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What's the Nicest Thing a Carnival Team Member Ever Did For You?


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2 things come quickly to mind:


1) On the 3rd evening of a 8 day cruise the Matre'D came over to our table and saw my picky DD with only a Caesar salad and French Fries (3rd straight day of the same thing). He asked her if there was one particular food she would eat he would see if he could get it for her. After much prodding, she finally said she liked the BLT's from room service. Every night from then on there was a BLT waiting for her when we got to dinner.


2) I went to sign up for a Texas hold em tournament on next to last day and it was all ready full. The cage told me there was one more tournament the next day but signups would not begin until that days tournament was over. I said ok and went to play some 3 card poker. Went back to the cage while the other tournament was still going on and the person in front of me was "discussing" with the casino host as to why the next days tournament was already full and that days tournament was still going on. It appears that while the Host was checking in the players for that days tournament someone asked if there were any others. He said yes tomorrow there was one more. He then let the entire table sign up for the final tournament before theirs even began. The guy in line with me told the host that wasn't fair, sign ups were to not begin until the tournament was over. He said he would call the Manager to see what could be done. The manager came and we (I was now involved hoping they would open another tourney and sign up) explained the situation. He totally agreed with us and said the best he could do was open another tournament when tomorrows was done (just what I was hoping for). As we signed up for this new tournament the Casino Manager offered to buy us a drink. I declined but thanked him anyway and went on my way, just happy to be signed up for the tourney. When we went to dinner that night, about half way through our dinner, the bar attendant comes to our table and tells us the Casino Manager ordered a bottle of wine for us on him. This came as a great surprise and I thought a great gesture on the Managers part.

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Nothing real spectacular but every member of the staff remembering my name. We cruised last week on the Pride. I participated in the bartender/mixologist on the first sea-day. From that point on the CD remembered my name and would chat with me every time he saw me. Comedy shows, main lounge, casino, atrium, etc. My room steward would call me by name and two of the lido bar servers would call me by name and remember the 3-4 drinks I would order.


With the amount of people that each of these people interact with it's pretty cool they do that.

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While in port during our October 2013 cruise aboard the Dream my DW purchased some jewelry. Excited to wear her new pretties, she opted to wear the ring to dinner even though it needed resized to fit properly.


After dinner, as we were exiting the elevator the ring slipped off her finger. Two quick bounces and a short roll and the ring disappeared into the crack between the elevator car and deck 5.


Knowing the ring was probably gone forever, but hoping against it we went to Guest Services to seek assistance. They contacted security and maintenance and we all met at the ring eating elevator. Maintenance shut down the elevator and searched the bottom of the shaft but the ring wasn't found. Soon after I noticed the lights indicating the elevator was moving were on and assumed the ring rescue mission had been abandoned.


The gentleman from guest services kept us there asking every detail about the ring. I figured it was for some report on the off chance the ring turned up later. A few minutes later, the elevator opened and standing there ON TOP of the elevator car were the maintenance guy and security guy. WITH THE RING! They had been riding up and down the shaft a top the car and found it on a small ledge two floors below.


We were so grateful that they would go through that much effort to retrieve what in reality was a ring worth a couple hundred dollars.


Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Forums mobile app

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I remember on one of my cruises - I think it was the Carnival Victory - that the casino host, Darren, was frequently chatting with the gamblers. I was playing in one of the slot machine tournaments and Darren sat down beside me. He said that if I beat his score, he would let me have a Carnival logo item. Well, I beat him by several thousand and he gave me a Carnival watch! I was SO excited. I didn't make it to the finals in the tournament, but who cares? I still enjoy that watch to this day and I believe the watch is about 12 years old now.

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While in port during our October 2013 cruise aboard the Dream my DW purchased some jewelry. Excited to wear her new pretties, she opted to wear the ring to dinner even though it needed resized to fit properly.


After dinner, as we were exiting the elevator the ring slipped off her finger. Two quick bounces and a short roll and the ring disappeared into the crack between the elevator car and deck 5.


Knowing the ring was probably gone forever, but hoping against it we went to Guest Services to seek assistance. They contacted security and maintenance and we all met at the ring eating elevator. Maintenance shut down the elevator and searched the bottom of the shaft but the ring wasn't found. Soon after I noticed the lights indicating the elevator was moving were on and assumed the ring rescue mission had been abandoned.


The gentleman from guest services kept us there asking every detail about the ring. I figured it was for some report on the off chance the ring turned up later. A few minutes later, the elevator opened and standing there ON TOP of the elevator car were the maintenance guy and security guy. WITH THE RING! They had been riding up and down the shaft a top the car and found it on a small ledge two floors below.


We were so grateful that they would go through that much effort to retrieve what in reality was a ring worth a couple hundred dollars.


Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Forums mobile app

It is amazing that they found your ring. That had to be like looking for a needle in a haystack! It is good to know that they went to so much trouble to get your ring back for you. :-)

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On your past Carnival cruises, what is the nicest thing above and beyond the call of duty that a Carnival team member did for you?


On a milestone birthday, a Carnival team member called my cabin to personally wish me a happy birthday. I was really touched that they took the time and effort to do that considering how many passengers are on a ship. That was on Carnival Sunshine.


Also, years ago, and I don't remember which ship I was on, but my SO wanted to know the recipe Carnival uses to marinade the jerk chicken they grill at Half Moon Cay. One night in our cabin, an envelope was left on the bed that had the recipe inside.


Sometimes it amazes me at the small ways that some Carnival team members go out of their way to make cruises special.


I'd love to hear what some of your "above and beyond" Carnival experiences have been. Carnival has some awesome team members that truly care about passengers.


Hi Winddawn,

I am also in love with jerk chicken and wanting the recipe for a long time, if you still have it would you mind sending it to me? My email is..Trnkk@msn.com . Thank you in advance.

Edited by Trnkk
wrong spelling
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We were regulars at the Atrium Bar on the Fascination a couple of weeks ago. Andreea and Simona were fantastic and knew our names after the first day. A couple days in, they ran out of our favorite vodka. Andreea called the other bars on the ship until she found the last bottle and saved it to make drinks only for us! That's what I call service!

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Hi Winddawn,

I am also in love with jerk chicken and wanting the recipe for a long time, if you still have it would you mind sending it to me? My email is..Trnkk@msn.com . Thank you in advance.

Hi Trnkk! I do still have the recipe and the Carnival envelope it was delivered in. I will share Carnival's Jerk Chicken recipe with you right here.


You will laugh though at the format it came in. It is a recipe for 180 lbs. of chicken, so feel free to convert it for your group's size! Lol!! The recipe is a little difficult to understand in places, and it certainly sounds like the chef was trying to tell the crew member how he makes it and the crew member was writing it down. So interpret it as you see fit. ;-) It should give you a pretty good idea though if you are an experienced cook. When I read it, I got the impression the chef probably makes this stuff in his sleep for thousands of people every month and was telling the crew member from memory. Lol.


Carnival's Jerk Chicken Recipe




180 lbs. chicken halves

5 oz. paprika

1 oz. nutmeg powder

2 oz. mace

1 quart soy sauce

1/2 lb. granulated sugar

2 each fresh thyme

2 each jerk spice

1 lb. fresh ginger, chopped

10 each green onion scallions, chopped

10 lbs. yellow onions, chopped

10 lbs. Scotch bonnet peppers

1/2 quart white vinegar

1/2 quart vegetable oil

1 lemon juice (recipe doesn't specify but sounds like maybe 1 bottle)

2 lbs. red pepper

Few bay leaves

Salt and crushed black peppercorns to taste




1 gl. marinade (maybe that's a gallon)

.25 cn tomato paste

1 gl. chicken stock

.25 pkt corn starch

.25 lb. chopped onions

.25 ea soy sauce


Note: I Googled cn and reached the conclusion that cn stands for can. The recipe doesn't specify can size.




Blend all the ingredients for the marinade together in a blender. Reserve some for the sauce. Dip the chicken into the marinade, making sure they are fully coated, and then leave to marinade overnight (refrigerate).


Heat a grooved grill topped with oven racks until very hot. Place the chicken skin side facing up. Cover the chicken completely with sheet trays and cook for 15 minutes. Then turn the chicken over and cook 15 minutes longer. Remove chicken to sheet pans and finish it in the oven. Reserve the juices from the tray for the sauce.


Sauté the chopped onion and add the tomato paste to it. Add the soy sauce and all of the reserved marinade and the chicken stock, and then simmer until all the raw flavor of the onions goes away. Thicken with the corn starch and adjust the seasoning as necessary. Reserve it hot until ready to use. Serve hot topped with sauce, and garnish with the chopped scallions and diced red pepper.


Bon Appetit and good luck interpreting!

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On my last cruise, a blind woman walked off with my walker (they were parked next to each other while I was singing karaoke. I went out to see if I could spot her but she had already disappeared. I tracked down a security staff member who took my information and told me to take hers back to my cabin. Within an hour, they brought mine back and we exchanged the walkers.



Copyofth_Carnival-VIFP-Platinum_zps41db4d4e1_zps02e438c7.jpgI still cruise for Warm Chocolate Melting Cake (with 2 sugar-free vanilla ice-creams)

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Final one, a couple of years ago both kids lost a tooth while onboard. When we came back to the cabin one night. There were two ships on a stick and a note from the "tooth fairy". I thought that was pretty awesome.


Now THAT is awesome!!!!! Great thread!!!!!!!!!!

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while we were on our last cruise, earlier this month, in our home town there was a school bus train accident. My mom had called the cruise line to get us the message before my kids saw it on the news, a friend and a teacher were killed in the accident. The care and compassion we received from Carnival was amazing, they let us call home twice and the rest of the week asked us if we needed anything and if we were ok.

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Carnival Liberty when DS was only 3 his beloved, favorite stuffed animal that he carried everywhere ended up with a torn arm. I told my son I would be able to fix it as soon as we got home that I Had not brought any needle or thread on the cruise. When we came back from dinner that night there was a needle with matching thread (matching the teddy bear) on the desk. I quickly went to work and all was well in my son's world.

My son does not remember it but I sure do.

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One of my good friends is a Carnival cruise employee that we met two years ago (well..almost three now) on our very first cruise.


We'd spent the week hanging out with her because she was a member of the entertainment staff and did a lot of the trivia games. On the last day of the cruise, my husband picked up my son because he asked for a piggy back ride. Accidentally, DH banged DS's head on a doorway because he didn't realize where he was standing. My friend K ran to the casino bar (which was only a few feet away) and made him an icepack with a plastic baggie, some ice and a linen napkin she produced from..somewhere. Because I don't think they usually keep linen napkins behind the casino bar do they?


Anyway..she wanted to make sure DS was ok (he was, after a few minutes) and on debarkation day, she invited us to come hang with her in the lounge even though we weren't FTTF/diamond/platinum. It was really sweet of her. We exchanged email addresses and when we got home, I contacted her on FB.


The rest, as they say, is history. K is also a native Texan and she and I share a love of the Dallas Cowboys. When we get the chance, we get together on FB and liveblog the games together.

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Carnival Liberty when DS was only 3 his beloved, favorite stuffed animal that he carried everywhere ended up with a torn arm. I told my son I would be able to fix it as soon as we got home that I Had not brought any needle or thread on the cruise. When we came back from dinner that night there was a needle with matching thread (matching the teddy bear) on the desk. I quickly went to work and all was well in my son's world.

My son does not remember it but I sure do.

What a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing it. Such a small thing--needle and matching thread--made a big difference in a little boy's world, and impressed mom too. Priceless!!

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My mom was on her first cruise this past September with my sister and me on the Freedom. My mom can be a bit of a handful but we desperately wanted her to have a good time. By the 5th night of the cruise, my mom had gotten sick of the food in the MDR. We ended up walking to the Lido buffet and the choices left us less than thrilled. The maitre d, Melvin, noticed my mom's lack of enthusiasm. He personally walked her around the whole buffet and found her things she would like. She ended up LOVING an entree he suggested and he sent her over a dessert she had said she wanted which was not on the buffet. . My mom felt so special and went back to the Lido buffet every night of the rest of the cruise. Melvin would greet her by name each night and help her find things she would like. I think he was a big reason why she loved the cruise so much!

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After breaking my arm the last night of a cruise on the Freedom I was taken off by ambulance the next morning in fort Lauderdale. Our room steward took the time to track us down before we left the ship that morning to deliver or sail and sign refund cheque. It was a simple but very kind act at a difficult time for us.

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I was on the Breeze for my first cruise. I was with my mom and she mentioned in passing that I had recently gotten engaged. Our room steward brought a bottle of champagne for the two of us and shared his congratulations. My fiancé wasn't even with us! It was very sweet.



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We went on a cruise with my sisters and their husbands. 3 wks before the cruise my younger sisters f-i-l passed away. At the funeral she fell and broke her right wrist so it was in a sling for the cruise. We had the absolute BEST wait staff ever. We had anytime dining and discovered that a certain waitstaff that we had the year before was on our cruise. We requested her table every night. When my sister ordered steak, she cut up my sisters steak for her, didn't ask, just said "let me do that for you."


One evening at dinner, when she was taking our order my dh and bil told her they wanted both sides of the menu, that everything looked good. She actually brought out one of every entree on the menu for them. Needless to say, we tipped her very well at the end.

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My young adult children and I cruised on the Conquest in November, 2014. We are from Hawaii and rice is served at nearly every meal. My children are half Filipino and LOVE their rice.


So one morning we went to the main dining room for breakfast. The kids did not see rice on the menu, but asked for it anyway. The waiter said he would see what he could do.


Our breakfast entrees were all served, and then the waiter's helper came to the table, a little out of breath. He placed a large bowl of white rice in the middle of the table, family style. My kids thanked him and he explained that he went down to the crew mess hall to get the rice for them, as there are so many cultures on the crew that also eat rice at every meal!


I was amazed that A. He even thought to do that. B. In the bustle of a busy breakfast, he went all the down to the bottom of the boat to get the rice for my kids!

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The Captain on the Imagination during the cruise thru the Panama Canal invited me for dinner with him, along with Carnival's Head Chef from Miami, the Hotel Director, Food Manager, Chief Engr., Guest Service Manager, in the Officers Mess, I brought along 2 bottles of my special wine, a great meal with cocktails and all. A trip that I shall never forget.

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The Captain on the Imagination during the cruise thru the Panama Canal invited me for dinner with him, along with Carnival's Head Chef from Miami, the Hotel Director, Food Manager, Chief Engr., Guest Service Manager, in the Officers Mess, I brought along 2 bottles of my special wine, a great meal with cocktails and all. A trip that I shall never forget.

Sounds like a special, memorable night. What is your special wine?


Thanks for sharing.

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I guess it is not above and beyond the call of duty...well maybe; They could just do their job, or they could do an excellent job. anyway I can only say that if I were to list by name all the Carnival employees who impressed me in a very good way over the years, then the list would be quite long.


Also there are just as many or more whose name I did not catch, but I have to say that most Carnival employees have always made me feel like a valued guest, and not just a number. I cannot think of any other business where I feel like I really matter to the employees, or that they care that I am enjoying myself.


On my most recent cruise on the Freedom in November I could not believe the number of employees who stopped to talk to me, ask if I am having a good time, and it was not just the bar wait staff, but two in white officer's uniform, and some in maintenance garb. Had the best room steward EVER...and there have been some really good ones in the past. Had the best dining room wait staff EVER...and again have always had very good wait staff.


I wrote a review on the members review section...and I kept thinking that I should "balance" my review with something negative, but there was not one thing service wise that was below very good, and the one and only quasi negative I could think of was just a personal quirk of mine, and did not bear mentioning.


I cant imagine any more attentive, or caring employees than Carnival's.

Edited by SMSACE6
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On your past Carnival cruises, what is the nicest thing above and beyond the call of duty that a Carnival team member did for you?


On a milestone birthday, a Carnival team member called my cabin to personally wish me a happy birthday. I was really touched that they took the time and effort to do that considering how many passengers are on a ship. That was on Carnival Sunshine.


Also, years ago, and I don't remember which ship I was on, but my SO wanted to know the recipe Carnival uses to marinade the jerk chicken they grill at Half Moon Cay. One night in our cabin, an envelope was left on the bed that had the recipe inside.


Sometimes it amazes me at the small ways that some Carnival team members go out of their way to make cruises special.


I'd love to hear what some of your "above and beyond" Carnival experiences have been. Carnival has some awesome team members that truly care about passengers.


Let my wife use Her PERSONAL hair dryer.

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Hi Winddawn,


Thank you so much for the recipe can't help but laugh at 180 lbs. chicken halves haha.


I'll give it a try.



URW. I got a good chuckle out of that too. Hopefully at least you can see the ingredients and go from there.

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