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QE Cruise to nowhere


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Good afternoon John. I'm one of your 'Rose tinted glasses' Cunarders.


See my comment above.


Dickie boy, you certainly are.


From reading the forums, it would appear that most passengers were complaining about lack of information and the smell of fumes Deck 2 forward. Not about getting to Amsterdam and the safety of the ship.

From what I know, Cunard did a very poor job in handling this whole situation.

The fuel smell similar to aviation fuel was I am told due to them working on the tanks prior to new regulations coming into force on January 1st.

It would be interesting to learn if not only a lack of communication has occurred on this cruise but a possible safety breach as well due to the fumes.

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Interesting points Austcruiser.


The story I liked most was from the couple who claimed to have chosen this 4 night cruise for their honeymoon.


So, rather than spending any 'wasted' time window shopping in Amsterdam's Red Light district they could have been tucked up for the afternoon in a lovely Cunard stateroom doing the real thing: and with 'Room Service' just a telephone call away.


How rude

Not everyone goes to The Red light district .

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A four night cruise with one scheduled port?


You need a reality check Johnny boy.


Dickie you may be needing the reality check ! as looking on that other cruise forum that sounds like bolder (Besides the one you got banned from) that you say that offers the more 'considered' answers to cruising events.

There appear to be so far, only two other members in that conversation and one of those is you !


Thats under Cruise Lines/ Cunard/ Queen Elizabeth's Cruise To Nowhere!


The Fiasco also got mentioned in The Telegraph



Have a Happy Christmas Old Boy and a Good New Year.

Enjoy Hamburg, I know I will.

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It may be of interest to you that the current Captain of Queen Elizabeth is Captain Alistair Clark who came across to Cunard from P&O where his last appointment was I believe Ventura. Like any other captain he would only miss a port for safety reasons. It should be remembered he has the responsibility for a multi million pound (GBP), or dollars if you prefer, ship and over 2,000 passengers safety.


Thank you for letting me know the captain. Ventura, tried it once....only.


I agree with you completely about the no call into Amsterdam. I have missed quite a few ports over the years but were very lucky on two occasions getting in to Stanley (once on QE2 and St Helina as well, also on QE2)


I wasn't aboard so along with others I really shouldn't comment, but it does seem the communications could have been much better handled.


Any captain who has served on Ventura will have encountered similar or worse I think.



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I wasn't aboard so along with others I really shouldn't comment, but it does seem the communications could have been much better handled.


We have received any neccessary information in due time. This is all a lot of nonsense from people who have the time to watch afternoon tv learning about the journalists understanding of consumer rights. The ship was full of people who certainly did not know how to behave in public and in a more educated society. Some backstreet barristers, teachers and a tabloid journalist have pushed the hyteric wives forward and they have forced their husbands to stand up, probably against their own will.

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We have received any neccessary information in due time. This is all a lot of nonsense from people who have the time to watch afternoon tv learning about the journalists understanding of consumer rights. The ship was full of people who certainly did not know how to behave in public and in a more educated society. Some backstreet barristers, teachers and a tabloid journalist have pushed the hyteric wives forward and they have forced their husbands to stand up, probably against their own will.


Couldn't disagree more. Communication WAS the biggest problem not the missed port. There should have been more info given either through the daily programme (which still had info about Amsterdam) to see and do.


I honestly think they had no intention of calling at another part and with the time change being two days early this emphasis my theory. The fuel smell news blackout also didn't help anything.

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Different passengers want different things. On my June/July cruise we could not go to the Faroe Islands. Personally, what really upset me that day was the AMOUNT of information we were given. I didn't mind the Captain intruding into my sleep to tell me we would not be docking; I could understand that was important for many people. After we received that news I turned off my alarm and went back to sleep. What I objected to was the Entertainment Officer's voice coming into my cabin (from right next to my sleeping head) TWICE to tell me what had been planned for our day. I thought we only needed one announcement and the Captain could have told us to watch Channel X on our TV for news of changes to entertainment.


On that voyage I thought we had too much information. On this latest one, people felt they had too little. I pity the captains.

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Captain Clark.


Just my two cents having been on the actual cruise itself.


There was no mob mentality but there were a lot of unhappy passengers.


Myself and my partner have sent a letter of complaint detailing what we were unhappy about. At NO point were we annoyed about the fact that we couldn't dock, it was how Cunard delt with it.


To be honest this was my partners first cruise and I think I might have lost any chance of convincing her to another.


A small except of the points we were dissatisfied with were:



I had booked tickets for 2 people to visit Anne Frank’s house at a cost of £26.78 inc vat that we were therefore unable to use. This is a direct cost to me as a result of not docking

2. As we had already withdrawn Euros for the visit to Amsterdam we paid our card balance with this currency as otherwise it (like the tickets) would be rendered useless. Unfortunately you scandalously have an exchange rate of 0.9 instead of the current rate of 1.22. Again this loss of money is a direct result of being unable to dock and so is an additional cost to us

3. On the 3rd night when we were due to be in Amsterdam there were not enough staff meaning we were waiting 30 minutes at times to be served for a drink – not what we expect from a luxury liner and even more disappointing on a night we were looking forward to so much

4. There was a consistent smell of diesel within the lifts by the front of ship (the closest to our cabin) and at times in the Golden Lion pub making it impossible to stay whether we liked the entertainment or not

5. You docked in Southampton a day early meaning the pre-paid meal in Verandah was subjected to a view of the Southampton ferry terminal and workers with fluorescent jackets and flashing lights. Not what we had in mind for the final night of our cruise and it made a significant impact on our enjoyment

6. We were planning to spend the final evening in the casino, again this was not available due to your decision to dock early for the benefit of the boat rather than your current passengers

7. Your final night entertainment which was supposed to be “enhanced” was in fact a show we had already watched 2 days earlier and quiz in the pub that was so oversubscribed people were sat on the floor

8. Staff by the final day seemed to have lost interest and toilets were left blocked and over flowing – perhaps the passengers frustration led to your team being unwilling to offer the service we had paid for

9. Overall your lack of communication was astounding. We were not kept informed of what you were doing, what to expect or how we should plan our time


Regarding point:


1. That's always the risk when making your own shore arrangements. You might be able to get that small amount back through your insurance. Technically, you were both reimbursed for this by Cunard's $75 USD compensation.


2. Why wouldn't you wait til on shore to deal with exchanging money back?


3. While 30 minutes is a rather long time, if it was during peak drinking hours I'd not be surprised. Also, how nice were you to the wait staff?


4 and 5. On one hand you complain about the diesel problem, but the next you complain when Cunard does the sensible thing and attempts to fix this problem (and another engineering issue). Surely you could have asked for the curtains to be drawn at your table?


6. Plans sometimes change. Perhaps you both could have spent quality time together that didn't involve gambling. By the sounds of it, you saved money by not going to the casino.


7. Entertainment repeats on many cruise lines. If you cruise often enough you'll end up seeing some shows more than once. As before, you could easily have entertainment yourselves if it was so bad. Or am I living in the past when people had imagination and ingenuity?


8. Perhaps staff were tired of being abused by unreasonable passengers?


9. Given that you complain Cunard didn't communicate, it would seem from other parts of your post and from what other passengers have said, that you were given information about what was going on. It just seems like you didn't like what you heard.


Unfortunately, travel plans get dashed. It's happened to me before. While disappointed, carrying on doesn't help. Why get unnecessarily stressed and angry? It doesn't achieve anything positive.


As for your partner, if she is going to be totally put off cruising because of a small hiccup, then might I suggest you are possibly in for one rough marriage!


Try to look on the bright side: you did get on the ship and you have a story to laugh about in years to come. If not, then my condolences for your perpetual misery.

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I just wanted to thank everyone for quite an entertaining read - many posters had valid points pro and con. I was on the Queen Mary II for a 7 day cruise and thoroughly loved every minute of it - what a majestic ship!

We missed a port due to high winds but that gave us more time to explore the ship and partake of the activities on board. Hopefully the people who had negative feelings about the QE 4 day cruise will not let that steer them away from cruising in the future. Now let me check to see if my glasses have any of that rosy tint to them.....:o

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Different passengers want different things. On my June/July cruise we could not go to the Faroe Islands. Personally, what really upset me that day was the AMOUNT of information we were given. I didn't mind the Captain intruding into my sleep to tell me we would not be docking; I could understand that was important for many people. After we received that news I turned off my alarm and went back to sleep. What I objected to was the Entertainment Officer's voice coming into my cabin (from right next to my sleeping head) TWICE to tell me what had been planned for our day. I thought we only needed one announcement and the Captain could have told us to watch Channel X on our TV for news of changes to entertainment.


On that voyage I thought we had too much information. On this latest one, people felt they had too little. I pity the captains.




we were on that cruise captain's announcement was made around 0800 is that early?

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we were on that cruise captain's announcement was made around 0800 is that early?


Sogne, that's very early for me! I was probably in the ballroom until midnight, so that means 1am before I slept.


Actually, I have ME/CFS, which includes a sleep disorder, so I take sleeping tablets when I'm away so that I'm not disturbed too much by noise in the corridors. On sea days I often sleep until 11 or 12. I need that physical rest as much as the sleep. One of the things I love about cruises is being looked after, so I have some energy to do special things like a bit of dancing, even if it means sleeping all morning and resting part of the afternoon.

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We have received any neccessary information in due time. This is all a lot of nonsense from people who have the time to watch afternoon tv learning about the journalists understanding of consumer rights. The ship was full of people who certainly did not know how to behave in public and in a more educated society. Some backstreet barristers, teachers and a tabloid journalist have pushed the hyteric wives forward and they have forced their husbands to stand up, probably against their own will.


Wow. Is that meant to be irony, sarcasm, or just plain insulting? Personally, I never find misogyny funny - perhaps that's because I've heard enough of it to last a life time.


Best wishes for a happy New Year, if you don't mind a woman wishing you such a thing, especially if it is against your will to have a happy New Year! No pressure!!!:D

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Regarding point:


1. That's always the risk when making your own shore arrangements. You might be able to get that small amount back through your insurance. Technically, you were both reimbursed for this by Cunard's $75 USD compensation.


2. Why wouldn't you wait til on shore to deal with exchanging money back?


3. While 30 minutes is a rather long time, if it was during peak drinking hours I'd not be surprised. Also, how nice were you to the wait staff?


4 and 5. On one hand you complain about the diesel problem, but the next you complain when Cunard does the sensible thing and attempts to fix this problem (and another engineering issue). Surely you could have asked for the curtains to be drawn at your table?


6. Plans sometimes change. Perhaps you both could have spent quality time together that didn't involve gambling. By the sounds of it, you saved money by not going to the casino.


7. Entertainment repeats on many cruise lines. If you cruise often enough you'll end up seeing some shows more than once. As before, you could easily have entertainment yourselves if it was so bad. Or am I living in the past when people had imagination and ingenuity?


8. Perhaps staff were tired of being abused by unreasonable passengers?


9. Given that you complain Cunard didn't communicate, it would seem from other parts of your post and from what other passengers have said, that you were given information about what was going on. It just seems like you didn't like what you heard.


Unfortunately, travel plans get dashed. It's happened to me before. While disappointed, carrying on doesn't help. Why get unnecessarily stressed and angry? It doesn't achieve anything positive.


As for your partner, if she is going to be totally put off cruising because of a small hiccup, then might I suggest you are possibly in for one rough marriage! Try to look on the bright side: you did get on the ship and you have a story to laugh about in years to come. If not, then my condolences for your perpetual misery.


Just a suggestion from a woman who has been married for over 30 years to the same man...it's never a good idea to project one's personal judgment about the fate of another person's love life - be it marriage, partnership or a single life. Especially when it comes to something so inconsequential as a 4 night cruise.:)

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Just a suggestion from a woman who has been married for over 30 years to the same man...it's never a good idea to project one's personal judgment about the fate of another person's love life - be it marriage, partnership or a single life. Especially when it comes to something so inconsequential as a 4 night cruise.:)


You hit the nail right on the head with 'as inconsequential as a 4 night cruise.' The complainers need to get a grip on reality.

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In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[1] by posting inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4]

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Wow. Is that meant to be irony, sarcasm, or just plain insulting? Personally, I never find misogyny funny - perhaps that's because I've heard enough of it to last a life time.


It is based on the development of the action which I witnessed - even at our table.


Most Gentlemen didn't want to take action. But "Darling, you have to do something. Lizz' husband is a lawyer and he said that we are entitled some compensation!" And then this journalist went around pretending to interview but clearly lead the group together and in a way to produce some spectacular situation. _This_ is the full story.


Neither the 70 year old lady who planned to meet her penpal from 1946 first time in her life nor the family carrying xmas gifts to meet their friend nor we or anybody else with a serious interest to get to A'dam was involved in this riot. It was only the "shoppers" and "East Enders".


Merry Xmas to all.

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Couldn't disagree more. Communication WAS the biggest problem not the missed port. There should have been more info given either through the daily programme (which still had info about Amsterdam) to see and do.


I honestly think they had no intention of calling at another part and with the time change being two days early this emphasis my theory. The fuel smell news blackout also didn't help anything.


You seem not to have the slightest idea of a ship's operation. The Daily Programme had been distributed by 4pm on Saturday, when the first announcement was made that their may be the chance not to get to A'dam. The announcement included the clear information that a decision will be made not earlier as by Sunday 3.30am when reaching Ijmuiden Pilot Pickup to assess the weather situation.


On Sunday 10:00 the revised Daily Programme was available for every passengers, announcements had already been made at 8:30 am.


I have not followed the tv broadcast and cannot comment on information broadcsted on tv.


What exactly was it that you missed?

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It is based on the development of the action which I witnessed - even at our table.


Most Gentlemen didn't want to take action. But "Darling, you have to do something. Lizz' husband is a lawyer and he said that we are entitled some compensation!" And then this journalist went around pretending to interview but clearly lead the group together and in a way to produce some spectacular situation. _This_ is the full story.


Neither the 70 year old lady who planned to meet her penpal from 1946 first time in her life nor the family carrying xmas gifts to meet their friend nor we or anybody else with a serious interest to get to A'dam was involved in this riot. It was only the "shoppers" and "East Enders".


Merry Xmas to all.


Neither of us took part in the so called "riot", too busy enjoying the spa. However I do think if you are unhappy with something you have to right to air your views, the same way as if you are happy you tip well and give compliments.


I was pointing out the points we were dissatisfied with and that could be improved on in the future. Yes there were a few things that went wrong but I still had a very fun 4 days with cocktails, and my partner, who I think again has a right to feel a little aggrieved.

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You seem not to have the slightest idea of a ship's operation. The Daily Programme had been distributed by 4pm on Saturday, when the first announcement was made that their may be the chance not to get to A'dam. The announcement included the clear information that a decision will be made not earlier as by Sunday 3.30am when reaching Ijmuiden Pilot Pickup to assess the weather situation.


On Sunday 10:00 the revised Daily Programme was available for every passengers, announcements had already been made at 8:30 am.


I have not followed the tv broadcast and cannot comment on information broadcsted on tv.


What exactly was it that you missed?


The new daily programme was not handed out, to every guest, we certainly didn't receive it and the 8.30am broadcast by the captain was in the public areas only, meaning those guests that were still in there stateroom had no idea what had transpired until 12pm, again only of they were not in there stateroom.

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The new daily programme was not handed out, to every guest, we certainly didn't receive it and the 8.30am broadcast by the captain was in the public areas only, meaning those guests that were still in there stateroom had no idea what had transpired until 12pm, again only of they were not in there stateroom.


This is not correct. I heard the 8:30am broadcast in my suite clearly - with the tv switched off. The 10:00am print was announced as beeing available at the pursers desk and it was available at the concierge too. Please read my live report of Dec. 21st 08:30 am in this forum.

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7. Entertainment repeats on many cruise lines. If you cruise often enough you'll end up seeing some shows more than once. As before, you could easily have entertainment yourselves if it was so bad. Or am I living in the past when people had imagination and ingenuity?



This is what hacks me off. Not you, but the original post.


It simply isn't true.


The entertainment on the last and 2nd night was a tribute band "The Beatles Experience". They were always going to give two shows (they said this before Amsterdam was cancelled) the question was would the second be a dance session (e.g. not in the main theatre).


However the two shows were totally different - there was not one song repeated. We enjoyed both.

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This is not correct. I heard the 8:30am broadcast in my suite clearly - with the tv switched off. The 10:00am print was announced as beeing available at the pursers desk and it was available at the concierge too. Please read my live report of Dec. 21st 08:30 am in this forum.


While your suite room might have received this broadcast our balcony stateroom did not, and we were awake from 8.15am. Again might I ask where the new entertainment programme was announced? Was this at the 8.30am broadcast?

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This is not correct. I heard the 8:30am broadcast in my suite clearly - with the tv switched off. The 10:00am print was announced as beeing available at the pursers desk and it was available at the concierge too. Please read my live report of Dec. 21st 08:30 am in this forum.


The only way you could have missed the revised schedule was if you didn't ever come out of your cabin. Staff were handing them out and there were copies on desks, bars and so on. I didn't hear the 8:30 broadcast but having said that it was fairly quiet on our cabin unless you had the broadcast channel.

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This is what hacks me off. Not you, but the original post.


It simply isn't true.


The entertainment on the last and 2nd night was a tribute band "The Beatles Experience". They were always going to give two shows (they said this before Amsterdam was cancelled) the question was would the second be a dance session (e.g. not in the main theatre).


However the two shows were totally different - there was not one song repeated. We enjoyed both.


I'm sorry to have hacked you off on Christmas Day, but again how were we meant to know this? As far as we could tell they were just going to be doing a repeat of the Saturday night. I do appreciate that they do repeat shows a lot, but on a four night cruise this isn't really acceptable. Surely the cunard singers and dancers could have done one of there other shows?

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The only way you could have missed the revised schedule was if you didn't ever come out of your cabin. Staff were handing them out and there were copies on desks, bars and so on. I didn't hear the 8:30 broadcast but having said that it was fairly quiet on our cabin unless you had the broadcast channel.


I just think the whole thing should have been communicated a bit better, I didn't have a nightmare cruise, I didn't hate it, I'm not a sensationalist but I do think in this one instance things could have been handled a lot better, and I'm sure most people would agree, even the die-hard cunarders.

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