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Curves Workout Centers


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Has anyone ever been a member of Curves? How is the circuit workout program? I get bored easily when exercising at a gym and I'm hoping this will be exactly what I need to stay motivated and on track.


I actually set up an appointment months ago, but never showed up. Decided to give it another go after I realized the weight wasn't going to walk itself off.

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I have just started using the circuit at Curves.


I have been teaching Zumba there for years...but I only recently had the opportunity and time to get on the machines and do the circuit.


OMG.:eek: That circuit will kick your butt, IF you work those machines.


I don't know what you know about Curves, so I will act as if you know nothing...


Curves is facility specially designed for women that offers a complete body workout in 30 minutes that is fun, fast, and safe. (You should hear these exact words repeated when you go for your initial consultation...if you haven't heard them already.)


The machines at Curves cover all the major muscle groups. The machines are hydrolic machines which means that they rely on water to generate resistance. You actually determine the resistance by the speed with which you move the machine. The faster you try to go...the greater the resistance. Thus, the slower you move, the less the resistance. This makes it very easy to use the machines. There may be a pad that you use to align your body properly for the motion...but basically, you either sit or step into position and start moving. Easy peasy.


Another unique aspect of the machines is that they generate resistance in both directions...so they work opposing muscles at the same time...or rather...with the full movement...outward and back...you will work the opposing muscles. So the machines work biceps/triceps, hamstrings/quads, pects/upper back, etc etc.


You use each machine for 30 seconds. Then you spend 30 seconds in a recovery station doing some sort of independent movement. Here you can do cardio (marching in place, jogging, jumping jacks, lunges, knee lifts, step togethers...whatever you want to do). The time seems short, but the fact of the matter is that you have a goal for moving that machine for 30 seconds...and this will be long enough to fatigue your muscles IF you are in the "green."


You will have a key card (like a grocery store loyalty card). You slide your card in the machines. The machines are connected to the computer and the computer recognizes you and what you should be capable of doing. The machines have indicators that will tell you to speed up (or slow down, if necessary) so that you are working out in a range that will make a difference.


At the end of your workout...when you check out at the computer...you will see a representation of your workout and whether or not you hit the targeted zone for each muscle that you worked out that day. You will also receive a calorie burn based on your workout and body composition. AND...the computer will be keeping track of your workouts so that it will move you appropriately into different levels so that you will be pushed to work out harder as you get stronger.


It's an excellent, EXCELLENT workout. I can't say it enough. I have resisted the whole Curves thing (even though I have been in a center teaching Zumba for about 3 years now?). I am sorry now that I didn't get started sooner.


The key...as in everything...is to use the machines right. To keep proper form and keep proper rhythm. For most of the machines, you must keep the motion continuous. No inertia at the ends of the range of motion...inertia means no resistance...so as you approach the end of the range of motion, you are already thinking about and moving toward the other direction so that you keep in constant resistance and movement for 30 seconds.


For some machines, you will keep in motion, but your motion will be fast on one side and slow on the other. For instance, on the squat machine...you want to resist gravity going into the squat moving slowly but then straighten your legs quickly against gravity.


Curves also has many classes that you can take that will guide you on what to do during when you are in the recovery stations. There is a Jillian class (taught by Jillain Michaels via video) that is INSANE. Very challenging. You will be sore. OMG.


They offer a class called Body Basics that will focus on a different body part each week. The three classes are arms/shoulders, core, and legs/butt. While you are on the recovery mats, you do simple but effective targeted toning movements.


Also...there is Zumba in the Circuit. Instead of 30 second intervals...you do one minute intervals. The instructor brings in Zumba music and you will follow the Zumba routines while you are in between the machines. Generally, the mats are moved out of the way and you will work in the middle of the room instead of on a specific mat.


What sets Curves apart from your gym. First, you should not have to wait for a machine. When the ladies come in to join the circuit...they find an opening. And the whole room moves at the same time. Second, it is as close to plug and play exercise as you can get. You just get on the machine and go. No need for adjustments, etc.


And the most important difference...The COACHING. There will be a circuit coach present and watching at all times. Whether or not this is in your face...it usually isn't past the first workout or two...the coach is there and watching and will correct your form, if necessary and offer whatever guidance is appropriate for you to get the most out of your time there.


You should participate in the monthly coaching sessions...which does track your weight and measurements, but also is a chance to touch base with someone...and get help if needed...get adjustments to your routine if you are not getting the results that you should be getting based on your workouts.


I'm seeing this at a time when I am very enthusiastic about Curves. The energy is really high in my local center. Everyone is excited about the new year and getting back on track. There is a 90-day challenge that started with the new year...it's very motivating. And your local Curves could have all kinds of things planned because of that challenge. I know what we are doing at ours and it's going to be a blast.


As to whether or not you would be bored...a lot of that will depend on your personalty, I suppose? The classes offered help to mix it up. The fact that you will improve, growing stronger, and will be needing to put forth more effort over time may challenge you? The interaction of the people on the circuit...especially if you join with a buddy or know others there...it's a unique situation to have resistance training be a social thing? Not that it has to be social...


And I'd like to also point out...that each Curves is a franchise. The atmosphere in each one can vary greatly and depends a lot on the current membership as well as the owner/manager. These things do make a difference. If you have more than one Curves in your area...it might be worth your while to try working out at them to see if there is a feel that you like better at one or the other.


My Curves has a huge range of ages and abilities. I think the oldest member is 87 and the youngest is 21? The range of fitness is huge. There are those with physical challenges (chronic conditions, recovery, very overweight) and there are those in maintenance mode that are fully fit.


I have done another famously LONG Anita post...it's me. I hope the info I've offered here is helpful to you. Obviously, I'm happy to talk about this.

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Thanks for the great write up! I just signed up for a year and did the training on how to use the machines today. I like the rotation style and everyone gets a fair chance to use all the equipment. Not so at most gyms. Even after spending a fortune on a personal trainer setting up specific routines for me, when I would go to the gym, half the equipment I needed was draped with some disturbingly drenched sweat towel.

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I've used the machines for 3 workouts now. I did two workouts last week and I worked out yesterday. Today was the day that I could tell that I've increased my current exercise schedule. During Zumba...OMG...


My center wants me to use the machines for 3-4 workouts before doing the appt that will get me on the Curves Smart system. Is your center the same?


I'll do the circuit again tomorrow. I'm so very excited to get on the system and use the card to have a target for my workout. I'm doing that appt on Friday!


Then I'm going to start using the circuit 3X weekly.


Did you sign up for the 90-day #curvessmart challenge?

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They want me to spend a month before starting the curves smart system. I wish they had better hours though, this week I haven't gotten off work in time to make it in. I'm dedicated to going in for the next three days. I haven't heard anything about a curves smart challenge.


I've used the machines for 3 workouts now. I did two workouts last week and I worked out yesterday. Today was the day that I could tell that I've increased my current exercise schedule. During Zumba...OMG...


My center wants me to use the machines for 3-4 workouts before doing the appt that will get me on the Curves Smart system. Is your center the same?


I'll do the circuit again tomorrow. I'm so very excited to get on the system and use the card to have a target for my workout. I'm doing that appt on Friday!


Then I'm going to start using the circuit 3X weekly.


Did you sign up for the 90-day #curvessmart challenge?

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I'm sorry! I meant #curvesstrong challenge. It's a kick start the new year kind of challenge...maybe not every franchise is taking part?


The hours at the different Curves locations can vary. It might be worth seeing if there was another Curves close to your work with later hours.

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Unfortunately it is the closest one.


I have a rapid heart rate condition that can make exercise feel like torture. Yesterday, there was another woman in the circuit with the same condition and she kept encouraging me. In my mind I was like, if I can get trough this thing 1 and 1/2 times, I can do it 2 times for sure. After doing the circuit I was definitely winded, but I felt great and I feel great today too!


In contrast, I was once a member at another gym, not a curves, where a trainer told me I couldn't keep up with her cardio routine because I'm lazy. She then tried to sell me a bunch of vitamin supplements. I tried out her routine, but my heart was beating so fast I couldn't get through 5 minutes of it. My face was beet red for 15 minutes after my five minute exercise and I developed a blood blister on the bottom of my foot. It hasn't happened before then and hasn't happened since.


I am starting to believe Curves is something I can really stick with long term. Now if I can just make it in on time next week for three days in a row.

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The Curves near me closed, and I miss it terribly. If you put a lot of effort into those machines, you get a great workout. Sometimes you can get in on a good conversation while working out; if not, I would put in my ear buds and listen to a podcast or something. I highly recommend Curves.

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The Curves near me closed, and I miss it terribly. If you put a lot of effort into those machines, you get a great workout. Sometimes you can get in on a good conversation while working out; if not, I would put in my ear buds and listen to a podcast or something. I highly recommend Curves.

I feel like I get a much better workout here, even without having a personal trainer (I've had great trainers and I've had bad trainers). My muscles ache after and I work up a sweat and huff, but not so much that I feel like I can't go back the next day. This has kept me going. When the circuit becomes too easy, I will try the Jillian Michaels class.

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I loved Curves - mindless workout and good friendships formed. However, I'm done with Curves. I joined one to the town north of me (Curves A). That closed after one year - poorly managed. I got some of my prepaid money back, but not all.


So I joined the Curves in the town south of me (Curves B) (there never was a Curves in my town). That succeeded for a couple of years, but unfortunately it was mismanaged also. The owner had a hard time keeping coaches - the coaches always lost their enthusiasm after a short time, so attendance therefore dropped off. Thus this Curves closed. :-(


Two enterprising women who had worked at Curves B struck a deal with a nearby (relatively) community fitness center and got a "Curves-like circuit" installed in this fitness center (let's call this Curves C). However, it didn't have the 30 minute work-out like a real Curves with the music and the peppiness. The machines were not Curves-machines and they were hard to manipulate. I joined the fitness center (as a previous-Curves member and got "a deal") so I could use the "Curves-like circuit." Didn't like it. But I did learn how to use the fitness machines (Cybex). I like them better than the "Curves-like machines." Over time I've learned to use the Cybex machines and they have done wonders for my back. I have been able to stay out of the Chriopractor's Office (very expensive) for four years. Yay!


To update you on the "Curves-like circuit" at the fitness center, that those two smart ladies got installed, the fitness center ended their "Curves" association, so Curves C closed.


I heard that very recently a Curves opened in a town about 25 minutes from me (let's call this Curves D), but it is too far for me to travel. Don't want to spend an hour in transit.


I hold the record for being a part of the most closed Curves.

P.S. I forgot about a 4th Curves that closed, just north of Curves A. I did not join that one but I did work out there a few times.

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I feel like I get a much better workout here, even without having a personal trainer (I've had great trainers and I've had bad trainers). My muscles ache after and I work up a sweat and huff, but not so much that I feel like I can't go back the next day. This has kept me going. When the circuit becomes too easy, I will try the Jillian Michaels class.


Getting on the Curve Smart system will help with keeping the circuit challenging. There are 4 different programs you can do on the system that will push you to different levels. Also, as you get stronger in your workout, the system will push you harder to try to keep you challenged.


I saw the Jillian Michaels class the other day. I wasn't there to participate in it...since I also teach the Zumba classes, I'm pacing myself for adding the circuit into my workout routine...I don't want to lose my energy for teaching my own class! Anyway...I wanted to observe what Jillian does, just to see...OMG...THAT is a kick in the you know what. Definitely challenging! I did some things that I knew wouldn't compromise my teaching ability to badly. LOL.


As for Curves closings...yes. Wow. SO MANY Curves have closed. And they have done it badly, not following the protocol for closing. The Curves franchise has undergone a change in recent years, offering Curves Complete and the Jillian classes...which required more spending on the part of the Curves franchise owners. Some just couldn't do it. Also, there was such great growth for Curves...and many franchises were sold and the corporation wasn't involved in approving the license for these new second hand owners. The result was that there were many Curves that ended up being very poorly run and thus, they closed. It gives the Curves owners that are doing a good job a bad name. It's very sad.


I'm excited because I think that I've been hitting my goal of averaging one pound a week. I think that if I could actually control what I was eating more, I could increase my losses...but I'm just focusing on eating from home and trying to not be too concerned with exactly WHAT I'm eating. One step at a time.

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Just signed up to be on a team at work where each member's goal is to lose 4 pounds in 40 days. It is going to be a challenge for sure. I have about 20 lbs. to lose in total to reach my goal weight. Dieting is definitely a challenge. In the past I counted calories using an app and actually gained 5 pounds following the recommended plan. I try to eat what I want, but not all in one setting and not every time I have a craving.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wonder what the recommended eating plan was? I find that you actually have to eat way more than you think that you need to eat in order to lose weight. Sounds so counter intuitive but if you need to lost more weight, your body has more work to do and so you need to actually eat a bit more than someone who has less weight to lose.


Most effective programs that are geared toward weight loss should be aimed toward eating habits that increase your metabolism, including breaking your overnight fast within 30 minutes of rising (you know, eating breakfast) to kick start your metabolism for the day and eating every 3 hours in order to keep your metabolism going during the day. Also...you usually need to eat whenever you feel hunger...hunger is a healthy signal that your body needs some energy...not eating doesn't mean your body will access fat then and there...not enough time. Most fat metabolism occurs during sleep...so sleeping is an important part of losing fat.


Good luck with your challenge!


I found this information...I thought it was interesting:




there is a short video that detailed the research lab. I had no idea.

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