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Ventura Xmas/New Year Cruise Review


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Just in case anyone is interested, here's my review of our recent cruise. Sorry if its a bit long.

We had a lovely cruise overall and really enjoyed it, although it wasn't perfect - but nothing ever is. I've put in some section headings so you can skip some parts if you wish, and just read the bits that you think you'll may be interested in.

I really hope that at least some of you enjoy reading it, and if you do, then its been worth my while writing it.

Happy cursing.





Our Background:

We are a couple in our mid 50s and have cruised a lot, including also xmas / new year on Ventura the year before. We booked early to get the cabin we wanted and always go for freedom dining, as this suits us better, and we prefer a table for two. We weren’t even sure that we were going to make this cruise, as DH had a sudden illness and surgery in November, but fortunately made an excellent recovery – probably the thought of not cruising helped to make him better quicker! I also had surgery in September and am still having treatment, so we both needed this holiday very much.



We flew from Birmingham on Thomson Dreamliner. We pre-booked our seats and paid more for extra leg room in row 10 (thinking this would be best and help to prevent DH getting DVT). The configuration was 3-3-3 and we had a different person sitting on the end of the row each way. Although the extra leg room was nice and as there was a “wall” in front, the seats in this row were narrower than the others. They were fine for us, but some folks may not find them particularly comfortable. The seat size reminded me of when we used to fly with Airtours (a blast from the past!), although the Dreamliner seats were more padded and so more comfy. The tray table was in the armrest, and on the return flight, the passenger in the end seat had his arm over the armrest for most of the flight, and had to be asked to move it to get the table out! The arm soon went back over though.


The toilet was back towards the middle of the plane, so we didn’t have anyone standing in front of us, as I noticed was happening in front of the other row of extra leg room seats further down the plane (and couldn’t be helped as there was no where else to stand). I saw a few folks nipping into the premium cabin to use their toilet as it was much nearer, but one passenger said that he’d been “told off” for doing that on the way out! It didn’t stop some folks from doing it though, especially when the staff were busy giving out meals and were getting further down the plane and so didn’t notice!

At least being in these seats we didn’t have to disturb anyone when we got up, as there was room to walk past (being careful not to tread on toes though).

Drinks were chargeable, but we got water and tea/coffee with meals, and orange juice on the breakfast run.


Earphones were given out on the outbound flight, which for those of us in ‘cattle class’ had to be kept for the return (I think those in premium could got a new set each way), but I didn’t use the TV system and DH only used it to follow the flight path. They gave a demonstration of the lighting and the different colours for the cabin, but apart from an “ooh” and “ah” reaction, I’m not really sure of its value, as passengers have no control over which colour is used. There were no shutters on the windows, but a dimmer switch, which darkened or lightened the window, and was generally effective and a nice toy.


The flight out was about 8 hours, and 7 hours 50 mins return. The best bit was stepping outside the door on arrival, to be met with sunshine and heat! I love being warm in the winter.


On the return journey we had to sit on the plane for an extra hour in Barbados, as they were experiencing problems getting planes refuelled, so we were almost an hour late arriving back in the UK than scheduled.

Getting to and from the ship was as well organised as usual. I love the fact that we were straight off the plane and onto the bus, and to the ship. No going through immigration or customs in Barbados and no collecting cases. For the return, immigration was done on the ship the day before we departed (the day we arrived in Barbados), but this was well organized and didn’t take long, as there were 16 staff working!



We had chosen our cabin on C deck mid ship, as we love the larger balcony. We spend a lot of time there, so appreciate the space.

One of the first things I looked at was the shower curtain. On our previous cruise, the shower curtain was disgusting and so grubby, that its now on my radar to check it when I get there, and this looked as though it had been recently changed and was very clean. Having a manky and mouldy shower curtain (which the previous one was) is not the way I want to start my holiday!


Our luggage arrived while we were at dinner (we had been warned that it would be some hours), and as I unpacked, I sent DH off with a pack of antibacterial wipes I’d packed to clean the surfaces in the cabin - just in case - as I don’t think that the cabins are really cleaned properly between passengers. At least it smelled nice and fresh when he’d finished!

We noticed that our bags had suffered a bit though. We had secure number locks on both bags but two were now missing, and even the metal zip pulls that the lock had been attached to, was also missing on one bag! This could have been done anywhere from Birmingham airport to our cabin, and it could have been worse, as fortunately they were ones on the side pocket rather than the main zip compartment.

We put up our tinsel and little Christmas tree, so we were all ready then for Santa.


I say every time that we won’t pack as much as last time, as we always end up bringing back one case full of unworn clean clothes! Well at least I’m consistent – we did the same again this time.

There was plenty of storage space for all of our stuff, although I wish they would put a bigger shelf in the shower, as I can never fit all of our shampoos, shower gels etc in the tiny space they provide, as we prefer to use our own.


Our cabin steward was very pleasant, but he was a bit “hit and miss” during our cruise. He’d clean the balcony windows inside and out, but didn’t stock up the drinks stuff! One day we’d get tea bags replaced but not sugar, then the opposite the following day. We got used to collecting what we needed from the buffet for our cabin, just in case he hadn’t stocked it up again that day.

He left us two bath towels but just one hand towel one morning when he did the room. Never mind I thought, its not a problem, and he’ll replace it in the evening. When we got back from dinner, still only one hand towel. Another day we had two hand towels but only one bath towel! I had to go and find him in the corridor to ask for another towel. He left us a really nice towel animal one evening, and at least we got the full compliment of towels that night!


When we first met the steward, we asked him for ice every day, and although we generally got this once a day, for two days we got no ice. One afternoon, I really fancied an ice cold drink of diet coke, and was disappointed to find no ice - just water!


These things are irritating when they start to add up over time, but not a big deal. It may just be coincidence, but I’ve noticed that on our last 3 crises, our cabin stewards have not been as good or consistent as those we had “in the early days” of cruising. Not sure why (although I have my own ideas), so I’ll let you ponder on that one yourselves. At least we still get chocolates on our pillows though, which I’m aware some cruise lines have stopped doing!

I did hint to DH that he could continue this chocolate tradition when we got home, but they seem to have disappeared when I go to bed and no choc on the pillow! Strange that.


Dining / Food:

We choose freedom dining as this suits us best. For the most part this worked well, but I’ll get my big gripe out of the way now. We knew we had to go to the dining room between 8am and 12 noon the day after we arrived, to book for Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve as they were only doing 2 sittings – 6.15 and 8.45. (The buffet was closed on xmas day evening.)


This was the same as we’d done the previous year also on Ventura. Last year we got there about 15 minutes before booking opened and were second in the queue. So thinking it would be the same this year, we got up and went down about 10 minutes before 8am. Wow! The queue was snaking round from the dining room to the middle of the art gallery, so we joined the queue. It was only when we’d got about half way that a member of staff came down the line asking if we wanted 6.15 or 8.45, as there were separate queues for each! Fortunately we were in the right line for 6.15 (this is too early but the alternative is far too late for us). From joining the back of the queue to booking our table took 3 HOURS!!

There were many irritated and angry passengers, and I agree with them that there has got to be a better way for this to be sorted, but if I’d have got annoyed or angry, the only one to suffer would have been me (and DH’s ears probably), as it would just get me stressed and hypertensive! Of course we didn’t know when we were queing that it would be 3 hours, and thought it would be quick when we eventually got into the dining room itself, but it wasn’t, as you then had to get to the other side of the room! There was only one member of staff doing the actual booking although there were quite a few staff in ‘supporting roles’ (by this I mean trying to sell you a wine package or just sitting there looking “pretty”), and he was not particularly quick. The outcome was that we did get a table for 2 – if I’d have queued for 3 hours to be told I couldn’t have that, I think someone might have been tossed overboard!


Last year on our first evening, we’d gone to the buffet to find it shut, and we’d ended up at the deck BBQ which we weren’t impressed with (luke-warm food), so this year we went to the dining room, although as our luggage hadn’t arrived we had to go in what we’d worn all day. There was a ticket in our cabin telling us which of the freedom dining rooms we were allocated to. This was new – before we had gone to whichever one we decided to on the day.

As we both have food allergies (which we’d informed P&O about beforehand and I’d even had an email acknowledging this), we were visited by the Head Waiter from that first evening and we ordered our dinner for the following day. This worked very well throughout the cruise, and I must say that he was a real sweetie.


One evening there was a “special menu”, so none of the ‘always available alternatives’ weren’t available. There was a good selection (2 fish dishes and 4 or 5 meat dishes plus vegetarian option), but unfortunately, no beef, chicken or turkey, which are the only meats I eat (I also don’t eat fish). Yes I know I’m an awkward so and so! The veggie option was also something I hate (think it was butternut squash). When the Head Waiter, Mr Michael, came to take our order for the following day, I had to say that I didn’t eat any of the main courses, so would it be possible to have a steak please? I did say that if it wasn’t possible then that’s fine as I won’t starve, and I’d just have potatoes and vegetables instead (without the fish or meat). I think even the waiter was surprised the following evening when they brought me a steak as it wasn’t on the menu!


We started off the cruise on a table for two on the padded seats – the ones where there is little room between the tables, but then another evening we had a table for two that was apart from others that suited us better. Its not that we’re anti social, but we just prefer it that way. We then asked when we went to dinner if any of the three tables for two in that section were available, and most evenings we got one of these. The waiters also got used to us, and it made for a pleasant dining experience.


Apart from the Head Waiter, the star of the dining room for us was Mylene, the wine waitress. She was always smiling, greeted us by name, and got used to the wine we ordered (we are not real “winies” and stuck to the one wine we know we like, although we only drink wine when we go on a cruise!). We had a bottle over 2 evenings, and if Mylene saw us come in, she automatically went to get our wine for us. She just made the experience a bit more personal and special.


We tended to have a late breakfast, so never went to the dining room for either breakfast or lunch. We’d also go for a snack at afternoon teatime (the one in the buffet again), to keep us going until dinner. There was a fair choice, and the warm scones were yummy. I did notice that there was a lack of bananas at breakfast although there was other fruit, but overheard someone asking for them, so after that I followed suit. For some strange reason, they didn’t appear to put bananas out, but when you asked, the staff would get one banana out of the cupboard underneath, looking furtively around to make sure no one else was looking! I’m probably making this last bit up, but it did strike me as being a bit odd not to have the bananas out with the rest of the fruit.


I thought the standard of the food was very good overall, and two evening main courses were excellent. There were some ‘moans and groans’ though about the portion sizes. I would agree that they are appear slightly smaller than on our previous cruises (maybe they’ve cut them down to save waste and money), but you could always order extra veg or potatoes (we have some fries between us a couple of times). Let’s be honest, you can’t possibly go hungry on a cruise, and if a 5 course dinner hasn’t been enough for you, there’s always the buffet or room service to follow!


New Year’s Eve Dinner: I would like to just add a comment here about what I consider to be some very selfish passengers. We’d had the same two couples by us on Christmas Day dinner on tables for two, and we all arrived at the time we should (6.15 sitting), give or take 10 minutes. However on New Year’s Eve, these two couples obviously decided that they didn’t want to adhere to the time. As the two tables were empty at 6.30, we assumed they had decided to eat elsewhere, but no. One couple strolled in at 6.40 and the other couple at 6.45. We were on our sorbet by then! This really late couple then took their time reading the menu, and when the waiter came over to take their order, they said they weren’t ready yet and wanted more time! The wait staff were obviously very busy on these evenings, but have their ‘routine’ of bringing out all of the courses at the same time for their diners (as well as the kitchen timing their courses together), so having two other couples on different courses I would think throws them out of their ‘routine’. I just can’t believe how some people just don’t care about anyone else but themselves and just do whatever they want to. Some of you may not agree with me here, but I feel that if you don’t want to adhere to the set time that you choose (ie. 6.15), then you should find an alternative dining venue or have room service, and not turn up half an hour later than everyone else. Rant over!



We’d been to all of the ports on previous cruises, with the exception of St Vincent. We had booked two ship tours – the Train in St Kitts and an Island Tour and Nelson’s Dockyard in Antigua. We had done both of these tours before, although it was some years ago. The other ports we got off and had a wander around. Here are just my thoughts on some of the ports we visited.


St Vincent: We went for a walk around the local area from the ship, and it was a dump. Sorry but I can’t sugar coat it. If we ever go there again, I’ll stay on the ship.


Grand Turk: I love this port! When we’ve been in the past, we walked to a beach away from the crowds and the sun beds. It’s now disappeared! Well it may have still been there, but there has been so much erosion that we couldn’t get round to where we had before. I was sooooo disappointed, although I did enjoy my time there. As we wandered back, the Carnival ship had just docked, and the main area just off the ship was absolutely heaving with their passengers. So we legged it back to the ship.

At least as the Ventura had docked first, our passengers were able to hog the best sun beds!


Antigua: The tour was good. The guide was very informative and we visited a couple of old forts before we arrived at Nelson’s Dockyard. It was lovely being back there again. There was a drink included – but they only offered rum punch – no alternative or non-alcoholic option. I asked if I could have water instead, but was told I’d have to pay for it. However one of the staff then handed me a glass of water at no charge, which I appreciated.


St Kitts: We really enjoyed the train journey itself, which lasted for 2 hours. I was disappointed with the on-board guide though, who gave a talk as we went along. He was in the first carriage with us, but he looked as though he would rather have been anywhere else! He mentioned some churches etc as we went along, but I was expecting some history about the railroad / train (which we’d had last time), and I waited and waited but it never came. In between his musings (I also couldn’t understand everything he was saying), he was actually falling asleep!

The singers came to each carriage and they were good. We were offered a selection of drinks, both alcoholic and non-alco / soft drinks), which were welcomed. The carriage steward we had though was as miserable as sin! She never smiled and just ‘grunted’ at you. She looked as though she really hated her job. From what I remember on our previous train trip, the staff were really welcoming and obviously enjoyed their work, but not the ones on this trip.


On the positive side though, our bus driver was fab. He was so knowledgeable and gave us an excellent commentary as he drove us to the train (which took about an hour). He would also stop at significant points so we could have a proper look. He obviously enjoyed his job and being with people, and it clearly showed. Thank you Winston – AKA Mr Churchill.


St Maarten: Wow – I have rarely seen so many ships docked in the same place at the same time! (Last time it was in Southampton for the P&O anniversary cruises when we were on the Azura and all their ships were there). Next to us was the Oasis of the Seas, which was the first time I’d seen her in the ‘flesh’ so to speak. She was enormous and dwarfed our ship. I can’t say that she looked pretty – just a huge hotel, with all I could see from our balcony was a vast wall of balconies. Including us, there were 6 ships in port that day (of varying sizes), including the Celebrity Reflection and a Thomson ship.

With all the ships in port, I’d expected the town and the beach to be heaving, but I didn’t think it was really much busier than when we’d been before with only two or 3 ships there. I like this port.


Barbados: As we arrived on the Saturday, we had a day in Barbados at the end. We walked into town and I saw a huge turtle as I was crossing the bridge by the boats. Wow…it was massive and beautiful. It had disappeared though just before DH looked, so I’m not sure he believed what I said I’d seen! We walked to the local beach – not the prettiest, but lovely soft sand and clear sea, and the best bit – hardly anyone else there. We spent an hour or so on the beach and I had a cooling paddle or two in the sea, so it was a lovely last day.




We don’t generally “do” the ship entertainment, preferring to take a walk on deck 7 after dinner or just relax on the balcony. However as I’m a fan of Neil Diamond and his music, we went to see Gary Ryan, masquerading as Neil in Havana, and I thought he was quite good. He was only for about a 45 minute show, so just enough in my opinion.





A bit disappointing. I didn’t think the selection of fiction / biographies was particularly good and many books were quite old, although I did manage to find enough to last me the cruise. Maybe its because many folks now have a kindle or read on computer, but DH had MY kindle, and I quite like the feel of a book in my hands. I got through 6 or 7 books over the cruise.

You were allowed to take out 2 books at a time from the library. There was also a table outside for “book swap” – where passengers would leave their books for others to read. I read a couple from the book swap, and also left 2 books when our cruise was finished that we’d brought with us, and hope other future cruisers enjoyed them.



We saw 3 ambulances attend the ship (on blue lights – or whatever colour they are in that part of the world), two in one day. Saw a couple of passengers being transported off the ship, one in a wheelchair and one on a stretcher. We also heard that there had been at least another ambulance attended on another day.


About 12.35am on New Year’s Day, it came over on the speaker system that there was a Code Alpha in the medical centre, so not a good start to the new year for someone.


On our second evening, we had a walk around Deck 7 then went in and got chatting to a work colleague of DH. There was suddenly an announcement to launch the Rescue Boat and staff were legging it up the stairs and out the door onto the deck. Rumours abounded of “someone overboard”, but at that time we didn’t know for sure. A young lady (I’d say about 16 or 17) came us to us and asked “is the boat going to sink?” She was really distressed and we tried to reassure her that this wasn’t going to happen, but she was almost hysterical and was saying that’s she didn’t want to go back to her cabin in case she didn’t come out again! Don’t think she’s been on a cruise before, but whatever we said to try to reassure her, she wasn’t taking it in.


OK so this is probably not directly linked to health – except steward mental health I suppose. Walking along the corridor to our room one day, we passed a cabin that had the door propped open (as they do when the steward is cleaning it), and I couldn’t help but glance in as I passed. Well I have never seen such a sight in all of my days cruising! I couldn’t see the carpet for clothes and shoes, and the bed was covered in clothes, shoes and handbags! And this were what I could see just having a quick glance in! If I was the steward, I’d be tearing my hair out if I was faced with that on a daily basis. I wonder if they’re the same at home! If they are, I’m glad they don’t live with me!



Did I enjoy the cruise? Of course I did! –very much so. I don’t expect things to be perfect, as life’s not like that, so a cruise won’t be either. I try to just ‘go with the flow’ and make the best of the situation, as if I get stressed or uptight, that defeats the object of my cruise – which is to relax and have a good time.


If I’d have let it, things like the cabin niggles, the 3 hour queue to book our dining time, and the disinterested staff on the St Kitts Train would have wound me up, but I didn’t let them. I focused on the positives, and there were many more positives than negatives. Such as Mylene (wine lady), Mr Michael (Head Waiter), good food, pleasant staff and lovely big balcony, along with super weather.


We’re on the Ventura to the Med in June and the Britannia in the Caribbean over Christmas and New Year, and really looking forward to both cruises, although I will miss my big C deck balcony which I won’t get on Britannia. I hope that at least some of you (OK one of you!) have found this review interesting or useful. If so, it’s been worthwhile writing it. Thank you for reading it.

Happy cruising to you all.

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Thanks for your report, it's a really honest view holidays are what you make them in my view and as long as you are not expecting perfection things are usually okay.


We were on the 4th December Ventura cruise and like you a few niggles but nothing that was really important in fact my OH forgot his shoes for formal night (yes it was my fault!!) there was a very nice man on reception who lent us his shoes for the first formal night and a brand new pair from the stock room for the rest of the cruise all at no charge. I could not believe the effort he went to. The good thing was I was able to wear my 3 new evening dresses I would have been so disappointed if we had to go to the buffet on formal evening.


We are hoping to do the pre-Xmas Britannia in December which we will will book nearer the time hoping for reduced prices I cannot afford the prices at the moment and cannot commit to dates this early.


Anyway thank you again for the review it was really interesting

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Thanks for the review, seems very balanced.


Shame your not one for the shows, I would have liked to hear your opinion.


Good to see that after flying the 787 you can tell all those on here that its nothing special as some seem to think it will be a magical experience when in reality its just a regular economy seat on a regular economy flight.


The 3 hours queue is outrageous, I would have asked to see the Hotel Director and escalated it upwards from there.


There are only 3 things I do on a cruise ship for 3 hours and they all begin with an S.

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It's just all Boeing bullcrap!its new but it's no 380 would rather a jumbo!looked at upgrading to premium but your just up the front not massive seats and a bar like business class!that is a waste of money!



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Been saying that on here till I'm blue in the face!


It is supposed to be better than Thomas Cook though, no? We flew in 2006 to Barbados but booked Premium seating as it was the two of us and our honeymoon, now we have the kids I am not paying £800 for premium.


I am very tall and struggle with airline seats, and hoping the dreamliner will be comfortable enough for me. Can people in front recline seats?


Our flight has swapped from TC to Thomson


Thanks for the review, very honest, and glad you enjoyed your holiday. We are club dining this Christmas on Azura, so no queuing!!! However we fly Christmas day and that is a formal day so I am a little concerned about what time our luggage will arrive!

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It is supposed to be better than Thomas Cook though, no? We flew in 2006 to Barbados but booked Premium seating as it was the two of us and our honeymoon, now we have the kids I am not paying £800 for premium.


I am very tall and struggle with airline seats, and hoping the dreamliner will be comfortable enough for me. Can people in front recline seats?


Our flight has swapped from TC to Thomson


Thanks for the review, very honest, and glad you enjoyed your holiday. We are club dining this Christmas on Azura, so no queuing!!! However we fly Christmas day and that is a formal day so I am a little concerned about what time our luggage will arrive!


Its not quite that straight forward. The 787 is new, it has that going for it and a couple of nifty features with the lighting and cabin altitude, but apart from that its just a regular economy seat, the pitch is average for charter, but there is a downside in that the seats are narrower than standard.


Yes they still recline.


If however you get a TC A330 which has been refurb'd then you get a brand new cabin even though the hull is older.


TC have set a target to have all A330 in the new config by March 2015 and I understand they are on target with most already done.


They have gone from 3-3-3 across which was quite cramped to a less dense 2-4-2 config so each row has 1 less seat meaning wider seats and less passengers overall, along with new seats, screens and cabin decor etc.


It would be a hard call which is better between the 2, for comfort I would probably say a new config TC.


For shiny bits of chrome, new style overhead lockers which make the cabin seem more roomy and gadget lighting then Thomson win.

Edited by richleeds
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Thanks Rich!


I hate reclining chairs! Oh well


As long as I get there safe and comfortably I will be happy :)


You could always buy one of these but they have been causing inflight fights in the USA!



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We noticed a difference in the dreamliner from Xmas 13 to Xmas 14, we went premium both times and was really impressed in 2013.

A year seems to have taken it's toll on the planes, problems with IFE on way out meant we waited a couple of hours before it was working, toilet door wouldn't lock properly and there was tissue were stuffed in the roofing as water was leaking 'condensation? ' on the way back my TV froze and had to be reset a couple of times, I gave up and read my book in the end!

I've asked for Thomson this year too but if the TC has had a refurbished I may ask to change? Thanks for info :)


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You could always buy one of these but they have been causing inflight fights in the USA!



What a good idea. My DH is 6ft and once he nearly had his knees broken as the chap in front threw his seat back! When he complained, the passenger refused to put the seat up and when he got his bag out of the overhead locker, after we had landed, he made sure he dropped it on DH's head :rolleyes:
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Great review, but have to differ on a couple of things. I didn't like St Maarten much, six ships in and it was heaving. The trip we did was not good either. However in St Vincent, we did a vey good ship's trip. We went to some beautiful botanical gardens and on the way back to a hotel where we sat by the sea with a nice cool drink. Would recommend if P&O do this trip.

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Great review, but have to differ on a couple of things. I didn't like St Maarten much, six ships in and it was heaving. The trip we did was not good either. However in St Vincent, we did a vey good ship's trip. We went to some beautiful botanical gardens and on the way back to a hotel where we sat by the sea with a nice cool drink. Would recommend if P&O do this trip.



St Marteen was always one of our favorite ports, however on arriving there in December with 6 ships in port and a few showers about we decided to just take a stroll then back on board. I wonder just how many folk who have been there before do the same.



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St Marteen was always one of our favorite ports, however on arriving there in December with 6 ships in port and a few showers about we decided to just take a stroll then back on board. I wonder just how many folk who have been there before do the same.



Probably quite a few! Oasis of the seas was in next to us plus 4 others. I think I worked out there were around 20,000 people there that day. The queues for taxis etc was horrendous.

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Great review, thanks!


I've just come off the Azura New Year cruise and I had a totally different experience booking the New Year freedom dining sitting, but maybe they have more tables for four. I went down at 11am, walked straight in and got first sitting no problem.


We were also lucky at the ports. At some ports we were the only ship in and at others, there was only one other.

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Hi Homeless bear

Nice to read a review not filled with petty complaints, so glad you enjoyed your cruise. Makes me look forward to our cruise on Ventura at the end of February.

Have been on a number of P&O cruises and while they are not perfect we have thoroughly enjoyed every one of them.

Happy cruising to you and I hope you both return to full health as soon as possable.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I have to say your review was really spot on - we were on this cruise and there's nothing I would really disagree with! So much so that my letter to P&O pointing some of what you've mentioned could have come from you. Notably the Xmas table fiasco. We too enjoyed the cruise but more for the people than anything else as there are areas (Towels!!) that they do need to sort out. We are on Brittania this year too and very much looking forward to it.

Well done :)

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