the coffee shop to test it out. We actually liked it. I don't remember exactly what it was called but I think it was mocha flavored. But you can ask them for the frozen drinks and they will tell you. It wasn't Starbucks, but it definitely would fix the craving for someone who wanted it!





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We left the casino and made our way back up to the lido deck because by now we were starting to get a little hungry and dinner wasn't for a couple of hours still.




We ordered pizza. This was the second pizza I had on the boat. My BF and his brother had it almost everyday, if not everyday. I tried the pepperoni one night, I just had one slice but it was a little greasy and I woke up with something that felt like heartburn so today I wanted to try the quattro formaggi, which is pretty much a cheese pizza with no sauce. It was quite delicious in my opinion. And it didn't feel greasy at all. My BF had ordered his own special concoction. I liked that you could order pizza that wasn't on the menu and it was fresh made just for you. They'd give you the whole pizza because it was your own special order. But the whole pizza was the equivalent of 2 big slices of pizza. I do recommend to try the quattro formaggi.




We at our pizza by the window, enjoying the ocean and made our way back to the room to get ready for the show that was on tonight before dinner. Tonights dinner was the second nice night, so I was excited to see everyone dressed up again, since it felt like I was the only one getting dressed up every night. We had asked Camelia the night before for a bucket of ice to ice our bottle of wine, so the wine was nice and chilled by the time we got back to the room and got ready for dinner. We cheers-ed a glass of wine and made our way to the Encore lounge on deck 3. Tonights show was called 8 More Seconds, although we didn't catch on to what that meant the show would be. We had enjoyed the previous 2 shows that we had seen so we wanted to go see this one too.






I can say that unless you are a country music fan or someone who likes the cheesy broadway style shows, skip this one. It was definitely not my favorite. I was the only one in my group who even remotely liked country music and even I wasn't getting into this show. The best part to me was when the fiddler came out and played "The Devil Went Down to Georgia", the rest of it I'm sorry to say, I could have done without. It was a great job done by the people in the show, just wasn't our type of show.


When the show let out, we went to our MDR for dinner but I guess they weren't opening early today, which was fine with me because it meant I got to enjoy one of my favorites.




And then finally it was time for dinner.



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