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BEAUTIFUL SILHOUETTE - East Caribbean - Photo Video Trip Report 3/1/15


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The Day of Hurry Up - Get In Line





Isn't the above screen capture from your iPhone the best sight you can see when you get up at 4:30 AM? So our Celebrity Travel Summary downloaded from their website says the the flight is leaving at 8:00 AM. This morning it is currently -21C but the boys are all going to wear shorts plus hoodies for the flight to Miami (white legs and all). We are hardy Canadians and -21C is still t-shirt weather to us. LOL! Downstairs to meet Michele for some complimentary continental breakfast.




The hotel also has one of these neat pancake making machines same as the one we saw last year in Ft Lauderdale's Holiday Inn Express. Not sure if it was working. I just had some dry Fruit loops and some OJ.




The six of us loaded into the Holiday Inn Express Free shuttle which was only a few minutes away. Moncton airport is not a very big airport but still bigger than ours at Charlottetown but much smaller than Halifax's. This is actually the first time we have ever flown out or into Moncton YQM. It was obvious where to line up because there was only one crowd in the terminal. This sign also made it pretty obvious.




The down side on leaving from Moncton vs Halifax is there is no pre US Custom Clearance before you leave Moncton. We will pay for this when we arrive in Miami. More on this later. Moncton YQM only has Canadian Custom clearance for re-entry back into Canada when you land at YQM.


Like I always do when I am in a cruise line up... I took a few pictures. Now I didn't realized that I had captured "Rocking_Rev" and family until I got home. Of course I didn't know who "Rocking_Rev" was until we introduced each one to another on the security side. Here is my new friend Reverend Scott and family. Hey! If anybody else notices themselves in my photos point yourselves out.




Next up More YQM.



Kevin Reid

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The Day of Hurry Up - Get In Line





Isn't the above screen capture from your iPhone the best sight you can see when you get up at 4:30 AM? So our Celebrity Travel Summary downloaded from their website says the the flight is leaving at 8:00 AM. This morning it is currently -21C but the boys are all going to wear shorts plus hoodies for the flight to Miami (white legs and all). We are hardy Canadians and -21C is still t-shirt weather to us. LOL! Downstairs to meet Michele for some complimentary continental breakfast.




The hotel also has one of these neat pancake making machines same as the one we saw last year in Ft Lauderdale's Holiday Inn Express. Not sure if it was working. I just had some dry Fruit loops and some OJ.




The six of us loaded into the Holiday Inn Express Free shuttle which was only a few minutes away. Moncton airport is not a very big airport but still bigger than ours at Charlottetown but much smaller than Halifax's. This is actually the first time we have ever flown out or into Moncton YQM. It was obvious where to line up because there was only one crowd in the terminal. This sign also made it pretty obvious.




The down side on leaving from Moncton vs Halifax is there is no pre US Custom Clearance before you leave Moncton. We will pay for this when we arrive in Miami. More on this later. Moncton YQM only has Canadian Custom clearance for re-entry back into Canada when you land at YQM.


Like I always do when I am in a cruise line up... I took a few pictures. Now I didn't realized that I had captured "Rocking_Rev" and family until I got home. Of course I didn't know who "Rocking_Rev" was until we introduced each one to another on the security side. Here is my new friend Reverend Scott and family. Hey! If anybody else notices themselves in my photos point yourselves out.




Next up More YQM.



Kevin Reid


I didn't know who the guy with the camera was taken our pictures but now I know. I'll be waiting for my residual cheque Kevin. Might be able to afford the next trip when all the money shows up....lol

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To get off our lovely Island you only have two choices 1) Fly 2) $45.50 Confederation Toll Bridge.


LOL...I love the way it is free to visit your island and then they charge you lo leave! :)


You forgot the 3rd choice.....by ferry. That is how we exited. I can't remember the place but it was on the east end and we were headed to Halifax.

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You officially have the coolest name for a place to live. I am pretty familiar with Ohio but I didn't know where Coolville was until I Googled it. So glad you loved your visit to MY Island. Stayed tuned.



Kevin Reid


Thank you! It is a pretty "cool" place to live! :)

Actually we both grew up in northern Ohio, close to Lake Erie. I know you like Cedar Point!

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YES! that was us if you were watching the March 1 Port Everglades webcam. We had a Canada Flag with a Nova Scotia flag to the left and a PEI flag to the right. Six of us waving to the webcam. I had sent a request for the wave. Went to purchase video today but their new purchase site is not ready yet.



Kevin Reid


I remember you guys pretty clearly! You looked like you were having an awesome time


Where should one go to purchase a video? Have you purchased one before? If so, do you remember how much it cost?


Still enjoying the review! I love them detailed, especially in the tech department, so thank you for showing us all your equipment!

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LOL...I love the way it is free to visit your island and then they charge you lo leave! :)


You forgot the 3rd choice.....by ferry. That is how we exited. I can't remember the place but it was on the east end and we were headed to Halifax.


You are correct. The Ferry runs from Wood Islands, PEI to Caribou, Nova Scotia but does not run in the winter time because their ferries are not ice breakers. So in the winter time we go back to two.


Thanks for following.



Kevin Reid

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I remember you guys pretty clearly! You looked like you were having an awesome time

Where should one go to purchase a video? Have you purchased one before? If so, do you remember how much it cost?

Still enjoying the review! I love them detailed, especially in the tech department, so thank you for showing us all your equipment!


It is so much fun to be able to watch yourself on the webcam replay. Also lots of fun to have family and friends back home watching you on the webcam website and then having them tell you you are on NOW.


There is a link from the Port Everglades web page where to purchase. I went there today to buy the video but currently/temp unavailable because they are creating a new vendor site. The price I paid for the last couple I purchased was around $15 USD each if I remember correctly. Link Below to Port Everglades website.


Webcam Link


If you check out my Vimeo video from last year I used about 3 seconds from the Port Everglades webcam in my Equinox Daze Video. Check it out it is just over 3 minutes long.




Kevin Reid

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Day 1 - Keep in Line - Cont'd


Right! We left off where we were just getting to the Moncton airport. I must say that people working the service counter for Canadian North/Celebrity were extremely friendly and very chipper for so early in the morning. Speaking of chipper people how about these three folks who are very happy to be heading out on a cruise?




Wait now I also have to get in the shot with my boys.




I am pretty sure these next two folks are from Prince Edward Island. I am not really sure how many people were from PEI on this flight other than us.




Nolan making sure that he fits into the required carry on dimensions. I think he is okay.




The counter staff were very efficent and had us checked-in in no time. It looked like they were doing everything the old fashion low-tech way by hand. Maybe sometimes low tech is better than high tech. For seat assigment the four agents shared one sheet of stickers which had the seats. We were assigned the entire row 12 for the six of us so she just picked the stickers off the sheet and handed the balance over to the next agent. No confusion easily see what seat were left and groups were able to travel together. But this would not be the case in Miamia for the return more on that much later. Pick below of my low tech but efficent boarding pass.




Finished with our airport check-in line now get in line for your security check-in line. I of course i was randomly chosen for the full body scan. With Adam's bad luck it is usually him that is chosen for these things. When my carryon went thru the scanner my contents puzzled the screener so a further check was required. My x-shot selfie pole along with screw on GoPro Helmet mount was the culprit. Donna just hates when my stuff gets further scrutiny she feels I should pack it or not carry so much to avoid the delay. No Big deal for me. We get thru security and are sitting at gate by 6:05 AM. Around 7:00 AM AST (6:00 AM EST) I pulled up the Port Everglade web cam on my iPhone and caught Silhouette coming back into port. Silly me I didn't take a screen capture.


There we are all sitting so patiently waiting to depart. I thought the plane was supposed to leave at 8:00 AM AST but we did not leave until 9:00 AM AST. Kind of of funny when we we began boarding agent called out last 15 rows of airplane to board first but nobody came forward. Maybe because she didn't do that announce in french. No sure why it was late because the plane was already on the ground. My Guess is that it is the same plane that returned to Halifax on Saturday and they flew empty over to Moncton the night before.




Next up the Canadian North experience.



Kevin Reid

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Day 1 - The Canadian North Experience


Of course I can not tell you what Celebrity feels about their relationship with Canadian North Airlines but, I sure can tell you my opinion of it so here goes.




Personally I feel that Canadian North Airlines has done a wonderful job representing Celebrity and their brand. Their in flight service was top notch on both ends of the flights. It reminded me of what it was like when I first started to fly in the early 80's and not like the nickel and dimed of today. A complimentary hot breakfast was served along with drinks. Free headphones. Canadian North did the little things right in representing Celebrity from the flight attendants wearing Celebrity logo'd ties, the Celebrity Silhouette information place mats for your breakfast tray, and handing our Celebrity pens to fill out your US customs forms. The TV screens in the cabin were already playing Celebrity Promo type videos when you walked on. Anybody familiar with the S class of ships immediately recognized the Lawn Club in the promo video.




Picture of my Celebrity Silhouette Placemat. I wish I could of taken one to scan but this picture should suffice.




The flight to Miami was about four hours. I had my Bose Noise reducing headphone and my iPad. I was able to catch up on my Justified (love the Justified) and even watched my Equinox Extended Daze video just to get me into that right cruise mode. Also note the free Celebrity pen? Got one on the way back too. Now if anybody else would like to be bored for 45 minutes you can click the Vimeo Album link in my signature for that video.




Nolan takes a selfie of his row companions.




Then Donna later explained to me what was going on in this next picture. I didn't have a clue what they were doing when I had down loaded it at home. Nolan and Adam read somewhere in the seat pocket literature about seat exercises. So here they are performing their exercises.




Next Up Miami Airport and Customs - Line up Line Up



Kevin Reid

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Hey, Kevin - great work again! Can't wait to cruise vicariously through your report. Only down side is I won't be in any of the pictures. ;)


I for one love all the details you provide on your equipment, gives me more ideas. I've got to get one of those rolls for the GoPro. I had a mess trying to get all my new GoPro stuff fitted into my existing camera bag.


Looking forward to more of the report. Hi to Donna!



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Amazing review. Having just gotten off Equinox a few weeks ago, I had to go back and re-watch that report. We did the same itinerary that you reported on. It won't be until next year that I am able to return to Celebrity...that time on the Solstice from Hawaii to Vancouver. Just watching your videos makes me feel like I am onboard (then I look out my office window and see snow...how's that for a reality check?).

Waiting anxious for the rest of your review.


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although we are from the states, we live on the border. We are an hour from Montreal. I see these flights seem to originate from all over Canada, but not Montreal. We have booked our cruise for next February, but not our flights. This looks like a deal, I wish they flew out of YUL.

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although we are from the states, we live on the border. We are an hour from Montreal. I see these flights seem to originate from all over Canada, but not Montreal. We have booked our cruise for next February, but not our flights. This looks like a deal, I wish they flew out of YUL.


This was specifically a Canadian package flying out of:


Halifax YHZ

Moncton YQM

Hamilton YHM

Ottawa YOW

London, ON YXU

Quebec YQB


Charter provived by Canadian North (5T)


Canadian North Charter


(yay for working in travel and not having too look up any of those city codes)

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Hi Everyone,


Sorry for the lack of updates. We had a power outage last night so not able to get anything posted. ( I should of paid the bill). Hope to be back at tonight.



Kevin Reid

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Hi Everyone,


Sorry for the lack of updates. We had a power outage last night so not able to get anything posted. ( I should of paid the bill). Hope to be back at tonight.



Kevin Reid


Mom must not of filled the tub up last night then, cause the power never goes out when she fills it.



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Hey, Kevin - great work again! Can't wait to cruise vicariously through your report. Only down side is I won't be in any of the pictures. ;)


I for one love all the details you provide on your equipment, gives me more ideas. I've got to get one of those rolls for the GoPro. I had a mess trying to get all my new GoPro stuff fitted into my existing camera bag.


Looking forward to more of the report. Hi to Donna!




Hi Mark,

I think I could probably photoshop into one of the pics. Yes! The Riseful is excellent. After seeing mine Ken ordered one.



Kevin Reid

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Amazing review. Having just gotten off Equinox a few weeks ago, I had to go back and re-watch that report. We did the same itinerary that you reported on. It won't be until next year that I am able to return to Celebrity...that time on the Solstice from Hawaii to Vancouver. Just watching your videos makes me feel like I am onboard (then I look out my office window and see snow...how's that for a reality check?).

Waiting anxious for the rest of your review.



Hi Susan,


Thanks for your comments. I love when at least some people like my videos. Hopefully we will have few videos for this Report because "Savvy" Adam also has all the clips and he is much better than his dad at video editing. You can blame Adam for the song selection because it was him who got me into that Electric Dance Techno stuff over 10 years ago.


Snow Snow Snow that is all we have here. Last week was our March break but the kids are justing returning to School tomorrow because they just could not get all the secondary roads cleared for the school buses.



Kevin Reid

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although we are from the states, we live on the border. We are an hour from Montreal. I see these flights seem to originate from all over Canada, but not Montreal. We have booked our cruise for next February, but not our flights. This looks like a deal, I wish they flew out of YUL.


The reason I don't think you will see these flight coming out of Montreal YUL or Toronto YYZ is because they are major Canadian airport and probably very expensive for Canadian North to fly into those. Adam gave a reply to were they are originating from in Canada.


Like you we also have our 2016 and 2017 cruise booked but no flights yet.


Thanks for your comments.



Kevin Reid

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Subbing! Thanks!


Thanks for Subbing!


Actually you are the first to ever post a "subscribe" post in either of my Trip Report. I almost typed that "Review" word.



Kevin Reid

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LOOOVING it! Loved the pics of the snow...not really...I live in northern Michigan. Can't wait for pics of grass and flowers and open waters!!



Hi Mary,


Blue water and Skies coming very soon. Thanks for the comments.



Kevin Reid

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