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Photo review: H goes booze cruising on the Sensation ( post dry dock, FOOD PORN )


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No problem -- bumped my review up to page 1. Teehee ;) That does look like an awesome room! I wish my mommy would pony up the cash for that baby!


Hi "Little Man!" I'm waiting for more of your review, although I realize that your parents insist on you taking a nap, therefore cutting into your review time! We have to go along with them.


Tell mom this is a 6K cabin, and some hold up to 4 passengers. Tell her that it is an Oceanview cabin, and less expensive that a balcony cabin. It is wonderful, and you would absolutely love being able to see so much. :)


Tea4ular... This should answer your question. On Valor, Sunshine, Conquest, Glory, and one other, I think.

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Waterworks wasn't added in the 2.0 upgrades?


It DOES have Waterworks! My mommy thought Sensation already had it prior to this dry dock, though. If not, we are much more impressed with the dry dock. Thanks for mentioning this! Review of Waterworks coming shortly (spoiler alert, I loved it!).

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Boring adult activities that require thinking and Waterworks.


Instead of throwing my food on the floor, mama prefers I say,“no thank you.” Well when it comes to trivia and art lectures, “no thank you.” I have zero interest in anything that feels like work on vacation. And clearly, neither did anyone else on our Booze Cruise. However, if you’re kinda dumb like mom and want to win a “ship on a stick,” the Sensation over Spring Break might be your best shot. Mom was the only one who showed up and she STILL didn’t win. Just kidding. You believed me though, didn’t you? I won’t tell mommy. Seriously though, we walked past trivia one day and there were only two people playing. And they were related. We know what’s going up on their mantle next to the talking taxidermy fish!


Grandma attended two art lectures. She thought they were interesting. At the first one, there were only three people in attendance and she won the raffle! She selected a piece of art, but no one ever showed up at the specified times so she could pick it up (boo). Don’t worry, mommy will blow up another photo of the “Sweet Spot” for her bare wall. At the second lecture, she was the only one! Um, awkward!


Let’s talk about something more interesting. Waterworks! We’ve received some late breaking news that Waterworks may have been added during dry dock (can anyone confirm this?). Either way, it was awesome! Even with the 12 inch heals I borrowed from one of my college friends, I wasn’t tall enough for the slides. Still, it was fun to watch the older kids and adults (who had better things to do than attend an art lecture), go down them. Plus there was water shooting out all over and I got to kick it and punch it and splash around and stuff. Way fun!





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Hi "Little Man!" I'm waiting for more of your review, although I realize that your parents insist on you taking a nap, therefore cutting into your review time! We have to go along with them.


Tell mom this is a 6K cabin, and some hold up to 4 passengers. Tell her that it is an Oceanview cabin, and less expensive that a balcony cabin. It is wonderful, and you would absolutely love being able to see so much. :)


Tea4ular... This should answer your question. On Valor, Sunshine, Conquest, Glory, and one other, I think.


Thanks, INCHARGE! That's awesome! How far in advance did you have to book to snag one?

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Boring adult activities that require thinking and Waterworks.


Instead of throwing my food on the floor, mama prefers I say,“no thank you.” Well when it comes to trivia and art lectures, “no thank you.” I have zero interest in anything that feels like work on vacation. And clearly, neither did anyone else on our Booze Cruise. However, if you’re kinda dumb like mom and want to win a “ship on a stick,” the Sensation over Spring Break might be your best shot. Mom was the only one who showed up and she STILL didn’t win. Just kidding. You believed me though, didn’t you? I won’t tell mommy. Seriously though, we walked past trivia one day and there were only two people playing. And they were related. We know what’s going up on their mantle next to the talking taxidermy fish!


Grandma attended two art lectures. She thought they were interesting. At the first one, there were only three people in attendance and she won the raffle! She selected a piece of art, but no one ever showed up at the specified times so she could pick it up (boo). Don’t worry, mommy will blow up another photo of the “Sweet Spot” for her bare wall. At the second lecture, she was the only one! Um, awkward!


Let’s talk about something more interesting. Waterworks! We’ve received some late breaking news that Waterworks may have been added during dry dock (can anyone confirm this?). Either way, it was awesome! Even with the 12 inch heals I borrowed from one of my college friends, I wasn’t tall enough for the slides. Still, it was fun to watch the older kids and adults (who had better things to do than attend an art lecture), go down them. Plus there was water shooting out all over and I got to kick it and punch it and splash around and stuff. Way fun!


Waterworks were added during the Evolutions of Fun dry dock in 2009.

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Ship activities.


First, a few words about the dry dock.


When we sailed the Freedom she had just received the “2.0” upgrades. So when I saw the Sensation would be going through dry doc right before we sailed, I thought, “those drunk college students are really going to make for an entertaining Dr. Seuss parade.” But instead of Seuss at Sea, breakfast burritos, and the Guy’s toppings bar, we got new carpet (mainly in the stateroom hallways), upholstery, gym equipment, and Playlist Productions. Mom was so disappointed she only spent 30 minutes total in the gym out of protest (right…more about the gym in a second). If you’ve been on the Sensation recently and noticed anything else new, chime in, but that’s all our post dry dock scavenger hunt revealed.


The gym.


FYI. Seuss at Sea is "coming soon" to Sensation according to the Carnival site. Heard somewhere that it'll be in the Spring. So that's hopeful. No Guy's Burgers though. BOO~ :mad:

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Casino and Camp Carnival.


I put these two together because when mommy wants some alone time, she sends me to Camp Carnival and daddy to the Casino. I don't mind, she's kind of boring anyway, but sometimes I scream just to make her feel like a bad mom.




Mommy doesn't get gambling. At all. She hates loud noises and bright lights and colors, anything that resembles a video or computer game, and most of all, losing money. Plus, she can't do basic math. Still, she's mad she never gets a Casino offer from Carnival in the mail. Uh, hello!?! Maybe step foot in the place?


Daddy, on the other hand, loves Blackjack almost as much as he hates the outdoors. He's really good at it and knows how to count cards (shhhh). Actually, mommy thinks it might be kind of sexy and glamorous if he got kicked out of a Casino like Ben Affleck. I guess you probably have to take the place for more than, like, 50 bucks though. Still, his brief rendezvous with the Club Vegas Casino yielded enough paper to cover all our on-board expenses (minus tips). High five, daddy!


I should mention that daddy probably would have spent more time in there, but every time he walked by, no one was dealing any of the games he wanted to play. He didn't discover until the last day that you could request a table be opened.


Camp Carnival


The adult to toddler ratio of 3 to 1 on this trip made the need for Camp Carnival slightly less desperate. I did get dumped in there some though. Mommy tried to talk it up just like she talks up my "school" (read as: daycare). Seriously, mom, I know you only send me there because it's illegal to leave me home alone in front of the TV while you "work." Like school, I put up a bit of a fuss at first, but was happy when mommy picked me up.


The facility itself was much smaller and older than the one on the Freedom, but the counselors were nice and the activities fun.


Here's me checking the place out with daddy.



The schedules for the 2-5 year old group.









Up next, Freeport!

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This is AMAZING - thanks so much!:)


Quick question about Camp Carnival - were there lots of kids in there, or was it somewhat empty?


Glad you're enjoying it -- thanks for reading! As for Camp Carnival, there were usually 5 or 6 other kids in the 2-5 groups, but most appeared closer to age 5. Don't worry, I held my own ;) The older age groups were in totally separate areas with their own entry doors, so I couldn't see how many were in the older groups.

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Mommy doesn't get gambling. At all. She hates loud noises and bright lights and colors, anything that resembles a video or computer game, and most of all, losing money. Plus, she can't do basic math. Still, she's mad she never gets a Casino offer from Carnival in the mail. Uh, hello!?! Maybe step foot in the place?


Daddy, on the other hand, loves Blackjack almost as much as he hates the outdoors. He's really good at it and knows how to count cards (shhhh). Actually, mommy thinks it might be kind of sexy and glamorous if he got kicked out of a Casino like Ben Affleck. I guess you probably have to take the place for more than, like, 50 bucks though. Still, his brief rendezvous with the Club Vegas Casino yielded enough paper to cover all our on-board expenses (minus tips). High five, daddy!


I should mention that daddy probably would have spent more time in there, but every time he walked by, no one was dealing any of the games he wanted to play. He didn't discover until the last day that you could request a table be opened.

H, when my youngest son was closer to your age he called the casino the "adult arcade.":p
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Beach day! If we ever make it! A lot of things broke down that morning and I wondered if I’d ever get to eat sand again. We arrived in Freeport 2 hours late because we stopped to render aid to a “small boat” in distress. That seemed reasonable -- I mean if grandma or Everton needed help on their “small boat,” I’d hope a nearby “big boat” would stop for them. Mommy? Eh, I’m not so sure. Anyway, step on the gas, Captain – I’ve had my shovel and bucket packed for 3 months!



Mom’s a bit of a loose cannon and cheap, so we never purchase excursions. Instead, we decided to take a cab to the public beach at Lucaya. We got in line for a “van car,” and watched as the newer model vans passed us by. Instead, we got directed to a van born before mommy (and she’s oooooooooold). There was a strong smell of gasoline in the air, but a petroleum storage facility was nearby, so I just chose to believe it was coming from there. Denial is a powerful thing, people – mommy’s gray hairs are “highlights” and this “van car” (that was probably sold to the taxi company after being donated to “Cars for Kids” for the tax write-off after it died and sat on someone’s front lawn for 15 years) will get us to the beach. After a spirited, but ultimately futile “I think I can, I think I can,” our “van car” bit the dust right in front of the petroleum tanks (go figure) and we were ushered into a slightly newer model.



We were dropped off at the Casino where daddy was never to be seen again (just kidding, he only went in there to “use the restroom”). We paid our $10 each (round trip – I was free) then walked across the parking lot and down a little concrete path to the beach. We plopped down our towels next to some fancy lounge chairs and before I could even refuse to put on my sun hat, we were asked to leave. It was a private section of the beach, not for the likes of mommy! So we moved on and found a spot amongst the rest of the underlings…


…where the sand was just as soft, the sun just as warm, the view just as beautiful, and the sounds of a very happy 2 year old, just as sweet.




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FYI. Seuss at Sea is "coming soon" to Sensation according to the Carnival site. Heard somewhere that it'll be in the Spring. So that's hopeful. No Guy's Burgers though. BOO~ :mad:


Aren't we in the "spring time" right now?


I read somewhere at the end of March. I really hope so!


I don't see any time "off" for the boat......


I'm an really enjoying your review "H". My son just turned 3 last week, and wished he could write stories like you. He just likes to boss his Mommy around.:D

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Mommy thought for sure daddy had been growing out his hair to get it braided on Nassau, but after about 200 offers and an equal number of “no thank you’s,” she figured there must be a 70’s office party coming up. I feel you, daddy – I hate getting my hair cut too.




Anyway, mommy hadn’t read great things about Nassau and has a childhood memory of a HOT, miserable tour of the place, so her hopes weren’t terribly high. Plus our “Big Sexy,” came on the intercom to warn us about crime against tourists. He kept saying things like: “have fun, but BE CAREFUL,” “have fun, but DON’T CARRY CASH,” and “have fun, but BEST NOT TO LEAVE YOUR STATEROOM OR EVEN OPEN THE CURTAINS TO PEAK OUT.” Grandma and I adapt to our surroundings quickly, but mommy and daddy SCREAM tourist (especially when they’re wandering around lost looking for the beach…more on that in a second), so I was a little worried.


I’ll tell you what though, you can take all my money (I don’t have any anyway – ‘bout time I started getting an allowance, don’t you think?), but you will NOT keep this tourist from your free sand and waves. So we set out for Junkanoo Beach.



Despite her normal reluctance to do so, mommy asked for directions at the tourist desk. She was instructed to “turn left at the Hilton” and told “it’s right there.” That led us to believe the Hilton would have, like, a sign on it saying, I dunno, “Hilton” and would be obvious. No, no, no, no, no (love that word), no. So we walked around aimlessly for a bit and finally asked some police officers for further directions. HELLO, TOURIST HERE. ROB ME PLEASE. In any case, after another wrong turn at the “hotel alleged to be the Hilton,” we finally made it. And no one even tried to steal my Carnival towel. In fact, we never felt unsafe at all.



This beach wasn’t as nice as Lucaya, but it cost us $30 less and, despite getting lost, we had more time to spend there. The sand wasn’t very soft, there were lots of rocks, and we had to dodge some broken glass and garbage. It was way nicer than that last line would lead you to believe, though -- I’ve never met a beach I didn’t like and this one was no exception. We had a blast. Even daddy. With a bucket and shovel, good map, and a positive attitude, you’ll like Nassau.





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Aren't we in the "spring time" right now?




I don't see any time "off" for the boat......


I'm an really enjoying your review "H". My son just turned 3 last week, and wished he could write stories like you. He just likes to boss his Mommy around.:D


Yeah, that's why I thought for sure it would be done during the March dry dock. Huh...it might be worth contacting John Heald to see if he knows. I'll shoot him a message and report back if I hear anything.


I spend, like, 90% of my waking hours bossing my mommy around too. She NEVER knows what I want and it's so annoying -- get a clue, lady. Toddlers unite!

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Sorry for the delay. Mommy’s going through the tenure application process right now and can’t use cruise reviews as part of her portfolio (why would she even WANT tenure at a job like that?). Wish her luck anyway!


Now for: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.


Starting with the bad and the ugly…


The Bad.


Or proof that you can have a bad day on a “big boat.” So there was this dude who spilled his coffee while trying to balance it against a giant plate of food (for which he spent a good long time in line waiting) while opening the heavy door to the outside dining area on the Lido. He set his breakfast down on a table and returned inside to refill his coffee. Well before that heavy door could even slam shut, the Seagulls of Anarchy swooped down and devoured his breakfast. True story. And you thought chair hogs were evil.


Now I’m usually one to avoid controversy (I hope this won’t stop you from giving me a high five when you see me) but, seriously, would you rather have this:



Or this:



I bet we can all agree on one thing though: debarkation sucks.


Mommy threw a huge tantrum (she didn’t want to leave the “big boat”) before she even saw the line to disembark. Then she saw the GIANT self-assist line and worried we’d miss our 9:30am shuttle.


And worst of all…we made our shuttle and had to go home.


The Ugly.


It was a booze cruise – use your imagination. But in case you don’t have an imagination...


a lot of people lost their shoes -- including mommy. Long story (that mommy has forbidden me from sharing unless I want to take up permanent residence in my time-out chair) short, mom had to walk from the Lido to our room sans shoes and stepped in many, many mystery wet spots.


And finally, The Good.


Shhhhhhhhhow time (read in a dramatic whisper). That’s how the maître ‘d announced the show was about to begin in the MDR each night. It was the highlight of dinner for our ROTC friends and if imitation is flattery, the Sensation’s maître ‘d should be VERY flattered. It was also my cue to start singing the ABC’s. Shhhhhhhhow time.


Amelia Earhart said that “a single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.”


Meet Everton Bear (named after Everton, our head waiter in the MDR):



Booze cruises aren’t just full of young people yelling their conversations like the person they’re talking to is still on land, searching for their shoes, and praying as they disembark that they don’t end up with an “H” in 9 months, they are also full of kind strangers, like the woman who gave me Everton Bear after donating $10 to St. Jude’s.


If you believe Amelia Earhart and think that “children are our future” (mommy, please let Whitney RIP and stop butchering her songs at karaoke), I promise to make it one where we’re a little kinder to each other, even if you prefer free water in your stateroom and I prefer a free drink at Seaday brunch. Still, you’re crazy.


But that’s not the final word...stay tuned!

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So, last time I introduced you to my grandpa. This time I want to conclude with a few words about my Poppi. Here’s a photo of the first time we partied together.





Like me, Poppi loves big boats. Here he is on one (the beautiful woman with him is my Gigi):





So far, Poppi has taught me quite a few things, like how to almost catch a ball, but there are so many things left for him to teach me. Thing is, Poppi’s real sick with a genetic liver disease and needs a transplant. In honor of Poppi, might you research and consider becoming an organ donor and talk with your family and friends about it? Maybe one day soon I’ll learn to catch that ball and Poppi and Gigi and I can sail away on a “big boat” together.


I’d like to conclude with a sippy cup toast (courtesy of our ROTC friends): “To nights we can’t remember and friends we’ll never forget.” Thanks for reading! I heart you all!



Look for my next installation coming in July: H goes solo cruising on the Carnival Pride. :cool:

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