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Picture heavy fun review - MSC Armonia - Canary Isles and Madeira - incl. DIY trips


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Loro Park 6 -- dolphins (last post)




what a rush that must be:









your classic dolphin pose:


sigh -- I miss Santa Barbara, California ... anybody know the dolphin statue right in front of Stearns Wharf? Looks just like it, doesn't it?






What I liked about the show was that it wasn't just jumps and rolls ... they also included an educational part about the anatomy and behaviour of these fascinating animals.




Here she is describing what to do in case you find a stranded dolphin on the beach. They lectured in a easy yet interesting fashion, so everybody was glued despite the classroom atmosphere. Bravo!







Okay, following was a cute part where a kid from the audience was put in a lifevest and was pulled around the pool by these four guys:




okay -- little kid and dolphins ... a classic adorable thing .... but what really got to me happened after the boat ride:



One of the dolphins returned to the boat with a little flower in it's mouth. It was supposed to be a farewell gift for the little kid....


lol, just that the kid didn't understand that .... or maybe he has a doggy at home who he regularly plays fetch with ...


... anyway, the kid took the flower and kept throwing it in the water. And what did the dolphin do? He went and retrieved the flower about 6 times just to carefully place it in the kid's little hands again. The dolphin lady couldn't help laughing until after the sixth time she took the flower from the kid ( lol -- or this game between them would have lasted forever).


And yes -- the dolphin got some extra treats for his spontaneous helping action. It was THE cutest thing ever!






Here's one last glimpse of the entire gang:





stay tuned!



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Loro Park 7 -- Orcas (post one of two)



Well, since we were just in time for the Orca show, we hurried over there right away to indulge in the second watery spectacle.






When you enter the stadium, you are greeted by many of these banners hanging from the ceiling telling you about each animal:





also there is this large video screen above the pool, showing more info:




lol -- but before the show is starting the screen is actually used to warm up the audience. They show the audience ---- yes YOU! on the screen and add funny little (sometimes below the belt humor) cartoon bubbles and stuff like that. It was hilariously funny. Just be prepared to be the center of attention if you're lucky (lol -- or unlucky -- however you wanna see it).




I don't want to embarrass anybody, so here's just a harmless shot while they roamed the audience for another victim:




Can you see that the chairs of the first four rows shown in the picture have some sort of sticker on them? This is MUCHO IMPORTANTE!!!!! But more on that in the next post.




When the whales are being admitted into the show pool, they start with mozying on over to this platform to snatch these little green treasts:



...you can only barely see it underneith the Orca's chin. They slipped onto the platform, whipped their head around to kick the treat in the water, then followed back in the pool and gobbled it up. Really cool to watch.


The screen above the platform was also very handy to watch every detail of the show from another perspective:





Aren't they marvellous creatures? Here's one in all its beauty:







more to come!



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Loro Park 8 -- Orcas (last post)



Enough of admiring their stature - let's see em move:








see the stickers on the bottom 8 rows of seats? They say "SPLASH ZONE" and boy do they mean it!


see here:




no wonder there is nobody sitting down there (the upper part of the stadium is completely full at this moment)


uhoh --- if you see this whilst sitting in the lower part:



you just know you'll be soaked all the way to your underwear (no matter if you bought one of those blue Loro rain covers beforehand or not).





see this brave or extremely water loving gal sitting below the spraying water?




She got COMPLETELY soaked more than five times!


So if you don't want to get wet (and I really mean dripping WET!) stay clear of the bottom eight rows!!!!!! Once the first splashes started you had a whole bunch of people fleeing upwards to keep watching the show in a dry atmosphere.


We sat in the 11th row and were perfectly fine (dry).



One last close up before we leave the Orcas:





stay tuned!



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Loro Park 9 -- lunch time and miscellaneous sightings





after so much action we were drained -- lunchtime! we decided on a pretty little outside table in a place called Casa Pepe inside the park. We had the chicken kebab and it was delicious and plenty. Oh and this beer was a delight:






we weren't the only ones enjoying a lunchtime snack:




and since Tanaj is a big turtle fan ... here's a close up:









ahhhh and what's better than a nice siesta after a good meal?









but let's get moving again. What next? The newest addition to the park is this jelly fish room. It's completely dark and you walk through these columns of differently lit tanks:




pretty, but I'm no big fan of jellyfish .... always happy if they're absent when Tanja and I get a chance to snorkel (which has been way too long, by the way).








one thing which I HATED:



seriously? Surgery to watch live by tourists? Show a little respect people. Plus I don't think it wise to distract a surgeon in any unneccessary way --- and THIS in my eyes it totally unneccessary! Rant over!





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Loro Park 10 -- aquarium









Lol -- okay I admit it -- I cheated with this introductory picture, since it is no part of the aquarium, but is found in the planet penguin hall instead ---- I just thought it to be perfectly fitting here .... so hey.








I guess everybody takes a shot of this guy:






















I liked the fact that they take care of hurt sea-turtles....




this one had a pretty big wound (from a ship?) that was visibly currently under medical care. I just hope that they let her go back to the sea once she's all healed.







Lol -- our try to make a selfie in just that moment when a shark swims behind us .... this is the best result after about ten shots with only water or tiny fish .... we had a ball trying. I guess people thought us a bit strange.









Following my last and most cherished picture of the aquarium. I love the tunnel to walk through, but I must admit I'm a bit (lots) proud of my timing for this shot:




cool, isn't it?






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Loro Park 11 – Treetop

Like I said, this park is basically all about birds. And as much as I wrinkled my nose at the older sections with the quite small cages, as much was I in awe of this facility described below:

The Treetop

You enter through a walkway with multiple drapes to keep the birds inside. I was relieved not to see one in one of the “in-between” sections, otherwise we would have had to start a rescue mission.

This place basically is a large, airy and net covered space with lots of foliage, a wooden walkway up into and through the green treetops and plenty of colourful birds zipping by, hanging out or indulging in lovingly prepared, very varied food dishes.

Here are my pictures:

The treetop path:


Really beautifully done, although the swaying bridge REALLY swayed a lot when I walked over it (LOL, reminded me of our Northern Ireland trip).

Tanja didn’t feel like climbing up to the treetops, so she decided to wait on this bench.


Look at her face --- she had just discovered the little red bird right above her and she was certain she’d get pooped on any second now :-)

Here is the little rebel:



I just loved Tanja’s face in this situation.

Well, I left her to her fate and checked out the path.

Pretty in pink:


Fine dining in good company:


More of the treetop up next


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Treetop continued (Loro Park 12)

Sorry for this blurry picture, but this guy was just too beautiful to not show up here:


When I returned to Tanja, she was all excited and giggling …no, the little bird punk hadn’t pooped on her after all ...

...but instead decided to tackle her …. She got a wing right on her face --- and best of all: the little guy attacked while she took a video of him …. So now we can watch it all over again laughing every single time …. I guess he was a bit camera-shy and strongly opposed Tanja taking a video of him:D.

Anyway, right after leaving the net-covered Treetop, you still felt like you’re in the middle of a jungle:


Aren’t these the coolest trees ever:



Well, one more good-bye post for Loro Parque coming up.

Stay tuned!


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Loving the Loro Parque review :cool:


I'll be in Tenerife next may and I hope to visit it by then


Keep it coming!


:pthank you!


:)You'll love it! Make sure to have a full day for the visit to see most of it:o.


Lol -- but then again: Puerto de la Cruz has a very vibrant gay community. You might find other inspiring stuff to do while on Tenerife;):D.


Have fun!



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:pthank you!


:)You'll love it! Make sure to have a full day for the visit to see most of it:o.


Lol -- but then again: Puerto de la Cruz has a very vibrant gay community. You might find other inspiring stuff to do while on Tenerife;):D.


Have fun!




Really? Did not know about that. I'm not into gay communities and segregation at all though!


I have been always been integrated and accepted, so I've lived my life irregardless of my sexuality. It's just like that in Mallorca anyway, gay people usually live their lives just as everyone else, we don't live in gay clusters or anything.


So I would feel uncomfortable in such places, I have never in my life been to a gay bar. Just my opinion, but I'm beyond that, and don't see the point really!


But I will for sure enjoy Puerto de la Cruz :)

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I am loving the Loro Parque Stories! I'm glad Tanja did not get attacked by a larger bird!


I did recommend Loro to a friend...she wanted to go somewhere warm on vacation and her husband likes penguins! Perfect compromise!

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Really? Did not know about that. I'm not into gay communities and segregation at all though!


I have been always been integrated and accepted, so I've lived my life irregardless of my sexuality. It's just like that in Mallorca anyway, gay people usually live their lives just as everyone else, we don't live in gay clusters or anything.


So I would feel uncomfortable in such places, I have never in my life been to a gay bar. Just my opinion, but I'm beyond that, and don't see the point really!


But I will for sure enjoy Puerto de la Cruz :)


Lol -- good for you!


I do enjoy the parallel universe feeling which this scene creates. I guess it's a lot of nostalgia for me, since I hung out in gay bars a lot while in college in California while I lived with 3 absolutely wonderful gay roommates -- Sigh -- two of them loving to dress up as drag queens ---- and we only had one restroom to share:rolleyes: .... but that's a different story:D. God, I miss those guys.


We live in a small village with no other (openly) gay people and sometimes I would in fact like to hang out with similar oriented people. Lol -- not to discriminate all the heterosexuals out there .... I love you all -- no worries.




PS: and of course I'm not implying every gay man is a dragqueen or takes ages in the restroom .... lol, just some that I knew. I also know many others who are as dull and normal as the rest of the "average" civilization. Lol, and we probably belong to this last category as well. The really wild years lay behind us --- but boy, I wouldn't want to miss the memories for the world.

Edited by Kreuzfahrtneuling
needed to add a ps
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I did recommend Loro to a friend...she wanted to go somewhere warm on vacation and her husband likes penguins! Perfect compromise!


...yeah, but Seattle to the Canaries is quite the distance to be honest:o.


I think in that case I'd choose other destinations ... but that's just because the Canaries are sort of the German "average" vacation destination (besides Mallorca of course). So they sort of lack the exotic excitement factor for us (like Scotland for instance:D). For an American, this might be completely different.


Is there a vacation destination of which you guys would say " oh yes, we're travelling abroad, but only to this old place once again"?



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...yeah, but Seattle to the Canaries is quite the distance to be honest:o.


I think in that case I'd choose other destinations ... but that's just because the Canaries are sort of the German "average" vacation destination (besides Mallorca of course). So they sort of lack the exotic excitement factor for us (like Scotland for instance:D). For an American, this might be completely different.


Is there a vacation destination of which you guys would say " oh yes, we're travelling abroad, but only to this old place once again"?




That is very true, the Canary Islands sound very exotic to me! I only know one or two people who have ever been, and that is usually one day as a cruise stop in Tenerife.


For us on the West Coast, everybody goes to Hawaii (not foreign, but tropical) on the East Coast, it is the Caribbean, mostly St Thomas, Puerto Rico or Cancun. And everybody seems to be going to big resorts in Mexico these days. Ho-hum!


But with the Euro being so low, the Americans are invading Europe this year! Sorry! Although I read an article recently that we aren't the worse tourist anymore!



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Loro Park 13 -- last glimpses

To finish up the park, here are some spine chilling horror motives:





Really freaking close:


We didn’t get eaten up though --- well, not quite anyway:


Sorry for all the sea lion fans … we didn’t see the seal/sea lion show this time (but I do remember it being a blast from 10 years ago).



The most shocking motive to finish up:


That’ll give you the creeps …. You actually see the numbers moving ….fast!


Enough of the park for today. I hope I could get your mouth watering, since this is such an easy to do and so rewarding thing to do on a port day in Tenerife.

After leaving the park, we were waved good bye by this little guy basking in the sun:


Yes, the sun finally came out and it was gloriously warm. We still had time, the ship wouldn’t leave until 21:00 and so we decided to stroll back to the bus stop leisurely along the beach. So next up is our little beach-break on Tenerife.

Stay tuned!


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But with the Euro being so low, the Americans are invading Europe this year! Sorry! Although I read an article recently that we aren't the worse tourist anymore!




:DLol -- no worries. Come on over !!! The more the merrier!!!!:D


Lol -- from personal experience so far I've encountered horrible tourists from Germany, Austria, France, Spain, Britain and the US .... so don't worry .... we all have those very special individuals who misbehave from time to time ... not a country thing at all.



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Tenerife beach break -- post one of two


It's only a 5 minute walk from the Loro Parque to the beach:




what hits your eyes immediately is the dark color of the sand:




Very beautiful actually!







People surf here:



... gulp. I would be scared of all those rocks sticking out.


I don't know how to surf anyway ... but I wanted to walk past alongside the surf at least:




cool picture, isn't it? That's really me in front of this giant breaking wave!




Tanja took it while sitting on a bench along the beach promenade. She didn't want to walk in the sand ....



lol -- I wonder why?:




a close up:



lol -- it took forever to dry off --- but it was so worth it!






stay tuned!



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