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Ebola Virus

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So going into the not so distant future.....a cruise ship comes down with passengers with diarrhea and vomiting.

Is it Norovirus or Ebolo ...and...do they have the laboratory kits to let us know which it is for sure?

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So going into the not so distant future.....a cruise ship comes down with passengers with diarrhea and vomiting.

Is it Norovirus or Ebolo ...and...do they have the laboratory kits to let us know which it is sure?


Quarantine the entire ship…send it back out to sea for 21 days.:D:D (at no extra charge to passengers) (plus on-board-credit) ( and open bar).:D

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Quarantine the entire ship…send it back out to sea for 21 days.:D:D (at no extra charge to passengers) (plus on-board-credit) ( and open bar).:D


That I could handle quite nicely:D

I am an optimist, but with this I have to take the seriousness to heart.


So this is how I envision it .......Quarantined to your cabin with food being delivered by the same person every day for the next 21 days. No clean sheets or towels unless a call is put in with dire straights that they cannot be slept in anymore. Sound bad!! I really don't think it is too far off if it should happen.


Pray and hope like Hell it never comes to this.

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That I could handle quite nicely:D

I am an optimist, but with this I have to take the seriousness to heart.


So this is how I envision it .......Quarantined to your cabin with food being delivered by the same person every day for the next 21 days. No clean sheets or towels unless a call is put in with dire straights that they cannot be slept in anymore. Sound bad!! I really don't think it is too far off if it should happen.


Pray and hope like Hell it never comes to this.


Yes, but we would all have been exposed therefore we wouldn't have to be confined to our cabin. We could spend our time at the pool….everyone with a personal barf bag just in case…………. EWWWWWW:eek::eek:

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Yes, but we would all have been exposed therefore we wouldn't have to be confined to our cabin. We could spend our time at the pool….everyone with a personal barf bag just in case…………. EWWWWWW:eek::eek:


I might not have touched that hand railing you did........sooooo.....you can have my personal barf bag at the pool while I watch TV in my cabin.


I would think they should cover PayPerView:eek::rolleyes:

I love a good movie! Just my luck Hot Zone will be the feature of the week:eek:

In fact where is Richard Preston when we need him? Expert in Ebola virus. Haven't heard his name anywhere in a long time.

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While there have been some insightful responses, this thread, on the whole, has lowered my IQ....


I am continually shocked that in the age Google Earth and the internet, we remain so ignorant of geography and so dependent on second and third hand sensationalized news.


I invite you to visit the websites of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization for objective information about the ongoing outbreak and which countries and states are affected. I then invite your attention to Google Maps or Google Earth to study those locations, relative to the whole of North America and the continent of Africa. After that, you will be better informed to make decisions about your risk of contracting the Ebola virus.


In the meantime, I will welcome the price drops on cruises that will inevitably come my way. [emoji41]

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While there have been some insightful responses, this thread, on the whole, has lowered my IQ....


I am continually shocked that in the age Google Earth and the internet, we remain so ignorant of geography and so dependent on second and third hand sensationalized news.


I invite you to visit the websites of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization for objective information about the ongoing outbreak and which countries and states are affected. I then invite your attention to Google Maps or Google Earth to study those locations, relative to the whole of North America and the continent of Africa. After that, you will be better informed to make decisions about your risk of contracting the Ebola virus.


In the meantime, I will welcome the price drops on cruises that will inevitably come my way. [emoji41]


Akron is just down the road, thanks but I don't need google earth to know where it is.

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While there have been some insightful responses, this thread, on the whole, has lowered my IQ....


I am continually shocked that in the age Google Earth and the internet, we remain so ignorant of geography and so dependent on second and third hand sensationalized news.





I am continually shocked in the age of Google Earth and the Internet that people cannot easily recognize how small our earth is now. Easy jump on the airplane, train, boat, car, camel, horse whatever to get to the next border with diseases and all.


I agree with the sensationalized news.......however they are calling Wolf so many times....when are we to know it is for real? Myself, I think they are for real this time, sorry

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While there have been some insightful responses, this thread, on the whole, has lowered my IQ....


I am continually shocked that in the age Google Earth and the internet, we remain so ignorant of geography and so dependent on second and third hand sensationalized news.


I invite you to visit the websites of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization for objective information about the ongoing outbreak and which countries and states are affected. I then invite your attention to Google Maps or Google Earth to study those locations, relative to the whole of North America and the continent of Africa. After that, you will be better informed to make decisions about your risk of contracting the Ebola virus.


In the meantime, I will welcome the price drops on cruises that will inevitably come my way. [emoji41]


I just saw a 36 day cruise on HAL leaving from South Africa in 3 weeks that is only $2K for an ocean view. I would say those price drops may be here.

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We were going to fly to Orlando In February for Disney with the kids - but as of now have cancelled the flying idea due to Ebola. Yes it's a tiny chance - but it's a chance I won't take. If the powers that be are content with allowing people into the country who *might* have a deadly disease thats' fine - but our opting out of travel is fine too.


Still hoping to do a Feb trip of some sort so thinking of doing a cruise which also has a risk - though I'm hoping less risk.


Going to buy the 'cancel for almost any reason' insurance - and come February if this Ebola thing has worsened, then it'll be a lovely stay-cation for us.

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I don't think it's irrational fear - for someone to take notice that "Look, this is a disease I won't get cause of bad diet or unsafe sex - this is a disease I'll get, just because my country allowed people in who might have this disease, and I'd rather not die from that"


Sure Flu and other ailments kill more people - but those can't be kept out of a nation.


Everyone has some sort of fear - no need to disregard each other.


For instance, some wish for certain travel bans as a means of keeping Ebola out - ok, cool.


Others have instituted bans on cupcakes for fear of kids getting fat - ok, cool.


Given a choice, I'll risk it with the cupcake ;)

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I didn't mean what I said in a bad way at all. I think it is great that you folks put the effort into keeping your home safe so you are right that there is no need for apologies.. I was just a bit taken aback that the person I quoted seemed to have a bit of a no bid deal attitude toward the infectious world.


It wasn't intended that way.


I fully support the motives of prevention. My comment was referring to the way some were taking things to extremes now about this e.g. I just read a post that the cruise industry is about to collapse because of ebola, when those examples I gave were viewed in similar ways not that long ago... but are all but forgotten about by many now.


Just perspective.

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I bet you will love sitting on the ship in your home port for 21 days

If that was the case, instead of them offering a full refund, I'll just take it as credit towards the Ultimate drink package. That will help the 21 days go by. Still better than being at work. :-)

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What a co incidence, after watching the CDC announcement this morning (and we are Texans) I told my husband, wait and see they will be talking about this on the boards and people will be canceling their cruises. Might find some deals....


Just sayin....people tend to over react, until we get some really bad news from the CDC, we aren't canceling our cruises. But those who do will have the industry scrambling to fill ships for the next few months. But I am certainly going to be packin my baggie full of Clorox wipes....they said this morning Clorox would kill it.


Remember from what countries the crew usually comes...bless 'em. Not downing them, but just saying. The lines should absolutely step it up a notch until we see this thing settling down.,..if we do:(




Just snatched a great rate on Navigator on the 9th of November, Ebola or not. We br cruising again soon.

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I thought I'd share this ... I recently read an article that said the nastiest germs were found in the magazine pockets on airlines. For many years, we've carefully sanitized the tray table, arm rests, etc. The magazine area never occurred to me. (And, I always reach down to make sure I haven't left anything behind ... )

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So going into the not so distant future.....a cruise ship comes down with passengers with diarrhea and vomiting.

Is it Norovirus or Ebolo ...and...do they have the laboratory kits to let us know which it is for sure?


It's pretty easy to tell, as Ebola causes high fevers and Norovirus doesn't.

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Situations such as this are why I purchase "cancel for any reason travel insurance" - you never know what will be happening 10-12 months down the road. We are booked on Oasis of the Seas in January and we are fully expecting to make that trip.



I don't think cancel for any reason exists. Most travel policies have reasons.

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"Showing symptoms of Ebola"....aren't the initial symptoms of Ebola the same as the initial symptoms of the flu? Is everyone going to freak out the minute people show flu symptoms? If so, our hospitals will be overrun.


With flu season coming upon us I suggest people use common sense and wash their hands, cover your sneezes and follow good sanitary procedures overall. Unless you think you have been exposed to Ebola, getting symptoms of the flu mean just that...you might have the flu.


The fear mongering has gotten out of control (and I live in suburban Dallas). I think those of us who live here are more composed than the rest of the country seems to be. Maybe people need to turn the news off. It is so amazingly unlikely that any of us will get Ebola. So many more will succumb to the flu, heart attacks and car accidents in the next couple of months than Ebola. Why don't we concentrate on trying to prevent those deaths?


As far as cruising and travel in general, just use common sense, or if you are afraid then stay home. I like others, will take advantage of any drops in travel fares because of this. Just like any incident with a cruise ship and people ask me, "aren't you afraid to cruise?" I always laugh and say aren't you afraid to drive? I mean dying in a car accident is far more likely than dying while traveling.


Be not afraid folks, be not afraid.

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Ebola is the just the latest hogboblin du jour, along with ISIS. Next week it'll be something else. Gotta keep the sheeple scared and confused, that's the media's prime directive - and the politicians.


When I heard 'Ebola' used as a laugh line during last night's Florida Governor's debate, I knew it was too late...


HaHa. Yes, so true. Just a few weeks ago the 24 hour news folks were screaming that ISIS was coming across the Mexican border into Texas. Yeah, right. I live in the Dallas area and have yet to run into anyone claiming to be ISIS, lol.


If we aren't freaking out about some missing 777, or children pouring over the border, or ISIS or Boko Haram (I mean they are making Al Qaeda look like choirboys) then the media and powers that be aren't happy. They need us to be scared and divided. Meanwhile, all I can see from this Ebola hype is that we now have a military presence in West Africa where we did not before. And no one seems to blink an eye. Wake up people and turn off the news, in fact turn off the Tv PROGRAMMING box altogether.

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It used to be when watching the news a particular subject would go away after a few days.

I'm not so sure with ebola.


What cruise ship did the two go on? What I read said they agreed to stay in their cabin?? What was that all about?? Why not just stay at home??

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It used to be when watching the news a particular subject would go away after a few days.

I'm not so sure with ebola.


What cruise ship did the two go on? What I read said they agreed to stay in their cabin?? What was that all about?? Why not just stay at home??


Dont believe everything you read in media or see on TV! If the Ebola spread was such a problem health workers dealing with patients would be "forced" into quarantine by governments around the world yet they are allowed to fly home from West Africa and self quarantine/ diagnose "once they are home" lol:D


"Swat style operations needed" in neighbourhoods where suspected carriers live lol and lol again:D:D:D

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Some Random Personal Thoughts on Ebola...


- RCI, like all other companies, exists to make money for its owners, the stockholders. They do not exist to give us free cruises!


- I am sure that the RCI leadership is putting a lot of thought into Ebola and what they should do about it.


- I have been in the Medical Facilities on several RCI ships and although they are reasonably well equipped, they are nowhere near a Level 4 Containment Facility. However, they could isolate an Ebola Patient in the medical facility and probably prevent the Ebola from spreading outside the facility.


- If an Ebola Patient walks into an RCI Medical Facility, RCI will do its best to isolate them from other passengers and crew, but the real issue is "Where has this person been on the ship and how long has he or she been spreading the disease?"


- Another issue is, "What will RCI do with the Ebola Patient?" Would the Caribbean islands that we normally visit allow an Ebola Patient ashore? Nobody knows today! If not, then RCI would probably order the ship to return to its US Port of Origin.


- RCI has to depend on the honesty of its passengers, and crew too. If a passenger has any reason at all to believe they might have been exposed to or might actually have Ebola, then they should not cruise.


- We have learned recently that a person can have and be spreading Ebola for several days, maybe a week, before the traditional symptoms appear.


- The Leadership at RCI, as part of their thinking about Ebola on one of the ships, is surely thinking about being sued if a passenger gets Ebola while on board an RCI ship. Part of this thinking will surely include what steps they could take to assure the safety of their passengers (guests).


- If RCI has a passenger bring Ebola onto one of its ships, and another passenger gets Ebola while on the ship (they won't know they have it until after they have debarked the ship) then I am confident that RCI will be sued. The Attorney will surely ask, "Did RCI take all reasonable and prudent steps to prevent the spread of Ebola on the ship?" We can rest assured that this is what RCI is thinking about at the highest levels of its leadership including its Medical and Legal Departments.


- "Reasonable and Prudent" are the key words here! The same steps that RCI will surely take to prepare for an Ebola patient are the same steps that RCI will need to show that were taken in a Court of Law if the worst happens and they are sued.


- But as I said above, RCI depends on the honesty of its passengers and crew to report possible exposure or contact with Ebola.


- But we can be assured that if Ebola is detected and/or spreads on any cruise ship there will be mass cancellations.


- Our next cruise is on the Allure in January and we just made the final payment. I talked with our T/A yesterday and upgraded our cruise insurance to include "cancellation for any reason." Nobody knows today what will be happening with Ebola in January 2015 but if their is a major outbreak, the government would most likely shut down public transportation and gatherings.


- I believe that adding the "cancellation for any reason" clause for our next cruise was the reasonable and prudent thing for me to do.




I posted the above to give you something to think about, not to start a panic of any kind. Right now, nobody knows what it going on today of will be going on in a month or two. The media seems to be stumbling around and info from the US Government seems to be changing daily.

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