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Quantum- Semi Live, Family Perspective


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Would you have any way of knowing if suite guests must pay for hot breakfast and hot room service items. On Celebrity - sister line - suite guests have a wider variety of options for free room service?


I am sorry I really don't know!

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Are the La Patisserie included or extras?


Everything in there is extra!


Although I have a really good morning smile and the server usually gives me a free coffee for some reason think he likes me :D, either that or he assumes I am on a package, just in here now actually its very quiet, you could spend a fortune in here though, the individual choices are a dollar each and me and Diana did a plate of 15 yesterday morning in about 2 minutes. (but don't tell mummy)

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Peewee if you would like to take your family to a Broadway Show try to get tickets for the Grinch when you are in the city. It is a really fun holiday show at Madison Square Garden, your daughter is just the right age.;)


Thank you Sharon


I mentioned your suggestion to the Wife and she is very keen! So i think we are going to try it!

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Have you been getting towel animals? :D


Almost every night!!! and we get lots of animal napkins at dinner! Its been great,


We gave out attendant a small tip up front and he has really looked after us, he is Alexi and he is cool :D

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I've been trying to find out how cold (or warm) it is in the public areas of the ship. I'm seeing people in shorts and others in heavy sweaters. I'm sailing on the 18th and was planning on bringing light weight sweaters for during the day, but now I'm wondering if that will be too warm.


I packed a few light sweaters also, and have not worn one once! well actually on day 2 I put one on, and soon returned to the cabin to take it off. its warm all over the ship even on the worst days we have had, especially so in the evenings, I don't know if they turn the heating up but it gets warm!!


I have been wearing short sleeved shirts in the day and a shirt and a suit jacket at night, but I have only worn the jacket for appearance not for warmth if you know what I mean.


the only place you feel the cols is open decks on top, but even in the open air pool area its not too bad

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I have also enjoyed your review of the cruise with your DD! I wish we had taken our little ones on cruises years ago, but money was short, so camping we went!! Lol. 4 years ago we took the family & grandkids on our 50th anniversary cruise & had the time of our lives!! Please keep the review going with lots of pics!




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Hi Kathie


Its funny you should mention Camping.


We have done 2 cruises this year and a couple of land based holidays, which is excessive for us! In fact i think we have had more holidays this year than in the last 9 years combined, This is our last year before Diana starts school so we have tried to take advantage of term time prices, next year when she is in school I can't bring myself to pay the ridiculous amounts of money they want for cruising in the holidays. its crazy! so we have made the best of it this year. We will cruise but certainly not every year.


So we have Bought a Motorhome! We pick it up when we get back and next year we will be having camping holidays!! and I am really looking forward to it!

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Wonderful review.


Did you know you could ask for an egg crate to put on the sofa bed, it could make a huge difference.


I would highly recommend the seeing the Christmas Show at Radio City Music Hall while in New York. I saw it years ago and it was just fantastic.


If you go on to a web site Groupon.com you get buy half price tickets to some theater performances as well as discounts on dining and other activities.


Thank you!


We use groupon in the UK and I have an app on the phone, never thought of using it in new York!!

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Sorry for all the posts at once, just wanted to get up to date on answering questions and replying. I think I am up to date now, but please if I have missed your question then please post it again, as I am now assuming that up to page 5 is all answered.


I am going to go to stretch my legs now and get some diet coke. I will be back later with a review on last night and will include a bit more about Dynamic Dining v MDR, dinner reservations, dinner times and making a show and last nights headliner, and more. See you soon guys and thanks for following, I am quite enjoying doing this and sharing our holiday.


Still no sign of the girls, although they have been doing a drill for the last 45 minutes so i can't see them still being asleep.


Bye for now.

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Hi Kathie


Its funny you should mention Camping.


We have done 2 cruises this year and a couple of land based holidays, which is excessive for us! In fact i think we have had more holidays this year than in the last 9 years combined, This is our last year before Diana starts school so we have tried to take advantage of term time prices, next year when she is in school I can't bring myself to pay the ridiculous amounts of money they want for cruising in the holidays. its crazy! so we have made the best of it this year. We will cruise but certainly not every year.


So we have Bought a Motorhome! We pick it up when we get back and next year we will be having camping holidays!! and I am really looking forward to it!


Don't give up on cruises in the holidays this year princess had some cheap ones from Southampton and last Year NCL had some good prices in the med(did not check this year).

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Thank you for a wonderful review with great pics. We have used Adventure Ocean with our granddaughters before, and always found it to be a great experience.

We are booked on deck 6 on the last set of rooms closest to two70. It does appear on the deck plans that there is an entrance to two70 from this area. If you are ever in two70, and are on the upper deck, could you check if there is a door way from the hallway of deck 6.


Thanks, and happy sailing to you

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If you will be going to some Broadway shows while in NY, in times square there is a discount ticket outlet (TKTS Times Square) they have a large selection of shows at a discount price its located in the center of times square.

Edited by Mac303
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Picking back up from yesterday afternoon then, Michaela has been to the casino and doubled her 90 Dollars to 180 so that was good!


We then picked up Diana from AO and once again pleased to report she had a wonderful time.


We did not have any reservations for dinner this night, and we also wanted to make the 8.30 pm show, you have probably gathered by now we are really bad at getting to things on time or even at all.


We didn’t get changed for dinner tonight, we just couldn’t be bothered and decided to have a casual night, we wanted a relatively quick dinner to be able to catch the show. We headed down to deck 3 as we heard some music coming from the music hall and decided to let Diana have a little dance, I am so glad we did!


One of things I am enjoying about the ship is there seems to be a bit of an open door policy during rehearsals, we had walked in on the practice for the upcoming groovie night that was scheduled for 11pm, we knew we would never make this so late, and we were quite disappointed, however we got to watch the practice for it instead with the CD Jimmy Rhodes and the band, the band really is good on this ship and the lead singer especially seems to have taken to Diana dancing on the dance floor on her own to her singing!


The groovie town, I think, is like a replacement for the street partys they have usually on the promenade, by the looks of it these are now happening in the music hall. Interestingly we said hello to Alison who was activities manager on Indy with Joff Eaton and who is now directing the groove nights show, it was also explained that there will not be any shows like quest or love & marriage due to no venue to host them.


It was good fun and put a smile on Diana’s face :D






We still could not decide where to eat, we agreed to see if we could get into American icon and if not Jonny rockets.


We arrived at American icon at 6.50 Pm with no reservation, very short Queue of about 4 people and then we were told no problem and seated very quickly, for anyone thinking about a dining venue when your in a rush to catch a show, I suggest American Icon even with a 3 year old we were done and out by 8pm without feeling rushed at all.


I must also give some credit to Daniel here who is the manager, he has been wonderful since the menu problem on night 1, and he came to see us often himself and he even personally served Diana’s starter and cut up her main course of chicken tenders for her.


We also bumped into Caitlin (think that’s how you spell it he is male) the Food & Beverage director on the way out who gave me a big hug and a handshake and checked everything was ok making a big fuss of Diana. I think you should maybe judge a company not by the problems they have but how they go about rectifying them, and I honestly cant fault Royal here. We felt very special.


Also another point to answer some questions that have been asked, 2 or even 3 starters and Entrée’s are not a problem. Michaela ordered the Salad and wings, both excellent. I had the yankie franks and the burger again followed by the American Icon Candy bar, Diana Veg sticks and Chicken tenders. No Complaints all very good.






I suppose now is a good time to talk about dynamic dining and the MDR experience.


Dynamic Dining is good, but I think if you asked me honestly I would prefer the MDR with My Time Dining. I like the flexibility to eat what time I like but also like to get to know the waiters as well, especially with a young child MTD was great as she got to know all the waiters and they got to know her also, it made each meal time even easier than the last.


Ideal scenario for me is this ship with a MDR and MTD, wishful thinking I know! But would dynamic dining stop me booking this ship? Absolutely not. There is nothing wrong with it, I just have my preferences and opinions, now if it was just Michaela and I without Diana I might not think like that.


The problem (if you can call it a problem) is that in the venues the small Menu stays the same each night, so its not like you can eat in the same place too often without getting bored, meaning you don’t get to know the staff as much etc.


Overall so far I would also say we have preferred the food in the MDR on the last cruise than the food on here, please don’t think there is anything bad about it, its excellent, but if you asked me to choose, then MDR would get my vote.


If you didn't want to go to any of the pay places I could see you getting bored for anything longer than 7 nights.


I would also say the Desserts’ in general are not as good


Remember though we have 3 more nights to go so I reserve the right to revise my opinion!


All specialty restaurants’ are full by the way, have been since the start, wish we had booked online before the cruise for at least one.


Diana had some fun with a Napkin mouse and we had a nice chat with 2 lovely ladies from the US sat on the next table, and then it was time for the show.


The 8.30pm show was a comedian juggler by the name of Pete Mathews from the UK, we knew it was not ideal viewing for Diana but we thought we would give it a try with a seat near the aisle ready for a quick exit if needed.


We got in at 8.15 and it was nearly full and a chap was ding donging wrist bands on the way in, we spotted quite a few empty seats, 3 together and headed for the nearest, we sat down then realized why the seats were still empty, they had a huge pillar in front of them and you cant see!! LOL! We then got up to move and spotted lots of these seats empty and pillars everywhere! I suppose you need the pillars to hold the whole thing up, but seemed a little crazy.


We managed to find some seats but the view was not great on the theatre floor, the angle of the floor does not seem acute enough so when your sat its hard to see over the person in front of you , so we spent a lot of the show perched and Diana spent it stood on the seat.


We didn’t know what to expect from Diana, but she was fabulous, and she loved it, laughing out really loudly in all the right places, clapping along when everyone else did, and apart from needing the toilet half way through she was a delight! If you have got young kids and your unsure about taking them to a show, I suggest just to try it, sit somewhere where a quick and quiet exit would be possible if needed and I am sure you will have fun.


The show was great, and really made us laugh, audience participation as is usual with these comedian jugglers, a lot of the stuff we have seen before but still very enjoyable.


We finished the night with a quick stroll a visit to the shop and then back in the room for about 10 pm , and had a wonderful nights sleep!!

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Your posts have been delightful and I am enjoying your style of writing. Your daughter is adorable. I hope all three of you continue to enjoy your sailing aboard Quantum, and have a wonderful time in New York.


Thank you for being so generous with your time to share your experiences!

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Just relaxing now, its 2.45 pm and Diana gone to Adventure ocean, I am once again in Michaels pub, I was did go down to 270 but its closed for suite guests only at the moment.


I hadn’t had a shave for a couple of days and couldn’t be bothered doing it myself, Diana has tried helping me before but last time it didn’t end well, so I went up to the Spa for a facial and a shave, which was very good, although I was expecting a cut throat razor not a mach 5 turbo, but still it was good, and not as bad a hard sell on the products as I have had before.


Michaela has booked herself a slot on fly for tomorrow at 2.40 so I will let you know how that goes, for anyone interested she had to queue up at the fly place for about 10 minutes to book a slot.


We enjoyed a circus performance on the royal esplanade at lunch time along with a “make your own pizza”















off to have some fun now!! No doubt I will be back tomorrow to enjoy re living todays adventures!

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"We also bumped into Caitlin (think that’s how you spell it he is male) the Food & Beverage director on the way out who gave me a big hug and a handshake and checked everything was ok making a big fuss of Diana. I think you should maybe judge a company not by the problems they have but how they go about rectifying them, and I honestly cant fault Royal here. We felt very special."


Peewee, what a positive attitude! Love it! And your report, too, loads of fun to read. I'm glad you and your family are enjoying this maiden transatlantic and I thank you for your generosity in sharing this Live with us at home who are still looking forward to sailing on the Quantum.

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This may not have been an area you've visited yet, but if you do, can you tell us about the fitness center? I'm guessing they've done like Oasis/Allure, with a smaller fitness center and no real locker rooms for men/women (unlike the Voyager/Freedom class ships, with the free sauna/steam room in the respective men's/women's locker rooms). Please report, if you have a chance.

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