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2016. Cruisers who want to lose


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We are trying to decide between 2 cruises, both on the Norwegian Gem; one Jan 2, the other March 22. I have been heavy my entire life. The last few years have really hit me hard though. I have issues with chronic pain which makes weight loss extremely difficult.


I am so tired of going on cruises, dressing up, getting photos of the whole family taken, then refusing to purchase them because I hate the way that I look in the photos. I end up depressed, then I vow to lose weight before the next cruise. And fail.


So here I am, hoping to lose 60-70 pounds. I KNOW it is possible, and it is time.


I will be using My Fitness Pal and Lose It! apps, watching what I eat, drinking more water and walking every day.


Good luck everyone!!


I've lost 46 pounds since January using My Fitness Pal. I really like it to keep track of my eating and do help me have a more balanced diet. It takes a little of the work out of it for me trying to get the right amounts of everything. This is the first time I am actually looking forward to getting my pictures taken. I just hope they look as good as I think they will ;)

You can do this!

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I'm definitely interested in losing weight before the cruise we have schedule for Feb 2016. Not setting an actual weight goal yet. At the moment my goal is to try to get more fit than I am now so that I feel better about myself (and getting my photo taken!) and so that I have a reason to go out and buy cute cruise clothes. I need to get on the ball though because of having to buy my swim suit this year since most places don't sell them in the winter :eek:

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Weighed in today - down 2 lbs.!! Yeah me!!


I have to say I'm not a big fan of this whole workout thing, but I admit I do feel better! I don't feel better while working out or afterward for that matter - LOL - but I do feel a little better about myself! I just hope I can keep it up and stick to my goal!!


cruisenoobie14 - we cruise in March 2016 and I too would like to buy some new things for the cruise!! New - smaller - things!!


Keep up the great work everyone and have a great weekend!!

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So excited! I was in the store looking for a few t-shirts yesterday and decided to try on a pair of size 10 jeans to see if they fit....they DID! To be truthful, they were stretch, but I'm taking it as a WIN...lol I can't ever remember fitting this size. Maybe when I was a kid. Now that's MOTIVATION!

Keep working on it, everyone! We can all get there!

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Hi, All! I have Type 2 diabetes. About 5 years ago I had a health scare and decided it was time to take control. I was able to lose over 40 pounds and get my blood sugar down. I have been in maintenance mode and doing well, until our cruise last September. My blood sugar is up too high and I have gained almost 10 pounds.


I follow a low carb food plan and it has worked well for me. But, I have been craving sweets lately and it is my downfall. I walk about a mile every couple of days and go to Curves the other days. The scale is not moving. Just so frustrated. I am hoping with the warmer weather my appetite will decrease.


Anyway, I will continue to follow this thread and hope I get the motivation I need. It is really good to read about others' experiences.

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Hi, All! I have Type 2 diabetes. About 5 years ago I had a health scare and decided it was time to take control. I was able to lose over 40 pounds and get my blood sugar down. I have been in maintenance mode and doing well, until our cruise last September. My blood sugar is up too high and I have gained almost 10 pounds.


I follow a low carb food plan and it has worked well for me. But, I have been craving sweets lately and it is my downfall. I walk about a mile every couple of days and go to Curves the other days. The scale is not moving. Just so frustrated. I am hoping with the warmer weather my appetite will decrease.


Anyway, I will continue to follow this thread and hope I get the motivation I need. It is really good to read about others' experiences.


You did it before and you can do it again! I sometimes crave sweets, also. It was really hard to break my sugar addiction. I was a month into my weight-loss mission before I could give up the Mt Dew.

If you use artificial sweeteners, there are many options that I find tasty. My current favorites are fat-free and sugar-free instant (mix with an electric mixer) pudding and those Blue Bunny Sweet Freedom frozen fudge bars. Each bar is only 35 calories and taste just like the regular fudge bars.

I had gestational diabetes with my last pregnancy, 21 years ago, and it was really tough to find options for sweets!

You are doing good on getting in your exercise. Don't forget muscle weighs more than fat. If the scale doesn't seem to be moving and you are eating right, you may just be gaining muscle to make up the difference. You will see results soon. Drink lots of water and hang in there!!!

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But, I have been craving sweets lately and it is my downfall.


I don't know the calories on them or anything but I've bought the Weight Watchers strawberry fruit bars from my local grocery store (not sure what the actual name was) and they were really good and we couldn't tell that they were supposed to be "diet".


Don't know if that helps for an alternative to your sweet craving or not

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Weighed in today - down 2 lbs.!! Yeah me!!


I have to say I'm not a big fan of this whole workout thing, but I admit I do feel better! I don't feel better while working out or afterward for that matter - LOL - but I do feel a little better about myself! I just hope I can keep it up and stick to my goal!!


cruisenoobie14 - we cruise in March 2016 and I too would like to buy some new things for the cruise!! New - smaller - things!!


Keep up the great work everyone and have a great weekend!!



Great job!


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So excited! I was in the store looking for a few t-shirts yesterday and decided to try on a pair of size 10 jeans to see if they fit....they DID! To be truthful, they were stretch, but I'm taking it as a WIN...lol I can't ever remember fitting this size. Maybe when I was a kid. Now that's MOTIVATION!

Keep working on it, everyone! We can all get there!



It is a win!!!! Congrats!


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Hi, All! I have Type 2 diabetes. About 5 years ago I had a health scare and decided it was time to take control. I was able to lose over 40 pounds and get my blood sugar down. I have been in maintenance mode and doing well, until our cruise last September. My blood sugar is up too high and I have gained almost 10 pounds.


I follow a low carb food plan and it has worked well for me. But, I have been craving sweets lately and it is my downfall. I walk about a mile every couple of days and go to Curves the other days. The scale is not moving. Just so frustrated. I am hoping with the warmer weather my appetite will decrease.


Anyway, I will continue to follow this thread and hope I get the motivation I need. It is really good to read about others' experiences.


It is certainly frustrating when those scales don't move. I started almost a month ago on my lifestyle diet. I am logging in all my calories into MyFiitnessPal app on my Ipad. I just think I should be losing a lot more than I am. But I'm not giving up! Can you get that sweetness taste without a lot of sugar? Maybe sucking on a lifesaver, or some sugarless jam? My weakness is potato chips and dips, and I can't eat just one. It's like I'm an addict! So I feel your pain! But keep it up, you can do this!

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It is certainly frustrating when those scales don't move. I started almost a month ago on my lifestyle diet. I am logging in all my calories into MyFiitnessPal app on my Ipad. I just think I should be losing a lot more than I am. But I'm not giving up! Can you get that sweetness taste without a lot of sugar? Maybe sucking on a lifesaver, or some sugarless jam? My weakness is potato chips and dips, and I can't eat just one. It's like I'm an addict! So I feel your pain! But keep it up, you can do this!


I'm a chip/dip addict too!! I choose the salty stuff over the sweet stuff any day! I did find some veggie chips that I love. You can have like 14 of them for 3 pts I believe it is. It's enough to break the craving!


Keep up the good work everyone!!!

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I didn't like the veggie crisps I found :(


The ones I tried were Sensible Portions and they came in the same kind of can that Pringles come in?? Not sure if those are the same that you tried. But I thought they were pretty good!!

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The ones I tried were Sensible Portions and they came in the same kind of can that Pringles come in?? Not sure if those are the same that you tried. But I thought they were pretty good!!


Nope mine came in a regular bag from Lidl

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I also did a melt down challenge online last month and that kept me very accountable... and I won a few bucks besides!

I've been eating smaller portions six times a day and that has been working for me and my husband.

Congrats to all of you for getting healthier! Especially down to a Size 10! Your next cruise pics will be absolutely great!

I'm close to that, but I still don't "feel" like a bathing beauty even though I know I look a lot better these days.

I'm also drinking 80 oz. of water each day and that seems to help. I have this wonderful hot drink mix I have in the morning that is very yummy and satisfying. I've been checking out new recipes for meat & veggies for dinner trying to make something tasty and satisfying. One recipe I did find, I think on youtube is a cauliflower pizza crust and you put veggies on top and some cheese. I thought it sounded weird, but it actually was very tasty and I will make it again.

Happy Losing!


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I also did a melt down challenge online last month and that kept me very accountable... and I won a few bucks besides!

I've been eating smaller portions six times a day and that has been working for me and my husband.

Congrats to all of you for getting healthier! Especially down to a Size 10! Your next cruise pics will be absolutely great!

I'm close to that, but I still don't "feel" like a bathing beauty even though I know I look a lot better these days.

I'm also drinking 80 oz. of water each day and that seems to help. I have this wonderful hot drink mix I have in the morning that is very yummy and satisfying. I've been checking out new recipes for meat & veggies for dinner trying to make something tasty and satisfying. One recipe I did find, I think on youtube is a cauliflower pizza crust and you put veggies on top and some cheese. I thought it sounded weird, but it actually was very tasty and I will make it again.

Happy Losing!



lol...I hope my pics look good. I know I've lost 46 pounds because the scale says so, but I still feel like I'm 214 pounds and size 20/22 and when I hold up my new smaller jeans I think, 'those are never going to fit on my fat a$$', but then they do and I don't believe it. Its funny how being overweight for so long has messed with my head to the point that I can't see it myself. I still see my flaws so clearly. Luckily, others see it and compliment me all the time. I hope I see it soon :)

I have tried cauliflower as a starch substitute and I just don't like it. I wish I did because there are so many good recipes out there. The best one I like is using zucchini as pizza 'dough'. I just slice it and put a pepperoni on each one with a little low-fat mozzarella and pizza sauce and I can eat till I'm stuffed. Another bread substitute I like is using romaine lettuce leaves as a 'wrap' for tuna salad. I just fill it with tuna, tomatoes, and fat-free low-sodium Italian dressing. So yummy and very low calorie.

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I like all the food ideas that people are posting here. I might have to try the romaine lettuce wrap with tuna inside. I've been doing My Fitness Pal for a month now and I've been doing well. Losing about a pound a week. What I've been noticing is that I'm just not that hungry anymore. I'm trying to eat more fiber and healthy whole grains and it's really been filling me up. I'm a little worried about this weekend because one of my kids is graduating from college. We'll be driving there for the weekend and eating out a lot. I do have an app that has all the nutrition and calories listed for major restaurants, so I'll try to do that. I think I'll just try to eat smaller portions. What does everyone else here do when they "have" to go out to eat?

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I like all the food ideas that people are posting here. I might have to try the romaine lettuce wrap with tuna inside. I've been doing My Fitness Pal for a month now and I've been doing well. Losing about a pound a week. What I've been noticing is that I'm just not that hungry anymore. I'm trying to eat more fiber and healthy whole grains and it's really been filling me up. I'm a little worried about this weekend because one of my kids is graduating from college. We'll be driving there for the weekend and eating out a lot. I do have an app that has all the nutrition and calories listed for major restaurants, so I'll try to do that. I think I'll just try to eat smaller portions. What does everyone else here do when they "have" to go out to eat?


We often go out with friends to Texas Roadhouse. I used to get the Dallas fillet with a garden salad and loaded baked potato. Now when I go I still get the 6 oz. Dallas fillet, but I order double the carrots and broccoli and skip the salad and potato. Just that simple change makes my meal 420 calories instead of 998. Having an app that shows the calories will help.

Eating out can be difficult on a diet, but so many restaurants have a low-cal menu with really good tasting foods. If you are worried about going over your daily allowance maybe you can just incorporate a little extra exercise in the day. Go for a long walk or swim in the hotel pool. Aim to maintain on this unusual weekend when you will have less control of what you eat.

Also, take along some low-cal snacks and lots of water.

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Great advice for eating out, Sunburns.

There are always meat and veggies at most any restaurant. If you're going to a burger place, just ask them to replace the bun with lettuce... like a wrap. It works beautifully. Don't get the french fries; replace it with a side salad, if possible.

I can understand about losing all that weight and being a smaller size but still having trouble wrapping your brain around it. Because we still think we're larger. It takes a lot of work with your brain to train it to "think small". I agree. It's a very psychological thing when you've been larger most of your life and fought with this problem so long.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


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Hi, All! I have Type 2 diabetes. About 5 years ago I had a health scare and decided it was time to take control. I was able to lose over 40 pounds and get my blood sugar down. I have been in maintenance mode and doing well, until our cruise last September. My blood sugar is up too high and I have gained almost 10 pounds.




I follow a low carb food plan and it has worked well for me. But, I have been craving sweets lately and it is my downfall. I walk about a mile every couple of days and go to Curves the other days. The scale is not moving. Just so frustrated. I am hoping with the warmer weather my appetite will decrease.




Anyway, I will continue to follow this thread and hope I get the motivation I need. It is really good to read about others' experiences.



There is a new sweetener called erythritol that does not effect your sugar and your body does not absorb it. It doesn't measure equally to sugar so you may need to play with it.I use the cookbooks from low carbing among friends and they have some great recipes. It keeps me from being bored with what I eat. I've also read that if you are eating low carb, if you increase your healthy fats some that can make the weight decrease. ( that only works on low carb eating!). Good luck!

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We have a cruise booked for Feb 2016. I want to lose 45 lbs. so I bought a FitBit and love it! I have lost 4 pounds in the last 2 weeks. By tracking my exercise I can keep a track of my eating. If I want a treat I know that I may need to go for a walk. I have never enjoyed working out, but I do enjoy walking. It's so simple to track of everything on my phone. Good luck to everyone trying to lose weight.

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I started to use my fitbit this week again. Tracking my movement and entering my food. I also can track my water on it. I have mine set for 10000 steps for my daily goal and my calories are set at 1500. I am at 11209 so far today. I also am trying to have something small to eat very three hours.


I have been so off track for the last few weeks from stress I actually gained weight. Trying to take one day at a time.

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